Crazy neighbor’s SECRET caught on camera

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today's story is about a typical middle-class american family that had everything going for them mom and dad were still totally in love 25 years after getting married their two kids were happy successful and poised to do huge things in life but then in 2021 it was like things just started to go so badly for this family it was like they had hit the stretch of unfathomably bad luck but their misfortunes had nothing to do with bad luck their misfortunes were the result of someone in their midst carrying around a very big secret but before we get into today's story if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once a week so if that's of interest to you the next time the like button is in a deep sleep put a wig on them also a beard and mustache combo and then disguise their room to look like a hospital suite and then violently shake them awake and tell them they've just woken up after being in a medically induced coma for years also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads okay let's get into today's story [Music] in the early 1990s a woman in her early 20s named christa froeder was working as a manager inside of a retail store called the boston store in madison wisconsin not long after she was hired there the boston store would hire another employee to work at their madison location his name was bart halderson and like krista he was in his early 20s although he was three years younger than krista and he was hired to be a clerk bart and krista didn't know each other before working at the same location but their shifts often overlapped and so in time they got to know each other and they found they had a lot in common they both had grown up roughly outside of madison wisconsin they both had graduated from the same college the university of wisconsin-madison and they both shared a love of home design krista who had majored in art history in college was very passionate about interior home design as for bart he was just one of those people who naturally could fix just about anything with his bare hands and growing up his favorite projects were anything to do with home repairs whether it was something super simple or super complex he didn't care he just found it incredibly satisfying to keep a home in immaculate condition and so bart and krista bonded over their commonalities and in time their working friendship evolved into a full-fledged romance and by 1994 they had left the boston store they had gotten married and they had moved in together to their own apartment in de forest wisconsin which is not far from madison two years after that in 1996 bart and christa welcomed their first child into the world it was a little boy who they named mitchell and as soon as mitchell was born krista decided she wanted to stay home with the baby and bart was in full support and so he went out and he got a great job as an accountant which paid enough money to pay for the whole family and 18 months after mitchell was born bart and krista welcomed their second and final child another boy who they named chandler a few years after chandler was born bart and krista had saved up just enough money that they could finally afford to buy a house of their own and the house they finally settled on was just this very modest small two-story home in this very quiet little town in wisconsin called windsor windsor is not far from deforest where they had been renting an apartment but this little house in windsor was perfect for bart christa and their boys not only did it have enough space for the family but because it was their own house as soon as they moved in krista got to really lean in to her passion for interior design and she got to design the entire layout of the house and then she continued to take pride in keeping the house perfectly tidy and beautiful at all times as for bart he immediately began doing home repair project after home repair project this house became his trophy and he wanted to make sure his trophy was polished at all times and it wasn't just the physical house that made this feel like their forever home it was also their neighbors as soon as they moved in bart and christa made friends with all of the people that lived on their street and they were all so friendly and welcoming and then before long the haltersons were deeply invested in community activities like the boy scouts and the kiwanis club and they were donating their time and money to other charities i mean so quickly the halderson family just found where they belonged and over the next two plus decades life for the haltersons in this little home in windsor remained perfect bart continued to move up the ladder at his accounting firm and krista continued to be a devoted mother and housekeeper as for the kids mitchell and chandler they were given every opportunity their parents could possibly give them and in that loving and supportive environment they both thrived by 2021 the older brother mitchell who was 25 at the time he had moved out and was living alone in an apartment and he had graduated from college he had landed an incredible i.t job with a local very successful company he was engaged to be married and he was about to buy his own house as for the younger brother chandler who was 23 at the time he was still living at home with barton krista but he was doing just as well as his older brother he was in his final year of college but he had already accepted a full-time job with spacex that was set to start in florida as soon as he graduated and while he was in his final year of college in between his studies he worked part-time at a local insurance company to help pay rent to his parents and he also volunteered the rest of his spare time with the madison police department on their rescue scuba diving team chandler was also in a committed relationship with his girlfriend but despite how well everything was going for bart for