Come see what I create out of these fabric scraps

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[Music] hi friends alaskagranny gal victoria here i was sitting here taking apart all these strips i found this bag of strips at a junk shop for like two bucks something like that but i wanted to rescue it i had the need to rescue this fabric so i brought it home and i want to show you what i make with it challenging my own self to make something really cute with this i mean the pattern is really cute it was really wrinkled it was all shoved into a big gallon ziploc bag and my creative process in my mind was like i can totally make something really really cute with that so i'm going to show you what i do with these stay tuned so this is the stage i'm at now i've taken my seam ripper and i'm separating the blocks from the rose so here's my pile of separated blocks and then i'm taking the blocks and separating each section and i wind up with piles like this some of you might ask why i'm not just keeping the blocks as is or why i'm not using the strips as they are once i iron them out well the main reason being if you can see here the person didn't whoever had this they didn't do super consistent seam allowances which is fine nothing wrong with wonky like this particular strip here it looks pretty darn good right just trim it up and use it well not all of them are that way and the idea i have to turn this into something else maybe i don't want this color order so that's my process i know you guys are going to probably think i'm nuts for sitting here wasting all this time with my seam ripper and picking out these seams but it goes actually relatively quick i'm just folding this over just because it gives me a more consistent grip picking out these seams real quick i'm just doing every other one every third every fifth whatever and picking it apart i mean look at it goes pretty quick it's not a big deal so it's not like i'm wasting that much time to do it so at this stage in the game this is where i'm at once i'm done i'm going to trim off all the of course clean it up iron it trim trim off all these extra thready bits all over and sort them into piles of colors stay tuned [Music] so as you can see i'm going to do this whole strip here and pull apart all these seams as you can see as i just showed you it's pretty quick it goes pretty fast and um yeah it it feels good to know that i'm going to be turning something as you can see i'm struggling here um but it it goes pretty fast and it it does my heart good to know that i will be turning something that somebody thought of as junk or they didn't want into something beautiful see quick and easy so as you can see i've got my piles here i've been diligently working away and i've got all these piles i've got my iron i've got it set to the cotton setting and no steam and i'm going to give all of these little bits a nice good press so i'm just going to lay out some pieces a little bit at a time and just give them a nice press so that they come out crisp and i'm able to trim them up here in just a little bit so anyway i'm going to continue ironing all of these pieces as you can see behind my iron there on top of my sewing machine once i iron them i'm just putting them in little piles according to color and once i get them all done i can start on the next phase of the process in my mind on what i want to do with these i think you're going to like it so like i said i'm just going to sit here and iron these out and finish up the pile here i've got and i'll see you here shortly this is all i have left right here so here we go so now i've got all those trimmed up i'm going to put my pieces right side together and i'm going to start string piecing now you can use pins if you'd like you can also use those clover clips or clips or whatever clips you have i think i'm going to use pins this time just because i can get them a little bit closer to the needle under that presser foot where you can't do that with the clips and i'm just going to send these through one right after the other chain piecing i really want a super accurate quarter inch seam i am setting my needle position all the way to the right because on my machine for piecing that's where i like it where my quarter inch mark is and i'm just going to send these through one right after the other chain piecing right sides together send the next one through right sides together send the next one through now i may be starting off with pins but that doesn't mean i'm going to continue using pins i go back and forth all the time with the pinning thing it's one little extra step but i i know for a fact that it definitely keeps my seams super accurate when i do pin these pieces are short enough i don't know if i'll continue using them i think i'm pretty comfortable with my quarter inch seam and accuracy that i can just send them in one right after the other hopefully this is a better angle for you but i'm just going to continue chain piecing all of these bits together i just wanted a little bit of a better angle for you guys i know that most of you that so know what chain piecing is so i just gonna finish up doing this here and then once i get all of the chain piecing done i'm going to be snipping all of the string in between the thread string but i'm going to go ahead and pull this off here i'm going to clip all of the thread in between each and every one of these and just quickly it's a snip