r/IDontWorkHereLady - "Put down your BABY and HELP ME!!!"

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash i don't work your lady this story's called lady i'm carrying a baby how do you get that i work here hi first time posting to this group but i have a funny story to tell i'm a new mom and this story involves me my baby and this old lady questioning me so i live in canada where i get one year maternity leave wow yay canada so a few weeks ago i went to meet my husband at his work where this story takes place my husband is an assistant manager which is a key detail to this story i'm carrying my son in a chest carrier this was the first time customers were allowed in the store and i'm walking around looking at product i'm also looking to some of my husband's staff one of them being my child's godparent also my god sister i see this lady walking around with a bit of an attitude but i chose to ignore her after all she is not my problem as i don't work here clearly even if i did the fact that my child is strapped to my chest means here in canada i don't work here for at least one year so lady is acting like she is in a mood and giving a complete b face to anyone who can see exchange goes like this here's the cast moody patron me significant other god sister store manager excuse me where the hell are all your annuals well they usually are around here but i don't know maybe they're sold out what the hell do you mean sold out this is a garden center correct yes but things do sell out if they aren't here then i don't know what to tell you why are you guys sold out this is ridiculous i want to speak to your manager well ma'am i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you they don't seem to have them where they usually are god's sister comes over as she is done for the day to see me and her god child i turn to speak to her as she is more of a priority over moody patron still in uniform but carrying all her stuff to go home with hey how is baby great he's sleeping right now but overall doing really well how are you i'm good just tired it was a long day excited to go home and chill that's good do you need a ride we can drive you home so you can spend time with baby yeah actually i do that would be awesome moody patron is starting to get red in the face and i can tell she wants to say something but holds off babe you finding everything okay do you want to go into the garden pharmacy with baby i'm sure the fan up there for you can get nice and cool sure babe but this lady wants to speak to a manager i point to the lady oh okay thanks babe he turns to moody patron and says how can i help you are you kidding me you helped her first over me and she is your spouse this is nuts i demand to speak to a manager well ma'am i'm a manager and i was just telling my wife that i had space for her to go sit with our baby to cool off until i'm done with work but how can i help you i stay close nearby just to see what happens seriously you have your spouse working here what type of business is this wow this place is a joke that you hire people like her just to create favoritism is this whole place run by you and your damn family what is wrong with this place me and god's sister are standing off to the side listening and i'm feisty so i eventually speak up well ma'am i never said i worked here and i was being nice to you by saying usually this is where you would find this stuff first off second you see that i'm carrying my child in a carrier considering in canada where we can take a year to a year and a half off for maternity leave how do you get the idea i'm working here even if i was working here i would be on leave third as you can see everyone is wearing different colored uniforms with the company logo do you see me wearing one no so how do you get the idea that i work here use some common sense and since i am married to one of the managers here clearly to not make my husband look bad i was being polite in giving you the best answer i could when i could have easily said to you i don't work here so why don't you go find someone who does work here i don't have to help anyone and you coming up to me and being rude despite us being in a pandemic when we should all treat people kindly shows what type of person you are also please stop being rude to my husband or unlike him i can tell you to shop elsewhere with your crappy attitude but i'm gonna tell ya good luck elsewheres they too will most likely be sold out and not give any better customer service as this place does i turn to my god sister who is dying over there and give her a huge high five significant other is gobsmacked but i can tell his processing store manager shows up to say goodnight as well and to see baby for the first time moody patron comes up to us and is not distancing now and recognizes store manager and starts to complain about what i just said excuse me imagine a long drawn out zone you're the store manager correct i want to file a complaint about this lady right here excuse what what type of complaint i'm so confused what's going on here store manager knows me to be anything but rude so he listens and then he turns to her and says well ma'am i can't take a complaint about a fellow customer also i have had the privilege to work with this lady and she is amazing also you need to back up and give us spaces we are still in a