r/Olderthanyouthinkiam - KAREN WON'T LET ME ORDER DRINKS IN PEACE!

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g'day there guys it's rosie hubby machi back at it again with another are / older than you think I am video now if you love me like I love you than you know what to do want you to mosey on over to that old like button and tackle it like Crocodile Dundee maybe even Chuck nosey flag down the comments now at that said I want you to sit back relax chug a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody older than you think I am stories now our first post is by ninja from the abyss titled bartender thinks I'm sixteen so my boyfriend 28 and who looks like it and died 28 female have a list of restaurants that we want to try when we don't know what to eat and have some time we would go through the list he picked a bar that he has been wanting to try so off we go we get there and since it's a Thursday night it was fairly empty except what I assume are some regulars we look through the menu and walk up to the bartender bartenders like what can I get you guys boyfriends like can I get a burger with fries and I say and can I get burger with fries with wings sure thing any drinks can I get a margarita and can I get the special it was some type of drink that was essentially spiked lemonade oh can I see some IDs and he glances at me trying to not look too obvious my boyfriend shows him first and takes a brief glance then I give him mine he goes looks at it looks at me looks at ID again stretches his arm out to look at ID from a distance brings the ID closer and leans on the counter he shakes his head in disbelief and returns my ID Wow okay I thought you were younger so you wanted the special right yeah I'm used to wait so I just brush off his actions since it's more amusing to me than disrespectful boyfriend's like how well did you think she was oh she looked 16 I'm surprised because his people haven't mistaken me as a teenager for a while we go sit down and wait for our food my boyfriend starts to laugh and I'm like what he thought you were in high school I'm not sure how that's an insult but whatever then he must have thought you were a pedophile Boyfriend stops laughing hey hey wait hold up hold up I start laughing because his visible confusion is both adorable and hilarious edits wall this blew up thanks everyone for the votes as for my grandma sorry I don't have an excuse for it except that I'm just bad at it I have more stories and may post more in the future alright in our next post is by user soup 3 a man titled wife ID'd for coffee because she is too young for caffeine obligatory not my story but my wife's my wife and I are both mid-20s and while I look my age my wife looks much younger like 13 without makeup here are a few stories about her looking young Story one getting ID'd for coffee so my wife and her mum were out one day running errands when they decided to get some coffee and sit and relax in a local coffee shop they both go to order and when my wife orders a black coffee the barista laughs and says something like ha that's cute my wife and mother-in-law thought it was kind of weird and thought the bill was really cheap too but they moved down the line to the drink pickup area and waited for their beverages about five minutes after my mother-in-law received her coffee my wife went up to ask where her black coffee was the barista gave her a confused look and said sweetie you're much too young to have caffeine then looking at my mother-in-law said he really shouldn't be letting a child drink coffee with caffeine and it's it's really bad for them finally understanding what was happening my wife says I am 24 at the same time my mother-in-law says she's a grown-ass woman she can drink whatever she wants the barista was very confused and asked to see my wife's ID to prove it which my wife had to go back outside to the car to retrieve the barista was still very confused when she saw the ID and apologized profusely offering the coffee on the house and now Story 2 Jehovah's Witnesses think I am my wife's dad some backstory I often work from home and what I do I answer the door when people knock anyways there are some Jehovah's Witnesses that stopped by every couple of months to say hello and try to get us to sign up for their church religion slash events I am always kind and mentioned that I'm not interested as I am NOT a religious person but we all got to know each other on a first-name basis I think they also just like to stop by to see my dogs anyways story time my wife was working from home one day when she got a knock on the door and went to see who it was it was the neighborhood's Jehovah's Witness when she opened the door they said hello is your father home to which my wife replied my father doesn't live here this is my house the Jehovah's Witness were a little confused by this and dust again no is your father here today Superman he's usually here at this time to which my wife responded Superman is my husband and nura he had work at his office today thanks and she proceeded to shut the door in their face apparently I looked like a 25 year old with a 13 year old daughter and the Jehovah's Witnesses haven't been back since Story 3 Costco samples are for adults so my wife and I often shop at Costco and when we do they usually hand out food samples to customers we were walking through the vitamins section when I wandered off to get some lotion and shampoo got a stay fresh and smooth for my 13 year old looking wife meanwhile the wife walks over to a guy handing out vitamin samples and asks for one he responds with oh sorry I can't give samples to children without the parents permission my wife is used to being seen as much younger than she really is said I'm an adult I am 25 married have a house and dogs the sample guy was immediately apologetic and offered a coupon which I think he hands out to people anyways but no biggie and a sample to my wife fortunately nobody has been excessively rude about her looking young and has always apologized as a side note my wife is now pregnant so I look like a creepy 26 year old guy that knocked up a teenager so I've got that going for me alright and down exposes by MSP L four one nine titled old enough to be pregnant that's a nice runoff from last episode I was 27 at the time but my baby face looked about 12 to 15 years old I was about seven months pregnant with twins