Ferrari Testarossa 2000 mile road trip to the French Riviera

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[Music] you welcome to a new Harry's garage and you join me in the garage just before a bit of a trip because in the morning I'm sitting off down to France some of you might know we have a boat down there and I need to take the things down are also bringing some things back now any sensible person on a trip like that in November would probably take either the Jaguar XJR or perhaps the Range Rover but now I thought that ice have a bit more fun let's take one of the cars out of the garage and I look round and couldn't decide which one to take we needed a big boost I could take this spoda but that's a bit greedy on super unleaded and the tanks are quite small so you forever filling it up on a long journey or the testa Rossa and I thought that hasn't been out for a bit so I'm going to take this but I've had to do a bit of prepping because the weather's not very nice outsides been very cold and wet so I had to do some prepping on it which I'm going to take you around now and the main areas I had to look at well first of all after the trip to the Sahara just the bottom bits of the chassis just at the nose it just sort of kissed the sand every now and then and just worn off a bit of under seal side I'll use a special German paint that you treat rust with and and just prep that but the key to a journey like this in November is a product I know from the motorbike world and it's called a CF 50 as this stuff and it's like it's like wd-40 + + and what it does it puts a protective sealant over any sort of aluminium areas where is he anyway spray it and that's really good on the Testarossa so what I do before journey like this I know it's going to be a bit wet and there is a chance of a bit of soul trap I'll take all the wheels off and I do all the suspension on each corner and then I attack it from underneath as well and also do the engine bay from top and bottom I'm lucky enough to have a bit at home so I go underneath spray or spray this all over it and I know that's going to protect it for this sort of short sharp journey like we're about to go on now and then when I'm back I'll get Richard tipper and perfectioning again and we'll give the car a complete wash and that way I can get rid of any effects of this you know salty water and stuff like that right let's go now look at what the packing what to do okay the main thing I want to take down to put on the boat are these Brompton bikes so how do you put two Brompton bytes in a Testarossa well I'm going to show you okay the boot now a Brockton fits in here quite nicely I have I have also this which is for when I just check the wheel nuts it's a giant nut so I can do with a single bolt on the wheels so I get I know I can get one bike in but what happens if I take all this out and expose the wheel well here I discovered I can actually get to Bob turns in if I take the spare wheel out so then the dial ever is well I don't really want to lose a spear wheel the spare wheel has not been used since this car hit the road in 1987 but the law of saud will intervene I'm sure if I take the spare wheel out and drive 2,000 miles down to the bottom France and back up again I'm going to need a spare so now I'm not going to do that I'm going to put one bike Brompton in here with a load of bags and then I found another place where a problem goes on a test roster so I'm going to show you now so where do you put a Brompton well I have discovered that if I I'll just tip this seat down around with us which of us it isn't and remove this strap here as a little bench here and on this bench my name's or not ah I bring the thrill bottom in it's obviously I don't know not quite sure when the Brompton came out but remarkably it fits perfectly on that rear parcel shelf it was like it's mint but I think the tips are often coming out of 1987 I don't think the Bronson's out old so there you go you can get up Brompton in a tester also in fact you get to one in the front and one behind the seat okay only do the rest of the packing now it's late we're up very early in the morning so next time you join me we'll be there in France or on the your tunnel or something like that see you later okay well we're about an hour into the journey from home things were going very well to begin with we left Oh in pitch darkness and heater was going and we going towards Oxford they started and Miss stops I just pressed one of the body butters down here the saw shove it at the windscreen and it's all clear the mist cleared I put it back to normal we just noticed the cabin was dying to get cooled down a bit and there wasn't any heat coming through coming fiddling with the heater knobs and the fan and other pressing everything but gradually he's been getting colder and colder than there were on the m25 and then we look down over it's really quite chilly in here that I borrowed my watches coat it's very nice coat I'm really proud of it it's quite a nice blanket this is going well we've got about a thousand miles to go and it's quite chilly I just network under the obviously warm up so I can see already there's going to be a phone call to Bob houses for our experts closely how did you get the heater to work okay well we gradually chilled ourselves looking at the frosty landscape outside you just feel that anybody's into motorbikes you know that chill you get a new feet go first and things we've done that down the motorway and there were at your tunnel just queuing and I've noticed the engines running really cold and now it started to warm up because it's ticking over because we're just sitting in traffic we have heat which is a big relief so yeah there's something to do with the engine running really cold we're going through passport control now so we probably better put the video camera away but it's so lovely to have eat okay well we've arrived at flexi plus you're at our favourite place I think now I've got the temperature up of the engine and the heaters come back on what I'm going to do is actually block the radiator or put up through newspaper down just to get the heat and the engine a little higher I want to see I'm not really used to test roster when it's at naught degrees or minus one as it was this morning so obviously there is something going on with a thermostat on the engine something but right now I'm going to go in hot coffee time even a hot chocolate and go hug a radiator yeah whenever you're on a Eurotunnel and you're in a bit of a silly car you have two options with the Zonda I always used to take the high vehicle route or in with the