r/EntitledParents WHY I HAVE THE WORST PARENTS EVER! - Reddit Stories

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Posted by  u/Silver_da_man 1 day ago HMMMM yes, our yard, your problem! M  so basically, we had the local Karen  in our neighborhood with like 4 kids,   ill call Entitled Parent EP. EP lives near us, like, next to   our house near us, and that can get... annoying. me, my dad, and my sister [mother is at work 24/7,   and dad is retired] were at  home kinda, just, chilling,   dad was sleeping, me probably sleeping as well,  and sister downstairs playing on her tablet.  Then the transformer on the telephone pole in our  yard freaking just explodes as loud as a cannon.   early in the morning, everyone is surprised,  we were confused, then we were like "oh shat,   no more power!" good thing we have the old  butt generator which works like a champ of   course! only needed a oil change and like two  small parts needed to be fixed over the years,   thats only when it failed us, so now,  old gene starts up, and keeps on running,   for how long? oh, like for three days straight. EP gets extremely angry, and calls the police on   us, why? because our generator was too loud! Oh no! whatever shall we do!  police come, my dad is confused, he was thinking  "we go to church, we are good people, what did   we do?" the police explain EP called because of  the generator, dad explains we cant really turn   it off, since we need power, police understand  fully, and leave, EP is ANGRY! she kinda just   stink eyes our house for the rest of the day  like she was planning something [she didnt]  a year later, my dad decides to dazzle up  the house, new grey paint, carpet, siding,   windows, now to deal with the ugly skinny trees  in the back yard and replace them with beautiful   flowers! so we order a company to cut down  and grinded the roots/removed roots, and oh,   can you guess what happens? child jumps into the  fire pit? our mini playground disappeared? someone   replaced the fence which we own??? nope! EP calls  the police, yet again, because we ordered a tree   company to cut down some small skinny trees. my  dad of course couldnt do it, me and my sister were   NOT trusted with any power tools, and mother  was at work almost the whole day whole week,   which is why we called them. so police come  AGAIN, and are very annoyed because they remember   last time EP called, so they asked my dad what  was the commotion, dad tells them we ordered a   company to cut down some trees which wouldnt take  long, since theyre very small, and police left.  EP got angry, later she moved out [thank god] and  we dont have to deal with her anymore! big win. Posted by u/xocoai  1 day ago Am I wrong to have no desire  to connect with my dad anymore?  L I don’t   know where to go to get help on this  so I hope it’s ok if I post here. I was closer to my dad growing up than I am  now. My parents divorced in/around 2005, when   I was either 6 or 7, so most of my life with my  parents had been back and forth trips on weekends,   and divided holidays. My mom had custody of  me and my brother technically, but there was   no separating us from our dad. It was a pretty  amicable divorce. We had shared time for years and   it didn’t seem to effect our relationship with our  parents, until I guess when I started high school. My dad used to drink a lot, but I don’t  remember him as a heavy drinker at all.   I just remember him as my dad. Maybe I  was too young to notice, because my older   brother remembers it more than I do. My dad  met a woman who did help him sober up more,   but also got him on the born again Christian  pipeline and it completely changed his   personality. My dad met this woman when I  started high school, who is now his wife. When they first got together it was fine, but  quickly my dad decided to move almost an hour   away from our home town, and still expected  me and my brother to fulfill the same amount   of visits after school and on weekends.  Both my brother and I began to hate going   back and forth. I remember I used to get  so angry because I was constantly trying   to do school work on school nights after  driving an hour to go see my dad (I was   an honors high achiever type that had a lot of  homework), only for him to get annoyed that I   was paying more attention to my school work  than him. It became a struggle of giving my   dad all the attention he wanted rather than what  I wanted or needed, and because of this I started   to resent him. I resented that he didn’t  take me or my brother’s time into account. One Christmas, he made us drive an hour  through a snow storm on Christmas Eve,   and the storm continued through Christmas  Day as we drove home to see our mom’s side   of the family. My brother just had gotten his  license and I was 13 or 14. I remember that   so vividly because I think that’s when  I realized his narcissistic tendencies. He changed so much because of his wife. He  became almost like a completely different   person. He isn’t the dad I used to know, and  when that started to happen I also resented   his wife. Even though, it was probably good  for him that he was sobering up because of   her. But I didn’t recognize him anymore, and  I would get into fights with both of them on   visits. I hated her for changing him. I didn’t  feel like I could connect with him anymore. Me and my brother were not raised in religion- we  were given the choice to choose what we wanted to   believe. But once he changed, he began to try  to impose all of his beliefs on us. My brother   seems to be able to let it roll off his shoulder  pretty easily. For me, it drove me insane. My   political beliefs as well are the polar opposite  of my dad’s. I’m very progressive and he is very   conservative. I don’t want to get into any debates  on here, but I feel like this context is also   important to mention because it affected my view  of my dad intensely. I didn’t want it to, but when   it started to involve hate towards women - I felt  it personally and it hurt. It’s like everything   I believe in to him is devil worship. It’s  like he feels the need to save me from myself. With all of this being said, it’s very hard for  me to understand him, and it’s hard for him to   understand me. And it would be fine with me if we  just didn’t talk about any of it, but it’s like   he is a missionary and feels like it’s his duty  to change me and my entire personality. I’ve had   multiple conversations with him about how I don’t  want to share our beliefs anymore, because it does   more harm than good. It’s like an incessant thing  that he feels that he needs to talk to me about. I don’t feel much of a connection to him anymore.  