Why I sold my Zonda and top tips for choosing the right car from the classifieds

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welcome to a new Harry's garage video and this one we're still in this period of lockdown so I thought it'd be quite fun to do or QA so a few days ago on YouTube on the community section I put out a question what do you want to know from me about cars collecting cars or whatever and I would also as a little carrot I would explain why I sold the Sandow is the question I'm always asked what did they get rid of there's wonderful there's good reason behind it I'll go into that in a moment but anyway I'm very pleased to report that the questions piled in we had about 600 questions in all and the ones that sort of filtered to the top we're all about well what should I be looking for in the classified what is an investment car that a dreaded word and what's happened it going to happen to the market so I'm this particular video I'm gonna concentrate on my golden rules for what to buy for maximum enjoyment bang for buck Corey what you will and just explain some of the cars in here why they're here but I'm gonna kick off with this zonder question why did I sell the Zonda it's amazing to look back at when I actually bought the Zonda it was 2006 and it was it was the demonstrator car for zonda UK so it'd been in all sorts of magazines we'd tested her to Evo everyone had tested this car and there was an opportunity to buy it and a deal was done back then it was in the to hundreds of thousands 230,000 somewhere around there and yeah I had nearly five six years of enjoying that car I was looking at them Molly's he I bought it at 32,000 kilometers and sold it at 60,000 kilometers so yeah 28,000 kilometers I covered in the Zonda and I'm often asked what an earth made you sell it well at the time I felt I'd done everything I've done several European jaunts in it and things but there was this nagging thing it was dominating everything about running a car it had ridiculous pensive insurance it was six or seven thousand pounds a-year with a 25,000 pound excess because it was all carbon fiber the only people who prepare it was at the factory servicing was always meant to trip me to always be in service at the factory so you were looking if you couldn't drive it across and we did it over the winter there was a two and a half three thousand pound bill just to take the car to have a service and then the bill on top by seven thousand pounds and just started to really dominate you know we used to enjoy holidays and things like that and but this Zonda was consuming cash just sat in the garage much as I loved it and in 2010 I think what what the real trigger was this car arrived in the garage that the Countach and in 2010 I'd start the year thought what car would do I think he's a really good buy at the moment and I can't decided in round August type I'm gonna get a couldn't at they were around the sixty thousand pound mark at the time sixty to eighty thousand depending on condition and this arrived in September 2010 and it was 67 thousand pounds from memory insurance do you think they'll god of what's this going to be it was hundreds it was like two hundred pounds to add it to the policy what to service it was a few hundred pounds I think I did a bit extra work and he was almost apologized with the bill had gone over a thousand pounds and the enjoyment level was pretty similar to the Zonda because it was a design icon it makes glorious noises and it it just had that social presence that people saw it and just smiled and tell you about their poster on the wall etc with a Zonda it was just basically invented for camera phones and everywhere you went you had your picture taken and it really wanted to know how much it cost and things and it was a different barians to the Countach that was almost joyous now the contest is not a good as good a car as the Zonda it's compromised it has a bit rubbish brakes it doesn't have the performance god is exciting and there was something about owning this icon for not quite a tent for the price of the Zonda that I wasn't getting a tent for the enjoyment from it I was getting almost the same and the silly factor of the running cost actually made me enjoy it more and I could fit all with it I could I could check it over I could do things with it I could decide to improve little bits on it with his under everything came with a big bill I wanted to improve the exhaust on it and just a few extras and it came to 110,000 pounds oh this is ridiculous and that was the trouble there's on there what you don't realise until you enter the world of the hypercar is the running costs are off the scale they're not like running your regular performance car and weirdly the contest is like a regular performance it's such a simple thing this is a 1979 75 76 designed machine it's still on carburetors there's no fuel injection there's no emission things there's no servo there's just everything is simple on it and it starts and it goes because there's not that much to go wrong with it so long as you use it I just started enjoying that more so the opportunity came I felt you know what I'm just not enjoying the Zonda as much as I've done everything with it and I had a word Tom Hartley jr. and over Christmas 2011-12 he found a buyer and that was that man I've sold it yes I made a bit of money on it but I had a pretty chunky loan on it and it paid for the Countach pay for the kids education and everyone was happy and the guy who bought it actually said oh do you mind if you can keep it for me because I'm in Hong Kong and I in the UK so that's why the sort was under stuck around I think it was 2017 he then sold it on and now they're up in the stratosphere I realize that but I'm sure I would have sold it before it got if it got to a million pounds or sold it you know but I think they have three million or something