SOW | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Mixed Mesages

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well we are in a series that has taken a rather quaint turn I mean we've been talking about so and sowing and sowing and reaping and it's been a little different from what a lot of people had anticipated but we have been learning life's essential principles about sowing and reaping what you sow and sowing in the direction of God and obedience Sunday we did a message call make it rain how many of you were here for that it was a powerful powerful word and then an eight o'clock we did the danger of perfect conditions it's always dangerous to wait until things are perfect too so you don't wait until things are perfect too so how many of you have been getting blessed by this teaching it is so vitally important yesterday when I was in I sold them trying to recycle messages but I'm a lesson time pass while I preached that one again because I I preached some stuff on the road some time and I need to get that to my kids that thing is good I preached last item message called try again and it was a powerful word about never surrendering your desire to try one more time and God can give you the same set of directions for the same place and it may not work the 1st 2nd or 3rd time but if you will be willing to try one more time that thing will open up in your direction I mean though the devil is afraid of an anointed attempt and God knows what it is to make a people try I'm gonna give you a word tonight go to Deuteronomy 22 if you had not noticed all six of our campuses are preaching the same stuff we're all preaching so we're cultural izing our people and we're really encouraging our people in this direction because it is vitally important Deuteronomy 22 verse 9 and 10 I'm just gonna use these two verses in the NIV version and we're going to read that and we're gonna lift some principles from it and I'm gonna preach a little bit to you are you at Deuteronomy 22 okay for those of you that need some directional assistance it's right at the beginning of the book you don't have to if you see red words you've gone way too far just go all the way okay Moses had a lot of Levitical law or a lot of law about the agricultural practices of the Hebrew people and he gave them a lot of laws concerning sowing concerning reaping concerning animal behavior they were dietary laws the types of stuff they could eat it's like the types of stuff they were forbidden to eat and although we know that we are not technically still under the law of Moses there is still wisdom Paul called the law of Moses a tutor so there are principles that we could learn until we got to Christ and I came across this verse and it is so important and now listen for those of you that are preachers teachers communicators learned this as me every revelation has 30 60 and 100 full impact there are people who can preach one scripture and can only scratch 30 of that revelation that's in there you have to let the text talk to you if you let the text talk to you you can end up reaching 100 fold of what's in there that means what it meant to them what it meant to God and what it meant to us the application the revelation it's not always the same this is how several preachers can preach the same thing and get different messages and then how did you get that out of there it's the 30 60 100 fold principle there's something in the text David said I will open the scriptures upon a harp so even sometimes when you read scriptures are preached to different music but richness the wisdom of it will begin to open up unto you I see that here in Deuteronomy 22 and 9 do not plan two kinds of seed in your vineyard if you do not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled verse 10 says and do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together father help me to preach this in Jesus name we're gonna study the subject matter tonight mixed messages mixed messages and I really want you to learn this and I really want you to meditate on this we're talking about mixed messages we're in a time that we have been where there is so much anticipation around the subject double we're getting double for our trouble we're getting the double portion spirit we're getting double increased double advancement but how many of you understand all double is not good that there is a there is a kind of double that God has been trying to deliver us from for years and it's called a double life and before you go automatically to adultery in drugs that is a possibility but there are many people in God's house that live doubly unconsciously they they live doubly and I when we're investigating this and looking at it from a sewing and a reaping context I realize how much the scripture had to say about dualism for example there's a such thing as being double faced there's a such thing as being double-tongued there's a such thing as being double minded and the Bible says that when a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways so dangerous things happen when a man or a woman cannot make up their it opens your life to a spirit of instability say man one of my favorite principles about understanding the demonic side of devil is when Jesus said I want your eyes to be single but your eye is single then your body will be full of light so if your eye can be single it can also be double and it's a wandering or a roaming ah that feels the body with darkness dark desire dark appetite dark craving so you see that the keys to a lot of our achievement in God and a lot of our forward progress in God has to do with being