In The Building | Sermon Series | Social Dallas | Ps Robert Madu

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[Music] do me a favor just say in the building oh come on say like you had some coffee today say in the building i'm glad you are in the building because tonight i am kicking off a series that's going to go all the way to easter and i'm calling it in the building in the building and i love this series because it is going to set you up for what i believe god is about to do and is doing in your life somebody say in the building it's so important to me this series was preached that i told them cut off the streaming cut off the stream we're going to post this message tomorrow on youtube but i said tonight since i'm preaching a series on in the building this whole series will not be streamed if you want to catch it you got to be in the building so if you want the message live and unedited you ain't no telling what i'll say tonight cause they'll edit it before tomorrow in the building because you need to know that if you are breathing you are building something if you are breathing you are building something you were made in the image of your god and your god is a builder and because he created you in his image guess what you're a builder you are building something building a family building a business building a life you are building something you are in the building process i'm gonna go to scripture in a minute don't count this as my preaching time but all throughout scripture you see that god is a builder one of the greatest messages jesus ever preached matthew chapter 5 6-7 read it when you get to the crib it's a long-winded message but it concludes that message in matthew chapter 7 by telling a story that really is the summation of everything he preached in matthew 5 and 6. let me give you the remix version tonight god says there was two builders eddie and fred this version is not in your bible this is my remix eddie and fred bought two plots of land and decided to build a house and uh fred this dude wanted a quick house quick house he won his house fast he got a quick loan and he said i'm gonna build a quick house went on immediately started building his house on the plot of land live right across the street from eddie eddie was different you got fast fix it quick fred but you got steady eddie eddie said i ain't gonna build so quick i'm gonna get my tractor i'm just gonna dig it just starts digging everyday digging every day digging quick fix fred just started building eddie keeps on digging every day digging fred got his house almost all the way up instead of yet he dig it and every day while steady eddie was building his wife would come and bring him lunch bring him a ham sandwich and one day she had attitude came over threw the ham sandwich at him he's like i ain't coming i'm not coming over here anymore bringing you no ham sandwiches you've been digging look at fred across the street they're having a housewarming party and you still up here digging a hulk eddie said girl trust me it'll be all right no i'm not going to trust you i'm not coming down here again she keeps digging all of a sudden eddie goes hold on girl we got something hit a rock he said oh now we can all of bail sudden eddie builds house goes up fred been in this house one night a little storm came through wind blowing shaking and his wife wakes him up in the middle of the night wake up wake up we about to lose the house this house is shaking it's like girl would you go back to bed i promise we good girl are you serious look at the wind in the wake girl go back to bed we good wake up the next morning eddie's house is solid fred's house on the ground destroyed he got a website gofundme page talking about help me build my house back again and you know eddie he didn't have an attitude he wasn't hating he gave to the gofundme he came to the gofundme he wasn't gloating in his house going down he gave to the gofundme how many you know fred didn't need the gofundme if he would have worked on the foundation he wouldn't have had to have the gofundme page if he was aware of the foundation in which he was building on i think a lot of people are looking for a gofundme page saying i need help but the reality is you should have checked the foundation of what you are building on in the first place [Applause] because you're in the building and what's funny is jesus says that eddie was wise fred was foolish and foolish has nothing to do with your cognitive capability but everything to do with your ability to apply the word of god to your life because both eddie and fred heard the word but only eddie applied it oh that's not even my sermon that's the appetizer but go with me go with me go with me to genesis 11 go to genesis 11. you all good somebody say i'm in the building go to genesis 11 we're gonna look at verses one through nine and i will preach it like i feel it genesis 11. start at verse number one land at verse number nine if you're ready to read it say yeah if you're not ready say hold up i'm about to say it's genesis it says now the whole world the whole world had one language and a common speech as people moved eastward they found a plane in shenar and settled there he said to each other come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they used brick instead of stone and tar for mortar then they said listen to this then they said come let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth but the lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building the lord said if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them if i had time i could preach on that verse right there alone i can preach on that verse alone and tell you that unified unbelievers are more powerful than divided believers unified unbelievers