r/NuclearRevenge THE HOUSE MATE FROM HELL! - Reddit Stories

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Why is it that, it’s the people who are the  closest to you, that seems to find a way to   hurt you in the place that you would most  definitely feel it the most. I guess that’s   why the saying goes, “Keep your friends close,  and your enemies, closer”. The same could be   said about the situation that transpired between  my best friend, whom I was the closest with at   the time, which was back then when we were in high  school. I would most definitely not have guessed,   that in any reality, that, she would betray me  the way that she did, and the worse part of it   all is that, for one, she did not even feel a  bit remorseful or regrettable of her actions,   and secondly, she did it without a second thought,  as to whom it was that she had done such a thing   to. I guess all I was to her, was just an  expendable friend that could be tossed aside,   whenever the time came for her to protect herself  and her integrity. Naturally, I am not the kind   of person or friend to hold a grudge to someone  the way and did, and for how long I did, but,   it just goes to show you how deeply she truly  hurt me, and how well driven and motivated I   was to making sure that I got back at her. To make you understand what truly happened,   I have to take you back to the very  beginning, where it all started.  Hi, my name is Zoey, I am the first daughter of my  father and the younger sister to 3 older brothers,   my mum had my first brother, when she was still  in college, and my dad had already decided and   made up his mind right then and there, that he  was going to make her his wife, by all means   necessary, and they got married as planned right  after the both of them had gotten their degrees,   and graduated from college. It did not take  them very long after having my eldest brother,   Mathew that my mother conceived of my 2nd  brother and within the span of which my   2nd brother was born, my third brother followed  in succession. I guess you could say that they   were really trying for a female child at the  time, because on the 4th trial, they got me,   and since then, I do not think that both my  parents were ready to get another child again.  Being the only female child in such a chaotic  house hold, growing up, I had always had this   certain obsession, or inclination towards guys,  I would view most guys at times as my little   brother, or my elder brother, as the case may  warrant it. You could say, that my reason for   this ideology, was based off the fact that, I grew  up alongside, three elder brothers of different,   yet alike, and chaotic personalities. Once, when  my first brother, Mathew, and my third brother,   Jonah, were into an altercation between each  other, the argument got so intense, so much so,   that when my 2nd brother, Andrew, tried to  intervene and stop things from escalating further   than it already had, he almost got injured, as  things had already started to get near physical,   and then I stepped in, knowing fully well, that  no matter how serious the fight was going to get,   they would never do anything at all to hurt me.  Every single time I do this, I always feel scared,   because I only ever step In, when the situation  is already getting too serious, which has happened   more times that I can count. Any ways, growing  up with three elder brother has its perks and   its demerits. Some of the perks of having three  brothers, is that for one, I know for a fact that,   being the only girl in the family and their only  sister, they tend to be overly protective of me,   at all times. I usually enjoyed this when I was  little, because it had always made me feel like   I was being protected by my very own personal bod  guards, like I usually saw in the movies. This was   one of the things I had usually bragged to my  friends in the street about. But one demerit of   having three brothers in my lie growing up,  was having to put up with three different,   yet very alike brothers, in the same house,  and this occurred very frequently, seeing as my   parents were scarcely around, due to the nature  of their job. In some way this did not prove to   really be a problem, because I usually enjoyed  the kind of drama they usually pulled. This in   some way actually affected my school life a bit,  because for one, when I had grown up quite a bit,   and got registered and enrolled in a high school  very close to my house, I was usually accompanied   to school by my three brothers, as at this time,  the three of them had already started frequenting   the gym, and they had become quite a bit muscular,  so much so, that they were already possessing   intimidating auras, that could make them  noticeable whenever they walk into a building.   