snip snip cut all these threads and then i'm going to finger press these open just like this i'm going to finger press these open i'm not stretching the fabric i just want to give it a nice crisp press i eventually will wind up opening that seam with my iron instead of leaving it to one side because it was creating too much bulk so i'm just going to give it a nice finger press and then once i get the parts pressed open that i want i'll start sewing these two patches together and continuing on with the process of sewing so let me continue doing this and i'll be back [Music] so [Music] so now that i've got all of the fabric strips sewn together in the order that i want and the size that i want i've decided to press the seams open see to me it just made it less bulky you don't want to be dragging your iron across you just want to separate the seam and press firmly each of these seams open i originally had them all to one side and to me it just was too much bulk for what i am making with it so i'm just going to go ahead and open all of these seams up give it a good press i want these seams nice and flat as can be and once i'm done doing the back of all the seams on both strips i'm going to flip it over and give it a good press from the front as well look at that nice flat perfect seams i've trimmed it up on either side and i love it so now i'm going to be ironing on my interfacing onto these fabric strips this is my go-to interfacing lightweight that's the pylon p44f i use this on a lot of my piecing work just because it gives it a little bit more strength and durability so i'm going to go ahead and fuse this onto my fabric strips that i've sewn together here i've already cut it to size so now i've got all of the interfacing and look how much more durable and secure this fabric strip is i'm going to now trim off the excess and square these up so that they're the same size i'm going to go ahead and cut off the extra overhang of the interfacing now you can use a scissor or a rotary cutter i prefer to use a rotary cutter for this part just to make everything nice and tidy and straightened up and i'm going to go around all the sides and get rid of this excess the excess threads the excess interfacing and i'm just going to go ahead and square these all up they're so much better nice and tidy and all squared up now i've already cut these two pieces for what i'm going to be making they measure this is one piece for the bottom four inches by eight inches so i have two of those and then i cut two pieces that were two inches by eight inches and this is what i'll be using for the project that i'll be making i cut some of these in advance so i cut several sets in the same dimensions and then i also cut some in smaller dimensions so i'm going to lay it like this this is going to be the center this is going to be the top piece and this is going to be the bottom piece and i'm going to sew these all together so here are the two pieces that i've got cut down and ready to go and i've cut two pieces of interfacing adhe fusible interfacing that are the same size as the piecing that i have in the background there and the type of fusible fleece that i use is this i get it at joann's and it is the palon 9 8 7 f and i find that it's just a really nice durable fusible interfacing and i don't have to worry about basting so what i'm doing now with the glue side up on my fusible interfacing i'm laying down the four by eight size piece onto the tacky side the gluey side and i'm just pressing down according to manufacturer recommendations on adhering this fusible fleece to your project i lined everything up making sure that no glue would be touching my iron and i decided to use the smaller iron for this because i feel like i just have more control and can see what i'm doing better than that big chunky iron and then what i'll be doing is taking the stripy section the part that i pieced with the lightweight interfacing behind it i'm going to be laying that on top and stitching that down so that's next that's what you see me doing here right sides together on both of them and i'm just lining up everything nice and straight and i am going to pin this together so that everything stays exactly where i want it to stay and this portion is kind of like a quilt as you go i'm going to be sewing right onto the fusible fleece now that i've got that bottom piece secure i'm going to just pin this on here make sure everything is lined up nice and straight and then i'm just going to sew another quarter inch seam all along this side here on both of these pieces [Music] now once i've got those attached i'm just clipping the string in between finger pressing really well this seam here between the stripy middle section and that bottom section notice i'm not pulling stretching anything i'm just pushing down really well on that seam i'm going to get my little iron pad out and i'm going to press this down nice and secure to that fusible fleece so i'm just going to go ahead and work on this and continue to press this middle section down making sure everything is lined up and i'm not stretching or pulling this fabric in any direction just back and forth back and forth and i'm going gonna do this to both of my pieces and then we are going to be adding the two inch by eight inch portion of fabric that we cut to the top and doing the same thing so this is all nice and adhered down as you can see and i'm adding that two inch by eight