800hp Ferrari 812 Superfast review. 1000-mile road trip to S.France but is it a true GT?

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Seeing a GT used properly as the manufacturer intended it is so satisfying. Loved seeing the MPG calculated and all the little details you only think about if you really live with a car like this

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/quintuplethreat 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love the fact that he uses those kind of cars properly on a long journey. And I really want one in Tour de France blue.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/metzger_87 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Best youtuber by far for great car reviews

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/KingKevland 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I cannot even imagine how incredible it would be to take a Ferrari GT car from UK to the south of France. And then to be able to actually drive the damned thing hard like it was meant to be driven. Lucky chap.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/KCBassCadet 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Harry is doing his own thing and I love it.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/ettieredgotobed 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm honestly more enticed by the 812 and GTC4Lusso than the F8 and Portofino.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/throwawayrepost13579 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/lolshad- 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was an awesome review, detailed and interesting. When he started driving that mountain road, the sound of that engine up and down through the gears, I want this car.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AKOWPOSIA 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] well welcome to a new harry's garage video and today's car is this the ferrari 812 superfast a car i've been itching to get in the garage and have a go in and live with and uh finally here this 800 horsepower front engine ferrari now the first there's a little bit of history with this car i booked it in at the end of october november time and uh unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse and ferrari decided to take the press cars off the fleet and lock them up for the winter that was fine because it's all right i had a booking at the end of march when they were coming out of hibernation and we all know what happened at the end of march so that booking got moved quite rightly obviously and they came back and said we could do something in july and as the data sort of got closer and closer things are slightly freeing up um with this uh chronovirus and we're doing a bit more traveling and then the government announced that potentially there's going to be air bridges into into europe in certain countries including france i thought hello is it possible that perhaps the dates and the stars would coincide that we could take this into france and it got me that the in the press pack not only is this thing has incredible acceleration in the speed but they do say whilst of course guaranteeing the superb comfort on longer trips that is the signature of a genuine grand tourner berlinetta so ferrari say this is a grand tour of berlinetta that needs trying out so what we're going to do tomorrow pack the bags and we're off to provence we're off about 950 miles away from where we are now so i'm not going to do a walk around the car you're going to join us i'm going to stop off on one or two places on the way down and just see if this ferrari 812 superfast makes a great gt well morning it's um well it should be half past six it's near a quarter of the seven actually a little bit of packing not a bad size boot in uh eight one two i'm discovering uh and then a quite handy shelf behind there um we're on a euro tunnel this morning the only thing we discovered last night passenger seat doesn't go uh it doesn't have height adjustment and it's set extremely low so we've had a uh essential travel um piece of kit and that's a cushion by the look of things just because it's mad low and you almost can't see out [Music] well first few miles just going through oxford now god and i'll wake you up this car um yeah it doesn't it doesn't it's not the most relaxed car even on the first bit of the journey it just follows cambers it's alive at the steering it feels like a race car set up just the way it darts about any sort of camber always heading this way that way and it yeah slightly worrying when you set off the engine light engine warning light you know the glowing the one you dread stays on for for rather too long for my liking i suppose it's just the cats warming up and things but uh all good um we've got about it's 200 miles to the tunnel or something like that but there is no chance of falling asleep in this car or nodding off with the wheel anyway not a lot of traffic see you a bit closer to your tunnel well here we are euro tunnel looking remarkably empty which i suppose isn't really a surprise just yet but i thought there'd be a little bit more activity down here but no easy run i'm down looking at the what i'm quite impressed with is 164 miles we've just done and the fuel gauge is only three blobs going it's got nine blobs and three have disappeared for 164 miles i don't know what range this car is going