r/MaliciousCompliance - I DESTROYED my ENTITLED MOM's wealth...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host that got a really cool Super Saiyan teen go on action figure thing that was like 10 bucks and I'm so happy with my purchase it looks so good Zak and today subreddit is our slash malicious compliance this story's called malicious compliance for a math teacher who failed me the year before aka the last time he asked me to show more work this story is kind of long because the malicious compliance was the result of over a year of frustration and anger and the effects are still present 10 plus years later I was your typical obnoxious teen my freshman year of high school I was smart but had an unstable home life that contributed to my poor decision making despite my lack of learning in hard work I had always barely passed my classes my first year in high school I had math for my first period I enjoyed math but frustrated my teacher by rarely doing my work and even less frequently showing my work as the year progressed I fell behind like I did in every class the second half of the year started and I fell further behind in class and more annoyed with my math teacher I would typically submit about 10% of each assignment and expect about 10% credit but because I did not show enough work he would dock me down to 5% despites always being polite I may have been a sucky student but I couldn't stand disruptive or impolite students my feelings toward him were obvious and when I tried to talk to him about my assignments it was clear he was also annoyed with me about three months before the end of the year my sister developed senioritis which affected me because she was my ride to school for those who don't know senioritis is when senior students know they are done with high school either they know they're going to pass their classes or they've been accepted to a college etc they stop carry instead of being good students they decide to do the bare minimum because at this point nothing in high school really matters so she started ditching resulting in me teaching initially I opposed it but as my frustration with my math teacher increased so did my absences towards the end of the year I thought I had time to catch up when my teacher ended up reaching his limit he was frustrated with me and my absences in lack of work then when I was so behind I had no hope of passing he got me removed from the class for the remainder of the year I ended up in study hall or detention for the last three weeks I had to repeat the course the following year instead of over summer school because it was an honors class this resulted in me having a weird schedule because classes were only offered during certain periods for certain grades and I was a sophomore with freshman classes I might have also failed on her science despite knowing those restrictions both me and my math teacher were surprised to find that I was placed in his class for the second year in a row both of us tried to have me transferred out of his class but for me to graduate on time there were no other options the humiliation of my previous year was enough to make me incredibly motivated I was determined to do well enough that even if he hated me he could not have me removed again I made sure to do every problem for every assignment and turned them in on time despite all my effort my grades were mediocre my teacher only gave one point for the correct answer but typically 5 to 7 points for work and he marked me down all the time I talked to him argued that I showed enough work for him to follow but no matter what I tried all he would do was tell me to show more work a large part of the reason I hated showing work was because I had terrible handwriting I previously went to his school that required all of our writing to be done in cursive so I spent years only writing in cursive I actually enjoyed writing in cursive in my cursive it's beautiful when we moved for my dad's job my new school district gave cursive assignments automatic zeroes because they were too hard to read so after years of writing and cursive assuming I'd never need to print again I now had to print everything and my handwriting never recovered as a result to submit legible assignments I tried to write as little as possible my handwriting is still ugly after my grade on the first test did not match what I felt I earned my frustration grew into outright hostility it seemed that no amount of hard work would get me a good grade I finally decided that if I was gonna be miserable I would make my teacher miserable too after trying to spare him the atrocity that was my handwriting I finally decided to comply if he wanted to see more of my work I would show him all the work no more what I need to remove confusing and ugly work no longer would i erase incorrect attempts scribbled across the page because my handwriting was so bad I couldn't write straight no longer would I rewrite only the relevant work and easy-to-follow columns I would write so much work it would be obscene I started writing out every single possible step one by one with labels if I messed up I would leave it and rewrite it somewhere else on every worksheet I would run out of the allotted room in crammed my remaining work into the margins because he did not believe in at paper my assignments went from a few formulas in legible bits of work too cluttered nightmares every bit of white space was filled often spilling onto the back of the paper because there was not any room left homework assignments went from being two to three pages to tend to 15 pages sometimes more all my assignments were just pages and pages of nearly illegible ugly chaotic work I figured it would take a month of this before he broke and asked me to write less because reading and grading it was such a chore about three weeks in I got my first assignment back it was higher than any other grade I had received in his class I was a little shocked but he figured he did not have time to be annoyed yet during the following week all the assignments I received were scored similarly then he finished grading the second test and asked me to come talk to him about my grade I was preparing my speech about malicious compliance as I sat down in the chair by his desk but decided to wait for him to speak first he handed me my test it was covered in chaotic work equations and letters all over at the top was 100% I was stunned into silence I had never gotten a perfect score on a real test before my teacher began to talk to me about how impressed he had been with my work lately he pointed out how even though my work was chaotic it showed my thought process he also pointed out some of the times where I caught my own mistakes mid problem and corrected myself and how on previous assignments I had been doing the same thing he talked about how before I wrote so little that I typically never recovered once I made a mistake he told me this is why he did not allow scrap paper he wanted us to be able to see our mistakes in work as we progressed through our problems I sat in the chair in shock I had said in that chair many times previously typically to try and debate with him over my scores I also said in that chair when he told me half a year prior that I had no hope for passing his class i sat in the chair of someone I had despised for over a year as he complimented me and told me that he always knew I was capable and he struggled to watch me fail he talked about how happy he was to see my progress and basically that he knew I would do well once I stopped making stupid