Free Pattern "Weave It" Easy Beginner Verbal/Visual Pattern + Bonus The Whole Quilt Is In One Video!

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hi friends tiffany here welcome to my quilting life today we're going to make this quilt so i decided in advance to make a sample for you guys to see what we're going to make and if you want to make it let's make it so this quilt is called weave it um i designed it up and it's super simple for beginners and it goes together pretty fast so well i guess that's easy for me to say but it does it goes together super fast and all it takes is two charm packs and a yard and a half of fabric so this quilt has a 25 patch center piece and then it has weaving around the edge which is really easy to make so what we're going to do is we're going to build this in sections it literally builds in a center section these four corners and then these pieces right here that run like a border so we're gonna go ahead and get this done again it's just two two charm packs and a yard and a half of fabric as well as three yards for the backing which is really cute as you can see and then i will also show you in this video how to quilt it as well as we're going to do the binding which you notice is piece it is that it has a nice piece binding and that's with the same two charm packs that we're gonna use so let's get started all right so again we're just gonna need two charm packs and this is linen and lawn by sue daily designs very beautiful and you'll see the most of this fabric when we put this together and also i'm using age two perfection by maywood studio just a yard and a half of that and the two charms and we're gonna have ourselves a nice beautiful quilt so the center part is super simple all we need to do is pull out our charm packs and we need to choose 25 charms so we're gonna pull out 25 charms so i'm just going to pull out pretty much one of every color from one of the packs [Music] [Music] um 25 so there are my 25 center pieces and we'll move those out of the way and we're just going to lay this out as a 25 patch block so however you want to lay it out it's going to go five across by five down [Music] um so now all we have to do is sew this whole entire 25 patch block together now i will tell you it is super simple if you we uh chain piece and or what i call um um oh my goodness the word is not coming to me i hate when that happens uh web piece sorry okay so we're gonna put this whole row on top of here just like this and we are going to sew this side and then when we open them up we'll sew this onto this open it up put this one on open it up put this one on but i'm going to leave it on the machine the whole entire time so let's go over to the sewing machine so now we're at the sewing machine and all we're going to do is take our blocks and sew them together with a quarter inch seam so i'm just going to line them up right sides together and start sewing with a quarter inch seam just like this [Music] and then we're going to grab the next and if you could see i am kind of lining them up with the straight side half of it's pink and half of it is not sew them through grab the next line them up and these are totally not perfect because they're charm pack and they have pink edges and we're just going to sew the next and so on and so forth until they are all sewn together and one more such a cute little pack of fabric so instead of clipping them apart i'm just going to leave them together and i'm going to go ahead and press right and then this one will go left [Music] and then this one will go right and the whole row that i attach will do that and this one will go left and then this one will go right just like that we're going to pull it back to the top and we're going to start adding our next row so again i'm just going to go ahead and grab the pieces and i'm going to line them up just like this holding everything and while i'm holding it we're gonna grab the next one do [Music] [Music] now that everything is all connected we have all these rows we're just going to come here to the bottom we're going to put that bottom row on top turn the whole entire thing to the side we're going to line those up and we finger pressed all those seams the opposite side if you want to see more of this you can refer to my 25 patch block series um i pretty much do this over and over again we're just going to go ahead and sew down these seams just like this nesting the seams along the way they should line right up and the last one just like to nest them up just like this my finger becomes the pin and i sew on down and then the first row and the second row are now connected and i'm just going to go ahead for now and finger press these to the right and we're going to go ahead and do the rest now that we have the whole thing put together let's go press it so now we're at the ironing board and you can see i have it upside down and all of my seams are running opposite what i'm going to do is because i pressed everything one direction i'm just going to give it a small little tug and kind of just pull everything nice and flat as i start from one end and make my way to the other and try to just keep those seams the way i finger pressed them just a slight little tug at the top now that i know it's all flat from the back we're going to turn it around just like this press it nice and flat now so now we're going to lay our block right here and it should be about 22 and um 7 8 or about 6 8 something like that and it doesn't matter because the next step if yours comes out 23 inches technically they're supposed to but um yeah if it comes out 23 inches you're good but if not like mine did not come out fully that it's 22 and 6 8 which is three quarters um we can still keep going so let's keep going what we're going to do is set this aside and we're going to grab our yardage now so we have one and a half yards here what we're gonna do is open it up and i'm gonna keep mine folded in half because i can get two cuts at the same time so we're gonna line everything up i'm going to put it on a line just like this i'm going to make sure every single one of these is covering that line so that i can straighten this edge so we're going to go ahead and grab a ruler and i'm going to lay this right here on my eight inch mark everything is straight up here and it's touching on both sides top and bottom and we're going to go ahead and straighten it up just like this we don't need that now we're going to cut five inches so we're going to cut four five inch strips off of here [Music] so here's two already because i'm folded in half and then we're gonna line it back up on the five and cut again just like this now we have four five inch pieces and for now we're just going to fold our yardage and move it out of the way because what we're going to do is we're going to cut these right here two of them line them up i'm opening them up and i'm going to cut them at the same exact time so i'm just lining them on top of each other if you need to press because of the fold go ahead and do that but i'm not going to worry about it at this very moment and i'm going to line this up and move this out of the way we're going to grab a different ruler we're going to go ahead and cut the end off right here at the salvage we're going to make sure that this stays lined up on a line just like this come over here cut the selvage off because i don't need that and i'm going to come over to 22 and three quarters because that is where my top piece lined up so 22 and three quarters and now i just got two 22 and three quarter inch cuts just like that and we're going to sew them on to our 25 patch so we're going to take this right here and you're going to put it on one side right here and on the other side right here like this on opposite sides and we're going to go ahead and sew down both these sides now you can pin it in place for now because they're cut exact or you can just do like me and don't bother with the pinning it's up to you we're at the machine we're just going to line up this end and sew it on again you can pin it if you need it's the exact size that it needs to be and it's going to line up right here on this end just like this i'm also going to back sit right there we're going to turn the whole thing around because i have my other piece just sitting here waiting for me to sew it on lining it up line up the end and back stitch and now let's press it so we're just going to lay this up here