Breathe New York | Dr Matthew Stevenson | Night Three

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[Music] we [Music] hardship we tasted [Music] forever because you're good [Music] you're good you're good [Music] we thank you for your goodness you're good you're good [Music] no one [Music] he's been good to us forever [Music] good lord you are [Music] forever we [Music] thank you for your goodness lord yes it surpasses our understanding it goes beyond generational borders and it draws us into it thank you for your goodness thank you for your goodness thank you for your goodness lord we invite you to move even more farther thank you we declare that you are a god who's alive and still moves in the midst of his people so we begging you to come and move lord we begging you to come and move trying to breathe while drowning we need release on a quest for peace we're searching empty smiles exist behind the masks people have carefully created painful hearts hardened from being consistently manipulated cries for help underneath starved souls emaciated being everything to everyone yet unrecognizable to self dreams postponed in pursuit of purpose left on the back shelf what has happened to that vigor for life that once was replaced by despondency and misguided searches for love consumed by drama and systemic trauma we've been running the wrong way expecting issues to suddenly cease and fade away choking on our discouragement blinded by false evidence void of spiritual guidance we try and survive on toxic sustenance superficially filling gaps for what is truly needed so much hurt if only they could see it wondering if people notice how broken how defeated depleted with no more expectation that this loneliness will go away it seems like there's no resolution no viable solution to the issues that plague the days and we stray looking every distracting way pursuing temptation in all its forms looking for answers in a world that's war-torn wondering if anyone is near but the father is here ready to usher us into the place where more awaits a safe space where the savior determines the temperature and the pace wake up daughters and sons though we walk in the midst of trouble you will revive us you will stretch out your hand against the wrath of our enemies and your right hand will save us breathe and give us the key as we arise out of graves that we're stagnating we put away everything that kept us from seeing we renounce all the lies that kept us from believing we shatter the calluses that our pain has built and we stand in a posture of believing and we are running towards purpose vision and destiny breathe the rescuer is here god that never ceases saving there are the righteous that you don't see that are praying jesus always knows run to where the river flows relief release be at peace breathe [Music] good evening all nations how many of you are excited about night three of our revival if you are go ahead and stand up on your feet and get ready to enter into a time of intercession if you have the access or the knowledge the awareness of your heavenly language we invite you to use it right now [Music] [Music] father we honor you father we honor you and we thank you for the opportunity that you have given us to be revived we thank you for the word that you have released into our lives that has given us life father we thank you for the word that has come into our lives even to stretch us and to grow us and to mature us father we thank you we thank you for the privilege and the opportunity of prayer we thank you for the privilege to be able to commune and communicate with you father we thank you for the privilege of worship we thank you for the opportunity to gather together with other believers to lift up your name and to exalt your name father we thank you for this moment in time we thank you for the access that you have given to us to you by way of your son jesus christ it is not lost on us that this revival seemed to happen in year 2021 during the holy week so father we come to lift up the name of jesus tonight yes we come to lift up yeshua hamashiach in the name of jesus we lift up our voices and we say thank you we thank you for your death yes we thank you for your burial yes and we thank you for your resurrection father we thank you for allowing jesus christ to be the literal revival of god in the earth and we thank you that we are stepping into agreement and into alignment and it's a partnership with that revival even now god we thank you for breathing on us we thank you for breathing through us we thank you father that our identities are coming back alive we thank you but our hope is coming back alive we thank you father that everything that you have placed on the inside of us is coming alive right now we call forth every gift yes we call forth every promise we call forth every person the god that is lying inside each and every partner here and we command you to live in the name of jesus every tribal we command life is to you right now in the name of jesus we command light to come upon you now breathe on our father breathe [Music] in the name of jesus we receive your strength we receive receive your strength we receive your strength we receive your vitality now in the name of jesus we receive it now from christ in us in the deep the hope of glory the hope of glory the hope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we thank you because even as you gave us your word declared we thank revival the salvation of us that salvation we may manifest among their people we release it right now to the state of new york we thank you for stopping by [Music] come on all nations new york open up your mouth and give jesus worship come on open up your mouth and give jesus worship to the eternal the invisible the immortal to the only wise god come on give jesus worship come on give jesus come on give jesus worship come on he's strong he's mighty he's powerful he is the greatest power and we give him the glory we give him the praise we celebrate you jesus we honor you and because god is the greatest power we shall never never be defeated come on say and because [Music] it's the greatest we shall never never be defeated come on sing it out and because god is the greatest power [Music] we shall never never be defeated [Music] [Music] is [Music] never [Music] think we shall never be defeated is we shall never be defeated [Music] is [Music] will never be [Music] is [Music] [Music] even [Music] we'll never be defeated and his enemies [Music] [Music] [Music] he'll always get the glory [Music] you'll always get the glory wow come on safe and safe he'll always get the glory he'll always get the glory and he'll always [Music] [Music] out of my sickness out of my tribulation get the glory here lord you'll always get the glory [Music] oh stay with me he always he'll always [Music] god go down from the left to the right get the glory heal sick bodies and give the glory regulate mind and get the glory touch every heart and get the glory get the glory go get the glory go go get the glory [Music] get the lord get the glory lord get the glory out lord get the glory get the glory get the lord watch god god lord get the glory somehow lord he will get the glory he'll always he'll always get the glory i want you to declare this tonight out of expectations hey watch god get the glory watch the heart [Music] [Music] god [Music] get the glory we believe that he will get the glory he'll always get the glory you'll always [Music] [Music] we shall never [Music] we shall never never be defeated we shall never [Music] we shall never right here we'll never be defeated [Music] now come on would you open up your mouth and celebrate a victorious god yeah tell him i'll never hire i said open up your mouth and celebrate a victorious god and because god is the greatest power [Music] will never be defeated i just need a few champions in the room to open up your mouth and make some evidence that you'll never be defeated [Music] sing the devil is a liar god is exhausting [Music] we'll never be defeated we'll never be defeated saying the devil is a liar tell about how god is exalted [Music] when we call on that great name what's his name his name is [Music] jesus precious jesus come on say we have the big [Music] of jesus name let angels practice crown him [Music] lord [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] forever [Music] [Music] come on lift up your breathing from [Music] jesus [Music] forever forever [Music] jesus is lord jesus jesus jesus he's the king of the world [Music] you're the king of the earth [Music] him crown him crowd him we come to crown you we come to worship forever wow one more time you're the king of the church for him come on [Music] he is risen from the dead and he is lord what's going to happen y'all every [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is lord for he is lost he is [Music] he is risen from the dead and he is [Music] and every time jesus christ is lord now come on right here somebody bless the lord [Music] jesus is lord jesus is lord jesus is lord jesus is king jesus is lord and he shall reign and he shall ring [Music] and he shall reign look at somebody say forever forever forever i've got rain forever [Music] in this place this is the third night of the revival and anybody know what we celebrated this week in three days we know if jesus got up in three days what can he do on the third night of the revival i'm believing god's about to