Time to Grow - Pastor Mike Jr.

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hands lifted all over the room repeat out to me say Lord I thank you in advance for what you are about to do in my life everything I touch is blessed everything that's not like you remove I'm walking in destiny in Jesus name sit down let's have a good time today who came to get a word today anybody I'm excited to be here so I want to go quickly I want to jump right into it I don't want to waste any time we've been talking about purpose we've been talking about purpose and I mean this from the bottom of my heart the response that I'm getting is blowing my mind and I always gauge my response sometimes about how many men hit me up I've had a lot of men hit me up like Pastor Mike that was on point Pastor Mike you got my mind flowing in a direction it needs to flow I've had so many people calling me Pastor Mike last week miss me I had one person stop me didn't even know how to pronounce it they said Pastor Mike when you was talking about instant Miyake I thought think that's some Cologne ain't only it's in me yeah just like that is to me yogi I got to find my if there's somebody somebody invites me on Instagram and sent me a voice note I didn't even really know you could do voice no synthezoid smell like Pastor Mike I just want to say that but who got something out of that last week last week we were trying to find our passion now don't don't don't lie to me tell me the truth who really went home it's okay God where am i passionate where am i passionate at because I want you to have passion for what it is you do but I told you my goal is very simple four things I want you to know purpose except purpose walking purpose fulfill purpose that's my goal for you I probably I'm probably going to say that every time I stand before you until this time next year I want that drilled into your membrane that you are not here on accident you are not just living life to live life I want to make this statement you can say a man if you desire but I want to make this statement if where you are now is good and you haven't even tried yet I'm gonna talk to y'all they sleep let me ask y'all this question right quick cook bless just you may not have much long but you know you're blessed and ain't even living all the way right yet if halfway living got you to this point lean on somebody say yo you want to see me when I get all the way in what God called me to be look down euro and say we're gonna be blessed on a whole nother level this year I cuss people out and still got a promotion I might own the whole company hit me I just wants your focus somebody say focus I want you to no purpose walk and purpose no purpose except purpose walking purpose fulfill purpose that's critical that is so critical for what I really feel God is calling you to do and I told you that many of you gonna say Pastor Mike what's my purpose it's very simple don't make a deep the will of God from my life is to do what pleases God you've got to know that like you know your social security number the will of God for my life is to do what please this guy now let me free you real quickly you're gonna fall short in your life you're going to do some things that is not gonna please God you're gonna make some mistakes you're gonna you're gonna say out your mouth I'm from this is gonna be the best year in my life and then do something absolutely crazy that you're gonna want to get back that's called life that's called life I'm gonna say this and three people in this section probably gonna feel me let yourself out of prison that God already forgave you from did you catch that you have to know that's a part of the discovery of who you are your five purposes are my first purpose is to offer real worship my second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship third purpose learning real discipleship fourth purpose to practice real ministry fifth purpose to live out real evangelism I told you last week that Inka gaagaa is my reason for being my reason for being the best definition of Iike God gave to me is my reason for getting up to bed in the morning I said this last week and i'ma say it again many of you press snooze not because you're tired but because what you're getting out the bed for isn't worth getting out the bed for now put the camera on me because I don't want nobody's boss to see this on TV and be like what she was raising a hand can we're gonna do a test right here and who know you got to get up in the morning who already know you dread getting up in the morning because what you got to do ain't what you really want to do so let me free you real quickly I'm trying suggest you find your passion okay find your passion I told you on last week God's plan isn't just to save us but to what change us or transform us all right don't put this on the screen I'm gonna give an open book test let's see if you can't answer these three questions change takes three things number one it takes say it like you mean it it takes it takes look at you it takes time effort strategy now who did that speak to last week anybody it takes time it takes strategy it takes effort it takes time me and Lady got into some heated fellowship this week she told me to do something in the house I was like I was tired I ain't want to do it fellas fellas you ever been in a place where you just didn't want to do it it's like oh do so-and-so I said now I don't feel like it right now I actually go do so feel like it all right I felt good about myself to us I don't feel like it then I started thinking about see women don't fight fair they cannot cook not help you not talk to you we'd be ready to give me an instantly don't we like look I'm sorry but I looked at her she said like I keep asking you to do keep asking you to take their trash I do so we got three boys let them do it what I want you to do it I said well baby you know what disco take some time some effort and some strategy well then she got me she called me slippin yesterday she called me slippin she put two Tom me and she gave me three days to get myself together and I looked up all the trash was just sitting right in the kitchen I said what's that smell put the effort in my strategy worked now I'm doing it so hear me what am I trying to get you to realize