will accomplish more than divided believers that's why the enemy wants to keep us arguing and fighting with each other and bickering about things that don't really matter because if we're divided we can't do what god has called us to do as the church somebody say in the building he says come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other so the lord scattered them from there all over the earth and they stopped building the city that is why it is called babel because there the lord confused the language of the whole world and from there the lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth can you say amen this first message of this series in the building i want to title this message built to build built to build you were built to build come on let's pray it's gonna be a long prayer but just bear with me would you bow your heads god you're awesome speak tonight amen built to bill are there any parents in the building tonight come on all the parents make some noise all the parents make noise see you see how weak that noise was we're defeated come on parents you can do better than that we're gonna be all right parents make some noise you know one of the hardest things about parenting besides parenting is the difficulty that comes with being objective when it's your child in ball how many know the parent goggles are real parent goggles are real like every parent thinks they kid the most amazing kid every parent thinks day kid is the cutest baby i'm sorry not all babies are cute okay in fact very few are cute when they come fresh out okay but every parent thinks that kid is the cutest kid every parent thinks their child is the prodigy their child is the genius as a matter of fact i used to play this game uh before we had kids for heavy kids i used to play this game i offer you this game if you don't have kids i usually play this game called pick the parrot pick the parent if you go to like a dance recital or to a sports game play pick the parent because whatever's happening on the field of the stage don't look there look for the crowd and see if you can find a parent of the kid that's on stage you can always point them out because they will have a face no matter what that kid is doing of joy of excitement it could be little julie lil julie singing her first solo she's singing whitney houston and i will always love you little julie's singing that and she hitting every note that's not on the scale just off key the entire time lil julie and everybody in the crowd is looking like what in the world is she doing but not julie's parents julie's parents will have tears cascading down the face down below that's my baby julie oh we should have named it julie we should have weighed named her whitney she sound just like parent goggles are real apparent guys go real i haven't played pick the parent in a while because now i have kids i am that parent okay i am the one watching them and and i know i have the parent goggles on tonight some of y'all gonna laugh you know i don't think this is a big deal but my son robert madue iii this boy is a prodigy okay he's a prodigy he's he's a genius takes after his dad he's a genius because this boy built something the other day that absolutely blew my mind i had no idea he had this skill he had this aptitude he had this ability he built something the other day that was incredible i'm gonna show it to you you're about to lose your mind this boy built this with his bare hands can i show it to you what y'all ain't rick you see that oh y'all not impressed at all this boy built this he be i don't know what did his pikachu he built a pikachu i walk in his room one night i'm like i don't even know you could sew you can't even put sentences together i'm like what are you doing son he's in his room building this okay i'm lying that's not how happy but he did build it he did build it i'm keeping it 100 on that because we're at the mall we're walking through he points at the store parents know what i'm talking about we walk straight up into oh you've been to that store build-a-bear walking to build-a-bear he picked out the skin this store is incredible picked out the skin picked out the clothes little bitty clothes for them clothes that cost more than big people clothes picked out the clothes for it and then they gave it to them and they put the stuffing all in it and they got this cute thing they do which is just ridiculous they give you a little heartbeat they say beat it three times spin around throw some glitter in the air and they put it inside all the stuff and then we walked out this boy is running around the mall i made this i made this i made this excited about the little pikachu that he built showing everybody look at what i built at the build-a-bear store and i only share that with you tonight because sometimes i wonder if god ever feels like the workers at build-a-bear with us because if they notice that humanity like we love to show our stuff don't we like oh look at this business i built we love to show i said oh look at this ministry i'll build we'll show ourselves oh look at how good i look killing them today oh look at this company i started i pulled myself up by my own bootstrap look at what i built i made this i made this and i think god is in heaven going really you think that was all you really you think that was your hard work really you think that was your ingenuity come on i'm not doubting your grind but please don't forget that behind the grind was my grace if it had not been for me you wouldn't be able to build anything what you talking about you pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps i created your feet and gave you the boots that you got it wasn't just your grind it was my grace it wasn't just your hand with any work it was my hand that