r/prorevenge - "You were warned NOT to park there..."

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hey everyone and welcome back to another story time video in this video we're going to be looking at the subreddit a slash pro revenge if you're not already subscribed please do consider subscribing so that you don't miss out on another video I've also seen that a lot of you guys seem to have stories of your own so if you want to share them please feel free to put them in the comments down below as I love reading them but for now let's sit back relax and listen to some cool reddit stories this story takes place near the end of high school when most students would be thinking about what to do next in life there was a kid that would bully me and seven of the students of the school let's call him jack Jack had been bullying me for around three years I was too afraid to do anything about it and he got to the point I was ready to get revenge on this guy thankfully I was friends with the bully's sister let's call her Jenna Jenna and Jack's parents had gotten a divorce four years prior to this event but Jenna still talked to her sister that lived with Jack and their mother Jenna hated Jack with a passion which meant she was all over this plan we made to get revenge Jenna and I knew where Jack would hang out nearly every day while at school so I had Jenna go to the vantage point where she could record me walking up to the bully since his spot was a blind area for school cameras it's just what we had to do and what Jack would do when I did mostly pushing and kicking me typical bully stuff and I would use my phone to record audio we did this for nearly three months to make sure we had plenty of evidence over the three months we discovered that I wasn't the only one being bullied there was seven other kids that Jack would bully so we got all of them into the plan at the end of the three months Jenna and I had nearly 100 different videos and audio recordings of me and the seven of the kids being bullied by Jack once we had around a month before we finished high school I gave all the recordings to the principal of the school and Jack's mother this easily got him expelled from the school since it was around the time students would be applied to go to further education college etc I had Jenna talk to her sister and find out where Jack had planned to go after high school I won't say where for privacy reasons and once we found out I sent all the recordings to the college he wanted to go too which made them deny his application this continued to the point where nearly every college that he could go to had denied his applications and they had to move to another country just so Jack could have a future after math just before jack and his mother moved to another country Jack's mother gave possession of Jenna's sister to her father I was talking to Jenna about it and it turns out that Jack's mother was harassing Jenna's dad and we didn't know so our plan actually helped Jenna's father out as well well you were warned not to park there this story happened about 15 years ago give or take at the time I worked for a small industrial railroad in my city that served about 20 different industries along the docks to get to the docks from the yard where I would pick up the inbound cars we had a mile of street trackage that run right down the middle of a small street numerous bars lined the street on one side with the river on the other side because of city regulations we were only allowed to operate along that span of track between specific hours typically 11:00 at night to about 5:00 in the morning however since the bars were open at that time it also meant we had to trundle along a crawl usually walking pace or just about that and keep the locomotive on the front end of the movement every night I went down that street that would typically be two or three people who had parked too close to the tracks prompting me to have to get people to move their cars it wasn't a major problem just an annoyance except for one guy it seemed that every single night I would have to stop about halfway down because this guy would always park his truck and angle in the street as opposed to parallel parking there was some angle parking spaces but they were further down where there wasn't rails in the road every single night I'd have to head into the bar this guy owned and bugged the guy to get him to move the truck most of the time it'd take him a good 30 minutes to an hour to drag himself out and move the thing this meant of course I was losing time that I needed to get my job done after months of this I finally decided that I had enough so I decided to have the guy towed yeah that didn't work out as well as I hoped turned out that the guy also had some job with the sea or the mayor's office or some friend in either so no one would dare come out and tell his truck I think I waited there a good hour before he eventually came out and moved it even having the goal to flip me the bird as he left at that point I decided that not only was I totally done with the guy but if the chance arose I was gonna teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget not physical per se just a hard-learned lesson couple days later I found myself heading down the track with half a dozen heavy cars with machinery bound for the docks as I rounded the curve and neared the place where the guy always parked I gently applied the independent brakes on the locomotive this would slow the heavy train but it wasn't enough to stop it outright at least not quickly I waited until the very last minute laying on the horn and applying the full brakes bringing everything to a screeching halt in the middle of the street as I felt the brakes begin to hold that was this loud thunk and screeching and tearing of metal as the Train simply punted this truck out of the way tearing the bed clean off in the process this did not go unnoticed as a crowd had started to gather out front of the bar when they heard the train coming I stay in the cab calling back to dispatch and inform that I'd struck a parked car and they needed to get the police and a tow truck out to my location all the while I could hear this guy screaming heard him over the sound of the locomotive no less at the top of his lungs about how he was going to have me thrown in jail sued the company and all manner of things locking the doors I opted to just wait in the cab for the boys in blue to arrive eventually they pop around and start taking statements I explained the problem noting that I couldn't well I could have but it wouldn't have been a good idea simply slam on the brakes due to the cargo I was carrying and that the only reason I hit the truck because it was improperly parked I added that the gentleman had been warned in the past like something like this could happen and had ignored the warnings the man for his part was simply livid hopping around yelling at me yelling at the cops and just beside himself in the end he was ticketed for his bad parking obstructing the passage of a train and his truck was totaled and he ended up on the hook paying for it truck was brand new and not yet paid off or so I was told it took about two hours to clean up the mess and I was per company rules suspended for a week during the company investigation but honestly it was worth it didn't have any