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hi guys it's trena from john's furniture repair here with another project in the shop and here she is this guy's been painted many many times it's actually a really beautiful antique piece and we're going to be bringing it right back to the original basically everything has been painted so inside and out you can see someone's had like newspaper on the inside of that and just kind of got left there it's a real big mess and i'm hoping it's going to come off the back panel and everything as nicely as it comes off the other pieces it's an actual maddox so it's a really nice antique piece and when it's cleaned up it's it's really gonna be something but again that's gonna be quite a job so the inside as well is completely covered in paint so we're going to be taking everything out of here to be able to get that off um and then also you know all the hardware on this stuff was painted uh looks like white first and then a really cakey application of black and uh thank goodness that the inside of the drawers although needing some work don't have paint so that's good but even you know these parts that pull out here they're all painted so this is all going to have to come out because this is just caked full of paint again we find the lattice work on the outside of the cabinet when it's supposed to be on the inside so i'll be switching that around again i guess the finial must have gotten lost in the in the mix so it's uh although a little bit broken here i'm gonna have to be fixing that she was supposed to have a nice little point on it um get that white paint off of there as well but i'll just show you guys a little closer what i'm looking at so here you can see the newspaper messy job on the back of that lattice and just the really cakey job that was done and it's all on the inside and here i'll show you i'm gonna have to get that all off so this is gonna be a good job and you can just see it's just drooped on the engine and some doors and a big drip there it's just gross the hinges are covered hardware is covered the pullout pieces have lots of cakey weird stuff and i don't know what the heck that is uh the original hardware is still here and the key is here so we've got everything we need to make it beautiful um the legs we've got really nice claw foot feet here so those will be good fun to clean up and we'll be doing a seal and a clean on the drawers because they've got a little bit of wear there as well but it's i think it's going to come off fairly easily and i might do more of like a heat gun pull off before i do any stripping because there's quite a layer so you can just see there so if i can heat gun off the paint then i can strip off the original finish and get it back down to a nice clean wood i think it's an actually pretty awesome shape so drawers are working good they're not really worn everything is here you can see maddox still has the label intact here so i think other than a really bad paint job this piece is in really great shape so let's get it taken apart and get at it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so everything is taken apart and all the nails are pulled out and everything is as much broken down as i can get it and that's half the trick to cleaning up stuff like this so i've got the whole shelf here on the bench i'm gonna strip that first and then i've got the drawers and the doors sitting here waiting the back panels um the chest is completely stripped down to just the case and i don't know if i'll do much up there i don't think they painted up there too much other than the tops of these i'll get but even the inside upper parts here i'm going to be getting and the back of the frame door frame there so um a few repairs on some drawers i thought this was in perfect condition but there's still a little bit of wear you can see here we've got a pretty good groove going on this drawer slide this one as well that one's not bad actually um there's a little bit on the top ones as well so we're just gonna give those uh freshen up so everything's working well and there's a couple of loose um slides in here that we need to re-glue so not too much work not as bad as a lot of cabinets i've had lately but i will deal with that and make sure it's good so let's get to stripping [Music] okay so i've got all the pieces for the cubbyhole stripped and sanded and ready to go back together and i also got the little um pull outs stripped and sanded and the hardware they're all cleaned up so did that same time i was gonna stain these pieces before i put them on but i don't think it's going to be that difficult while it's together so i'm just going to do it after so it's just one piece and easier to handle so i've got everything laid out where it goes and i had it all marked so that wasn't hard so i'm basically just going to get some glue in here [Music] okay so when i'm working on pieces that need stripping on all sides and everywhere i usually work in planes so because it was standing here already i'm decided to do the tops first and then i'll get the tops of the drawer frames and then when i flip it on side i can do all the sides on one side and the other side and it's just easier to keep everything clean that way and not have a bunch of stripper dripping out everywhere so i did heat gun this surface because it had so much paint on it that i just wanted to get