was behind you oh we love to show the stuff we built damn but i did this and god's going are you for real you ain't gonna give me any of the credit for all of it because behind your hustle was the hand of god helping you build anything that you have in your life you think you cute you didn't pick that face out it's the grace of god who gave you that face so what is god god is just like build-a-bear because build-a-bear is not in the business of selling you bears they're in the business watch this of giving you the opportunity to participate in something that you would not be able to build if you didn't have them they are in the business of collaborating with you to build something that you cannot build in your own strength or in your own talent that's how god works he is trying to partner with you to build something in you that will change people around you he's trying to collaborate with you because god is a builder i should have titled this series god the builder because god is a builder all the way from the book of genesis he tells you he's a builder you can't even get to the fifth word of genesis chapter one without god telling you he's a builder in the beginning god created oh there it is right there god put builder in his bio he opens up the bible with hi i'm god i'm a builder in the beginning god created create not renovated because you can't renovate something that's not there in the beginning god created there was nothing for him to renovate so he created that's the power of your god because he's the only one that can create something out of nothing god said i can look at absolutely nothing i don't need materials to start something all i need is nothing and i can speak into nothing and something will manifest so you're missing your place to shout because some of you feel like you're down to nothing some of you feel like you've got nothing left well you ought to start praising because god says i'm the only one that can create something out of nothing so even when you feel like you've been locked down to nothing god said give me that nothing and i can speak into it and create something god is the only one that can create something out of nothing because he is a he's a builder speaks the world into existence everything you see he spoke let there be life light showed up let there be water water showed up spoke everything into existence except for you and i he did not speak man into existence when it came to man he called an executive team trinity meeting god the father son the holy spirit put on their hard hats and said now we we can't speak this into existence this is too precious we got to put our hands on this and get dirty and reach down in some dirt some soil if you will starts building giving adam my afro because it's black history month [Applause] starts building from the soil from the soil he built jake from the soil it's crazy because my wife and i we built our house like three years ago and the first thing they did we got the plot of land first thing we did we thinking about chandeliers first thing they did said we got to do a soil test we got to make sure that the soil is conducive to hold what you're going to build i'm thinking it's got to be conducive i don't already pay for the land you're going to have to put something on there [Applause] but the first thing they do build a house first thing they're gonna do is they're gonna reach down and do a soil test god does a soil test and he starts building and he leaves man there foreign but not filled like the skin in the build-a-bear that my son picked out and i was sort of breezed into him the breath of lives and all of a sudden the soil had a soul and started moving and started walking around because he put breath in the soil and all of a sudden the soil had was so so why because god is a he's a builder adam's frolicking with the animals he puts him into a deep sleep he says i gotta help him it is not good for him to be alone puts him into a deep sleep r.i.p adam and while he's in his r.i.p what does he do takes his rib somebody can't sit in a man takes his rib and starts building a woman from a rib who makes a woman out of a rib god does because he is a builder he made a woman out of a rip took it out of his side took the bone out of his side his his side other ladies in the house would you just say side oh come on ladies you got more passion than that say side say like you got an attitude say side oh he took the bone from his side from his side that's where he took it from his side not from his head she's not above you not from his feet she's not beneath you but from his side because she's equal to you that's why it came from his side she's equal to you not only that from your side under your arm that means you got to protect her from your side close to your heart that means she's got to be loved by you because how many know if a woman knows that she is equal to you that she is protected by you and that she is loved by you she ain't gonna have no problem submitting to you but that's how he builds he's a builder before he built the church built a relationship built a family before he built a church because that's how god built that's how he built tells him be fruitful and multiply get it on he's he's building he starts building and they had all this freedom watch this within the framework of what he built because watch this every builder has to have a blueprint you gotta build according to the blueprint there's a framework for building because i only have freedom to the degree that i stay within the framework how many thankful that god gave us a framework he gave us a blueprint for how you're supposed to live your life this is not an old antiquated book that doesn't relate to your life come on how are you thankful that god gave us a blueprint