r/ProRevenge - He REFUSED to move his scooter, so i did this...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today subreddit is our slash petty revenge this story's called what happens when an entitled Karen meets a petty teenager and fast-food worker I was listening to our slash today and I remembered this story this isn't my petty revenge but I was witness to it as you all know a lot of 20:20 graduates got screwed over when it came to you know graduating to lift our spirits Krispy Kreme decided that on national donut day every twenty twenty graduate who could prove they were a graduate with a cap and gown grad March diploma etc would get a free dozen donuts there is one Krispy Kreme in my town additionally you should not underestimate the will of teenagers and young adults and their desperation for free donuts because by God there were cars in droves wrapping around the Krispy Kreme and into the road for free donuts now I need to describe the Krispy Kreme in order for this to make sense there's a tiny building and there's two entrances one closer to the drive-through one to the parking lot due to the overwhelming amount of customers there were people entering and getting in line through the parking lot entrance and wrapping around in a zig zaggy like line around the parked cars my sister and I were waiting in line like good noodles but as we inched closer to the front this Karen asked obese woman in a muted orange Jeep rolled up beside us through the drive-through entrance we laughed no way was anyone gonna let her in because like I said young broke adults and free donuts plus some of us have been waiting there for over an hour so if Karen here thought us ravenous children were just gonna scooch her on in she was sorely mistaken well Karen didn't stop trying to merge in and what you've yet to know readers is that my sister takes no bullcrap from the people who think they can just ran little cars over and get their way so she floored it's and got on the ass of the car in front of us glaring at Karen Karen is screaming at us blowing her horn and inching closer and closer inside men have a look suddenly Karen fluoridate sin screech towards the passenger door where I was sitting slamming on the brake just as her car was about to hit us both of us and probably a lot of other people screamed ready but she continued to lay on her horn claiming we cut her off I decided we should not engage in the crazy and ignored her my sister however is not like me she was boiling that this woman almost hit us Karen had merged in behind us because I guess the car didn't want to be almost hit like we were and Karen refused to back up so she rolled down the windows I'm like Bonnie don't do anything stupid she'll rear-end us and Bonnie said let her she can pay for it then Karen wanted to order special donuts apparently and was being stupidly specific with each one or at least that's what little I heard over my sister's petty revenge Bonnie pulled up a playlist of graduation music you know the type they plays you walk across the stage to freedom or to a nine-to-five and watching in her rear mirror every time Karen opened her mouth she cranked the radio as loud as it would go drowning her out Karen would lay on her horn demanding we shut up Bonnie would turn it down Karen would start to order again Bonnie would turn it back up I was laughing hysterically for the few minutes it lasted and Bonnie was grinning until I said listen Bonnie the people behind us want their tow nuts reluctantly Bonnie gave in and rounded the corner to get our doughnuts we could hear Karen screaming her order now they better get them right as we pulled up they asked for proof and the girl said one dozen doughnuts gotcha and ducked back inside we waited karen rolled in behind us a different worker appeared the window she leaned out did you get helped she had asked yeah I said we did we're just waiting the worker glanced out of the corner of her eye at the orange Jeep she looked at us then back at Karen Karen blue on her horn again likely demanding we hurry up it was like a light bulb flashed and a grin appeared on her face here you are she exclaimed passing two boxes of donuts through the window enjoy and congratulations my sister and I were too stunned to say anything assuming she saw the two of us and presumed we were both grads so we took our doughnuts and left laughing at our good fortune wanting to eat a doughnuts I popped open the top box and gasps a special 12 dozen doughnuts I was staring at it then glanced at Bonnie these were specifically ordered not an assorted dozen nor were they the special 2020 box that we received as me being a grad on top of the box was written special order Bonnie hmm a quivering laugh escaping my lips we stole Karen's doughnuts yo Krispy Kreme is so good I haven't had it very many times but the few times I've had it were very special the texture that they have in those doughnuts should be illegal it's like insanely addictive you you eat one and you're like wow I want another one's to eat another one and then like you keep doing that and like you don't notice that you ate like five donuts and like you're a fat ass now there's nothing you can do about it this story's called don't want to play how we agreed you're gonna have a bad time this will be just a quick one that popped into my head from childhood me and my friend Mary knew each other