r/IDoWorkHereLady - He made a HUGE mistake...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash i do work your lady this story is called lady you're not special so i just found this sub and oh boy do i have so many stories i want to share from my time working at the airport mandatory on mobile apology my personal favorite is spec when i was the supervisor for a vendor company that supplied employees to different airlines for services in this situation it was providing the wheelchair and other assistive services to those traveling with a disability this was about two or three years ago so details are kind of fuzzy that day i was supervising the smallest section small in that i only had four agents to oversee due to the nature of how we could get busy and in those moments i needed all hands on deck i usually allowed my employees to work between themselves when they'd have their lunch break and have them notify me so i could be aware of the number of staff i currently have on the floor and what they are doing one of my staff had just left for his 30-minute lunch break i was making my rounds making sure things were okay at the different gates i then get a call over the radio that a passenger at the ticket counter needs assistance i call several agents to see if they are available to assist one of them responds back and says he's coming back from dropping his previous passenger off and will be there momentarily not even five minutes later i get a call stating that the passenger at the counter is demanding for a supervisor because she's been waiting for 30 minutes i checked my call log as our radios record times and messages for situations like this and see that my very first notification wasn't even 5 minutes ago yay it's gonna be one of those customers i make my way down to the ticket counter which was another five minutes or so and meet the customer in question it's an older lady karen and her boy toy he doesn't play much of a role in the story but throughout this he is quiet defers to her all the time and is a big muscular man younger than karen good evening my name is redacted i was told someone needed a supervisor yes it's this lady right here she needs a wheelchair yes i've been waiting for 30 minutes and my flight is getting ready to leave and i need to be there this is unacceptable now as a supervisor i get paid more than the pushers and the pushers are dependent on tips with some places paying the waitress wage so if any one of you who aren't aware of this yes you may tip the wheelchair agent and they will greatly appreciate this because of this i try to make sure that i don't take any of my employees passengers as i don't want to mess with their tips i understand man i have notified my agents and i have an individual on the way he was dropping off another passenger but he should be here shortly no i need to be at my gate now i can't wait another minute i'm gonna miss my flight well i could take you through security and tell my agent to meet us at the other side of security instead of here would that be okay yes yes that's fine as we go through i ask for her boarding pass to scan it to indicate i picked her up which enables me to see all sorts of information including if she's pre-check for tsa she wasn't i take her to the tsa agent to have him check her boarding pass and id then enter the regular line her status was also irrelevant due to this terminal having certain hours where they have pre-check and shut it down for the other time periods when it's low why are we going here i'm tsa pre-check well i didn't see it on your boarding pass but currently they have it closed down for right now well why are we waiting behind all of these people there were like four people i'm in a wheelchair so i'm able to cut and go to the front unfortunately i can't do that ma'am we are able to go through an expedited line at this i point towards the line i'm referring to which is the line to have tsa look at your information before getting back in line to put stuff through the machine but once we reach this point we need to wait in line behind everyone else you don't understand i'm going to miss my flight i asked for her boarding pass at this point oh you still have 15 minutes before they even start boarding and then an additional 30 before they close boarding it's just right around the corner from here so we have plenty of time to make it no you don't understand i have to be the first one on the plane when i still insisted that i could take her to the front she stood up from the chair marched to the front without the need of any assistance and started yelling at the tsa agent that she's in a wheelchair and needs to come to the front of the line tsa agents said that if she wanted to cut in front of everyone all of three people now she needed to ask them her travel partner then meekly asks each and every one if they can cut in front and they said sure as i get the luggage and chair up to the front karen tried to go through the metal detector tsa agent asks for boarding pass and she shows both that and id due to her being old enough to go through even without being pre-checked the agent allows her through at this karen turns to me and yells see i told you that i was pre-check i apologize ma'am but i didn't see it she gets my name after threatening to report me and i transfer her over to the agent who i called who was supposed to have picked her up story isn't over yet folks i then went to the ticket counter got the name of the agent