Rolls Royce Wraith Black Badge review. 2000 mile trip to Villa d'Este

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It's evident even just from footage how incredibly smooth and hushed that cabin is. Perfect car to put thousands of miles on yourself especially with ACC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGuardianReflex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I find watching Harry's videos so strangely relaxing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/llamaesque πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

As an American, visiting three countries by driving is mind blowing. Although to be fair, some states may as well be other countries.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/__nullptr_t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] welcome to a new Harry's garage and today's car really excited about because it's the Rolls Royce of reef black badge quite a mouthful but it has that name for a good reason a black badge is the ultimate rolls-royce that's that they say for customers who who'd like to get a bit of a move on who like to get places in a bit of a hurry and if you were at Goodwood in I think it was 2016 last year it was tech gold just in law you might know from xj220 s and he does various other things he put this car Lord March has this great thing this sort of top ten shootout for the road cars and just in awe drove it and he drove this car to fifth position the ultimate top ten shootout quite an achievement because behind that black badge there is a v12 twin turbo that we know from race but this is got a little bit extra the wick turned up more torque I mean the horsepower saying but it's 624 horsepower so I'm really looking forward to this car but it's a car for long journeys so in the morning we're setting off for one of my bucket list events somewhere I've never been before always wanted to go and it's the Concorde air guard at Villa d'Este a which sees on the lake Lake Como just on the shore wonderful Villa wonderful venue packed full of beautiful cars and beautiful people and me which is the first time in all these years I've always wanted to go that's where we're going you'll come along too I'm going to take in some Alpine passes not the usual sort of stealthy apart some secret ones I know show you some of those we enjoy the journey so the next time you see us we'll be are making our way to the Eurotunnel so I see that okay well you're a tunnel beautiful day outside say it's going to be the hottest day in May recorded it was 30 degrees they reckon outside very nice in here set up early this morning from near Oxford and came down oh dear the British motorway system really yeah it's not good it gets so much better once we're in France but some things we found out about this car well one thing it's very good at is going slowly and we're in queues in Oxford it's got the latest tech on the cruise control so it has the radar things and this is exceptional you can you can have it set at like 60 miles an hour and then you come across a queue and it was slowed down very gently but what's really impressive is how it comes to a stop just like there is a chauffeur drive in this car and you've got your feet off and you can just come up and you're just in a cure traffic and just stop ever sublime it almost imperceptibly when you actually come to a halt very clever and then if you if you just stop for a few moments it will then set off again we pause a bit longer you have to touch the accelerator meet and it transits off again I also noticed going down a motorway of cruising just a tad over the speed limit 75 ish and I'm using between five and seven percent of available power was 624 or so apparently I only need about 40 horsepower to cruise through the UK motorway system anyway I'm glad that bits over where now if you just look out the front we're just waiting to build the pipe and the train I'm getting an ordinary carriage I think it will be enlightening little wrong and then we swing back down and then we're going to hit France we're not going to go your usual way through France and write a map I'll probably show you around we're going to go cut a cross tube and Strasbourg the brain in neutral way to Lake Como is actually go through France and to go through Mont Blanc tunnel and across just used motorway sisters not doing that I'm going to go to Strasbourg pop down and alter Gong I just want to see what it really is using person if they stay on the Autobahn stop off somewhere in Switzerland swift pain for the proving net and then we do some wonderful Rosen's whistle so I think the next place you'll see us will probably is where I come to Strasbourg and going on your block okay well now it's just gone seven o'clock we left you're a tunnel at about one o'clock so it's it's six hours we've gone through Strasbourg so what more do we know about this Rolls Royce well I hit the cruise as usual through France that's about 85 miles an hour just a little bit over 13 clicks but not much and very gently drifted across France there's just more John Donne reactivity the day so I don't really push it and doing that I've noticed that my mpg when we set off this morning we're sitting at about average of 18 miles a gallon it's now at twenty two point four mpg I think that's a bit of a result actually that's not bad these things six litre v12 twin turbo and it weighs 2.4 2.5 x and that shows you how efficient sort modern IC engines are getting there but we're fed up with going slow how we're going to give it a bit of a test there are autobahns just up here and it's well worth coming this route it's not an Autobahn that you're going to get a 200 mile an hour tight car at its top speed but it's I try and time it so at this time of day just sort of coming up to dusts a bit emptier and this short blast on this bit of water bar so I would hope this is speed limited 155 I feel it's my duty to check that that speed limiter is in place and it stops an excited engine 55 and I want to see how much power is got in reserve at 155 so we'll find out what happens right good knowing this town Oh or safely 58 on the smells old very old doing this and you've got no red counter the you don't actually know where it is if it is you've got another trick if you want a useful is a