Rolls-Royce Cullinan FIRST DRIVE – is the £264,000 Rolls the world’s best luxury SUV?

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welcome to the car guys this week the mighty rolls-royce Cullinan we're gonna take you through everything about this car all of the details we're gonna drive it take you in and out this is our first time with the Cullinan we've heard lots about it not least in terms of its looks but now's the time for us to go over it fully so here it is Jason this is the controversial front of the Rolls Royce Cullinan you know when you drive it you imagine that the grille comes all the way up here and it's kind of a lot bigger it is but it's not that bad yeah I have to say I mean I remember the front being a hell of a lot more gaudy and slab-sided than it seems to be because you've got this sculpted area here just on the side curving around to the front it's not actually as monstrous as I remember it so a lot of design cues come over from the Phantom the lights like the lights these grilles these are the scope they're 22 inch alloys in this car obviously with the ubiquitous rolls-royce non-spinning this no ceramics on this though despite its size in its way relying on vintage steel discs instead the Cullinan is bristling with technology not least of all the lights now obviously you've got super bright LED type headlights with lasers that combined with the night vision means that as you're driving along if something like an animal walks out in front of you the car will sense that it's an animal and it will actually fire lasers at the animal to get it out of the way quicker how cool is that and I think it needed these suicide doors but it is part of the classic design language open the door umbrella this car is enormous it is at least 75 miles long I think it's got its own postcode you think on a normal SUV this bit would be the boot but actually because there's so much space inside that's actually the rear seat right there moving me off to the back of more design cues brought over from the Phantom this shape here and the rear lights let's have a look in the boot what's this surely not another Speights car radio t-shirt she only not the plan Z amazing all the best stuff kept in the boots of Rolls Royces right this car has got the recreation module look at that your own little place to come and sit nice little train table here for your champers these are customizable you can have anything you want in one of these the booth space actually isn't it's not brilliant but it's not too bad it's you know you get a couple of fairly decent-sized suitcases in there I think but what's nice about it is that you can just clip this out and pull it out and so you can swap so you could swap around single bond that does all of the jobs like most things on this car there's always a button that closes something or open something else you approach your new cullinan you want to get in the back they've added a nice little handle on the back of these seats to give you a helping hand as you get in sit back but you can't I can't reach the door I can't use the door but luckily they give you a nice little button so close itself and then we're encased in this wonderful air conditioned space show them the legroom at least now we know why there's so little room in the boots that's why the rear seats look like they sitting because they essentially they are in the boat yeah the downside of the boot of course is that the wheel arches encroach and if you have one of those relaxation leisure module things then it's even less now we have to bear in mind obviously it is it is another world of bonkers to be spending a quarter of a million basic 350 minimum maybe up to five hundred thousand pounds on a big SUV that is crazy and we are fully aware of that so we are looking at this car within the confines of the crazy billionaire world that the customers of this car most surely are better but in here this is spectacular and it's like first class in Emirates first class in Everest with already couch moments that you would expect apart from I don't believe there's any champagne in this sense of console law there's a bit annoying as a mistake as a terrible mistake mistake I mean I have to say I was I was born to sit in the back of the Covenant ladies this is lovely isn't it this there's nothing in here well you sit in the back of some cars you like oh well I don't got much Headroom or or my shoulders are touching or my knees are a bit closer I can't stretch yeah none of that in here and they're literally nothing says ludicrous so surely ladies and gentlemen the chromed air-conditioning vents my pleasure look chrome air conditioning chromed seat runners the finish and the depth of these carpets look look you could literally lose your hand in there let's have a look at this Entertainment System oh yeah okay yeah cool so you're driving along and you want to watch the film push the button on the side down comes your picnic table and you are really the same system that's good isn't it look at the size of that screen and it's covered so window this will kitty Winx are in the back kicking with their muddy boots all over the back of your lovely carves leather they don't destroy your screens as I call it a picnic table and there's a quality finish over self closed doors here we are then the rolls-royce Cullinan Cullinan this is us they've allowed us two weeks into this car how does it happen let's start the engine mm-hmm let's see just how quiet this car is they've fought on the brake push button start ready yep can you hear that can hear the engine it's barely perceptible I'm really revving him revving the engine right now that's revving so this is it the first few feet in the