seriously focus you not st. but spiritually folk many of you keep failing because you keep beating yourself up because you're setting unrealistic timetables for your convergence several time it's gonna take time strategy and effort I want to start today and I want to say this to you strategy somebody say strategy here we go we're not gonna do this this year I want to make a pledge of allegiance right now we're gonna make a covenant and a contract no one listening to me it's gonna set new year's resolutions Henry hey listen to your pastor I've never asked this from you but I'm asking today the in this room online in overflow list to your pastor nobody is setting a New Year's resolution put this on the screen no new year's resolution just strategies let everybody else have their New Year's resolution I want you to have a strategy so don't even say this year we know this year I'm gonna do XYZ no no no what's the plan no people to call you in a minute what's the move no no move just plan I'm gonna put stuff together that's gonna ensure I'm going to accomplish what comes out of my mouth that is so critical let's start today I want to start with the excerpt from my book and I want to read it to you guys I really believe it'll bless your life there's AG alayich proverb that stays nothing is easy for the unwilling and if you are unwilling to face your fears and emotions then forward progress on improving your quality of life will not be easy I've discovered that the one team to is easy but the willingness is the key that unlocks destiny but one thing too is easy but the willingness is the key that unlocks destiny put this in your phone put this in your nose this one worth willingness willingness willingness willingness who won't it I don't even know when the shout man all right let's be honest who won't it won't it like you can see it like I'm in Paestum I ain't never wanted something so bad whenever I talk about worn it I just want it I can feel it in my stomach let me feel you real quickly right here watch this I want you to have it but here's the problem many of us don't understand by definition alone we don't possess true willingness by definition alone we don't possess true willingness willingness by definition look at this definition willingness is the quality or state of being prepared to do something that's crazy willingness is the quality or state of being prepared to do something who own it you don't want it if you're not prepared for it watch this so one ticket will is is it just desire it is preparation willingness watch this is readiness willingness doesn't mean you want it but in addition to wanting it it means you're one prepare for that's crazy I want to say this to you in five that you gonna hear me the other 500 you probably gonna miss it but five but you're gonna catch this preparation is the new prophecy y'all miss what I just say it right there preparation is the new prophecy I don't need you to prophesy sermons in my life I'm gonna prepare for it cuz I know it's coming don't miss what I just said preparation is the new prophecy who's expecting God to do some crazy in your life in 2020 prepare for it see I want to suggest to you it's too many people in this room with conversation not preparation you're talking like you know God go and do it but yet you haven't made any moves to suggest it's coming preparation I worship leader and y'all know him we all love them Tyrell pedis Tyrell they had their first daughter their first baby girl their first child this past week right so I checked on the before church and what was crazy was two weeks ago he put on Instagram a picture of his daughter's room y'all missed it young miss did y'all miss y'all first shouted a day all right so baby girl ain't even here went even here but the room was painted the crib was put up blankets was already there diapers was already stacked why cuz if you know is coming you might as well I'm a priest too young be prepared for it see I ain't talking to everybody I'm only talking to three of y'all who for the help everybody in your life looking at you like you crazy they gonna be looking at you like what are you doing that for something coming what don't know yet but I know if I get ready when it come I'll be ready I don't know who I'm talking to thrill y'all need to go to your bank Monday and open another account and when he asks you what is this account for I just feel overflow coming and since all my bills come out of this account I don't even want none to over drown so I got another count why God said it he said I go away to prepare what watch this okay here's what I'm gonna do Adam God you sitting in heaven who gonna run earth all right that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna create somebody to run earth but here go the problem I can't put them in an incomplete place so I'm gonna create it being I'm gonna put them in it I'm gonna mess somebody head up right here I want to suggest to you that what's gonna separate you from the people who talking is your preparation I must say this and three of y'all gonna fill it and I may take out running old school kojic Baptist I'll start packing I'm in wrong Church how you believe in God for a new car and ain't cleaned out your current one when you get the new one doing what you'll call cleaned out I'll probably put it straight this in in six months often to figure something out no start now preparation is the new prophecy you don't gotta wait to be in a relationship to get ready for marriage start carrying yourself like you are who you are now let's your girlfriends talk about you what you're doing I need y'all to go ahead and get y'all money together cuz the dress is gonna be 115 you ain't even got a man I know but I want to get no excuses cuz God can't do it quick fast and I ain't come to preach to everybody who ain't got faith but if you've got a spirit of expectation a spirit of expectation means I don't know when I where I don't know why but I meant God can so watch this it says willingness its readiness so I'd be free real quickly readiness somebody say readiness willingness is readiness did you catch that I want to be all God called me to be something trying to prepare me you felt that Brian I'm trying to prepare me for what God is get ready to do in my life what am