and if you'll follow the blueprints ah you can build something you don't adjust the blueprint to fit your life you adjust your life to fit the blueprint and that's the problem with our culture today everybody wants to adjust the blueprint to fit their life instead of adjusting their life to fit the blueprint because i only have freedom to the degree that i stay within the framework of what he built because if i ever start stepping out and doing what i want doing what i want that's when i'm in danger of destruction god is a builder satan is a destroyer and here's how satan destroys he'll destroy through attacking you he'll destroy through distracting you all of that is an effort don't miss this to detach you from your dependency upon god i am only free to the degree that i am dependent upon god independence is horrible in the kingdom of god this kingdom is predicated upon my dependence upon him see anytime you start thinking you're self-made self-sustained oh you better watch out whatever you're building is going to crumble this is crazy we had this happen um i was uh i was uh i was uh how many you survived the snowpocalypse make some noise if you survived it take this off i survived the snowpocalypse but we almost didn't make it we almost didn't make it because we had uh we had no groceries before the ice storm hit and we did a ship shopper thing uh shift shopper couldn't get to the house because there's ice on the road so i did something i have done in a long time i drove to the grocery store to buy groceries i don't like going to the grocery store to buy groceries okay not because i'm bougie is is this incompetency okay because you're telling me to go get cheese it's eight different cheeses okay i don't know which i need pictures word pictures when i go to the grocery store so i'm struggling this grocery store don't you hate when you go to a girl store you've been looking for something in the aisle you're like i cannot find this bread and then you ask for help and then they come they say it's right there you're like quit playing you put that there when you came over here i walked by this aisle 68 times so i go to grocery store i finally find all the stuff that taylor had on the list and i see the lines in the store nothing i don't like lines so i said no i'm not about that life and then i see the self checkout line oh thank god for the self checkout line that's what i love i don't need somebody to tell me how to scan a barcode okay give me the self check out i get in that self checkout line and i'm going i'm scanning the stuff and as if god knew i was going to preach this message i'm scanning stuff i'm good till i got to the fruit ain't no barcode on the fruit i took the fruit but i didn't know what the fruit cost so here i am holding the self check out line hitting a little button ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding saying please come help a brother out i thought i could do it on myself i thought i could do it on my own but i don't know how much this fruit cost please help me show me how to scan this fruit that is the story of humanity ladies and gentlemen humanity has always said i'm good i don't need god i'm self-made i'm self-reliant i'm gonna self-promote but we don't realize when we grab something that's what adam and eve eve did they took of the fruit that they didn't know what it was going to cost them and all of a sudden they hitting the button saying god please help we didn't know the ramifications of the decision that we made all of humanity went into chaos when they took their fruit all of humanity went crazy all the way up even to noah the days of noah everything was evil and that's when god said okay i'm going to renovate now no more creating i'm washing everything out and starting over and he gives noah instructions look at god the builder calls noah a builder he didn't know he was a builder but he called noah the builder i can see the conversation before he did it god the father son of the holy spirit said yeah we got to start over we jacked this up real bad let's uh let's see how we can fix this we got to get a builder and holy spirit's like you know i know a guy and i had to put that dad joke in there and it's noah and noah starts building how do you build a boat that you've never seen before for rain that you've never experienced you have to have your ear to the voice of the builder you got to listen to the blueprint that he gives you i don't know who this is for but some of you are too busy comparing yourself to other people instead of putting your ear to the heartbeat of the builder because maybe god wants to build something through you that the world hasn't even seen yet maybe god wants to do something new and innovative and creative to you and you can't be creative if you keep comparing yourself to everybody else if you steady watching reels looking at somebody else's real life and saying saying god look show me how to do my real life right now show me that you could be doing something in me that is so new the world has never seen before so he got his ear to the builder builds a boat you went to sunday school you know the story and noah comes out of that boat comes out of that boat after the flood he comes out and all of a sudden they are given the same commandment that adam and eve got which is to be fruitful and to multiply and that's actually where our text picks up today in genesis chapter 11. genesis chapter 11 is really problematic to me because when you read genesis 11 we read it earlier genesis 11 seems like to me to be the utopia that humanity is waiting for doesn't it i mean come on they're all in one accord don't look like a kumbaya save the world video like nobody's fighting nobody's arguing they've actually got what looks like unity everybody's