It's Still Bigger Than Me // B!G SERIES (PART 2) - PASTOR MIKE JR.

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man I don't I don't want to take up too much of your time all over the building if you're watching from everywhere I challenged you last week with the simple question I ask you a question that to me is vital it is critical it is quintessential it is consequential to who it is you are about to be in God that question simply was at the core what does God want from us at the core what does God want from us and I challenged you is it Allegiance is it faithfulness is it obedience and I challenge you and I said at the core God wants to be believed notice I did not say he wants to be believed in he wants to be believed you can believe in something and not believe it did you catch that the Bible declares enemies the devil the demons believe him and they tremble but that doesn't necessarily mean they abide by the things that God has called them to be at the core God wants us to believe in a couple of things what is that in his existence in his nature and in his ability that might be worth writing in his existence in his nature and in his ability that is so critical while pmj believe that he is God his existence his nature he is who he says he is grandmama put it like this godly God deeply desires that we believe that he is exactly who he says he is let's have a little church and he will do exactly what he says he would do I'm gonna catch three y'all so when God says I am Jehovah Jireh you ought to be excited because you know he is a provider when God says I am Jehovah Rapha you ought to get excited because God is a healer when he says if y'all hunger I am bread when you're hungry I am water when you're thirsty biblically we call that faith biblically we called that faith now I want to be careful because everybody sits in church and hears something different there is no such thing as a bad message but there is no such thing as a bad hearer did you catch what I said I don't ever want you to hear he can't preach no you can't hear there is no such thing as a bad message but there is a such thing as a bad listener no I could put my baby I can put my three-year-old on stage hand him the mic and he can set his whole church up if you got the right ears Pastor Mike no don't waste my time my baby can get up here right now and say mary had a little lamb - Oh y'all gonna sit there and be like oh but three of us gonna be like whoo cuz if you knew who Mary was and if you knew who the lamb was that lamb that was slain ain't no such thing as a bad message only a such thing as bad here so in this particular instance I want to make sure as a family we're all hearing the same thing because when I say big mean if you're gonna hear blessings many you're gonna hear doors many of you don't hear miracles I want to be very succinct I want to succinctly summarize what I am trying to accomplish throughout the life of all of us not as something that's very critical that I want you to understand about your pastor rarely do you hear me say y'all I always preach from a posture that God is still working on me i'ma say this in three y'all gon catch it I'm a mess to look at y'all neighbors say I'm a mess - don't get it twisted I'm not in here cuz I got it together I'm here today because I'm trying to get it together am i preaching to anybody so succinctly how can I succinctly summarize the Alpha mentioned series that we find ourselves house situated or acculturated in big what am I trying to get us to realize that it's all about your faith I really want you to put that in your notes that when Pastor Mike says big he's talking about my faith faith is essential faith is imperative faith is important faith this might be worth writing is not on the screen faith is the foundation upon which our spiritual life must be built faith is the foundation upon which our spiritual life must be built it's called way faith it is called faith hear me when I say this nothing works without faith that's a cold-blooded statement nothing works without faith salvation can't even be experienced without faith because the Bible tells us we are saved by grace through faith did you catch that you can't even believe for your salvation if you don't have faith you gotta at least have faith that he did die but on the third day he got up with all power in his hand you are saved by grace but through faith saved by grace through that's a beautiful citizen by grace through faith what does that mean Pastor Mike I want you to catch this that means I was saying not that can preach it by something I did I am saved not because my credit score was good enough I am saved not because of who my momma Dan was I'm saying cuz he loved me I'm saved because he just decided to die for me but here's the problem salvation is available you gotta had a faith to go get it so hear me when I say this nothing works without faith God loves me without conditions I want you to put this on your nose and I want I'm gonna say it very slow I want you to write it unconditional love on conditional love Pastor Mike God loves me unconditionally the reason you can't embrace that type of love is because your faith isn't right it's hard for me to believe he loves it's hard for a person with conditions to believe somebody can under love you unconditionally I'm gonna say that again it's hard for