I suggesting to everybody in this room no more announcements put this in your nose put this thing in those two words that's gonna flip your 20/20 all right I learnt it at Yale Divinity is I spell it for you cuz he's probably gonna spell it s H u T spacebar you P what does fail y'all talk too much you went conversations with people you know if any do someone so so and so now you getting people to dream see see it's a reason why God gave the dream to you not y'all if God wanted y'all to see it he would have gave it to y'all can I ask you a question that's the reason when you go on a plane it's only a limited amount of people who can fit in the cockpit he said no offense of money because what I'm taking them they might not always see I gotta be somebody st. prepared I need you to have a spirit of expectation what is the spirit of expectation it is to have a strong desire and to be filled with anticipation it is the spirit of expectation is a strong desire to be filled within since the patient all right coming to test it as strong as iron to be filled with anticipation so look at this now I want you to really really see this filled with anticipation and confidence in obtaining what is hopeful I'll be back to obtain what is hold for some what you really catch somebody say expectation it is called a spirit of expectation what it's a main cast of mind to have a strong desire and B feel if that word is so important with way anticipation it is to be filled with anticipation thank you y'all said near Wayne to see what I'm gonna do with tears tears don't have a clue what I'm gonna do with tears all tears know is he's been called I'm in Ranchi he don't know if up in a blessing he don't know I'm finna test them many of you gonna miss the next season of your life because when God calls you before you move you're trying to get all of the details you're trying to see if it's something you wanna do all I know is if God has moved before I am anticipating what he's gonna do again no Isis had no point that I tell 10 stay close to me at no point have I gave tears and instruction at no point did I tell tales get ready tears just knows I don't know when he gonna do it I just need to be in his presence so when God decides to move he'll be able to move so when God decides to bless he'll be able to bless and many of you don't realize you keep missing God because when God starts moving you get distracted and you start getting frustrated like where does God don't do it the spirit of expectation means I am watch this anticipating what's another word area for anticipation discerning when God is about to move and baby boy that's so cold-blooded because what God even not look at you what God feet are doing your life you've got to make sure you anticipate because if you offer sick it have you have you ever been on the freeway have you been on the freeway and didn't anticipate to exit you get over cuz you tired of somebody going slow and you speed past them then realize when you speed up that I don't miss my season I don't hear me so here put this in your notes put its thing in the last week we talked about passion today I want you to write one word for four letters growth growth that's what I'm on Tristan grow grow all right in the book of Luke and this popular Luke and passage we meet up we see a parable and it's important I want you to read it I'm gonna read it before you watch this watch this what it says and he began telling this parable a man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find anything and he said to the vineyard keeper behold for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree but now finding anything I'm a stop right here cut it down in verse eight what do I see I'm finna go put this in your nose but danger of no growth in verse eight we see the danger of no growth the danger of no growth I want to say this and I pray somebody can receive this all right I really want to say this I don't think you caught what I just say it we see the danger of no growth the freed fig tree we see in this scripture is not in a storm or a chaotic situation it is rather situated and acculturated around other fig trees that aren't producing the man says for three years I've come looking for fruit I don't find any you are now worthless I want this tree cut down the Bible listen clearly does not tell me why the tree isn't producing the Bible does not tell me why the tree isn't producing it does not convey what the issue is this is my problem right here if I'm the Bible I got when I get to heaven me a Gog on talking I'm gonna say God I wish she would have let me write the Bible he's gonna say why Mike you left out too many details no problem tell me like God you just left out too much I say if I wrote description the scripture would go like this it was saying of a certain man planted a fig tree it for three years he came back looking for fruit and could not find any because the tree was situated right next to the barn and the barn was blocking the Sun so the tree got water but did not get Sun as so why I need I'm nosy I would have wrote no the tree didn't get any water because the water did not make his way the gardener forgot to water at five times a week in that tree did not get it God says no no no Mike I want you to be very clear be clear what Pastor Mike God expects growth that's scary God I want to say this to each and every one of you God expects you to grow but best of Mike the scripture don't tell me why the tree didn't grow I'm so glad you said that because God do not only does he expect growth he expects you to grow because of or in spite of I don't think you heard what I just say it he said I expect you to grow because of or in spite of your lack of growth or the excuse as to why you haven't grown is it valid to God God says if I bless you grow from it if I stress you grow through it I'm in a row church today God said if I give you a new job playing the money you won't be grateful and grow from that but if they fire you and you get your lights turned off grow through that the problem is you can't pick what you want to grow from I want actually a question I have any gardeners in here any gardeners don't none of y'all plant nothing don't raise your hand I'm gonna be proud thank you gardeners or or I'll see you girl natural