Live with Rob Cosman: Angie's Bed Desk Build + Q&A

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] if you know about our purple heart project and you want to take it a step further next time you place an order get one of our purple heart pins they're only five dollars and we give all that five dollars to the purple heart project thanks to colonel luthie for finding and sourcing these this is a great way to tell the world about a problem that exists that's huge and we need to do something about it bring combat wounded veterans in so we can treat them to a week of hand to woodwork and train them and help them deal with their pain do there it is we are live yeah like as in filming yep as in howdy good evening everyone hi folks welcome to whatever number this is it's a lot and uh lots of stuff today lots of good stuff and probably the best thing of all is the prize that we have that we're gonna draw by the way i got my voice back um should i introduce that now or i probably should do it a couple of times i'll give you the short version back in 2015 i got an email completely out of the blue and this uh guy said rob i really like what you're doing and uh i sent you some money and if you want if you want to just start drawing and giving drawing names and giving tools away i'd happily i would be happy to finance it well the check came of course i didn't know who the individual was and it cleared the banks i thought it was interesting so to sum that up real quickly over that year you know he sent me thousands of dollars that we distributed by drawing and giving folks tools in our online workshop we used to have a draw every monday night we did one draw for the hand tool workshop to the power tool workshop and we'd give away 200 300 worth of tools to each one he ended up paying for just a second uh flip his mic around i'm getting connection issues like that how was it all right can you hear me yeah can you hear me now it's cutting out for some reason what's that doing i have no idea not my department i can't keep talking while you guys fork on that yeah go ahead it seems to be anyway so we nicknamed him santa claus which i believe he's on tonight santa and his wife mrs claus he uh he ended up paying for one summer five people to come to our uh our workshop and covered all their expenses and then when i got that phone call that email from jesse who inspired the purple heart project i uh i read it and here was this uh beat up combat wounded marine who uh was enjoying the peace that he got from woodworking from both physical and mental pain and he couldn't afford a regular he couldn't afford a new saw i want to know if i had any that were had cosmetic flaws that would sell cheaper and i just remember thinking i gotta call sena over this so i emailed santa claus and i said you know we've helped a lot of people but i think we found something that really deserves our help and within an hour he emailed me back and said you get a hold of uh jesse and and tell him he's coming to canada for a week spend a week with you at a workshop and he says i'll take care of all of it well it we tried to do that it didn't work out but it started the whole process and by the way i got an email from jesse are we able to pull a picture up off my text onto the uh yeah because this is the this is such a great success story but you know what i'm actually going to save that for when we bring on mark to introduce a php because you got to see you got to see this anyway santa claus has uh was hadn't heard from in a long time he was sick he's gotten better and he just contacted me recently and he is providing tonight's giveaway so here's what we're doing first of all i'll show you this if you uh watch our youtubes we recently cut up a vera wood log sacred to super dave is it up there jake yeah can you see it so we cut this log up that was a 500 verawood log it was 39. 39 inches no 27 inches long about that big in diameter had no idea what to expect couldn't tell from the outside but we were pleasantly surprised so here's here's the inside of the vera wood and here's what it oxidizes to beautiful emerald green there's the inside and you can all see where it's already started to oxidize this was more typical and there's what it oxidizes to so that's been sitting out and that actually the funny thing is there's no uv light in this shop because there are no windows but it still oxidizes like that gorgeous wood now you know why super day's in love with it anyway so because the color hasn't quite changed it that's what i'm telling you so tonight's prize is a vera wood dovetail saw along with a vera wood marking gauge so somebody is going to uh get lucky and win that tonight the two of them together 1200 1200 dollars thank you to santa claus so frick is the link up there i will put it up here you don't have to uh spend any money you just have to put your name in and say i'd like to be considered for the draw we'll do that at the end tonight i'll actually put the summer where we can see it all night now why do we do this well we do this to raise money for our purple heart project where we bring in combat wounded veterans and treat them to a week a six day very intense hand tool workshop and we cover all their expenses airfare hotel meals each vet goes home with in excess of 34 3 500 worth of hand tools premium stuff by the way same stuff i use as well as we now have our bench brigade thanks to jack lane i was on the phone with jack today and uh and we were talking to um who's on the phone with sure sean mcdermott and deshawn is the next vet to get a sean was in class 2000 spring class of 2017. and great guy sean and his wife angela so sean is going to get the next bench and it's being delivered by i've got to look up his name because this guy is a high school shop teacher and he's taken upon himself to build benches for the purple heart project uh with his students and i'll check my phone shortly and give you the exact on it anyway the purple the way the bench brigade works is civilians or military personnel volunteer to build the bench to our specs we provide them with the vice and then they deliver it to a combat wounded vet that has been to our class that lives closest to them and we've got one i'll tell you about that a little bit later that's going all the way over to hawaii and the builder flies for ups and they've arranged to have him fly with that plane to go over there and personally deliver it to zach who was in our class two years a year and a half ago a year ago he wasn't was he in our first spring class in our new shop i think anyway he's coming to him it's gonna be fantastic all of these by the way are videotaped we always get the spouse or somebody to videotape them and we put them up on our facebook page which is frick how do they find the facebook page for the bench brigade uh it is under tell me when you find it so we just had one delivered who who just got theirs chris chris and pronounced chris's last name for me leverkin now chris was a fuel truck fuel truck driver in iraq and i think it was a roadside bomb he ended up losing uh losing his leg below the knee on one side as a result of that injury but great guy he came here and he came as a result of ivan right and ivan who's from texas came to our class and we always asked the vets who said look you know best who deserves this find us someone and that's how we ended up with chris so those videos are on there you can watch them and participate in this and it's fantastic so i just posted the link good thank you all right so that's the prize the link's in there for you to uh to uh apply to get on in the draw and anyone that would like to donate as i told jack today i said you know we could figure out a way to pay for this ourself we had been up until the last couple years but the feeling that you get when you participate in this knowing what it's doing is beyond measure money doesn't matter if you'd like to participate in some way whether it's finding us another vet or financing part of it then you can he'll put the link on there tonight and and we will gladly accept your donation and we promise you that we will use it just for bringing in these guys and covering those expenses okay now quick look at what oh yeah i want to show you something this is uh so we're in the process of insulating the shop long work anyway so kirk is a friend of mine he's the guy who's doing the insulator he came to me today he says robbie said i found something i thought you'd like so kirk's business is going in and insulating addicts and basements and whatever so we often find stuff and he found this in somebody's attic and they let him have it and he thought i would enjoy it and um it belonged to wesley gordon vale i think that's what that is the last uh date on this was 19 19 1951 10 years before i was born but it's in really good remarkably good shape but it goes through and it gives you all kinds of general woodworking knowledge and i like going in and reading this and seeing where some of these ideas came from and i will tell you i don't think they're all 100 sound but interesting to know how they get started covers everything from sharpening saws to running power tools to building stairs dovetails and as i find little gems in there i'll share them with you over time okay over here so we've been working on our this is uh we we have an online workshop if you're not aware of it just tell you quickly where we build furniture we do three 45-minute episodes each week and we cover the entire build process from design lumber selection right through to applying a finish just looking around to see the bench was one of the first things we did the tool cabinet right now we're working on the standing desk and it's been going on a long time but it doesn't matter it's not about it's not about completing it it's about the process of doing it so this one has a lot of this the theme behind it is to hit things to be hidden in plain sight so you may not be able to tell but there's three drawers here and you access them from a little hole underneath cool and these are all nicely dovetailed the uh white wood is asp and apartment is holly there are two two ones pardon the the base which is white is a different wood than the oh is the base aspen solid wood no no that's plywood that's birch plywood on the little ones anyway it has a wooden hinge on it i haven't attached this yet that's why it's still sitting up here and then there's two drawers down here i'll show you this i always love to show it off when you open it there's a little there's a little um trap door and you put your finger underneath i don't know what i showed you on this one let me pull it out so the way you access it you can see right here there's a hole we didn't want to put a handle on there so there's a little v a little wooden v underneath and when you reach in the hole you just catch that little v with your finger and