r/IDontWorkHereLady - He made a HUGE mistake...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash i don't work here lady this story's called a very bad day became a bit better when i barred him from the store i had a bad morning which was lifted a little by having some fun with a horrible customer i went to a funeral this morning it was sad in so many ways sad because he was a good friend sad because it was a suicide sad because only 10 people could attend provide 19. sad because i couldn't comfort the family afterwards i decided to go straight to the store after the service so i was in my best suit looking a bit smarter than normal it's a well-known uk supermarket based in yorkshire i'll call it maryson's which sounds nothing like it's real name i had only gotten 10 yards into the store when i heard an angry voice i went toward the noise the customer was on the bws aisle next to a flavored gin display and leaning into the face of a staff member well it's on your website so why isn't it on your freaking shelf uh the website is for online purchases it doesn't mean it'll be in stock in every store what is your freaking sign out in the website i think you'll find it does sir loudmouth customer looks at the name badge well kevin a horrible mocking tone when he stressed the name you had better use those poofy little arms that can't stand to be touched and drag your guy little car into the back and freaking find one for me the carts contained bottle lock security devices so kevin was obviously applying the security tags to the gin bottles i know he does because i've already checked for a lady earlier you're freaking idiots how do you stay in freaking business this is the point where i walk up to the customer politely i say you're obviously having a problem let me try to help come with me sir and we'll try to get something sorted out for you i turned to kevin and pointed to loudmouth customers trolley shopping cart for americans and i said just leave this trolley here we'll be back in a few minutes the trolley was about a third full of food etc kevin just stared at me and said okay i turned back to lost mc and said okay sir you come with me and tell me what would make you happy you don't have any valuables in the trolley do you no just a few things i need i only really came in for the gin that was on offer i walked towards the door and loudmouth customer walks alongside me obviously the item you wanted isn't in stock instead of that what would make you happy i don't know a free bottle of chunk ranching you know for all distraction convenience sankare is on the expensive end for supermarket stock we approached the door let me see what i can do we have to go out of the store and back in through the side entrance there's a strange one-way system because of broven just follow me he followed me out of the store past the customer channel set up for social distancing he was grumbling all the way maybe one bottle isn't enough i had to deal with that spindly idiot shelf stacker back there it took me ages just to get him to understand what skin i was after we were about 35 yards from the entrance when i stopped him let me stop you here let me explain the situation you won't be receiving any compensation the only reason i've walked with you this far out of the store is because you are using foul language in the store where there are children you are abusive and homophobic to a staff member there is a zero tolerance policy for any abuse homophobia or racism listen carefully you are banned from the store for life the comments you made to kevin are hate speech that is a criminal offense if i wasn't so short of time i would call the police instead i am banning you i don't want you to ever visit the store again if i see you attempting to return to the store i will call the police and a formal complaint will be made about your behavior and speech i will be happy to provide a statement i'm sure kevin will too i pointed to the security guards at the entrance you see that man and woman on the door i'm now going to talk to them i will suggest to them that if you even start to approach the door they should call the police immediately i wasn't going to report your homophobic hate speech but i will if you don't leave the premises immediately without any trouble i ain't do any hate speech poofy little arms okay little trolley that counts as hate speech i'm also guessing that the camera will show you grabbing or touching kevin that is an offense even when we don't have the social distancing loss i was just getting his attention i'm not prepared to discuss it any further the sensible thing for you to do would be to leave and think you're lucky that you're not in the police station if you want me to make a formal criminal complaint then by all means i will please write to maryson's head office at bradford my name is mr op if you can't remember that just ask them to speak to the store general manager make sure you give your full name and address on the letter so you can be identified i strongly suggest you don't keep abusing shop staff it's not tolerated anymore goodbye i walked back to the security staff i said that man over there i pointed at him as he crossed the car park was abusing one of the staff he's leaving but you might want to be careful if he comes back okay thank you i didn't go back in i stood at the door near the guards and watched a loud mouth customer drive away then i went to my car and drove off i bought the tea bags and milk that i needed at another supermarket i didn't want to go back into maryson's in case a loudmouth customer came back and realized i don't work there or anywhere i've never worked there retirement has turned me into a mischievous little bastard that's fun keeps you busy and uh saves uh stressed out employees from dealing with you know uh the the the jerk of a guy i can't really call him a karen because he's a dude you know let's screw it he's a karen regardless this story is called dude targets me and refuses to believe i don't work at the supermarket this just happened as i was leaving the supermarket as i told my hub about it he suggested i posted while still fresh stopped there to pick up a dish sponge into half a gallon of milk ended up doing a full grocery shopping excited at the prospect of going home with one less task pending and more time to play trove with my son i walk my cart full of food to my truck this is where the i don't work your lady mess began the parking lot is fair size for the supermarket i drive a ford f-150 and because it is raised i find it easier to park towards the back of the lot so i can avoid the risk of not seeing someone walk behind the truck or park in my blind spot about halfway through the parking lot a man maybe early 50s begins calling out to someone and i don't paid any attention since i'm on the phone with a relative the call was short and i hung up on my relative a few seconds before reaching my truck i then get my shoulder grabbed and pulled by the same dude who is making noise at the front of the parking lot here's the cast there's me entitled mediocre prick supermarket employee what the fornication under consent of the king don't touch me dude didn't you hear me you need to take my cart back what no i don't walk it back yourself just do your job you lazy bimbo you kids don't know how to work come on go do what you're supposed to at this point he grabs my arm and tries to budge me i'm five foot ten and two hundred pounds a prominent aspect of my job is lifting heavy items you will not budge me if i don't want to move i told you not to touch me i also do not work here i am not wearing a uniform i have no work badge i'm trying to put the groceries i bought into my freaking vehicle leave me the hell alone i wrenched his hand