pandemic and you could be exposing the baby to something finally if she tried to help you the way you said she did that's pretty nice of her since she doesn't have to have a good night as the store is now closed he walks off and moody patron is now screaming about how bad this place is run and favoritism is extremely big here and that she is going to social media to complain amongst other things that she finds wrong i just died of laughter and everyone else who was nearby was shocked as she was leaving i just waved by so worth it sorry for the longbows a year and a half of maternity leave that is crazy i'm pretty sure it's eight weeks here in america um ladies in the comments below who have had maternity leave would a year be better than eight weeks for you personally uh or do you think that's just too much because i know for a fact kids do not stop being a crap ton of work until they're like what school age but even then that's he still got a lot to worry about this story is called i choose to blame it on the virus panic this happened to my neighbor and best friend and boss or bff and me today a little background important to the story we're both red-headed women both work for the same law enforcement department i generally work nights she generally works days we both were told to take today off after working three 36-hour shifts with only a few hours of sleep between because of dealing with panic from a certain virus that aside from a couple of travelers hasn't hit our area yet since we both needed stuff bff and i grabbed bff's two offspring offspring one and offspring two and head for a certain store that is a local chain that is something like a slim down walmart the uniform of their employees is black slacks white pillow and an apron that varies by department bff is dressed in flats casual pants and a white button down over a cami and her vest i'm in blue jeans knee-high boots and a department t-shirt over my vest in other words nothing like the store's uniform plus we have you know belts white handcuffs guns and holsters we're in the store for about half an hour i'm pushing one cart offspring one is pushing the other while bff is holding offspring two in one arm and pulling things off the shelf with the other suddenly we hear a loud crash and a scream in the next aisle bff passes offspring too off to me telling me to watch her and heads over to the next aisle she barely makes it around the corner when i hear her call for me i set off spring 2 down tell her to wait with offspring 1 and come around the corner here i see it one young woman her head slightly bleeding trying to free herself from the grasp of a crazy blonde lady probably roughly in her late 30s to late 40s while a man and a few kids look on crazy lady looks up at bff and immediately says oh good are you the manager of this crappy store this lazy bimbo refuses to help me i want her fired she then jerks the young woman so hard that the woman runs into the shelves cutting herself a second time ma'am let her go bff states flatly i don't think she works here what do you mean you don't think she works here don't you know your own employees what kind of crappy dumbass freaking manager are you bff looks at me i look at bff then look back at crazy lady giving her my most wicked smile i'd say she knows her employees pretty well i remarked however that lady doesn't work for this store she's not wearing the uniform tell your freaking security grunt to be silent crazy ladies spouts off uh mama one of the kids urgently starts i don't think she's security shut up marco not real name can't you see mama's talking to the manager ma'am i'm not the manager bff says pointing to the store manager who is now hurrying over he is now let go of the girl i won't ask again she starts reaching for her handcuffs freaking lying cuda you white folk bimbos are all the same racist and sticking up for each other rather ironic considering that crazy lady was paler than i am and that's saying something at that moment offspring 2 came running around the corner hey is it ok if i crazy lady finally let go of the terrified and injured girl and then grabbed offspring 2 flinging her halfway down the aisle stupid brat wait your turn you stupid little wham crazy lady stopped talking as she ricocheted off the shelves don't you ever touch my daughter again bff told her as she tried to handcuff crazy lady at this point the man that had been standing with the kids tries to grab on to bff and winds up taking a knee to the groin for his trouble crazy lady takes advantage of the moment pushes bff off grabs a jar off the shelf to swing towards bff's head and freezes as she realizes i've drawn my weapon her eyes go wide i'll call corbin and have you fired for this she hissed i guess crazy lady didn't see anything wrong with having a weapon herself and trying to use it but somehow someone else with a weapon stopping her from potentially killing someone else is a bad thing mama the little boy screamed i've been trying to tell you they don't work here the ladies police look at her shirt she looked down at my shirt and she definitely got that look people get when they realize they are in serious trouble wish i could say the fight left her then instead as she was mirandized she kept insisting that she had done nothing wrong and that she was being entrapped by the police after crazy