that's how you open the drawer same thing down here but it's designed to be uh to service a serve as a service counter so the merchants on that side customers over here documents that might need to be signed would sit here customer needs a pen or a pencil so the merchant opens his drawer without anybody knowing he closed the little trap door then he closes the drawer and out comes this little drawer where the pen and pencil would be sitting if they hadn't been stolen and that's the whole idea is to get it to be hidden anyway what we have been working on are the guts to the drawer so in the drawer you have your paper you have your envelopes you have your legal size envelopes you have your business cards you have your pens and pencils but we wanted something secret so we have a little compartment under here not so secret anymore where you can store a few bills about three eighths inch three eighths of an inch hidden but just neatly tucked in there couldn't keep that secret now we're working on this one by the way come over and look at this side the bottom section hasn't been sprayed yet but this one's hidden a little bit better i put one coat on everything so that it wouldn't get fingerprints on it while we were working on it so we open this one up close our little trap door and out pops your little drawer there's where the pens and pencils are so now the the next task is to go in and decide what we're going to do in this drawer we've got some ideas and then we've got to put a little uh trim all the way around the inside of here to make it easier to clean out i have to attach that have to spray the bottom and then it's done so if you want to join us put a link on there for it can you do that sure link to the online workshop okay am i forgetting anything i know there's some shout outs i got to make where's megan unruh okay so if you're a combat wounded vet that has been in our workshop one of our 13 classes please say something tell them what class you were in so i can give you a shout out we'd love to acknowledge you and keep in touch we're going to do a little bit of work tonight on angie's on angie's desk and now i have to introduce angie so where's my where's angie's picture ah i wonder if i fell behind well i wouldn't do it right here so ken anthony works here with us ken's actually the shop foreman and this is ken's cousin her name is angie she's confined to her bed because of a an illness that's been with her since she was a child but she's gonna get better in the meantime she helps us she and her sister lynne package up all the t-shirts so when you order a t-shirt from us you'll see a little label on there with an a that's seal of approval and that's angie and so what we're doing is we're making a little a bed desk so that angie can because she loves to watch uh all of our videos she can set her um ipad on here and little drawer because anything i build has to have a drawer in it we got to get this to work a little smoother that's part of tonight and we need a little lip on there to hold that and we made it out of pine so it'd be nice and light and be easy to move around and here's our t-shirts we have three of them if you want to help us spread the word wood is good wood for good and we're doing good three different colors the teal one was angie's favorite she chose that so let's have a couple of questions we're going to start off with doing something no i was going to start off with him give me a couple questions for i get warmed up all right okay first one comes from eric ciccard from raley north carolina hey er and he says my five and a half plane sides are not 90 degrees to the sole so my shooting board is off by a couple degrees is there a way to grind the side square or should i just shim the ramp on my shooting board it looks to be about point zero zero seven out yeah okay so here's the situation you've got your shooting board and your plane sits like this well it has to be square because when you're shooting the end of a piece of wood unless this is a square setup then you're not going to have square stock now i actually fixed mine too it wasn't out much and i'm going to show you how i did it but you have a certain amount of lateral adjustment within your blade so you can move your blade one way the other and that'll give you a little bit if it's out a lot well i'll show you how i did it i also mentioned this too when you build a shooting board it's always a two-part process there's the base which is in this case is mdf because it wears well and then there is a piece of baltic birch that is attached glued to the mdf and the reason that is there is because your blade does not go all the way to the bottom so in order for the piece of wood that you're shooting to get into the blade it has to be elevated this way that's why we have this and it also provides you with the fence for making keeping that square set up as you look at it in plan view well come over here i don't know if you're going to have the access to this but we have a big we've got two of them actually 12 inch disc sanders and that's not 12 inch they're 16. so what we did is went in and made sure that this is perfectly square i've got a 120 grit disc this is actually made for metal and we simply i simply go on there with the blade in of course and while this is spinning i move it back and forth apart me this way i move it back and forth and it brings this into square with this and we can get it perfect now i can do that for you obviously it wouldn't be free and if if you need to contact us about it we don't we don't offer that oh jake says we don't offer that no mean jake means mean jake if you have it set it up like that even though your disc is spinning like this you always work only on the downside of your disc well in order to do this i had to work on both which means you just have to hold it securely fingers out of the way and as you're moving forward and back like that this area is not doing any cutting really because it spins so slowly it's all about rim speed this is moving very fast this is hardly moving at all in here so you just have to be careful to go i go to the extreme left and right so that you even out the wear and then you end up with a bunch of scratches that are running this way which make it a little bit difficult because offers a lot of resistance when you're pushing this on the shooting board so then i just took a piece of sandpaper on a hard block and i sanded it to get rid of those scratches you can if you look real close you can still see still see a few of them on this side but i don't shoot on that side right i only shoot on the right side of the plane and if it's really bad you should probably send it back and say hey this is this is uh out of whack bad enough i think it should be replaced and they probably won't argue with you well he said i don't know if it was from wood river he said it was his five and a half yeah well most companies will will stick to tighter taller inches than that but every once in a while a bad one sneaks through next rick all right next one comes from stan moderate from gold coast queenlands australia and it says stand down in australia yes can rob specify the lacquer he uses or even do a session on finishing well actually with jake and i just before this started we're working on a youtube to be released on thursday on finishing and i'm so i'm going to show you both walk with me jake since you're untethered now if you're doing small boxes you can't use a big sprayer because it'll actually blow the little box over so my favorite finish for small boxes is this product it's made by deft and they have both gloss and semi gloss i i really don't like gloss i don't think you can ever make anything with a gloss look great semi-gloss i would actually prefer low luster or a flat finish but semi-gloss seems to be okay but it's a wonderful product but what's even better is the spray tip now i'm going to show you what i mean we buy this we buy this about a dozen at a time but the spray tip on this [Applause] i don't know if you see anything interesting about that you can actually turn that little tip sideways so it'll either give you a fan that goes this way or you can turn that tip sideways and it'll give you a fan that goes that way but when you spray it it just it's the i mean i've used a lot of different spray cans it lays a perfect mist on there that is just incredible wear a respirator you're breathing lacquer fumes so that's what i do for anything small that would otherwise as i mentioned get blown off of the tray that you're spraying on for the large work furniture this is the product that i use now the name has changed so it's a chroma pro used to be becca chroma so the names changed uh bernal whatever that's done i don't know how to pronounce that intro clear pre-catalyzed top coat 40 gloss so the number determines the sheen and i don't know whether flat is 0 or 100 i would assume 100 is the high gloss so this would be on the low side um it's uh has some water resistance i know this is the only at least 20 years ago when i started with this this was the only lacquer that was certified for use in kitchens in canada whereas most lockers don't give you any water resistance at all we buy it by the five gallon pail it's a couple of nice things about it is it'll stay in your spray can and not not solidify on you you've got to stir it because the flattening agent will let you settle to the bottom so you've got to stir that up you can buy retarder so a retarder simply slows the drying process the big plus to this if we're spraying something we can say we can spray scrape rather than sand spray scrape spray inside of an hour and a half it's incredible the downside to that is if it's a large project and four or five feet long by the time you're done spraying that side you're getting overspray on this part that's already been dried so you can buy retarder and that's just it's a clear liquid i think you can go up to 15 and it'll slow the drying process down you can also buy flattening agent which is simply what makes it a dull finish you can apply even more to that so you could take that 40 and you could drop it down to five if that's if that's the right direction what you can add sheen can't you no no no no that that only drops it down so if you wanted to you'd start with clear gloss and then you could work it from there anything from there to no gloss and that i use uh just i'll show you real quick we just bought a new one actually we didn't buy a new one well we did but it's not new because they're out of business so we um i've i bought this 12 years ago turbinaire they've since gone out of business and the unit that i have which is over here was fine still works this is an hvlp that stands for high velocity low pressure and uh it's nice because i've used the suction the siphon not siphon is it siphon feed whatever and they would just fill the whole room up