I see you come on gardeners there you go in the back miss Jim in begin this Jimmy I see you gardeners let me ask you a question all right if you're a gardener and let me show you how silly we look okay I'm gonna be a gardener you gonna be my planet you ready hey playing hide you don't you doin all right Flint you don't all right I'm gonna put you for you in the ground all right Lord let the Sun hit this plant do god I don't want no rain cuz I wanted to feel bad so I'm gonna make sure you get all sunny days what's gonna happen to that plant okay listen let's go back here go god is too hot out here I don't want my plane to die all I'm gonna do is just war to her so she can know she's feel what's gonna happen to that plan it's gonna drown how can I help her be the best her a little and a little bit see you don't even realize God's gonna give you the right mixture of problems that matches the mixture of your blessing but he said if all I do is bless you you gonna be arrogant and spoiled if all I do is test you you gonna be broken and beat what is maturity maturity is what you can say thank you for the blessing but thank you for the haters thank you for my bank account but thank you for my bills it's when you can thank God for the good somebody shall preach so so so he says watch this I expect you to grow because of it and it's spite of it I said it once and I said again there is no neutrality in Christianity there is no neutrality in Christianity make that make sense no neutrality in Christianity do you either get better or you get worse ain't no middle I want actually this question right now y'all ray if it is actually this question right now if you can't definitively declare now I'm so proud of me I have been working on their West I've been working on that one slitaz for three days I've been in the mirror all weekend you can't I couldn't get my mom if I messed it up if if you can't definitively declare that without a shadow of a doubt you got better by default you got worse I wanna ask you this question right now can't you clearly say no I got better this year if you can't you got worse you got worse ain't no tie in heaven the guy got nothing a look at the devil and say you know what we both did I the devil is defeated let's talk about this now I want you to really catch this growth increase in change are god's ideas he expects us to grow evolve and change for the better couple areas God wants us a growing I'm gonna give you two important areas then we'll keep moving because there's so many I'll give you two that I believe it's most important for me and I believe it's most important for you to areas God is calling me to grow deeper in and I'm gonna say if it's on your past maybe on your life - okay first area he respects growth in our spiritual lives in our spiritual lives hear me when I say this growth in the spirit means that flesh is dead or dying growth in the spirit indicates maturity maturity God is saying I want you to mature more spiritually I have so many gifts that God has given me that I don't fully walk in all the time and God is saying no no no you've come into the fullness of that season now what they need out of you it needs to mature I want to suggest to many of you the reason you see the problems oh this is so rich what if God allows you to see the problem because you are the answer that's crazy ain't it no no I tell people I got people on my staff all the time who complain did nobody else see that and I look back at him and say that's why you see it see something you ever thought about everybody in your family you're the only one who'll be seen like this don't bother y'all who don't ever make that statement before like I ain't trying to be funny but this don't bother y'all then they look back at you like what they can't see it because they weren't called to solve it they can't see it because they weren't called to solvent please put this in your notes if you see it that might be an indication that you call it a solvent so no I gotta grow spiritually maybe you see how wild everyone around you is because God is calling you to lead them maybe God is calling from is that not good but God's calling you the pastor there he's calling you to Pastor them don't don't let that word scare you Pastor all that means is the careful attention to don't make it deep the reason we made that deep in the African American context because that was the only place that uh that a person was somebody in the black church so that's why in the black church is such a pressure to call me pastor but in another church they just called him Jim because culturally he was someone in the work force the black man was nothing in the in the world so we came to church that's why you see these grand titles and church pastor chairman that was the only place where you could be somebody so what happens is since we've made that such a pedestal we put so much focus on the title now there are people who don't even realize they can do the function no I'm gonna say this and I'm not gonna batter out when I said you are the pastor of your family hear me when I say that you are the pastor of your family you are the one that God is called Brendan to pay careful attention to the souls of your family so let me give you something I didn't give it to any other service I'll give it to you many of you need to sit down and you know who's in your family and y'all might need to come together say hey as for our family you're gonna be the pastor finance pay careful attention to our families find it make sure everybody can credit right make sure everybody coming up make sure everybody knowing what we're doing everyone I say this that's growing spiritually all right let's go deeper let's go deeper he wants us to grow in our emotions I want to read this and I pray it bless your life until we make significant progress in mastering our emotions we will keep going back and forth in our life emotional instability is the greatest undoing of any person did you hear what I just said it until you make significant progress mastering your emotions you're gonna always go back and forth emotional instability is the greatest downfall to any person amorita slow anyone who continually loses control of his or her emotions cannot have control of their life and cannot gain the required