coaches and things because you'll see it either side of your tunnel as these curves and if you're in something really why they are just perfectly designed to just knuckle your wheels as you go right down the Train like this Porsche the Testarossa comes from an age yes it's a wide car but it's not nearly as wide as today's supercar so I'm going in the regular normal route and it's just easier so it's just well worth noting if you own an Aventador something mad like that do take the high vehicle route don't ever think of coming in here okay it's still doing this strange thing with the heating so we set off from your tunnel with heat as we go down the auto route it gets cold again and then the temperature gate is right down being the radiator if you just kneel down I feel the Frady aters then hold so I'm gonna try and pick up some litter I'm sorry if you write for this magazine what is it something cruises and Caribbean bliss but I wanna see if I can just read this into the Brad right there you go I see as a why must do is go and do it on the other side hopefully that will work [Music] we're warning day two this trip down Thanh teeps stayed at a great hotel last night well we're still here just in a curry which is just north of Lian it's almost in Lian I think the star feature of this hotel is actually a staircase which is a rare thing just a beautiful old villa really good menu as well great place to stay now I said last night about testosterone heater I went on the Ferrari chat last night it's one of the few forms I I visit but it has the depth of knowledge on there is surreal and it turns out the Testarossa has a major heat heating issue most people's heaters don't work so when you only discover when you go out it in November as a whole load of relays you have to check and heat a vowel sounds a nightmare but one guy on the forum had a clever tip and that was to get one of those heaters that you see lorry drivers with would they plug into the cab don't make wild this morning whoever this go prove so we're going to have a look on one of the fuel stops on the auto route and just see when get one of those heaters because it turns out testarossa's do not basically work in the winter now we're going to start up with lovely it sort of autumn colors today we're going to go down to on teams there's only about 300 miles it's 660 miles yesterday so it's a thousand miles already we just got about another four hours and we're on the coast see you there the heater issues with the testicles are sort of forgotten about now because it's about 1214 degrees outside and in just the cabins absolutely fine seeing you wouldn't know there was an issue with the heater now miss Kraus is still really impressive from this sort of long trips because he's got this monster great fuel tank see you I admitted it twice I'm checkup brim checked in twice you get a knock at the door 400 miles from attack which is really quite a lot and the first one was 20.3 to the gallon and second one was 21.2 so not bad when you're on the cruise has said an indicated 19 okay where were just 11 kilometers now before we turn off enough on that also route if you ever can drive in France and coming down through here is the last bit of autoroute is it really if it can't be romantic or Jerome's you see such repay you see Provence you see can't it sort of keeps you going you can see today bit gray down here if they does raid on the Riviera as well going to my phone app we have a weather event happening tonight and all day tomorrow and just very heavy rain alert live a shame but we're making the most of today and then we're just going to thread our way through on Teebs and then try and get in parts as opposed to the bones of cameras this was a bit of fun when you rock up in a very white Ferrari in there that will narrow streets but we'll see how we get on we'll see you travel in France a lot you should get one of these little tank for the water route you go on there you're a tunnel site you'll see how you can just sign up for walks when you do that happens when you get up to the barrier and it why it's so important why it's so important it's because you know right-hand drive car is a complete pain when you come up to the tolls but not with this worth its weight in gold quite very nearly there you have reached your destination we have [Music] welcome to on Teebs at the actual port both somewhere down there or something long drive 966 miles I'm very glad to be here and it's not raining and now it's a matter of unpacking the car and you'll see now while we've brought the bikes down being a while since I put one of these up quite close the top of that oops pedal pedal jobs good right I'm off to find a boat good morning riviera whether not i'm afraid we've been holed up in aunties for a couple of days because the weather just descended torrential rain and amber warnings and the oh the marinas filling up with also logs and all sorts of stuff so no chance of actually taking the Ferrario before we do the last bit of packing i want to show you up the front because there was one more packing challenge with this car the Brompton two promptings in it piece of cake this is a bit special because what we have what i'm going to take back to the UK don't if you can see that there's an outboard and that's a 15 horsepower Yamaha outboard off the tender I've replaced the motor and gone to a bigger engine and look at that just made for it amazing that you can get an outboard in a Ferrari Testarossa so there we go right I'm going to do the last bit of packing and we're set off and just see rings find some fun roads on the way home Tenerife to Emmaus this section very different to the rest of the Riviera the coastal roads always a bit suspect for driving really because they're heavily used and they promise much but often fail to deliver on the freight but up in the hills there are some really special roads and that's where we're going now I wanted to show you a distant roar I know from my Evo days and when we had car launches down here because a little secret spot on the Riviera and ass between can and phrase use if you look on a map typically with the map I brought with me just get up soft cans which is here but there are two routes there's a coast road round here now I wouldn't recommend this one in the summer because it gets very muddy homes all around it but in the winter months you might strike it lucky the downside is is quite a lot of built-up area either end of it so the good bit well it's marginal in a car is okay on a bike but mods are in a car but there's a great road over the top and through the massive it has a look of