resurrect some things up i believe some things are coming alive on this third night is there anybody that came with expectation that on this third night i've got the expectation that something about the rise up the pig is in the building and whenever the king stops whenever the king stops in the building victory steps in the building now just tell somebody rise rise rise up rise hallelujah listen i believe anytime the king steps in the building we're gonna see two things manifested miracles and tangible testimonies look somebody say tonight i'm an expectation of manifesting miracles and tangible testimonies listen i said it real quick and you might have missed it this week is holy week and we know that we celebrate on sunday the resurrection of jesus christ and as i was studying around this time what's been my meditation is the bible says in romans 8 11 it says the same power that raised jesus from the dead is in us i want you all to catch this is the third night of the revival and it's holy week the third night of the revival and it's holy week we've been preparing for something to rise tonight and i believe if we take the next 60 seconds to lift up a praise that says god i'm an expectation of what's about to rise i promise you before you leave this place your testimony will be i received manifested miracles and tangible testimonies i want you to open up your mouth real quick and we're going to transition if you're in amanda i believe on this third night we're going to see manifested miracles and tangible testimonies by the time you get back to your home you would have said before i exited the church building i had already received confirmation up of manifested miracles up and tangible testimonies on the third night i want you to take 60 seconds right now of all nations 11 and up open up your mouth up and give god an expectation praise come on come on lift him up in this place manifested miracles [Music] manifested something we've chosen not to faint we've got back to a place of prayer now we're going to see the goodness of the lord and the land of the living you've got 30 seconds up to open up your i've been waiting for this all year long hit my shot i've been waiting for this all year long to come together amongst the sanctum and i'm not leaving tonight without what i've been waiting for to come into expectation up just a little bit say expect expect expect expected expect expect expect [Music] glory to god [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] now as you go to your seat i know you can't touch your neighbor but just look at your neighbor as you take this he said it's gonna happen for you tonight [Music] come on like you believe it say it's gonna happen for you tonight that's gonna happen for you tonight tell them it's gonna happen for you tonight i have not seen ear have not heard neither has it to the hearts of men whoa what the lord has prepared for those who love them but i expect that it's not strange that i'll see it manifest tonight tonight hallelujah glory to god to god be the glory glory [Music] i know the expectations of the world have changed because of all how all things have changed around us but my expectation has been father i'm going to see the goodness of the lord in the land of there's a lot of things dying but i'm going to see the goodness of the lord there's a lot of scarcity around me but i'm going to see the goodness of the lord i don't know about you but my expectation is goodness goodness goodness i know what the narratives have been on cnn and on social media but i'm going to see the goodness of the lord hey in the land of the living hallelujah my name is pastor jeff whitaker all nations worship assembly virginia and i'm so glad to be here with y'all and i do apologize is the first time in a long time i've been around this many people everything has been on video and social media and there's something that happens collectively the bible says where two or three are gathered in my name but this is bigger than the physical gathering it says when two or three are gathered connected in heart there will i also be so i gotta make sure when i go back to virginia that i take something from new york with me don't believe i came to see my apostle my chief and i'm going back empty-handed i came with expectation all right i have the esteemed privilege of introducing someone i don't even know but we all connected in the body of christ tonight we have miss shaniqua pierre who will be coming forward and leading us further in the service y'all give god some praise for her she leads us further tonight yes let's give god praise 11 years awesome we are super excited for tonight night 3 of breathe i'm super i'm just really really really excited and in anticipation for everything that's going to happen tonight um our first announcement tribes let's cover up our tribes i said let's clap it up for tribes yes tribes is how we connect how we protect and how we grow if you have not if you have not signed up to be part of a tribe please please please tonight somebody say tonight make sure that you sign up all nations forward slash tribes i want to extend uh thank you to all of the tribe hosts and community leaders um that you guys are let's clap it for them you have been instrumental in ensuring that we as a family are not just a church of tribes but we are a tribe inside of our church amen i said all right okay next announcement nyu we have courses new york [Music] so our first class discovery is april 4th make sure that you register um foundations is april 7th and somebody say and we have how to study the bible here at new york those classes start april 20th so make sure the link is going to be going out make sure that you register for all the courses um listen this next announcement i heard uh ep talk about this yesterday we're having worship auditions and so i just want to be very clear you know yeah that's right clap it up for the worship team um if you're interested that's awesome uh but i i need you to have the anointing um for a tune somebody say tune and a melody all right and so if you feel like you have embodied those two attributes please please please send an email to worship so that you can participate in the worship audition easter sunday service registration is open now okay all right so i didn't say um i said easter service registration it's open now campus 11. so partners please check your email for the link uh to register we are really really really hyped and excited for stranger things and what's going to happen on sunday this is the last announcement and i'm really really hyped about this one we are a transformational church and i just don't want to talk about being transactional which means that we do things and we come back and forth but a transformational church is one where we have the opportunity to really lead to gleam and to just join in collectively together but enough from hearing it from me i want you to be able to hear other people that can talk about how campus 11 has changed their lives the first person i'm going to introduce is one of our tribe hosts and our thought agent tashara ayers good evening good evening all nations how are you tonight you doing all right you doing all right all right so when shanika asked me to share how all nations has uh transformed my life what she was really asking me is how it shifted my heart posture and how there was an intrinsic pivot there was a change from within that transpired once i was introduced to the experience that is all nations worship assembly having attended churches that uh reverence position over posture having not talked about the grace of god i believe that i could work my way into the grace of god but then i was introduced to all nations worship assembly whereas i graced much more to the industry into corporate america i had no tolerance for the church because i saw right through what the others were doing but where do you go and who do you talk to when what you see is not met with truth and wisdom for me i went within and i held it within for a very long time and then my brother said to shira you have to check out these youtube videos and i'm like oh i'll get to it you know i'll get to it i'll get to it and i got to it i had never in my life heard grace preach this way never and i was born i have cousins here that can speak to i was born and raised in the church never had i experienced that and so for me initially it was like i had to extend that to myself and recognize and realize that god is not counting up how many times i made the mistake so i came to him and i'm going to hurry up and wrap this up and say this so when when i talk when i think about what all nations has been for me it's a well you know i think about the woman of samaria who met jesus at the well and she had that supernatural experience that's what all nations is for me it's a place where my heart is able to be postured right before god and i can experience the unmerited grace and favor of him it's the place where my yes is uncontested my yes is unrefuted my yes is steadfast and not moved by anyone's anything it's the place where my yes is met with the word that preceded them out the mouth of god it's where my yes is met with the blessings and richness and pureness of god and so i'm excited on today if anyone here that knows someone that needs to know a place of grace they need to come to the well that is all nations worship assembly god bless you all right i mean okay and so then