our whole lives due to our moms being friends before us we would go over to each other's houses and play on the weekends which was nice sometimes but other times Mary would be bossy emotionally manipulative and moody it all makes sense if you looked at her family until they would be constantly yelling and arguing I would pick up on all these emotional changes and try to comply with her from one to the next thinking that this was a normal friendship I did not have a lot of experience with friends at the time due to homeschooling so things carried on this way for a while however this particular time was enough to get some retaliation from me which I wouldn't be so proud of if I said it now but yeah I was a kid we have just recently come up with a rule that whoever's house we were at we would do what the person who lived there wanted to do I was perfectly fine following her rules cuz we were at her house and she was happy but here comes next weekend where we were at my house and I'm all excited to do the things I want we were fine for a while but then all of a sudden Mary doesn't want to do this or that I told her that we agreed on these rules when Mary spits out even my parents this is where things just clicked and before I knew it I said no wonder your parents yell at you all the time she just looked at me with deer in headlight eyes and started bawling Mary went and told my mom what I did and I got chewed out for it but it was worth it just so there's no misunderstanding we are very good friends now and Mary has grown to be an amazing beautiful person thanks for reading I'm pretty sure I was a brat when I was a kid because of divorce I was raised as an only child for a long long time and so I wasn't fond of the idea of sharing so I I was a brat much like Mary was so I'm glad to see that she grew out of it and she's a good person now because kids don't really have the most control over their behavior and a lot of their behavior is learned behavior this story is called still parking here feel my wrath so here's the story I live in an apartment complex with 30-plus occupants every week our garbage is collected from the two containers we all share both containers are completely filled each week every Tuesday night the containers are placed outside the gates and Wednesday morning we are blessed with empty containers for the neck week sometime at the end of last year a scooter appeared at the spot reserved for garbage collection no biggie maybe it's from someone who's visiting but it didn't go away we soon realized it belongs to a new tenant no one has met this person inside the gates we have a lot of space to park bicycles and scooters yet the scooter was always parked outside the gate do not park here spot reserved for garbage containers the list goes on the scooter didn't go away then it happened the moment I snapped the containers couldn't be placed outside for two weeks now due to that scooter not just being parked there but also blocking the gate when I said the containers are completely filled each week I didn't exaggerate one week of not having our garbage collected caused the alley behind the gate to literally fill with rubbish if you wanted to get out you'd have to climb over five meters 15 feet or something of garbage bags I was done I took out the trash that night and make this person have a taste of his own medicine I could barely roll the containers past the scooter I place them right next to it next up the loose garbage bags i stacked every bag close to the scooter not touching it but just close enough we couldn't get out of the gates now your scooter can't get out I made a masterpiece I was proud now please park your scooter inside the gates alright just answer some often ask questions we did call Management's but they did what we expected which was nothing I move the scooter a few times but because of a wheel lock it's hard to move and it's not my job to move it anyway throwing the scooter in the bin and having it collected will stay a happy thought for me I'm a passive-aggressive butthole not a piece of crap then again there's a camera outside so I wouldn't even dare to do it I absolutely hate living in an area where the garbage collection doesn't frequently enough so there's just a dumpster overflowing with garbage and there's nothing you can do about it besides make a freakin mess and that dude was just exacerbating an already prominent problem like come on man this story's called tricked elementary school bullies into eating under ripe berries I got singled out a lot as a kid because I was an easy target small sensitive nice cried easily I was such an easy target that even bully victims bullied me it didn't usually bother me in fact most the time I didn't even see it as bullying because I was just that naive however every summer my mom sent me and my sister to a Vacation Bible School the church it was hosted at had a bunch of blackberry bushes in the back and during VBS we just usually have a few activities outdoors one year was cowboy themed so we had lasso lessons back there Vacation Bible School was hosted usually right before and or right as the berries were getting ripe because no one wanted to eat under ripe blackberries I was nominated to test a few for ripeness every day a week I'd be forced to eat a few berries that were often horribly bitter and everyone would laugh at me when I had to spit it out this