off me and was so pissed that instead of punching him i turned away and slammed my cart into my truck so i could finally leave this butthole's orbit how dare you freaking touch me and you just scratched that truck i'm gonna get you fired and arrested for being a crappy employee now the store employee a young man who picks up the shopping carts jogs over to see what's up and is treated to witnessing me trying to get my groceries in my truck and the entitled mediocre prick butthole grabbing my bags and slamming them onto the ground at this point i'm all sorts of done and ask the kid to call the manager and the cops and to pull up camera footage i'm gonna need it store employee is like a deer in headlights but sets off to get help entitled's mediocre prick is now trying to keep me from getting in my truck because butthole the whole time he is screaming at the top of his lungs about how i will be fired and arrested store employee came back manager unavailable great i asked the store employee to stay back since entitled mediocre prick is unhinged and used a small spray bottle of outdoor bleach mixture i keep in my purse to sanitize my work gear when i remove it sprayed it in entitled mediocre prick's eyes and that got him to budge i then sat on entitled mediocre prick and i guess all that crap was enough for the manager to show up when the store employee went back a second time to get him the security guard was very nice as he restrained entitled mediocre prick while we waited for police the manager apologized and asked for my receipt so they could replace my groceries and then showed the cops their footage of the cluster love making when they arrived turns out entitled mediocre prick has a history of assault against women shocking i know and an attempted kidnapping last year the store employee theorized that entitled mediocre prick may have been trying to get me closer to his car since the cart drop-off was two cars away from him i'm pressing charges and the supermarket is gonna have to switch security companies where the heck was the parking lot security guy chatting up teenage girls on the other side of the parking lot i'm so freaking pissed because it could have gone way worse for me or another woman update got a call from my lawyer this morning that entitled mediocre prick was trying to get released from custody last night because his elderly mother made a scene at the station my lawyer wasn't having it and knows i sure as crap wouldn't either bail was already high but the on-duty officers were ready to let this butthole walk out because they didn't want to hear her whine and scream anymore his ass will have to sit tight until monday or tuesday i read through most of your comments thank you to those who have been supportive i live in the caribbean not the 50 states pepper osprey guns are not options here i'm black i have to thank 15 steps ahead before i defend myself and ask for help it may cost me dearly 5 foot 10 and 200 pounds does not deter men from being crappy i'm not muscular in a mainstream way although some of those comments had me wheezing i use bleach for work and for defense if you choose to i hope it helps to those in the mindset that assume this is fake or overkill i feel bad for the women in your life the crap in danger they face they might be facing alone because of that attitude we'll update this coming week when we go to court thanks guys oh yeah do not mess around with parking lots late at night they are no joke like um i've heard stories from people i know personally where they have straight up and attempted to be kidnapped you get what i'm saying there's attempted kidnappings going on where they are the intended kidnappy anyway this occurred like in a parking lot when she was literally walking with her mom and she was a teenager at the time so like this stuff's crazy it happens all the time unfortunately so uh yes be careful in parking lots especially at night time especially parking garages oh my god this story's called because i do work they're not sure if this really belongs here but it's tangentially related about 12 years ago a few years after i started working for the government in a very particular security agency not part of the deep state and i can't find anyone who is i would stop at my neighborhood grocery store on the way home once or twice a week to pick up fresh items during the winter i would wear a long dark overcoat atop my suit as the fashion of the dime a black fedora me being clueless as to how i looked would happily complete my shopping i took little notice of what went on around me fast forward about a month as i am shopping an older man wearing a manager name tag approached me he asked if he could speak to me for a couple of minutes and then proceeded to show me around the store i still in an utterly clueless state am confused when he begins to point out abandoned half-filled grocery carts after a few minutes i stopped him and asked what this is actually about this happens every time you come in and i think you're coming from your office i'm not still confused haven't you heard what the customers are whispering i shake my head even more confused they keep saying federal is federalist and then get the hell out of here i blink and complete bafflement they think you're a federal officer here to arrest them the light bulb in my head finally gets some juice and light spills through my brains and out my ears i lived in an area with a large undocumented visitor population and still do nice people coupled with the three initials emblazoned in white on a dark blue lanyard hanging around my neck it all suddenly makes sense i turned a little red in the face mind not coming in right after you get off work because it takes us about an hour to round up all the cards and put the products back on the shelves ah sure sorry about this i didn't know oh we know you didn't know he didn't say it in a mean way and we both chuckled a little after that i did not go shopping dressed in my office clothing i got a free six-pack of soda the first time i showed up on a weekday dressed in civilian clothes the entire staff knew about me that was a cute little story it's really sad how a lot of these people are just trying to shop and they freak out at the side of a government worker just goes to show how on edge a lot of families are constantly this story is called buy me dinner my neighbor is a 70-something cat lady who will take me to lunch every other weekend in exchange for lifting all the cat litter and cat food at the pet store and then unloading it at her place last december before everything the store decided they weren't letting carts leave the building so i took the first bunch of bags to the car and went back while she got the car started and pulled up to the doors on the last trip inside a karen grabs my waist and snaps you're helping me next i give the sorry i don't work here spiel and she seems to absorb that i'm not wearing a polo in khakis and that i'm listening to music this doesn't stop her though well uh you'll still help me anyway and with the desperation of having held back a joke i'd wanted to make for years i said you'll have to buy me dinner first and left i don't know why you'd hold that back from a 7 year old lady you'd be surprised a lot of older ladies love an inappropriate joke every now and then especially if it's about something you've got going on between just the two of you guys that's called an inside joke and i'm sure she'd appreciate having one don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
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Id: uaK7F1NMPzE
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Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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