a person who has conditions to think someone can love them unconditionally I want to suggest the problem with your last relationships ain't love it might be your conditions no God says no I must say this ain't nobody gonna say a man cuz you waiting on some deep I'm gonna say something very simple that all of us would a real past may get excited about he said I love you just the way you are that speak God God says hear me God says if you never fix yourself I love you that's cold-blooded cuz a lot of you marry potential not reality a lot of you date potential not reality a lot of you love people for who you want them to be not for who they are so you see a lot of y'all on your paths cuz you think I'm just as wholly saved all I do is go home go in my prayer closet pray sixteen hours a day come out no I was up at 12:02 last night from 11:00 to 11:45 I was praying from 11:45 to 12 I was going over my sermon at 12:01 I was watching power y'all miss what I just said y'all miss what I just said now some of y'all gonna be like I can't be under no man a guy who watching no I got power and watch the power you miss what I just said God says I love you just the way you are stop allowing imperfect people to make you feel you are not worth what God has for you God said I love you just the way you are but I don't want you to stay that way that's the problem God says I take you for who you are but if you really go this is good God says I'm gonna love you the way you are you can come to me to where you are but if you loved me you wouldn't stay the way you are that's critical nothing works without what nothing works without nothing works without nothing works without I need you to believe that please put that in your cognitive domain there's something I say personally catalog dad when something happens or I see something that blesses my life I say catalog that in other words put that in your memory bank you're gonna need that later catalog that catalog that God speaks to me so many different ways Christmas God spoke to me all day all day my wife was the for Christmas cuz this year the first year in the history of Christmas is in our household we had toys and batteries some of y'all know that's a blessing in itself in it the worst thing in the world is to stay up all night putting wrappings and stuff on toys they open it and all of a sudden you realize they needed batteries well that's the problem with a lot of y'all faith you got all these powers but faith is the battery so what's the usin happen some you can't even use without faith nothing works your prayers aren't even effective without faith your prayer life isn't even effective without faith faith is the foundation for all that we feel so in other words what I'm trying to tell you is faith is the root that produces the spiritual fruit in your life faith is the roof no faith no fruit it's rich no faith I don't take that back don't forget I said that that was inaccurate and I can't let that sit and it came out my mouth I didn't like the way it sounded I want to fix that okay it's not no faith no fruit no faith no good fruit because even a tree with root issues can have some mercy I grew up in Hensley and we have plum trees and if you didn't get it good enough the worms and stuff we'll go ahead and get in it all the fruits you produce see the problem with many of you is not that you ain't producing you happy with a small production preach pmj so what am I trying to get you realize faith is the root that produces spiritual fruit in our lives and sadly you don't even realize that the devil over the years has damaged your faith he's damaged your faith over the years you've been through so much you survived so much and I want to ask you a question what if that's my guy got saved somebody say faith I got faith I got crazy faith I got big faith I got incredible faith I got supernatural faith that's all good but what if I told you pass my got been sick who's ever been sick and have faith to believe God for healing I want to challenge you now but what if I told you not only do you need faith to believe God to get better but what happens when you're faced sick can you put this in your notes keep reducing your nose i'ma argue that the majority of this room and those watching me are wrestling with sick faith your faith has been damaged at the root and I want to argue with you that your problem may not be your prayer life your problem may not be your prayer life because truth be told if your faith was at the level it needed to be I wouldn't have to beg you to pray you would just pray but you wrestled with prayer because you really don't have a prayer problem you got a faith problem like you don't have a prayer problem you got to fade the problem no past my you went around with obedience when God says does something you should just do it you don't wrestle with obedience in the core at the core you wrestle with faith you don't wrestle with giving at the core you wrestle with faith sometimes our future is de tour because our faith is damaged treatment and sometimes our future is detoured not destroyed it's just detoured because our faith is damaged make that make sense pmj there are times when we are looking at the primary damage of an issue that we don't see the secondary there are times that we are so busy looking at the primary damage of an issue that we do not see the