to do it's a 234 mile range remaining i can't believe it'll do that much to a tank who knows right nice to see a citroen sm the queue for your tunnel and a 911 going out to enjoy it that's quite nice too anybody think it was le mans week the nice thing we went flexi plus because i didn't really know how it was all going to be especially on the way home you know the air bridge lifting next week you just wonder how busy it's going to be so we booked flexi plus and you get a drive-through now you can't actually go into sort of browse and see magazine new space stuff but at least there's a sort of dry food and they hand you a bag of goodies which i'm now gonna tuck into and we're in france well first fuel stop um quite impressed actually 320 miles we've done since leaving i did a little bit few miles last night before setting off so i've done about 300 today and i have to say this yeah this 812 is behaving an awful lot better in france i was starting to get very nervous in uk because it was just following every camber and this row it could kick up on the m25 on those concrete sections i've i got my db meter out again 81 82 decibels in this suddenly we're down to 75 uh decibels in france 7475. what is it about french motorways there's so much smoother um yeah i'm putting 95 octane because we're just cruising down the motorway so i don't have to pay their rip off um super unleaded prices on the motorway reefs it's just tickling along we've got about another 500 kilometers i'm going to work it out when i get in but so far all going well i think i wonder if i'm the only person who's ever going to work out the fuel consumption of their 812 but i'm quite intrigued by this 320.5 miles divided by 16.4 equals 19.5 mpg from 812 superfast not bad gain one thing if you are traveling in france you're sort of expected to wear a mask when you go and pay for the fuel everybody seems to do it when you go to one of the places good right crack on i've mentioned this before but you can get these tags for french auto routes from euro tunnels and office in the uk they are heaven in a right-hand drive car because that's what happens and it just gets charged to your credit card and it's live for as long as your credit card expiry date exists so it's a four-year thing then you just update your credit card thing and it's you know i can't imagine traveling on french auto roads without it and once you have one you think did i really mess around and try and get close and do the wheels in and all the rest of it yeah just this thing just down the altery just to sort of update some of the surprises i'm finding is it it actually is quite short geared and i was reading the press back and the the super fast they lowered the gear in by six percent over the um f12 to give it a bit more acceleration and that means when i'm sitting at my normal speed in france which is about an indicated 85 miles an hour about 135 kilometers an hour to take in speedo uh error etc this thing is over 3000 rpm it's like an old-school car you know we've got used to cars um sort of sitting at eighteen hundred two thousand revs to sort of because of them you know trying to get through the co2 nonsense etc and then big turbo engines but this has been a normally aspirated 6.5 litre that likes to rev i'm really amazed there we are i'm at 81 miles an hour and 3000 rpm other than that yeah it's just creeping a lot we're we're to today is going to be basically a pretty dull day because the first leg i just get straight down through france to the the really interesting bit especially on a short journey like this i almost went right down to well just just to the west of santa fe where we're going in one hit 950 miles it's a big day it is doable but you wreck yourself and when you're traveling to france the hour is the wrong way with you so i always if i'm gonna do a big trip and try and do it on the way back because you gain the hour and suddenly it feels easier just because the your watch is saying oh it's only whatever time it is because you've gained that hour um so what i'm going to do today is do the route down to the hotel now not do any more updates and then you'll join me tomorrow at the hotel and i'll just go into a bit more detail what we're going to do then because i want to do a little diversion on the way down which is quite a fun thing to do so yeah for now i've got another five hours of this well morning from our hotel just outside leon just over 600 miles we did yesterday and the destination i booked this hotel um online recommendations it's not we quite often stay in bone or macon i wanted to get a bit further south on this trip and we had a little bit of disaster last night with a hotel i'd booked it had private parking but it turned out to be underground private parking with an entrance about this big and um the 812 superclass is about this big and it just wasn't going to happen so it was a right old panic last night trying to find another hotel this the chat very kindly was full of apologies where we'd booked and recommended this hotel and i have to say it's a lovely little hotel hotel uh it's um just off the water route dead handy you it's impossible not to find it's it's less less kilometer if that from the um auto route but it it's just behind there there's a sort of nice sort of dining area by the pool it's sort of a place we would have stayed when we were at evo really so we had breakfast by the pool and quite a