like this we're going to press it towards the um border piece that we just added nice and flat [Music] i do have some strings that i need to get rid of because sometimes that happens it picks them up and gets them in the seam it happens all right so here's one side all nice and pressed and we're gonna come to the other side just like this and you can even set your seam to where you heat it up and then roll it back it's up to you you can do however you wish [Music] it is your quilt and it's on the inside so who would ever know all right so now you should have a unit that looks like this just like that top and bottom piece so now we have a 31 and a half inch unit technically it's supposed to be 32 again not everybody's 25 patch block is going to be exact because we all have different quarter inch seams but we're just going to go ahead and take those remaining two pieces just move this out of the way we're going to take those remaining two strips and we're going to cut those at 31 and a half inches so i'm going to take the two i'm going to line them up on the selvage just like this and i'm all nice and flat all the way down and we're going to cut the selvage off first and we're going to come down and cut this at 31 and a half i'm going to come down to 31 and a half like this i'm not even sure you can see that in the frame probably not and i'm going to cut it and then we have this remaining unit go ahead and take that remaining unit and cut four there's two pieces here so we're gonna cut four five inch squares so there's two and here is four and then you'll have a piece that looks like this left just set it aside so now we have four five inch squares from this we're going to set those aside because we're going to need them in the next step so let's go ahead and sew now this piece that we just cut 31 in half onto we're going gonna take this and lay this here we're gonna put this right sides together lining up both ends just like this and i'm gonna sew down this and we're gonna add the next one to the bottom so i'm just gonna line it up you could pin it in place if you need we're just going to line the whole thing up so move my hands adjust everything [Music] we're going to grab the next one and we're going to put those right sides together and now i am going to back stitch right here and then sew on down there we have it let's take this over and give it a press again same with the pressing you can either free um keep that seam up to press it back or you can just do what i just did and just kind of roll it with your fingers the iron takes care of the rest just like this i'm going to flip the whole thing around get the other side [Music] and then i just kind of use my fingernails to push that seam and the whole entire seam rolls back wow [Music] we're going to leave it right here on the ironing board and we're going to move on to the next step because like i said we're built in sections so now we're going to build this unit right here in the corner so we just got done building this unit right here with the 25 patch block and now we're just going to build this unit right here and we're gonna do four of them so now we need these four five inch squares that we cut from that piece this is going to make four units so we're going to start by taking our charms and we're going to take out eight of them to start [Music] doesn't matter which eight you can pick and choose so we have one two three four five six seven [Music] and eight so there is eight charms right there as long as we have eight of them and we're going to take those eight charms now and we're going to line them up i'm just going to stack them up because i've been making a big mess i'm gonna cut all eight at the same exact time so right here i'm gonna go ahead and line it up on the two and a half inch mark my ruler is two and a half i'm lining the top and the bottom and i'm gonna go ahead and split these just like that into two piles of um two and a half by five inch pieces two and a half by five so we have all eight of those we're gonna set those aside now we're gonna go ahead and pull out 16 charms [Music] we're gonna go ahead and take eight more so that we have a variety of color [Music] i'm just gonna cut them into four i just want more good uh more variety since there was doubles in this pack i'm just cutting them into two and a half inch squares just like this so here's more of a variety so what we're going to do is we're going to take eight six seven eight and we're going to put it with one of these and four of these four just like that and then we're gonna take eight more we're gonna make four piles here five [Music] six seven eight and four of these and put it with the next just like that and we're going to repeat the process now take that piece that you had left over from your 23 inch cut we're going to put it to the cut side line this up and i am going to go ahead and cut a nice straight line here just so i have a starting line and i'm going to go ahead and cut a two this is two pieces of stack so i'm going to cut two and a half inch and then i'm going to turn it and cut two and a half inch and it's a five inch strip so you should get two and a half inches from it and then you'll have four two and a half inch squares put one per pile and then set this aside just like that and now we're going to go ahead and make the unit so we're going to start with now this is facing me not you we're going to start with oh wait hold on we got two more cuts to make bring that back we need to cut two cut off of that same piece i forgot two for this pile four sets of two two and a half by five inch just like this almost forgot all right there we go now we have all the pieces so we're going to start with a square and we're going to put next to that these units and then put our two and a half by five of the background piece then we're going to put the two and a half by five long pieces then we're just going to willy-nilly stick these all around here we don't want the same two next to each other just like this put that one there there we go and build it around so we're going to build a unit that looks like this so a five by five inch a two and a half by five a background two and a half by five the charm two and a half by five same on the opposite side repeat that and then you're gonna take eight of the two and a half by two and a half inch squares building it around a two and a half inch center square so this is going to make our corner unit and we're going to repeat the process four more times so we're going to build this unit in rows we're going to sew this row and we're going to sew this row together this row together and then this row together and i won't be able to show you all of that so what we're going to do is just put you at the sewing machine and you can watch me sew these together in rows okay we're gonna start with the first row which is my five inch square with my two and a half by five inch charm let's start with that and i'm going to go ahead and press that towards my background just like this so let's press towards the background i'm going to grab the next piece put that on that's my background piece i'm again going to press that towards the background then i'm going to grab my charm put that on again pressing that towards my background just like this and there's the first unit i'm gonna put that back and grab the second so the next is these four pieces just like this so i'm just going to go ahead and put all these together right sides together and sew them through so this one i'm going to press towards my charm in the middle press towards the middle charm and this one we're going to add and then press this towards the center so it goes in over and like this so this one's going in this one's going that way and this one's going that way this way that way next row is the background and two charms like this so we're going to go ahead and put these together [Music] so i'm going to press this towards the background fabric and put this one on [Music] pressing towards the background fabric and then add my last piece [Music] pressing towards my background fabric just like that so there's this unit and the last unit again is all charms and charm pieces that are the two and a half by five so we're gonna go ahead and assemble all these now and this one's gonna get pressed towards um to my right and then this one will get pressed towards my left and then the last one will go towards my right just like that