krista for mitchell for chandler their lives were about to take a serious turn for the worst it all started in june of 2021 that month chandler who was only weeks away from flying out to titusville florida to start his job with spacex fell down an entire flight of stairs smashing his head in the process now he immediately picked himself up and tried to tell himself that he was okay but over the course of that day he started to feel woozy and disoriented and his legs started to feel numb and so in a panic he rushed himself to the hospital and unfortunately when they scanned his brain and they checked him out the doctors discovered he had a severe concussion from this ball and he had a brain bleed that almost certainly would require surgery at some point down the road also the numbness in his legs appeared to be the result of permanent nerve damage and so suddenly chandler who was so excited about this opportunity in florida is now back home in a neck brace with a cane to get around and even with the cane he can barely walk and then adding insult to injury he almost immediately lost the job at spacex because he couldn't travel to florida to start the job and so they filled it with someone else chandler did his best to stay positive and optimistic but i mean this was a crushing blow everything he had worked for had just been taken away and it was crushing for his family too i mean seeing their beloved chaz as they called him laying on the couch looking totally miserable and depressed all day was awful but despite how bad chandler's accident was the trauma it inflicted on chandler and his family was nothing compared to what happened next the haldersons owned a small cabin that was located in a part of wisconsin called white lake it was located about three hours drive to the north of their home in windsor and the cabin was situated inside of this rural forested area right near a big lake called white lake hence the name of the area this cabin had been in the halderson family since the 1940s and when mitchell and chandler were little kids bart and christa would take them up there all the time to go fishing to go swimming or just to relax it was like their vacation home but at some point chandler and mitchell reached a certain age where they weren't that interested in going to the cabin anymore and so as a result bart and krista basically stopped going however just two weeks after chandler's horrific injury there was this huge storm that rolled through the white lake area and after the storm had passed some people who lived permanently in white lake called barton krista and told them hey i was driving past your cabin and i saw there was some broken windows it looks like your cabin might have been damaged from this storm and so bart and krista they're thinking oh my goodness we got to get up there as soon as we can and patch up that window and fix the rest of the cabin before another storm rolls through and totally ruins the cabin and so bart and christa pull out their calendar and they see the next weekend coming up is the 4th of july weekend the 4th of july is a very big holiday in america it's when we celebrate our independence and the way white lake celebrates the 4th of july is with a big parade down main street and these amazing fireworks out over white lake and so bart and krista they figure you know what let's just hold off and head up to our cabin in a couple of days to time it with the fourth of july weekend and we can make the necessary repairs and we can enjoy the festivities of the holiday and kind of have a mini vacation up there and so that was all fine and good but right before they left for this trip up to white lake bart and christa started acting a little weird on the evening of thursday july 1st the day before bart and krista are supposed to leave for this trip they begin packing up their things and since chandler lives with them he's at home he sees them doing this and at some point he kind of got up and hobbled over and tried to help them pack but that was short-lived because his legs were so weak and so he sat down and just kind of watched them pack and what he saw is they were packing lots and lots of cash and silver bars into their luggage although this was kind of odd to chandler he decided not to say anything because he figured you know what maybe they want to stash their cash and silver in the cabin like a keepsake i don't know but it's their business it's not mine and so bart and krista they continue to pack up their things and chandler because he can't go anywhere just continues to kind of watch them pack and at some point chandler asked his parents so how are you getting up to white lake and his parents would say oh we're just getting a ride from our friends another couple they're driving us up but they didn't tell him who the couple was they basically just said it's our friends and so again chandler's sitting there thinking okay this whole thing is a little bit weird but you know what it's their business i'm not going to ask about it they obviously don't want to tell me and so he just kind of let it go and so at some point bart and krista they finish packing and they move all their luggage to the front of the house right near the front door and then a little while later they and chandler would retreat to their rooms and they would go to sleep the next morning july 2nd friday chandler got up early at about 6 am and when he got up he began slowly hobbling his way down the stairs expecting to see his mom and dad having breakfast and you know getting ready to leave because they certainly wouldn't have left without telling him but he gets downstairs and the house is dark and totally empty and all of the bags that his parents had packed the night before and put near the front door they were all gone and so chandler's thinking did my parents get up at like 5 a.m and leave without telling me and so he goes to the door and he looks out the window thinking you know maybe they're