happened every year since kindergarten up until about middle school one year I decided I'd had enough that year the berries were taking their sweet time to ripen and by Friday they looked ripe as usual I was nominated to sample the berries mustering up every ounce of courage and efforts I had I popped one in my mouth my eyes widened in delight wow they're so sweet I don't think they've ever been as good as this year my stomach twisted as my throat convulsed I wanted to spit onto the cement the bitter taste still prominent on my tongue no one noticed as they had already pushed past me to get their own berries I was wiping my tongue on my sleeve as they plucked handfuls of berries all at once Mary's flew into MOUs all at once berries were spat onto the sidewalk a cacophony of tormented wails arose as they realized that no no they weren't ripe the berries weren't sweet at all they tasted awful I was laughing at them just as hard as they would laugh at me but harder as terrible as the berries tasted they were indeed the sweetest I'd ever had as they were sweetened with revenge that was some pretty good revenge and those kids were jerks but I'm sure that felt pretty good giving them a literal taste of their own medicine this story's called neighbor didn't like how I did my own lawn I moved into my house around the same time as my next door neighbor's new construction neighborhood we both do our own lawns they bagged their cuttings I self mulch or leave the cuttings mulched on the lawn and don't bang one day I mow the lawn and leave for some errands I come home to the cuttings I had left on the lawn all raked up and thrown all over my porch indoor with a threatening note telling me if this ever happened again and I didn't do my own lawn properly from now on there would be consequences and it would be worse next time I went over to my neighbor's house and told her I would call the cops for threatening me if she ever tried to stunts like this again and that next time she had a problem maybe try talking with me like an adult and gave her my phone number her husband apologized and said his wife was bat guano crazy and he was really sorry wife never apologized I then promptly didn't mow the lawn for over six months no HOA I made sure to mow the backyard and make a display of bagging those cuttings and carrying them out front for the neighbor to see but left the front nice and overgrown I also ended up having her car towed from in front of her own house coincidentally code enforcement can't force you to mow your lawn but if you leave a vehicle on the street for over two hours without moving it they'll impound $600 later she got her car back and I haven't heard a peep from her edits because you all keep saying key and him referencing the opie I'm a female women can do their own houses and do the lawn too or not in this case okay that poor guy I don't know how I deal with the fact that I'm married to a Karen and realizing it obviously I would never get that far because as soon as any crazy bone starts showing I'm calling out if it doesn't change I'm Audi bro this story's called force me to work past my two weeks notice fine I'll just take my extra week off using sick time my bosses are jerks in the company culture is trash ever since day one of my job my bosses cared little about my work and about my well-being in general they never transition me properly through training and never had time for me because they don't know anything about my work I had to self train myself leading me to making redundant statements on reddit posts I'm kidding you're fine I'm just joking when I finally found another opportunity I was like fornication under consent to the king this company and the bosses I handed in my two weeks notice HR contacted me and sat in a meeting with my bosses to pressure me to stay longer because they needed some more time to find a replacement my job is very important for industrial work and if I am NOT around the industrial work would have to halt I asked if I would be paid more for staying longer and I was told no I said okay I will be happy to stay in extra week but after that I wouldn't be able to stay any longer little did they know that I had accumulated sick leave I don't get compensated for my remaining sick leave days and I called in sick for the entire week best of luck y'all and it's ad I stayed an additional three weeks on top of my two weeks notice sorry about formatting because I mobile edit - wow I didn't expect this post to gain so much attention there was some confusion as to why I had agreed to stay an extra week I was forced to stay an extra we so that I could train the new hire I'm the only one who knows how to do this work for the week I mean they can't really force you to stay unless there's like a contract and you don't want to get sued but but that was very nice of you to stick around to hire replacements but keep in mind when you do stuff like this and you are actually that vital as personnel if you halt the entire business or whatever innocent people are gonna be out of the job for a little while so keep that in mind when you're planning to halt your place of business don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 26,970
Rating: 4.9028778 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 6SWcuyFnVxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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