speaking the same language isn't that crazy what we read tonight what happened to genesis 11 is the reason there are 6 800 languages in the world right now several hundred dialects because of what happened in genesis chapter 11. i'm looking at jesus 11 going god what was wrong everybody was agreeing nobody's fighting democrats and republicans holding hands everybody's got the same language there's no link can you imagine a world today with one language like you could just be in france you don't have to say bonjour yeah you know how you do when you go to another place act like you got the accent i used to be like what's up dude everybody just speaking american speaking english see my american arrogance in there yeah if it was one language i bet it was american that's what it was yeah everybody was speaking english before god came everybody speaking the same language what went wrong everybody's building god said robert you read the text too fast there's three things that went wrong and i'm gonna give them to you real quick first thing that went wrong don't miss this was their movement their movement would you say movement come on saying like you're awake say movement that's the first thing that went wrong with their movement i want you to look at genesis 11 verse number two it says as the people moved eastward they found a plane in china and settled there as the people moved eastward they found a plane in shanar and settled there can i ask you a question you know i gotta answer it out loud where are you headed where is the direction of your life going right now let me ask it another way if you keep consistently doing what you are currently doing where will you end up because your life has a trajectory it is going somewhere if you're going to build what god's called you to build you got to check your movement one writer said this i love it he said i can't change the direction of the wind but i can adjust my cells to always reach my destination in other words i got to know where i'm headed where i'm going the bible says that they moved which way east word that's where it all started i want to know tonight where are you headed where is your life going this is what jacks people love even about following jesus because some people the thing that deters them from following jesus is they think that their life has to be perfect they're like nah man i can't i can't give my life together i got something you ever heard that person man let me work out some things first okay i'm working on my testimony let me work some things out first before i get my life to god as if god is looking for perfection how many know god is not looking for perfection he's not he is not looking for your perfection as a matter of fact he is looking for perfection but he's not looking for your perfection he's looking for jesus perfection because jesus was the only one that came to earth and lived the life that we were supposed to live and died the death that we were supposed to die he became sin but he never sinned he lived a perfect life he is looking for perfection but he's looking for it in jesus not in you so that's why when my life is hidden in jesus how many are thankful tonight that when god looks at you because of the blood of jesus he doesn't see your faults he doesn't see your mistakes he doesn't see all the things you did he just sees the blood of jesus and say don't worry about it they're good it's already been paid for he is looking for perfection but thank god he ain't looking for yours he's looking for jesus he's not looking for perfection but he is looking for your direction where are you headed because they started moving eastward how many you know direction is way more important than speed direction is more important than speed you can be going fast in the wrong direction there is nothing worse nothing worse you ever had this feeling there's nothing worse than running late and speeding up to get to the wrong address and you just you don't have spread past all these cars trying to get to the wrong place you're like oh this is the wrong place i'm really about to be laid down i wonder how many people's lives speeding to get to a destination that was never the destination you were supposed to get in in the first place direction is way more valuable than speed where are you headed the bible says that they moved eastward and the reason i'm sharing this with you tonight about movement because i'm afraid that you might be headed east and if you don't hear anything else i'll say tonight don't go east don't go east go west don't go here go west young man let the evil go east on my church people know that's all y'all know about that michael w smith anyway go east why do i say go east because biblically especially in genesis don't miss this east is a metaphor for moving away from god east is a metaphor for doing things your way give a scripture for it robert i'll give you scripture for it remember genesis remember genesis chapter 3 adam and eve do things their own way take the forbidden fruit and god kicks them out of the garden look at it genesis chapter 3 verse number 24 it says after sending them out the lord stationed mighty cherubin to the of the garden of eden and he placed the flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way of the tree they had to move eastward east is a metaphor for doing things your own way remember genesis chapter four adam and eve had some sons cain and abel remember cain and abel and god had specifics about how you bring a sacrifice how you bring an offering cain brought stuff from the ground but abel did what was pleasing to god and he brought things not the way that he wanted it but the way that god wanted it and he brought a portion of a living thing and god was pleased with abel's sacrifice but cain got