through the layers without having to put on so much stripper and this one we did strippers so because it wasn't as cakey but i'm just about ready to do a steel wool here and then get down on these planes over here clean them up [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so work continues on this guy i actually ended up taking the feet off to clean them up just because there was a lot of paint in this groove and i wanted to clean it up so there wasn't a big goopy mess there and painting grooves is like really annoying to me so i had to get it off and i gave me a good chance to clean them and fix them and re-glue them they were a little bit loose but now they're nice and tight and re-glued on there so those are taken care of um the face of this piece is pretty much prepped we got the top done yesterday all that molding so basically now i'm just cleaning up in here a little bit sanding we just have the sides and the inside of the the cabinet left so flats surfaces which will go nice and fast and just a little bit of molding left but those are the last things that we have to strip so we've come a long way we got all of this stuff here prepped and all of this stuff prepped and the back panels prepped and ready for stain so just finishing this guy up and then we'll sand everything one last time and it's off to spain [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so this thing is completely prepped top to bottom all of the black and white paint removed off of every square inch of this thing and it's looking good up here was tough because it was pretty raw so a lot of scrubbing getting everything out of the corners there were a lot of repairs chunks out like this where we used epoxy putty uh pieces missing the feet were the back feet were in need of some attention so those got some work uh these turned out pretty good so we've got a veneered walnut side with a poplar frame so that's why you see that white strip there so that'll just need to be stained to match and probably use some tinting there but we are ready to rock and roll with stains so i've got to figure out my color here i even cleaned up all back here because there was so many paint globs and and speckles so i wanted to get everything looking good i did some repairs on the inside put some strips of veneer uh where the the runners were kind of worn down just there was only three of them that were really bad so did those three the rest of them looked pretty good i just waxed everything up and made sure it was uh nice and smooth same with these guys in here for these pull outs to slide in i waxed the runner in here and sanded it nice and smooth so that is all ready to go same with these guys so let's get some stain moving okay so i've decided to use mohawk's raw umber wiping stain and i will have to do some tinting on these poplar areas but i already knew that so it's not really a big problem i'm more interested in how it's hitting the walnut so i just did a little test area in here so that's a really nice light color uh i don't want to accentuate the red of the piece of the walnut so i like that world umber has a little bit of green to kill that red and then the face frame i will stain and then probably either spray tint or do another glaze over top to get the popper to come into line but i'm going to hit everything with the same stain first and then go from there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i've got everything stained up here um what i'm noticing is and i knew this was going to be the case that the poplar is needing a lot of warm up so these are the um walnut drawer fronts against the poplar frame here so what i'm going to do on top of my raw umber on the poplar is i'm going to add burnt umber which is a nice orange color just to warm that up and bring it a little closer to my walnut good so i think that's going to be the right color you kind of see it brings everything into line and you're looking at the walnut here so i think in general the whole piece will need some tinting on the whole thing afterwards but i'm going to do this as a preliminary step just to get them a little closer together so i'm going to do the frame the feet shelves anything that's uh looking a little bit too green okay so i've got all the poplar parts stained with the burnt umber it looks a lot better with the drawers now and i did the little strip of poplar on the side too just to give it some color so i will probably be tinting this thing over completely with a toner just to bring everything into the same family but i'm liking how it's starting here so this can go to the booth and dry for a day okay so while the cabinet's drying i can get to cleaning up this hardware which is in pretty bad shape everything's covered in paint like everything else with um i think it's the original hardware those these will be solid brass so those will come up nice but uh definitely like all the hinges are super caked like everything and uh will need to be completely stripped into like shelf pins globs of paint on them so i'm just gonna get everything in stripper and let it soak and start scrubbing every little individual screw and piece until it's all nice and clean [Music] [Music] okay so i got the hardware here and i've ordered this stuff which was a recommendation from my very first subscriber who does a lot of brass work really nice work and so i'm gonna give it a whirl brasso