new relatively new color and they only started delivering these in at the end of 2018 so they're still pretty rare to see on the road I think it is yeah it's certainly the quietest SUV that you will ever find I mean immediately you've got just a super cushion dry this is like riding on an enormous duck down duvet what I call it the magic carpet ride don't know this car has been developed he's got two cameras at the top just about the rear-view mirror and they're scanning the road right continuously and then it sets up the suspension to what to perceived nuances in the Sharma tap it does yeah it does it will do that up to 62 miles an hour then weapons then it goes now you guys you're on your own may on your own off you go be lucky so we have the same imperious look out across the Spirit of Ecstasy that you get in the phantom the Phantom coupe a yeah which is of course the best seat in the house does it get any better view from a car than that look at it polished beautiful enormous bonnet silver lady although you can of course have our in gold or glass if you want as well years of heritage stretching back through the eons of time you feel it on you feeling a little bit queasy what already it's beautiful it's beautiful this is as soft as it gets I'm not suggesting it's not but this is a big weighty car and we're seeing quite a high up it does feel a little bit like a foam I mean if you're gonna take a 2.7 ton vehicle prop it up on its haunches on big old wheels like this one's got 22 inch alloys all around yeah you're gonna you're going to get a sensation of voltage voltage which actually if you own one of these you probably have a boat the dials are lovely they're kind of digital but they're classic digital sort of like the Phantom Kupe but but just digital but the same look they haven't overdone it with lots of different you know different types of leather or or plastics or it's consistent oh can you hear that ladies and gentlemen all you people that had a go at us for daring to criticize a Bentley yeah for its plastics and cheap materials can you hear that look at that that is that's what you want that's exactly what you're paying for if you are paying a basic price of 264 thousand pounds which is what this car is basic you expect that kind of luxury I think you're right though the key to tasteful interiors and luxurious tasteful interiors simplicity yeah nice overdo yeah don't over gild the lily we have open poured walnut which is very tactile it's like an Eames Lounge Chair ottoman okay that's what it is oh yeah I'm proper classy man there's your screen [Music] BMW source unit obviously here's your I Drive II thing it does work incredibly well look at it look at that lovely very clear high definition these are all the controls I'm not a big fan of these little jelly tots here this is this is where it comes down a little bit I think they do have an off-road button though which is just push it zoom ibly it just has one button that says would you like to go off-road and you just press it as you go off-road you don't go please select icy conditions or slight sense of shale you know you don't have to sort of tell it exactly what surface you're on it just goes well so there I mean let's be honest most of the off-roading that these things are going to do is grass yes I'm fairly flat it's a little bit of mud but as you'll see from all of that testing that they did with this car you know Rolls Royce is at pains to prove that this cat this can deliver the goods you know it has the underpinnings and the technology to go through the Sahara or the jungle no problem whatsoever they will not do that but they could in terms of rivals of this car we have the dare we say its name the Bentley but better and they tangy as I like to refer to it a bejeweled codpiece yes a car and the Porsche Cayenne is that that's not a rival with this market well it's it's a luxury brand that went to SUV now we have the Lamborghini Otis but I think the reason why rolls-royce owners wanted this car was because they wouldn't be seen dead in a vain tiger that's absolutely true I wouldn't be seen dead in a Benteen Rolls Royce owners would normally buy a Range Rover if they wanted to do shooting fishing hunting but as you said the downside now of the Range Rover still a fantastic car but the downside is is owned by every wannabe gangster and builder between here and the Isle of Dogs this I think was clearly created for two reasons number one to open up a new segment for rolls-royce and lots of cash which they can then spend hopefully on new models and development and also because customers demanded it they saw other things going on and they said we want our luxury marque to produce something that we can you yeah because I love the fact that rolls-royce is now moving younger attracting younger consumers so it's series exactly exactly it's cool it's hip it's high-quality young people look good in them the average age of a rolls-royce owner has gone down from mid 60s to the late 30s mid sixties yeah that's thanks to the Wraith and it's thanks to the ghost and the black batch new-money yeah a lot of new money a lot of tech money a lot of young money a lot of YouTube money a lot of YouTube money but when I saw this this to me didn't fit that new rolls-royce ethos because this is not a young person's car no definitely not however now I've driven it it's not too bad to be driven by a 40 year old person I'm missing the big picture here because actually this car is aimed and also opens up for rolls-royce the female market oh hello and the family market really which you never really got before you would have grown up families would have Rolls Royces but you wouldn't have young families I think it