This was no problem initially, as I thought  they looked cool and all, but it was later on I   got to figure out and realize that, following the  presence of my brothers in the school almost every   day, I became very popular in the school and even  feared. This happened because people were scared   of the fact that they, (my brothers), really  looked like real life body guards, and this in a   way prevented me from making new friends amongst  my peers. I had not noticed this initially,   when I had just gotten into the school, for the  first few months, as I had just thought to myself,   that they were just being that way seeing that I  was a new comer and all, but I still wondered for   a bit as to why this was so, as I know for a fact  that I am a very social person. It was not until   it was brought to my attention, by the girl whom  I would soon come to consider as my best friend,   and who would no sooner betray my trust. We were in the cafeteria for our lunch break,   and by we, I mean every student in the school, and  I was already used to this, but I was always left   alone on my own table, at the cafeteria, during  lunch hours, and this was nothing new to me,   but on this very day, I was approached by this  very lovely and kind hearted lady, who asked   if she could sit right next to me, to which I most  definitely did not object to. She had her seat and   we got talking. She introduced herself, as Skye,  she was also taking the exact same classed that   I was at the time, and we got talking, she was a  really easy going and cool person, and as she kept   on talking I began to find her character very  intriguing and interesting. So basically, when   she came down to it beside me at my table, she  had noticed prior to that day, that I was being   ostracized by very student in the school, as they  had all thought that I was some kind of celebrity   at the time, and I was being escorted by my body  guards every time I was coming to school, and   every time I was leaving school too. I laughed the  moment she said this, as it was not something I   was expecting at all. I told her that I literally  thought that, the reason, as to why everyone was   trying to distance themselves from me, was because  of the fact that, I was still a new student,   and that everyone was just being wary of the new  student, seeing as I was always coming to school,   accompanied by three hefty men, who seemed like  body guards. When she heard m side of everything,   she quickly burst into laughter, she laughed so  loud, that the entire school, turned to m table   as they began to wonder what was so funny. This  was the first conversation I ever had with Skye,   as from this moment on, we became very good  friends, and as the time went by, we became almost   inseparable. It became so obvious that, anywhere  you were looking for Skye in the school premises,   I was not always too far back, and the same goes  for her. I had even introduced her to my parents   and my brothers that she was so scared of all  this time, and to my greatest surprise, they   got along really fine. Anyways, this was not even  the highlight of our then supposed friendship, the   true highlight, was when during the incident of  Brad. For future references, Brad is the leader of   the schools, Lacrosse team. Upon first look, after  hearing that he was the leader of the Lacrosse   team, you would originally have this impression  that he was really handsome, with broad shoulders,   a chiseled jawline and chest, and many other  things girls my age were drooling over at the   time. But that was not Brad one single bit. Brad  was to generally everybody, very average looking,   as he did not possess all those muscular features  that girls my age, found very attractive and sexy   at the time. Probably one of the reasons why  I was not ready to opt for a guy that every   other girl was chasing, was the fact that I also  had brothers, that were way up in the scale than   the other guys were, and as such I thought it  weird to be attracted to such a kind of person.  Brad was what you would call my first high school  crush, as he was the first person I was ever   attracted to in my entire life, but no matter how  social I was at the time, I just could not muster   up the courage to even approach him, let alone  hold a reasonable conversation with him. This went   on for weeks on end, I would summon up a little  bit of courage to try and approach him, and then,   I would head on over to the lacrosse field,  waiting for him to show up, and when he finally   did, I would immediately pack my things and try  to evade him as best as possible. It did not take   too long for my best friend to notice this, and  she immediately called me out on this one day,   while we were having a conversation about  boys, and which boys in the entire school,   had caught our fancy.At this time, I knew where  the conversation was heading to and I did not   want to make it seems like I was not interested  in the conversation or anything, but as soon as   she asked me this question, I immediately went  blank, and then she called me out on this saying,   that I should have told her sooner that I was  interested in Brad, and that she would have helped   me out in whatever little way she could, either  by approaching Brad on my behalf or through other   methods. I immediately apologized to her, and I  immediately got interested in what form of help,   she was willing to offer me at the time. She  became serious and told me that she would help by,   approaching Brad on my behalf, and informing  him about myself, and just basically putting   a good word for me, and in the process,  setting the both of us up. This seemed   like a very god idea, and I let her do it. She went as planed and when she came back,   she did so, with a number in hand, as she told me  that she had finalized everything, and all I had   to do was just call him once I had gotten home. I  was already feeling excited, and I could not wait   at all to get home and get right on with it. When  the bell went, signifying the end of the day’s   session, I immediately went straight home, as I  did not want to waste even a single second before   getting home. Once I got in, I ran straight to my  room, locked the doors, and began practicing what   I was going to say when he had finally picked the  call. When I finally finished with my rehearsing,   I tried calling the number, but realized