9 Essential Woodworking Joints - WOOD magazine
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: WOOD magazine
Views: 804,878
Rating: 4.7770004 out of 5
Keywords: WOOD magazine, woodworking, how-to, project, plan, technique, review, making, make, build, biscuit, spline, edge, dado, groove, screw, pocket, joint, joinery, glue, up, saw, router, table, rabbet, miter, mitered, half, lap, jointer, half-lap, pocket hole, biscuit joint, biscuit joiner, Screw joint, rabbet joint, dado joint, cabinet joints, miter joint, pocket screw, tablesaw, glue-up, woodworking joint
Id: pWohJHPdD8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 22sec (5542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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