with mess so these deliver more product with less overspray there's the gun that came with it my gun which i loved got dropped enough times that it was broken and no longer usable if i can find a replacement for it i will this is adequate so you fill your can up and when you pull the trigger it'll it allows pressure to bypass go into the can and that forces the liquid up what happened to mine is the hose was full of holes and the cam was broken so we had to get a we well actually i was only trying to get the parts couldn't buy the parts but i found an outfit in ontario that actually still had one of these in inventory a friend of mine this is that federated tool in london ontario so we bought the whole thing and then we have a backup i hate having to get used to something new but pretty simple outfit anyway that's what i do for spray finishing i use the same finish all the time last time i used i sprayed a different finish was probably 25 years ago i just recommend people stick with one finish that you get really good at and the other thing you want to get good at is you want to be able to know how it's going to react with certain woods i'll give you an example of that the oil that i prefer to use since we're talking finishes i may as well show you that as well is a product called it's made by it's it's tongue oil or it's a tung oil product circa 1850 great product great oil um you'd have to have multiple coats in order to get any kind of protection it's what i use when i do handles but if you're doing a handle like this which is white oak those pores will continue to bleed so as you're wiping the oil off you've got to continuously wipe it off for about a half an hour or otherwise the little little beads of oil will come out and harden on the surface and that's a real pain to try to get rid of them but done right it creates a beautiful finish next question for are you oh the way manola's coming tonight our musician are you sure you don't want to try and finish the bed desk we're half an hour in though yeah let's go who's running this show we are oh well now that i know okay if we weren't here it'd be just you talking to the wind you'd still be planing the original boards okay now you guys are turned into uh critics and comedians um a couple things i wanna do with this we gotta we got to put a little lip on here to keep angie's desk her uh what they call it not a laptop i've had an ipad from sliding off so ice today we go 14 inches long and how big i can ask questions while we're doing this for do you want an ipad for reference yeah we have an ipad right here do you yeah no it's probably not a bad idea which one is an ipad yep so flip it over like that you put it back like that well that'll give you some it'll sit there now it doesn't even need to but we'll give her one anyway so a half an inch so we're going to want a lip that's what did i say i'm gonna i don't want to be i don't want to be sitting it on top of the ends of the pins so that's why we're going to hold it back a little bit we're going to go 14 by half and i want a decent footprint so probably 5 8. so i'm going to cut it square first and then we'll we'll come in and we'll shape it something that is pleasing so i need a piece of pine um frick questions while i'm looking okay make it an easy yes no or something all right give me a second then 13 too small no it's probably not so dan johansen from jamestown new york wants to know why don't you have a riving knife driving knife driving knife on your table saw well we do but jake answer that question since you took it off the original driving knife that comes on the saw stop is 90 000 of an inch and the thin curved saw blades that we use are 93 i think so we had to buy the thin kerf driving knife from sawstop which means that i have to take the whole riving knife assembly out and adjust it for that drop in thickness and i haven't gotta square this up first that's the only reason why we don't have it in because you haven't decided to do it yeah oh unacceptable you're gonna get hate mail give them your address but nothing comes by mail they know my email jake at no should be in there it's a very um effective small piece of equipment all right let's get this thing now you may also know that we uh we released our adjustar that's this thing that replaces the adjuster knob on your plane to a huge reception this past week they sold out in 12 hours the wood river so we have two versions we have one that fits lee nielsen planes and one that fits wood river plains all except for the number four the wood river plains four and below because they don't fit a three right right so they sold out however we still have some lee nelson's available and the next batch will be ready in a couple of weeks so if you have old tired fingers or you just prefer that particular adjustment to be a little bit easier pick one up you will love it no we didn't patent it we just said let's just bring it to market all right so we've got a flat surface that we then set down on the shooting board and we made the opposite next i'm going to do another one i'm not going to push quite so hard i'm squaring and straightening an edge now i'll go over and i'll cut that down to half with a little bit saved so i can get rid of the saw marks all right before we go any further let's kind of figure what we're going to do here now that looks really clumsy so how do we go in and and uh pair that down what if you just do something similar to the standing desk well they don't they haven't seen the standing desks that's what we're going to talk this through i would suggest that we probably probably need to introduce a taper on both ends so i'm thinking something like this that would that would soften that side and we also want to get rid of some of this bulk on the back side and which one do i want to do first and what i mean that by that is i want to have some let's clean this up i know somebody asked him one of the questions or one of the questions i read tonight was uh why do i use the why don't i have something here that can adjust to come right to the edge of the plane so i don't have to always be cutting a champ from the backside and the reason is because eventually this gets worn away so i just find it easier to just cut your little chamfer on the backside then flip it around and when you plant it off you won't end up having material break off that far side i don't think that would work either what well you could you could have an adjustable piece you would have to have pressure that you applied directly to that wood to the to the piece right here otherwise in this situation you were holding it on this end right and so that's not holding it tight over here the plane's doing that i don't think the fibers would be supported well enough you could have a piece that was independent that was screwed on that you slid sideways like that and you could bring it right over but you know what for the amount of time it takes to go tick tick tick flip it over you're done that's probably the reason why i do it now my 5 8 is i i get that right so we're going to have that one like that and then this one we're gonna back off probably should do a similar shape i don't want to come to a point with pine because it's too easily damaged so i'll back off we could come to a point like this though yeah that looks too fragile and i'm thinking the half inch looks too high up too you don't you don't need it it doesn't need to be as high as the thing is thick it just has to be yeah i'm going to cut this down i'm going to cut that down to about there that's just that's sticking up from the from the top too high [Music] question frank find something that fits with what we're doing that would mean that i'm i should have been paying attention i'm just kidding you weren't paying attention here's a quick one from uh quick one from glenn edberg in illinois he says are your dovetail saws difficult to sharpen no we have a youtube on that don't we yes dovetail saw is very easy to sharpen you have to make a you have to make yourself look i got it right here i'll i'll demonstrate so if you pick up tayfrid wrote a series of three books on woodworking one was on finishing one was on bending wood and one was on more or less furniture making techniques and in the furniture make techniques he shows you how to make this little saw clamp so it's a couple pieces of plywood piece of piece a couple of hinges i put these little pieces in here so that when you set it in your vise it comes out standing uh being level now a couple pieces of hardwood i beveled these so you could have access to it you'll see what i mean a couple pieces of hardwood in here and then i think i squeezed those like that and ran the saw blade through them or something so that they would come clamp tight the idea is you want to have your actual i think i did this made this back when i was selling lee nelson sauce you want your teeth to be well supported so you want to have just a little bit of the blade up above hold it level now it seems to me i've had to go in the past and put a clamp here that's how that's how you support the blade then you're going to take a four or a five inch double extra slim taper file we actually have these and sooner or later we'll get them on the website that doesn't work oh i know the problem is we're trying to find saw handles or file handles okay so that's a three-sided file you want them to be nice and sharp on the corner a lot of times you buy them in the hardware store and they're rounded over here and that'll turn your turn your teeth into waves instead of nice triangular shapes now you want to hold the file the same way with each stroke meaning you don't want to tip it this way or that so what you can do is get a popsicle stick essentially drill a hole in it you want to put that on there now if you can't if you can't reference the gullet that's already on your saw just put something on there like that so that this face is standing plum and with it standing plum take your popsicle stick and slide it on the end so that you can tell if you're tipping that popsicle stick will exaggerate it almost like a winding stick if you you might be able to bypass that if you're good set that in there find the gullet see where it registers i keep my finger right like that and then you're going to take one pass now if you need to you can take a marking pen and with a felt tip marker you can go in and you can paint all the teeth now the advantage of doing that these are small they're 15 points or teeth per inch you don't want to hit the same one twice because then you're going to change the shape of that tooth relative to the tooth in front of it and behind it by painting the teeth and by the way you need to have yourself some vision enhancers so you're going to get that in there find the angle you want the cutting face of the tooth to be plumb set that in there and you're going to