out there waiting outside but when he looked outside his parents weren't out there and sure enough their cars were still in the driveway and so chandler was left to believe that well i guess my parents did get picked up by whoever these friends were and they did not feel the need to come tell me they were leaving now this did leave chandler a little bit shaken up he just kept thinking about the strangeness of what they were packing and the fact that he didn't know who they were going with and now this sudden departure but again chandler just told himself that his parents would be just fine you know these are just kind of random anomalies but they are not indicative of there being any issue here and so chandler found a way to just kind of push these concerns out of his mind and he just went about his day and so because his parents were now going to be gone for the weekend he promptly called his girlfriend catherine and asked her to come over and stay at his house with him for a couple of days and so she would she comes over and because chandler can't really do anything because of his injury they basically spent the weekend just kind of lounging around and eating nice food and watching netflix but by the end of the weekend on sunday morning there was an undertone that both of them noticed that something was wrong chandler had told his girlfriend about the strangeness of his parents quick departure to white lake but he had said to her you know i'm sure it's fine and she basically said the same thing that of course your parents are fine but by sunday bart and krista had still not called or texted or checked in with chandler or mitchell or anybody they were just totally gone and silent and whenever chandler or catherine tried calling bart or christa's cell phone it didn't even ring it just went straight to voicemail but by late that day sunday july 4th when really concerns were starting to mount about what happened to bart and krista krista would text her son chandler and what she basically said was hey we arrived in white lake you know it's packed here the service is terrible but we're going to stick around for the parade and we'll be back either monday night or tuesday early and so as soon as chandler and catherine saw this text message it was like all their worries were completely gone and they were just excited to see bart and krista when they came back the next day or the day after but the next day monday bart and krista did not come home they didn't call anyone they didn't text anyone and again whenever anybody tried calling their cell phones which now was chandler catherine and also mitchell who had been looped in on what's going on with his parents whenever they tried calling them bart and christa's phone didn't ring it just went straight to voicemail and then the day after that on tuesday july 6th so this was the day that christa said they would be home by they didn't come home and again no one could get in touch with them and again they did not contact anyone additionally on tuesday krista's office began calling chandler and mitchell asking if they knew where crystal was krista had recently taken up a customer service job at an auto body shop and apparently she was scheduled to work on that day tuesday the 6th and she was scheduled to work on that previous friday which was the day bart and krysta left for the lake meaning she had left on this trip without telling anybody at work and according to her boss krysta was the type of person who even if she was running a couple of minutes late she would call ahead or text ahead and let people know so for her to just completely not show up and tell no one was totally out of character but before chandler mitchell and catherine could process this information bart's employer began calling them asking the same things hey do you know where bart is he's supposed to be working right now and we can't get in touch with him and he didn't put in for time off and so all afternoon on tuesday the 6th chandler mitchell and catherine and other family members are trying to call bart and krista they're calling other people in white lake to see if anybody knows where they are but nobody does and so finally the next morning on wednesday july 7th when still there was no word from barton christa chandler goes to the police and he files a missing person report and pretty much right away the police in windsor contacted the police up north in white lake and asked them to do a check on this cabin to see if maybe bart and krista were there and maybe they just had terrible service or you know maybe there was some sort of accident or something that happened but when the white lake police arrived at the halterson cabin bart and crystal were not there no one was there in fact the cabin looked like it had not been used in months the outside was totally overgrown and inside there was no food in the fridge and interestingly the police would also tell chandler mitchell and catherine that there was no damage done to this cabin there were no broken windows or any sign at least no obvious sign of storm damage to this cabin and so after this revelation of course bart and christa's family is like wait a minute who called them and told them to head up there to fix these obvious broken windows are those the same mystery friends that drove them up in the first place i mean what's going on here was this some sort of trap if they've been set up are they okay and so by the following day thursday july 8th when still there was no sign of bart or krista and the police really didn't have any new leads to speak of chandler was desperate and so he went to local media and he said please run a story about my parents and get the word out there that they're missing and maybe someone knows something and they'll come forward and so local media they would do that they would run this piece and so while this media coverage is going on on the 8th chandler would go back to his home and he would hobble