inch piece to the top of the striped section and i'm just going to pin this down making sure everything is lined up nice and straight i'm putting them side by side because i want once i put this all together i want everything to line up nicely like as if it's one solid piece so i'm just going to line these up really nice i'm going to pin them and do the same step again pin it all sew it one right after the other and i'll be back [Music] as you can see i am done sewing that top portion on and i'm just going to do the same as i did before give that seam a nice good finger press i do have some extra fusible fleece up top but um that's going to happen i'm just going to press this down make sure it's nice and adhere and really strong and then i am going to square these blocks up trim them down get that extra fusible fleece cut off and just make sure everything lines up perfect now that all these sections are adhered nice and securely i'm going to do some straight stitching across both of these panels [Music] do [Music] here you can see all my quilting lines across both of my panels i did about four or five rows on the bottom section and i think three or so on the top section and it's nothing fancy just straight line stitching i just wanted to have it have that quilted look plus it makes it more sturdy and durable and i think it just looks nice on a smaller bag or a smaller pouch to have that straight line stitching now i'm going to prep my zipper this is a 9 inch zipper i'm gonna put the zipper tabs on the end of this um i have two two inch by two inch zipper squares i'm going to fold it in half i gave it a press and then i folded one side in half again and gave it a press and these will attach to the zipper and flip over you'll see here in a minute just exactly how this is going to work i also have this two inch by two inch square i have it folded right sides together and it's going to be the little tab on the side of the bag so with the quarter inch seam we're just going to sew this right down the side with a little back stitch to keep it in place and then i have this turning tool that i got at walmart it's got this sharp little tip on the end i'm just going to flip this right side out and give it a nice press it's real easy to use you just insert it and that little hook grabs onto the end and you just pull it through of course i say it's easy to use and then i struggle with it a little bit but you just gotta finagle with it a little bit and then you can get it right side out see easy peasy and i'm gonna give it a nice press so now i'm getting ready to prep my zipper i'm lining my zipper up making sure it's long enough and i'm looking at these i'm going to make some quarter inch markings on my bag here and then i'll also be marking the zipper because we don't want to be sewing over all that bulk to make these tabs i'm just going to use a permanent marker i don't have any other pen so i'm just lining up my ruler here and i'm going to put some marks at the quarter inch in from either side i'm just going to use my ruler so it's nice and straight i'm just making a very tiny mark on both sides of the bag because i want that zipper tab to be just inside the quarter inch mark that i'm marking on the bag here and then i'm going to line up my zipper and i'm going to make a mark right across at the same spot on the zipper here you can see the markings on the quarter inch inside each edge of the bag it's really faint it's really light it's barely visible and it's going to be covered up with your seam allowance anyway and here's the marking on the zipper you're going to get your scissor and you're going to cut off that excess you're going to cut right at that line and cut off that excess you don't need it it's just bulk and extra and it's going to interfere obviously so you don't need it and then you're going to get the 2 inch by 2 inch square that you already have ready not the side that's double folded into the center but the other side that you didn't fold in again you're going to put it right side to the edge of the zipper and you're going to sew about a quarter inch down right there you're going to sew about a quarter inch down from the edge but wait before you do that before you sew this line wait and sew the zipper stop so i'm just placing my zipper under the foot and i'm going to go back and forth and back and forth a couple times like three or four i really want a nice secure zipper stop on my zipper so i'm just going to do this back and forth and back and forth a couple times and i'll show you here in a minute what that's going to look like i think i did it about four or five times and then i'm gonna pull it off of here trim my threads get all the little thready bits off and it winds up looking really nice it makes a nice sturdy zipper stop i just don't want any of these getting caught up in the teeth see it's about a quarter inch down now we're going to attach the zipper tab you're going to put it with the right side facing the zipper and sew about a quarter inch down from the edge there you're going to just go straight across sew a nice quarter inch seam all the way across and then go carefully over those teeth hand crank it if you need to take it off trim your threads and you're going to fold it up over itself see nice quarter inch seam right about that zipper tab fold it up over the edge fold it the quarter inch side down and fold it over itself quarter inch seam show you