um of course yes to shire and then we have lethanza and his wife that are gonna come up today and share how has eleven transformed you his wife's name is adrian by the way um it's great to be here it's amazing to actually have something to say in here i never expected that uh however all nations has really been impactful for us i went to my son jonathan is sitting over there we went to visit headquarters about a little bit more than a year ago maybe it's been a year and like maybe two weeks ago we got there at the tail end of the first service and quite honestly i heard god saying to join i'm like i don't live in chicago um i came to visit blah blah blah so i i wasn't obedient the first week um but um i visited the second week and i went ahead but i hadn't even talked to my wife but last year this time we were not even together um we you know and just shortly before that it looked like we would never be back together um god has really graced us both um the enemy has really tried to even with my i'm gonna tell some of your story if you don't want to tell it yourself uh the enemy has tried to kill my wife from essentially about from birth um there's so many tragedies that god has graced her to escape and so many you know she's she's the type of person that she gets away with what others don't get away with you know she you know even like with me i kind of stayed pretty much in church the whole time i try to work my way into getting a blessing she just asks god and he just gives it to her she's always had that grace but the enemy really almost almost overturned us but we came to all nations and i knew when we came to all nations it was going to be a different a different experience for us as i said i've i've been in church pretty much all my life and actually was in good church i don't have church hurt i don't have disappointment from where i came from that's not my story but i know that god's calling me to something different in being here there's a measure of transparency that god's calling me to i'm the the churchy religious one she's the one that you know pretty much came from the streets and should i just tell the hope okay so actually last year this time my wife was in rehab um that's where she was that's part of why we weren't living together um and and she's had that that struggle back and forth with addiction to substances for years and [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah and i didn't understand why god told me to marry you know my god's wanting to marry someone and then she relapses into drugs and alcohol but you know god showed me some stuff about myself because i've never really abused drugs but i've abused people [Applause] i've abused my own body laying down with someone i shouldn't lay down with and even i went back to some of my old old ways and so you know god has really brought us back to a new place a place of restoration a place of deliverance um my son is here and he wasn't formerly a member of the beginning but he's here but i believe that not only is god restoring something here got something restoring something there god's restoring our family we may be the nucleus where it begins but god's taking it further we're just beginning there's been a call on our family's line for a long time and we've kind of touched and played with it but this is the season where this family will be all that god has called us to be we will be what god has created us to be will be what god has designed us to be we declare it so and it shall not be otherwise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah pray for us we love you hallelujah [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i was i was trying to shut up y'all change the story heal and deliver the family come on this revival something's happening as we praise him into the promise come on are you waiting but this promise is for you and it is for your children come on i want to see the curse breakers pants i'm sorry i'm under a mandate to break the curse i'm sorry can't live like you and do what you do the book stops with me come on let's go i'm the last one that's gonna struggle with this the last one that's gonna wrestle with this and everything after me i said everything after me everything after me going to be set free come on oh lord i can't hold my peace come on a little while longer lord have mercy he's the god of abraham he is the god of isaac and he's still the god of chambers he's about to do something at least three generations you know and it starts with you i prophesy it not because you press through because you made it out because you cross over bob's gonna bring your children in [Music] oh there you go right now oh yeah you cried over the curse you was hurt over the curse you even brought some of the curse in your pocket you better praise over the blessing there you go god something's in here come on i'm telling your sisters and your brother your nieces and your nephews stepson and stepdaughter i'm talking about your in-laws let that be family revival you're going to preach with your siblings prophesy with your daddy you're going to witness with your mama go ahead praise him that i've been waiting y'all won't help there you go come on in auntie i praised some stuff i laid down some stuff praising baby i sacrificed some stuff this promise is for you but it is for your children i'm trying to let it go taurus i want a mama in this room the bible say that the seed of the righteous shall be delivered god's getting ready to knock the chase out their mouth you can go behind prison bars i want you to shop for your children's deliverance right now ain't nowhere like the most high he can break the addiction to the bill he can break the crock pipe he can pull him on out of the trucks well yes she can i've seen him do it i said i've seen him do it hey go ahead y'all you ain't got nothing to prove i ain't been to your family reunion i don't know what you love me i'm wrestling with but i know that there's an anointing on you at whom the son makes break they won't shout dude i said it whom the son made free he is freeing come on hey auntie hey uncle be here be central i said be healed be delivered and be set free this is for those of us be here and be separated [Music] and in the last days saith god i will pour out of my spirit i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh your young men will dream dreams your men will see visions and in those days i will proud of my spirit but your sons i said your sons your sons and your daughters shall i promise wish i had a a parent or an almost parent shout for your children's ability to see go ahead right now the holy ghost promised to help your children to see come on i got a future through them come on praise him right now shut up devil you're not gonna douse out the eyes of my baby they gonna see right through the heli scheme hey hey hey hey oh come on hey mama i'm looking at some women out there you've been nervous about not leaving an inheritance [Music] what if i told you a good man leaves an inheritance where his children is on the way it's on the way come on church there you go honey let the redeemed of the lord say so come on y'all this ain't no show i believe in the practice of it's praise discipline come on do it here [Music] for you singles those of you that are unmarried i declare you will not marry the wrong one [Music] the hour of you wasting your time is over god is gonna open your eyes this is about ministry lord [Applause] oh yeah y'all ain't telling the truth hey man you ain't going to july this barbershop nobody get out of her lap and wax talk there's a nation that needs you [Music] oh yeah i will not be seduced you ought to shout right there hey [Music] single mama the lord told me to tell you he'll be your baby daddy your cabinets are not going to go empty again he will be die right in the next of you oh yes he will he's just that kind of god [Music] all right crazy [Music] go ahead be seated if you can please let's let's behave [Music] [Music] now listen i know everybody didn't get the chance to testify but there is some authority on that story i think some of you should shout because you got one of your own there's a story that god's been developing in your life whether we know it or not get ready for the mainstage and what god did for you he's getting ready to do it through you what god did for you he's gonna do it in you hey they won't tell the truth i've got somebody act crazy over your testimony real quick we gonna sit down i don't know who is in a crazy room i don't know who is in the sight but everybody in here is an ex something go ahead dance over an empty grave a empty grave an empty grave i can't no more why y'all acting like that honey i was dead on arrival there you go come on where's your man is that tell the man thank you at least [Music] thank you i don't know why this degree is so hard school is getting so frustrated go ahead and press you the bridge that's gonna break the ignorance somebody's going to cross over on you my life is a platform a stage to be stood up a private foundation go ahead [Applause] hey all right go ahead and sit down and let's act like we got some sense please [Music] [Music] [Music] hey that's how you praise it out praise your way out of a genetic tree shut up devil i'm not catching cancer shut up devil i'm not catching leukemia shut up devil i ain't got no sickle cell trait all right i had a blood transfusion blow me some coffee glory okay hey