sanctified to the extent where you can be a single person make a single decision have a single focus have a single confession have a single standard and really what prejudice is is dualist and you know there are things that are allowed or acceptable for one class of people that are not acceptable for another class of people whether that sexism racism class ISM all of those things come from a dualism that I think has us divided when it comes to our hearts or our crops so I really want to minister this to you because I know that there are very many of you that are watching this teaching or in this church tonight that are living a double life and and what I mean by that is this as we're talking about sowing and reaping I'd be lying or increasing naivety in you to think that this is an automatic principle that works one way what I mean by that is this there may have been times in your life your ministry your relationships your money when you were sowing the rice sea and you were sowing the right seed in the right places and it still did not work but the reason that it did not work is explainable you have to know that as you are sewing so is your opponent say take it deeper and your opponent only needs one person to partner with him to so you see if you sew something in one area and you sew something wrong in another area the wrong thing that you sold has authority over the right thing that you saw and the law here says don't sew two types of see what that means is that if Moses is true every seed reproduces after its kind so it is possible to be sewing the right way and not be reaping because you've sold two types of see in the same area in the same subject matter on the same topic for example if you are going to gossip about your neighbor you cannot be an intercessor for your neighbor your gossip has canceled out your intercession if you don't like your church and can't stand its leaders that hey delegated authority and don't like them visions you see and the rumors you hear you cannot be blessed by a place you dishonor so it's what you sow right is canceled out by what you saw wrong I'm giving you wisdom on protecting your harvest you must provide solidarity around what you saw if for example you're sowing into your children you cannot affirm affirm affirm affirm affirm validate validate validate validate up until they do something wrong and then retrieve or remove that affirmation and remove that validation because I'm gonna tell you that's how you were raised that's what brought you into legalism that's what brought you went to a performance-based situation because when you did good you were rewarded when you did bad you were punished and you were confused about what you were worth we're in a culture that uses punishment not to shape the heart but to enforce a rule and when you correct when you redirect when you rebuke it should be to shape the heart to develop the heart potential to follow wisdom on its own if you can only follow below when the law giver is in front of you your heart has not been shaped I've not provided you with the resources to succeed without my presence this is why a lot of people who have been parented right while their parent was in proximity lost their mind when their parent was not in their proximity because they were beaten and put on punishment but the heart was not safe dualistic seeds dualist seeds you cannot damask you late a husband and then expect him to protect you you cannot neglect the wife and expect her to submit to you because you've taken one field my god from Zion and you put two types of seeds in there so now if you look at the scenario of your life and the different areas you may be sowing in you need to start to figure out what you may have planted that may be cancelling out the other stuff you want to reap from because you can show two types of seeds and the reason why Moses forbade it was because God really wants us to have fruit but if you sow other things with fruit both are going to grow there's a parable I'm going to give you the exact location of it to study Matthew 13 there's a parable there which is everybody knows an earthly story that conveys an eternal truth because eternal truth is so complicated to understand Jesus used to use parables to bring things out of the realm of mystery to be applied to us by using everyday examples this particular parable says this there was a sower who had a vineyard and when he fell asleep please pay attention to this language Matthew 1325 when he fell asleep his enemy came and sowed where he had already sown the meaning of the parable a few verses down is what you and I refer to as the wheat and the tares one field two different things growing in it one life two different agendas being water one ministry two different caliber of people being developed here's what you got to realize about Matthew 13 please hear me the worst thing you can ever do when you sow is fall asleep when you fall asleep after you've sown you're sending mixed messages and the mixed message is while I care about what I've invested I don't want to protect it well while I care about what I've invested I am unwilling to steward it by watching my investment well I care that this yields to me and returns to me I am unwilling to be tired to protect it the wisdom in that is for some harvests my God for some rewards for some crops you will feel exhausted before you see an answer and-and-and-and and here's that the hypocrisy you are very familiar with restlessness we exhaust ourselves all the time with worrying about things we can't control trying to please people we can't please trying to be everything