that it  was not complete, as there was a single number   missing from the beginning, and when I tried to  call Skye and ask her if she had collected to   complete number from Brad, her number too was not  reachable. I became worried, as this was the first   time that her number would be unavailable. After  trying it several times, I just opted to head on   over to her house, seeing that It was not too far  from my own house or anything. When I got to her   place, I got welcomed by her mother at the door,  who invited me in, and then she told me that Skye   had a visitor she was attending to upstairs. I  got confused, because we had just left school, not   up to an hour ago, and if I can recall correctly,  she was still in school when I left, so it sounded   improbable that she would be having a visitor  except it was somebody from school. So I just   thanked her for letting me in, as I found my way  upstairs to her room. When I got there. What I saw   really made me literally speechless. So apparently  this is the general gist of everything that   happened up until that very moment. So when Skye  offered to help me get Brads number and put in a   good word for me, turns out that she wanted him  for herself, and when she went over to see him,   she actually went for herself, and the number she  brought back was none other than a forged number,   one that she had just randomly come up with, while  she was on her way back from meeting with him. And   as for the event that had transpired right before  my eyes in her room, I met Skye making out, very   intimately, with the guy that she most definitely  knew, that I had a crush on. I felt broke,   betrayed, angry and a range of some other emotions  in that very moment. I just could not believe what   was happening right before my eyes, and when  I even tried to ask her right then and there,   why she would and could, do such a thing,  she immediately responded by saying that,   she just wanted to have a taste of him before  releasing him to me. Those words of hers,   really bore deep into me that very day, as this  was not what I was even expecting from her at all,   not even in a million years, I mean, this was  somebody that I could even vouch for with my life,   and this was how she had decided to treat our  friendship, as nothing more than a means to get   absolutely petty. I just took this as the end of  or relationship/ friendship, as this was the very   last time we had seen each other eye to eye, and  conversed. Obviously I was heartbroken by this, by   the loss of my best friend and the best friendship  I had ever had in my entire life, and by the   loss of the first guy I had a genuine crush and  feeling of likeness on and for. When I got home,   my brothers tried to get a better understanding  of what happened and who was responsible for   making me feel the way I was feeling for the  past few weeks, but I chose to remain silent,   as I did not want to make things worse for her  in the eyes of my brothers. I later decided to   come out and tell them what really happened, as  wanted clarify things, when my mother asked me,   when Skye would be coming to visit again. When they heard what really happened,   my brothers were furious and wanted to take  immediate physical action, but I stopped them   saying it was not really worth it any more, seeing  as she did it intentionally and with a clear mind   and all, which, means that this was not something  spontaneous, but rather, something that she had   been planning for quite a while. Obviously I was  not my normal self, but there was something I saw   that made me even more furious than ever,  which was when I resumed back to school,   and I saw that she was still involved with Brad,  and this time, she was even more open with it,   and even in a relationship with him. When  I saw this, I just knew she was doing this,   all just to spite me, and I was willing  and ready to pay her back in her own coin.  When I got home that day, I asked my brother,  if he knew of any way I could get back at her   and the solution he came up with was one of the  best ideas, I have ever heard from him. So he is   into the deep parts of the computer, and what he  did was change her entire grade to straight As,   all while leaving obvious digital footprints,  straight down to her system at home. He did   all of this under 30 minutes, and it took the  school about 72 hours, before they were able   to track where the hack in their database came  from and what was changed. When the prints had   led them to Skye, they called an immediate board  meeting, and the result of said board meeting,   was the immediate expulsion of Skye from the  school, and a ban was placed on her head,   preventing her from enrolling in another school,  for the next 2 year. This was punishment enough   for me, as in this way I had truly felt like I had  gotten back at her for what she had done to me,   and my trust that she had broken. That One Housemate That Turned   Out To Be A Pain In My Behind. Life in our shared house had always been   an adventure, a blend of personalities and quirks  that made each day unpredictable. To be honest,   the diversity of personalities that existed in the  house was one of the major reasons why I decided   to remain in the house rather than stay with  some of my other guys. There were four of us,   an eclectic mix of individuals brought together  by fate, or maybe just the chaos of housing   arrangements in the bustling city of Bristol. First, there was me, Jeff. An easygoing and   affable guy, or so I liked to think. My friends  often teased me about my laid-back attitude,   saying that I could find a silver lining in  even the cloudiest of days. I had a penchant   for cracking jokes and easing tension with  laughter. My roommates sometimes referred to   me as the "resident optimist." I was the one  who organized the occasional movie night and   brought home the pizza for our late-night  cravings. I was the cool guy and even our   neighbors knew that. It was indeed rare for me  to have issues with any of the other housemates.   