sucks so i'm excited to see if this stuff is any better so i've got it on a couple pieces here and i was gonna shine them up but they had a nice tarnish on them from the factories this is kind of um a little bit of what they're supposed to look like but not that dirty so i'm trying to bring up the center a little bit more and then leaving i'll probably shine these up a little bit more here and then leave a little bit of the tarnish on the edges and the grooves and stuff so i'm just kind of working at that it's kind of impossible to really shine these up completely which i don't even think would look good so i just want to leave a little bit of character around the edges and then all the nice points that are sticking out will have a good shine to them like these little balls and the tips in the center none of the other hardware is really full brass so that would look weird having very brassy handles on a piece without any other areas like that so i just kind of want to clean up and restore what was original just got a little bit more life to it and we will clear coat that as well but it still has all its character scrapes and scratches and the tarnishing and the edges and stuff like that so i kind of want to leave that and uh yeah so i'll work through those to get them all good and the other little handle that we have here is for the little piece or a little drawer in the secretary and that one i'm just going to buff up the edges on the front little rings here and then around the side and that'll be good for that guy that looks nice all right so i'll get the rest of these done [Music] so [Music] peace [Music] um [Music] is [Music] so here right on top of this detail i can just see the light wood there and i don't like that so i'm going to take my pro mark and i'm just going to give it a nice even dark color right in the groove there you could do this with a dye stain or um paint if you wanted to but this is the easiest thing so probably do a couple coats i just want that to kind of stick out and not be not in a bad way so i think that looks a little bit better just make sure to get the color everywhere and there's a couple light parts like um where there was a little bit more damage where i'm just going to feather out and do stuff like that a lot of it's on the base here which i'm not going to be using a marker for i'm actually going to do a tint on uh i've just hit this edge with a marker because it was really worn out here and uh whenever that happens the stain that was in the in the wood is gone so i'll just need to do like a little bit of tint work here with some of my toners so i'll show you that when we do that okay so on the side of the cabinet they have this popular uh piece which is the front face frame so i don't want a hard line even though this is a hard line to do my tint work with so what i'm gonna do first uh is use a piece of paper that doesn't really sit close so kind of when you're spraying it a few particles of the toner will float over to the other side that's going to help blend if you do a straight hard line you're going to get a very distinct color change from here to here and that's not exactly what i'm looking for so i'm going to just kind of hold it up very loosely over that side and i'm going to start with a fiddle tone cherry which is kind of a muted milky uh burnt embry kind of color i'm just going gonna go through the whole thing that's gonna kind of get the red of the walnut going there you can see that and then i'm gonna go over it with um raw umber to get the deeper color and i might go back and forth between the colors just pulling it more to red or green until i kind of get what i want so looking like i still want a little bit more red so i'm going to bring back my fiddle tone and you know i'm moving this card back and forth every time and it's getting a different line every time i spray so it's really helping to blend if you do auto body work you know that this is a trick to um doing a typical blending so there that's kind of what i'm going to go for there are a couple other um spots on remember if you remember we did a couple of repairs on the leg i'll get you guys down here so you can see so right down here we've got some repair to the veneer and then some epoxy putty so i'm going to draw in some of my grain and kind of fool the eye that this you know veneer just continues down here and then i'm going to draw in a few little not as much as the the wood has but just again just enough to fool the eye way down here at the bottom and nobody's really going to be bending over to take a super super close look but even if they do it'll look good there and then i'm going to give it a general a little bit of a darker there we go now that a little bit of color work is done underneath i'm going to use the same colors as i did on the side there i'm going to start with a fiddle tone and this is going to soften all those lines and then i'm going to come in with my raw umber and just bring it a little bit closer to the caramel brown instead of the reddish and that's good there are a few other little spots that'll just touch with color right here we've got a veneer repair that we did red pigment over top of it [Music] really kind of be careful to not go too harsh in a line anywhere and then same thing i'll just kind of protect this leg a little bit and just slightly hit that area with the fiddle toe and