problems with him from that point forward either this is one of those Pro revenge's that I just wish I was there to witness it firsthand I could just imagine this like little short guy jumping around that his trucks being here but he definitely got what he deserved thirty years later and they are still standing I grew up on a country road with four houses our mailboxes were on the main road someone kept vandalizing the four mailboxes by driving through them and breaking the posts I recall replacing the mailboxes a few times on weekends after four or five times my dad in the neighbors hashed a plan my dad told me to go to bed early we have a lot of work to do in the morning after breakfast we go to the mailbox and there are the other three neighbors and their sons along with a tractor with a posthole digger railroad tires cement and a mini mixer we proceeded to dig to very deep holes digging holes is very back-breaking where I lived as the land was a very rocky region you only dig about six inches before we had to dig out a bunch of rocks in the hole we took turns digging out the rocks over the entire morning there was a lot more motivation as this was the last time we were gonna fix the mail boxes we dig two holes six feet deep and hoist two uncooked 12-foot railroad ties in each hole we then proceeded to filter the top of each hole with cement we added a cross beam and attached our new mail boxes after an entire day of digging holes then pouring concrete we all sat back and enjoyed our handiwork a month goes by and the kids and I walk to the mailbox to meet the bus we discover what happens when a moving car meets an unmovable object there is an old blue Buick Century with smashed up grille and bent wheel and nobody in the car this was well before cellphones so we run to the closest house and tell mum what we saw we go back to the main road and get on the bus with the car still there we found out later the highway ticketed the driver 14 year old kid and towed the vehicle now where I grew up you could get a daytime driver's license at 14 one catch if you receive two violations over two years you lose your license until you turn 16 one catch if you receive two violations over two years you lose your license until you turn 16 years old the kid was ticketed for speeding a week prior oops he now lost his license for one and a half years insurance found out about the vandalism and refused to pay the claim then put the insurance plan in the high-risk category even when the kid couldn't drive the kids dad tried to fight it by saying that mail boxes were not legally built mailbox construction is set by the state and county and our state such County did not have any regulations on County mailboxes I smile every time I go home after 30 years the indestructible mailboxes are still standing the original poster also attached to this image if you're struggling to like make out why it looked like but you got to remember function over fashion about a year ago I was working behind the counter for a liquor store it wasn't particularly busy and my boss was stacking shelves nearby when an entitled customer walks in she gets several bottles of alcohol and comes up to the counter yes to me she looks under 20 good evening before I serve you do you have a valid ID I don't need ID I'm 25 I'm sorry ma'am but I'm required by law to cite ID from all customers that may be underage well I don't have any ID to sell me the alcohol I'm sorry if you don't have valid ID I can't serve you so intellicus tamiko's absolutely ape she screams at me calling me amongst other things a pedophile a rapist and a fat piece of crap I'm sorry you feel that way but I'll have to ask you to leave the store still screaming invective at me and then the manager she leaves the store as this is not an unusual occurrence the boss and I laugh it off and get back to work thinking no more of it so fast-forward about a week I'm working again when the boss calls me to the office to get a phone call from hate jar hi what can I do for you hi yes we received a complaint from a customer that you were exceptionally rude to her on the 3rd of the 4th due to this we've signed you up to a mandatory course on customer service it's at 10 o'clock on the Tuesday hang on a second I grabbed my phone and switch on the record function sorry could you repeat that she then repeats it my manager was here for that incident he'll confirm that I was not rude to that customer yes he said that nonetheless you have to attend the customer service course it's mandatory hang on so you are trying to tell me that my manager and I are lying no but we got a complaint though you have to do the course so let me get this straight despite the fact I was not rude to the customer and my manager says that I was not rude to the customer and she was literally lying about it have to attend a course on customer service yes do you know what workplace bullying is what workplace bullying what why you are punishing me for an event that did not happen that qualifies this workplace bullying I suggest you take me off this customer service mandatory course I can do that you have to attend it no problem I quit I'll see you in court I should mention that this call has been recorded for quality and training purposes I put down the phone and chat with the manager for a few minutes while he tries to calm me down for the incandescent rage I'm feeling a few minutes later the phone rings it's hey chart supervisor we stick it on speaker and I record again oh what's this all about so I explained what hey char told me and he questioned the manager and myself after a few minutes back and forth he says ok I'll take you off the course that's not good enough what I'm a victim of workplace bullying I'm taking you to call that's hardly necessary we've fixed the problem right no I've been insulted and then been told that the company does not trust me nor does it trust my manager I prefer to take my chances in court as I have direct evidence of workplace bullying Oh what can we do to resolve this two things I'd like a raise and you to personally send a memo to everyone stating that they cannot just send people on mandatory training courses unless there is actual evidence that wrongdoing has occurred I'll see what I can do anyway I got a small raise and a memo was sent out requiring review of customer complaints before any mandatory training was required of staff so I took the win the boss and I had a good laugh about it and he admired my bravery and standing up to the dreaded hate yeah what pisses me off most though is the thought of how many staff had to attend mandatory training for something that was entirely the fault of some entitled customer hey everyone I hope you're all having a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you did remember to leave a like on it as it really helps us out if you want to check out our other reddit stories remember to click on one of the end cards on screen right now but thank you for watching and I will see you tomorrow you
Channel: Storytime
Views: 221,143
Rating: 4.8500366 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, pro, revenge, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, reddit revenge, reddit bully, bully, bullies
Id: Ma_9Qnt0vM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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