to everybody and so we know what it is to exhaust yourself if you have ever had a backslidden season if you've ever had an addicted behavior if you've ever had a relationship that drained you you are familiar with exhaustion but your adversary the Apostle says the devil walketh about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour what was the pre action every statement so be sober and vigilant which means to stay watch and I'm not talking about in the march on Washington sense I'm talking about when you know your seed is let me get to this text in a minute but perhaps you'll understand this if you know what the cycle of a seed is first of all you have some fruit something in the fruit there is a seed because that's how God is when he puts something on the earth it always has the capacity to be more than what it is he never puts anything on the earth in its complete potential that the potential of one tomato is to be 20 the potential of one tree is to be a forest you have potential in you they received their I retrieved the seed I recognized the seed listen to me listen to me I have to plant the seed by name it mixed messages is having an unidentified see a part of the problem with dualist sowing is that your good seeds don't have names you plant them in hopes of everything but but you've got to name see if I'm expecting apple trees I can't just say well these are several types of seeds I'm just gonna plant them together and see what they do because different seas have different needs I take care of apple tree differently from an orange tree and I take care of an orange tree much differently from a fruit tree so if I don't name and I don't know how to nurture it that's for those of you who aren't in unnamed anything unnamed jobs unnamed relationships if you name it you know how to nurture it I challenge them something stirred up you need to start now picking out a full name for whatever you're about to give God and I'm not talking about a nickname I'm talking about a full name I'm naming this C legacy I'm Manning this see deliverance from death I'm naming this seed business I'm naming this seed enterprise the name of this seed is charity if your seed is anonymous so will your harvest be and I don't know about you I don't want to harvest I can recognize I want to see stuff pop up and be like BAM I know exactly where that came from I shout on that thing I'm challenging you in faith name it you pulled the seed out you take this seed the seed is healthy if it's not planted healthy right but you have to bury it you have to bury it you have to put it under dirt it has to go out of sight the most potent process of any seed is when it's invisible if you saw one so right you won't be able to see nothing for several months afterwards if you sew into a relationship if you sew into a child if you sew into your devotion in life you won't be able to see anything instantly or else it's not a seed it has to be invisible for a while yah-tchi God is the type of God he's a hopeless romantic he loves anticipation many of us have lost our anticipation there is an assault on expectation you almost expect to be disappointed you brace yourself listening to people promise things because you come from a culture when nobody keeps up with their word and that offends the holy ghost he tells you give this as unto me and you might and you give it with a plan B if there is no anticipation but my Bible says but without faith but without faith but without faith but without faith it is impossible to please God so God looks at what people do when they cannot see their seed and you're not gonna worship you might as well stop you you bury that seed and cry over him you wail over him you pray over you've got to water that thing you every day you're watering it and then when it sprouts it's going to go through a lot just to break through ground you're gonna see a little bit first it's not gonna be a lot you don't go and get your salad dressing yet or your pie shells yet because there's something called a premature harvest signs of it will show enough to keep you in expectation but don't go and cut it down because as a such thing is right through and when fruit is not right it will kill you but you've got to wait until that thing gets ripe and ready to eat it's the cycle of a sea as a cycle of a sea now here's where mixed messages comes in let's say for an example I've sewn into something right financially relationally I've sewn into something and it's begun to sprout if I have sown two seeds accidentally on purpose I'm not going to be able to distinguish what's this Apple and what's this orange because when they both break through they all look the same the parable in Matthew 13 was an a parable of a illusion and a parable of deception some zoo in the art of war said all warfare is about deception any level of effective warfare will contain a lie around it it's the power of illusion and and the reason why Matthew 13 is significant with the weed and the terror is because they both look alike until the season comes when they can mature and grow you will not recognize a wheat from weed everybody looks the same when they're immature when things come to maturity you didn't begin to distinguish what is what from what is what so this is so important that you realize a lot of what you think is a spiritual attack or a setback or the devil or which crime or Jezebel or the queen of the sea or the Little Mermaid is actually is actually a confused crowd it may actually be that you've been sawing in one direction and canceling that harvest out by what you sold in another direction let's take