i don't need to do this as a brand new saw but you're going to file all the way and now what i prefer to do is to drag it back and then feel it rise over the tooth and drop into the next gullet and then push forward and come back and do the next one and the black paint will obviously wear off with each one so you'll be able to tell if you've missed one you also want there's no flame there's no angle well there is an angle but there's no let me just say it this way the cutting face of the tooth is 90 degrees to the run of the blade so you're not angling your saw your file this way it's staying like that now that's something that most people can judge you can look down and pretty much tell when you're within one or two degrees of being 90 degrees like that so i start at one end one stroke come back right over that tooth drop into the next gullet the gullet is the space between the points do the next one come back right over and go to the next one just go all the way down you'll be able to tell when it's sharp because when you grab it like that it's you know they're nice and sharp they feel sharp if it if it doesn't if you you don't have that real grabby feel then you got to go through and do it again but you always want to make sure that you're filing each tooth same number of times same amount of pressure started here in the tip and go all the way through and light to moderate and i always put i always aim my pressure probably instead of just straight down i may be off at about a five degree slope each stroke you're sharpening one side of two teeth so this is a two-sided sharp edge you've got the face of one tooth and the top of the same tooth so with each stroke i'm sharpening the face of that tooth and the top of that tooth so same amount of pressure applied all the way through probably takes you seven to ten minutes not hard anybody can do it if you're not comfortable doing it and you want to send it to us we'll do it for you of course there's a charge you pay your shipping both ways i think we charge 25 to do it but we'll do it but you can do it anybody can do it get yourself a pair of these huge help if you can see it you can do it otherwise it's a guess all right hope that was clear as mud now back to this so we just cleaned off that face so i want to go in and i want to cut some shape on that i still want to do this one but i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave a little bit down here and a little bit up here probably the same amount make that cut just like that i could probably do that on the bandsaw just as easy so let's go over and try that over there the incy wincy one yeah frick you know you're going gray you told me that last week is it the stress from this job it started when i married your daughter 13 years ago i'm just kidding i'm just kidding seems to be when all my problems started though and not because of her now i want this on the other side since i'm more or less experimenting with this it's the reason why i'm not looking at any particular angle so i'm just going to put this in place and do it until it feels right as i said we want to leave material i want to leave a little bit of flat on this surface and i want to leave a little bit of flat on that surface what's that look like jake um more angle more slope yeah keep going well bring the fence over i wish that thing slid okay right there no more angle now bring the fence up wait a minute i gotta tighten this so it won't move bring the fence oh bring the table down more keep going keep going seriously yeah there yeah um i want to take more off of here here so i need to i'm reaching underneath there i hope nowhere near the blade i'm not that looks good [Music] this is the pine that chokes me up we just passed our first thousand dollars in donations good excellent how are we for numbers 843 right now how are we for time we are at 51 minutes and 25 seconds have you made contact with mark not yet should he be available now yeah you should i won't be able to do a test call since i'm we're already live but i'll be ready can i throw a question at you yeah this comes from blake makinson or makerson max blake uh and this is from the chat and he says do you have any hints on straightening a saw plate it is bent it has a bent top to bottom so it wanders to one side is it it is almost impossible to make a plum cut consistently uh hand saw say read that again i was thinking a table saw blade for some reason he has a hands on it with the blade that's bent like this saw plate yep ain't done straightening stuff read it to me as he says it again please do you have any hints on straightening a saw plate it has a bent top to bottom so it wanders to one side it is almost impossible to make a plum cut consistently wow i mean we deal with uh front to back well first of all uh no harm in trying because it can't doesn't work as it is so you can't ruin it i would without seeing it which is kind of tough to offer advice but i would put it in a vise i would put it in a vise and bend it the other way yeah depending on where the bend is i mean if the bend is right up there where it's attached then i would i would support it right to there it's a dovetail saw just so you know it's a dovetail saw hopefully not mine does he uh it's an oldie nielsen of my granddads that i want to restore for my son he says okay so the lee nielsen's are the the lee nelson's 20 thou it fits into a single slot you should be able to do this support it right support it essentially you want to support it right where the bend is if the bend is where it's coming right out of the brass put it in your vise or just clamp a couple pieces of wood to it and then what i would do is like that and then with a mallet rubber mallet just tap on that until it bends and you should be able to bring it back to where you want you're going to have to just do a little check do a little and check but i think i mean if it didn't come to you that way because i know lee nelson quality and that wouldn't have happened so it's happened after the fact but you certainly should be able to straighten it if you want send me a picture or two and i will uh i'll try to give you more specific advice because like i said i'm trying i'm guessing that with the problem and trying to give you a solution to it okay frick what do you want another one yeah give me a second okay all the saw marks are off so that looks good and now we need to do is we need to we need to uh cut this down this way um back over to the bandsaw or should we do it right here so what i'm thinking we're going to do i mean we're kind of designing as we go let me just uh let me clear this off first so i'm going to come in here i'm erasing those previous marks okay so since we've got our little flat spot right down to here then i'm going to i'm going to bring the next bevel from here down to that mark so we're going to do something like this i think maybe we can do that just as easily with the bench hook and a super duper crosscut saw so we want that to be standing plumb on the back side and i'm just going to hold that here's where my mark is ah maybe a little more okay now we can do this right on the shooting board i want to see a little bit better a couple more so what i'm doing to find where that needs to be is i'm simply pressing that little flat spot against the sole of the plane and just adjusting it this way until it lays perfectly flat against it i want to bring this point right to that point okay that's good now we got to duplicate that's always the problem so to do that let's use the protractor thank you to santa claus tonight's giveaway is a vera wood dave approve this a vera wood dovetail saw with a matching vera wood marking gauge and the vera wood will continue to get an emerald green there's another vera wood handle that i've got in the works that's been cut for a while you can already see the green that it goes where's the big piece jig that we had there so here's vera wood freshly cut there's vera wood a week later oxidized to this incredible emerald green and if you're looking for a bare wood handle and you don't win tonight i've got enough wood to make several of them so that's going to be the wood of choice for the next little bit so put your there's a link on there you don't have to donate anything in order to participate in the draw but we do have to have your name and if you'd like to donate to the purple heart project we we would be happy to let you do that all right so what i'm going to do is copy this angle and i'm going to reference off the top so 28 degrees is here by the way just manoli is i thought i heard something out there jake rex go ask manola if he can come in what time is it eight o'clock have you got a hold of mark yet i can try calling it whenever all right the craftsman oh if you'll come in the next five minutes and give us a number an original tune to set up that microphone there rex so what i'm gonna do is same as i did on the last one find my uh find that spot now we we still have jake's guitar here because we're sending it with a bandsaw we're shipping to them how come that doesn't look right jake it looks way too yeah you know what you know what is a lot easier i don't know why i didn't just do that is just measure where one angle starts all this stuff is really punky i shouldn't say punky just soft yeah i'm going to try using my block plane with that small shooting board sometimes when dealing with little small pieces it's easier using this can i ask a question yeah okay this one comes from michael tucker in the chat he said good morning rob just received my dovetail saw this morning i got the regular grip as my hand is nine centimeters at the knuckle on my palm side can you show me your grip oh how i hold it yeah certainly so since everybody here is going to be wanting to order a dovetail sauce sooner or later here's how you measure for it so with your outstretched palm you want to measure from there to here so on my hand it comes in at three and a half inches as long as you're under four the regular handle will fit you fine if you're over four then you need us to make you a large handle and this is the way that i hold this off it's a three finger open pistol grip that's why those little indents there they're for your hand your fingers your index finger lays over here because with your index finger and thumb that gives you some real if you hold it like that you don't have a lot of stability but holding it like that you get a lot of lateral stability in the saw and it should be a nice comfortable grip if you've ever held a baby's hand how hard do you have to hold it to keep them from pulling away without hurting them and that's about how much how how hold you how hard you grip the saw okay so a three finger open pistol grip when we make the hand we make these a full inch they saw that i used to sell was three-quarter and i always felt like it was just a little bit small