door to door asking each of his neighbors if they had a security camera on the front of their house that might have picked up an angle of the street and so may have seen his parents on the morning of july 2nd when they climbed into that mystery couple's car that took them up to white lake chandler was hoping that if he got this footage somebody would be able to identify who these mystery friends were but unfortunately none of his neighbors had that footage but as it would turn out it didn't matter because on that day the eighth the police made a discovery that at first seemed relatively minor relatively small but when they examined it more closely they realized it was a huge discovery and it completely broke the case wide open to understand this breakthrough we have to go back to june 29th 2021 so three days before bart and krista hopped into that mystery person's car and headed up to whitelake on that day june 29th bart had finally just had it there had been something bothering him for a really long time and he had just finally decided you know what today i'm gonna get to the bottom of it and so bart pulled out his phone he punched in a number he put it to his ear and after a few rings a young man named omar jobe answered his call in total bart and omar would talk on the phone for a total of 17 minutes and for the first half of the call it was basically just bart being really angry and aggressive towards omar but then during the second half of the call when omar really had a chance to speak for the first time bart's tone completely changed he was no longer angry he actually sounded totally defeated and so after this 17-minute phone call finally comes to an end bart is left kind of in shock but he knows he now needs to set up an even more intense meeting with a group of people and he needs to tell them what he just learned from omar and within 24 hours bart had set this additional high-stakes meeting with this other group it was set for 3 p.m on july 1st july 1st was the day before bart and krista would leave for whitelake and so on july 1st the day of this new pivotal meeting bart was working from home and at some point he looked at his watch and he saw it was just after 2 pm and even though this meeting he was going to have was still an hour away the location of the meeting was a bit of a drive away and so he knew he needed to leave soon and so bart stopped working and he texted chandler who was in the house with him he just said ready to leave when you are chandler was aware of how important this meeting was for his dad he also understood the terrible position his dad was in and so he had agreed to go with his dad to this meeting and so after a couple of minutes both chandler and bart have gotten dressed and ready for this meeting and they met downstairs on the first floor and after kind of a nod to each other they begin walking towards the front door but then something happens chandler was standing behind bart and so as they're moving towards the door chandler reaches out and grabs a rifle he was hiding on the first floor he raises it and he fires at least two shots into his father's back and then once his father fell to the ground and was either dead or dying chandler calm as can be pulled out his phone and he texted his mother and told her hey dad's phone is dead so just text me and then chandler also sent his mother a text saying get soda on your way home to which his mother just wrote k i can smiley face all chandler was trying to do was buy as much time as possible to prep the house for his mother's return and so over the next couple of hours we don't know exactly what chandler did but it's assumed he moved his father's body into some hiding place and then after maybe trying to clean up a little bit chandler laid in wait for his mother and at 4 58 p.m krista would clock out of her job at the automotive shop she would make a pit stop at a store to buy chandler some soda and then between 5 15 and 5 30 security cameras on neighbors houses would pick her up pulling into her driveway and then just a couple of minutes later she walked inside of her beautiful little dream home where she had raised her family over the past couple of decades only to be immediately gunned down by her son the second she walked inside it would turn out chandler was living a double life he had never graduated from college he had gone to college but for like a semester and flunked out but he just kept telling his friends and family that he was progressing through college and then he graduated from college all made up he also did not have a job at the insurance company he just told his family that he worked from home which really meant he sat in his room and played video games all day he was not a rescue scuba diver for the madison police department because one he was not a scuba diver and two because the madison police department did not have a rescue scuba diving team and needless to say he did not have a job with spacex he had never even applied as for his head injury he may have bumped his head at some point and he did go to the doctors by himself sometime in mid-june but that doctor just told him he might have a mild concussion and then offered him a neck brace and told him you don't need to wear it that's only if you want to wear it but then very quickly chandler turned this non-injury into a debilitating crippling life-altering injury and literally hobbled all around with a neck brace and cane and the reason he did that is he needed an excuse for why he wasn't starting his job at spacex in short chandler lied about virtually every aspect of his life to virtually everyone in his life and for the most part people did believe him however his parents were becoming more and more suspicious specifically in 2021 he was telling them oh yeah i'm working at the insurance company but he never had any money he could barely pay rent to his family if at all and so his dad would say to him how is it you are employed but