good little restaurant as well so yeah a bit of a find this place it's um one of these um i get the book logie have you ever heard of logee they're they're sort of worth searching out lodging places to stay in france because they're like the independent i mean the mercure and um western and i'm sorry it's a road just there as you can probably tell um but western etc those sort of group of hotels they're a different flavor they're very convenient etc but the logic they're sort of family more family owned etc anyway what i'm going to explain what we're going to do today i'm just going to pack this all in so put that in there probably supposed to put that there all right slightly worrying because there's probably plenty of space for some shopping which i shouldn't be saying of mrs m close by i'm going to get my map out show you what we're going to do today so we have gone right across france to get down to leon so this is sort of where we are just to the west of leon literally where that little bit of red is and we're going down right down into provence caviar somewhere just to the west of santa fe really pretty area uh down here a bit more wilderness it's just a different feel to the more populated busy riviera sort of can nice monaco area i like this area and there's a reason why we're going there as well but on the way down i thought i just dropped by a real favorite place of mine um which is a little bit about so we're just going to bomb down to a tight schedule we're going down the altar room but just off the order route is mount von two there and this is worth searching out we did a evo car of the year there one year it is spectacular scenery and it's a little bit of sort of alps craziness without having to go all the way across to the alps obviously there's root napoleon very very famous root napoleon's here but it's quite a long way out to be away and it takes forever to then get back on the auto routes section so you have to come through grenoble and come down this way and then you end up it canned on t but there's a lot of rubbish sort of either end of some spectacular bit in the middle mount von 2 is a bit of a quicker fix closer to the altar root so i'm going to show you that on the way down so yeah time to get going really uh there's a place selling um super unleaded about a kilometer just up the road for considerably cheaper than it is on the ultra route so we're gonna do that and then we'll head on down and we'll make our way to mount von two we found a traffic jam um and we're just going around leon let's say i've had this before down here and if you're going to get caught on the order on the way down to um you know riviera it's around leon try and not do it at the busier times of the day is a top tip um i don't know why it builds up here but it quite often does and i just hear the sort gearbox chantering it's first i've done sort of stop start motoring in this eight one two and uh yeah it just just the picking up isn't quite as smooth but it's dual clutch transmission made for speed of change rather than sitting in traffic but you just notice it and when it changes into second or down chasing this in uh from second to first it's a bit about what does a bit of that well that's sort of characteristic of all dual clutch transmissions and the stop starts interesting as well because it's quite a buzz from that v12 so when it shuts down it said well it's sudden silence is almost more of a shock than it is in a regular car of course it won't do it now i've got the camera running no not stop starting for the camera no no way yeah so i hope this isn't too long because i was quite looking forward to mount von two right well we've come off the main order routes after leon down to marseille it does tend to drag a bit and it's you look out for it's saute 19 and i've done this route before and it's just a relief to get onto normal rows and they're empty down here if you just swing around you can see what we're looking at it gets a bit twistier a bit later on but it's very much rural france and you can now you can actually see mount von 2 in front of you it's actually that well i'll call it a mountain in front of us right there one side is wooded and the other side is sort of the famous for the tour de france it's always how many bikers are on it is the only problem with it so that's where we're heading very tempting bits of road this it was good to exercise those horses again after many hours on the french auto route [Music] look at that access to the summit of mount von too closed well we'll go and have a look because we're sort of on the way now but um i don't understand that there's no dates no times no nothing that is a right ball swap to the pencil cam so if the sound has gone slightly strange that's why this is just the approach suddenly this car starts to shrink we'll definitely climb 9.2 is 2 000 [Music] liters i can't get over this engine the way it has peak torque 7 000 rpm [Music] she's at crazy speed for a six and a half liter engine [Music] slightly soft on the brakes actually everything is so amazing that the brakes are the only thing that just don't give you that quite confidence slightly softer first pressure [Music] [Applause] this makes a change from the auto route [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] still got plenty of punch in third [Music] just those breaks again just felt soft going into there [Music] really got heavy wits