for an adult male hand now 7 16 is where i need to be i don't know how i managed to do that because it was way off okay now we've got a salt and how am i going to do this holding it the opposite way can you cut it off the end of the bench i can maybe do it like this i can use the shooting or the bench hook as a reference for vertical oh that's not gonna work this is this is a reason why i should practice with my left hand my mother-in-law hears me say that she being a southpaw we got it all right let's do this is that at the same angle as the other one i don't know it appears more stout well you know why oh yeah it is well we'll just adjust it i need just a little more blade okay i gotta tip it this way just a little bit because this is not a rectangle like it should be okay that looks alright now this is a little smaller so that means i'm going to take this down a little bit more okay now we're going to clean up the inside now when you're planting something this flimsy you almost have to push directly across from the blade in order for it to make contact brother okay okay now that's that's a point and i don't want that because that's just too susceptible to being damaged so i'm just going to flatten that off a little bit wait ronnie just lay it on the shooting board oh yeah yeah good that'll keep it square so rick did you get a hold of mark i will try right now or or you'll wait and do it while manoli's playing yeah i'll do that just because it'll make noise on the manila you ready yes got something original i was thinking of this uh are we live right now what we're live we're here live i was thinking i wanted to play a little bit of a blues [Music] a blue song because you have to watch it go take it away i live in alberta [Music] tears in my [Music] well we got into utah early christmas eve well we've got to talk early [Music] i need a place to sleep [Music] oh [Music] well we're into las vegas on christmas day [Music] [Applause] oh we can stay late and get to the buffet well i will leave it out better [Music] in my you see a woman always knows when a man did you uh did you write that one for uh my brother dave's birthday which is today i did not you wanna i wrote that one about your brother randall oh random trip down to uh well have your friend come out yeah went to utah and we we got a friend of mine came out to visit kevin and we all drove down there through a couple states and got into utah late christmas eve nina where we're gonna stay and we couldn't find a place and called uh uh knocked on the next companion of his door and they let us stay there and the next day we got to uh vegas pretty early christmas randy was heading to a buffet he would do he would drive he got in there he would he would drive a long distance for a buffet happy birthday char happy birthday dave thank you thanks molly we're gonna you'll be back right yeah i have something else all right go write another one okay so question i'm working on getting mark you're working on getting mark all right i think this is ready to glue on i don't think there's anything else that we need to do now what i'm going to do is i think the best thing to do is to follow this line at the bottom of that pin to me that just looks better than if you set it up there in the middle of the pin for some reason i just like being on that same line and i got him you what i got him you got him is he ready i think so all right well give me just a minute i'm gonna i'm gonna glue this on and then uh and that will give us a little bit of time now what i should do is put this square actually i'm going to have to put up there and i can reference against it so i'm just eyeballing that and if i eyeball that on that side hopefully they're in the same place that looks good move it over a little bit a little bit more okay okay jake jake hand me uh i need two clamps no i need the small ones yeah not that one i hate it yeah those two i'm gonna need you to turn it snug snug enough it's my phone okay right there now how are we going to clamp well actually you know what we should be able to clamp pushing against that square of the screw well i'm just worried about leaving marks on the uh on that piece of pine this isn't much in terms of protection but pine will mark breathing on us now i've got to have some kind of a reference point i should have put that okay uh those little clamps you think they'll hold it if not those the bigger ones definitely would that'll do good all right don't want the one that's full yeah i don't want too much glue we're gonna pass down the middle so manoli lived with my bro well lived and worked with my brother randy out in alberta for a number of years they were more like siblings and did they leave alberta this one time i think they were asked to leave actually that's when randy had dreads okay so you're about to hear from mark wickhouse wakowski and mark came to our class uh how long ago he was actually in super dave's class was he in super days class oh dave would say that that uh mark probably learned a lot from super dave and super d and d and mark would probably say who is super dave which one was he super dave's not on tonight so we can make fun of them exactly now i like these clamps because they've got i mean there's a cheap clamp but they've got pivoting jaws so they'll conform to this shape all right that's that's it come on over here so mark great guy i'm gonna let him do the do the introduction he's gonna tell you a whole lot about himself you there mark you hear me i i am rob all right take it away please right on so uh thank you rob number one you and your team for everything you guys do you're amazing so my name is markowski um i did 26 years in the navy 20 that was in uh explosive ordnance disposal which is uh also called eod so our my main job back then was i was a mine diver uh dove on mines but after 11 happened everything turned into land warfare really so it's what i did back uh then after after 9 11 is we we disarmed basically ieds um improvised explosive devices or terrorist bombs um when we you know went to go visit people in various countries and different places bad folks and so that was kind of what i did a while ago uh in all i probably did over i don't know over 100 direct action missions which are just the name of basically counter-terrorist missions currently i'm a single dad with my 12 year old daughter blessed to have her with me um so the the crux of the whole thing and what rob does um talk about everything is is kind of ptsd right or post traumatic stress disorder so in a nutshell that's that's a struggle that a lot of service members have to deal with and it affects everyone differently so it's not the same for everyone and it comes from different places so sometimes it's uh something that you you witnessed or something you went through or or sometimes it's something that you did yourself you know it just it's not the same there's not a definition of it but it's something that's very real and very it affects people greatly um and a lot of it's you know in your head a lot of it well and then there's the physical aspect of it too i mean there's there's people there's a guy in my class when i was going through rob's tutelage which was amazing um that you know was missing limbs right he's hopping up on the table working on wood and that's a whole different aspect of it but still ties into the whole whole big picture of being wounded one way or the other and having to overcome it and rob's program is is amazing at that so um one of the things that tie into that with uh ptsd is is the mental part a lot of it right so a lot of people don't win that mental part a lot of people are overwhelmed with coming back and having uh and to have dealt with things that they weren't prepared to or don't know how to deal with right and so mentally they get overwhelmed and i've lost a lot of friends to suicide which is horrible but it's very real and it's it's something that's there so these people um you know i've gone out and either witnessed or seen or had to just deal with things themselves had to do things that you know at the time you don't think about but years later can really start to eat away at you and when you're alone and don't have an outlet for you know trying to focus on positive things it can wear you down so hobbies friends families those are things that help you a lot of folks a lot of service folks don't have that right not all the time and you kind of get lost in the weeds sometimes so a lot of these folks don't even want to say anything so you know you're always proud you just you can handle things yourself and a lot of times you can't but you're you know you got too much pride sometimes to say anything so woodworking was something that i realized is something that can take you away make you focus on things and that's very important so there's there's many things that can help you do that but woodworking was one of them that creates a environment where you know you need to your total attention is focused on it i just got sit done sitting there listening to rob talk like i i enjoy watching him work and talk because it's just captivating so when you're working on something like that you're totally focused on it and that helps these people myself included focus on other things and gives you a positive outlet right so you get a look at things create things and work on things that totally take you away from having to think about things that might be bothering you so what rob provides in his environment is is exactly that which is invaluable right just woodworking as simple as you would think it is it's it's an amazing thing and what rob has going is is an amazing outlet for these vets um i i was blessed to be able to attend rob's things of course a couple years ago and it still sticks with me today and i still work on it today um i've built many different things not as many as i'd like to that are you know directly attributable tributal tribute tributable to what i learned in rob's courses so i can't say enough about that if you are in a position to be able to donate to support rob's efforts in any way shape or form um this purple part program that will directly help struggling people that that that need help whether they know it or not right now that's sometimes the hard part is getting them pointed right direction and realize that they have an outlet right but once we get them there the fact that they have something available to get them going is is huge and that's what rob's doing so if you can contribute to that it's an amazing thing that you can do sometimes it's hard to to look at it be able to realize what you're doing but trust me whatever you can do in any way shape or form by contributing is directly influencing someone's life it really is i can tell you 100 um in a very profound way so like i said i was extremely fortunate to have been able to stumble across rob and be able