this a bit deeper with verse 10 here is the law hey Rocky of an ox and a donkey now this I can preach to you I'm talking about mixed messages in wisdom if I'm sewing for wealth I need to live wealthy that is a singular see say it is so I cannot so for wealth and still live like I'm poor I had to align here me all of my behavior with what I'm sowing I cannot show in one direction and confess in another I cannot you understand this see some of your behavior cancels out you'll see you have to begin to align everything in your life with your last action of faith here is my number ten is important we could talk about the different types of soil in the Gospels there are several types of soil right but here's what you need to know that it's significant to this issue of mixed messages your soil which is whatever the plan of survey is for what you're sowing on is looking for a message from you what do you want me to give so I thought if it's an apple you give me an apple if it's a carrot you give me a carrot so it's looking for one message but if you're plowing or trying to with the donkey and an ox you still sent confusion into your soil a lot of you tonight are gonna receive deliverance from the spirit of schizophrenia the spirit of double mindedness see it's a very real thing in the body of Christ we want a lot of stuff on Sunday when we feel him when we can't feel him and there will be many days where you know then we want opposite of what we just wanted that's house all ended up where he was mixed messages and dualist seeds in your life right now pointing somebody I feel like I'm entering a hundred thousand people pointing somebody with your finger and say you in your life you have two types of people you have two types of relationships you have two types of conversations you have two types of desires there is an old and a New Testament fighting in you there is a there is a there they're two natures the horror I used to I taught a message call the air and the harlot they they're two nature's in you the law and the flesh is operating in you either you have ox is around you or donkeys around you now I need to get in your business about mixed messages oxes and donkeys are both necessary when you're working and growing something I'm in a season of axes one of the visions of Ezekiel was of God the ox there is a side of God that is an aggressive worker here is the crime of mixed messages and dualist siege jordan you better hear me you too Cyrus donkeys are automobiles in Old Testament Israel they were cheaper horses a horse it was elaborate was a worth a little more a little bit more it was a equipment to having a luxury car where donkey would be like a hoopty a donkey is a sign of movement desire destination I want to get here I want to go there I'm moving if this was everything life had to offer I got a vision and a goal and a vision boy party I'm coming on out Hickel my blog here go my programme I'm bad at women for Christ I'm teenaged turning up for the Messiah let's just come on just movement I'm moving I'm moving but but the problem is when you're sewing you never want to have more movement than work you either have people around you that are working or just trying to move and and the problem with that is that there are a lot of people who want to move don't want to work they have a vision for promotion a vision for advancement a vision for favor but they don't have the same type of work before their vision you see an ox is not necessarily the mobility choice but when there is an obstacle a wall hard ground something that requires a pause you don't go and find Balaam's donkey and you don't go and find Shrek friend you go and you find you an ox whose shoulder base is big enough to go up against stuff that's bigger than it now you can get on an ox and it can move you to the wall but when you get to the wall you're gonna stop if you get on an ox however it's gonna get you the wall and make an enemy of the wall the donkey makes an enemy of the ground the Ox makes an enemy of the wall and if there are laws in front of where you want to go you need more than people who just talking about where they're going you need people around you that's working on getting where they're supposed to go so if I'm looking at your life and half of your friends are not applied not diligent not loyal not painful not consistent but they got a bunch of those the degree of energy and the degree of force and the degree of effort to get the wall out of the way of the clock you have got to stop sending [Music] oxes and donkeys oxes and donkeys you can be a visionary donkey you can be a prophetic donkey you can be a preaching donkey wanting to go somewhere is not enough to get there if you plant seed and get on a donkey and uber your way into your version of whatever you want then you don't still have the strength of the next season all you got was a quick ride you didn't hit stop your way into happiness and hitch hop your way into the next season but God is looking for people that are willing to work for what they want they're gonna worship and then works work and then worship worship and then work you want to know how to smell destiny w oh okay the earth don't owe you nothing God is looking for work ethic y'all no wonder you were not told to wish out your soul salvation well hallelujah you were told to work oxes and donkeys oxes and donkeys donkeys wish it but an ox will work it you don't plow with donkeys you talk to them remember when the Prophet stopped hearing God God got in baylin's donkey and the donkey delivered a message it's it's we can talk about where we going all we