my belly was so huge compared to the rest of my 5 foot 3 body I spent the last three months on bed rest one day my mom wanted to take me out shopping to cheer me up but we had used the wheelchair since I couldn't come to B Block with my giant belly we were having a great time as she was willing me around the wall when an older woman approached us she looked me up and down looked disgusted and asked how old are you I was confused why she would be asking me that and just replied huh my mom quickly replied she's 27 and she's married in the same judgy turn as that woman she quickly wheeled away as we both gave her the stink eye the look on that woman's face when she realized how rude she was alright in our next post is by lover of cats and Taylor Swift titled I'm his wife not his daughter sir my husband and I a 28 and 27 took our kitties to get their baths and trims one gets a lion cut I was wearing sweats and a beanie because it was freezing and I just woke up two hours later we came back and I looked like a human of society and I still had a hat on not that it should matter anyway we go to pick up the kiddies and the lady who checked us out said to my husband would your daughter like a lollipop and we both burst out laughing and I said I'm his wife I'm actually 27 but I will definitely have a lollipop it was awkward and hilarious but mostly awkward and unexpressed is by jr. 2.0 titled no my horse isn't awful you are so when I was in high school I lived on a farm I had several animals including the horses that I trained myself I had horses for many years growing up and was more than capable of taking care of training and riding them by myself I had grown up around them one of my horses was a rescue he was found tied to a tree in the woods of a state park lying on the ground near dead from starvation he has lots of large scars most likely due to abusive owners in the past also he's an Arabian which tend to be more hot-headed and because of this he is terrified of being tied to trees and quite scared of strangers if you want slow and patient with him he tends to freak out very badly putting you and himself at risk of injury it took me months to gain his trust but he was a big baby once I did an amazing sweet boy I scheduled an appointment with a farrier the man who does hooves and horseshoes for my horses anyone who's owned horses knows what a pain it can be to find a good farrier what I called I made it known that I had a rescue horse who can be very frightened of new people and explained his past in great detail the farrier said it was no problem and that he knows how to handle these situations I felt relieved the day he came out I was super hopeful that all would go well I had by horses halted and ready to go first horse finished easy done now for the rescue horse the man starts trying to do his feet his movements were abrupt and aggressive he definitely was taking a dominant approach which irritated me a little bit right off the bat I had told him that approach wouldn't work any time my horse acted out because he was scared he would yank the lead rope hard pulling his head down I was getting mad he was scaring my horse then he did exactly what I said not to he tied my horse to a tree my poor horse freaks out I told him to stop and untie him I once again mentioned that he's afraid of being tied to trees the man said he needs to learn and refused to do as I asked my horse freaked out so bad that he almost ended up badly injured and the farrier was nearly run over he untied him put his stuff away without finishing and said he'd come back another day to finish since he was misbehaving so badly I got the check to pay him and he went on a long rant about how I'm not old enough to train them alone I obviously need my mom's help since my horse is so awful and then the audacity he told me I should sell my horse to him since I obviously can't handle him now I was mad he kept bringing up my lack of ability due to my age how what do you think I am I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing he's just scared how old are you you definitely look too young to be around horses by yourself like I said I could buy him and train him myself find him a nice home let me just add here that my horse was particularly beautiful and had obvious signs of being a trained show horse in the past all of that on top of being an Arabian means he could potentially be sold for a lot of money I stared at him before answering pissed off at this point I'm 17 and I've had horses for years he's just scared the farrier looked shocked oh I thought you were 12 I definitely didn't look 12 at all part of me thinks he might have just said that to be ignorant but he seemed dead serious never asked him to come back for comparison the next farrier to come was an older gentleman I explained the same thing to him and he also said it was no problem I was pretty skeptical this time but wouldn't you know it everything went smoothly my horse was calm he handled him with gently with a low soft voice everything went well he never mentioned my ability to take care of the horse he never blamed the horse he never offered to buy my horse and he never questioned my age all right and now our next post is by future author m'kay titled I'm a university students not a middle schooler and you had to call security on me so context I'm a 19 year old female with the short haircuts ever since I cut my hair off at 14 people have started to mistake me for a much younger aged boy I dress androgynous so this does not help either on the day this happened I was wearing gray baggy sweatpants and a darker gray in purple supernatural letterman jackets I know boys can like this show too but it's a little less likely and with my height I'm 5 foot 4 and 3/4 I have no clue how this lady thought I was a boy or even why she thought I was a middle schooler when we were in a university granted maybe she didn't know what the show was and she looked over 35 but my guesses are probably just as bad as hers being a female my voice is also higher making me passing as the a gem and the gender I am harder as well and my name is somewhat gender-neutral not helping my case either sorry this is so long the cast are me you know her Kay the Karen of the story could be an entitled parent but who knows s the university's security guard sir this semester my schedule alternates there was a Wednesday sir I have three 50-minute classes at 8:00 a.m. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. I had just gotten out of my 10 a.m. class and was sitting in these kind of cubicle desks that they have along the window area where students can study and spend free time in between classes I have my headphones in listening to music as most do so we can concentrate better when someone taps on my shoulder I have extreme social anxiety and am a people pleaser but I was annoyed I was trying to pre copy out my notes for my 2:00 p.m. class so I could just add to them based on what the professor says I turn pulling out my headphone to see Karen I look at her confused wondering what she wants it's not like I was sitting on the outside of these lined up cubicles she had walked past two other people to get to me if she had a question about how to get somewhere she says are you lost what I was generally confused the only kind of lost I could have been was lost in my computer screen copying notes are you lost no why where are your parents why would they be here this is a university did you skip school or something and come here as a joke I'm still confused at this point I start to wonder if I or maybe my parents know the lady but my parents rarely down to the university unless our schedules magically align and they can pick me up so I say no funny kid what middle school do you go to middle school I'm 19 I'm a student here sure you are come with me by going to go to security and figuring out what school you're skipping out on lady I'm not going anywhere with you I'm 19 and a student I'm an adult now you're disturbing my studying I turn back to my computer which has d2l pulled up on its most of you in the recent school system know what this is it's a website that notes assignments quizzes and other school things can be done on I also wasn't willing to move as the university has about 30,000 students going to it's when a free chair shows up it gets taken quickly and the security office was two buildings over from the current building that were in and did I mention that there was snow outside I was in no way moving an inch so she says if your university students why are you using a middle school's website she must have had a kid in the middle school or something she obviously didn't know it was used across all levels of Education which meant she most likely hadn't been to school in the past two decades or something close to it which actually meant she was older than 35 that I originally guessed I to this day do not know why she was at this university but she clearly wasn't taking classes due to this fact maybe she was picking up her kid so I say all levels of Education used this site no my son is in seventh grade he uses this site so you were clearly not a university student I'm getting annoyed so I pull out my university ID this has my picture my number ID my name and the name of the university on it you believe me now also I don't give it to her because knowing her she would take it and I don't have time to get it replaced between now and my next midterm I hold it a safe distance away from her and his most Karen's do she reaches for it and I pull it back away from her she says that is fake it doesn't have your birth date on it no University ID I've ever seen has had someone's birth date on it even if it did and I was underage there have been people who have skipped grades and gone to university early so what would this Karen have done then I'm done at this point but I decided try one last thing before completely ignoring this lady this was a big mistake I pull out my government ID not my driver's license I never learned to drive out of fear that I'd crash and destroy my parents or someone else's car now about two years ago we were given the option to emit gender on IDs so instead of this standard F I have an X in the gender place I won't get into why I did it I don't completely identify with female and showed her it in an attempt to appease her I say is this better she looks at it sees the X I assume and says that's also fake there's no gender X I was embarrassed at beating outed in public and looked around my be cubicle mates seemed annoyed by this lady more than anything I think lady whatever get security if you want I don't care I have every right to be here and even if I was a middle schooler I don't know how I would have got here or thought that it was a good place to hang out seeing as there isn't a middle school anywhere near here the University campus was pretty big and as far as I knew there probably was a middle school somewhere but there are much better places for a middle school attack hangouts than a university the lady buzzes are finally and I think I've won as I have said the security building is two buildings over and it's cold and if she was waiting for her kid she'd surely be late to pick them up by now and hopefully have better things to do but as with most Karen's you'll know that this is not the case she was apparently not too late she apparently did not have better things to do and she came back with a security guard I see them when they come back the god and I make eye contact and he seems about as done with this lady as I am she says that's him can't you see he's clearly a middle school huh this was when I realized she's of misgendered me as a boy the security guard rolls his eyes i de kid i don't mind people using the tag kid I did the same thing when I went back for an extra semester of high school so I could get into the program that I wanted since I knew I was all of the most people everyone was kid to me I handed in both the University ID and the government ID he eyes the government ID probably again because of the X the registration had issues finding it when I said I wanted it as it had just been allowed a few months before I got it and it wasn't common obviously even if he thought the government ID was fake he knows the University ID is real security says looks good to me ma'am there's a real he belongs here are you blind this kid isn't old enough to drive much less than go to university what the security guard said next I thought was funny and an interesting response to have to this statement ma'am the youngest person to go to university was Michael Kearney he was 10 years old this gentleman is clearly older than that you don't have to be 18 to go to university it's just the norm because that is when a person normally graduates