now to assemble the rows together into one solid thing so i'm going to take the bottom and the next piece we're going to put those right sides together and since we nested the seams they should match right up we're going to go ahead and nest those seams stopping it nest the next two stopping it nest the next two lining the end up and now you should have a unit that looks like this and this is going to get pressed towards downward towards me just finger pressing everything for now and then we're gonna grab the next row we're gonna stick that right here and it's in the right spot again the seams should all be going opposite directions so i'm just going to nest first here stop in the seam go to the next stop in the seam and go to the next stepping in the seam and then when this one gets pressed back this one is going to get pressed up towards up and then we're going to put this last unit on so this longer unit is now going to go on here just like this and line it up we're going to put it on here making sure all of our seams are nesting and laying correctly and they are and then this one gets pressed down towards me just like that and now i'm going to take this over to iron [Music] so [Music] now we're going to go ahead and make this unit right here so let's get all the pieces ready and make four of those units okay so we're going to go ahead and pull from our pile again 16. [Music] oh just like that we're going to take the ruler two and a half inch ruler or any ruler with a two and a half inch marking we're gonna line it up on here and cut in half one line it up on here again and cut in half once so that is what we need 16 of these are cut in half once and we're going to go ahead and pull out eight of them so there's eight of them and then we'll just make four piles of eight so we have four piles of eight because we're making four units and then we're going to take and make four piles of 14 with those two and a half inch squares that we cut from the charms [Music] um [Music] [Music] what we're gonna do is just start with one little pile for now sorry about that you guys know i have a loud iron for those of you that have been around what we're going to do now is we're going to take and build a unit that's a two and a half by two and a half a two and a half by five then we're going to take two of the two and a half units and then put a two and a half by five then we're going to take two of these just try to mix them up a little bit and then one of these i'm just gonna move it down a little bit and then two of these [Music] one of these just like that and then we're gonna do the opposite so we're gonna do one and then two and then one of these and two of these these and one of these there we go so we're going to make units like this two and a half inch square two and a half by five two two and a half inch one two and by five and just repeat it technically it's the same thing both ways so short long short short long short short long short short long and then the next row will start long short short long short short long short short long and short so we're going to go ahead and sew this row together and then sew this row together and i'm going to repeat the same exact thing for all four sections so to save you that one i am just going to again put it in fast forward because it goes quicker [Music] [Music] and now we're going to press the units that we have just created so again it goes long short short long short short long short short long short and the opposite one is short long short short long short short long short short long because they're going to be going in opposites but we're going to go ahead i just pressed them all with finger just to one side and every single one of these for now i'm going to take them to the iron but while that iron heats up we're going to go ahead and take our yardage now back to the yardage we're going to open it up and mine is still folded in half so i'm going to get two cuts each time and it looks like they're still lined up really good because that's what we want we're going to go ahead now and cut two and a half inch strips so we want four two and a half inch strips so here's going to be two for this cut so we're going to line it up we'll be cutting four two and a half inch strips off of our yardage so there's two and then we're gonna get four just like that so there's those and then keep those aside the next cut we're gonna make is four five inch strips so we're gonna cut five inch strips again we're gonna lay this oops turn it around put it on the five and cut four remember i'm cutting two at a time when i do this so i just need one and two just like that and what we have left is enough to do the binding because it's going to be pieced binding okay so i'm just going to set that aside or it's wiggle room if you don't want to do the pieced binding and we're going to go ahead and open let's move these aside we're going to open this up [Music] oh let's go ahead and press those other pieces okay so these are nice and pressed we're gonna go ahead and cut these strips that are two and a half inches by the width of fabric at this moment go ahead and cut the selvage off and i'm gonna cut them my amount that my outer side ended up so if yours didn't end up 31 and a half or 32 inches is what it was supposed to if it didn't end up that from side to side on this unit on both directions go ahead and cut these to the size that this ended up from side to side minus 31 and a half and we'll make sure one more time yep 31 and a half we're going to go ahead and cut these now down at 31 and a half mark so right here just like that so i have all four pieces at 31 and a half and then the remaining pieces are for later we'll use those and then we're going to do the same with the five inch strips [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right so there's that and now we're going to make four units and we're gonna sew four units [Music] that look like this so for me this is towards me for you guys there's towards you towards you i'm gonna put all four of these towards me i'm going to put these and then what we're going to do is we're going to take one of these units and it's going to start like this with a small at one end and the long one at the other end and then we're going to push this up against it right here and then we're going to take the opposite one long start on this side short on this side and you can see that it's hanging over quite a bit about i don't know half an inch or so what we're going to be doing is when we're done sewing these units we're going to trim that off to size so we're going to go ahead and make sure that all of these units don't have anything that's like directly on top of each other with colors so i'm going to put my second one in here right here and as i'm doing this these two don't match that's good third one here and the third one here so this is where i have two colors that look alike i will just go ahead and grab this one instead [Music] and now they are different just like that and then i'll put my fourth one right here and this one right here making sure that no two colors are the same directly on top of each other but it really doesn't matter you don't have to be that perfect with it so we're going to go ahead and take these four units and sew them from this top side right here all the way down and then we're going to sew these four units from this side down this seam so that the small one lands with it on both of the units and then we're going to trim those away the excess and then put the two units together so let's go over to the sewing machine again i'm going to be sewing like this i'm going to line these right sides together i'm going to sew down this whole seam right here and then i will have a little bit left over on the end don't worry about that because it's going to get trimmed away so i'm just going to put you guys in fast forward while i do this [Music] while i was in fast forward i totally spaced um on this end we trimmed just a little bit off which were those little end pieces so i i stopped and realized oh hey let's just do it on these so when they're on top of each other just like this you can see there's just a little bit hanging off go ahead and use your background piece as the template which is your background color and just snip that right off it's being cut to size just like that [Music] just go ahead and do that with every single piece just the end that sticks over [Music] i was totally getting ready to iron when i realized that i cut them off not on the camera all right and one more cut them off and some may hang over more than others it just depends so we're gonna go ahead and lay these back like this so that you can they see like this we made we're going to be making the two together after i press it first so this one is there and you can also make sure one more time that you have them in the correct spot and i don't think that's the correct spot so i'm gonna i'm just gonna go ahead and press them and i'll lay them back out that way i can lay them out correctly the way i had them and we're always going to press this seam right here on the smaller one it's going to get pressed towards the background and then when we connect the two it's going to get pressed towards the background and then this top one gets pressed towards the background so towards the background towards the background towards the background so once they're pressed again this unit presses towards the background this unit presses towards the background and we're going to go ahead now and put these two units right sides together and then when i press this i will also press this towards the background so i'm going to go ahead and sew all four of these units together and we'll be right back now that we have all four of these units together we also have all four of the corner units together and we have our quilt top what we're gonna do now is assemble it it's that quick so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by grabbing two of these it doesn't matter which two we're going to move these out of the way for now we're gonna grab those two and we're gonna grab this guy and we're gonna put two of these on here so we're going to start by putting one on this side and it should be exactly the right size i know it doesn't look like it because of the position that we're in but this one is going to go on this side right sides together just like this and to keep this where i want it for now we're going to go ahead and throw some pins in here so i'm just going to go ahead and toss a couple pins in holding it in place so that way nothing moves when i go to turn this around and add the other side's piece so we're just pinning a couple pins in here all the way across from one end to the other they're exactly the size you need remember if yours was 32 inches or 31 and a half like mine it matches exactly because we made these units exactly that size and we're going to go ahead and while that sits there pinned on we're going to grab this side we're also going to put this right sides together you want your color piece lining up on the um background fabric not background fabric to background fabric so again i'm just going to go ahead add some pins in here [Music] all the way from one side to the other holding it in place i totally pinned differently than everyone because i don't pin very often maybe i should have my pins coming from one side only all right so now i'm gonna go ahead and sew along this one and as well as along this one which decided to make a mess of itself as i threw it down so we're going to sew down both those sides it's only me in here and i don't have a pause and start button for you we're just gonna walk to the camera and sit down and do this so again i'm just gonna start right here i'm gonna backstitch and then i'm gonna pull my pin out and i'm just gonna they're exactly the right size so i'm just gonna sew on down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right off and what we're going to do is we're going to fold this back and we're going to press this whole entire row towards the piece that we just added so i'm just going to finger press it for now so that way when i hold it up you can see it's going to look like this and we're going to take this over to the iron and press that and then i'll come right back with the next half [Music] it's kind of getting a little long for my area so what we're going to do is the next step as you can kind of see hopefully within the frame is we're going to take our next piece and one is going to go on this side and one is going to go on the other so we're going to build two units to go on the end we're going to use the long one and now it's time to start using these so we're going to take one of these and one of these we're going to put one on this side and make sure that none of your colors line up and you want the five inch square that we added out facing the outside so i don't want that one there but let's see if this one matches okay that one looks good right there so i'm gonna attach one to this with the five inch square towards the top or towards this piece that you see and i'm going to sew along this edge right here and all these seams should now be opposite of each other okay and then i'm going to take this one again and put this one on this side and again the seams should be nesting opposites of each other so we're going to go ahead and attach these two and i'm going to turn the whole thing around now that i know which side i want these on i'm going to turn this whole entire thing around right now and we're gonna see if these two look good so we're gonna put one here and what did my other piece disappear to i think that's what this is under here we're gonna grab this one and put this in the outside and look that looks good this up scroll it over just a little and look on this end they do not match which is good and this one i have no pieces that match either so we're going to go ahead and sew this one to this side and this one to this side again if you lay them right sides together like this you can see that your five inch square is laying on top again i'm just gonna take you over to the machine again it's just me so makes it easier we're just gonna move it and leave you rolling instead of pausing it we're going to put you right here i'm just going to move that out of the way for a second and that seems going together and this seam is going together they're nesting they should nest because they're opposite facing so again i'm just going to line this up i'm going to nest that first seam i'm going to stop in it grab the next seam making sure that they are nested up and the third seam everything is nice and then i'm going to turn the whole thing around and sew the opposite side on b second one just making sure there's no gap between them it kind of helps not to have the gap between them so they nest a little bit better and in case the mach you know depending on what side your seam is folded in case the feed dogs try to pull one in more and then they cross over each other instead of butting up right next to each other perfectly you don't want them to cross over in either direction you know so just hold them in place and now both of these are on so now we're going to go ahead and press these ones toward the long center part so these are going to go towards the long center part i'm going to flip this and i'll take it to the iron before it so i'm going to make sure that here's my long center piece i'm going to just press the whole entire side that i just added towards that center and i'm going to do it on both of them oops that turned the right direction we're just going to do it on both and then i'm going to take it to the iron real quick and just give it a little press come to this other side real quick and we're going to do this and instead of pausing you guys i'm just going to go ahead and continue rolling so i'm going to press this real quick we'll just go over to the iron just like right here and again they're pressed towards the long piece so here was the side we just added we are going to now lay the pieces on here making sure again because i don't remember which piece is what from moving them around but we're going to make sure that that five inch squares and the five inch strip are facing outward like this and since these two match this is not the piece for this side so we're gonna grab this one because i made sure that they weren't matching before i uh sewed them together so those two go here let's check the other side i know i'm wrinkling up my fabric as i do this but we're gonna pin this on now because it's so long we'll just do one side at a time so we're gonna line this up right here again all these seams now every single one of the connecting seams should all be opposite of each other so let's throw some pins in here lining up my end right there and then we're just going to