stability for lasting success in life that's strong that's strong any person who continually loses control of their emotions has no control of their life that person it's not there on the screen it's destined to wind and blow it can actually a question who believe in God for soompi who believed in God for something big and you know your emotions all over the place y'all ready for this God don't give it to you you gonna blow it you got working on your emotions one can't believe boom now you locked up everything you work for emotions let's see what the Bible says about it I got you listening in Proverbs 16:32 he who is slow to anger it's better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit then he who captures a city oh well give me another translation in that same scripture better to be patient and powerful preach Mike McClure better to be patient than powerful better to have self-control than conquer a city better to be patient than what powerful better to be patient than what Dion come here you look pretty strong do you come here you look pretty strong you look pretty strong do you look real strong real strong you workout dyani workout let's gonna push up contents go on kick do you know you don't mind that do you you look pretty strong let's go let's go alright let's see let's see who can do the most pushups you look powerful you ready on the count of three y'all count to three we gonna go y'all ready y'all count go let's go Dean let's go how many you got in you two three four I mean you got five what number you own six I win cuz he started but he's so powerful he never started counting he jumped in something he jumped in something and because he had the physical ability watch this he broke his strength but left his head and what I'm trying to get many of you to realize is that they're gonna be people who are more mightier than you but they don't have patience they don't have self-control they they don't hear me just because they get there first don't mean they gonna stay there longer I'm in the wrong church look at this scripture look at this scripture I want you to catch this look at this scripture next scripture proverbs I want you to really see this whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broke it down without walls that none eight-to-one get ain't the one look at this translation Jesus Christ next translation a person without self-control it's like a house with this doors and windows knocked out ooh I want actually a question be honest with me if I gave you a million dollar house today but tell you for the rest of your life it don't come with windows or doors who would be safe can I ask you a question could you heat that house could you COO that house the only temperature who sets the temperature for their house the atmosphere many of you don't even realize the reason you keep going back and forth you can't win you win some lose the Lions win a lot win look you're even realizing it's because you are so uncontrollable with your emotions you are a house without windows or doors which means you act like your environment which is why God can't get no glory on your job cuz if they ranch it at work you wretched you let the atmosphere Jesus Christ determine you that's why that's why you're fitting in so many places that's why you fit in so many you come to church you can high-five your neighbors shot with your neighbor you go to work you can cuss word them and hang with them you go around your girlfriends you can talk miss you go around your partner's you can smoke into whatever you want to do and it's because you cannot have control of your emotions I'm gonna introduce something that may open your eyes called the broken window theory the broken window theory the broken window theory says it is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime antisocial behavior and Silvo disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder including serious crimes it's called the broken window theory I'm gonna miss your minor right here they believe that if you go into a neighborhood and see windows busted out doors kicked open it sends the Memphis to people that you can act any kind of way in this neighborhood which is why if you walk through Easley and Pratt you'll see broken windows and houses kicked in you go to 280 you don't see none of that even a house that's foreclosed into 80 don't even look like it you'll just think don't nobody live in it it's perfectly fine because they understand how it looks determines how people act you remember that was building that hospital that Grand View remember I remember how long it took learn to build a house with a great view but how nice they looked why they were still building it but then the mommy Carraway closed windows broke stuff everywhere and they just lady said because those windows sent a message to the people who live in a neighborhood you can do whatever you want to it sends a message to people who don't even live there who come there lawlessness can work here comes my cantata people treat me a certain way board up your windows down unlikely maybe people treat you a certain way because your emotions so crazy you look abandoned but let me show you what the devil does he makes you wear that as a badge of Cana of Honor know how to take nothing from nobody oh they know how I allowed I wish somebody would and you don't realize all that swag you think you portraying ain't nothing but broken windows priests mike mcruiz preach mike McClure I'm telling you to control your emotions that's what I'm telling you people don't need to know what you think is sometimes hear me when I say this they can say I'm tired of you talking so soon so you ain't dissing you ain't that I bless you I was there something this weekend and somebody sent some to me I did like all I said backwards okay okay that's all I said okay I said I understand god bless you that's all I said I understand god bless you I understand god bless you when I hung up the phone I feel so proud of me you want to know why because on the other end of their phones they really don't have a clue if I'm tripping or I'm stressing now on the inside I had already created a whole sentence that I was about to say on the inside I had already googled their last name and knew where they live and I was