to reap the benefits from what he did and the bigger thing is so you learn these skills and that's that's top notch you know that lasts a lifetime as long as you practice it i'm going to rest on a couple of things rob my sharpening i'll tune up on that um but these guys have you know forgotten more than we'll ever know they're extremely talented and just amazing um but the uh the friendships that you that we met there that the folks that rob had there and just the experiences were amazing you know and that stuff will last a lifetime for for the people that are involved with these types of things but the uh the lessons learned and the friendships will last an eternity right more than a lifetime in my opinion so once again i i there's not much more i can i can say the word i don't have words really put into how important i think rob's program is and by contributing what you can provide to people that are really in need um but if you can and i ever run across you believe me i i definitely owe you a beer or a soda pop or whatever it is that yeah you particularly want i'll definitely buy one because you're helping out more than you could ever realize by uh contributing or being part of this program mark do you do you remember how you found out about it um yeah i sure do i was simply looking at uh i started i i really knew nothing i knew a little bit about work very little but i was actually i stumbled across one of your videos and it was either a plane it was something wrong i don't remember if it was a plane or a saw i was watching some of your dovetail videos and i called to buy something and i think i was talking to jake i don't remember and i was just talking to him asking how much something was or how something worked out you remember and out of the blue you jumped on the phone because i think you asked if i was military i don't even remember and i said i'd mentioned that i was and you jumped on the phone right away and it's just reprogram thing at me was like hey and uh got me going on that was like i was kind of taken aback a little bit by it and then next thing i know i was talking to luther and you know we went from there and it was it was amazing i'm totally blessed to have been part of that i really am i thank you welcome mark stacks are going to come back we uh we've extended our pro our purple heart project to bring former um what do we call them students no no what's luther's term repeat offenders yeah what does luther call him okay no no no uh scholarship recipients yeah he's got a word i can't think of it former vets that have been to our class we're gonna bring them back each time we're gonna bring one in and he's gonna work as our assistant so mark is coming back his was interrupted by kovid but next year same month he's going to come up so some lucky 14 people will get to meet him i'm going to take the wee day off on dovetails mark's going to cover that oh man that would be great they need to see some of your stuff because actually you've made quite a bit with those uh cabinets that hide the ordinance yeah yeah yeah yeah or web yeah yeah cool those are downstairs but yeah i'll bring some pictures thank you mark appreciate you doing this in short notice thank you rob now anytime great wonderful having you can't look forward to having you back right on thanks man i appreciate it love watching you take care that was a that was a really good class was that ivan is that no jeff all right who was the injured which one was it or was it jeremy really in that class we had jeremy tyler super dave mark oh that was a good class aaron so jeremy breese was uh was a sniper us army and he'd stepped on a land mine and lost both legs above the knee and and jeremy was i mean jeremy put everybody with all four limbs to shame because his dovetails were so good i was thoroughly impressed and jeremy just recently received his bench in fact jack jack lane built jeremy's bench and delivered it to him so if you want to see that go on that uh facebook link and check it out and you'll see where jack and his who to take with him is his wife why is her daughter yeah and they drove it up and delivered it to jeremy and and uh and his wife roxy i think his son was there too all right so that's that is drying i think i can take this part off frick throw a question at me give me one second i'm working on something rex you want to go get manoli ask him to come back in about five minutes we're gonna try to get three songs out of him tonight three songs three songs what else are we gonna get out of you well i'm still going all right i got to cut chamfers a little heavier all around this there's one more thing that's bothering me that i'd like to take care of if i can figure out and that's that gap down there but maybe it's best left undone no it's not terribly noticeable and we got to get the drawer we got to get the drawer uh fitting a little bit better there's a little tight spot yeah i know i'm going to go through i'm going to take my block plane and put a new edge on that so i can get as clean as clean a uh chamfer as possible now if you haven't seen this you're going to see it right now i'm going to sharpen using the most expensive of all the sharpening systems this is the shopkin we're get we're uh we're getting another phone call here phone from can you come take it who is it oh it's felix and you chose you chose tonight that dave's not here i know uh yeah i uh i talked to dave and he didn't answer me back but i've got my uh my little antifa cat here hacked the system for me and got me in on the feed this is danny bell danny was in our class a year ago year ago coming up and danny runs a business down in clarksville tennessee called hard hardwood grove check them out and go watch his videos he does a lot of these river tables and i was watching him the other day really cool he has his wife filming torches her like i tortured jake and that's the infamous cat that peed all over super dave's belongings because he likes to destroy people's property yeah he's got that look in his eye too he does oh dave will love i that to go back to work wait oh what what what kind of busted in here on youtube i busted in on you for a reason go uh i'm kind of piggybacking off of uh what he was just talking about mark yep um so my name's danny bell and i was again blessed enough to show up to the purple heart project in october of last year uh for those of you who are watching if you may be vets or if you know somebody who who is applying i was actually a third time application i was accepted on my third tribe so don't don't allow a no or not right now to not let you reapply because it's not a hierarchy of who deserves it more it's just a matter of um you know circumstance but it's if you're eligible you're eligible and it's not a it's not a you're not good enough thing based on your issue or your severity so don't so i'll say that first to piggyback off of what mark said um it's difficult to describe in words to people who haven't experienced it but if i can add a few key points that you know rob is is one person he's one guy who has become a central hub for this thing we call ourselves uh we you know cosmonites or the cosmon nation is really what we're starting to refer to cosmonauts is the proper term you know to rob it's uh it's what he does it's his passion and he's uh now that's permeated his whole family and what they've done is they've created something out of nothing just based on a need they saw a need and they are using their skills and talents and they're creating this thing so now this thing exists and it's become not only a hub but a place for people to seek out and every person who goes to it gets touched in the exact same way and that's how you know it's such a special thing whether you're a civilian or you're a veteran that gets to go to this thing you walk away with it with this connection and you've you've got a new understanding and a connection for for the woodworking as a as a therapy you know i would work for 19 years before i ever thought of it as a therapy and that's completely changed my life going to the program changed my life in such a way that it actually changed the trajectory of what i do on a daily basis and i didn't know that that was coming and everybody has their own walk that they that they're doing but for me it definitely changed my life i've oriented things in order to contribute uh not only with rob but but however i can with people locally where i'm at uh down here at fort campbell and uh and i believe that everybody who comes here walks away with that same sort of renewed kinship to help other people because you can leave the military and you get in these little groups or you isolate yourself and then you're exposed to these people who are so giving and uh and they want nothing in return and uh every time i talk to people about this matter of fact today i had two people in the store i was telling tell them about rob and about the program and and they were both vets and they were both seeking something they wanted to come in they discovered woodworking as a way of helping themselves and i started talking to them about the program and they always want to know what's the catch there's really nothing that we can do as veterans to reciprocate the impact that you have left on our lives and the small measure of something that we could do is just try to put together and give back in the best way that we can so we're making those efforts as we can and with that we would like to you know present with to you back to you a very very small token of our appreciation and it's really the least we can do it doesn't measure up to a single word of what i've said but uh from all of your bets uh past and for the future this is just a small morsel of what we would like to just just give something back to you and tell you that we love you and that you affect our lives and uh many more i bet i've touched thousands of people personally with your message and with your program and and uh you know it's just changed my life and i'm one of you know of dozens now and everybody does it the same i'm nobody special in this journey we all have experienced you and from us to you thank you uh you save people's lives you know there's people in our groups who save people's lives and combat situations and uh and you rob and and jake and frick and megan and and everybody there you guys have saved god's lives i mean kevin kevin burst was in my class you know and uh i remember watching him just being quiet and then by the end of the second day we're shooting the pooh you know he was the bench right next to mine and uh i still talk to derek burnett on a on a couple times a week he comes to my house almost every weekend he has to make it home in time to watch the show but uh you really are making connections with people and saving people's lives and changing people's lives and for that we got to say thank you oh so