secondary damage of an issue make that make sense pmj maybe the enemy didn't damage the thing to damage the thing but maybe he damaged the thing to damage your faith I don't think you heard what I just said maybe the enemy didn't damage the thing to damage the thing maybe he damaged the thing to damage your faith or in other words you're so busy looking at the primary issue you have no idea that the enemy's main goal--one even the primary issue it was the secondary issue but you're so caught up on the cosmedix you don't realize what actually took place okay who's ever been in a car accident who's ever had somebody hits your car who's ever been in your car somebody hit the front of your car anybody hit the front of your car the first thing you do is get out and look at the primary issue which is your car you look at the cars they didn't put a dent in my car my bumper check up and you sitting there all day you sick cuz it looked bad I'm in the wrong Church you sick because of how it looks you so caught up on the primary issue that's you sitting like this don't make no sense want me get my car painted at Wilma get this dent fix that then you get in the car and all of a sudden your car safe get that get get get get get cuz you don't realize you were so caught up on what it looked like you didn't realize underneath the primary issue something was destroyed priests pmj you so busy on them leaving you you don't realize that the devil allowed them to leave not because you want to break your heart he wanted to break your faith no I want to argue with you that all the stuff you've been through maybe the enemy didn't damage the thing to damage the thing maybe he damaged the thing to damage your faith maybe the devil uh-uh-uh-uh-uh maybe the devil peaked over in your 20/20 and saw promotion and said what I'm gonna do is make everybody on their current job hate them and I'm a damaged the current job they gonna be so excited about the new blessing and don't realize that they faithful people broke so when they get to the next level they gonna end up ruining cuz they didn't ever notice that although they came faith didn't I'm gonna argue with you that many of us are going through things that don't even realize that the enemy is after your somebody say faith in James it tells us that when you make a request made to God without faith that person should not have expectation in the book of James he says if you're gonna make a prayer without faith you shouldn't even get off your knees praying and expect anything that came out your mouth the end to come to pass he tells us in James chapter 1 verse 8 that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways double minded man is unstable that's heavy right there a double minded man is unstable how can you have a stable prayer life with unstable faith he says no you a double minded in many of you in this room right now this one scripture is the scripture you need to fast and pray against right here double mindedness double my a double minded person will get on they need to say God I need you to do it get up until they friend I don't think it's gonna happen a double minded person will come to church and shout about a breakthrough and by twos to be depressing it ain't showed up yeah why cuz they are double minded and Church is so sick Church in itself it's becoming a sick place because you can't even get what you need when you come to church if I told you a million dollars has your name on it you would jump up and wave your hands if I said when you get home it's gonna be a check that's gonna take care of every need in your life you will have your hands lifted because we only shout on stuff that make our faith look good yeah see your sir stuff you want to thank you for that one clap it's certain stuff you want to shout about cuz it makes you look good to the people next to you and God told me to tell you that by the time this month is over there's a promotion and you jump up cuz you want everybody on your road I know I'm a promotion faith I can walk in same by the time you get through this year what I look like now gonna look like next year and you gonna be like yeah cuz you want everybody on your row to thank you something that you ain't but I'm at a season of my life well I'm crazy enough to praise God for stuff that may make me look stupid y'all miss what I just said see if I said our house had your name on it you were praise God see but I came and declare to you right now God's freeing you from double mindedness see did nobody do nothin right there cuz you don't want your neighbor your business but I need three folks who can forget who looking at you can we have an honest moment in here who be making yourself confused sometime who be having conversations with yourself making yourself crazy you'll be trying to tell yourself this my biggest year yet but he knew it last year I'm get ready to get it this year but I ain't gonna spend no money cuz I always lose it we gonna be better this year but I just don't want to be hurt you lost all over yourself and God said but get your haters I came to free you from you I don't know who gonna kiss this but I dare you to lay hands on your own head and say devil I'm taking my mind back I'm taking my thoughts back I will not be my worst enemy I am what God says I am I will be what God says I will beat I believe that what God has for me it