r/PettyRevenge - Neighbor Tried to Use My Kids For Insurance Fraud. My Revenge.

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hello my friends welcome back to another episode of our slash petty revenge guys my personal favorite subreddit since the revenges most of the times are harmless and funny this episode is going to be all about revenges on crappy neighbors i hope you guys stay for the stories today and subscribe for future videos guys this first story is titled sent new neighbor to the police station for a few hours we live in an apartment block and occasionally have new people move in and out yesterday encountered a new resident a short red-haired lady who through dwarfism and food manages to be about as wide as she is tall my boyfriend greets her with a simple hello but she cut him off with shut up i don't know you okay not the sociable type neither are we so let's not get friendly then today when returning from grocery shopping we found her trying to pick her lock to her door with what looks like a piece of paper clip because you know that's gonna work and she's apparently been at it for a while because before we could open the door with our key a patrol car stopped and an officer called out to her so someone must have reported an attempted break-in we stopped to watch because well it was happening the officer asked her why she was breaking in to which she responded that she lived here and she turned to us and said they know me my boyfriend smiled and said shut up i don't know you we entered the building after the officer asked us to confirm and boyfriend repeated we don't know her we've never seen her in our lives can't wait to have more contact with her great response shut up i don't know you this next story is titled pretending to not speak english after we ask you to move your car off our property fine we'll do it ourselves so dad just told me the story tonight before my parents divorced we lived in a three house neighborhood our neighbors to the left of us were friendly and we got along with them well our neighbors on the right of us however were different it was rented out to multiple families one of them being an asian family with seven cars this is relevant there was always conflict with them from 24 7 house parties to trying to break into our cars the families always cause trouble for whatever reason there was a particular tree on our property that my dad always parked his car under it was obvious and known that it was my dad's spot one evening my dad comes home to find the asian neighbors had parked their car in his spot it was a dead car that they didn't use anymore because they probably couldn't afford to fix it so they decided our property was the best place to leave it to rot my dad knocked on their door and asked them to move it so he could park but the gentleman at the door said in a thick accent sorry no speak english no speak english which was an obvious lie my dad was not amused he told him alright just move your car or i'll call someone to get it towed two weeks go by and the car's still there three weeks and they still haven't moved the car my dad gets fed up they may have seven cars but that didn't mean they could park on our property my dad decided to take matters into his own hands he rented a tow truck and waited for the family to be out of the house he hooked up the car and drove it out to a random parking lot in the shopping center nearby and left it there the next day the neighbor comes by and says hey man do you do you know what happened to my car perfect english not a trace of an accent all of a sudden surprise surprise my dad played dumb and said i thought you couldn't speak english sorry man i don't know what happened to your car if you moved it though thank you man i appreciate it our neighbor couldn't do much because he didn't have proof that my dad did it he didn't talk to us or park in our spots ever again i was waiting for op's dad to be like sorry no speak english no speak english that would have been the ultimate petty move this next story is titled don't want to get your animals out of my apartment pay fifteen hundred dollars i'm a male 22 and i used to live with three other guys one of them had a girlfriend who was over all the time she cleaned and bought stuff so it was cool for a while then she asked us if she could pet sit two newborn kittens for a week while her parents were out of town i knew i was allergic to dogs but i didn't know i was deathly allergic to cats the cats get there and after a day i'm in allergic mess however i'd agree to them staying and there's not much she can do with them so i put up with it for a week a week goes by and the cat should be gone i get home and they're still there the girlfriend says oh um they're gonna stay for another week on top of that the girlfriend's boyfriend who is my roommate his mom had fallen and hurt her neck pretty bad and is in the hospital so now he's watching his dog at our apartment so i try to keep cool i told the girl sorry but the cats have gotta go the week is up and i'm severely allergic you can't keep them here i told you i'm allergic and you don't pay rent so get them out as for my roommate i told him that i'm sorry about his mom but he can't keep living with animals that i'm allergic to no one asked me if the dog could come no one asked me if the cats could stay longer i suggest maybe they keep the animals at the girlfriend's apartment who lives a whole mile away my roommate says you are so ridiculous you're crazy my mom's in the hospital and you care about my dog being here how selfish can you be well gee i'm freaking allergic my eyes have been watering and i've been sneezing like crazy all week i guess i'm really selfish for wanting to live comfortably i storm out of the apartment and immediately head to the leasing office i tell them that we have three animals in our apartment and that we have not paid the pet fee which is 500 per animal i asked them to come by later and made up an excuse that the animals were being too loud the neighbors were complaining and that we did not pay our pet deposit the next day i come home from class and the girlfriend sitting crying on the couch she says the leasing office came by and said we had to get rid of the animals due to complaints i replied oh no luckily they got a warning about the pets and they didn't have to pay the fifteen hundred dollars i suck at confrontation so i love when other people can take the reins for me oh p o p how dare you want to live comfortably in your own home you are so cruel for wanting to get rid of animals that you are severely allergic to shame on you op guys sarcasm by the way please don't spam the comments this last story is titled threaten to lie and accuse my kids of damaging your car i think i'll keep my camera footage of your car being actually hit i was living in an apartment with just myself and my two daughters there was no assigned parking and myself and the people who lived below me often ended up parking in spots fairly close to each other i had just purchased my first non-beater car so i was being very cautious about how i parked not bumping into anything not parking too close to the line etc the neighbors however constantly parked right on the edge crooked and sometimes over the line etc one night i came home from work and all the spots in front of the apartment we lived in were empty i remembered this because it was odd and it was kind of a cool i don't have to