again fold it over fold it over again and top stitch all the way across securing it to the zipper now on both sides and once you get this seam done what you're going to do you can backstitch if you want but it seems completely unnecessary because you're going to be trimming off these ends anyway i'm just going to trim off my excess threads here and then i'm going to get my big scissor and trim off just a little bit beyond the zipper tape on either side and see now we're going to do the same thing to the other side so now i just lined it up i've marked my line but the most important thing to note here is before you cut this unzip your zipper ask me how i know unzip it and then cut that off and repeat the same procedure on this side of the zipper as you did the other side now your zipper should look something like this here it is with both tabs attached to both ends of the zipper now here comes the fun part assembling the bag we're going to attach this zipper i call this the tongue of the zipper you're going to lay that tongue on the outside of the bag so that tongue will be touching the outside of the bag just inside those two marks that you made and i'm going to pin the heck out of it because my zippers tend to slip a lot i like to use a clip down where the tongue of the zipper is i'm just gonna pin the heck out of this making sure those two tab marks are just inside that quarter inch marking i made on the bag and i'm going to take my lining piece and i'm going to lay that right sides facing each other and i'm going to sew about a quarter inch mark all the way down the side of the bag now you can use a zipper foot if you'd like i choose not to at this stage i can do it without using my zipper foot but if you want to use your zipper foot you're more comfortable doing that do that so i'm just putting these right sides together with the zipper tongue facing the outside of the bag and right sides of fabric facing together and i'm just going to sew a nice quarter inch seam all the way down the back as you can see i use loads of pins i don't want anything shifting or moving around while i do this and i like to use a clover clip where the where the bump of the tongue is only because as i'm sewing and if i'm making two or three at a time i will know that i need to do a start stop stitch so here's my last pin i like to insert that on the quarter inch seam on the outside of that tab and like i said just sewing a quarter inch seam all the way down [Music] do [Music] now with your needle in the down position lift up your presser foot and finagle that tongue of the zipper and zipper past where you're sewing that makes it so much easier you just put it back in place lower your presser foot and continue sewing and to finish up your quarter inch seam and i'm going to do a little backspace real quick and then it just makes it so much easier without you having to remove your project here's the project all done with my quarter inch seam now i'm just going to flip this over nice zipper nestled in between and i'm going to give it a nice press from either side and do the other side but before i do the other side and attach it to the zipper here i'm going to give it a nice top stitch i'm going to top stitch it just i don't know between an eighth and a quarter inch from the zipper give it a nice top stitch it'll blend everything together with those quilting lines and then we will attach the other side of the bag to the zipper it just looks nice and it holds the lining in place so it doesn't get caught up in your zipper when you're opening and shutting so now we're going to lay right sides together lining it up making sure everything is nice and square and we just want to make sure everything lines up perfectly so i know it's going to sound weird but you're going to lay your lining piece wrong side together with the with the outside bag piece so when you open it up it looks like this and the lining piece is match internally together now it's all attached as you can see we've got the two outside pieces the zipper in between you've got that little gap as you can see where we left the markings and then on the inside that's totally normal don't freak out when you see that that's totally normal and then on the inside as you can see we've got the two lining pieces everything is nice and attached and now we're going to get it all pinned but before we do this next step make sure you open your zipper or you won't be able to turn your bag right side out here we've got the bag all pinned together i use loads of pins but make sure you leave an opening gap here to turn your bag i like to put two pins in a little like x formation that just reminds me to leave an opening here here's a little bit of a close-up see how i put two pins together like an x i do that on where i want to start and stop so we've got the bag all pinned ready to go now we're going to start here and sew all the way around and then we get to that first x we're going to do a back stitch jump over that gap do a back stitch and then go all the way around and finish off with a back stitch here [Music] so now that this is all together i'm going to box all the corners i'm in a box every corner and the way i do that is super simple i just take my ruler take my marker you can use any type of ruler you have it could be a school ruler it doesn't have to be a quilting ruler but i just mark i want to do mine at a three quarter inch so that way it makes