big mama i love you but you can keep your debt with yourself i'm about to buy and buy and buy and own at home and oh let your hands say get free okay let your hands say debt free [Applause] okay all right let's try this one more time what good said sit down please uh [Music] y'all have messed up my order of service i want y'all to act like y'all got home training please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise him hey y'all give my musicians a minute hold on y'all can wait i love y'all but i want these men to give god the glory for a while come on i love y'all y'all can wait y'all got nothing to do come on let the musicians praise him come on hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey cheers cheers cheers jesus jesus cheers cheers jesus cheers cheers cheers cheers jesus jesus cheers cheers jesus jesus jesus jesus cheers cheers cheers jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers come on and let the people praise it let the people praise it let the people praise him let the people pray them let the people pray emma let the people pray let the people pray them let the people [Music] [Music] so [Applause] please sit down okay amen in jesus name amen i'm going to [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Applause] me [Music] come on lift up some praise right there come on praise him come on praise him i said praise him praise heaven hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah okay please please please please please please take your seats god bless you well thank you and welcome to our third night [Music] of revival uh truly the presence of the lord is in this place [Music] this is not normally how all of our services go but i remember environments like this i would take my time to give god praise until i loved what i needed to love and until i hated what i needed to hate more o praise the name of the lord it does something for the heart thank you lord thank you so very much i'm gonna try to make it through this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm i'm supposed to be laying hands on our babies our first official campus children and um it makes sense that the power of god would come in on the subject of the family god told abraham through you all the families of the earth will be blessed when you're thinking about the family you're thinking about god's narrative for the future this is why when the enemy wants to ruin a life he started at the family level glory to god but when god wants to do something in the world the bible say he says to lonely in families so i get great joy out of speaking into children and babies and i'm gonna try to make it through this and then uh we'll try to take our offering i had a a word i don't i don't preach over god though the snapshot was this to everything under heaven there is time and a season there is a time to mourn lord bring me these babies please there's a time to dance there's a time to kill come on church and there's a time to bring alive but god hurry up now it makes everything lord have mercy beautiful lord put your hand on your chest say something beautiful is gonna come out of this come on say something beautiful is gonna come out of this [Music] it is it is important for you to always know what time you're in and what season you're in the problem with that is that you can be on the road with 10 people and none of you be in the same time none of you be in the same season people miss god not because they intend to disobey oftentimes they just struggle with discerning the season they're in but if you cooperate with what god is doing you can't miss the favor of god so you have to learn to discern what time you're in and not compare it to other people we've got some beautiful babies and it is an honor for these to be the first fruit um i'll say this honestly and earnestly uh-huh and take it how you will when fire conference and world changer summit was a normal thing and we'd have thousands of people trapped in them hotels for days we could forecast how many babies was about to come if all nations don't know how to do nothing is make babies so i think it's something in the water and i assume that 11 won't be no different and that in the next two three years y'all gonna be populating justin i see something on you son but a fruitful campus a fruitful campus i mean this is vitally important to me god spoke something to me keep me there that's good a couple years ago about what we were doing in our store and he told me never cry weep well about the living because you're called to the unborn and he told me a lot of what i was building was for people who weren't alive yet and so i take this as a real sacred thing to be the one who beats satan to the punch to release the word of the lord there we give the family something to war with jasmine will you come oh this should be fun come on apostle b taurus come with me we're going to lay hands on h2 and uh this beautiful couple yeah i'm annoying him give me the oil now i dress kind of edgy but i'm an all-slinger and i still believe in setting people aside with the laying on of hands and all uh particularly children so we're going to do this and set them aside don't we just love i almost called him pastor but don't we just love harrison ford his beautiful beautiful wife there shantae y'all are amazed come on let's give it up for them they're hard workers just stretch off your hand towards this couple lord i honor and in moments like this i really do need your help because there are assignments that have already pivoted themselves against the assignment of the destiny of these children so witnessing this dedication you become the intercessors for these families lord i honor you and i bless you i thank you for the forge family i thank you for this priestly call this priestly assignment and anointing i thank you for the seasons of testing the seasons of vetting the seasons of isolation excruciating loneliness that seemed as if it would never mean anything and i prophesied that these are the days of the conclude of the matter where the wisdom of god that you place even upon your manservant is going to be the the sustenance line for his child and his children i blessed them and in every place in their life in this story in their narrative where there was a curse a spoken curse an implied curse a prophesied curse as of this very moment i call them null void i render them powerless and ineffective may they fall to the very ground like a sputtering pharaoh whose wings have fallen off and may they come into the days of bounty and plenty and pleasure and may they begin to reap sevenfold for everything that they lost for yes i see the days of great loss for there were moments of great loss and great hunger and great confusion and you were able to pull on the power of prayer and you were able to cry and worship and this is so stupid but i'ma say it because i see it harrison i see you steeled away on a keyboard knowing you don't know how to play and just tapping around singing melody in your heart to the lord in your home and the lord says those moments he knitted your heart to his so that even when you could not hear his voice you would know his heart well this is your destiny the joseph anointing of being able to be ambidextrous and see and know and understand i speak life to you i speak the father's blessing over you ah and whatever is trying to travel to your confidence as a byproduct of iniquity let there be reverse and may you come into days of great inheritance lord i lay my hand on age two and not only is he the promised prince and the promised child but he is the punctuation of god to this story for he becomes as it were like an exclamation point to the sufferings of joseph and he becomes a reward of the lord even concerning them and we just anoint him right now with extraordinary creativity in the sciences we set them apart with extreme understanding of chemical compounds and scientific makeup and engineer-like thinking and understanding the the construct the arrangement formulas and formats that will be in him i summons the teachers the tutors the coaches the support system i close the door to molestation and abandonment in the name of the lord jesus and i say what tried to break his parents will not try to break him that he'll be guarded all the days of his life in the name of god's christ i pray for his spouse that he would continue the storyline of blessing and favor and peace and dominion and prosperity and i say as of this very day this husband and wife have all the resources they need their day of lack is done and their season of plenty has come upon them and i thank you that they will pursue the dreams that the pen of the ready rider is in this hand that the ability to ascribe and transcribe the goodness of god yea even to those that hate him and the lord wants you to know he set you apart on purpose and caused you to be misunderstood in the church setting it was not the actions or the doings of a man or a crowd or a group it was the hand of the lord preserving you from perverse religious mutation because the audience that you're going to don't know the lord if there will be like a radiant beauty that shines forth through your story get ready to sing the scars and to tell the scars and to act again and to show the scars and they're going to draw many and many and many to the beautiful wound in his side yours is a ministry of healing and tremendous restoration and not the kind of restoration