these are this is a big one and a little bit different version of the ones that going on all the benches from the bench brigade um josh faust made it for you well thank you josh i've seen those and wanted one cosmonation thanks for your service for all our veterans wow oh there that's inlaid too not inlaid i think it's laser no this that that is inlaid on the plane on the plane yeah wow that's that's cool thank you danny bell thank you thank you i mean uh i always uh get somewhat embarrassed when you guys lay on your yep thank you dan you're welcome gary says hi he just texted me and said to tell you hi he's in the tennessee mountains so he couldn't be watching tonight but he's thinking about you too it's not the same without gary on we'll find a good place for that well we'll talk to you soon and thank you guys for asking me to do this it was a pleasure and i i hope i get to speak for all the vets and uh say thank you and we love you guys thanks danny you're welcome thank you felix all right manoli's back see you guys see you dan uh this guitar is going to be on its way to jake taroula it was made by paul rigney rigney of the east tennessee luthiers guild and jake is a combat wounded vet that we felt was deserving of it so all the proceeds on our last episode our last live broadcast went to uh um securing it and we're sending it out to jake [Music] as with any guitar it takes a little bit to settle in the wood and it's this guitar saddle just perfect age like fine wine [Music] around all this nice wood well here's a song i wrote a long time ago actually not too long ago around the time a movie called gangs in new york came out if anybody remembers it i'm a big fan of americana there's a movie that took place around 1860s potato famine and i myself was going through a bit of a hard time when the movie came out so i think i'm guessing around 2006 or i'm not sure don't take the bowery boys to the brothel they'll bring the medicine home to you walking through two stones i've tried to make my bones i'm tired of feeling stoned and sitting all alone gotta find a phone to call the man [Music] i thought that my withdrawal was a bad one i lost a best friend if i had one walking through two stones i've tried to make [Music] god be with me one more day i [Music] i'm tired of all your lies and your pride [Music] [Applause] still my [Laughter] i'm on the highway behind me oh so clearly [Music] i don't know when slapping her did you get to he's got the applause there you go yeah thank you brother finished it off tonight the last thing we'll do we have just one more song right after we do our draw you got about 15 minutes to write another one all right no more buffets please buffets did they ever guys say did you ever i love chinese food oh my god american chinese all right come on over here let's get this lesson in so if you've seen watched me you normally see me using the trend diamond plate and i try to use i i always travel with and i got used to using it here because the shopkins system is so expensive but it's the best system there is this is the lapping plate that they make what's the cost jake 380 380 and the only thing that does is keep these stones flat but it gets it to a level of flat that no but nothing else can and that doesn't really pay off huge until you go to do the back of a chisel so what i have in front of me are two heavy holders this one's got a 16 000 grit stone and this has got a 500 grit jake likes the 500 since he does all the prepping now with the blades that we sell i guess i have to let him use whatever he wants and it's on my bench so i end up using it as well they are well i'm just going to show you what you do so you would come in here and you would flat and i usually always start with the fine grit it only takes three to five seconds and then come over and do the 500 yeah but it'll still work well that's i just mean the new when you buy a new one so i want to put a really good edge on this because we're cutting that very soft pine set that down on the primary bevel actually you know what i'd like to do is just pull that back a little bit let's go over here real quick that's set at 17. it's set at 17. that's too high that very wood is heavy so what i want to do is i just want to i want to bring that primary bevel right to the tip so i'm using a wolverine grinding jig that's what this part is it's not a part of the grinder it's a separate piece attaches to the table so you can make it fit any grinder get that in there and i'm just going to lock it in place when it when it meets the stone at the angle i want and i'm using a cbn wheel it's an 80 grit cbn wheel and it's got abrasive on that surface this surface and over here cuts aggressively and it cuts very cool meaning because it's a great big hunk of steel it does a wonderful job as a heat sink and instead of the blade getting hot heat is shared between the big hunk of metal on the stone on the grinding wheel the blade and this big thick rest so i can usually go through the entire process without ever having to dip it in the water to cool it off now all i want to do is shrink that little secondary bevel so that i don't have near as much work to do in sharpening now unless i had either got the blade out of square or i had a bad i dropped it or somehow i had damaged the edge then i never go all the way through that secondary bevel that you're looking at i just shorten it by increasing my primary until there's just a little whisper left of polished metal out there on the edge and i move it forward and back just to even out the wear and it's probably habit carried over from when i used to use traditional grinding wheels okay so that there's not much left of the original secondary i'll leave it right there nice and quick and i was grinding on there for at least a minute and a half and that's not even lukewarm so if you've feared grinding because of the risk of overheating the steel and drawing the temper out get a cbn wheel it's really expensive in comparison to a traditional stone but it works so much better the cost is justified set that down on the primary come up just a little bit higher little tight circles and i'm moving on the stone front to back just to even out the wear do that for about 10 seconds or until you can pick up a slight burr on the backside and i don't feel it yet as soon as you do step over here to the 16 000 repeat the process except i've elevated the blade to be a degree or two higher than the previous stone so the only part touching the stone is the very leading edge that cuts the amount of time down on an otherwise very slow cutting stone this is 16 000 grit versus 500 grit and if that doesn't register if that doesn't uh ring if you don't understand what i just said imagine a one inch by one inch screen that has 500 little holes that's the grit particle size here now imagine that same one inch screen with 16 000 holes that's the grit particle over here particle size now what i'm doing i've got my little steel rule in here this is the in from the famous why do i say infamous all the time charlesworth ruler trick so little steel rule on the side lay the blade down on its back stay within a quarter of an inch of the opposite edge and just run that forward and back for a few seconds in this case i'm just deburring and now that's never any feathering as well oh yeah on doing a block plane there's no reason to dress or feather the outside edges now this if you're not familiar with block planes whereas a normal bench plane the bevels on the bottom side and the angle that you put under here really does not impact the performance of the tool on a block plane with the bevel on the top side the angle that you put on the blade will change the performance of the tool at least the performance of the cut or the characteristics of the cut that could actually be tightened up just a little bit all right now before i do it on this i want to check it on a piece of scrap just to see how much of a cut i'm making all right that's good now i think we can take this off has that been on there 20 minutes oh yeah how come time flies when we're doing this it must be because we're having fun be the only reason wait who's having fun you frick you're over there stuffing your face what do you got a buffet going on some shrimp pad thai this evening sounds good now hold that at a 45. [Music] and just because of the nature of this wood i'm going to make this chamfer a little bit bigger than i would otherwise and we'll run across the top yeah no it's flattened out quite a bit i should be going this way [Music] gotta see these a couple more now up this one yeah i'm turning i should be going my plane going this way so that it cleans how can i explain that that last piece of wood if you're aiming this way fibers have a tendency to push off that way just just a second we lost the video jake check the uh you lost the video i'm on i got a flashing light here just a second are we are we not we're we're still alive they can hear us i'm just uh all right let frick's working on the uh feed i've got red now just a second all right you want to shut it off no shut off your receiver oh there we go we're back okay you just turned it off again yeah all right give it a second do we have audio yeah we have audio all right so i'm going i'm doing the back corner of the side panel now and i'm just doing this by eye so that all of them are the same area yeah we're back same widths now i want to do one along the bottom as well super dave has joined us who super dave has joined us he lives was it was it was it felix that brought him on he joins me he could enter the draw to pick up all that can't stand us out of somebody else haven't won just wait till he finds out that it's his worse just wait till he finds out it's his we're giving away we'll forward the address to him to send it thank you i should introduce the prize again so santa claus and his wife are supplying paying for tonight's prize and it is a very wood this is one one drawing two pieces i'm gonna put it in the vise and try it this is a vera wood and if you don't know what vera would it's also known as argentine lignin lignum lignum yes thank you that's the glue it's uh has a beautiful smell and there's the color of the wood as it oxidizes flip it over there's where it came when it was freshly cut and turned upside down that was the part that was exposed to the air so you see the color and that's stained green right we brush that on afterwards no now is extremely heavy in fact is it the heaviest would we no what's heavier catalogs but this is a close second so there it is the dovetail saw and it should cut like a dream almost needs breaks so fast tested and approved and along with that vera wood in a box made by none other than our newest employee harold snodgrass harold was a long time cabinet maker here in grand bay came to work for us a couple months ago and i rumor has it he loves