want but everybody you talking to it's not going with you no matter what they tell you I've been doing this a long time all the way I'm going with you to get Dropbox as soon as a storm come they hide trail their self out because they not an ox but when you got an ox you're dealing with something with tough skin that's not gonna be intimidated about the power that's before them and if you're going to show you must learn how to stop somebody upside the head and say plough come on tell them against a plough open your mouth a bow because some strong men are different than others some warriors are different than others what's flying in your future is not fighting the future of the person behind you your victory may be singular but there are some of us that's winning the victory for four generations of men who win to the grave without it and because of the unprecedented nature of the war before me I can dance with a donkey when I'm going to a future with an answer I need somebody with shoulders up that can help me bring this wall hallelujah axes and donkeys when you got seed in the ground donkeys do you know good last thing you need is a bunch of jackasses trying to get you from point A to point B and then you come to a barrier you come to a roadblock you come to a turning point and the donkeys dissing hi but that ox has a stopping power the fallow ground does not respond to a donkey the fallow ground response to an ox so when you get a hard assignment a hard deliverance a hard walk a hard word you need to surround yourself with supernatural straight up you need to be yoked up watch me with somebody who will let you have a sad day you need to yoke up with somebody who's straight exceeds yours so that even if you do cave-in you don't even notice it because you borrowed striker from - you cannot be you got seed in the ground see [Music] check your relationships check your confessions check it all and you'll see that there is a difference between hoping and working see think about this dualist issue why would you confess something that you don't want to work for we have a very elaborate framework for the power of confession the confession don't always require courage and confession does not develop work habits and work skill you must have the courage for what you're confessing what are you confessing and if you have a consistent confession the character of that confession so you've got to bring your work oh oh oh come on how many of you feel that right there I believe God is bringing your work ethic to the level of your prophecy if your prophecy is up here your mandate is up there your destiny is up there now you got to reach down and pull some elbow grease out of your story out of your closet out of your mountain and you gotta work until the world wonders but this is the season but the people of God baby get you an apron huh get you some sweat towels up it's mixed messages maybe your life is like it is because a confused soil do you want to be Mary but you don't want to live chaste you cannot say I desire to please God and not adjust your sexual character y1 is the mentality of a donkey one is the mentality of an ox I want to marry so bad that I'm gonna tell all y'all know even if I'm weak even if I want it I'm going to work for my wedding law Hammer much I'll say that I want this so bad I'm going to work for it then your soil is not confused it's not responding to two nature's and two confessions and two decisions you got one desire one vision of one focus we don't have to let's be family for a minute okay we don't have an easy assignment I wish to God that all we were anointed to do is pass our water and stuff that's so nobody meditates about when they go retire when all they do is pass our water and hot dogs I would love that I mean what war could come with water POW me with your trip a couple day but the complex nature of who we are and what we do demands upgraded technique upgraded intelligence of greatest skill for every season the donkey is like oh yeah I see it long as you want to go you can ride on me to get there see donkeys donkeys are testimony Jesus wanted to walk up the street during what you know is Palm Sunday he finds a donkey tied up to the gate it belonged to somebody else and Jesus said imma just ride on this because I want to be seen I want to be glorified it's testimony they said well what are we gonna tell the owner tell him the Lord has need of it so he takes it he looses the donkey sits on it and he rides through there was nothing to work through that wasn't a military action that wasn't a strategic action I want you to see the son of man that's for access you have no reason to test the donkey they don't have wheels they don't even all change then got windows demons and Devils and you don't like talking to you real quick about failure and why you use the last season's failure as the excuse for why you won't keep our I'm gonna talk to you about why you gave the devil your ability to check because it didn't work the last time when you are an ox you have no grin for what does not work all you know to do is work I must work the work of him does not work because they see their way and ox does not work because they understand what they're working on and acts does not work because they ate well that day and ox does not work because it feels good outside and it's just raining and it's soap no no no no no all an action oh you it's one it's been woke it's got to work as long as I'm awake I'm working listen and when the app is not working it's being destructive so all farmers know if I got Abraham to sacrifice he wanted to be able to change you