about me with this thing and the rewards are mighty hey [Music] i remember taking a 997 gt2 up here and thinking wow that's some car so i really like this side so it's worth traveling just for this even if it is closed but just the speed of response that weight was just i did actually weigh the car it was 16 60 kilos i think it was but with that rear steer that engine engine that just gives out gives wait for these two extra change-up lights to come on the wheel they're all red and then the blue ones appear you've got two blue ones before the rev cannon rev limiter cuts in god it feels good up here it feels feels as good up here as how awful it felt on those b roads in the uk why can't we have roads like this in the uk it's an angry thing i have a whole lot more respect for this car having done this trip i think this is where it's closed right here we are accessed lots of filming going on i sort of remember this yeah we had a cafe it goes further up here you wanna have a look at the view that's where we are yeah we've just spoken to some of the locals and um we're just gonna go up this is the road up to the um summit of mount von two but you can't actually go over the other side which is the crazy scenic area but yeah they were just confirming just what my thoughts as well that the better driving road is actually this side with the woods the other side is the um iconic wanto climb and the cyclist mecca it's it's incredibly scenic up there but uh this road is pretty special as well much narrower here this road so i'm not going to go crazy up here especially with these cyclists around but um yeah very glad i took the detail came off the altaroid and we had a little taste of what this 812 superfast is actually like when you really wind it up there you go you get the sense of mount von 2 this weird landscape this just scream the trees disappearing and that's where it's light on the other side just like the last time here it's blowing a gale so whether you can hear me but this is the top of mount von 2 and if you look down the other side you can see this crazy road how it's just built into the scree slope with these sort of ski poles just to show you the way through it's a cool mad part good place to bring a ferrari though but a shame you can no longer sort of go up one side and down the other but one hell of a viewpoint just this with much wind when we're doing car the year everybody hiding behind the pool photographers who are just hating it well we're going to make our way we're down the mountain now down off that pass and uh gonna make our way right down into advanced down to the coast where we're heading to the hotel tonight but uh i'm very glad i made that detail but now we're back in well i'm gonna probably put it into wet i've got it in auto and we're back to enjoying the 812 as this gt berlinetta so yeah we've got about two or three hours now but uh we'll see you in the morning from a beautiful spot um right next to the seas glorious hotel has this balcony that just overlooks um islands off the coast and just ace uh proper rainstorm last night as well um yeah just gonna i'll just put this away i have to say this is a very usable boot space and the fact it is a hatch eight one two super fast just means you've got easy access to that bit down there so from practicality point of view i'm really liking it but i thought i ought to just before we set off today i want to just go through the price of this car because it's pretty mind-boggling when you look at the optional list two pages on the optional list car starts out 263 000 pounds before options of which there are many on this car to the point where this car would you were going to buy this 350 091 pounds how do they put so many options just a scooter just what gets me about the options on this car it's just carbon fiber fest everywhere and most of it as far as i can see is completely unnecessary so a little bit of carbon there just on the rear hatch known as a rear boot trim that little bit of carbon fiber there that is 1440 pounds to insert to have that um rear diffuser in carbon fiber here four and a half thousand pounds for that carbon fiber under door cover five and a half thousand pounds to to have that bit just so you can get it damaged i i don't get this obsession with adding carbon fiber to all these pieces because it just makes it more vulnerable you'd have to get as ppf covering just to protect it and things and it doesn't i'm not convinced it makes the car lighter anyway the options that annoy me come around here yeah this car is fitted with the racing seat option there it is you know it's glory that came pretty uncomfortable after about six seven hours behind the wheel there's just you don't wiggle there's no wriggle room so you're just fixed um fortunately the driver side has this lever here which means it goes up and down now the racing seat option is 5184 pounds and the racing seat a lifter 1440 to make your seat go up and down it's manual backwards and forwards everything else is manual seat rate etc but if we knit round to the passenger side and you'll see the passenger racing seat doesn't have the height adjustable and we've ended up um this is then with two cushions because it is set so low in the car i shouldn't have to put two cushions in the car in a 350 000 pound car and ferrari should not be charging 1440 pounds for a seat lifter but you only get one you don't get one on the passenger side