it here he also oh shoot yeah i was gonna say yeah the whirly bird now have to bring it up next time the whirly twirly is that what you filmed i can't remember so there's your marking gauge nice and sharp deadly accurate beautiful piece of wood make a lovely all you gotta do is put your name in the hat now we have well over uh 600 names this time it's the most we've ever had for really well that's that's good so if everybody made a small donation i'd feel a lot more better about a lot more better more better a lot more better santa claus donating twelve hundred dollars the cost of this and we have how much in donations 2400 she's counting 2200 2200 all right folks step up you heard from two of them tonight by the way danny bell was a chinook helicopter pilot oh look at that i gotta do the inside i'll get that and ken danny is being medically retired in november okay we've got a chamfer i gotta do this one okay that covers all of them are we for time oh shoot we're out of time you know nobody's dropping off i would like to get this final fit but it's got to be wax too so that's going to make an impact there's just a little bit is it the top no we already checked that there's just a little bit of snugness right at the very end the the drawer front has to be fitted did i wax the sides last time i don't think so no the drawer front is perfectly set purposely set back in yeah but it looks like it's set back a lot more on one side no maybe maybe just a little i don't have time to do it so i'm going to leave it at that i'll do the final fit in the drawer i'll spray it and if we still have it around we'll show it to you next time before we deliver it off to angie all right we ready for our draw hey look tell me a couple more questions i'm in the mood couple yeah we'll just go another 30 40 minutes come on you guys are i'm done no go ahead for it dessert desserts coming oh wait i had a second shoot i had a good one from the chat someone about you when you were playing darn it i lost it oh why do you drag the block plane backwards on the material after you push cut well good question let me give you a good idea luther gave an answer too but uh if you're if you're doing this okay now i'm doing this by eye and i want that little chamfer to be in uniform if you're going here picking that up coming back down setting it back down chances of you setting that on the same angle every time are very slim they're slim enough doing it this way and making contact all the way back but you got a heck of a lot better chance maintaining it that way than you do over off back on so that's the primary reason when i'm using a large plane to plane things i tend to keep the plane engaged the whole time just so i don't have to lift it up every time and if you think it's hurting your blade no wrong wrong not hurting your blade at all question how many weeks or how sorry how many hours a week do you work in the shop and one comes from chris in the chat three um quite a few well this way i get out of bed i come here i usually eat breakfast here i don't make it home usually for lunch or supper my wife and kids come down here and work and visit i leave here at uh it's always after midnight it's usually closer to one or two and i go home and if i don't do a bit of email i go to bed so now this is not normal we have been extremely busy and sales are through the roof we we make and sell more dovetail saws in a week than we used to do in in a year so yeah but i love it i enjoy it i enjoy it actually let me rephrase that i like it i love my wife i like my work question number three best advice that by advice by the way came from del griffith if you remember planes trains and automobiles part was played by john candy and that was his best piece of advice like your work love your wife all right this one comes from uh mike oben in oakland rhode island he says what is the wax you use when masking the dowels during glue up on a wood hinge box yeah not that it's uh not that it's uh anything in particular i just happen to like it because it's it's in a small container what that's you that's me no sorry it's in a small convenient container but is there it is a nice wax it's called renaissance i get it from woodcraft it's a microwave it's expensive it's 30 for that little container i think that's the one that i used i didn't do it get it out of your market remote one more question frick this is your last chance to participate i don't have it what i said it over there a technical issue that doesn't have to do with me that's good what um okay this comes from uh our good friend abraham pinsky question israel yeah over in israel question for rob can you show us how to hold the chisel when the wood is standing up in the vice i tend to slice the fingers on my supporting left hand okay pass that again because i'm trying to envision what he means can you show us how to hold the chisel when the wood is standing up in the vise i tend to slice my fingers on the supporting left hand put that dovetail or the the somewhat cut dovetail as if you're pairing it oh going across the top yeah not i i wouldn't say a crosstalk i would say cleaning out the cleaning here so i'm like this yeah come over on this side i'm going to get it so i hold it firmly like this so i'm squeezing like that index finger lays against the face of ice so i have lots of control and i'm pushing down and this hand is supporting it underneath and it goes into my palm and that's where the force comes in pushing but i'm squeezing it like that now these edges there's a little flat landing this is a nice thing about uh the ibc chisels there's a little flat landing ring on the wood river v nelson does it as well and the wood river yes this is the nice thing about a well-designed just yes thank you why don't you answer the whole thing jake keep going all right you're doing all right but when you flatten and prepare your back that makes this very sharp right here so you want to be careful with that now i've got enough calluses i don't doesn't bother me but if you don't do this often that may very well be an issue so i'm just i'm squeezing it like that and that probably protects it somewhat but yeah they're sharp all right wait last question what is colonel potter's horse's name sophie come on what was that from superman yeah they're kind of a lame luther of course well i don't know if someone else asked it in the chat but luther forwarded it to me all right what are where where are our numbers uh 1047 right now how much one 1051. fifty one how many people are in the draw let's check real quick we are currently at five hundred sixty-three all right do the draw okay so this person is going to get a vera wood dovetail saw and a marking gauge courtesy of santa claus who made the donation thank you good luck to all all right jay come on in here santa claus even paid the hefty super dave tariff i'm trafficking that so sending the sawdust all right here we go and the winner is the lucky winner is mike evans from tennessee congratulations mike evans first question from tennessee no congratulations mike and we have to send off the last spot too i don't think it's shipped yet but i got his address in there it came okay that's fantastic glad you were here with us tonight we'll be back in two weeks another q a maybe we'll even think of a new project to start and we're going to film when we deliver if the covet thing allows us we're going to deliver the bed desk angie so we'll make sure we film that so you could participate that way as well thank you to frick for uh almost flawless technically flawless we went out once production oh the video went out but that's that's hardware issue that is oh yeah oh yeah jake behind the camera do a spin around they'd like to see your smiling face go a little slower rex holding the guitar you got the food and getting the food for us most important megan i didn't hear any i didn't hear any shout outs to vets tonight well megan and big thanks to our entertainment manoli kumbayas whose music will become available on september 14th you said uh yes it will be uh september 14th it'll be available september 11 maybe 12. it'll be uh under manoli kios we'll put the link on the site several people have asked so we're going to close out tonight with another final tune for manoli we'll see you guys in two weeks thank you to all of our vets [Music] how you doing i just wanted to show you one thing there we started a song and uh this uh this guitar was donated by the tennessee luthiers guild and it sounds fantastic hold it for a second rex and this here one here i bought uh it's a j45 gibson it's aging nice it's beautiful i apologize i didn't get it in time but i want to give a big shout out to ups not only did uh the ups is actually taking care of shipping zach's bench to maui and jeff church is who is the up is from goshen connecticut kentucky and he's the ups pilot and he worked he took it to management who were all over it which was awesome i will make sure that i use ups whenever i have to send something and jeff is going to go with them to present the bench still working on the actual date but jeff and ups thank you huge appreciate it thanks manoli thanks rob thanks rex for reminding me that the microphone wasn't on and i just wanted to say that's a beautiful guitar and every week every two weeks it sounds better as any thing that's made with wood as it gets older it sounds better here's a song i'm going to release next week so thanks very much and i remember when you left me tall when i died in your lies you laughed with bitter scone kept me a prisoner with pleasure and fear when i died in your lies you laughed you don't care i swallowed my pride to hide my pain sometimes i prefer to sleep alone and get my head off time until i'm gone things have changed yeah they have changed why should they stay the same and just go on if i'm no fun then why'd you call me i never have money and honey we always fight i bit my tongue i said i'm sorry [Music] sometimes i prefer to drink long get my head all time until i'm gone [Music] things have changed now they have changed why should they stay the same and just go on i know you're bitter i'm doing fine when you feel better calm me next time but your love has been hanging me after dry and i'm feeling yours you are too sometimes i prefer to drink alone get my head all done till i'm gone [Music] things have changed yes they have changed like the wind and rain that make us strong oh [Music] you
Views: 59,222
Rating: 4.9034481 out of 5
Keywords: live with rob cosman, live with rob cosman beddesk, live episode with Rob cosman, rob cosman, rob cosman dovetail, rob cosman live, dovetails rob cosman, hand cut dovetails, woodworking, woodworking projects
Id: -LzgdhnOA5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 40sec (8380 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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