mad and started hating on him and killed the first murder of the bible happened when cain killed abel remembers genesis chapter 4 after kane killed abel and cain was afraid that he was going to get killed and look what happened it says so cain went out from the lord's presence and lived in the land of nod east of eden east is a metaphor for going away from the presence of god remember genesis chapter 13. remember abraham and lot were traveling together and god called abraham said leave your family but he had a loyalty to a lot you know like some of y'all you got a loyalty to somebody but that loyalty is actually a liability and all of a sudden you realizing that they're creating drama in your life and you're trying to figure out why does this keep happening because god told you to cut off that relationship but you're like nah but he fine though and they still in your life oh but she's fine though but she still and god said cut it off because your loyalty to them is a liability to your destiny that's what a lot was and all of a sudden it got too crazy and abraham said okay we got to go our separate ways you pick which way you want to go and la looked up to see which looked good to him and it says so lot chose for himself the whole plane of jordan and set out toward the east the two men parted company every time you see east in scripture is somebody saying i'm gonna do what i think off to be done forget your blueprint god let me build it the way i want to build it i'm going to do it my way that's what east is and hear me there is a current in our culture that will make you go east you won't even realize it you ever been swimming in the ocean i haven't but they tell me i don't play that i saw jaws one two three and four i got to see it but they tell me they tell me you can go out swimming in the ocean and be heading one way and before you know it you look back and you are so far off you started swimming in a straight line and the current took you somewhere you didn't want to go i'm begging somebody tonight don't go east don't do it the way you think it ought to be done don't go your way because if you are going east whatever you're building it's going to crumble if you're building your way it's going to fall that whatever you're building business marriage life if you're going away from the blueprint of god it's going to fall down you may as well call it jenga remember the game it's going to crash if you're going to build you got to know your movement number two are you bored yet you're going to build right check your materials i'll just check your movement check your materials genesis 11 verse 3 says they said to each other come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they used brick instead of stone and tar for mortar oh they use brick instead of stone you gonna build check your materials i'm gonna beg you to not go east but i'm also gonna beg you please don't use bricks if you're gonna build something don't use bricks check your materials in fact bring me my bricks where's my bricks oh thank you jc jc's a builder he's a roofer make some noise for him they use bricks instead of stone the problem with bricks brook bricks are uh bricks are man-made bricks were put in the oven and they were able to make it the way they wanted it there's a difference between bricks and stone bring my stone too i want to show you jc just hold that stone they use brick [Laughter] instead of stall see this was built by me that's built by god this you can form it the way you want that you got to take it the way you found it bricks are easier to use stones are way more difficult they use bricks instead of so here's what's crazy about bricks they're replaceable like if a brick chips you can get another brick fill it in and you can stack bricks which they were doing and build something and they'll look so awesome don't they look together and it'll look like unity but it's not really unity it's uniformity this is the problem with the culture we live in today is because people are trying to build togetherness and community out of uniformity and they're saying no everybody's got to think this way i only agree with people that walk like me talk like me vote like me this is actually the problem with some churches right now a lot of churches are building things like brick so if you don't vote like me no you can't be in this church if you ain't the same social class as me no you can't be in this church so you're walking to the church and everybody looks the same everybody dresses the same and they got a bricks but i didn't get called to dallas to build no bricks there's something about stones stones don't look like they go together but if you go to the stone builder the stone that the builders rejected if you bring the stones to jesus he knows how to put the stones together oh thank god for some stones that we can come in here with all of our differences with all of our different views with our different skin color with our different ages but in spite of all that if we can agree that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father god said i can work with that i need somebody to give god some praise like you feeling this thing today stones bricks are easy stones take work oh stones take work cause stones means you got black folks and white folks and latino folks and asian folks and we all got to come together you got old people and young people and we all got to come together stars church is the only place you ought to have democrats and republicans worshiping in the same place i don't know why you vote like that i don't know why you vote like that but guess what i'm glad that jesus christ is lord that i can worship you [Applause] because it's stones oh come here first peter come here first peter come here first peter peterson