low button on the gear I think that just cuts it out there's an 8-speed gearbox that remove the use of several a something so it's just bit more responsive I delve into their I can turn tracks control things stability control zone we don't need to do that when we do this but this is just sitting at serve about 110 miles an hour and he's very civilized as you'd expect little bit of wind noise I think just coming from the mirrors and we're just going through your 125 us load right there yeah there's very little road noise from the tires very impressive on that size just the refinement this is that two and a half ton car it just had that way of riding down the road that just swallows distances very impressive okay we're just approaching bowl there's a loss of 120 limits on the bottom half of the bottom and the approach valve in the last bit is a bit of breathing we're just in a bit now cruising and 100 510 we're off to find a hotel now so next time we join us the outside of hotel I can be a little rundown where we going tomorrow's very special passes in Switzer's okay day two in this trip and this rolls-royce of race black bad last time Soros we're on the Autobahn just coming down from Strasbourg tools file and then we slipped off stayed in a hotel it's called Laura in just in Germany rather than going into Switzerland last night because it's a bit cheaper stayin in Germany than staying in Switzer got up this morning I didn't do something outside the hotel who we needed to get off and first thing you do you enter Switzerland and I had to buy a big net pass which is this pass that lets you use the Swiss motorway and I wanted to do that but I wanted to go into Swiss them because Switzerland actually has some fabulous passes you could just zoom in and I can't quite see where I'm going it's good look at here without so but there we stay a little player thing for just up here come down the motorway behaving your best behavior no speeding at all in Switzerland they are very upset but this this is a little epicenter of parties bit like the evo triangle and there's a cistern pass the rims of path further pass and then the dot on pass which you might know from Evo days okay so that's where we are and I wanted to bring this break here because these roads are just glorious Switzerland I mean it's amazing it's beautiful weather just at the end of May and it's like it's like perfect everything's like few ridden is like extraordinary country how clean and wonderful it is and it has these great policies you see on a day like this I thought it to be a bit quieter here fights and a Porsche Targa this game part so I think we're going to have a bit of company but we're going to head towards the Tatas pass now so I think we need the big open cars for this rate to score there's a there's some trick things on it I put in too low ratio I think yeah just what is this car going to behave like constable testing right let's go and find out okay well we're on the guard pass now this is a I think it'd be a good part of this card try it on because it's a more open part it hasn't got that really tight hair pins and things this is a more open more flowing past I think this would suit this car quite well now first thing to understand this car there are no sport settings or dynamic or anything like that I really admire Rolls Royce for that but there are a couple of things you can do first of all I just select Drive and then low gearbox and if I go to menu and go to setup have a look and I can go to stability control and remarkably on a car I have traction and I have DSC off which I admire Rolls Royce for doing because that that's a bit of surprise having that on this car anyway let's see what happens and she locks me in but once it's quite a lot of traffic today but we'll see what you can do there first thing as we still there's still quite a push from this inch might be other altitude the 646 Alfred a talker there to start with there's a monster amount tool and yes it's got quite a big car to move about but it's a big engine 6.6 liter twin turbo steering as you expect it's electric steering it's not the last vast sort of naming feedback for whatever theory I can see in the role it's got this ante role as well but it's not doing much I've been like dad I need to know I don't remember a Rolls Royce never sounded like that it kind of equipment I've seen them a lot of traffic some pretty thickly the tires are clean for dynamic so and they're not low-profile to read it it's a quick itself quite well there's a bit of a whoo I didn't feel a bit of a hooligan doing this just the power just squirted on the strength drive this is good and the other surprise is actually the seats pretty quiet well I mean they just look as though they're made for comfort but they've got a surprising amount of bolster at the side I can think of some sport seats that I actually as good as this we're going to make our way to Lake Como now because we're we're meant to be then and out of it I can't hang about up here too long but it just had these monumentals Valley just dominate everything and even though it's the weight it is dismissing things through rolls-royce fashion well you've got a good path you certainly got had a good power in this car yeah pretty epic all-around epic our epic scenery Lake Como Villa d'Este a rest tomorrow on a secret of the or from rolls-royce so I'm looking forward to down to the village [Applause] just coming into Lake Como and as every time I've been down here there's a queue of traffic and don't have to swing around here this is something this car does really well I'm not having a touch with radar in the car in front and it's just has softly it can stop in these soil conditions and then just quietly move off again someone's worked very hard at that on some test track for lumps I'd imagine I know other cars have it but no one I would no car I've experiences as smooth this as amazing then it releases my learn it's that you have reached your destination your destination is on the right morning and we have enjoyed Villa d'Este a and now unfortunate it's time to go home there's wonderful setting at Lake Como side it's about packed the car and I'm actually giving you a guide round this car and just have a look at it a little bit more detail first thing to say it has