just gonna say something real slick like you know what ain't gonna come to 45:12 they overlay 45 sweat you know apartment C like whoa like cuz we can be crazy right but I realized if I can't come whoever angers you controls you you think you doing something by cussing them out when in actuality you're telling them you still have power over me but when you can do that to me and I'm able to keep me together it's that I'm in control of so God wants us to grow spiritually he wants us to grow away emotionally and what am I trying to get you to realize I'm out of time and I'm gonna stop right here amount of time in other words God looks at this tree he says you have been grown I apologize I need you to take that out your nose I said the danger of no growth go up in your nose wherever they are I want to take that back I reserved right to check me okay I want to take that back because the scripture says it's a fig tree not a fayek plant if it's a tree that many went from a seed c-form plant plant tree so I want you to erase the danger of no growth I want you to put not growing enough because the tree grew the only problem is it didn't grow now problem is you the good thing is you got better problems you just didn't grow enough God has said no you okay oh my god I just saw that that's crazy God is saying I'll put you in the ground you sprouted up out that ground look like a beautiful plant became a tree and right when you got to the point where was your time to reap something you stopped I'm in the wrong church I brought you out that relationship kept you from losing your mind you got that focus in your stock I want to ask the question the 10 folk who won't be fake today why did you stop he was doing good not going places shouldn't win and all of a sudden you let that emotional mess get you and you stopped he says what happened I gave you three years to start back and you wouldn't do it I gave you three years to get your mind together and you wouldn't do it three years and he says right here in verse seven he said I'm waiting on you three years and I came to speak to somebody because everybody in this room if you're not careful you're gonna find yourself in a figurative or a literal three years a figurative or a literal three years three years give you three years to get yourself together you kept saying you was gonna pray more and Yap to get you get into some and I say I ain't gon do that ain't gonna do that three years passing like this my year I went to church I'm gonna start I then I'm gonna start loving God I'm gonna start treating people right three years ain't gonna go back to that circle normal angle do X Y Z I'm gonna do better I'm gonna do so and so and finally okay you don't get it the owner is God the video art keeper is Jesus we the tree preach mic hear me so God says no I'm tired of playing now I don't forgave you I don't gave you chance at the change you keep telling me what you're gonna do and you don't do I keep my end of the bargain you don't keep your end of the bargain God says this what we gonna do you are useful you are useful you aren't taking up splays face the main-yard manager says wait wait wait don't cut it down God says cut it down vinyassa keeper says don't cut it down please don't cut it now he says give me a year I'm in the wrong Church give me a year to work on it that's critical give me a year to work on it why is that so important p.m. Jay I really want you to put this in your notes and I pray you camera speeds receive it the Valeyard owners issue with this tree is that it's worthless I'm wasting money energy and time trying to get you to become what you're supposed to be and you won't be it so he says you know what I'm through cut it off cut it off this is heavy the enemy to your worth is waste the greatest enemy to your worth is waste the greatest enemy to your worth it's waste make that make sense Pastor Mike all right if the house is empty for a long time it's almost like the house died because it's wasting away okay it's not being used food decays and moles cut it's not being used that Apple that pear that plum that peach that milk sours because with the creator of that milk said the establisher of that milk said i need it to be in purpose by this date y'all sleeping on me today the creator and the manufacturer of that milk say it I need this milk see y'all use words y'all don't use words right Stacy you say stuff like use no that's purpose I created this milk and I put this milk on the market so be in purpose fully used by this day if you don't put it in purpose by this date it spoils something y'all gonna have to call some people and say hey I'm sorry we can't be around each other on my why we should have been further along by this date so the reason we keep busting and falling out is because this relationship might be spoiling here here so hear me hit me so so food that banana was made to be eaten by a certain day if it don't it's not in purpose okay I my fellas give me a roof rule playboy playboy frou-frou hit hit hit real man hear me hear me now so if that girl if that beautiful lady right there gets out her car don't close the door in the light stay on all night what's gonna happen to that battery it's gonna die watch this watch this but if she Park her car and don't crank it for three years what's gonna happen to that battery either way you might as well died being used but here's my problem with that here's my problem with that battery okay as long as I'm driving that battery in the right way I'm gonna get all I can't out of it watch this if I leave a light on and that battery died two types of use some of you are underused and misused [Applause] many of you have been doing too much for too many and they draining your battery life priests pmj the energy it take for you to do for them you ain't got nothing left for you being a big day trip guilt trip you into going empty like what you know ain't nobody else gonna help me you grown help yourself it is not my job to beat your God I need you when it ain't fair think about this think about this think about this it's in a bin yard it's in a garden which means this tree is working this tree is working this tree is working this tree is working you killing it this tree working this tree working this tree ain't working so I want to do