When there were issues between the others, I was  more like the go-to guy to make sure that things   did not escalate more than necessary. It was  just my way of “following peace with all men.”  Then, there was Lily, our artistic soul. With  her vibrant hair and an ever-changing wardrobe   of eccentric outfits, she was a whirlwind of  creativity. Our house was her canvas, and her   art adorned every wall, telling stories in vivid  colors and abstract shapes. She had a free spirit   that brought life to our home. Lily had a knack  for turning everyday objects into works of art,   and her enthusiasm for her craft was infectious.  But in everything I liked about Lily, what I   cherished the most was her laughter. The way it  echoed through the house felt like wind chimes   on a breezy day to me. And opposite to Lily was  Mark our resident introvert and a self-proclaimed   bookworm. His room was a sanctuary of novels,  filled with shelves stacked to the ceiling with   classics and obscure titles alike. He was a man  of few words but a wealth of knowledge. Late-night   conversations with Mark often revolved around  philosophy, and his insights were both intriguing   and perplexing. His room was a quiet retreat where  he delved into the depths of literature, seeking   solace in the written word. We often admired  his intellect, even though we couldn't always   keep up with his deep musings. I kinda always  had a feeling that he thought he was smarter   than the rest of us. Maybe he was, I really  didn’t know neither did I bother to confirm.  Completing our quartet was Sarah, a beacon of  energy and ambition. Sarah had a contagious   enthusiasm for life, always setting new goals and  challenges for herself. Our shared spaces were   scattered with post-it notes outlining her latest  aspirations, ranging from learning a new language   to running a marathon. Sarah's drive inspired us  all to dream bigger. Her morning rituals included   upbeat music and a daily to-do list that could  rival a CEO's agenda. She was the motivator of   the clan, always ready with an encouraging  word or a high-five to boost our spirits.  Each of us contributed to the colorful outlook  of our household. Whether it was Lily's impromptu   art shows, Mark's philosophical debates, or  Sarah's infectious energy, our home was a   place where individuality thrived. We had our  quirks and idiosyncrasies, but they were the   threads that wove us together, creating a unique  and vibrant atmosphere. The dynamics within our   house were akin to a well-worn sitcom, with me,  Jeff, serving as the easygoing protagonist who   tried to keep the peace amidst the chaos. While I  cherished the camaraderie we shared, little did I   know that our harmonious existence was about to be  tested in a way none of us could have predicted.  Of the three other housemates, I was the closest  to Mark. I guess it had something to do with us   being the only guys so naturally, the ladies chose  themselves. But maybe it was because I was the   only one who could actually stomach the excesses  of Mark’s personality. I cherished the friendship   and trust I had with Mark. He and I had shared  countless moments of laughter, deep conversations,   and even quiet evenings in each other's company.  It felt like we were cut from different fabrics   that could seamlessly fit into each other's  lives. Our bond was one of the cornerstones   of our shared house, and I had believed that  nothing could tarnish it. It was nice to   have him to talk to and even on days when I felt  down and wanted to be left alone to my thoughts,   he would sit with me in the silence understanding  that that was the very thing I wanted.  Mark, with his introspective nature and his  vast knowledge of literature, had always been   a calming presence in our home. He was the one  who introduced me to the world of classic novels   and philosophical discussions over lunch or on a  random day when the girls decided to join us in   the shared living room. Our shared silences were  as comforting as our conversations – except when   his so-called philosophical stance didn’t  have any logic to it, and I had trusted   him with my thoughts and secrets. But then, that trust was shattered,   and the betrayal cut deeper than I could  have ever imagined. He hurt me in a way   I would never have guessed correctly. The hurt  ran deep, and it was this very pain that would   set me on a path I never thought I'd take – the  path of revenge. To him, it was just a random   day and an activity without consequences  but he couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Now, here is one thing I might have forgotten  to say when I started this. Truth is, I am an   easy-going person – I have always been. So, that  part wasn’t a lie. But I was a bit circumventing   with the whole story of my personality. You  see, one thing about people who seem easygoing   is that they could be extremely stubborn  when the need arises, and when that comes,   the heavens would not be able to stop them. So,  maybe I wasn’t a saint, and maybe I had a bit of   tar on my edges. But this did not make what I felt  from Mark less hurtful. Nor does it make it cool.  