have no money and the way chandler would handle this is he would create fake email accounts pretending to be people in hr at this insurance company and then acting as them he would write these convoluted emails that had these ridiculous excuses for why chandler had not been paid yet and so he would have that fake email account email his real account and then chandler in his actual email would write back really angrily and sternly saying you gotta fix this my family's not happy and then he would once again pretend to be the hr person who would say i'm sorry it's some issue that you can't affect we're gonna fix it but you gotta wait and chandler would take these exchanges and he would forward them to his father and while bart didn't necessarily totally believe what he was being shown it was enough to get him to stop asking questions but bart and krista were also suspicious of other aspects of chandler's life like for example his school records at some point he needed to show them his transcripts and he would tell them oh you know i can't i can't access my transcripts and so bart and krista are like why can't you just log in and pull up your unofficial transcripts at least and the way chandler would handle this was the same way he handled the insurance company he would create fictitious email accounts of people that were college advisors at madison college where he claimed to have gone and graduated from and he would do those phony back and forths where it looked like the college was telling chandler sorry you can't get your transcripts it's this huge problem that's totally our fault not yours but you just gotta wait there's nothing else you can do we can't get them for you right now and when chandler would send these exchanges to bart bart would get totally worked up about it and finally he demanded that chandler give him a phone number so he can talk to one of these college advisors and so chandler went out and got a burner phone from a convenience store and he gave that phone number to his dad and then when his dad called this number up somebody picked up someone introducing themselves as daniel spieth which really was just chandler disguising his voice and daniel spieth would give bart the same spiel about how oh i'm so sorry it's all the college's fault that we can't get your son's transcripts you're just gonna have to wait and so finally on june 29th 2021 bart had just had it with his son he was convinced his son was lying or there was something going on there was just too much about his son's life that didn't add up and so bart decided he was just going to call madison college and pretend to be chandler and see if he could get his transcripts and so he dialed a number for customer service at madison college and after a few rings omar jobe a customer service rep at madison college picked up and initially bart was kind of aggressive and mean towards omar for really no reason other than he was just so frustrated with this whole situation and so he's on this call pretending to be chandler and he's kind of barking at omar to give me my transcripts right now i go to your school there's no reason you can keep them from me but then after a couple of minutes omar finally was able to talk and he said you know hey chandler i looked you up in the system and you don't go to this school you've never gone to the school saved for maybe one semester and you failed out and so it's at this point when bart hears this that he just pauses for a really long amount of time on this call and then he begins asking follow-up questions that are not really connected to trying to get transcripts because now he knows the transcripts don't exist because his son didn't go to school and so he begins asking omar does daniel spieth still work there and so omar would look him up and he would say no there's no daniel spieth that works here and there's no daniel spieth that's ever worked here and because chandler had used like five or six different names when pretending to be college advisors for madison college bart in addition to asking about that daniel spieth guy asked about every other name he had interacted with believing he was talking to madison college and one by one omar told him i'm sorry those people do not work here i've never heard of these people they're not in the directory i'm sorry and so finally at the end of that 17-minute call bart knew his son was living a huge lie and so he hung up with omar and then bart called real college advisors at madison college and he set a meeting for july 1st at 3 p.m and then he told chandler that he had set this meeting and chandler was going to come with him and they together were going to ask those college advisors why they can't produce chandler's transcripts now bart of course knew chandler did not have transcripts and so he likely had set this meeting to get chandler to call the meeting off and come clean about this big lie so that bart could get his son back on the right track stop lying and live a real life but the way chandler handled being caught was not to own up to any of this he didn't call off the meeting he just waited until the day of the meeting and then he killed his father killed his mother and then dismembered their bodies and burned their body parts in the family fireplace including their heads and then when he couldn't destroy their bodies completely he took what was left of their remains and scattered them all over town in parks and forests and rivers he even put his father's headless armless legless torso behind his girlfriend's parents house and all the while as he's doing this he's spinning this ridiculous story to his girlfriend to his brother to other members of the halterson family to police to colleagues of bart and krista that barton christa just up and left on the morning of july 2nd with this mystery couple and oh by the way my parents they were putting cash and silver bars in their luggage so i don't know they went up to white lake and now