who called who confirmed that she wasn't waiting for 30 minutes got a copy of the lady's boarding pass got the name of the tsa agent and wrote a report at the office detailing them as witnesses and stapling her non-tsa pre-check boarding pass to the paperwork it's been a few years so i forget the term but the person who is making sure we are in compliance with the ada and the acaa calls me about a month later and tells me that he's gotten a complaint about me he saw my paperwork but wanted to hear it from my mouth because it's so crazy the stuff she said about you that i know she's like i want to hear this story i didn't get into any trouble for that good that lady was very entitled i remember when i was on my way to uh to texas i was running a little bit late for my flight and i was still in uh this incredibly long security line uh i was in there for like 45 minutes and my flight was like 15 and i was like halfway through so i was freaking out a little bit but uh they called my name and said i could go to the front because my flight was leaving soon so that's good but this lady was acting like a jerk and i'm pretty sure that if you're on your way and if you're with someone who works for the airport they could probably notify the people at the gate that you're on your way and they'll likely hold it for you for a couple of minutes now i could be wrong but i'm sure you guys will let me know this story's called owner loves to tell people he is the owner general overview and background info before the x x x x x x x x x x i work for a local hobby and game store we have several different staff shirts with our store logo on them but we aren't required to wear them unless a big event is going on but we also sell different shirts that have our logo on them so intentionally it is easy for employees to blend in with customers for loss prevention and a casual atmosphere the owners rarely wear staff shirts but are proud of their business and wear our for sale shirts regularly when they are in the building before the brovid stuff we had a bunch of people come in every day to use our open tables to play games and hang out so occasionally we get colorful characters or karen's ken's etc one of the owners loves coming up to problem people and acting like a fellow customer so he can give them just enough perceived support for them to show their true colors and then drop thee hi my name is carl i'm the owner of the store get out of my store and don't come back it is like his favorite thing to watch these people go from confident to confused i'm gonna get your manager to oh wait did he say owner too embarrassed and angry to meekly leaving the store when we were smaller he used to use a bit more language but he still is a big guy and can be very intimidating with just his presence when he wants to be there are so many great stories and i'll probably get around to posting more at some point but this is my current favorite some small details like names are edited for privacy stuff xxxxxx two groups of kids are opening the newest set of magic the gathering a collectible card game first group is around the 10 to young teenage range and the second was older teens pushing 19 to 20ish both groups were having a good time opening good stuff and getting excited there were some other people playing magic and also a few other games too one of the older kids hears one of the younger kids talking about getting a specific card and offers to trade with them for one of the cards he got both groups are new to the game so neither could possibly know what the value of the cards are but i do and so does the owner who is sitting a few tables away playing a game with his friends the older kid is trading away a trash card for a card worth like 50 dollars but neither know that the owner pipes up that just trading one for one without knowing the value of the cards is always a bad idea for both parties and directs them to a website they can use to check the prices they do and the older kid is legitimately upset he almost ripped the other kid off the owner tells them that until they get more experience with the game that it is probably a pretty good idea to just not trade they both thank him and go back to playing situation over everyone happy until one of the fairly regular colorful characters decides to involve himself this guy has never been ill-intentioned but always makes people uncomfortable by being a bit too forward or inviting himself into conversations or games with people he doesn't know and since the situation is pretty much resolved the only way to keep the conversation going is to take an opposing viewpoint colorful character starts arguing somehow that it is absolutely okay to trade away stuff you don't know the value of as long as you think you are getting a good deal the owner is very confused as he hasn't interacted with colorful character before and asks him point blank if he thinks it's okay for people to cheat children colorful character says yes just happy to be having a conversation and in his mind i guess winning the argument owner uses his signature line well then hi i'm carl i'm the owner of the store get out of my store and never come back colorful character is so shook he leaves without another word but of course the tale continues because another one of our sketchier almost regular guys tries to argue with the owner that it was unfair of him to ban colorful customer just because he was okay with cheating children it wasn't like he actually cheated