need to switch your mobility and change your animal Abraham wise enough and looked around in his fridge and said I tell you what you stay with these asses me and the boy oh boy yonder to worship that I gotta walk with my seed by myself I'm not taking no donkeys with me what am I talking to I'm not playing in the donkey when I should be serving God into the next level of strength up many people that can calm this mountain a boy he had given me Hinds feet so that I can turn up on the hot places poppy are you got seed around you maybe it's not responding because your life is filled with donkeys I want to be in your life I want to be in purpose I want to be in my ministry I want to be at my purpose so much I'm willing to work and I'm willing to work in uncommon conditions I'm willing to work when I know what I'm working on and I'm willing to work when I don't know what I'm working on just give me some room I just our problem with harvest is our confession is more expensive than our work ethic when you so what you're telling God is I want something I'm willing to work on so if you so even if it's the right sea and you've not changed and stretched out yourself to work on what's coming to work for and with what's good I believe the Spirit of God is asking for cooperation see what's come into your life you're gonna have to agree with it and when you act opposite of what you've sown you're moving and disagreement with it it's fragile right now y'all but it mandates a new degree of work so look at your friends look at your relationships look at your conversations look at your habits just everyday do you have the work ethic for your harvest so God is so faithful he will withhold harvest if he knows it's gonna overwhelm you I know people that backs later cuz they got the answer to prayer they prayed something they wasn't ready for it came and they started to worship the answer and left the grantor the one who gave it to them and turned into idolatry but an action they're always looking for their next assignment what's the next terrain resting if you are afraid to do something hard you may as well keep your seat in your pocket keep your seat in your mouth if you want ease if that's your definition of favor is the Lord do all the work and you just sit there and praise them for it keep it what God is planned for you it's gonna mandate that you work it's going to mandate that you work because things change when men work and if a man does not work there is an anointing coming on this house of hardwork we you can't call yourself a trailblazer and only do well on blazed trails when you blazing a trail you have to walk up on a mess fight your way through trees time your way through valleys and put a path where there was not one there before that requires a knock this is why the Bible says don't be unequally enclosing if you look at this if an ox and a donkey a donkey is yoked together when the Ox needs water has a heat stroke caves in get arthritis and collapses even in its broken state it weighs too much for that donkey even in sickness even when it's not in his for health it's still too much for a donkey to hold up if it were paired to another donkey then it might be able to lift it because it's the same bone matter the same molecular structure but because we're not made of the same things I'm not going to be able to pull my weight and yours and everybody needs the Covenant the relationship the community that you can afford to get tired you can afford to need a break you can afford to be confused you can afford to make a pitch now when you are unequally yo you better not ever stop because the stock in unequally yoked means your death has a muscularity that can drag me is made of something that reminds me of what I made I don't need to be around donkeys because I don't want to ever think that I am watch even in my discouragement huh even in my confusion I need to always be reminded of Who I am I may have stopped right here but I'm not gonna die right here I need howling word you need to make your friends help you we don't this is the season here is the warning jesus warned his disciples recent he said I'm gonna tell you I'm so serious about harvest and sowing and reaping [Music] puts his hand to the plow and then decides I don't want this no more he is not worthy of me what is he saying you plow because I do if you take your hand away you are Antichrist because I know it all I know I've been through all I've been through and you don't ever see me rescinding my decision I see everything you do I know everything you think and yet I am posted at the right hand of the Father and I'm praying for you when you do right I'm praying for you when you do wrong he is forever seated to make intercession on the behalf of the mistakes and God is saying if I can't quit neither can you if I don't stop neither can you if I don't break down neither can you so we're plowing [Music] and if you need to repent is my life in opposition to my confession are my habits in opposition to my prophesy am i sowing wheat and tear together or it does kind of look at my field and say I've got one type of seed I'm sowing and speaking in that direction I'm not sowing in life I hope this works what if this don't work I wonder what it is maybe it died because any real gardener I tell you your your your plants have feelings you never known the old person that took up all the time with just planting stuff here talk to them Tomatoes talk to them cucumbers you've got to align your world with what you're trying to plant I am a husband I am a father and and even before I become somebody's I am one by virtue