and for your information this man is 19 he is allowed to be here regardless of his age as he is not disturbing anyone and this is a public space I didn't bother correcting them it honestly would have confused Karen more at this points probably she says stupid why can't you do your job properly and get this kids parents on the phone he's an adult's his parents have no power over him if he continued to harass me I will remove you from the premises ah useless people Karen's phone started to ring she grumbled and stomped away to answer I could hear some annoyed person yelling on the other end but couldn't make out what they were saying she left and I haven't seen her since the security guard apologized gave me his card and said if she bothered me again to come talk to him about more permanent action I thanked him and we both went on about our day thanks for reading ID and unexposed is by Luna Mimi titled - thinks my boyfriend is my father I think this fits here in a way I'm 25 now was 15 when this happened my now husband was 16 he has a full beard and has been six-foot-two since he was 13 so he's always been mistaken as older I've always been mistaken his younger due to circumstances I moved out of my mother's place which was actually my uncle's house she is just a Lech and in with my then boyfriend's family the first week was amazing from the fall and autumn break the second week I ended up with a terrible stomach virus I was puking up even water for days my stomach hurt to even touch my boyfriend took me to the hospital but for legal reasons my mother unfortunately had to come of course I hadn't done my makeup or was wearing flattering clothes to suggest I was a teenager the doctor was awesome he took one look at me and ordered a fluid drip and morphine drip try to getting that nowadays also he was an old-fashioned Indian doctor do with that what you will but I believe it helps to know when reading this the nurses come in burst a vein cutting this pot sure because it's a story in itself and get me feeling normal again with the drips the doctor comes back and looks at me and this is how the conversation went remember a straight of the points old-fashioned Indian doctor in an emergency response little girl you look much better me smiling thank you yeah she's got a color back well tends to boyfriend and my mother standing beside each other mum dad I want you to take a little girl home and start with an only broth diets there is silence in the room a few seconds pass and ah yeah we will good and mom and dad if she leaves and can't keep anything down again bring her back but it should pass as it's just a bad virus but she must stay hydrated he then quickly explains the prescriptions that he's writing I'm giggling at boyfriend's red-faced I can see it under his beard I say thank you I feel so much better good the nurses will be here to discharge you soon shakes my sixteen-year-old boyfriend's hand in take care of little girl papa the doctor takes his leave and the room is quiet I then burst out laughing at my red in the face boyfriend's probably fueled by the morphine drip we didn't feel the need to cut in and correct the doctor because I guess we all sensed it what would that accomplish more awkwardness after my mother signed the discharge papers we left I suggested my boyfriend make out with me in the hallway jokingly he called me weird and stupid and rushed our sounds I called him daddy and Papa for so long after that met with a shut up ah I hope you guys enjoyed that one cuz weren't well it's our next post I'm not gonna read the news name out goes well with that last story though titled it's not juice its wine and no I'm not in high school blah blah on mobile blah blah so background I'm on vacation with my family and it's a long trip but at one point we were on a three day cruise now this cruise was rough it was planned so that we could go see the historical sites in a few small groups everyday keeping the same group for the whole trip on the boat itself there really wasn't anything to do there including no Wi-Fi so while on the boats I'm drinking a good amount of wine just to have something to do note there are only a handful of people on the boat so they all see that I'm ordering wine so day one and we're out on the tour my mum is talking with some other woman in our tour group who has kids in high school I'm kind of standing right there and she asks my mom how old I am and what grade I'm in my mom looks at her funny in tells of it no I'm actually in grad school and that she can ask me herself later that night the same woman comes up to me and my mom to ask about New Year's Eve plans turns out we will be in the same city and she asks if my mum will want to do stuff with her kids again my mum looks at her funny because my and one of my brothers are 21 plus although my youngest one is in middle school so my mum says she does want to do stuff with us the woman replies that it's so hard to do stuff with kids day two comes along and there are some kids playing cards near me and my brothers they seem to be nearest my younger brother's age middle school so he asks to join them after a bit they ask if I want to join I say sure why not nothing better to do and after a few minutes of being there I realized they think I'm much younger than I am so I asked how old they are and they say 15 I ask them what they think my wine was to which they respond they thought I put juice in a wineglass to try to look older anyway it turns out the kids were in the same group as the first woman who didn't believe I was as old as my mom said I was like she refused to believe I was actually 22 this whole trip and told her kids they should try to hang out with me since I was around their age jaysus well that's why I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I hope you enjoyed this one of our / older than you think I am tell me what you thought about all these ones down in the comments this has been Mark II I hope you have a good day night sleep what have you been up to and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 61,570
Rating: 4.9039702 out of 5
Keywords: r/olderthanyouthinkiam, olderthanyouthinkiam, older than, olderthanyouthinkiam reddit, olderthanyouthinkiam redditor, r/olderthanyouthinkiam markee, Markee, Markee Reddit, Markee stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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