the raw umber and then we'll just kind of blend it into that leg there good so those areas look a lot better a little veneer right there awesome so that's pretty good for the rest of this side i think it's looking pretty good so i'll just finish up a couple little touch-ups all over the cabinet and then um i'll decide if i need to tone the whole thing over or if we can just go on for the second coat so second coat is on and all of the color work is done tons of touch-ups i did uh raw umber tint over the whole entire cabinet along with some fiddle tone everywhere just to kind of wherever needed more red you got the fiddle tone wherever i needed to tone it down got the raw umber and then everything got brought umber over so i like the color looks pretty good we've got the doors here under their third coat or sorry second coat on this side so i'll probably need to stay on those and do another one uh tricky part about doors like this is matching your lattice work uh when it's not together so i'm always just careful to see looks like it's gonna work goes behind the glass so it'll be a little i've made it a slight bit darker just because the glass kind of mutes the dark tones so these guys i just gave a little squirt they're fine and uh the lid here or the drop down has the finished coat on the inside and i haven't done anything on this side yet so i might do that tomorrow and just let that dry back panels are finished shelves are done cubby holes are all sprayed and tinted so those look good so what i'm gonna do right now is just put a third coat on the general cabinet here and uh hopefully excuse me we are done with the cabinet itself so i've sealed all the drawers inside as well might do another sealer coat before i do the whole thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so on the drop-down supports uh these are the old little felt strips that were held in by nails and i'm gonna make some new ones out of some adhesive back um felt so i'm not gonna actually well actually i should use these again just in case so i'll just pop these out i was thinking of just using the adhesive but over time i think maybe they might come loose again let's give those a little swirl on a scotch pad so i'll just kind of cut the same size two strips here and then just pop that through and just stick my new strip on there just like that so that'll protect the lid when it's opening so i'll do the other side [Music] it's always nice having these supports because it makes it a lot easier to reinstall the hinges [Music] just like that and then there are a couple of nails just holding it in place and some shims so in the back i'm just going to put a shim in and the nail back in the spot it was supposed to go okay yes i've got the little shim in there and the nail so that's all in there nice and sturdy so let's put the i think i'm gonna put the shelf hangers on cause it's easy to do while the back is off and then we'll put the back panels on all right so we got all the shelf pins in and just in case you didn't notice all of my slotted screws face the same direction horizontal here on the pins and on the hinges and the supports all the same direction just a little bit of extra detail that i like to do when i'm using those screws so now we've got those in i'm going to get some back panels on this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] so it is done got all the hardware installed everything is clean polished this was a big one it looks really great i love this color i think we hit it bang on that little guy that we fixed up there and our color highlights in there that we did and we got the uh lattice on the inside of the doors like it should be so you can easily clean the outside of the glass when it gets dirty and get it all refinished nicely in here as well remember there was paint everywhere even on the top there so this is all cleaned up we got a little hardware that was so goopy that's all cleaned up now and these fit together perfectly and the key is working good and the drop down remember these guys that were so cakey look how nicely they operate now and remember we took this whole thing apart and refinished everywhere inside did a full refinish on the little drawer put a coat on it everywhere got a little polished knob there it looks really sharp and cleaned up all these hinges and stays we got a little lock that actually functions now it was full of paint and the drawers we did a nice uh seal on the interior so that's all clean and uh all the handles got a polish with a little bit of distress left in the crevices and these legs are really popping now that they're uh stripped and all clean looking we did a little bit of work on that edge that was quite damaged and uh remember the backs of our legs here you can see a little bit still right there it's not noticeable same thing on the other side and repair down there so it is done thanks for joining me on this one again guys and uh don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoy my videos and stay tuned for more cheers [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 392,321
Rating: 4.946847 out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, furniture, shop, workshop, tools, stripping, spraying, sanding, woodworking, mohawk, walnut stain
Id: Czo4afgQy8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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