squeeze or park a mile away moment the next morning me and my daughters leave to go grocery shopping my neighbor's car is parked next to ours and i noticed there's a very large noticeable scratch and dent on its door it honestly looked like someone had intentionally slammed their door into it repeatedly we get home and are carrying the groceries up the stairs after the last trip up the stairs i'm in the doorway and one of my daughters comes racing up behind me and says mom there's a lady asking anna not her name a bunch of questions even though she said she can't talk to her now i'm big on the don't talk to strangers thing so i head down and ask what i could do for her and the conversation basically goes as follows i said can i help you the neighbor says i think your kid may have hit my car with your car door maybe she didn't but she refuses to answer me so she seems guilty i replied well first of all my daughter doesn't know you and she doesn't have to answer you because i taught them not to talk to strangers in fact i'm gonna ask you not to speak to my daughters unless i'm present or give you permission secondly my daughters are 10 i don't allow them to get into the car without me i can assure you they haven't hit your car when do you think this happened last night and you're not with your kid every time they open a door no one is it could have happened when they were getting something out of it i told her well since i live on the third floor i actually don't let my kids get things out of the car without me and last night we parked before you got home and remained parked all night until we left this morning for groceries that dent was already there when we left so it wasn't my car that hit yours sorry car's white and the paint left on my door is white it's obviously yours your kids did this i point out that there isn't a single scuff on any of my doors including the inside that would have hit i also opened my door and show her that where my door would have hit her car is above where her damage was the damage did not line up at all the neighbor begins getting very angry and loud at this point and said i don't care you're the only one around here with kids i see them almost hit cars all the time and you park too close to other cars you need to start parking further away if it happens again i'll get insurance involved i start to head up the stairs and her boyfriend comes out and blocks my way and says what did she say the neighbor says she's trying to say it wasn't them she's trying to lie and said her kids don't get in the car without her i told him to get out of my way and that i already showed her that the damage doesn't line up and he says no it was yours the paint is white you got kids and we've seen them hit other cars you need to take responsibility for what your kids do if you're not gonna pay me i need your insurance information now the lady chimes in and says we saw your kids do it we're gonna call the cops and we're gonna tell everyone here how your kids hit their cars too anyone who has a scratch is gonna know to come to you at this point i turned the voice record feature on my phone on and i said that was the first time you said you saw my kids do that you're literally making things up now you can't go around door-to-door it's against community rules in the lease that everyone has to abide by you can't just go around lying because you want someone to fix your car the neighbor then says you're gonna take responsibility or we will tell everyone you hit their cars i shut the door and called the police myself to explain the situation because after they lied and changed the story i was worried they'd make a report the police came and i played the recording for them and showed them how my car had no damage and my door didn't even line up with their damage the neighbors went inside and shut their door when they saw the police pull up the police basically told me that i had nothing to worry about and it sounded more like they were trying to get someone to cover their damage since they didn't know who did it and were trying to use intimidation to get me to cave they knocked on the neighbor's door and explained to them that they can't physically stop me from trying to get into my apartment or harass me and that they're gonna have to give me a report because it sounded like they may be trying to commit insurance fraud they attempted to tell the officers that they saw my kids hit their car but they weren't having any of it after that i started taking pictures and video of my car and theirs every time i parked a couple times they came out yelling that i'm not allowed to film their car without permission i just blew that off that got really tedious but it was clear they weren't letting go of the grudge against me and my kids so i invested in a cheap security camera i put it in the window facing the parking lot below i would skim it really fast overnights or if i park during the day for several hours one day i pulled up and they were out on their porch i started to walk up the stairs and they made snarky comments like oh you're not going to get out and video everything i actually wanted them to know that my car was still being filmed so they know they couldn't make crap up so i said in the friendliest non-sarcastic tone i could muster nope don't need to i have a camera in my window doing it for me this was a mistake because they started flipping out demanding to know where the camera catches and ranting that i can't film them on their porch and if i didn't take it down they'd have me arrested blah blah blah fast forward a few months and a large service van backs into their parked car and drives off it caused significant damage and my camera caught it all they actually knocked on my door asking if i had the footage and honestly had they been polite i probably would have helped them out but they basically just immediately started demanding that i checked my camera and if i wouldn't it was probably because it was me blah blah blah i let them know that i would be deleting the footage and to not contact me again they tried to say if i deleted the camera footage it was a crime since it was evidence of a crime and they were gonna call the cops on me blah blah blah nothing else ever happened but it's one of the few times in my life where i've not helped someone when i was in a position to and i don't feel bad at all and you shouldn't opie those people were definitely trying to intimidate you into paying for their damage that probably happened somewhere else it's funny how karma came back and bit them in the ass by having a truck back into their car it's like the universe wanted this petty revenge to happen and that's it for another episode of our slash petty revenge guys if you enjoyed this episode please give it a thumbs up if you aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future stories see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 127,881
Rating: 4.9179029 out of 5
Keywords: r/petty revenge, petty revenge, pettyrevenge stories, petty, r/, r///, r/pettyrevenge, reddit petty revenge, funny petty revenge stories, neighbor stories, petty neighbor, reddit top posts, reddit posts, reddit revenge posts, darkfluff petty revenge, darkfluff revenge, best petty revenge stories, top petty revenge posts, top petty revenge stories, insurance fraud
Id: RYKkle9xG78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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