r/ProRevenge - $2000 Car vs $250,000 Mailbox! | Reddit Pro Revenge Stories Ep.21

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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of reddit perrault revenge in this episode you'll hear how screaming at someone in a public library results in career destruction and how someone creatively deals with a vandal I hope you stay for all the stories and subscribe for future videos this story's titled scream at me and my friend in the bookstore let me end your entire career back when I was in college my pathophysiology class had a final project worth 50% of the total grades we could earn and groups who were picked at the beginning of the semester this was a massive project that you were expected to start working on at the beginning of the semester and if you thought you could do it all last minute you were probably in for a bad time it was myself two other girls and then this one guy that the girl was crushing on she had to add him to our group because he was cute or something I have no idea I call him idiot every time I tell the story though because he truly was an idiot the girls were fantastic and everyone pulled their own weight during the project with exception to this guy idiot never once did any of the group project work he ignored all the messages through texting and Facebook but would answer the one girl if she was flirting with him he would only show up to class maybe twice a month if that he would constantly post photos of himself on vacations in Mexico or the Bahamas and I'm pretty sure he spent more time out of the country than in it one week before the project is due he messages the group asking what pages in the textbook he needs to look through to do his part of the project we tell him what he needs to do and where to find the information we laid everything out for him if we did anything more we would be better off doing his part of the project ourselves idiot thanks us and then disappears we all assumed he was doing the work he needed to do and we were prepared to take a hit on the marks because he didn't have anything done up until now so the quality of his work was probably terrible at best project due date rolls around he's ignoring all of our desperate messages we go to the professor and tell her everything that's happened along with screenshots of the months worth of conversations where we constantly tried to get the idiot to come to labs with us or the library where we for to help him do his part the professor was not amused immediately fired off an email to idiot and cc'd the head of the program as well basically saying that idiot needs to either do his part and show up to class or he'll receive a zero and the rest of us won't be affected obviously idiot was a no answer and no show with no excuses or anything professor gave him a fat zero turns out that he needed to do his project and do well on it to pass because he bombed every test and with this failure he was denied from passing that semester I'm fairly certain he had to retake that course during the summer which means that he had to shell out another thirteen hundred dollars just for that class a couple of months later in the college bookstore idiot and his mom I called her screamer run into myself and the other girl who didn't like him and screamer just loses it on the girl and I'm screaming at a saying that we constantly harassed her son and she was gonna make it impossible for myself or the girl to find work idiots mom worked in the same field that our degrees were formed she sat in the board of directors for the Public Health Alliance for the area so she was a public figure and supposedly well behaved and educated too she was escorted out by security shortly after but that wasn't all that she had planned skreamer ended up dragging myself and the other girl through every single college meeting that they get scheduled regarding our non-existent negative behavior towards her son where he claimed he was constantly harassed with no proof it was literal months of this poor girl and I'm having to change our schedules for school so he didn't have any classes with idiot it made our last year or two semesters living hell because we couldn't be anywhere near idiot otherwise we could face disciplinary hearings or worse now for the revenge the security company that handled the contract for the college was also the same company that handled the contract where I used to work I was extremely close friends with a nightshift supervisor so one night after I finished work I asked him for a favor I asked him to let me email the video to my personal email account after I told him what happened and on what day and time it happened he drove me to the campus just after the main building it closed him and I walked over to a Security office where they have all the recordings that run back to the day that the security system was installed he brought the video up of idiots mom in the College Bookstore audio and all of her screaming at myself and my friend a quick email later and I was in possession of the video I found out who the rest of the board members were and over the course of a few days they were all sent an email with the video of skreamer going apeshit in the college bookstore screaming and an obviously confused guy and a terrified girl the audio perfectly captured the moment where she threatened to make it impossible for me or the girl to find any work within that district I never received any replies from the board members so I just waited to see what would happen screamer was voted out from her position the following week after the video was shown she lost her very cushy government job and was last seen working in an old-age home according to a mutual friend I'm not sure what happened to idiot but I did hear from the same mutual friend that he never did graduates and works at a call center now the girl and I ended up finding full-time work immediately after graduating never had an issue there oh and the security guard ended up getting hired by the RCMP so I guess good things do happen to good people this story is titled bully creates his own revenge this one's a bit long but please stick with me because it's a good one so here are the basics when I was a kid my dad was in the service u.s. Navy and so we moved around a lot because of this I was always a new kid over and over again meaning I was constantly the target of would-be bullies and this made me fairly introverted and