of my identity and that dictates my behavior the Bible does not say a man that finds a woman finds a good thing a man that finds a wife which means that you've got to start transforming before he put a ring on it if you ain't already transformed that ring and gonna change you you have got to align your lifestyle with what you know it's coming in your world you reap chaos so my submission to you is if you're in some chaotic like this I would try to separate how many types of stuff is growing you can't tell God diamond I want to be out I'm done with being an alcoholic and you refuse to cut off other alcoholics many of you are in defeat because of who you won't let go and what you gotta resolve is that it's really not personal this is the price of knock I'm not cutting you off cuz you did nothing I'm not cutting you off cuz I don't love you I'm not letting you off because you don't mean nothing but what you water it it's killing me it's killing me and so in obedience to the great head of the church I'm going to be baptized in the world of my future and I gotta let you go [Music] [Music] to be around that it not be effective even if it's depression if you struggle with depression and weight in your life you just cannot affiliate yourself with sad Sandra's and sad Sonia and and sad Sally's you like man today was a good day well I tell you what you hold on a little longer it's like look man I want to encourage somebody that's got a real quick maybe you had none in you for two days you used to smoke a donkey is only concerned about arrival but an ox is keeping up with progress no I'm not where I'm going no this does not look like the Canada but I'm still walking and I'm still working and by any means necessary I'm going to get where I'm got to go here's the real challenge we listen listen listen a donkey listen to me girl a donkey God is this he is the alpha John John he's the Omega he walks up in a life and he's like I'm going to save you that's the beginning and I'm going to use you that's the end he gives you help with entrances and exits alpha-omega beginning in first you snap it people said work the middle work the middle work the middle work the middle work the middle work a minute come on snap your brother say no walk there [Music] [Music] [Music] if you don't [Music] [Music] [Music] because the beginning and end are taking care of the devil only has access to one place it's the middle and if you can get you to be double-minded in that hallway you won't know what door to walk in you won't know what door to close you won't know what door to leave out you won't even be able to tell the difference between an entrance and an exit you must work this middle and if it's hard right now if you feel like the pressure is on right now if you've gotta make critical decisions that you've never made before the good news is as you've already passed the beginning you already have everything you need every gift that you need is in you all the potential that it is in there may be dormant and it may be an active but when God made you he put all the ingredients of success deep within you it's time activated huh so you gotta wait to the right season for you to begin to manifest but what you gotta do is use the wisdom for the middle use you're fighting for the middle you better use binding for the middle use fasting for the middle use me sing for the middle if I was you I'd even dance in the middle [Applause] crabs in your life is the middle just work the middle she had to work father I'm asking tonight I'm asking you for something very unusual Holy Spirit reveal God the ox to us and give us the work ethic for where you're calling us to go you will not leave your people disappointed and you will not leave your people to fear so I'm asking for a baptism of strength a baptism of power a baptism that you gave Josh will have not I told you only be thou strong and courageous for as I was with Moses so will I be with you make us strong my god take us from glory to glory from faith to faith from strength to strength and rip us of weaknesses strip us of that that drains strip us of everything that reduces us a minimal eise's us and dilutes us and bring us into potency bring us into an adulterated glory bring us into a realm of power that enables us to have the agility my Karma give us divine he'll give us holy stamina and help us to endure in this season in the name of Jesus Christ cause us to not tire and cause us to not be will but cause us to watch strong like Samson to watch strong like Deborah to watch strong like David and grant us the power of the ox supply to push to pull to move and obey the command that you've given us so it is so it is so it is in the name of Jesus we give you the praise I'm gonna dismiss you I'm gonna we're gonna do some deliverance but I do want to typically to be they're in a double lifestyle no judgment no condemnation we will not look at you I said how dare you you're on the Levitical order how dare you you you serve tea but there is a strong call out of heaven for you to become single again I just want one thing I'm calling you out of the double life tonight and it can happen tonight you don't have to schedule your delivers around the conference you don't have to wait to some mega event so that you can say I'll remember the file conference with God broke - you know he can do it right now he can respond right now and the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered there is deliverance in this room he's trying to break the yoke but not so that you can remain unyoked he wants to Ryo Q so that you can work for a different Kingdom and work