now for one of those extraordinary I admire horacio pagani that one bit I miss is not having that connection of harassing going to the factory because it was a mega place to be that close to this crazy car so there you go that's why there's underweight now it's to move on to some of your questions David Brown 196 likes this one Harry what car really disappointed you and as in a don't meet your heroes car right well it might come as a surprise the car don't meet your heroes and disappoints me each time driven one it's the Ferrari f40 Oh shocked I adore the look of it it's impossible not to go weak at the knees when you see an f40 but each time I've driven it one I sort of think what is the best range so I'm sure it's just been me the gears are very gappy hand coz always left hand Roy so the gears are gap ECU are in first you go into second it's sort of off boost oh it lights up or you change into third and it's off boost again the students it's okay but the brakes are just not there any squeeze harder and it's ride it's noisy and it's just like no other Ferrari and I found I find them slightly frustrating cars on the road and I'm sort of telling myself oh it's a wonderful iconic car but I've never really got on with a drive experience it's wonderful in a straight line in the rush and the turbos and the whooshing etc but give me an f50 any day of the week over an f40 or even a Carrera GT the Carrera GT without howling v10 slightly cheaper would get my vote over an f40 all day long even though I adore the f40 and it's a poster car so that's the one which for me don't ever you know meet your heroes and it doesn't quite work another one I suppose by five one two BB I can't get on with those that all could drive in positions and whistling fuel-injection lumpy don't really go Tesoro Sarah's streets ahead a better car the one car sort of wish I'd bought perhaps instead of the Sun there is a 288 GTO because maybe that was more roadable it has slightly different gearing it's not so crazy it's more usable I could see myself doing trips in that while they're 40 I just wonder what to do with it and just say all but it's just lovely so there you go that's the one for car Fermi's don't meet your heroes is the f40 right suppose this is my favorite question I got sent it's by silver hair in a silver chair what classic modern classic represents the best value for costs masons etc bang for buck enjoyment of thanks that sort of summarizes what everybody seems to ask about what should they buy out of the classify so I'm going to expand on that a sort of simple question and go into a bit more detail well the first thing to forget about is investment cars market is completely changed they're out the window I'm old enough to live through two crazy times the late 80s when cars went even nuttier than they did between 2012 and 2016 that's over forget about it don't think that it's an investment it's probably just limited to those cars that are almost art and we're into McLaren f1 250 short wheelbase Ferrari 250 short wheelbase etcetera those sort of iconic shapes in the past they're just about classes investment cars in my book everything else will just decide what you want a car for is what do you want to do with this car why why are you after this whatever it is on you know gonna point out in the classifieds is it escapism is it travel I just what I love doing with my car's I like the idea that I can't when I turn the car on take it out of damage drive doesn't know if I'm just going locally we're going down to Spain France Italy wherever it's just that escapism the excitement of the journey and all the sights longer on the trip or do you just want to keep it local you just like that the sort of manufacture you want to learn more about it's you love you know I like the classic Lamborghinis because I just love that ear of Ferruccio Lamborghini taking on Ferrari meeting Valentino Balboni and he's on the road testing of these crazy Lamborghinis Bob Wallace racing between Rome and Milan in the Espada that's another reason for owning them is it just the art of the curb and with the behind is the Fiat 500 it's this nothing but it's a little bit of the drive experience but actually it's just art I just love that car as a design icon and it's a reminder of simpler times are you gonna do rallies with it so there's a load of events out there I mean you can do so modern cars go into extraordinary roads in Europe or it might be that sort of rally scene and the the books the Mille Miglia type of events all the other ones are the two books hero rallies etc and you've just got a bit of yeah there's a bit of navigation to do as well quite understand why you might want to get into those sort of sees or is it just reminiscent you had a car and you're you fan you think I want another Lotus of that I want to revisit that time in my life when I really enjoyed I couldn't really afford it I can afford it now I'm gonna buy one so decide what you're gonna do with a car is the number one reason thing to do before you look at the classifieds what you're gonna do with it then what are you going to look out for well we're in a funny world just talking about the market now let's fake Asian is coming and in Europe they're having to meet this 95 grams per kilometer so the car market is really changing and changing gonna change even faster over the next five years I've already seen it in the sports car scene there is basically the market has gone the modern car is a safer car it's added performance and it's added usability but if you're having a car as a toy a second car to really enjoy which of those are the ones you've been looking for when your toy car safety from my point of view I'm into bikes so a like this is Spri sayed from 1987 I think that's a really safe car it just depends where you are in your be know how important it is on the family car I love a modern car airbags