me a favor in every tree around be working every tree got through at some point I've gotta stop blaming where I am I got to examine who I look at your neighbors say neighbor this your season to grow up you need to take responsibility for what you have or don't have take responsibility for what you did or didn't do there are places in my life where I make mistakes and I come running and say baby I blew it here there are times when I spent money I shouldn't spit in our marriage and I come to say baby I thought I was gonna get this money back I didn't do it so now we gotta wait on Doosan slow song so I take responsibility for that hear me many of you are blaming everything but you my baby girl my babies love when I pop popcorn I'm finna have search hey love when I pop popcorn right so whenever I pop popcorn they always go berserk we went on Amazon and got this little popcorn machine alright so we got the popcorn machine you have to get to open the oil you pour it in there boom then you put it in then the light come on then it just sit there then all of a sudden when they start popping my baby girl my land my baby girl their mouths go crazy based on dad if I call it popcorn can I open it up and I dump it help me God I dumped it right but it messed me up because when I dumped it the popcorn and the kernels came out now slow y'all slow y'all missed it I'll put it in the pot watch this but the popcorn and the seeds came out and I was sitting there like I don't understand my baby look at me say daddy what's wrong with this when I said baby I don't know they was in the same oil in the same machine they got the same heat but evidently they didn't get what they needed I am done hanging with people who make me feel bad cuz I'm poppin Church I need you to iPod three people inside you better catch it [Music] I got excited look at your neighbor and say neighbor I love you enough that when God bless me i'ma make sure you get a part of my blessing I did for everything attached to me [Music] [Applause] it's on now just three people tell them it's on now come in come here he says I planted shoot he's okay I planted you in the ground plant it you in the ground and what did I do now planets you in the ground and I buried you booyah plant it and bury folk was walking by not even knowing although they didn't see something but above surface it was something going on see this is why people don't be looking at you like me I can't believe you did that they weren't around at your season where you were playing it watch this and slowly but surely you started coming for oh you started out as a plant did you grow a couple branches pull all right come in come in chains coming Brown and all of a sudden boom everybody boom spy plane boom here buddy started playing everybody started playing I feel God and all of a sudden leave start for us don't leave Leave leave and then he's sitting there he's sitting there hey they got leaves Dara won't get leaves at the same time so it's cool then another you go by leaves come on I cried it's cool I'm just gonna cut these monsters down I'm just a slow slow growing that's all right angled trip ain't gonna trip that on hang on truth at all God gonna give me what he don't give me what are you gonna give it to me but here's what we don't talk about in church then the least talk drawing a little more then yes you get a little bit hating you like okay guy like how they get a fiance they don't sweat with her bodies listen this is stuff you start staying to yourself right what you mean they bills paid they still all be some money like did right so so but did you seem to be like now I'm so happy for you but then in your heart can we tell the truth in your heart you'll be tripping a little bit like I'm living right I'm being faithful I'm doing what God said and then God says I said come back God God says watch this God says okay okay okay they got leaves you don't they got fruit you don't put the scripts on the square he said just what I'm gonna do give me a year said dig around it no no this is crazy he said I'm not gonna dig in it cuz I don't want to hurt the tree but I've been in this long enough to know it might not be the tree the tree may have some stuff [Applause] come in our own church if folks start walking away from you don't run and get them that may be gone take it around you if you lose something it's mine don't even cry about it that maybe God digging around you cut God said I am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you he said no Weston we gotta get them out of here oh we could we could good this for everybody who be trying to be judgmental always looking at you you need to tighten up well I don't have a scripture for you I got a song for you you better sweep around your front door before your sweeper oh you gotta you gotta work on some stuff you gotta you gotta kid out here me he says give me a year to dig around it it's crazy let me throw some dirt on it let me throw some mess on it that's for everybody who going through some you like right now it might just be further than us let me let me throw that on you is it cool now here's my problem here's my problem here's my problem staring the Bob but don't tell me if it worked she says you gotta be careful when you preach it cuz this one could have messed the whole church up I could have messed the whole church up and said God's gonna dig around you he's gonna remove some stuff he gonna put you in some mess and in three years that's where it stops right now I don't know if the tree helped accrue fruit why pastor might because his growth ain't none of my business his growth it's between him many of you will never grow enough because you're allowing people who ain't grown none to determine if you've grown any the Liberty says it says he says no so hit me I'll show you would you be the leaves what do I believe what I do believe I can cross-pollinate the text he said Washington's brush the thrust is he got leaves he got fruit you got fruit you got fruit he got fruit he got some Oh fruit he got some Oh fruit he got some Oh fruit he got some fruit God ain't got none put some scripture on it in the last God told me to prophesy over your life and declare they may have gotten outbursts but God set what I'm doing to you go super exceed what they may have