opens up that whole segment as a rolls-royce which they've not had which which is you know which is families and the family come the wives and girlfriends you don't buy a rolls-royce you commissioned a rolls-royce oh that's good you know and that says everything you need to know about where rolls-royce are pitching themselves in this marketplace you don't buy a piece of art you commissioned a piece of art yeah and in fact people commissioned a piece of art to go in into a rolls-royce element exactly there are people with artwork in there Cullens worth more than the Cullinan really yeah see that's incredible it's a different world so really talking about the purchase price is probably a bit crass because the purchase price doesn't really matter No - Cullen ins are the same and how about this tester breaking oh that's two point seven tonnes pulling up pulling up quite well as well so this is the same six point seven liter v12 engine that's in your phantom coupé yeah except it's twin turbocharged twin turbo charged for the emissions one woods and the talk and little share power say hundred and fifty Newton meters I mean that's that's a big old chunk at all but interesting it can only pull two point six tonnes really which seems like a lot because let's face it most horse carriages must be less than that yeah but you can put less than this I'm white yeah and the Range Rover can pull three and a half tons yeah so I think there's an upgrade to come on that the chassis on this is a new platform developed specifically for the Cullinan which is then going to be used for the ghost and the Phantom going forward as an all-aluminium do you know why they've caught it the continent it's something to do with diamonds she's not to do with Diamonds the Cullinan is the largest uncut diamond ever found till three thousand one hundred carats and there's a lot in there that's a lot of carrots so this cars got a sunroof as well it does flip in enormous look at the acreage of it that is amazing yeah still going be different look how much light there is in here now I love the way that it's got little echoes of other phantoms and things so you've still got this lovely sort of bluey glass Art Deco lead glass in Nisour door handles and around here just you know exactly what sort of vehicle you're in what the heritage is where it's come from it's beautiful watching the clock I don't like a clock can get three different types though so if you didn't like that one you can have another one there's an awful lot on this steering wheel yeah awful lot of stuff going on here which I'm not a big fan of in the Roos controller boots isn't it yeah it's got lovely action on it but I think it's a bit a trifle unnecessary it's a shame that these buttons here although they are it's quite nice but they're not glass like they are in the Phantom and I do like make an ass buttons I think what I don't like the most is how they did the obvious where rolls-royce we're going to do an SUV and off-roader so we're going to take a big boxy shape and we're going to shove the standard rolls-royce grille on the front of it I understand why they did that yeah and let's face it if someone said to you rolls-royce is doing an off-road on what's it going to look like you'd say well it'll have a big grill on the front I mean that's obviously what they're gonna do but part of me wish that they'd taken the opportunity to modernize that grille still have a nice imposing grille still have the Spirit of Ecstasy but just smooth it out a little bit just make it a little less slab-sided it's this massive tombstone stuck on the front people have obviously rather unkindly I think likened it to a London black cab they've likened it to the can of arrow from the Simpson is a little harsh I think there it doesn't photograph well this car it's enormous it's very boxy he's bigger than this yeah it doesn't it doesn't have any nice angles to it except perhaps the rear haunches yeah well God if you didn't feel relaxed in here I mean I don't know I don't know what they'd be doing we could be halfway to Austria by now yeah you wouldn't I probably wouldn't feel any different that's a bit twist a bit look it's an twisty look nice a big old Hector this isn't it oh look at the size of this thing yeah this is a big vehicle she's a big old lump and when you have sit in the corners it doesn't matter what technology you've got there what air suspension is holding this thing together you are going to feel that flow don't you do you think that's what this is about yes you do I think this is an ultimate status symbol is for people who buy into the history buy into the brand itself and who also want to show that they've done pretty well in life thank you very much I'm not sure that if I was a multi-millionaire that I would have one it's a bit too shouty for me well that's the question this is the pinnacle yeah of SUV luxury and refinement an image from one of the greatest brands in the world yeah you're also not gonna see many of these around they do not make many of these no and nor will they do you know we haven't done B niche we have done the B niche right here we go then so prepare the beam inch caught up some speed I mean we've gathered some speeds there was a it's gotta be a poke I have to say it did seem unseemly it was like if you find one of those big T schoolteacher that lifts up a sense and does the hundred metres for the sports day or B it's got some got some go isn't it it's got some go but I just is unseemly yeah do you think they're going to do a black badge version of this I think they will yes do you think that would be more up our respective alleys I think it would I think I think because like you said if stuff's blacked out