Self Binding Placemat - SUPER SIMPLE!!

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[Music] hi all i thought today i would show you how to make a super simple two fabric self-binding placemat we have pulled out some of the pairings to give you some ideas they are currently available in my store for purchase while the quantities last there's so many combinations that you can do you could take two contrasting fabrics two complementary ones it works great with seasonal fabrics with novelty fabrics wonderful with batiks they make great presents for our friends and family or maybe just for us just because so let's get started all we need to make two placemats is .35 of a meter of a main fabric .45 of a backing and also 0.35 of a fusible fleece i do prefer the fusible fleece as it's 100 polyester and it doesn't shrink like some cottons do for our american friends it would be a half a yard each of our main our backing and our batting so you can see for the main fabric i cut my placemat at 13 inches by 17 inches and this will be the finished size of the placemat our backing fabric we cut at 17 by 21 we want to make sure that it's two inch bigger all the way around and then also our batting will be cut our finished size at 13 by 17. so here we go just to give this a press and then i need to find my centers this will just help our placement a little bit better [Music] so i'm going to fold in half and give our fold a press and i'm going to fold it again in half in the other direction just so we can find the centers of our sides we are going to take our fusible batting we're going to put it with the fusible side up and it's the rough side you can feel the little the bumps of the glue on there and i am going to take my fabric with the right side up and i am going to press it to my batting i like to use steam at this time and take our time remember we have to melt that glue that's what sticks so it does take a minute or two to get this stuck down properly now i'm going to find the centers of these sides and i can mark these with a pin just like that and also the centers of these sides one there and there okay so now we're going to take our backing fabric and we are going to place it right side down i'm using a batik so there's really no right or wrong side with this but just remember if it's a regular fabric the right side is down this is the wrong side i'm going to place my placemat right side up and now you can barely see them but you can see my fold lines i am going to align those to the center of my pins and that will center my placemat you can see if we want to measure it is going to be two inches on all our sides i am just going to put a little bit of glue on here just to hold this in place i like to use the 505 it's also available in my store i don't need that much and i do like to turn it over and just make sure that there's no wrinkles in our backing if you don't have any glue we can always put in just a few pins just to hold it in place because we do have to do a little bit of quilting on here for time wise i am just going to do a cross but this is one of the places where we can actually um use some of our fancy stitches on our sewing machine we can also use um our free motion and start using it there to practice your free motion and if i had a longer ruler this would probably work better but i am using white chalk it's my preferred method of marking something for quilting you can also use the friction markers but remember they may come back after they're washed but this i like to use either the white chalk or a blue wash away now again you can also use one of the fancy stitches on your sewing machine or just a plain straight stitch if that's all you have so i like to move it to about a three and a half 3.5 just a little bit longer stitch and we're just going to quilt now i am going to lock my stitches at the beginning and at the end of the row by either using the tack button or by backing going back and forward a little bit i'm going to the end and then i'm going to lock stitch it again or again back up and forward a couple stitches we're going to do one in the other direction again i can just back up back forward forward backwards to the races just going to trim my threads now i i quilted with orange and i will also sew my corners with the orange just so you can see them a bit better but if i was really doing this i would probably be using black thread because my backing is black okay let me just get rid of my wool mat and get my cutting board now we do need um a little special tool but it might be what you already have in your sewing box i want to have a ruler that has 245 lines that intersect at the quarter inch of our ruler so you can see this is one of my favorite rulers it's a creative grid six and a half by twelve and a half they have those two 45 inch lines that intersect right at the corner another favorite ruler of mine is our studio 180 wing clipper ruler again it has the two 45 inch lines that intersect at that quarter inch mark i believe uh there's probably other rulers out there i know that um the square squared ruler also would have that marking on it just so long as you have two 45 degree lines that intersect a quarter inch from the edge of your ruler so what i'm going to do now is i need my cutting but my mat back i forgot to press the seams so what i want to do is i want to