is [Applause] double-minded and I know you don't want to say Amen cuz you want nobody to think you got no issues so do me a favor look at your neighbor and tell them you might not want to sit next to me next week look at your neighbors say you might not want to sit next to me next week cuz I'm kind of bipolar by nature pray for me tell them I will shout at 11:45 and because the net 1147 I will be in here like and it's gonna be big get home and be like I can't stand nobody why I'd have been through so much that my faith has been damaged so I go through seasons when I believe I go through seasons when I don't believe which is why the man in the Bible told Jesus I do believe but help my unbelief I notice ain't popular I know they popular I know it ain't popular but everybody who believe and don't believe at the same time you should have been on your feet right there everybody who run a problem or jobs that walked out I said dang go give me that job you should have it on your feet right there because I'm wrassling between what I believe I felt that way I just breach them myself right now I felt that word I just preach to myself right now I felt that one because the devil will use you to kill you Superman hands down cold this superhero in the game take Batman money and his belt away he ordinary person take Iron Man suit away he Horne a person take spider-man way of thing away he's just regular - he might got some powers but I found out he's way up don't even come out of his hand he come out these new gadgets that he shoot out I'm telling you flash he fast I ain't as strong who the truth Hulk if you can keep hawk quiet he ain't gonna get mad he can't Hulk smash who the cold-blooded Superman you don't wanna faster than the speed of light stronger than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings with a single jump that brother is the Col most bloody on the face of the planet until you go to his home and bring back kryptonite Superman is from Krypton watch this so as long as he on earth he can do whatever he want to do but the only thing that kills him is stuff that's familiar to him that's why I've been a free that's why we're both calls you out you'd like to forget you I don't need you no way but yeah you'll be at home killing yourself but I got strength to fight you who go help me deal with me I am a trip I'll be happy on Monday Sano Tuesday shall know Sunday depress by Wednesday that's why Paul the talented tip maker from Fawcett titillates up with tuck theology Paul said the good I wit through I do it not but the bad I find myself doing that's why the old school rappers saying don't push me cause I'm close to the edge I'm trying not to lose my head hahaha it's like a struggle sometimes it's like that was a dichotomy between we wanted to be and we actually was but I declare evening faith impacts everything faith impacts everything many of you don't even come boldly to God cuz you ain't got the right faith no prayer week no prayer life week no prayer life ain't gangsta enough I'm coming out this fast I might not be a bug but my prayer life gonna be gangsta you miss Raja said my prayer life I am done coming to God week well well God well god father this mean uh God I'm praying if you don't mind I know I know I done did some stuff and but God you know me and my babies really need this and if you can just see fit to give me this regard if you give me this promotion and she's named me want me to go to this interview but I mean I'm folks a friend a pygmy you already know they already got they favors that that Jacque dog bowl you are not every man throwing you don't talk about I'm gonna run is the legs nothing the kid nobody gonna vote for me real hey and your mind be all this year this prayer right here this prayer right here this prayer right here I'm calling parlay and everybody big plan right here going down this year God listen father God is me and I've declared nothing in my family go that issue will my children of bless my money is blessed my favorite bless kept our people [Laughter] if don't face going to another level hold it Oh yo sis what I just said I wanted Oh [Applause] and when your faith is damaged it keeps you from believing that you can get it because mama everybody won't it who believes you can get it see that's the difference you ain't apply cuz your faith they right yeah yeah yeah yeah that is no you ain't tried it yet because your faith ain't right the devil has a way of damaging your faith and I want to sell you many of you come to God timid because you have an unprocessed flow theology you don't believe that you as you evolved in your intimacy in your relationship with God that God is at work with your desires working in your desire his desire you have an unprocessed flawed theology that you don't believe as you evolve in your intimacy in your relationship with Christ that God is at work with your desires working in your desire his desire y'all know even they don't even know what I just said as you grow in God who fasting with me this year that's growth who's trying to live right this year that's grow who's giving more this year that's growth who's letting people slide cuz truth be told you got all the proof and evidence you need but to like you know what i'ma just trust God who's doing that this year that's called growing as you grow listen clearly God is working with your