mistakes I wrote down all the steps to annoy my teacher improve him wrong and learned instead that I was being a bad student I learned it is easy to make a simple mistake that can lead to the wrong answer but when you see your work it helps you think clearly and catch simple mistakes by the end of the year I had one of the highest grades in the class home life was still crap and when we did group work many people wanted to work with me the math teacher and I became friends I learned he lived in my neighborhood and would visit him sometimes when I came back to town years later and he ended up as my favorite teacher of all time I'm in my last semester of college took 10 years because life is crazy and after this semester I will graduate as an engineer I have used this lesson every day for every assignment and would never had made it had I not tried to punish my teacher with malicious compliance wow that was actually unexpectedly wholesome that was a really creative way to tell the story like Opie took us through their mindset throughout the the two years that he was in that class and that was really good because it just caused us to not be able to predict the outcome and it just goes to show that not everyone is out to get you some people really really want you to do better so that's why they're hard on you and it's really nice to see people having a lasting relationship with their teacher because says you know I'm a big fan of teachers this story's called mom told me to leave so I did law enforcement got involved and she lost everything Wow this happened when I was 15 my mom was let's be real she probably still is a mentally emotionally and physically bad person narcissist some highlights are when she was teaching my twin sister and I to read at the age of four or so it was around 2:00 a.m. and my sister was having trouble learning so my mother's solution was to beat her with a sandal every time she got a flash card wrong same thing happened when my mother had me transcribe an essay she had written to my handwriting when I was 7 every time I started a letter from the wrong position like starting a capital M from the bottom line she would beat me with one of her Birkenstocks this too happened later at night so when I got too delirious from the exhaustion in pain she would drag me by the neck and literally throw me into a cold shower to wake me up so we could more easily continue the waking nightmare when I was 13 I told her I wanted to live with my dad they were divorced and she told me she didn't care what I did after I turned 18 I later figured out that this was because the child support stopped at 18 anywho fast-forward to age 15 our relationship was understandably strained we had had guests and she liked to use guests as a way of controlling our behavior through shame it's easier to be an angsty teenager when your grown-up friends from church aren't watching and judging everything you do this made it easier for her to pretend to be a firm but loving mother all while slipping in sideways comments like velvet daggers well I decided I wasn't going to subject myself to the whole thing and spent the day outside in the woods nearby we lived in the mountains at the time so it was less than a Phee from the house what I saw our guests had left I went to go back inside my mother perhaps unhappy at being denied a day long emotional mistreatment routine told me I wasn't welcome in that I should leave my fifteen year old brain heard her words and knew that she only meant for a little while but it also recognized that failure to specify any timeframe at all so I hiked a couple miles to my friend's house and asked if I could spend a couple days there when my friend's dad found out that I was there and why he was pissed and said I could stay as long as I needed I didn't go home that evening or the next my mom became concerned and contacted law enforcement to report me missing this is a big deal for several reasons we lived in the mountains on a national park so it was a very real possibility that I had been attacked by a wild animal become injured while hiking drowned or been kidnapped nobody knew of my mother's cruel treatment tendencies or the squalor and neglect my sister and I lived in most importantly the law enforcement was the local park rangers with which she worked daily law enforcement immediately contacted my dad's side of the family to see if I had turned up there or contacted them they promptly freaked the flip out and came to my house with lawyers on standby law enforcement then hired dogs to track my scent and everyone freaked out because the dogs tracked me to a nearby river where my trail died because the dogs couldn't pick up any more scent over the next couple of days there were people going in and out of my house Rangers lawyers my family etc and several notice the overpowering scent of cleaning chemicals but only the lawyer considered why a clean house would reek of chemicals law enforcement started to canvass the nearby woods in neighborhood my friend's dad came me and asked if there was somewhere else I could stay he told me that he wouldn't kick me out and didn't want to have to lie to the police or let the dogs onto his property my friend and I figured we could just go camping for a week or so but instead I looked up my dad's side of the family and called and they picked me up right away understandably everyone had questions when I told them what was happening the lawyers horrified pounced a judge issued an emergency change of custody and prevented her from gaining custody until she underwent psych eval in therapy which my mother would never allow the Rangers equally horrified completely shunned my mother and she eventually lost her job since she was only allowed to live on the park because she worked there she was kicked out of her house my friend's father and the trackers were members of the local community and churches and they too shunned my mother she lost her job her house her church and her friends all because she told me to leave and I did edits for clarity I'm 32 now this happened a while ago edit I wasn't clear and didn't want to make it any longer when my dad's family got involved they were able to reach an agreement where I would live with them for a time but my sister stayed I had to go back to my mom's for a short while but the judges issued an emergency change of custody and my sister and I went to live with our dad my sister and I have been in therapy and she is teaching now life isn't perfect but it is better edits people keep asking about the chemicals the house was normally trashed my mother kept an untrained dog and the carpet was soaked with dog feces and urine the few times we had guests we would have to crawl around the dogs potty spot and clean it up and make the house smell good my mom freaked out when she realized that Rangers and CPS might come around she did a deep-clean of the house before reporting me missing because she couldn't afford to have them realize but they were walking gone dear god that's disgusting well their mother definitely was not fit to be a mother because wow that sounds horrible I'm glad everything eventually got better and worked out in the end the power of malicious compliance knows no bounds don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 37,783
Rating: 4.9272218 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes, r/MaliciousCompliance, I DESTROYED my ENTITLED MOM's wealth...
Id: AW2GztdW0_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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