throw some pins in scattered throughout i'm just going to kind of come to this side and throw a couple pins in and then i'll pin the center again all these seams should be nesting seams they should all be pressed opposite of each other [Music] so everything should line right up let's put a couple in the center section [Music] if i get to stay nice and flat all this wiggling and moving nothing stays flat around here and if you have to do it on the floor do that on the floor so i'm going to take this over to machine now i'm going to back stitch right here sew along that side and then back stitch so again instead of pausing you guys we're just going to turn the camera facing me [Music] and then carefully because it's getting heavier we're just going to keep most of it on the table next to me and i'm going to start this with a back stitch [Music] and now i'm just going to make sure that my seams are nesting on the way down again i'm just filling with my finger to make sure one is not slipped over the top again like this you know we want to be perfectly like this instead of slipping over to the top it's [Music] [Music] [Music] back stitch and now this side should be on and we're going to be pressing this whole entire seam up away from the center so that whole seam is just going to go up all the way down and i'm going to go ahead and press it now that way it's done because this thing is getting bigger and you're just going to stare at the blankness for a second literally have one more seam to finish this off so here's that top portion on there it is pressed towards the away from the center and now we're just going to pick this up and add the opposite side like this goes together so super fast even in fast forward so we're going to go ahead now and stick this on here again we want these five inch squares and the background five inch strip right here to face outward we're just gonna go ahead and put this right sides together and i'm not gonna pin this because i've already taken too much of the time being you know in regular mode because i try to put things in fast forward but i can't always keep going back and forth to the camera it actually takes longer to record a video that way did you know that so just [Music] [Music] in one of my videos i was making a video and i went like this and turned and the whole thing of pins just went all over the place down here on the floor it happens it happens i'm going to press this whole unit away from the center so let's do that off camera and then i will reveal the quilt top to you and then we'll get to the next part which is quilting wasn't that simple it only took a few hours and this is the final result but not really because we need to long-arm quilt it so grab yourself a little over three yards probably like three and a quarter yards of fabric and i'm choosing this because it's blue and it's got a little flowery polka dots on it and i'm going to load this on the long arm and we're going to quilt this real quick and then i'm going to show you how to bind so let's get to long arm quilting here and i would show you guys real quick how to put the backing fabric together so i'm just going to take everything off of here this is a three and a half yards i'm gonna take the whole entire thing off of here toss that to the side and i'm just gonna line these two ends up right here just like this and i am going to find the center right here so here's my center i'm just going to throw the rest of it off of the table this is my center i'm going to take my scissors and i'm just going to stick them right here and i'm going to split this in half so three and a half yards will do because it'll just give you tons of extra and what we're going to do is these two right here i'm going to grab the two centers because they're already right sides together and i'm actually just going to stitch along here with about a half an inch of the seam allowance because this is on my back and i don't really very often cut away the um selvage on here i kind of just use it as my guide so we're going to go ahead and sew the back together and i'm just using the selvage as my guide for where my um needle should land i'm going to back stitch and then i'm going to just grab this end right here and i'm going to start running this through to make my backing fabric [Music] um [Music] [Music] so so here now i have a whole entire solid piece just like this and it looks like i have a boo-boo in the fabric but i'm going to leave that because i'm not worried so what i'm going to do is just take this to the iron now and i'm going to press the seam open all the way across i prefer on the long arm on my personal quilts that i make to have a nice open seam so i'm just going to take and press the seam open at the iron and right now i don't even have the iron on so i'm just showing you that we're going to press it open all the way down and i will be right back at loading it on the long arm okay so let's load this i'm going to find my selvage over there just like this straighten the whole thing out [Music] i'm doing this with only one bar because i don't feel like putting the other one back up so i'm just gonna nicely line it up where it lays flat along this whole entire thing and i'm going to use my red snapper system i'm going to attach i do have a lot hanging over because i know i have room this is a little bit extra batting that our backing fabric that i need my second one and then i'm just going to start rolling it towards me and flattening it out keeping it nice and straight [Music] i have my open seam that's going to run along here [Music] nice and flat all the way and again i don't feel like doing any other way because i'm trying to make this quick so i'm just going to lay these up here and i'm going to use my table to attach i'm just going to make sure that this is nice and flat i'm going to stick the first part on i'm just going to hold this up here using the table to push it on [Music] grab my second piece put that one [Music] make sure that it's snapped on both sides all the way down [Music] up just like this snap it in place you can see that it is nice and flat all the way across there is no boiling or saggy and now i have to do is grab my batting and my quilt top and load it on bolt top on it's basted down and ready to quilt so all i'm going to do on this one is an all-over meander at 10 stitches per inch in precision mode and enjoy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh [Music] up [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] up [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] [Music] do is pull it off the frame which is quite simple as you can see i did have plenty of extra i'm just gonna take this off i'm going to go ahead and pull the whole thing off [Music] [Music] and there we have it it's off the frame now we're going to trim the quilt as you can see i had a bunch of hangover because you know three and a half yards this is too much but i'm just going to trim the big part off first so that it stays in the full length that it is and i'm going to use just this small ruler and i'm going to use my tall 60 degree cutter because um the martelli blades uh with um the puffy um you know sometimes i just have this thing where i can't recall what things are called that's happening what the last couple days anyways the fluffy batting actually gets stuck um along this right here because it is really fluffy so i just forego using any of the martelli cutters when i am trimming a quilt and i just go with a tall cutter because it's out of the way so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to line my ruler up my first cut usually isn't the straightest especially if a quilt shifts but when you're trimming a quilt just go with as straight as possible from the corner this one is actually really straight but some are not and i lined the ruler up with the edge and most of the time i cut off the longest or biggest area first to save that from being trimmed to the side or any other strange trimming way and then i just spread it a little and then line up the ruler [Music] on the edge of the quilt and then trim pull it away i try to make sure that none of this is folding under or none of the excess over here is holding under it's really good that it hangs over the table for me [Music] so this nice big chunk later i'll do this obviously not on camera but i always pull off any excess batting whether it be poly or cotton or poly cotton