that just makes people feel better the kind of restoration that adds years to men and women that lost them you will become as it were like a fountain of youth and men and women will drink from you and they will reverse in their aging their bodies will be healed diseases will be cured from their bodies and you will stand together and you will be an example to those even married in your family longer than you they will see your healing call and your healing and restoration call and the days come saith god where there will be a great discipleship power that rests on the two of you and if you will open up your home to hear the pain of men you'll never need again lord i bless them in jesus name i set them apart to this purpose let it be written and recorded today in heaven and earth and hell that this family has been set apart to the glory of god and for the purpose of god either one of you has something or somebody give me another mind [Music] what i hear heaven saying over you is that this is the last day that you will deal with the silent fear of the call um on your life to mother there's even been something that has caused the silent frustration even with your husband's call to ministry because you don't want the responsibility you've been so deathly afraid of failure that it's paralyzed you it's prevented you from moving forward even in the genius that god has placed inside of you the ability that you do have to write and to communicate his will and even to reveal him is something you've been so terrified of because all your life you've heard everything that was wrong with you you've heard every way that you were not like the others you've heard every way that people weren't pleased with you but the father wants you to know right now that he loves you immensely and every promise that he has spoken over your life he has already sent the resources yes even the angelic resources to go and fulfill the word that has been declared over your life he says daughter not only will you write but i'm getting ready to resurrect those dreams i'm getting ready to replace those nightmares yeah even i see what happens at night is that you sometimes rehearse every mistake that you've made and it plays over and over and dreams he's delivering you from that now he's going to allow you to journey with him in your sleep he's getting yes god he's getting ready to reintroduce yourself to you he said daughter you've been so blinded by what everyone else has said that you are that you've not even begin to embrace the fullness of your beauty he says tomorrow when you look in the mirror you're not even going to recognize yourself because he's bringing yeah he's doing it now he's dropping the scales off of your eyes yeah he's dropping off yeah we bind and rebuke every word curse that even every every word curse that has come against your intellect that's part of that fear yeah that you begin to embrace that that uh that curse that you're stupid or that you're dumb that you're not bright enough he is getting ready to endow you with the divine intellect of heaven that is going to allow wisdom to pour through you you are indeed a solution and every problem that you encounter you will have the word of the lord for and it will not be in standard prophecy so much of what you've been afraid of is trying to look like what it looks like in church but he is sending you out into the earth to still be his word he is sending his word through you and yes through wisdom many will come to know him through wisdom yes many will be delivered and through wisdom he will begin to show you who you are he is crowning you afresh in this season do not shy away from your responsibility as a mother and don't shy away from your responsibility as a wife so much of what's been going on has caused you silently to distrust whether or not he had the ability to cover you he was given to you trust him trust god and become all that he has placed on you and the earth to be hallelujah the word of the lord for this household um i saw a vision house on fire and god the firemen is here and i heard heaven say to tell this family the smoke is clear and everything that you need in this season don't hesitate to let heaven know and tonight is your night woman of god there's been a great sense of overwhelming that has tried to come over you where the adversary has tried to come in different ways to try to overwhelm you in this season but god is stepping in and the god of peace is coming your way in this season and in this hour and god wants you to rest in him trust him don't faint stay with him stick in this tough it out because what's on the other side is greater than you've ever imagined and so i believe by faith that everything even your husband god calls you an intercessor and there have been things that uh you've put before god silently that you've not even told your wife and god said that i'm getting ready to answer in this season in jesus name amen father we seal these words with the precious blood of jesus and we call this family harrison i keep the best way to say this is i saw an app coming out of your ear you dropped some technology about three years ago things that you were working on develop the app you're going to go to sleep and dream of things that will have trademarks there there's a ministry of invention you're debating right now even to re-pick up something in school with technology and analytics and you have the go of god design it in jesus name all right put those hands together for the lord will you father i thank you for jonathan and i thank you for renee and i thank you for the carter story and the carter household i bless you for cairo that carter this be the moses that represents a family drawn out of the wilderness even out of the desert the desert days are gone and you are doing a thing even in the midst of this where you're calling people out of roaming and wandering and you're going to make this family a sign in the earth of those that stop the vagabond curse and the tumbleweed curse i thank you for the call upon this family to establishment to establish women to root them and ground them in truth but in wisdom and understanding and i thank you father that whatever you taught noah's sons you've talked this man already for though he had opportunity to expose and uncover and to become the whistleblower you taught him the wisdom on how to cover those that were too small for their authority and you put within him a divine wisdom on how to hold it up but also not take it personal and now the consequences and the penalties of that season of silence is not going to leave residue in the soul as he fathers and the enemy is no longer going to whisper to him about his ability to father his example in fathering and being a provider and protector for cairo but he's going to be cairo's hero i prophesy that in jesus name and i thank you for this prophetic battle axe yeah even the hammer of god and i thank you for the thing that you're doing in her for these have been days of great visitation and these have been days of great understanding the lord is going to take you on a prophetic journey and teach you the power of iniquity and you're going to begin to see into blood colds and blood patterns and understand why people react and respond and as you prophesy men's appetites will change their desires will change for you're never going to wonder again about the motives of men not toward you or your husband or your family or your son i bless this family i bless this unit i thank you for the favor of god and the lord says there's that there's an itch about your unique family construct almost like you're trying to figure out do i throw myself full time in career or do i sit home and try to figure out something unique i see a door opening up by june the second week and you're going to have some flexibility and some fluidity but the lord wants you to know stop beating yourself up uh by feeling like you're not contributing as much as you could for you you're contributing in much more ways than you know but there is a boldness a bravery coming on you to explore and to see and to venture off and the lord wants me to let you know satan lies he he lies in lies and one of the things that he's lied to you about is that you've slowed down since 2012 and you've never been able to gain your footing and your steps again but the spirit of god wants you to know i will restore unto you had he given you the responsibility of the career you wanted and the circle you wanted your soul wasn't strong enough to handle the pressure that comes with that world but what i've done is i've reinforced you in such a way where you're going to be able to handle this and that here and there and you're not going to be limited anymore and god says there have been women well intended in your life that gave you their horror stories and they disguise it as wisdom but the lord want me to tell you that experience and wisdom are not the same thing the spirit of wisdom is coming upon you to reverse the fear that came from you watching the experiences in others lord i thank you for cairo and the teaching spirit the inquisitive spirit the the the the questioning spirit for there's going to come days even in his adolescence where he's going to question everything why is this red why is this blue why is the sun up why is that he's going to go in rome and he's going to be a child that you're going to have to pop his hand by the stove he's going to be an adventurous