they're gone i don't know what happened to them we don't know why chandler chose the story he did it's unclear if he was trying to make it seem like his parents were suspicious and had gotten into something that had maybe gotten them harmed or kidnapped or if he was trying to make it seem like his parents were just super gullible and had been taken advantage of by this mystery couple we don't know he was just trying to make the whole situation seem plausibly suspicious ultimately though chandler did so many things that got him caught from the mountain of physical evidence he left behind inside of his house where he killed and dismembered his parents and also at the various dump sites where he didn't even bury the body parts he would just put them underneath sticks and branches and so they were very easy to find to his extremely suspicious behavior on july 7th when he walked into the police station and reported his parents missing that whole time he was talking to police officers he was acting so weird and was just saying things that didn't make sense and he just totally came off like a guy who did not care at all that his parents were gone and really just seemed like a guy who was hiding something but the big breakthrough that happened on july 8th that broke the case open stemmed from the text message krista's phone sent to chandler's phone on july 4th when chandler walked into the police station on july 7th and said my parents are missing one of the first questions they had for him was okay well when was the last time you spoke to your parents and chandler would tell them he got a text message from his mother krista on sunday july 4th and then he showed them the text message and the text message said that they had arrived in white lake and they were going to be sticking around for the parade and they'd be back in a couple of days but the police noticed that this text message had been sent on july 4th but in white lake that year the parade was on july 3rd so when this text came through the parade that anyone in white lake would be aware of it's a small place you're not going to miss this parade the parade had already happened so why would krista be texting her son that she was going to stick around in white lake for the parade that had already happened and so this led police to check phone records and they would discover that text message was sent from krista's phone to chandler's phone but when it was sent on july 4th krista's phone was not in white lake instead it was inside of the halderson home right near chandler's phone and so when police went to the halderson house they searched it and they found krista's phone in the garage underneath a drawer inside of a shoe wrapped in tin foil next to her driver's license and so chandler had obviously sent that text message on july 4th using his mother's phone to himself but he had just gotten the date wrong of the parade and so this discrepancy really opened up the floodgates and before long it was beyond obvious that chandler was the killer and after a thorough investigation it was determined that chandler had acted entirely alone meaning catherine his girlfriend and his brother mitchell had nothing to do with it they were just innocent bystanders chandler would ultimately be found guilty of killing his parents and he would be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole chandler has still not taken any responsibility for what he's done instead he just tells anybody who will listen that his plan is to continue to appeal his verdict [Music] so that's going to do it if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already the next time the like button is in a deep sleep put a wig on them along with a mustache beard combo and then decorate their bedroom to look like a hospital suite and then violently shake them awake and tell them they've been in a medically induced coma for years also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads we now have a podcast called the mr ball and podcast that puts out brand new stories on monday mornings and we put out remasters of our best youtube audio on thursday mornings that podcast is available on youtube spotify apple podcast amazon google basically anywhere you can find podcasts you can find this one we now have a registered 501c3 charitable organization called the mr ballin foundation that makes it as easy as possible for you to join me my family and my team in supporting those whose lives have been most impacted by violent and heinous crimes monthly donors to the mr ballin foundation honor them society will receive free gifts and exclusive invites to special live events but the real reward is helping to create a new ending to the story for victims of violent crime go to and click get involved to join the honor them society today we also have two additional youtube channels one is called mr ball and shorts the other is called mr ballen and espanol we also post near daily content on facebook and snapchat both of those pages are just called mr ballen if you want to get in touch with me please follow me on any major social media platform and then send me a direct message my username is just at mr ballen and i really do read the majority of my dms we also have some really cool merchandise so head on over to to have a look also if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube facebook other youtube channels the podcast wherever just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 8,120,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, true story, chandler halderson, bart halderson, Krista halderson, Madison, deforest, Windsor, white lake, lake, 4th of July, Independence Day, holiday, cabin, vacation home, vacation, mystery, lie, liar, catfish, deception, panic, caught in 4k, caught redhanded, evidence, dump site, brutal, fire, fireplace, horrific, wow
Id: 9rmBq8iUMSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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