r/EntitledPeople - Teacher Calls CPS! I REFUSED to Talk to Her About My Mom's Mental Illness. SMH.

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hello my wonderful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who believe the world truly revolves around them guys before we dive into today's episode in the last episode i asked you what you would do if you suddenly came into one million dollars a lot of the answers were super responsible like paying off debt taking care of family investing and i love those answers but the one comment that definitely stuck out to me was this one money can't buy you love but it will buy you a cadillac to drive around and look for it robert sir that's the fast track to losing your million in the blink of an eye but hey it's your million you do what you want guys in this episode there's gonna be three stories the first story is about a teacher who thinks she's entitled to pry into opi's personal life regarding her mother's health complications the second story is a karen who ruins a santa's photo shoot and will finish up with a father pulling a damn shark out of an aquarium because his kids want to touch it oh the level of entitlement in these stories you guys are in for a treat today i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories oh and try not to feel too angry at these people let's dive in this story is titled teacher calls cps on me because i refuse to talk to her about my mom my mom was in and out of the hospital when i was around 10 to 13 years old because of her bipolar disorder and by the time this all went down when i was 15 my mom was doing much better she was home and she was even working so in my final year of secondary school one of my teachers began pulling me out of class in the middle of lessons and at first she just wanted to chat about my grades which were average but then she started asking more and more intrusive questions about my mom and her illness and began to compare my mother's illness to her mother who apparently had suffered from the same thing and began telling me sob stories about her childhood she also began asking me uncomfortable questions about my home life i didn't say much i just sat there feeling very confused about the whole situation this happened over the course of three months and eventually i got really sick of her pulling me out of the classroom in the middle of lessons and i snapped i told her to stop pulling me out of classes and to leave me the hell alone i turned to leave and go back to class she grabs me by the arm and tells me that if i continue to withhold information she'll have to call child protective services on me i told her to call them they wouldn't find anything and she'd be wasting their time a few days later i get called out of the classroom not by her but by my principal who takes me to her office where a cps worker my mom and my dad is waiting the cps worked my parents and i talked and she came to the conclusion that everything was fine but i broke down in tears because the whole situation had been really stressful my parents were pissed they demanded to know why the hell this teacher thought it was okay to harass me about something that was none of her business we never got a proper answer and the teacher refused to say anything the cps lady was angry about having her time wasted and demanded some type of action from the principal the teacher was not allowed to be in a room alone with me anymore and under no circumstances was to take me out of the classroom alone eventually she was moved to another class and later let go for harassment and assault of another student i can't believe she threatened and even ended up calling cps because op quote withheld personal information from her what the heck makes her so entitled to hear about opie's personal life she's a freaking teacher not a psychiatrist this next story is titled santa calls out entitled woman i work in an aquarium and during the month of december santa visits and swims around in the tank and talks to kids it's an awesome thing and something different than the normal stuff around here this happened a week before christmas 2019 so when santa comes to the aquarium to swim with the sharks he brings his elbs with him to help talk to the children i was one of the elves this year my first year and maybe my only year because of this one single woman so we were doing our normal thing and i was on the mic talking to kids and translating what the kids were saying for santa to hear in between children my manager comes up and explains that there's a young boy he's mute and just wants a picture and i'm like yeah sure anything i was honestly just happy to be there so we get to the young boy he's like nine and just stared as i directed him and his mom to scuba santa his mom takes the mic and talks to santa mom says hi santa this is boy he doesn't say much so is it okay if we just get a picture santa says of course and then he poses for the picture i'm standing up to the side out of the way of the picture checking the time as we had to get santa a break as his air tank only holds so much air as i'm getting ready to call the dive team to get the new tank ready there's a pop in my earpiece i look up to the microphone and the boy is holding it mom steps back towards me and we all just watch at this point there was a small line forming and we weren't worried about it as this was going to be the last child before the five minute break the boy says hi santa for christmas i want a truck the entire room goes silent and mom starts crying before looking and explaining that he hasn't spoken in over 6 months so i let him ramble to santa for a bit most of it's lost because it's rambling but the boy was loving it and no one in line seemed to mind this really was a christmas miracle of sorts then enter the entitled woman she was in her 30s with her friends wanting a picture with santa the boy finished his babble and went to say goodbye this woman yells over the crowd and says if he isn't going to say real words get him off the mic my other elf friend was going to confront her as i was micked in and whatever i would have said would have been everywhere but before they could get to her santa's voice comes over the speakers now fun fact about this particular santa is that he was a no-nonsense kind of guy in the first place and in this instant he became my best friend santa says why don't you shut your pie ho ho ho now because we hear this means that she said it loud enough for my mic to pick up and project it across the room she was so red but she stayed in line and santa finishes with a boy i start my signal to let santa know that he needs to go up for a new tank i said santa mrs claus has some new cookies she