aroma there'll be very little fear he'll jump off tables and run into doors there's going to be like a strong courageousness of fearlessness because the spirit of daniel is upon him and he's going to grow in a generation where the the hatred of god will be premier and god will set him aside with a spirit of 10 times better and god's going to support him even with the right fringe you won't have to alienate him and there's going to be even some form of private education to coach the creative nature by which he sees things and remembers things and the lord whatever this means to you god promises to tell you concerning him he will have eloquence of speech don't be afraid he will have eloquence of speech he will not be a child with a stammering tongue he's going to have eloquence of speech and there won't be a spelling bee that he'll be in that he will lose god's going to get glory out of this story and it will be a sign to you listen as a warning because of the assignment on this family the enemy wants you afraid to obey and he's trying to coach you that obedience comes with sacrifice but it's really disobedience that's dangerous at all costs by any means radically obey god and you have the favor of the lord forever [Music] i anoint this child with the ten times better anointed that his prayer life will shut the mouths of lions and he'll be groomed and stand as a righteous plant and we we commission him to his generation it'll stand even collegiately as an example of a child before whom the hand of the lord is on the lord says i'm restoring your might what i see is the strength of a thousand men and there's been a past season a previous season that has come to steal your confidence and your ability to believe that you can hear the voice of the lord and carry what he's called you to carry but the lord says this is the day where i'm bringing reconciliation concerning the call of god that is on your life and you will no longer run there's a spirit of fear that has tried to overtake you that you that to make you believe that you can't handle what god has called you into and the places that god has called you to walk into but the lord says i'm replacing this spirit of fear with the spirit of might and with favor the lord says they're going to be so many doors that's going to begin to open for you that when you've gotten used to hearing no when you've gotten used to hearing denied the lord says i'm about to send approvals your way the lord says your confidence has taken many hits but today i stand up strong in you son and i call you back to a place of restoration yes you have what it takes to lead your family into great wealth and wisdom the enemy has convinced you that you don't have what it takes to lead them but the lord said yes son as i am leading you you will lead them as i am directing you you will direct them and daughter the lord says i'm doing a work in your sight you've doubted some things that you have seen and some of the things that i have shown you but the lord says write the dreams down the lord says write the dreams down because what i'm getting ready to show you it may not manifest in this season but the lord says it's going to be for a season that is to come do not doubt the call of god that is on your life and your ability to speak life into women the lord says as a couple you're going to carry couples you're going to carry men and women who have been down and who have been on the brink of despair and the brink of divorce and the lord says i'm going to use your story your testimony your strength to bring them back to life this is the day when new life is being breathed into you and everything that the jezebel tried to steal from you in the past season the lord says i'm bringing a restoration today [Music] as i stood and prayed for you i heard the lord say anything that you ask in my name i will do it so that your joy may be full the lord says you have many petitions laid out before me and you've not had the faith and the adequate joy to see them through you've put petitions out and you've just let them kind of float away but the lord says he's getting ready to show you what it means to be my son and my daughter the lord says you're coming into a very unique time in a very unique dispensation over your marriage and over your family that what you speak out of your mouth is gonna manifest very quickly the lord said i'm getting ready to grant you with a favor that's going to refill your joy the lord said i must crown you with joy so that you can impart it into others the lord said the enemy did a great job of trying to depress you and trying to make you feel like it'd always be hard and trying to make you believe that you'd always have to do for others and be shortchanged i saw the hand of the enemy literally snatch money from your family but then i saw this like an entrepreneur or grace come upon your husband i saw that thing shoot out of your side like a a creative enterprise and the lord say for every contract that was stolen from you everything that was done behind seeds behind the scenes to take the money from your mouth the lord's head i will restore i will do everything that you pray to me so that your joy would be full and the lord says there's going to come an anointing on you for young women who are suicidal and battling emotional turmoil the lord said you overcame that around the age of 16 and the enemy thought he was going to take you out but god says yeah daughter i'm going to give you the head of that thing and every woman that comes around you the lord said do not go into your cave and do not retreat and do not resist the poor the wisdom the grace and the glory that i put on the inside of you the lord said do not restrict the poor because out of your belly will flow rivers of living water and you will be pillars in this church [Music] grave robbers lifesavers not just socially and culturally but financially you're getting ready to come into the blessed life the most favorable the most wealthy place that you've ever been in your life welcome into your new season of being crowned with joy i'm gonna close this up i heard something out of heaven that i don't think i've ever heard the lord say um threw me to a person but i'm gonna say it to you and he he says you know what it's going to mean and i said exactly how he told me to say jonathan be willing to mess up for me you will no longer be punched in your chest for not performing well that orphan see me daddy thing it's breaking off of you tonight the lord says jonathan mess up for me the spirit of perfectionism has been holding you back for years today god's bringing you into a level of sonship saying this is my beloved son and i'm well pleased the pleasure of god over this family both now and forever no more performance anxiety no more fear of meeting the mark and the standard and the definition and he said tell renee she can't embarrass me he's a perfect god who delights in flowing through imperfect people let this be beautiful in perfection and may it draw thousands to you i bless this baby in the name of jesus there's going to be something when you prophesy you're going to lose rest it's going to be god's school for you you have a word you'll be like lord no that's me i don't want to move i don't want to say that what if i'm awful if i'm wrong but then you won't be able to rest and there's going to be a very unique gift of healing concerning women in the uterus you will reverse the damage done through uteruses and ovaries fallopian tubes it will be a miraculous eye that god gives you to flow in the healing of those that struggle in the birth canal that is of god because he calls you the handmaiden of the lord father i bless you for this midwife and i thank you for this priest this prince this man of god i call them blessed and i give cairo to you this day forever and ever the blood mark and demarcation is around every step he takes he's going to be an insignia of the glory of god in jesus name come up with those hands together for the lord will you oh come on you can do better than that [Music] hallelujah um how many uh people in the room feel like god is is moving we're going to sow feel like god is doing something with you either in the area of um uh creative entrepreneurialism or risky business and when i say risky business i mean a type of an idea i saw this on the woman of god who uh the first woman that testified um what's her name all i heard was thought engineer was that what you call a thought agent i i felt so fancy you can't tell me nothing i'm like all nations got thought agents okay appreciate your deacon i got some thought agents hallelujah will you please stand uh it is it is it is more um we're going to sew it is more than ceo and coach and it is more than mentor and advisor it is a physician of the soul and it's going to be that what you feel like you wasted your years in academically speaking you don't need those credit hours god's about to do for you through relationship what you thought you needed a masters and a doctor to achieve it will it will be like the attraction of esther and the lord says for every um uh uh relationship that wasted your time what god is going to do is monetize the time loss and you and you're go you're going to find that for every year every anniversary every discovered liar every uh betraying sister that you had to live through that the spirit of god is going to bravely break down the walls around your heart to make you a carrier