presence and it's quite a big car is five point two meters long you think the new Range Rover is just under five meters it is an exceptionally large car but that translates to a lot of space inside and this glorious sort of long-legged feel to it the other thing to note on the outside is the perfect paint finish today manufactures using this water-based paint and you're getting used to sort of orange peel type on finish on the car not on the rolls-royce they hand finished it with hand polish it hand rub it down with lacquer layer upon layer and you get a true mirror finish if he's diffic story fortunately this car is now done for about nearly a thousand miles is done chauffeur duties while we've been here is a bit dusty so it's not quite a mirror finishes when it first arrived but paint these exceptionally now the first thing on a rolls-royce if they have rings doors and you when you first sort of live with this car you sort of go to the back of the door out of sub constantly you're so used to open the door get away the advantage of a real integral is it opens really wide and it makes getting in and out it's very easy as you can see that that's why it bitter reinstall it also in theory makes it easier to get into back the pins of things forward like that and I can how about I'm six foot two I know you can see that I have loads of room back here which is pretty amazing for the seat set four million or two I'm sitting in here no problem at all we travel back in this car last night and it's nicely rate the seat this is to travel long distance if you're going to sit in the back of this thing you will not complain but we're you reading up to six is up the front now here things to notice the lamb's wool rugs which you just can't help but take your shoes off when you're driving cuz you just want to feel the lamb's wool the dassit laid out it has this carbon finish on the dash and it has a weave of metal I can't say I really like it it's sort of trying too hard the sort of feel of this car I rather have that - finishes in black granite I think that would suit the car better lovely how they've done it when I've got in the car now and you think it orders no central screen first button I press it here this sort of wakes the car up the screen becomes there there we go it does little plays little chooses like a hard disk on this car the sound you get and it's all very easy to work out radio is just controlled with buttons down here volume low I love the ventilation switches that go from off soft medium high or max and how also the temperature is done split and the controls for the temperature and just color so you have a bit more blue shown or a bit more red if you want to warm up and I was talking to the CEO of Rolls Royce yesterday and he just says what you don't you don't need to set it at 21 or 22 when you're driving you just want to be a bit cooler or a bit warmer and so you nudge it either way you don't need a temperature today I wanted it 22 and that's the sort of ethos the armored car you have the sort of Camellia shared with B&W control the central control in the middle the beautiful - layout and the vent of the metal sort of ventilation swings it all works beautifully well you control your lights on here this one is actually the gear change and this one's the wipers and indicates this side - the the dolls I almost don't see I'll give it maximum marks on the speedo that goes around 150 hundred and sixty is a loss increment and when we're doing on the auto buck you can use The Awl that dial up the needle is actually point to the end of you have this nonsense tower available gate on the left it's bit odd living without a rev counter you sort of don't need to know because it's always files away but you've got the head-up display on this car and you just look at that you very rarely look at the instruments apart from the petrol gauges which coming in you want to know when you want to fill up I think that's it in here beautiful finish starlight headliner real hit just very nicely finished actually something I ought to just say if you just step back the door it's quite a long reach I can't reach it here but I have a button Chris can do this and I can also have a button here where I control it for the passenger as well hey that's some look under the bonnet there we are 6.6 liter v12 twin turbo remarkable engine 6 24 horsepower 642 pounds of torque it's very nicely dressed very quiet does the job magnificently well you really need that quickly for the boot the boot which is so enormous I can do this ah it's enormous ice anyway you can see the back of it ah they like me out so you're not going to run out of boot space on this car that proper GT for crossing continents those are about to do so right we'll pack up the car and the worse it off up into the Alps again we're up in the Alps of games you can see them outside and we're on the third pass at the make our way to the crimson pass and really narrow this pass that focal passes you come up really narrow hair pins you just run for two cars to play some time you have to pull over and then it opens up you can sort of see the sort of road as we get up the top come straight and it's just spectacular this time of year still got plenty of snow around that's fantastic this is quite a big car to bring up here yeah it's worth it for the scenery lower than the driving worried not what it expects me chased up a mountain parson is a great rolls-royce there this is the grim dull past this is a really special pass very pretty lots of hair pins on it and they said it was open what a swing right yeah we're we're on Plan B then well we have to go back and do the fur coat pass again which isn't too bad and just do the normal motorways slap home so we're now yeah we're back on the motorway this is a really night if you're down this area grimmjow path is open do do it and yeah we're back on to motorway system and on the way to France and on the way home see you later well the last time how you join me we're up in a very different scene we're up in the perfect pass up in Switzerland since then we dashed across France or about three miles to the fioor tunnel and then quickly come round the m25 I'm just heavy as of Oxford on the way home to the last leg of this journey bank holidays makes me wanted to get