lady and the man that tried to grab bff were cuffed given their rights and sat on the floor the manager helped me watch over the two while bff went and checked on offspring too while we waited on someone actually on duty for medics to arrive entire thing took maybe five minutes from the time we heard the crash until the end another 10 for co-workers and medics to arrive the young woman that was first assaulted had to go to the hospital to be checked out poor girl was really scared she was gonna catch something at the hospital offspring two had her arm broken and also had to go to the hospital the man and his kids turned out to be her boyfriend and their children crazy lady and boyfriend are now in jail for the foreseeable future since courts are closed crazy ladies kids are going to social services boyfriend was still in the process of applying for his green card now he probably can't get it and may be facing deportation at the end of all this since the injured girl bff and i couldn't finish our shopping the manager took our list and promised everything would be delivered to our houses tomorrow before anyone asks we are not required to wear our vests off duty but most of us do as for why we have our guns and badges while shopping with kids in our departments certain ranks are required to carry weapons badges and cops while off duty oh and this whole thing apparently started because the store was out of toilet paper and crazy lady decided the girl stocking up on pickles must be an employee edit 2. offspring 2 had her follow-up with an orthopedic today who squeezed her in this morning she has to have an old-school plaster cast in black and hot pink she's already asked my help in decorating it with pirate and gear themed stickers and has video skyped some of her friends and cousins to show it off her stories about her epic battle keep growing with every telling i think she's gonna be just fine also for those asking groceries were delivered early this morning uh i love how casual they are about the girl's arm being broken like what your your daughter gets flung down an aisle with her arm freaking broken so obviously the the impact was something to see and the reaction was don't you dare touch my daughter again i guess we should be happy they kept her cool but that's just a little weird man this story's called come pick me up i'm not a taxi miss so just a short story just happened to me right now i'm self-employed although i do on occasion work on a car wash side but that's just voluntary work to help out my dad and today i'm working for myself just on my way to my first job when i get a phone call a private number not unusual for me i do work for a lot of businesses so naturally i answer the phone and the conversation goes exactly like this hello it's abcdef i was wondering where you are uh abba cadeth i'm sorry i don't work for you or your company there's a long pause before a siren pitched scream comes down the line you were meant to be here now we're going to pick me up and take me to work why the heck are you i would screech but i don't want to do that right now i cleared my throat ma'am i don't know you why would i pick you up and take you she cuts me off of course you don't know me i'm your taxi driver now get over to my address one two three made up streety get me to work i'm already late because of you miss i'm sorry but i'm not a taxi driver and i've no idea where that street even is i don't even know if it's in the same city as me she sighs the longest sigh you could possibly imagine just pick me up she hangs up about five minutes pass and i'm still wondering what the hell just happened when i get a text message i'm sorry about my wife yelling at you she dialed the wrong number off by one digit sorry pal edit i've since received another call from the woman i assume her husband made her call and apologize and well she did she also went into detail as to why she was so angry she had called and scheduled a taxi on friday to pick her up on monday the taxi company gave her a number of the driver that was supposed to be picking her up and he actually quit that same friday apparently just a few hours later she told me over the phone she obviously didn't know this and her new taxi driver picked her up and explained it all to her she was actually kind of nice and understood she was in the wrong this morning just the stress of having booked a taxi that then doesn't turn up and apparently didn't have any coffee so she was miserable oh and for those wondering it turns out from where i live and where she lives well it's a four-hour drive distance so i don't think i'd have gotten there in time anyway that's a that's a good little story with a cute little wholesome ending there good to see that she uh called and apologized and realized what she did wrong that's honestly all i ever need if you piss me off and honestly if it's a little thing and if i figure that it came from a place of just you disrespecting me or something i have a hard time letting it go until someone's like yeah i realized that was probably messed up sorry and then it's all good don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 15,620
Rating: 4.9539051 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: H2FDTjdcBFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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