of an uncanny kind of wisdom that's going to retroactively resurrect the ministry and the business that your grandmother did not see and had it will be as if that that three generation mantle of ambidextrous business and productivity is manifested in you in less than 48 months and you will cry at the goodness of god and the beauty of god for your life's destiny is to resurrect beauty for the burn victim the enemy could not kill you if he wanted to and now that you are alive you're going to resurrect the dead yes through your preaching i understand what they did to you and you vowed never again to be at a women's conference and to stand in front of those people because of that hypocrisy and that adultery in the pulpit but what the holy ghost says to tell you is he pulled you out to send you back in your yes is going to save lives get ready to make that money give god [Applause] they don't want to i said give the lord the glory right there come on now my rule when i'm prophesying is if the lord is doing it in a 20 feet radius you get to pull that word and make it applicable to you come on and shout church he's doing something crazy in the room um [Music] we're going to show keep me on my time uh jay lamont there was a light-skinned lady behind there she is hey move over you stand your confirmation is tonight you need an answer from the lord very specifically and uh as you sat in worship i saw numbers and alphabets and and i saw like apartment finder and i saw uh uh decisions that you need to make of a brave kind but you're so afraid of letting them down and so afraid of having to explain your next big move to them but god says what i'm going to do is give you a healthy dose of focus where you're going to stop explaining yourself and god's delivering you from the secret pain there is a secret pain that you could never even tell you couldn't express it nothing in you would ever even share it but there's going to be a season of healing that flows through you because of therapy [Music] and god's going to reverse the damage that's been done on your confidence and you will find yourself walking bravely in your career and your supervisors will no longer be able to try to reduce you you're going to find the favor of god to be promoted this is your confirmation move full speed ahead the grace of god is gone before you never walk into a door without sending the lord first and his word to you is he's already been where you're trying to go be brave and move in it because this is i don't know what this is going to mean to you but you'll never feel more protected than you're going to feel in these days put those hands together for the lord will you i know we had an agreement but i have a word for you the lord told me to tell you you're running from responsibility you're already walking in and and the responsibility is about to increase there's going to be a series of events that happens around you and but god's going to give you the life space to handle it all something is coming i don't even think it has anything to do with church but something big is headed to you because what you don't know about your status in heaven is that you are extraordinarily trusted you don't flaunt it and you don't brag about it but you are trusted like you have the ear and the confidentiality of men you've got the trust of angels and when you take on a project there are certain angelic things that go before you to put the pieces together the biggest project of your life is in 2022 and god is going to use 2021 as rehearsal for what he's about to move you into next and there will be travel sometimes it's going to be on small planes and other times it's going to be in private rooms and it will almost be like that story in the book of acts where men of high influence will come and they'll take you we need you this is an emergency and the lord says he wants you to know that he knows that your greatest fear is to drop what he's given you because what people don't understand is you see it as a holy responsibility not only have you done well you've done so well you've beckoned more and just when you think you've had enough morse coming and just when you think you've had enough morris coming god's got a point to prove to your family there is a statement of god he's got to make to those that watch from afar and think that you're fanatic even though you keep it real and think that you sacrifice there has always been this misunderstanding around ruth but get ready god's going to reveal the the radiance the beauty the power he's been dealing with you about making the time and this is actually a delayed project but making the time to write there are so many books and i'm not talking about policies and procedures i'm talking about there's a wisdom on you that most people like and unto solomon there are not many women who walk under that but i tell you the spirit of solomon is upon you to to rule and to teach and to instruct but the heart of mandate is getting ready to come is going to be to multiply the lord wants me to tell you he needs hundreds of you you're going to have to make the time to reproduce and reproduce and reproduce you're going to have to win the world as normal you're going to have to make time to lay hands it will be the transfer of the thing you can't explain there are giftings in you that are natural in second nature but they can flow in and through and by impartation there will be a giftedness on you and you've been like well lord i don't know what i am people have called me this and people have called me that your office is governments administrations you are the help to the helper the master builder next to the sent one and your ear and your voice and your wisdom and your silence is lethal the lord wants me to tell you be very careful of what you don't share because you'll see danger coming months down the line and god's going to give you the wisdom to present and to demonstrate father i present your favor i even thank you for that second location that second residence that getaway away from new york do it in her affairs and in every place where she was taken advantage of and every place where she was not adequately compensated and every place where the credit was given to another when the thief is caught repay sevenfold and i don't know this but i see a blabber mouth [Music] i'm listening to some people in the quote-unquote industry imply things about your work ethic and what god wants you to know as the gavel is going to come down you'll never defend nothing you have to do it will be an excellent resume that goes before you a good name will be what the lord gives you in more places and spaces than one and this next wave whatever's coming in 2022 is going to have something to do with media and tv it's going to be the work of the lord come on put those hands together all over the room all right give me some exciting music they going to sleep i don't know what to make it sound like [Music] um i'm going to pray for business owners and those of you with creative ideas stand up sugar yeah i just i just want to say this real quick um just throw your hands up real quick honey let me tell you something losing that was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to you when i tell you walking away because he would never was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to you you're getting ready to see everything you said at bay happened in weeks and not only is that going to happen watch and see if god will move you into forced deliverance ministry you're getting ready to see the cycle of addiction broken not only in your life but everybody around you because they know oh they know the old you but they're not ready for the new you i loose the anointing for deliverance in your life your ministry for the casting out of devils the breaking of yokes the destroying the burdens and the lord want me to tell you this the money you need before that lease uh turns god's going to give you favor and you're going to have exactly what you need hold on everybody in here that's grateful for a breakup stand up and go crazy real quick if you if you grateful oh why won't y'all tell the truth i want somebody to shout because they didn't make it down the aisle what lord have merc i'm trying not to go crazy hey hey hey hey my breakthrough came from a break up y'all won't shout tell the truth say yes hey hey hey hey oh glory to god that soul tie was holding your success back but i heard the lord say pray at last free at last thank god almighty okay [Music] y'all don't know what that means anybody in here ever been hypnotized that love felt like witchcraft and magic and you couldn't get away but you got away you got away you got away you got away okay i'm sorry forgive me y'all crazy only at all nations do we shout over breakups don't nobody else shout over there the rest of them shout over new man in new car we get we get happy like thank god i didn't go down that ah the boogie man was going to take my destiny cruella developed was going to ruin my calling but i got away i got away [Music] gloria [Music] have you ever seen some of your exes in the mall and they look worse than what you thought they were going to look like they was always ugly you were just too blind but what healing does is open your eyes so you can see the lazy eye you can see the hair on the chest that won't [Music] throw your hands up say i made it out i made it out [Music] vaughn she was gonna try to kill you i made it