desire into your desire his desire [Applause] okay he's working I'll put it like this he's working with your ones all right but with your wants he's inside you want secretly putting his room in it cuz he knows it sir stuff you not gonna believe him folk till you believe you actually want it for yourself so he said what I'm gonna do is since you've been praying and fasting you don't even realize what you won't ain't even what you won't is what I won't but I made you think you own it cuz what you thought you wanted it it aligned with my wheel now we want it now I can do it preach to my preacher Mike preach Mike preach Mike hit me hit me hit me hit me Hannah Hannah pray I just want to sign and God said COO you think you want to sign the people need a prophet so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you what you want cuz you don't even realizes what somebody else need oh my god that's Mike I'm tired of being around needed people watch that watch that don't say you try to be around me to people just say give me the strength to deal with needy people watch this because when you deploy I want to change that I want to change that we don't let the devil do devil devil we don't let the world create slogans that we live in by and don't you realize we settle in ourselves so let's see the devil craze that's why he got kicked out of heaven came to earth I want you to see this ain't nobody on earth he ain't even smart enough to be a boss he comes to earth ain't nobody here he says you know what's this ain't nobody here I'm gonna make myself the Prince of the air why not make yourself King if ain't nobody else there and the position is vacant why not be the king of the earth cuz he knew you was coming that's a whole nother story so I want to show you ain't the plug I'm gonna let you be the plug i'ma let you be the plug cut the plug window socket and 2020 I'm gonna let you be the plug I'm the socket which means if you wanna jump plug into me I don't know who I'm preaching to here but everybody who knows it is it's bigger than me that everybody around me gonna be pulling from me this year somebody shout it's bigger than me so can ask you a question what does he do what does he do he keeps us from believing big by damaging our faith so I want to ask you this question hey and ain't no wrong answer answer this question right here so do we need big faith no that's a lie you don't need big faith the disciples were tripping right the disciples were tripping the disciples are tripping they said Jesus do me a favor show us how to increase our faith well in other words the disciples saying teach me how to give big faith Jesus checks him in the next verse the Lord said if you have faith small as a mustard seed you can tell to this tree get up go jump in the water watch this you don't need big faith it's not about the quantity of the faith you have it's about the quality of your faith and ask your question how's your question if you went if you went to a man on the side of the street and he said I'm gonna give you ten perches for $100 you said deal now you got how many purses 10 purses if you go to Saks then get a Louie if a person came to you and said I'm afraid my 10 purses for that one Louis are you gonna sit there and say it is 10 purses no no no 10 don't equal the quality you can't hire Gucci prayers with knockoff faith preached my prints might I need your faith to have quality and it's a person might what are you saying everybody in this room I only got six minutes everybody in this room got the same amount of faith same amount of faith must have si am i doing all right today all right everybody in this room am i doing all right Oh afloat am i doing all right I couldn't hear you am i doing all right all the flow okay cool all right if you watch it online am i doing right thank you okay so watch this everybody got the same standard-issue faith must to see past might not you you lying because I'm looking at the stuff you're doing you got a different level of faith in us nobody believed God for all these the church Tampa League off of music didn't believe God for someone so you got a different level of faith nope same must see nah bro now this the note we got the same faith no okay I say the problem is let me for you I need some more faith no no no okay I'm scared to say this I'm scared to say this because 10:30 is filled with people who are entrepreneurial by nature you may catch this inside a whole church up God said no I'm gonna give all y'all the same faith different difference between you and them is if you can flip it I'm in our own church I'm in our own church look at your neighbors say flip it he said no i'm gonna give you the same faith what you do with it is up to you oh my god flip it he said no I see many of you right now jealous of people this is why oh this is why folk who got more than you can't stand you because they can't figure out how I got more but they still got more it's because I didn't have to spend what you spent I was able to flip flippity flippity [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hear me hear me hear me hear me hear me pass my whipping a breakup cuz he just ain't what I thought you're right then why somebody else get him in flippin see you the truth when you can take a little bit and flip it God said did God God said you want your money to flip it so we're