Mark's deceit unfolded gradually, like a  shadow creeping across a sunny day. It began   innocently enough, with a casual conversation  about our shared finances at least in what   actually concerned both of us as housemates.  We had always been open about money matters,   pooling resources to make our house run  smoothly. I trusted Mark implicitly,   believing that he had our best interests at heart.  One evening, as we sat in our cozy living room,   surrounded by the warmth of shared laughter,  the topic of our shared savings account came   up. Mark had been managing our finances, a role  he had willingly taken on. It was simply that a   part of our individual finances was sent  to this account and kept till we needed   to contribute money for certain things in the  house. The point was to make it easy to come up   with the money in cases of short notice. It was  during this discussion that I noticed something   amiss. There was something in the numbers that  didn't add up. When I questioned Mark about it,   he brushed it off as a simple mistake. But my gut told me otherwise. And my gut is right   8 of 10 tries. So, I decided to check it out. I delved deeper into our financial records,   meticulously reviewing transactions and  statements. What I uncovered sent shockwaves   through me – Mark had been siphoning off  money from our joint account for months,   diverting it into his personal account. When I  first noticed the initial transaction it didn’t   ring any bell since he told me of any debit  on house maintenance at the end of each month,   I thought maybe he needed it and he credited  the account with the same figure after a while.  There was no credit for that debit transaction.  The realization hit me like a tidal wave, drowning   me in a sea of disbelief, anger, and betrayal. As I confronted Mark, his facade of friendship   crumbled. I could have sworn that he was not  the one talking when the words came out of his   mouth. What I expected when I went to meet him  was clarifications. There had to be a reason,   howbeit stupid or irrational, why he chose  to steal from me. But there was none. What I   met from Mark was his accusations. He decided to  twist the tale around and ask why I did not trust   him enough that the money was complete. His only  argument was not why the money was missing…not if   money was missing. His argument was about how  I thought so little of him to go behind his   back to check the record of the accounts. I expected his admission to his financial   deception, his voice tainted with regret, or  perhaps even regret at being caught. But there   was nothing of that nature. The magnitude of his  betrayal was staggering. It was not just a matter   of money but a profound breach of trust that cut  to the core of our friendship. It was worse than   when our other housemates noticed the off-vibe  between the both of us, he conveniently forgot   to tell them about how I found money missing from  our account. His story was how I didn’t have trust   in him and how he caught me going behind his  back to get details of the transaction history.  I felt the walls of what I called our friendship  crumble leaving behind a gaping void. The anger   that surged within me was unlike anything I had  ever experienced. It was a fire that consumed me,   an overwhelming desire for revenge  that overshadowed every other emotion.  Night after night, I lay awake, my mind racing  with thoughts of payback. I couldn't eat or sleep,   my days consumed by a relentless obsession to make  Mark pay for his betrayal. It was as if a darkness   had descended upon me, blinding me to reason and  compassion. I felt justified in seeking revenge,   convinced that it was the only way to heal  the wounds Mark had inflicted. Then I began   to meticulously plan my revenge, pouring over  every detail like a detective on a high-stakes   case. I was driven by a need for retribution, a  thirst to see Mark experience the same pain and   loss that he had caused me. My previously  easygoing nature gave way to a relentless   determination to make him pay for his actions. The first step in my revenge plot was to expose   Mark's deception to our other housemates. I wanted  them to see the true nature of the person they   had trusted, the wolf in sheep's clothing.  I gathered evidence meticulously, creating a   timeline of Mark's financial manipulations.  Then, during one of our house meetings,   I laid it all out before them, each transaction,  each act of betrayal. The shock and disbelief in   their eyes mirrored my own when I discovered  the truth. Mark, the one we had all trusted,   had been deceiving us all along. The tension in  the room was palpable as we confronted him. His   remorseful apologies fell on deaf ears, drowned  out by the anger and hurt that surged through us.  But this was only the beginning of my revenge.  I wanted Mark to experience the consequences   of his actions on a grander scale, to feel the  pain of loss just as I had. I began to carefully   manipulate situations to put him in difficult  positions, and to make him question his choices.  One evening, I orchestrated a scenario where he  was publicly humiliated at a gathering of our   friends. It was one thing to let the other  housemates know the kind of person he was,   it was another to let our mutual friends see him  for who he actually was. It was a calculated move,   designed to tarnish his reputation and isolate  him further. The satisfaction I derived from   watching him squirm was intoxicating, a  balm for the wounds he had inflicted on me.  