Clueless Scammer Wastes 2 Hours With My Goofy Family

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[Music] yes I'm calling in regards to my laptop moving very smoothly I have my grandkids over on Tuesdays then they want to use the laptop really they use it more than I do and I think that's when I really started noticing it don't worry ma'am see what happens sometimes nowadays there are so many third-party websites third-party links and fake websites are available online so there might be a chance your grandchildren's well they are using your laptop they have clipped by accidentally they have clicked on something because of which you got your computer running is slow no no we have to check the problem first because there might be a chance you have did something wrong mistake ly or maybe your grandchildren's you cannot blame anyone right it happens so I need to check the problem first what exactly is going on okay yes no next to the control key just next to that control key this is the Windows key Candida hello yes yes ma'am just next to that control key ma'am right-hand side of the control key can you see there is a Windows key in the run box yeah yes you are right you are doing a good job yes yes you're talking correct after typing letter I typed letter e e as in advert you live next to a man named Edward even at my old retirement facility nice man you know sometimes he used to actually share his his Jilla with me cuz I only like the green flavor well it was always first come first serve sometimes I didn't get there fast enough Eddie I used to know him and he had a friend named Edward and another one man and so they would always call themselves a Domane that's good no computers could catch those things how you can catch these things I will let you know that whenever you go online in your computer ok whenever you clicked on any third party website or any fake website you can get dis infections on your computer from a third party website ok and that's how your computer get infects computers because my grandkids went to Atari there might be a chance it's spreading in your computer ma'am that is why your computer is running slow don't touch your mouse ok but it's not gonna spread like my other computers right it can ma'am it can if you do not remove this infection from this computer it can infect your other computers well but sometimes my daughter will bring her computer over I saw an episode of CSI Miami did you ever watch there where someone had a virus and they thought that the government had done it in in the pool like room in the playroom with the candelabra but it was actually some kind of virus don't dear I remember have you ever been to the country buffet see I'm practically no one there make out shut down I think because this little girl have sneezed all over the buffet I guess she really liked the biscuits and everything and then and no one could go there for four like we bounced and I really like they're steamed hands and the chocolate let me tell you one thing right now is get right on the salad what do we do to get the infections fixed then you've told me that a couple of times now I would let you know that what you need to do okay give me a second okay how many seconds do you need sure I'm getting a little bit worried I'm here I'm here don't worry I will let you know how you can pick I will help you don't worry okay happening yeah there will be a one-time charge you have to pay to fix the problem okay okay I believe I have a warranty hold on let me look slim light no my pills keep you but just give me one more nut I have to go to the other room to find it out I know I have a warranty sent me give me just a moment can you hear me hello hello hello can you hear me ma'am hello I'd probably prefer Lee used my credit card because I get points that is not secure for you that is not secure for you because one card information can be used twice and we work on a very work under data protection ad which is passed by the federal government okay so in order to fix the problem in order to pay this amount securely you can use your check that is a very convenient option yeah get your checkbook okay you got the check yes go ahead and get your checkbook I'm waiting for you go ahead [Music] take your time by the way sorry I saw that you spell check with a you no no no you can get your checkbook handy and I will go ahead and register your case okay no no you don't have to go there you I don't you have a checkbook with you right now just try to I try to find it in your home try to find the checkbook in your home do you remember do you remember your outing ma'am do you remember your routing number account number give me a second I will connect your call to the level seven technicians they will go ahead and fix your problem okay okay they're gonna fix all the problems right now have to it no no you have to pay front because they will provide your case ID to you before they start the work so you have to do go ahead and type information on your screen take your time okay okay okay you can only 300 monks that I wasn't expecting let's do one thing let's do one thing okay how much you have in your card right now do you remember that how much you have mom my name is Casper I'm the supervisor here how are you doing today the previous technician who's been helping me for the past hour yeah the thing is that like he's having troubles you understand this the reason I have taken the call I can go ahead and help you out with this thing that your computer is running very slow and it's doing suspicious activity right do you have a checking account is it possible you can call your daughter and ask for the information routing number and account number I don't think she'd answer and I doubt she brought her purse what I can do for you from your heart could you call her and explain the situation with me sure let me call her okay what's her number yeah what are y'all what y'all need how ma'am Dixie ma'am I'm talking to your mother it was Mary okay so see you on the line with me let me make our conference work right now is this important this is important can I do you have a five minutes Witten hello Monty actually need the information of like you know checking account because she has her computer has been totally hacked all right oh my god okay hey you know what let me call her I'll add her to the call real quick that'll be easy Ola yet can you hear can you hear me hello yes I just I got you right yeah I got my mom back on the phone are you there yeah I can transfer yes mal listen what I'll what I'll do you need with it with this that what's going on can someone explain this to me right quick there's a man from the windows yes Microsoft Windows okay and can you explain the disc Dixie what's going on I can't okay I can't all right miss Dixie your mother called us today and regarding her computer's running slow and we have found out her computer has been totally hacked by someone and not able to use that computer or in her antenna we took control of the computer and try to fix the problem I told you not to stand on the now go ahead I'm sorry I'm sorry I told her like there is a situation all right we have to put the security and drivers update and for that it has to be like payment all right I'm sorry I've just worked at an extra shift at the daycare today and I did it is really stressing me out okay so you said oh you want me here okay there was something going on with the Microsoft actually I just need you to help I