gonna do imma give you a hundred percent if you quaint enough to give me ten percent I can take the ten flip it to another hundred tithe and ain't about you giving it's about you have enough faith to then we gonna do you believe in God for this much boom all I need is this much that's crazy and it's gonna be and your faith needs to be pull that's crazy ain't it he said all you need is this to get this that's a thrill he said if you give me a little bit of faith I'd give you a big result I'm a sadist and three I gotta put your faith with it God can't do big stuff with small faith you'll miss what I just said did you hear what I just said God can do big things with small come hey hey how we gonna feed these people you're tripping when we haven't gonna feed these people it's 5,000 I'm not include men men and what we don't do how much we got we got to fish Philo's okay you said it's 5,000 people don't right yeah what am I doing with two fish what he gonna do with two fish Pablos you wanna know my problem with the disciples everybody with the disciple 7gs what they don't have only one of them said hey I know this ain't enough I need you to come to church every week you can't be buy up all right let's do it again i'ma say I need you to do you're gonna yell flip it okay you said I known it enough to fish father but I just need you to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the mic I don't like my job do it I don't like my house flip it I don't like my situation flip it you oughta jump up and shout [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] money ain't enough but you know I'm gone [Music] they don't low but you know ago hey to talk about it but they know I'm gone you know that I'm not gonna home yeah yeah [Applause] you know go like I know what does but it don't repeat let it go [Music] he said I loved his chair so much I don't know I get down he said I'm a kid you faith I just need you [Music] y'all don't ruin my whole little message how do I go back to the message man like but that's your problem you keep looking at stuff through your eyes I went past a mic when I met her in the 12th grade it was some flipping she had to do through prayer on me and say God and I see some minions boy and I can't stand them but God I need you to flip him but don't add like he ain't never been with somebody you loved and hated at the same time it ain't real till you wanna kiss on me and put him out can I get a wet well from no no he said he says he said I need you to flip it but many of you big man many of you can't even believe that many of you sitting in church right now like man that sound good but God hang on do that for me because you've been through so much you're now experiencing when my brother in Christ dr. Darius Daniels calls faith trauma faith trauma faith trummer give me five minutes I'm gonna get you out trauma refers to a deeply distressed on a disturbing experience faith trauma happens when people have a disturbing disappointing experience this is heavy in the past that affects their ability to believe big in the future did you catch that babe trauma is when you've been through so much in your past you are now hinder to believe God for more in the future it's called faith trauma faith trauma make that make sense can you modernize concep arising McClure eyes that answer mention statement I'll tell you or in other words I'm trying to tell you in a most simplistic form yesterday was so bad you got no hope or faith left foot tomorrow I know you're not gonna say it man cuz you want people in your business because you want to look like you got it together but some of us could care less what anybody think I've been through so much faith from [Music] fave trummer when we start this fast do me a favor please don't have what you won't at the top of the list you give me baby girl this year don't say stuff like I just want my car I just woman please that stuff gonna come and cold brother fix me I've been finding myself lately much but I've helped people who look at me I pay bills for folk who lead the discussion in dogging me ain't that crazy and I'm saying I've been finding myself lately like I ain't trusting nobody is nothing saying stuff like hey let's close this circular nobody else ever came close to me again LP no I am through I'm through with folks and the Holly spirit walked me about till nights guys there Mike how imma get the blessing to you I forgot what you mean he said good measure pressed down shaken together shell folks [Music] I'm gonna let a person do that I had faith from I'm never gonna preach to you from a place that I got it together I'm always showing you my room so you can heal too many of you in this room watching no faith sick you a sick fantasy can I ask you a question my Sequoia that I used to drive everybody left muscle Khoya I used to park it right there in front of church back in it they never had heat or air so in the summertime we had to ride with the windows down and then one time we had to ride with the windows up all right we just we should be riding with hoodies oh it was crazy okay Robin Hood he's on the car one broke [Music] just the AC and he was Pro watch this so the cars still got me where I needed to go it was just uncomfortable [Music] many knew that many of you don't think your faith has been impacted because it's still getting you out of bed in the