distrusting of other people by nature in the waning years of my father's military career he decided he would take his family back to the hometown and do some recruiting until he retired so a way we went to the family farm built by my great grandfather if anyone has ever found themselves moving to a small town suddenly then you're well aware of what I mean when I say that the locals were very small-town minded for those of you that don't know the small town mentality is basically if you're not from there born and raised then you don't belong there a lot of small-town citizens are closed off and want nothing to do with outsiders so there I was not only the new kid but introverted and an outsider bully magnets for the most part I tried not to let it get to me but I did have some bad days and I got into a few fights always in self-defense though and eventually as people grew up most of the other kids matured out of trying to be a bully and began to just leave me alone this story is about a kid who has named Mike Mike was the only one who never seemed to grow out of trying to be a bully he would track me down daily and tell me how worthless I was he would always tell me that I was just some dumb farm boy who would never amount to anything and would always be a loser he would walk up to me randomly and say things like I know you're gonna be the one that shoots up a school someday and when it ends with you ending your own life I'll be the one cheering anyways we get into our senior year of high school and I've long since been doing my best to ignore him his not being able to get a reaction out of me seemed to really upset him and even his friends started saying that he was becoming creepy and obsessive by tracking me down all the time to make fun of me and then all of a sudden the verbal abuse stopped a couple of months from graduation I assumed he had finally given up but that wasn't the case a couple of weeks later I walked to the end of our long driveway to catch the bus and found that our mailbox had been run over I didn't think anything of it at the time other than it must have been some drunk I get home later that afternoon took some photos of the damage just in case and then fixed the mailbox new wooden post buried into the ground next morning I go to catch the school bus and the mailbox has again been run over I get home took photos repaired it and relaxed and happened again the next day and again the day after that this went on for two weeks only stopping on the weekend my parents had reported the Smashing of the mailbox but there was no evidence as to who the culprit even was so nothing was done about it I finally have enough of digging out broken post and replacing them so the revenge I get up early on a Saturday and head down to the end of the driveway I dig a two feet by two feet wide hole six feet straight down and filled the hole with fresh cement and in the center placed a 10-foot section of the old farmhouse original cast iron water pipe son six feet into the concrete I filled the rest of the 10-foot cast-iron pipe with concrete as well and mounted the mailbox on the top mind you I looked into how far from the road the mailbox needed to be for safety reasons and attached ample amounts of reflectors Monday morning comes and I noticed the mailbox post has all sorts of scratches on it but otherwise it's fine I get to my final class of the day when a friend of Mike's comes in we'll call him Steve Steve sees me and he freaks out he says do you have any idea what you did to Mike's car I didn't do anything to Mike's car I don't even know what the car looks like you're a little stunt with the mailbox totaled it he had to get it towed in a town at 5:00 a.m. this morning he's gonna sue you okay but are you aware that deliberately hitting and damaging a mailbox is a federal offense right I then explained that you don't actually own your mailbox legally it belongs to the post office so destroying a mailbox is destroying government property making it a federal offense he replied so what he'll get a little fine but you're gonna pay I then told them that it's actually a $250,000 fine or up to three years in prison per offense for vandalizing a mailbox and since it's happened ten times in the last two weeks that translates to either 2.5 million or up to 30 years in prison Steve just stares at me for a moment and storms out at that point I pull up the federal statute on the computer I was working on and Mike comes in insisting that I'm making the whole thing up so I show him the law and he freezes I said you can take me to court and I might have to pay a small fine and even tear down the mailbox but your life would be over he then said maybe but you can't prove that I did it 10 times actually I took photos of the damages so I can prove that it was at least 10 times but even if I couldn't $250,000 is still a lot of money much more than your car is worth I'm sure would you really Bank run to yourself or even get yourself sent to prison to force me to pay you a grand or two for the car Mike stormed out of the classroom and never bother me again the best part was actually the domino effect this created I heard through the small-town grapevine that he was eventually shunted over to adult programs by the school without his car which was totaled and unable to afford another he couldn't get to his classes and was eventually tossed out of school due to attendance problems without a diploma or GED he couldn't even get into a community college nor find proper work not having access to gainful employment left him living with his mother in a trailer living off her and the occasional odd job that he gets Mike if you're out there reading this just how did that mailbox taste hey everyone thanks for tuning in to this episode of reddit's Pro revenge if you like the stories don't hesitate to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe also turn on notifications so you don't miss more revenge stories see you in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 171,712
Rating: 4.9128652 out of 5
Keywords: reddit pro revenge, pro revenge, r/prorevenge, r/ pro revenge storires, r/prorevenge rslash, r/prorevenge fresh, r/prorevenge stories, prorevenge storytime, prorevenge story, storytime prorevenge, best revenge, reddit top posts, best revenge reddit, best revenge stories, top revenge stories
Id: 9Y4xjo9qK6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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