wants you to try now folks santa will be back after a short milk and cookie break normally people agree and it's no big deal we play games with the kids sing a couple of songs and before you know it santa's back but today this woman was not having it the entitled woman says oh come on you have a whole line here and he's just leaving i said he'll be right back i promise and then i go into a song but this woman she threw a fit screaming cursing us out making a real scene and i had left my mic on and santa could hear her screaming eventually he came back and finally got to her in line i reluctantly let her go up and step out of the way for a picture after she told me that if i was anywhere near the picture she'd have my head i had security on standby and they were ready to walk her out because i don't want that stuff not in my aquarium and the best thing ever happened santa says now ho ho hold on there are you the woman who yelled at the little boy and threw a fit when i had to go try mrs claus's new cookie recipe she just sat there staring at him and he says i'll have you know that this makes you number one on the naughty list we need to be compassionate and nice to others my elves here are just doing what i instructed them to do and you are yelling at them that's not the spirit of the holidays you need to apologize to everyone you've been mean to and then go back to the end of the line and wait again until that's done i'm not taking a picture with the naughty person i was hyped this woman was a bitch she ended up storming away screaming for a manager i believe she found one but she was escorted out with no picture the boy got to meet santa out of the tank and got a super special picture with him and all the elves it was amazing and the diver is my favorite dude forever and always i absolutely love that santa claus i especially love the part where he says why don't you shut your pie ho ho hole absolutely brilliant well played santa well played i bet the parents got a good laugh out of that one this last story is titled entitled dad picks up shark and ruins the day for everyone i work at an aquarium and as an educator i see a lot of stuff on this particular day it wasn't too busy but we're still dealing with covid so a lot of things are closed at my aquarium we're working on opening everything but it's hard i was working the shark touch station now these particular sharks are nocturnal in the wild and tend to take naps during the day side note if you don't know not all sharks have to swim to breathe these sharks don't have to so they're typically lying on the bottom of the tank for their naps i like to explain that when people come up and see that they're not moving on this particular day we were kinda busy and the sharks were having their afternoon nap a family came up and noted that the sharks weren't moving i said yeah so they're asleep and that's totally normal but if you have long enough arms you can try to touch them but keep in mind the water is cold and that they're at the bottom of the tank the dad nods and reaches into the tank poking the shark hard enough to wake it up and thus making it move to the other side of the tank he looks at me irritated the dad says now what i responded well you can wait for them to wake up and come to you or you can move to this section it's a bit deeper but there's a lot of sharks there to touch he rolls his eyes and moved his family at the new section it was too deep for the kids to reach and they were starting to throw a fit when this happens i like to offer them other things they can do or show them animals up ahead and always say they can come back to see if the sharks had moved but this guy was not having it he started to throw a fit saying it was unfair that the sharks were asleep while people were wanting to touch them i explain the normal stuff i say when people get upset which only upset him more he then proceeded to reach down grab a shark by the tail and lift it out of the water i was bewildered i see people push sharks and try to move them on a normal basis but no one removes them from the water until today i didn't know how to react they don't train you for this i said sir please put the shark down they need to live in the water the dad says my kids will touch this shark i start to panic sharks and other animals can die from stress and this shark was not having a good time i quickly call my lead and as he's rounding the corner the man drops the shark causing the other sharks to wake up and become agitated the entitled dad takes off to the next exhibit with my lead not far behind i call the animal care team and essentially close down the touch station until i get the ok to open it and guess what it didn't open for the rest of the day which caused a lot of angry parents complaining that they wasted their money but that's for another day i think my lead caught the entitled dad and kicked him out but not without him demanding a refund for the lack of things open and the lack of fun they had i don't know if he got it he probably did as we're known for handing out refunds for the dumbest things i was too busy focusing on the animals the sharks ended up being fine and we were able to open the shark station the next day so my note to everyone is please do not pick up the sharks at your local aquarium thanks um op i'm pretty sure you don't need a public service announcement telling people not to lift sharks out of the water in a freaking aquarium so op's got an update on the story that says i got in contact with the lead for that day and asked him what the consequences were he said that we hold a two-strike policy and we gave him a warning he came in the next day got into an argument about the mask policy spit on the floor and was escorted out by police and put on the ban list and we did not give him a refund that day guys and that brings us to another end of our slash entitled people listen if you guys have not heard the last episode of r slash entitled people you need to go check it out right now it's the most insane entitled people story i've ever read so basically op comes into a lot of money like millions of dollars and her family gangs up on her and forces her to split the money and pay for things because they think they're entitled to her money it's an absolutely insane story if you haven't seen it go check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 67,222
Rating: 4.9541545 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, crazy reddit stories, crazy reddit posts, entitled people top post, reddit entitled people, entitled woman stories, entitled teacher, teacher stories
Id: h90Wa3lPL00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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