cross structure etc that's a completely different thing so that what i termed that white goods car that's just going to do all the running around the shopping trips etcetera and cart the family around i want modern i want safety everything going for it so i love a modern car for that but for the toy cars then I just want that driver experience I want that involvement and unfortunately the moderns because of all that structure in them and the electrification are gonna get heavier they're just moving away from the base of what a true performance driving car nice often that's lightweight nimbleness and responsiveness they're adding more and more power to get over it but ease performers actually what we all want from our cars I would suggest we're now getting to a point when we've got too much performers so it becomes a frustrating car to own little Lancia Fulvia 1600 I can rag that thing and yeah I'm not illegal and it's massively enjoying because it's a great sound it's great design and it's one of those cars that bang for buck is off the scale my little Inez but I mean this salon I've I mean I've I've owned this so long this is 1993 I think I bought this is four thousand pounds yes I've done some work on it but I'm this is just a lifer this is staying forever value goes out the window so cheapest chips to run so just think what you're going to do with the cars I don't want to go on big tours of these cars I'd rather choose the Testarossa all the Countach or the Spree just that usable you know more space better on long journeys then just think on budget in this in the UK we have a strange thing we have this historic status for some cars they have to be pre nineteen eighty now pre built before first Jan nineteen eighty and then you are zero Road taxes here at no mo t etc it's quite a few cars in here fall into that bracket and that makes it very cheap to run the next date you've got is critical date is March 2001 so everything the decent historic but was built before March 2001 ease around 280 pounds a year to tax or there abouts so that's the contest's Testarossa it's in here I think it is and then you get to the modern so post 2006 there's not really a good each other clear I suppose though that's 2005 March 2006 is another critical date here in the UK because suddenly you'll then paying five hundred and eighty pounds a year for rewrote s and if you're on a budget of ten thousand pounds to be paying five hundred and eighty pounds a year for car tax hurts a bit so some of the choices I'm gonna make on the cars to be looking out for are gonna be on those cut-off years so if you're looking for some in pre 2006 and you've you're just in the lower five to ten thousand pounds two cars I'd pick out one the Mini Cooper Mini Cooper S first-generation supercharged engine there are 4,000 pounds of classifieds they're a hoot they're absolute hoot at that price point you will not be disappointed they feel bit more growing up than the stay the Clio 182 which are equally adore but they're they're sort of the mini has a cult about it and there's something about that supercharged engine that when we had them at Evo we enjoyed them massively so that would be one I'd be looking at as a good buy at the moment just 4/5 fun another one we had Eva we had a series of them the listen 350z over 370z and that's one of the casualties of this 2006 increase in tasks because either side of that makes quite a big difference but they're six to eight thousand pounds we all enjoyed and very simple front change at v6 manual very reliable they seem to be but just the running cost because the flippin task but everybody I know had one really enjoyed it there's another one then another one if you're after a roaster I like roadsters because I like the travel trips and I just think they add something it's like a AB active sort of basics early cars were always open if you think about it and the British roadster it's something that defines this nation so my choice there TVR Chimaera if you have salt you can have Grif even better-looking in Chimaera this is second car toy car in the garage for those special moments the simplicity of a Chimaera there all the issues with them was thought there was rust on the outside outriggers etcetera that's generally all been sorted now because they're very pampered cars generally now and if I'm looking at one of those I would have either the four liter or the four-and-a-half litre most of the problems you'll read about all over forms etc with the five liter engine it was modified by t TVR it had a different crank they would they had to go into the internals if you buy a four liter or four-and-a-half litre Chimaera basically the engine was crazy from land rover fitting in a car simple out it goes out the door there fifteen sixteen thousand pounds again a massively enjoyable car and you can do the tools with it you take this shows you do anything you want with it and I promise you every time you start it up and hear that v8 grumble you'll love it and if you really want the best driving dynamics weight is critical and everybody at some point in their life needs to drive a Caterham it hasn't been bettered there is some wonderful cars like the area and things but a bait a case room the k-series engine 15 16 thousand pounds is the best driving tool out there we ended up at either having a band that from car the year because they're so flippin good but it's is it too compromised for us to compromise for me on the road but it defines driving pleasure with that precision steering the lightweight you're sitting over the rear axle the sort of the dynamic feel you will be drifting it before you know it they're just a wonderful driving device but perhaps a bit too much for some people but you've got to drive one in your lifetime the other one I think is well worth looking at classify looks fantastic bang for buck for me and that's the Porsche Boxster 