blends and even when i'm doing my client quilts i do the same exact procedure i cut off the one side first and then i fold it up and stick it aside because all the big cuts i save if it's a really skinny because the way i line things up on the long arm if it's really skinny i don't do that so now i'm going to go ahead and turn the quilt again i have another big side because i kind of lined the quilt up towards the top corner so that way one whole side but most people would center with their four inches all the way around i kind of just i try to save as much backing fabric in bulk as possible because i make my own pre-cuts mostly out of these fabrics so i'm going to line this up nice and straight with this edge nice and straight with this edge make my cut it away adjust it's not very big with big quilts it's the same thing i just do this same procedure when the quilt is nice and large it goes pretty quick either way again all i do is pull all this excess [Music] it off and move it out of the way and all this i save to stuff ellos so we're going to turn it again this is the part that was along the top so you can see i screwed it up as much as i can so the part that's off of this just gets trimmed up nice and straight and it'll go into my strings yes i trim my strings nice and straight i don't know why i do that it's just i guess a habit to have everything already straight and cut nice before use so you can see this fluff would have got in the way of the rotary cutter again i just pull this off just like that two piles turn it for one last time straighten my line up right here with this i noticed when i used a free motion quote all the time that my quilts would shift quite a bit even if i based sprayed them or anything um so that doesn't happen much on the long run when i'm getting to the top the side that i already trimmed to keep everything nice and square i just line the ruler up with the end once i'm finally complete with that [Music] that off toss this aside and i have some nice big pieces for my scrap bin and a nice square trimmed quilt now let's get to binding it as you can see on the example quilt the binding um has the leftover charm squares right here again along this bottom along that top and along that side so they're mainly sitting along these sections right here and in the corners all four corners it is lined up to where it's just the background color in those four corners so let me show you how this works [Music] what we're going to be doing is lining charm squares up to fit in this section right here and then we're going to try to line up the background to go in this section here and so on and so forth to achieve that here's all of our leftover pieces like i said we're going to use every piece to this quilt so we're going to grab all of this and i'm going to pull this piece out from the bottom because that is the leftover from [Music] my yardage and we're going to line this up right here on this side because that was the last side that was cut and go ahead and line that up i'm going to grab a ruler and i'm going to cut this a two and a half inch cut and i doubt this is gonna happen oh it's so close so i did not get two and a half inches off of this so i'm just gonna randomly cut um its closest number so this can go in my stash of random size strips so that's just going to get set aside i have one of these i have a bunch of these [Music] [Music] those there are also two and a half inch squares left over as well so what we're going to do is we're going to take this stack and we're going to go ahead and cut two and a half inches and use my sugar blade for this part so i'm going to line this up on two and a half inches and there i have a bunch of rectangles and this is how this is going to work so we're going to take this strip to start with and i am going to take my scissors and split it in half on the fold just like that and then i'm also going to cut the selvage away just like that and that part is now done temporarily because we're going to fit it to size i'm going to take all these all this let's see if there is two and a half left on this as well hopefully there is no because it's eating into the selvage we don't want that so we're gonna take one of these and we're gonna cut two two and a half inch strips off of here there's one and there's two because we need two for that and then we're going to take the longer ones [Music] right here that are two and a half inches i knew they were in there somewhere there should be four left of these so i'm just gonna line them all up nicely [Music] and i'm going to take the selvage off of all of them at the same time just like that [Music] and we're going to start creating binding for this that is scrubby so we don't need any of these now just set those aside we're going to take these two like this and those two like that and we're going to put these right sides together and we're going to sew a seam just a nice straight seam across these at a quarter inch seam so i'm just gonna sew a quarter inch seam on that i'm gonna turn these two right sides together also sewing a quarter inch seam and now these two pieces are done we're just gonna press them to one side flip it around open that seam we want open seams for this and i don't have the iron on yet so i'm just gonna the reason why i pressed to one side first is that way it opened the seam all the way um that way there was no folds or pleats on the front when i open the seam up the rest of the way it should stay nice and flat so i'm just going to roll it so these two pieces are now made and we're going to start making a mess so what we're going to do i'm going to take this out of the way i'm gonna take and have this in front of you guys so you can visualize this whole thing with me for the first part we just need this section so what you do is you take your leftover squares and you go like this and you could add some of these while we're here let's do two like this and then we'll add one of these and then do two more these guys [Music] these and one more of these and we're going to have some seam go missing as well with all this so just remember that it may look too big but we're also taking seam away so here's this grouping so i'm just going to stack them the way i want to sew them like that so there's one side and then we're just gonna keep it right here so that we can lay out the next set so i did [Music] so um [Music] [Music] [Music] so we are going to sew all these units together and then we'll move on to how the rest of this goes so let's go over to the sewing machine and sew them and now i'm just going to lift this up out of the way we're going to stick these right here so that i can sew all these groupings together and let's go sew it [Music] do so [Music] [Music] now that these are together and they're pressed what we're going to do is two of these are going to go on the opposite side of each other so there are two we're going to move all this out of the way because the next step is we're separating those two and those two the next step is figuring out how it's going to land so that we can attach our corners they're not going to be the same for everybody um so i'm not gonna do this one because that starts and ends with what's right here this is gonna go here and you can see there's gonna be a seam allowance on each side so what we're gonna do is just leave that laying right there i'm going to take one of these it's just the one that i put together with the seam and we're going to lay it as if it was binding just like this we're going to pretend that it was already binding just for the moment we're going to go from right here which is the quarter inch seam we've got about right here just like this we're going to pretend that we're lifting it and folding it we're gonna come down to right here and that next side is gonna land here so what we wanna do is there's already a quarter inch here and there's already a quarter inch here what we're gonna do is take this off right at that line that we just had our finger right there and i am going to go ahead and snip that away this is now going to be the length of every single one of these because all of these are the exact same size see they're exactly the same size so what we're going to do is use this as our template so we're gonna go ahead and trim every single one of these this is the one that's pieced usually i don't put a pieced um bit right there in in the corner but the way my scraps landed on this