himself he was just okay with it owner is even more confused by this point of view and very frustrated at this point and says well as i just said i'm carl i'm the owner and if you really think that i should allow people in my store who are okay with cheating other customers especially children then you can get out and not come back to they argue for a bit more and the owner tells me to call the cops to get this other guy out of the store before i can pick up the phone the guy leaves owner gets loud and says to the entire store anyone who thinks it is okay to rip off children in my store should leave and not come back as he goes to sit back down to play his game parents of the younger group of kids come up and thank him at some point those parents left her a view of our store 5 out of 5 stars okay so i think the owner is really cool for sticking up for the kids um and you know making sure they have a safe place to hang out too but like i feel bad because banning those two is a bit much obviously we don't want anyone thinking it's okay to rip off children but i feel like they could have just been like hey if you ever try to do anything like that here you're gonna be banned as opposed to just banning them outright for having an opposing viewpoint which albeit might not be the best viewpoint but definitely is one that can be changed you know what i'm saying so i feel like banning those two is unnecessary but still a cool dude this one's called inmate thinks i'm a new correctional officer and that he can run all over me i'm a corrections officer in a local jail and have worked there for 14 years we're pretty laid back for a jail but it's still a jail when an inmate asks for something and gets told no the answer is no having spent the previous 10 years in retail this is the dream also when an inmate is told to do something they're expected to do it i should also mention here that my shift sergeant and i have been working together for about eight years and i've been there two years longer than he has i should also mention that my sergeant is very overprotective of his staff here's the cast there's me charge inmate some 20ish year old kid who thinks he can run over the new guy back in 2014 i had a bunch of vacation time built up so my wife and i took a two-week vacation to go to cooperstown to see the major league baseball hall of fame and watch the induction ceremony being a huge atlanta braves fan we had a lot of fun watching bobby cox greg maddox and tom glavin get inducted imagine using vacation time for baseball stuff when i got back to work i'm doing my rounds and an inmate approaches me now i don't recognize this guy so he must be someone who was arrested while i was on vacation he immediately starts in on me like he owns the jail hey i missed yard call because i was asleep i need to go out to the yard now too bad you should have woken up when we did yard call for your dorm you'll just have to wait for the next one tomorrow what do you know you're just the new guy get me your sergeant trying not to laugh and knowing sarge will get a kick out of this okay wait right here i point to the spot he's standing in expecting him to be there or at least close by when i get back i finish my rounds and call sarge on the radio hey sarge i got an inmate down here that says he needs to talk to you well what does he want trying to keep from laughing he thinks i'm the new guy and can run over me because of it i'll be right there when sarge arrives we both go back into the door and lo and behold inmate isn't waiting where i told him to well where is he i don't know hey inmate sarge is here to talk to you inmates still acting like he owns the jail walks out of his cell and approaches sarge hey sarge i missed yard call and the new guy here won't let me go out so if you miss your call it's your problem not mine or his next time we call your call get your lazy butt out of bed interrupting sarge but you don't understand interrupting inmate and getting louder no you don't understand when a member of staff gives you an answer that is the answer furthermore when an officer tells you to wait somewhere you do it you don't walk away but sarge this new guy this officer me you will refer to him as officer me not the new guy furthermore officer me here has been working in this jail since before they put paint on the walls so if he gives you an answer that is definitely the answer now go lock down inmate looking like he feels a foot tall but go lock down inmate goes and locks down and sergeant i go to his office we have a good laugh and sarge wants inmate lockdown for three days for disrespecting staff but since we got a good laugh and good story i convince him to just make it the rest of the day i later go back and talk to inmate to give him his lockdown paperwork turns out he's really not a bad guy just pretty dumb and he apologized as since he's become a regular we still get a good laugh about that whenever he comes back to jail oh i'm sorry i shouldn't be laughing but that's kind of funny just how nonchalantly he's like yeah he's a regular here like it's a restaurant no he's committing crimes to get locked up but that's sad because he's more or less a kid because i mean i'm in my early 20s like i just turned 21 and um i'm a kid i don't know what the hell i'm doing don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 19,023
Rating: 4.9011765 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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