got God said get ready for exceeding and abundant above and I came to speak over your life you're not in a race with them [Music] you're not gonna race with them let me show you the difference between me and y'all let me show you difference when meeting y'all watch this watch this right quick get some leaves get some leaves get some fruit hey I'm funny I'm trying to dish fruit to time effort in strategy alright cool that's all the time see instead of hate on what they got how about you so into [Applause] [Music] and God says what I'm finna doing your life now last point of the day run your race did you catch that your your race hear what I say this I salute Bishop Jake's I salute I'm like time I salute Thomas Bevers I salute an arm a teal Lewis you won't know why I am so comfortable in Who I am so give me when I say this I'm not I'm not gonna be at home depressed I met her new rising star dear so-and-so I'm not gonna be at home depressed man faithful man they got a whole bowling now know you wonder what I do I celebrate and then I'm crazy enough to go sit and say can you tell me how you did that you wanna know why I'm gonna go priests it they sleep I'm a priest let's just let's cut them out to service I'm a priest like this if God did it for them I want you to promise our your neighbor look at your neighbor and say neighbor is some stuff that God did for me that he might not do for you and it's some stuff that God do for you that he might not do for me I'm a bank all for what he did in your life you think all for what he did in my life can we take 60 seconds and thank God for your neighbor thank God for what he's doing thank God that is making away thank God that he's opening a door here [Music] [Music] now you see why we sing even when I don't see it's working even when I don't feel this you never stop working you never stop never stop what [Music] in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday yesterday the boys and lady they came to me decide a dish is to hide in here and she came fussing one of the rules in my house I like doing is let me be in charge of the thermostat what if L is that like that's my thermostat don't touch it without talking to me alright so then they come to me like you need to go cook that heat off the boy it's hot I said there a hot is cold in here I said she looked it was like 86 in our house right it's the true story like almost 86 so I look I was like I don't know what's wrong it's a powerful statement I said the heat on 72 so I walked over to the vent and I put my hand by the faint feel nothing I said I don't know why the house getting high and it hit me help me God if I said they heed to 72 that means if it gets colder than 72 then he kicks back on to maintain the minimum standard him so then I realized if the heat on 72 no matter how hot the house get it's gonna keep right and Holy Spirit told me to tell many of you you found yourself in a season when you don't see God or you don't feel God God said the standard is said watch this he said he says he says there's no chill tension which is common to man and God will not provide a way of escape I'm adamant i'ma break that down at pmj terms I've set your hell threshold of 74 if he put anything in your life under or at that i'ma kick in everything else endure [Music] or in other words crow [Music] Father in the name of Jesus [Music] helped us to grow God that prayer scares me because I'm not sure what you're gonna do to make us grow god I could sensationalize it and say God help me grow that means you can send me a blessing God you may send me a whuppin God cuz the truth of the matter is sometimes I learn better from touching this dog than you telling me not to touch the stone god truth of the matter is some of the stuff my mama let me get away with I did again but the stuff she wouldn't be older I just stayed away from so god help us grow god I pray right now that each person on the sound of my voice will fall in love with you not be that God they will love God yes they'll be loyal and love their church but God their relationship which you shouldn't be based upon a person they should have a personal relationship with you because God if we're not careful we can make superstars out of our parents we can make gods out of our spouses we can make God's out of our friends that will feel like if they don't call them pray with us it's not gonna work God I can connect with you and because I'm connected gotta access you continue to grow me I pray right now in the name of Jesus God that the pressure the stress and the weight that we sometimes feel we will stop misdiagnosis it's not a problem it's special attention and fertilizer because God I understand sometimes you have to dig in me and sometimes you got to dig around me so that before we actually for anything today we just thank you I thank you guys - here we are about four or five weeks away from a new year God you brought me through another one God here it is God we get ready to be another year older another you're wiser another year better and God you did that for me so god I want to stop right now before I even get to 2020 I want to just bake you for 2019 that I just want to thank you for all that you've done all that you're doing now God second Sunday December 2020 I speak you won't have to say cut us down so God has two priests the prophet of this house I asked for another year to be the best father you called us another year to be the best mother to be the best wife to be the best Christian guy some of us can say we had a great year but then God sometimes we knew his Stern stuff we left on the table certain things we could have been better at so God as the priest asked the vineyard keeper of this church I asked for one more you God give me one more year to preach my best one more year to live my best because I believe by faith if I seek you first the kingdom of God His righteousness all of these things will be added unto us god I thank you in advance in Jesus name I pray somebody shout amen
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 52,217
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: qM2xxnWcuTs
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Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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