One evening, as my obsession with revenge reached  its peak, I meticulously orchestrated a scenario   that would not only expose Mark's deceit but also  publicly humiliate him. It was a calculated move,   designed to tarnish his reputation and isolate  him further from the friends he had once held   dear. The stage for my revenge was set  at a gathering of our closest friends,   a group that had shared countless memories  and laughter. It was the perfect setting,   an unsuspecting backdrop for the unveiling of  Mark's true nature. As the evening progressed,   I subtly steered conversations toward financial  matters, knowing that this was the Achilles'   heel of Mark's deception. I skillfully weaved a  narrative that led our friends to inquire about   our shared expenses, prompting Mark to explain  his role as our financial manager. With feigned   curiosity, I began to ask probing questions  about our joint account, carefully guiding the   discussion toward the revelation I had prepared. When the moment was right, I presented the   evidence I had gathered, a meticulously  constructed timeline of Mark's financial   manipulations. The room fell silent  as I unveiled each transaction,   each act of betrayal. Gasps of disbelief filled  the air as our friends realized the extent of   Mark's deceit. If we had taken a vote, he would  have been the least likely to be found in that   kind of scenario. Mark, once the center of  attraction and envy of our social circle,   now stood exposed as a manipulator and a thief.  His face paled, and beads of sweat formed on   his forehead as he stammered in a feeble attempt  to defend his actions. But the damning evidence   left no room for excuses or justifications. I watched with a mixture of satisfaction and   vindication as our friends reacted  with a mixture of shock, anger,   and disappointment. The camaraderie we had  shared for years unraveled before my eyes,   replaced by a collective sense of betrayal. But I wasn't finished yet. I had one final card to   play, a move that would cement Mark's humiliation  and isolation. I subtly hinted at a revelation,   a secret so damning that it would further tarnish  his reputation. It was a calculated tease, a bait   that I knew he couldn't resist. With a dramatic  flair and garnishing glint of bait in my eyes,   I revealed a fabricated text message conversation,  supposedly between Mark and an imaginary   confidant. In this fictional exchange, Mark had  boasted about his financial deceptions, betraying   not only our trust but also his moral compass.  The room erupted into chaos as our friends   grappled with the shocking revelation. Mark's  protests fell on deaf ears as his credibility   crumbled before him. The humiliation was palpable,  a weight that pressed down on him as he struggled   to salvage what remained of his reputation. I reveled in the chaos, the satisfaction of   watching Mark squirm intoxicating and  overwhelming. It was a moment of sweet   vindication, a balm for the wounds he had  inflicted on me. The desire for revenge,   which had consumed me for so long,  seemed justified in that instant.  But even as I relished in Mark's public  humiliation, a nagging feeling tugged at the edges   of my conscience. The darkness that had consumed  me was now spreading to those around me, staining   the very friendships I had sought to protect. As  I looked around at the shattered bonds and the   devastation my revenge had wrought, I couldn't  help but wonder if the price of payback was too   steep. Little did I know that the consequences  of my actions were far from over, and the true   cost of revenge was yet to be fully realized. As the consequence of my revenge plot continued   to unfold, I became consumed by a darkness that  seemed to grow with each act of retribution. My   once-harmonious household was now a battleground,  with me at the center of the storm. The lines   between right and wrong blurred, and I justified  my actions by convincing myself that I was merely   giving Mark a taste of his own medicine. But deep  down, beneath the rage and the desire for revenge,   I couldn't escape the nagging feeling that I  was losing a part of myself. The very traits   that had defined me – my easygoing nature,  my affable personality – were slipping away,   replaced by a relentless pursuit of  vengeance. I looked in the mirror one morning,   I didn't recognize the person staring back at  me. The once-smiling face had become hardened,   the eyes filled with a cold determination. It was  then that I realized the true cost of my revenge.  I had become a person I despised,  someone consumed by anger and bitterness.  The pain of Mark's betrayal had been replaced  by a different kind of pain – the pain of losing   myself. I had become so fixated on making him pay  that I had lost sight of who I was. The revenge   that had once seemed so sweet now tasted bitter  in my mouth. At that moment I was not concerned   with the series of backlash that I got from  Mark, because he did try to get even with me.   It was not just easy for him to do. Yet, I was  consumed by the way the whole plot unfolded.  To be honest, as I recount this experience, I  still think there was a better way to end the   whole issue. Maybe I shouldn’t have called him out  in the manner I did. Maybe I should have just let   it all slide. And for the last maybe…. Maybe, I shouldn’t have moved out of   the house that month after I failed  to recognize myself in the mirror.
Channel: Storytime
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Id: vmNCj0vgYxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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