quilt was different than the last one which is kind of odd all right again we're going to take these two they're perfectly lined up because this is the last two and these were only taking about an inch off of which is exactly what i did the last time i don't i didn't have my um yard and a half must have been cut weird because i on the last one i landed that quilt that the yellow one landed with exactly two two and a half inch strips left so this one was almost exact so i was literally like a quarter inch too short but that's okay because we had these pieces and technically now this plus my little oddball strip and just a couple little pieces is all that is left so if you actually accidentally made a booboo cut you had plenty of your background left but you do not have any of your charm squares left this literally uses every last bit so we're going to go ahead and take one of these one of these and hook it together and then we're going to add one of these so every other one so next will be the one with the white and then the next will be one of these and then the next will be one of these and then the last one will be one with the white so i'm going to just tilt the camera so that you can watch um me put this together because it probably make it easier if i just tilt the camera so you can watch it and just leave it rolling so you can see how this goes together so i'm gonna give you guys a quick pause i don't film like this in every video but um i did want you to see every single step so i'm going to start by just a quarter inch seam that's all we're doing just a regular straight seam and if you didn't want to do these piece borders the quilt itself takes five two and a half inch strips to go all the way around so that would mean you need um in half whatever here so you would need about three or one and three quarter yards to have enough to get away from um doing this so i'm just gonna pick this up while it's still on here and i'm gonna grab one of these with this and i'm going to put that on here right sides together [Music] then i'm going to go ahead and flip this grabbing one of these putting it right sides together on here just like this [Music] flip it again putting now one of these ones just like this and we're going to be pressing these seams all open and then grab the end of this right side up grab this right sides down [Music] this is going to be exactly enough too so you will have exactly enough you might have to cut off maybe a quarter inch but technically you will be right at the end and all you have to do is cook them together when we put it on which i will show you how to do that as well this was already right side down that's why it looked funny to me so all of my pieces are together we're gonna go ahead and i'm pretty sure everybody knows how to fold your binding in half and iron it i'm gonna skip that step and do that off camera and then when the video resumes it will be the next step because um this is going to take a few minutes extra and you know you've seen it a billion times just to line up properly the next step is kind of weird now i always always put the binding on the back and then roll it to the front with this project we're going to do the exact same thing but we are going to find [Music] an end like this and i want my raw edge opening to stick out towards this direction so i'm going to line this raw edge up right here just like this between here and here and this time we're going to take binding clips so i'm going to use binding clips now we're going to just say i want to start about right here because i do want my um hanging so that i can conjoin the two and now i'm just going to carefully binding clip this on here upside down for the moment what i'm going to do now is we're going to flip the whole entire thing around and i am going to go backwards now normally i wouldn't do this but we want this to lay in a certain spot so what we're going to do is come out and make sure that our binding is in the spot we want it we're going to make our corner as if we were making it while we're binding just like this and i'm gonna put a clip right here and a clip right here and then we're going to turn the whole thing those clips should be holding everything in place and now once this is laying here we're going to look and see where this is landing in case we need to adjust anything so i want this to land about right here a quarter inch away just like this so i told you if we needed to make any adjustments we can do that so if this one lands that way we're going to adjust this again here [Music] right here it takes a second to do this [Music] and then i'm gonna see where it's landing again down here it's not gonna be perfect by no means because it adjusts while we're attaching it so we're just going to willy-nilly put this on now just like this all the way around because we're starting from the opposite side either way for now i'm just kind of laying it in place as if it was being attached because the clips are going to come off i just want to make sure that this is landing where i want it to land so again i'm going to look underneath and see and this lands about where i want it again everything will adjust when we start sewing it on we're just getting that general idea of where it's going to land and i'm constantly lifting it and going oh okay that's going to land about right there and it's not going to be exact at that at this very moment we're just kind of giving it a just a general pinning and this is going to be my starting point like i said everything is going to adjust so for now i'm just gonna pin this in place and i'm gonna look right here [Music] at my final position that looks pretty good i did do a tag all right so here's going to be my first corner to come so we're just going to give this a little pin and i'm literally going to start right here and as you can see they come together right here at the end leaving barely any room but we only need a quarter inch so right now it's sitting over about a half an inch we're going to start the stitching about right here and everything should land because it's going to shift on the way down it always shifts so right now the pins are in it just temporarily kind of just the general idea of where we want it to land and since it's a small project it makes this easy to do if you wanted to do this on a big project i would consider laying it on the floor to accomplish that okay here we go we're going to start attaching our binding now with a quarter inch seam i'm going to leave quite a bit of a tail as much as i can even though i'm starting at a corner we're just going to remove that first clip and put it about right here so i have this much but since we're only hooking the two ends together and we're not doing a diagonal seam this doesn't have to be exact so we're just gonna go right here i'm gonna undo a couple of these because again it's just holding it in place temporarily all right so i'm going to start stitching back stitched at my beginning so that when i go to attach them that i don't have no pooling we're going to come right here and i'm gonna come a quarter inch away pause it and come up like this make my 45 degree angle just like this making sure that it's all nice and aligned right here at the edge i'm going to turn the whole entire thing and at the moment i don't have the room to because the camera is in the way but i'm going to come in on the end we're going to turn this whole thing keeping the most of it in my lap we're just going to lay this on here and stitch down i am stitching over my tag because i did add a tag so i'm just lining it up the binding clips are just kind of holding it in place but you can see they are kind of um accurate so you can see when i give it a nice tug there they're pretty much where they should be so i'm just sewing it on oops i kind of got skinny got my seam right there all right we're going to remove that we're going to come to this corner and i try to get away all this extra messy threads that from the shifting and again i'm going to pull some of these clips off because i want to hang that put this right here i'm going to come a quarter inch away from the edge oh i was not stitching for a while here we're gonna see why while we're here my point and pausing machine issues okay for some reason my bobbin is not hitting all of a sudden look at that it won't go in that is not a good thing don't know what's wrong i will be back in a minute okay it