up you weren't supposed to marry her i wish i had somebody shout here glory to pop she trying to come back too you tell her god said no i want somebody to give the lord your glory i'd rather be alone than led astray honey i can wait honey i ain't in no rush honey i gotta call it [Music] it's not you it's me i said it ain't you it's me i'm the one that's wrong because if god heal me i'm gonna need you no more my brokenness is what brought us together to begin let excuse me let me heal oh i'm sorry okay hey that's a real thing okay we're gonna [Music] sew and you and you and you you're gonna love me no i'm not i'mma love the lord my god with all my heart all my soul all my strength i'm a lover with my body i'm a lover with my mind i'm a lover with my jello i'm a lover i need to leave that alone the devil said i can't eat baby can't sleep baby i can't think baby without you in my life that devil said don't want to go on baby this is my song baby don't want to do nothing if i can't have you lit your hands in the name of jesus every spirit of seduction every spirit of deception every spirit of mind binding every anniversary devil a blind lonely re-linking and the resurrection of the trap of the enemy through the doorway of romance break break break break breath break go free in your mind if you believe that shout right there hey okay all right please michael you had one job my time sir you just yeah with the glasses um there is a there's an initiative don't take this offensively when i prophesy the lord shows me pictures i um i only see well in the spirit i can't see in the natural at all but but when i looked at you i saw you pregnant and but the ultrasound picture i saw was it was a network of schools and um an unusual academic approach and uh the lord is showing me your resume um and i i see the uh the designation med you have a master's in education and uh but but something else is opening up because the education stuff is fundamental you are an elected official in the making sir um 11 you know we got rules we don't let our people shout by themselves yes [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the promotion praise him for promotion i'm talking about in your own life come on i see promotions all over this building did you hear what i just told you i see promotions unusual promotion [Music] the consulting firm is going to call you get ready to be contracted i want you to shout come on listen come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah what's your response hallelujah [Music] glorious glorious glory glory glorious cory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah glory glory hallelujah glory glory [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you're supposed to you're supposed to be right where you are it doesn't make sense because you you you hate not feeling appreciated on your work team but this season is ordained of god he's teaching you some things behind the scenes principle is too small god's got greater plans you have a two to four year timeline and most of it is god but their relationships coming into your world like the whirlwind of god that's going to radically move your educational career let them underestimate you because you're getting ready to break this glass ceiling and they know you got more in you that's why they work to hold you down but your bounce back game is getting much stronger than ever before get ready promotion has hit your house i want everybody that believes that for them go ahead and go up in praise come on over one two one two hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] that's my response haters going hey lions gonna lie i got one response i got one answer this is my new clapbacks hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hollywood glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] rory cory [Music] hurry hallelujah [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] lori's turn my morning intervention yes and my response [Music] glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory goodness saying glory to the same glory goodbye saying glory not so sad glory glory hallelujah glory glory hallelujah glory hallelujah glory chloe chloe glory [Music] have a seat we're going to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're we're going to sew i said we're going to sew i said we're going to sew did you hear me what i said i said we're going to sew listen when you sow you put your seed on assignment lift your hands and say my seed is on assignment open your mouth say my seed is on an assignment listen don't ever again sow a seed without telling it what to do tell this thing where it's gone and when you sow you're not donating you're not contributing you're sowing into another season and when you put seed in another season it gains interest and what jesus said is you put it up with neither moth nor duck dust the return on investment that you're about to walk into in your life will be unlike anything you've ever seen you know why the bible said jacob sold in famine and he put that thing up in another place say yeah i believe that what you're sowing this season is gonna overwhelm you in the next they don't they don't want to i said what you sowing this season is going to overwhelm you in the next did you hear me when i said i said what you sow in this season you're going to reap it in the next i want you to get an amount in your hand right now get your phone out every one of you ma mama i say mama this lady here this is sister desi she got on the the sweater you need to know her you need to know her hey i don't know this naturally this one uh property difficulty because you're supposed to have several of them it's a part of your calling to house people there is a landlord anointing this is preschool but there's one coming next year there's another coming the following year and there's another one coming the following year because you didn't take somebody to court god's gonna give you what lord have mercy hey hey hey hey hey y'all got one more hey leo who are we having you glory holly glory hallelujah [Music] glory [Music] we're texting we're texting we're texting all nations w-a i'm sorry child all nations ny they go 779 787 779 now get the right the right amount uh mr singer man next to richie hey the word franchise is written all over you the season is about to come we're in your non-musical life you're going to hire you're going to fire you're going to do it over and over again you've not been robbed you've been protected whatever happened to you matured you now the business and the money is going to find you it'll be restaurants burgers tacos drive-throughs drive-ins and the apologies that you had to accept that you never heard is going to show up in your professional life [Music] glory glory glory [Music] now how many are excited about the seed you just so don't how many excited nali stand up sugar you just so and the siege you sow just went and recruited the right nanny i said the right nanny and what this young lady is going to help you do is allow you to accomplish in two hours in your day what would have taken you two days to do because you got so much work to do there is a brand new position getting ready to open up and the certification that you need you're gonna get it half the time have an open eye god's gonna send you a woman that you can trust with helping that baby with that homework come on i believe that if you believe that god is sending help why won't they shout with me ep if you think god is sending help listen armor bearers ain't just for church some of us need life armor bearers come on one one two hallelujah glory glory glory yeah glory glory glory souls take glory souls saint glory hearts and glory hearts and glory hearts and glory massive glory we'll say glorious we'll say glory everything within everything within it [Music] let's stand up stand up god bless you [Music] you've been nice pray for me as i pray for you i'll be back next month and everything that belongs to this house needs to be at all around the vicinity [Music] we ain't stop we're just getting started and i bless you in the name of the lord your mind your body your will your emotions i bless your ideas i bless your sensitivity god bless your intuition your instinct i bless your articulation i bless your eyes with fresh discernment and wisdom the devil will never again be able to close your eyes you'll be able to see a four time i bless your influence your network your net worth i bless your stewardship your ability to save and multiply i bless your memory and i say that fresh vision is about to replace bad nightmares i bless your next big step the next door the next meeting the next conversation i bless the next contract i bless the next contact i bless the next entry and i bless the next exit i say you are blessed and now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present your faultness before the lord with exceeding great joy to him be our blessings honor dominion and power both now and forever on the count of three everybody say hallelujah come on one two one two three hallelujah just can't help it holly just can't help it holly just can't help [Music] [Music] you
Channel: All Nations New York
Views: 13,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4HwNjKzakL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 42sec (8562 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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