2 point 5 to point 7 I suppose a 2 point or perhaps some of the later ones five six thousand pounds is the sort of starting price for a Boxster how much car do you want for your money very clever look roof great car to enjoy usable practical etc and it's sort of a ready market for it and to me the 99 6 911 looks a bit weak me but the Boxster looks better in its skin I wish I was buying 911 I'd go for 997 I think it just adds fair bit more and there in the 20 so there were worth a look if any flavor don't think you have to go for gt3 just enjoy and 997 first see if you really like the Porsche experience and once you've lived a little while then grade up perhaps to a gt3 then it's the project 7 well obviously this isn't a bargain car because it's you know it's a limited run car pretty special but the standard f-type v8 s the 5 litre version is wild utterly wild and this is what this car is based on so two-wheel drive 500 some in horsepower forget the Jaguar bounds on the front the f-type is nuts with the v8 supercharged engine in in this or body configuration they're available around the 30 to 35,000 pound mark coupe a and row versions they are an absolute bull they have one of the best gearboxes in the world that ZF 8-speed highly usable car for trips or adventures or just basically scaring yourself and surprising people and that exhaust sound there is tough as nails one of the things I discovered was basically they have the same sign off on a Jaguar as you have for land rover so the wheels and things like that suspension are incredibly strong you will not Bend a wheel on a pothole on a on a Jaguar f-type this has same sign of standards and wrote the Range Rover or something like that so that I really rate those and if you want that sort of car where the other one obviously is the Aston Vantage v8 four point two four point seven they're sitting around similar value twenty five thirty five thousand pounds for a nice four point seven Aston Vantage v8 lovely design when they came out not nearly as wild as this Jaguar but it's an Aston and a lot of people aspire to own an aston martin and maybe own that and then grade up to a v12 they're gonna sit at seventy eighty thousand so fair bit more money but just try the four point seven first that's one thing i must say in having owned all these cars the enjoyment you get out of these cars is down to you who would have thought i would enjoy this five thousand-pound rolls-royce but taking it to the Arctic made it so special that the journey up there etc so that what you do with these cars is critical just don't think you're going to buy an Aston f-type in your life will change plan what you're going to do with it if you own these toys I think that's one thing we've all learnt in this lockdown period because we're gonna flip and enjoy our cars when we come out of it because we're really missing it and it's the escapism that a car offers the other thing I again both historic I think that's going to be quite important moving forward having historic Road tax etc it's it's a classification of car we're gonna be reliant on the politicians not doing anything too silly but because they're sort of a taxation class historic I can see they're going to get a past it's bit like ultra low emission zone I can driver I don't have to pay the extra money to take the rolls-royce in manners it may seem but that's how these because there is story tax class finally yeah I'll just explain why I mean this PA this is super limited number car and it sort of represents for me the end of the current car because we're going to another period of all modern cars and it's not friendly to the sports car so crazy supercharged go nuts carbon fiber thing like this is not what unfortunate is what we've been able to produce in the firm going forward they're going to be electrified they're going to be heavier they're not going to be quite as pure as something as mad as that also I mean the garage as a whole the cars in here are toys don't let them dominate your life and you know pay too much and you can't afford enjoy other things get something slightly lower budget and perhaps you were gonna spend and then spend the extra on having a car trip to out to Sicily or something to enjoy that car to provide the memories so that's a sort of summary of the topped it's actually I'm just gonna one more car wanna mention McLaren yes there's some horror stories out there McLaren but a 12c is a very pure very sex thing there sixty seventy thousand pounds I keep seeing tempting mclaren 570s etc a price points I never thought I'd see McLaren at they are sort of they feel lotus to me they're superbly done steering dynamics seating position a very special car that I'd be tempted to take a punt on because I just think they add something there's Ferrari there for thirty and things like that they're they're good cars as well but if you're in that price bracket I would go and give a test-drive and just experience what a McLaren is like on the road gosh I haven't got through very many questions of the 600 odd but I hope that gives you a sort of roundup of how I see the market it's going to change when we come out of here I think we're actually going to love our cars more it's isolation moving forward they can offer so much and the design etc I think the passion is going to continue so I think any of those cars I mentioned will be something that you can enjoy for years to come so there you go hope you enjoyed this video if you have we'll keep watching keep subscribing keep touching then notification etc because I'd be some more videos coming on very soon you
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 754,889
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Id: 4epQvqkmvBk
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Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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