yeah you won't notice it as much we're talking you know just over a quarter of a million quid plus options Oh Joe you know you're gonna sneeze past 300 340 350 thousand for a car here it will be unique to you it will be lovely they will depreciate but the problem I have is that as beautiful as it is and it is a Range Rover offers eight tenths of the experience and the ride level and the interior and the quality for a quarter of the price it does it does and I don't disagree that arguing for Range Rovers for Range Rovers for this however it does also go back to what we were saying everybody's got a bloody Range Rover yeah if you want to separate yourself from the herd you really only have one choice unless you like wearing bejeweled Cotter pieces which we don't which we which we does like what you might think on the Entertainer I am loving the car but I would find it hard to justify moving away from a Range Rover the difference is the ride is slightly better this yeah so the ride and the steering is slightly better yeah obviously the interior is a cut above but not it's not four times better no and that's the difference you can have most of this for eighty to ninety thousand Queen in a Range Rover why as if money wasn't a concern at all ever would you still struggle because I think I would still struggle if money was absolutely no no object I think a black badge one of these the thing I do know for sure is that if you have a Cullinan or you have one coming you will not be disappointed god no and you can look at Range Rover drivers and know that you have the best car yeah last bike biologic it actually makes you drive slowly because it's such a nice experience that's the rolls-royce effect is there's a different it's a different caliber of driving when you get into roles you don't have to worry about no you don't other people just don't matter and this I think amplifies that because you've also got the height apart from the way it looks struggling to find much wrong with it as a vehicle I can see why customers would demand it of Ross yes and it would have been mad for them to ignore year of course financially Adams and because they listen to their customers they will sell more of these I think than anything else it's it's already sold out for as long as you can because yes you can think maybe you'll get one in a couple of years if you ordered one here it's already been a sales success and I tell you can see why yeah you can take these places that you would never take your ghosts to your Wraith or your phantom so good Rolls Royce Cullinan the white drives quietness the waft ability line refinement luxury the woods the woods the metal everything materials the hull the steering lightness steering gentle lightness the amount of space in the back so what's bad the front the size of the oil way that that dominates he's not great but I can't actually see that from here that's true the boot space is surprisingly small this sumbitch is that I'm not happy about sticking on the doors yeah the low-speed Warlow is a bit and can be a bit nauseating because if the it feels quite top-heavy once you want to move it kind of cancels it a bit I think I must have I must have my sea legs because I didn't in summary we're happy it's a magnificent achievement it truly is the greatest luxury SUV that you can in the world so Jason we have driven this car all around the lanes and the beautiful countryside of Essex it's been asked for the day what's our final thoughts on the rolls-royce colour well I was skeptical at the beginning in the day I was unsure of my feelings halfway through today but now I really really like you saw come around I really have come around because I have this issue with it wanting to be an SUV but actually it's a rolls-royce at the same time from my point of view obviously as a phantom owner I mean I think it's a stunning piece of equipment it's ridiculously refined I absolutely loved driving it my big issue still overall would be you could buy for Range Rovers for the price of a well spec one of these but I have to say in terms of the exterior which was is probably thing that most people blather on about in the internet I think it's a real grower in the flesh it looks much better than pictures that's the fact it certainly grows on you certainly growing on me throughout the day and the front when you see the scopes either side it's it really sort of works within the confines of being a rolls-royce I mean if someone said rolls-royce is going to make an SUV this is sort of exactly what you will expect it to be there's no doubting this is a stunning machine that he's an amazing machine I mean the technology the craftsmanship that quality I love the little touches brought through from the Phantom of the historical touches but the quality of the materials I mean there's no shirking here no I like the way it drives I mean it is such a relaxing place to be the steering's nice and light the pedals are all a lie you drive slower you don't care what's going on around the world so yeah Rolls Royce Cullinan special special machine and much better than I think anyone could have hoped yeah great thanks for watching this episode on the rolls-royce covenant we really hope you enjoyed it we've had a brilliant day here today don't forget to leave comments because we read every one Dean a notification bell when we have another episode uploaded and we'll see you on the next one Cheers [Music]
Channel: TheCarGuys.TV
Views: 80,879
Rating: 4.8137059 out of 5
Keywords: Rolls-Royce, Rolls Royce, Cullinan, RollsRoyceCullinan, RR, Luxury, ultimateluxury, SUV
Id: 0hoNvbbBcNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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