was just like not going in the hole that was the weirdest thing it happens sometimes especially with this machine it's the weirdest thing some bobbins fit perfectly fine and others just don't but instead of using my thread cutter which always gives me problems we're just going to use it the opposite direction so i'm going to now lift this up create my 45 fold it down like this we're going to slide this under and start stitching and take this whole entire thing since you guys are like moving and in the way i couldn't put the camera any other direction for you to see this so again i'm just going to start going down this side [Music] and i'm just going to fast forward you through the rest [Music] [Music] connect the two ends so right here seems flat enough to get the two together so i'm just going to go ahead and do this right here i literally am going to just nicely lay this out because i know it's going to shift and i'm going to grab a pair of scissors and i know my quarter inch so what i'm going to do is from the end of this i'm going to cut this over as straight as i can one quarter inch so we're just going to re-straighten it because i'm in a weird awkward position here everything's nice and flat there's room for shifting we're going to cut this top one off about right here just like that so now all i need to do is take the two of these and put them we're gonna move the coil out of the way put this one down first and then grab this and put this one down on top of it right sides together in the normal way we would just piece anything else no angle on this we're just gonna throw our quarter inch seam together right here so i'm just gonna hold this you can throw pins in it just hold it nice and tight if you don't use pins we're going to sew our quarter inch seam readjust for a second [Music] and then we're gonna open it up and go oh look at that it landed right where we want we're gonna open this seam up we gotta use our fingers open it up and flatten it down and give it that crease and then all we're going to do is line the quilt back up and continue stitching the rest of the way down so everything is nice and flat we didn't have to cut off a ton everything was lined up where we wanted it and now we're just going to back stitch and there it is now attached and as you can see they did not land exactly at the ends and it's not going to because everything shifts but it did land in a nice area so that all we have to do is flip this over now and stitch this on so we're just going to turn the whole thing around and start stitching so let me walk you through that and i'm going to try to put the camera in a different angle all right so here we are that way you can watch how this is done i'm going to start at a corner and then i'll sew to another corner and then we'll just fast forward it that way you can see but we can shorten the length of this video so i'm going to fold it over i'm going to put this on here about an eighth of an inch away from the edge i'm going to take that thread and put it under i'm going to change my stitch length to about a 3.1 [Music] 3.0 3.1 somewhere in there and now i'm going to go ahead and hold a distance away but i'm going to adjust my fingers as we go so i'm going to take a couple stitches i'm going to stay along that edge it's best if you hold your finger along it as along this as you go we're going to come to this corner and create a 45 degree i'm going to flip that 45 degree angle on to the quilt itself and you can see just ever so slightly off so i'll just like fold it with my finger until it adjusts just right so there we go now they meet at the corner and use both of my fingers and go super slow i take one stitch into it and one stitch out of it leave the needle down and turn it just like this folding this down and then i continue on down so i start off slow till i can adjust the whole entire quilt onto my lap it's best if it's on your lap and we're just gonna fold over i use my fingers to kind of push along the edge so it brings the most of it forward and i'm just going to go along that edge just like this and don't worry about these seams because it's going to be just the same as if you did a 45 degree seam because see they they lay really flat that is pretty darn flat so don't worry about not having a biased seam because it really lays pretty darn flat we're just going to slowly go all the way down just do a little bit at a time i fold it with what's on my tray stay along that edge i go to my next finger and i fold it again along the edge so if you ever want to do a pieced binding and you want those pieces to land in a certain area it doesn't have to be exact this is pretty much how you do it line it up before you even sew the pieces together that way they land where you want them to so you can see this pretty much is about almost a quarter inch off it's not that bad but it landed pretty much where i wanted it to i'm just going to keep going [Music] nice and slow along that edge and if you have any you know shredding is what i call it because the fabric all shreds no fabric doesn't shred all fabric shreds i don't care what it is i'm just gonna slowly fold that over you can see how i use my fingers along it to hold it folded nicely we're going to come to this corner again we're going to start by folding it over use my finger under there first i'm going to come to this edge and just hold that everything is nicely over the closer i get the easier it is i'm gonna just finger press this down lift the whole thing and flip it over and that one landed great right at the first shot for a 45 degree miter so we're going to come right up to it take one stitch in one stitch out one stitch in and turn so and then i just take a couple stitches away and notice my seam that i made from those two fabrics landed right here instead of in the corner because i cut it off a certain way or else it would have landed in the corner if i would have left it full like that which worked perfect here in the edge and then we're just going to go ahead and fast forward through the rest [Music] folks look at this isn't that a beauty i love it this one turned out 51 by 51 which is just one inch shorter than the other one but i think it has to do with the way i quilted it again the other one is 52 by 52 and that one's a lot more densely quilted so maybe it pushed it out a little bit this one's not as densely quilted so i kind of just shrunk up with that batting and it'll shrink again and probably in the wash and you know be 50 by 50 after it's washed but as you can see that pieced binding like i said you can add that to any quilt any quilt but you can see it landed here here if you look up here it landed right on point this one's about a quarter inch over and there's no way to have this perfect but this is pretty much how it's done so it pretty much lands where it needs to um you can see the difference in color if you remember the beginning quote but i'll show you again and then here is the background let's get some threads off there so the back is just a blueprint with little tiny circle flowers like they're just little circles that create a flower because you can see quite the difference let me just hold this about exactly where the other one is the difference between the colors so color also has something to do with how you want your quilt to show this one says bold look at me this one is more subtle and calming and it's relaxing with the off-white creamish color as its backing fabric and the less pronounced fabric but this one with the bright yellow along with the darker fabrics although there is some light ones in here those darker fabrics really make it pop so you either have bold or subtle and i personally like the subtle but let me know what you think in the comments below so if you think that this is something you would want to make comment below that you're going to make it and if you do please share it in the facebook group or share on instagram with the tiffany's quilting life all one word and i want to see what you guys make so thank you for watching if you're new to my channel please subscribe like my videos and share them with your quilty friends and i'll see you next video bye everyone
Channel: Tiffany's Quilting Life
Views: 21,337
Rating: 4.9041915 out of 5
Id: FbVq-GRixgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 9sec (8049 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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