Tenerife almost around here it's called the rn7 although we're trying to decide how to pronounce it but there it is in the background not super heisting see 248 meters could we write down by the coast but when you're staying on the Riviera it's worth just how dropping by this because it bypasses the AAA you can come off at can and get back on a produce if you're coming along the otter room it's now 18 months since we did that Sahara trip innocent Testarossa and when we got back that was it was a bit to do to it the engine was do a cam belt change anyway so that meant the entrance coming out took the engine out and while it was there while I was out I actually gated a really big clean so that's the bell housing came on did actually replace the clutch as well so that was quite a lot of work to do like that after Sahara really just to bring him back into the sort condition it was before we set off since then I was going that a good with one time and it suddenly went to one bank of cylinders the plus size on a 12 cylinder car there he goes be losing some cylinders Astoria you know there was enough to deck to keep us Gary so on six cylinders got back oh it turns out it was the fuse box in front of a dis Rossiter a quite a weak point another weak point of the test roster because they take a lot of load all the fuel pumps go through this this board fuse board and it basically starts to melt and over the years it gets worse and worse until it just gives up the ghost and all the soldiering needs replacing there's a company far especially seen America who do a replacement for so that's going it was about 2,000 pounds of they're about to have that done to a fair bit of work I also had the Hamlin checked out there was a little bit positive camera on the rear lineup Tony it's a real cool setting up chassis on a test roster is putting shims in got it all back together again and then measuring as load nice sort of voltage change you know very institute squad work well that's transport it's it's a really much better handling car now always a slight bit of movement on right-handers that's gone completely so I'm very pleased thank you pop out and wear our respective sawing that out so that's it really that's a little update on where we are with the test roster let's say it remains a bit of a favor at the garage because it's it's a good GT and see what we get in the boot and just having it next to the Countach is just a sort of boyhood dream anyway we're going to hit the motorway again now we're going up towards Troy tonight because I got a favorite Chateau on a drop by and pick up some refreshments for Christmas so see you later well more is served the last day push back to the UK it's not far now it's about 400 500 miles today and I was just check it over as you do this sort of car in the morning see what there is under here it's a glorious sight anyway and I am having to add some water though just look a bit low I put antifreeze in before the trip so I don't mind adding straight water but yeah just one of that something to do with a heater but yeah Bradley delete it sort of two bottles of this you discover your cars using a bit of water it's always worth checking the oil just to see horror of horror there might be a head gasket going there you go so that's clean if that had been cloudy on there I'd really start to worry but it's it's clean I can't you can't check dry sump this engine see I can't check the oil until the engines cleaned and running you have to check it hot so you did it when you're fueling up a Sun right let's get go Gary okay well we just spent half an hour tasting various champagnes what a morning that was a fantastic fun a little tricky when you're driving a Ferrari back to the UK so we weren't particularly easy but I've somehow managed to purchase 14 bottles of champagne that I've now got to squeeze in here we've come here because Duvall they they produce my favorite champagne is this one daughter parody this I of the Partridge champagne apparently is only for the UK market but if you're looking at boot front of this brewery some out I'm going to try and squeeze 14 bottles of champagne in it which is going to be a bit tricky but some anyway Christmas wouldn't be the same Lister we get it home I shall we're finally find something to chuck out we can't get it all in all to just show you where we are because this is a little Evo root that we used to do so you're coming down towards Troy on the auto route and if you get off it's Junction 22 and you get off at bars the same and then we used to go along this this route down to diesel just title I mean it's slightly shorter yes it's a bit longer it might be twenty minutes longer but it's a great route you can actually stop off with a source and saying is somewhere up here as well but its own this is actually where this champagne house is literally just outside bar the same so that's that's half the reason I thought no this area just because it's a great EVO route just if you had enough of the auto route and you're driving down to Riviere this is a nice little escape route anyway I better go and get the champagne and work out how I'm going to get it in the car oh dear this is gonna be a bit of a challenge [Music] room down underneath the engine let's try this that sin [Applause] right now if it was champagne DUP time to go [Music] [Music] okay we're almost the end of the trip as you probably tell I'm just on the shuttle you're a tunnel just leaving you see that we're actually in a regular carriage because the great thing about 80s supercars is they're not nearly as big as I think they are so they fit down a regular carriage also the tiles are quite tall so I'm not worried about curbing it or anything I can feel that weight in the nose which is hardly surprising he thinks up front you know an outboard fairly ridiculous and then 14 bumps and some champagne off that lovely visits that Chateau on the way home been a great trip hope you enjoyed being along for the journey as well whether or not quite so good in the French Riviera as I would have hoped but it was great to finally get that one day on some just as we were leaving so we're gonna head back home unload the boot should take a while hope you enjoyed this trip I've enjoyed the video please keep watching and subscribing more videos a lot very soon you
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 657,331
Rating: 4.9210277 out of 5
Keywords: Testorosa, outboard, yamaha, brompton, bikes, evo, diaries, diary, harry, metcalfe, garage
Id: fxF4TRIuH4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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