for a new master I didn't walk on a new terrain he's calling you out I'm gonna dismiss you but there's anybody in here you're living a double life I don't care to know what I'm not judge I don't own heaven and I don't owe him on hell but between you and your heart you know if you're in adultery you know if you have a drug addiction you know and I've been filling the heart of God really break let me tell you how strong this is on me I was on the plane today watching the color purple and flights from California irritate my soul they just seem like they're just never-ending I'm like oh I put on the color purple cuz it's just a never-ending movie it's just so long I watched the church segment Celie came busting through the doors of the church Laurence Fishburne and all them people are behind her and they're singing God is trying to tell you something what it should I just want to test y'all black card Suge grabs her daddy who was the preacher after he just got done preaching about Prada goes and she says see daddy even sinners my eye I knew then I'm like oh you're getting old I thought a cheat run down my eye comes up this is really a sign of old oh my god who cries it stuff like that my heart broke because it hit me it was a real Epiphany God loves sinners and I know they don't mean nothing to you at all but it hit me so fresh God loves people in sin and if every Church in America understood that there would be no such thing as a small Church the problem is we're beating up on the people that God loves God is madly in love with senator the Bible says while we were in he does not wait for you to get it together to warn you he's jealous and furious love is over you whatever you hit me like a ton of bricks he loves sinners and it breaks his heart when you have opportunities to come to the altar and in your own pride in your own ego you don't let him heal you so don't be shamed there's deliverance in the room tonight I'm gonna dismiss you father in the glorious name of Jesus I praise you for every life for every soul for every family every destiny every I praise you for every wife every daughter every son well let this word bring them into victory even this week open up their realm of faith open up their courage and help them to sole single seeds grant them the victory as they follow this word and help them my god to pull through in faith in Jesus name if you're being dismissed you can go home I love you god bless you so much if you're out there there's a light-skinned dude I want to minister to I mean you really like you you so like you got a hoodie all with glasses you come here about a window are you come to me you Mary okay we're just coming through me if you're going home this is your dismissal if you want ministry you are in a double knot don't come up here asking for importation of the gifts of the Spirit don't come up here talking about you get bad migraines and you think it's your husband's ex-wife cranek issue appreciate your ex-wife will pray for that later I want to deal with doubled lifestyles that is the anointing in this room double lifestyles come on and don't be a shame you can come wherever you are come on so that the minstrels begin to play real quick I want you to come there is Method in all nations leaders if you could stay we're gonna minister with these people come on come I don't care if you listen especially those of you that are living with someone that you're not married to you you have somebody else's wife in your house somebody else's husband do not be embarrassed don't be in shape we want a ministry God's love to you come on come on wherever you are start making your way up here we're believing God for every fetter [Music] don't be afraid come now to the altar don't be afraid [Music] [Music] come on don't be ashamed listen break it down a little bit I'm very serious I want to pray for people in double lifestyles I want to pray for mothers who's not being honest with their children about who their daddy if their baby's father is I want to pray for those of you married women that are in love with other women I want to pray for you no condemnation no condemnation no condemnation get to this altar that's where everything is gonna change for you it's gonna be at this altar I want to minister to people who are living double lives those of you that have set up fake internet profiles to trap people up and to date people and come to this altar you can be set free you can be set free you can be set free there's a unique anointing that we need for this there is a very unique anointing that we need for this now if you're going to stay out there and you're not coming from ministry I at least need your prayers real hard because there's a war going on and we're plowing in the souls of men father I'm asking for fire I'm asking for real fire I'm asking for a holy fire I'm asking for purifying fire I'm asking for the fires of redemption for the fires of healing I'm asking for the fires of devotion begin to do a thing let a move up the spirit hit this building right now Josh come work with me that a move of the spirit hit this building diamond come on sweetheart in the name of Jesus rocky come on as it's all hands on deck today in the name of Jesus now as we're ministering to you you're gonna have to walk through some self forgiveness so we can get that up all right y'all can begin to go on medicine I'll come innocent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 35,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 43sec (4303 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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