you also is peter talking about the church like living bricks oh my bad stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god through jesus christ they had the wrong materials because they wanted to build it with what they had but god always works with stones is what you're building and your strength are you collaborating and only have friendships with people that look like you think like you and talk like you you can build something that's not going to last if you want to build something that will shake the world connect with another stone even if you don't see their perspective hang out with the stone and maybe you will check your materials i gotta hurry worship team join me not only do you got to check your materials not only do you have to check your motive but you also got to check your motive check your movement check your materials and check your motive what are your motives genesis 11 verse 4 he says then they said come let us build ourselves a city ourselves with the tower that reaches to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves oh there it is otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth let us build something to make a name for ourselves that was their motive you could have looked at that tower from the outside and said that's beautiful they're trying to go to heaven who don't want to go to heaven it's a stairway to heaven but i love the bible because the bible gets to motives the bible gets to the heart of a matter man looks at the outward appearance god looks at your heart you can fool other people you cannot fool god he will check your motive your motive is the attitude behind your action it's the behavior behind your belief it's the why behind what you do what you do there's a lot of people doing things on the surface look beautiful look great but if you get to the motive it's wicked and evil i've seen people generous oh generous give you whatever you want but their motive is to remind you well don't forget who helped you motive to control god will always check your mind are you trying to make a name for yourself are you going to do what god created you to do which is to glorify his name because anything god wants to build in you and through you he wants to partner with you not to bring glory to you because you can't handle glory glory will make you lose your mind [Music] he's only given you the influence the gifts the talents everything you have is to bring glory back to him check your motives this week i had an awesome opportunity to be at a leadership round table with john maxwell and john maxwell was sharing a story when he was a young pastor and he started out in ministry and trying to build his church there was these two sisters who were praying for their brother to come to church and get saved believing god for their brother and the brother never came the brother got sick john maxwell goes and visits him in the hospital and he's talking with her brother and encouraging him and towards the end of the conversation the brother said you know what john when i come out of this hospital i'm going to go to your church john was like for real he's like yeah john walked out of the hospital excited talking about yeah that's it look at my church he's gonna come he says he gets home his wife was on the phone his wife goes yeah i'll tell him now john goes what's wrong he said john that young man you were just with died john goes what i was just i was just with him she's like yeah he uh he passed away five minutes after you walked out of the room john said he's 74 years old you can still hear the tears and see the tears in his eyes and in his voice saying i walked out of that room excited because he was coming to church to church i was just talking with him and i was excited about him coming to church he said in all of i was doing and leading i didn't realize my job was not there to get people to church my job was to get people to jesus but i got it all wrong and i got it all twisted and i was trying to build something and make people say oh here's this young pastor let's get him to church and i miss the moment i just was just with them talking about church i've been called to take people to jesus every pastor at their round table had tears coming down our face because it is so easy to start doing stuff you don't realize what is my motive for doing what i do [Music] am i trying to build my name or am i trying to give glory to the name that is above every single name [Music] whatever you're building if your motive is to build it for you it's going to crumble he only wants you to build so that whatever it is it'll bring glory right back to him they've started building bible says god came down god came down that made me shout when it said god came down because they were building a tower that was going really high and they were impressed with how high it was getting they were impressed with how big it was getting but even as big as it was how many know god still had to come down because there is nothing you can build there's no accolades you can have that'll put you above god his ways are above your way his thoughts are above your thoughts so i'm thankful for a god who is so powerful that he still had to come down to the thing they thought was so high he said don't get it twisted don't forget who has the power don't forget who is god don't forget who's the alpha and the omega i know you think what you built is great but i still have to come down to see what you built that you think is so high wow god came down whenever god comes down he always comes with a gift whenever god comes down he always comes with the gift what is this gift the bible says he confused their languages [Music] can i talk just for a minute about god giving you a gift that looks like confusion can you