it an inch and a half boxed corner so i just take my ruler i line it up with the three quarter mark and then i'm going to mark it over here at the three-quarter mark and i'm literally just going to take i've been using a permanent marker i have um pens but i don't know where they are right now so that's just that so i'm going to take my marker line it up here like this at the three-quarter mark on both edges and i am just going to make my boxed corner i do it to both sides of the outside of the lining bag and the lining piece so just like that you can see it just like that and i'm going to do this corner this corner and this corner so now i've got all four of my corners marked as you can see and i'm just going to cut along that line and cut out these corners you want to make sure you have a nice sharp scissor otherwise it can snaggle your fabric so i'm just going to sit here and cut these corners out and then we're going to box these corners flip it the right way and we shall be done here very shortly you can see we've got these corners cut out from both sides the lining piece as well as the outside of the bag what we're going to do is we're just going to kind of grab a hold of the bag and pull it apart we're going to take these corners we're going to put one side of the seam to one side and the other side to the other side and we're going to line up this side seam with this bottom seam on the inside here that way it's all lined up on on the reverse side and then we're going to just stitch this closed we're just going to stitch straight across here a quarter of an inch to close up this gap we've got these corners all nice and boxed up i'm going to trim some of these extra loose threads off of here but all of them are sewn at a quarter of an inch and now it's just time to turn this bag right side out so we use the opening gap here in the bottom of our liner and we're just going to pull this through [Music] so [Music] i'm just gonna give it a nice press and it's where these two were your opening gap i'm just going to tuck that in we're going to give that a nice little tuck line it up nice i'm going to press this nice and flat and then i'm just going to stitch right there and stitch this closed [Music] here it is all stitched together i got that gap enclosed in this little tiny seam as close to the edge as possible i'm just going to tuck the lining in and i will a minute i want to go over to the iron and give this a nice good press so it's got the nice box corners all the seams line up the edge seams line up it lays nice and flat but it's got weight in it so that it can stand up on its own i just love making these little pouches as you can see the tabs are exposed the zipper works just fine and none of the fabric will get caught up in that zipper i had noticed the first time i had turned it right side out there was a little teeny tiny hole that i missed apparently the fabric slipped but i fixed it um there's a small imperfection here but for the most part it all lines up pretty nice and i'm happy with it so this is what i've got so far hopefully i will i still have a lot of these scraps left over as you can see in this one here it's got i used some other scrap material that i had and i combined it with the pink and the neon yellow that was in the original scraps so i just cut them up to be the same size and added them to this bag this one that you saw me working on um i just took a combination of the scraps and turned it into this style and then this one here i liked the idea of the blocks but i just changed the color order of how they were and i did you know one this way one this way and one that way that's why this one's a little bit wider so that's it guys this is what i've made out of the scraps so far like i said i've got quite a few scraps left over and um i will be making a full project bag probably some more of these zipper pouches maybe changing this this background color of the gray that i used but i just had so much fun working on these and i hope you liked this video alright alright guys well that is all i have for you now it turned out so stinking cute i just love the little tabs on the zipper instead of having the bag that goes at an angle here i just thought this was a cute little added you can you know hang it in your suitcase for travel um just anything i just it just looks cute to me i just like the way it looks and i did the best i could to line up the sides which i think they lined up that's why i always put a pin on either side of this seam when i'm sewing panels like this together i just think it turned out so cute it's got that inch and a half boxed bottom it stands up on its own and this is what i've made so far i have several more of the strips cut prepped iron cleaned up ready to go to make some more zippered pouches and i also want to make an actual project bag utilizing some of these i have a lot of these strips left from the scraps that i rescued and i hope you enjoyed watching this stay tuned see you next time alaska crafty gal victoria here bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Alaska Crafty Gal Victoria
Views: 64,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sewing with scraps, fabric scrap ideas, scrap fabric projects, Scrap fabric sewing ideas, Thrifted fabric, textiles, fabric, scrappy sewing, sewing
Id: 3eh_tQvicoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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