anyway it's what we're going to do today i'm just going to nip off now down some mega bits of road because um there's a beautiful vineyard just down the road from here chateau in the oak you might know it in the uk it's part of the dalesford group part of the bamford empire and that's where we're going to go next i still haven't quite got used to the the indicator's been on the wheel it's when you go around around about like this and i want to indicate off there and i've got to look at the wheel to press that one to go that way funny enough on the motorway and things it all made a bit more sense but as soon as you go into roundabouts in town you yeah every other roundabout you say oh sorry i didn't indicate going on or off or something here it's fine works fine oh here we are shattering view it's funny just stumble across it all the roads around here these little narrow roads but um yeah just getting back to this car what strikes me about it is right at the beginning i wanted to know if it really was still a gt berlinetta as well as this 800 horsepower crazy dynamic car with this incredible engine and basically what i found on this journey is this engine dominates everything dominates the whole experience of this car i think this v2 is just a wonderful sign off to probably the last pure normally aspirated v12 engine ferrari you just guessed that the next generation is going to introduce electrification in some way and it's going to be a glorious technical vest but what a sign of what a way to go out to bow out with this crazy engine it comes with some compromises though this engine because it strikes me the one two super fast is so focused on that peak dynamic performance the one i enjoy going up that um mount von two that it compromises it on its sort of gt nature it's just too hyper it's too alert two never relaxes frustrates sort of way it spins and it's always nervous and it's noisy cabin etc [Music] when we actually started cruising you know on the auto routes etc why is it spinning just over 3000 rpm at the cruise speed they've lowered the gearing by six percent in all gears it sort of needs a longer gear at the top end it's not the most refined thing the race seats do not order them if you're doing any miles in the car they look great but they are not my choice if i'm actually doing mars in this car standard seats in a ferrari tend to be terrific just go for those but they do look good the sports seats and keep up lay off the options as well because at 250 000 pounds or thereabouts this car really starts to make sense and uh yeah we've seen the value sort of come back but that's probably because they're over spec i think this is the right sort of price point for this car and it hasn't been something i have enjoyed and we're just going down a bumpy track here what i have enjoyed is just the practicality of it ignore the madness and it's sort of tram lining and it's following contours in the uk the bits are sort of matter when you're sitting in here good luggage space brilliant ventilation these sort of you know ducks that and these easier to control air ducts more cold air you know what to do with coming at you easy to control all that good space for your phones charges stuff door pockets the stuff that matters on a journey like this makes real sense the other one i want to just mention is that passenger display complete waste of time as far as we can see you can't change radio stations on it the navigation doesn't actually show you a map you can sort of search um interest points around where you are but it doesn't that doesn't seem to work very well what's the point it's a missed opportunity that one okay well we're just turning down here this um uh chatter though there is the most wonderful beach and cafe um the access is a little bit challenging for an eight one two super fast not too bad it's just a gravel road which you get a lot down here so if it's suddenly the camera gone is slightly wobbly that's why so yeah it's been been terrific to spend time in this car and do a proper journey in it i have to say we've experienced this car in all conditions even on sort of bumpy gravel roads to those b roads in the uk to the altar roots and then mount von too when we finish down here as you'd want to be in this sort of area right against the mediterranean what i'm going to do now we're going to visit the cafe down here and have some lunch and then after that i'm going to go around this state and just do a report on winemaking here my other channel harry's farm i saw harry's farm special just to see how they produce wine in the south of france so you can watch that after you watch this video this looks pretty special i think we're going to be taken down here this is a chateau leo cafe and what i love about this area it's not as populated as if you go to santa pay and your queue to come into san champaign and it's just gems like this down here that you have just as good beaches wonderful food wonderful rose to enjoy so there you go hope you enjoyed this video bit different to my normal videos i do but we're spending a few more days down here if you have enjoyed the video well keep watching keep subscribing because there'll be more videos coming on very soon
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 631,481
Rating: 4.937346 out of 5
Id: PKK9QvjwmEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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