yes you can so in all looking at the - we've just about done 2,000 miles in this rolls-royce rape black pads really got to know this car and yeah it's my he's worth going through some of its stronger points and some is less strong points first of all steering yes one another child electric steering yes it's got some lane departure since my being electric and they doesn't the time I haven't found a way of turns off its slaughtered and going down the side of the road or you're on the motorway in just change lanes of buzz comes to the wheels part that's pretty in person really matter at the most with driving well when we're up on the passes you as a vehicle for really so yes there is a bit of a letdown on it and design of the car really nice so confident front front are like this not actually bleeding blackbirds introduces that black grille I think it really suits the child with minimal light and I love the side profile but it just looks not quite as confidence at the rear big kids I know they're probably trying to lose some mass by the design but it doesn't quite have that confidence that the front has and then we go on to well the embrace lengths they just feel adequate in the breaks off in the mountains this is a really quiet wing car so I like there would be a little bit beefier perhaps weight of the car again probably in the mounted you do feel it's quite a big Charlie just think why this car like 2.4 times it's aluminium construction is two-wheel drive yes it's got a beefy engine but you just think where is all that math and and then it's what are you parking it you certainly know this was all 5.2 metres of tar so but the flipside of that weight and move into the good points and there's quite a few of those is that math if this is one domicile field this just eat the miles sort of feel and also a wonderful ride quality I remember the first rape yeah really impressive rot right even those was on run flat tires I had a look at these times I can't see run-flat mention on the tools I just wanted this is unconventional time but a terrific what ride quality and impresses when the moment you step into it it swallows bumps and undulation beautifully damp no settings on the dampers just right and some of that it actually the mass but helps its ride once but it does give it orange peels to go down front and then as the end 6.6 liter v12 twin - that isn't gonna disappoint 64 horsepower that isn't really got a huge amount massive engine it does it in five every 1000 revs Maxim talk though 642 pound for a talk and 1500 on it's a mighty mighty edge it delivers so much grunt - this car dismisses - rifle turns always feels quick put it in the low setting and you'll be shot and what this car can do Spanish stars overtake that sort of thing the way on the Autobahn they just punch straight up okay look the way axes the needle swept all the way around the DAR to the very last point it using it a whole loss of the speed oh great season school boy stuff I know but investors great to see so fantastic what that delivers are also pretty efficient must say we've done pretty much everything in that six thousand miles apart and the average mpg for the whole week and two thousand bucks twenty one point six mpg impressive that and that's also with the size of the tank delivers a you know a four hundred plus mile range that's really useful in a car like this and then is the just the depth of quality that paint finish is extraordinary second to none absolutely mirror finish and the black outside and the way also they've done those carbon wheels for this car is like this to have a carbon wheel but beautifully done tourist wheel Dominion just on the outside the hub very clever Interiors lever rattle through lever against eleventh assistant waste rimmed unsub sitting the batter that is this big four seater you feel very special for this town and all the crane business most essential things all that was it all ran up to whatever it actually brings to the party is a massive field of experience what it really liked about this car is it is offers unique experience from the moment I approach and you open that dual that rear hinge door and step inside there is nothing elder discuss this drive that I've experienced weeks or so sick behind that spirit immensity of the front of the body define it it's long bonnet you carry topic further into life it feels beautiful everything except and you just glide away and the way this car can drive so slowly it's so majestically and use that sort of take this on all that radar just to keep the distance and cruise control etc that is a unique feeling in mostly but it does come as a cost this car say as you see it here 320,000 that means you could buy 2 DV 11th with this car to Bentley continuity so this is a very expensive car operating a very rarefied atmosphere of our rivals if you like the only car I think it comes close to writhings foreigner the Ferrari and the view method the gtp flawless so that has a similar soaring silver factor though son to me but is a different animal that's always egging you on to get it faster this one just says well step inside I will relax see if I can take anywhere in the world and I can get do you want to speak with Joyce doesn't whisper don't squirt up your corpse won't believe can also do that rolling up to this I'll just step out and have that so a WOW factor so I've really enjoyed the week it's one of those cars I know I'm in a good car if I'm going home I can have a quick look at it to see how much they are that's what I feel about black that's exceptional come suppressing you won't see many of them but I bet the owners of reasons of fact I know one owner is just swatted f12 tdf alpha woman he owns the redeemed he's charging across Europe and he's never been out yet and I can quite understand why you I hope you enjoy the video that's the Rolls Royce raven-black that will be more videos coming out very soon but we want to follow me on Twitter and on Instagram you'll catch up something amazing you [Applause]
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 734,313
Rating: 4.9086246 out of 5
Keywords: evo diaries, evo, harry, harrys, rolls, royce, black, badge, wraith
Id: 3dwBrCO3Qi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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