morning but you don't even realize you wouldn't be as hard hard as you were had faith let you trust again now unto you I was able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us that is the proof that your faith [Music] with experiencing trauma that is the greatest Scripture in the Bible pertaining to faith you heard it and felt nothing [Music] if you go to the doctor something's wrong with your leg the doctor gonna hit your knee and see if your reflexes are right I just gave you the greatest fav statement in the Bible and you had no natural reflex which is why your grandmother don't have your degree but happier cuz you got all this degree all this money all this stuff and if grandmom was how could I say now unto him see that grandmama used the Quicken now one for you my my yes shut who it by the time I got to Abel my grandmama would have been screaming but the reason many of you don't even get excited because you don't even know who here means him is the god of creation who said in the Bible for by him all things were created on heaven and on earth which means I can say now unto Him because if I don't have it he's able to create a way he's making ripples in the debt y'all don't hear me him who is the god of Revelation who said having made known unto him the mystery of his will according to his good and pleasure have he produced purpose which being God said I am the revelation which means I'm at the end of a thing you don't have to worry about what she's going through in the middle cuz I'm already standing in the in new and you go come out of it him it's the god of salvation he told me I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me which means if they could keep me down if I got up I'm gonna get you up hell I am the resurrection I was dead I am liveth that's who him is him now unto Him watch this who is able you this shelf who is able able is an adjective able is an adjective it describes something able to do watch this exceeding abundant above ah I'm in the wrong church today exceeding abundant notice this pyramid of praise that's what I call a pyramid of praise somebody leaving here better today I'm filling somebody leaving is stronger today I feel it I feel it today exceeding here amid a praise exceeding abundant above all God always works in threes father son Holy Ghost Abraham Isaac Jacob past present future s3 is the signature of God on the third day he got up sososo watch this now watch this it's feeding which means to overcome exceeding means to overcome which means I want I want to make this make sense make make sense you sit down at the table they said let me give me your soul security nothing put so security number here I'll give me your hand come give me an income your debt-to-income a little high your credit not where we want it to be exceeding but I can overcome it i crush this watch this it is I'm God enough to work around it Jesus Jesus I don't know who felt that this is a brother in this room who got so much pressure on you about to lose your mind God said stop tripping I'm getting ready to work around it I'm getting ready to overcoming them exceeding abundant which means overflow overflow overflow what you believe in God for everything what you believe in God for job all right all right you know how much you wanna make on that job you got abuse y'all want a job okay so here's what God says you want a job do you currently have a job all right what's a degree in elementary education teachers teach he once he's kidding on [Music] Quora like that's my job he devil in the law okay so hear me so he's saying watch this watch this he said I can do exceedingly you say I want a job abundantly means overflow did you catch that God God says no I want you to believe for the job but what I'm gonna do is not only give you the job I'm I add to it and that's critical yeah y'all missed it y'all missed it cuz cuz Christmas off right somebody say job see believing God for a job that's why I love God he said no you crazy enough to believe God for a job that's good let me do I'm the one who was able rushes to do exceedingly above overflow exceedingly abundantly abundance overflow so what does that mean pmj I could give you a job order the boss ain't nice what if the hours ain't right now you got a Miss Church what if the money ain't what you wanted what if you had work with an ex that you never want to see again what if you got co-workers who messy I'm finna Satan's and if you say nothing over flow in this church we're gonna have a problem God said no no no no I'm so dope I can put a comma where you put a period [Applause] I believe in God for job period Gaza huh huh I'm believing for God for a job with benefits come on boss who love God come coworkers who ain't messy , all the money I need Carla quick promotion come look at your neighbors say I speak a comma all your life of a good that God's doing exceeding in the park but faith drama they've heard a lot of your faith and I'm a stuff has been wounded wounded I want to say I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray I want to be very clear whatever I pray still ain't gonna work if you in your head that's crazy how do I
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 31,449
Rating: 4.9256196 out of 5
Id: aSKX_awgI9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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