press my backing fabric so the edge is lined up with the edge of my placemat and i do have a little bit of steam on there just because i want to get a nice crisp fold again just to say that it's just on the edge i don't want to overlap it at all i'm just going to open this up and do this side there we go okay back to our cutting i'm going to take my ruler i'm going to open up my seam and i am going to draw with my chalk or a pencil or whatever you can see on your fabric right in that fold line that we fold it into our fabric just like that so now i'm going to take my ruler and i'm going to take those intersecting diagonal lines and i am going to align them right up on the edge of my place mat along the front i am going to take my rotary cutter you can see that i'm going to have that quarter inch seam allowance left at the point i am going to cut my corner off i'm just going to place my quarter inch foot on my sewing machine i didn't use that when i was quilting and i'm going to move my stitch length back down to two now i'm going to place this right sides together for my backings i'm going to align my edges and i'm going to sew from that drawn line off to the inside corner i can put a pin out here just to keep that together and here i go so i want to start at the line and then i can either back stitch or lock so if you're going to back stitch take two stitches forward go two stitches back and then forward again and at this end i definitely want to go off the edge and then back stitch and that's going to keep that corner nice and tight i'm going to do that on all four corners so we're going to mark i'll line up our edges to cut right sides together [Music] two aligning the lines cutting our corner folding the backing right side together make sure you don't sew on top of your placemat we just want to sew the backing and our last corner mark it cut it fold it sew it perfect now we're just going to trim our excess threads off and fold our corners okay so take your seam that you sew in open it up stick your thumb right in the corner and push it right around you can also use your purple thing if you have to and poke out the corner a little bit do that to all four corners press our seam open with our thumb flip one last corner open the seam flip and now i'm just going to press this again pressing all these in folding that edge back under up to the edge laying it nice and flat so you can see we have this beautiful sewn mitered corner now all i'm going to do is stitch this down i think i'm going to change my thread to black this time instead of the orange i am just going to use a straight stitch so i'm going to move it up to a 3 and a half again to match the quilting that i did on the placemat when i'm doing binding i also like to use my open toe applique foot it just gives me a really nice place that i can see well we can put some pins in here but it stays down pretty good by itself so what i like to do is i like to set it up with the inside toe of my foot right along the edge of my binding and i am going to move my needle so it is about an eighth of an inch away from the edge i'm going to just lock my stitches and sew all the way around at the corner i'm going to sew until the mitered seam i'm going to put my needle in the down position lift my foot and i'm just going to pivot around and sew down the other side sewing with a fast 720 today so i love when my needle goes in the down position my foot just hovers up a little bit so i can pivot around the corner without having to do anything else once i so start sewing my foot will go back down and off i go and because i didn't start right at the corner i'm just going to come back around till i meet my stitches and i'm going to lock them cut them and super simple we could be done i could also do maybe a little bit more quilting in there if i like and i have a couple other examples that i'd like to show you so you can see my chicken one i don't know if you can focus in or not color wise it's hard to see but because we buy these fancy machines we need to justify needing all these stitches so you can see i quilted this one with a serpentine what's really great with the serpentine stitch too is if you fall off of your line it doesn't show because it just zigs back and forth across the line and i don't know if you can focus in here but i used a blanket stitch to sew this one down i don't know i probably won't show this is another one that i've been working on you can see that i was practicing my free motion quilting so i took a pattern that was a leaf and i was just outlining the shapes of the leaves and i had this wonderful leaf shape in my sewing machine so i used some variegated thread made a contrast from my binding and sew my binding down with that you can see right here you could also if that's all you have you could use a little zigzag the sky's the limit so you can go super simple and easy or do a little bit more thank you for joining me today if you've liked what you've seen please like my video and maybe subscribe to my youtube channel so you'll get more notification of more of these videos as they come available happy sewing [Music] you
Channel: Cindy Bee
Views: 119,741
Rating: 4.9264388 out of 5
Keywords: sewing, quilting, diy, tutorial, sew, quilt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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