see them in one moment they don't even know how to communicate with each other in one moment they're forced to scatter and only connect with the people that speak the language that they speak because that's what they were doing they were rebelling against god they didn't want to scatter they don't want to do what god told them to do so god said since you don't want to do what i told you to do guess what i'm going to give you a gift and that gift is going to look like confusion oh i came to tell somebody in here tonight how many know god will use confusion in your life he's not the author of confusion but he will use confusion because how many know there's nothing like a season where you're confused that'll make you seek after god there's nothing like a season when you don't know what to do that'll make you get down on your knees and say god i am so lost right now come on that's what god is doing in our nation right now because we're facing some things that leaving us confused and god's trying to get us back on our knees confusion will break your pride confusion will make you cry out to god confusion will make you humble confusion will make you seek him confusion will make you understand that he is god and you are not [Music] he gave the gift of confusion and they start scattering they start scattering the gift was in the confusion wait a minute where have i seen this before where else did god come down and brought a gift but the gift brought confusion oh come here mary you remember mary when god came down from heaven to earth and he put on human skin and he jumped in the womb of somebody named mary and mary was confused because she said how can this be how can i give birth to the son of the living god i've never known a man but god said what i'm about to build has nothing to do with man this is from heaven and she was confused but god was in it but she said what you got to say in confusion which is god let it be to me according to your word i don't understand it but i'm gonna trust your word she was confused she gave birth to jesus he heals the sick he raises the dead he builds his church they were so confused they didn't know who he was and one day peter spoke up in the midst of confusion when people say some said you're elijah and some say you're john the baptist and peter not by his own ingenuity but by the spirit said i know who you are you are the son of the living god and what did jesus say back to him upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it you spoke through the spirit sometimes god will use the confusion to get you back to him wait a minute where else have i seen the confusion where else did he come down oh after he died on the cross got up from the grave and ascended back to heaven they were confused because they didn't understand why have you left us here why have you left us we thought you were gonna do something else but they were confused that jesus left them but he gave him a commandment he said go to an upper room and i want you to wait i know you're confused but wait i know you don't understand by the way i know you don't like the way it turned out but wait how many are thankful that if you wait on the lord in the midst of your confusion come on somebody who's in a waiting season god said don't stop waiting and don't stop trusting me for they that wait upon the lord will renew their strength they shall mount upon wings like eagles they will run and not get really they will walk and won't faint they waited as they waited all of a sudden a sound as a mighty rushing wind began to feel that place and all of a sudden they began to speak in tongues and other languages the same languages that were confused in the book of genesis and what did they hear what did they hear what happened as they started speaking in those languages that were confused at the tower of babel god gives a message he gives a message in the midst of the confusion and what looked like a mess and look at the message that occurred in acts chapter 2. don't miss this it says now they were staying in jerusalem this is after they started speaking in tongues as the spirit gave them of words there were now there was in jerusalem god fearing jews from every nation under heaven when they heard this sound a crowd came together and bewilderment because each one heard their own language being spoken utterly amazed they asked aren't these who are speaking galileans how is it that each of us hears them in our own native language they were all confused and it said that parthians and medes and elamites and residents of mesopotamia and judea and cape adocia and pontus and asia and figria and panthera and egypt and the parts of libya near cyrene visitors from rome both jews and converts to judaism creeds and arabs we hear them every language heard one thing what did you hear we hear them every tribe heard one thing what did you hear every culture heard one thing what did you hear we hear them declaring the wonders of god in our own tongue not what we built but what he started building what seemed like a mess in genesis became a message in the book of acts when god built his church because every tribe and every culture heard one thing the wonders of god being declared you're built to build but you gotta check your movement where is your life headed you gotta check your materials you gotta check your motives if those are right god will use your life as a message to declare his goodness not glory for your name but for his [Music]
Channel: Social Dallas
Views: 15,799
Rating: 4.9770555 out of 5
Keywords: in the building, Robert Madu, Taylor Madu, social dallas, church online, church online 2021, in the building series
Id: FPSuo1X0yBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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