think my my passion yeah see just a checking account information like the routing number and account number I know I told you that the purse is at my house I can I can pick you up later after bingo and you know and get him get your purse to you I just I think he needs me to pay right right now okay listen is there a way that she can pay later yeah we can able to fix a problem like home are you a credit card or something instead of a checking account or I mean what's the problem with this you can you can do one thing you don't have that balance available on the her card you can use your card if you want nobody's been money's been real time for her I'm actually had to learn her I actually had to loan her a little bit of money earlier and things are kind of kind of rest here okay how much money did you say it was gonna be two hundred daughter okay and who did you say you worked for again we are working for Windows Microsoft Marv you at the Microsoft Store right now ma'am I believe you called her here right we didn't call you ma what was it who on earth are you my god miss rosemary tell her that you called here not we are the one called you sir you can talk to me now okay listen I am authorized to make decisions on my mother's behalf do you understand her okay we don't call our customer a penny called this region I made them conference call if you don't want to do this that's all up to you okay she called she called you okay maybe maybe she's confused it that does happen yeah okay yeah that's happened a time or two before in the pet but listen I do I are you trying to take advantage of my mother because she keeps it she keeps it up like accidentally she got her computer fixed by Apple last month and she don't even have a sample computer wait Apple yes why you're gonna fix the problem I don't want that she's a really global old lady sorry my understand that's the reason I called you listen what is your name sir what is your name my name is Casper mmmm if I tried to take advantage why should I call you by chance what is wrong with her computer exactly okay what is the what is the problem with the computer see the problem was totally corrupted she'd want able to open any program on her computer right now totally I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna put my husband on the phone he he's actually doing some work on the plumbing here and he knows a couple things about Jeb what exactly was it that was wrong with Mars computer her computer is totally corrupted so it took us I mean I was just over there the other day I ran a couple virus games on that sucker but it's not working here it's like we what exactly was it the printer or the fax machine what is it this time the problem is somebody had her IP address I'm sorry what you don't say IP IP address do you know what is an IP I do know what an IP address is I'm actually a self-aware engineer so you're saying her IP that that is not even possible sir her IP addresses yes somebody took her computer IP everything's been taking the remotely and they're like doing the corruptions okay I put I'm sorry you describe what you did are you saying that you connected to my miles computer in corrupted it on purpose in an attempt to steal money from her are you even what is your Microsoft employee number are you trying to do anything man miss rosemary can you please explain the usual format yourself ma'am if you don't want to do them you can tell her your daughter and your son-in-law explain him what is the condition if I really want to take okay I guess Microsoft technician and they've been helping me most of the afternoon well and what is the problem with your computer go ahead it's okay don't be don't be nervous I don't be for lost I don't even know if I can remember okay it's okay mom it's okay try to think about it I mean what did you have for breakfast this morning I went to Denny's and I had kake's where they made it in the Mickey Mouse right just okay right just like you like it okay that's fine now what did you do after that okay and I organized well my purses actually in that's when I realized it yet okay and then he called me I get I remember right because you left your purse at my house girl knives okay I know I know it can be difficult these days then I got on the computer and I remembered that Tyler had said the computer was slow so I called okay I think I did call them Microsoft I did I did okay now I'm just trying to think here here's what I'm thinking what did you uh what did you say you found on her computer see we have found her there's been inspired where malware inclusion has been in okay and what kind of Trojan are you saying is on her computer its same cogent worm okay Trojan warm up okay sir here's the problem I'm gonna need you to apologize to my mom for trying to waste her time and take advantage of her there is no such thing as Trojan worm dot exe on my mom's computer deep who do you think you even are trying to take advantage of you are a no-good thief there is nothing wrong with my mom's can I guarantee you one hundred positively percent in every way that there was nothing wrong with in her computer I'm a computer engineer okay my job is to develop software I'll probably have more certifications than you do sir in fact I don't think you even I have any certifications so let me get this straight okay Casper from Microsoft you're trying to steal me from my MA and what how much money would you even get what does your boss pay yeah go ahead and put the security for her computer right now you can't if you don't believe you can take her remote and go ahead and try to fix it it's our coming again again Microsoft warning Microsoft warning Microsoft warning with the question mark what does it mean to use if you are a computer engineer if there is a problem on the middle of the screen Microsoft warning and then a question mark on it okay what is that what you're talking about there is a pop-up on her computer you should know to know you should know by now it's a small box coming up again in the game is that correct miss rosemary do you see that on your computer see it's again coming Microsoft warning that you have been C do you not understand that you've just invested almost two hours of your time trying to scare someone I am not the one who called her okay do you not sir I'm beginning to think that you have no idea how to use a computer my goodness my goodness I tell you okay they left the computer and oh my goodness that was a that was a good word I can't even I was I'm sweating I'm sweating right now I felt like I was gonna I was gonna give that up that was like running good but like I was running a marathon or a sprint or something I did quite enjoy that reveal because you could tell the guy was literally reading those messages as if Microsoft itself was cluing him in as to what was wrong with the computer and he's like see see right here you should know by now that was lie singing the cake for me when when he bring that Marine Lab and hold it now breathe out [Music] bring them bring them and Holden
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 165,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, fraud, tech scam, fake microsoft, apple support, geek squad, virus popup, blue screen alert, zeus virus, koobface scam, computer alert scam, remove syskey, prank call, scammer revenge, scam, india call center
Id: 7_7BV4yIwZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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