It feels shallow and artificial, and seeing him   feels like an obligation or a chore to me. He is  trying to stay connected with me and I appreciate   that he is trying. He is trying to find basis  for what we can connect on that doesn’t involve   religion or politics. But I can barely give him  the time of day anymore. I feel guilty about it,   but I’m 25 now and I have so much going on in  my life that needs my attention more. I just   don’t know how to connect with him anymore, and  I’m ok with that, but he isn’t. He is constantly   trying to be in my life, and I feel horrible  about it, but I am so much more comfortable   with the distance that I’ve created between  us. Everyone tells me that I should try to   stay connected more. Am I doing something wrong  by not wanting him super involved in my life? Posted by  u/alhbundy 2 days ago Slaying of a dragon mommy. M  Today's epic is about a father who slayed  (slewed??) the mighty mommy dragon. As with all these tales it began quietly. The mommy had her 2 kids one boy (about  10) and the daughter (a little younger.) The girl had a shopping bag with some  items in it, that I couldn't see. The boy asked me how much my  Pokemon card packs were. I told him,   $4 for one/ 3 for $10. (sorry  that the original text said 3/20.) He stated how much cheaper  they were than at the store   he usually goes to and tells me he wants 6 packs. She said no. You can't have that many. Kid.."You said that I could  use my $20 to buy what I want." Her.."Not to waste...." Kid.."Funny that everything I want is a waste." Her..Ripping the $20 out of his  hand..."you know, you're right." What she didn't know was that the Father  was right behind her when she did this. First thing he did was ask her  why she did that. To which she   replied that he was going to waste it  on cards. He asked why it was a waste. Her response??? "because." He went "Hmmm" and asked the girl for her  bag. She handed it to him and he looked in it,   turned around and started walking away. Mommy asked him where he was going with that bag. He stated that he was returning it "because  it was a waste." She yelled at him that she   had permission to buy that. His  response was the he gave the boy   permission to buy those cards. Again, she  wasn't allowing it because it was a waste. Here is where this guy became the mighty  warrior. He said that she was right about   the girl being allowed to buy what she wanted.  He asked me how much the cards were and I told   him. He stated that they were cheaper then  where they usually go and tells me to give   the boy 9 packs. He pulls out $30 and hands it  to me. The boy became a god next. He said to is   father that it wasn't fair to his sister.  He was getting $30 and she only got $20. Father looked at him and shook  his head in affirmation. He then   asks his daughter if she wants  Pokemon. She says "YES" loudly. The shock on Mommy wore off and screamed  that these weren't for girls and that the   girl didn't even like Pokemon. She looked  at her and stated that she loved Pokemon,   but you would never let her have  any, or let her watch the show. The father told her to take 6 packs and the  boy to take another 3 and handed me the money. A happy time was had by all except  for the defeated dragonmommy. Posted by  u/nannymama53 2 days ago Dad expects me to be a perfect Mom M  I grew up with a bipolar father who was  finally diagnosed when I was 20. Growing up,   I lived in CONSTANT fear of my father. For  context, I was considered a "goody 2 shoes"   and never disobeyed. He criticized my weight on  a routine basis, he would blame me for ruining   his day if I did anything wrong or made a  mistake as every child does while growing   up. An example - he blamed me when he shattered  the storm door glass because "he had an extra   coffe to carry in the cup holder" because i  asked for one since we were one vacation. I   was 12 when this occurred. He often screamed  explicititives at me for normal child needs   because it inconvenienced him. He was emotionally,  mentally and occasionally physically abusive. Also   s******* abusive when I was 5 but I kept it  to myself until my college years. He put me   through SO much childhood trauma. Ironically  enough, my father believes that a persons   childhood and how they were raised is a direct  reflection of who they become as an adult. My   dad won't apologize or acknowledge what he  did but expects me to be a perfect parent. My husband and I have been together  for almost 18 years, married for 12. My child has HF autism, ADHD, and dyslexia.  Assuring he has the appropriate educational   and psychological support he requires and  deserves has always been my top priority. My father constantly finds something about my  son's upbringing to critique. If my husband   and I have a disagreement (raised voices  but no screaming) in front of our son,   my father tells us that our child is  going to be messed up as an adult. My   dad has even stated (in front of my son) my  intelligence is disappointing and subpar to   his and my mother's. My dad even told  my son that mommy is going to ruin his   upbringing and permanently screw him up.  My father always points out anything about   me that he doesn't like. According to him,  he cannot enjoy his "golden years" because   "my imperfections as a parent are damaging  my son's potential." He then curses at me. Any advice or guidance is  appreciated. Thank you in advance! Posted by  u/Wooden-Feedback-7986 2 days ago Would It be wrong to move  out or am I being ungrateful?  M I, 21F,   grew up in a single mother household with five  other siblings. Also, I was the only girl , middle   child. My mother is very hard-working to the  point where I don’t even remember her being   there half my childhood. I just remember her  working, working from home, selling houses,   doing hair, and going to nursing school. Now,  she’s an RN all at 50 years old. Let’s just   say I have a lot to live up to. Now I have a  little sister 7F. A lot of my, no majority of,   if not all, my teenage years I was watching  her. No football games, no basketball games,   no late nights out with friends. My cousins still  make jokes that I was a second mother at 14. My mom has done a lot for me physically so  that’s why I feel so ungrateful. My mother   and I don’t have the best relationship. We  don’t talk, and I honestly kind of don’t like   being around her. I feel really bad but mentally,  emotionally I can’t stay in this town. I don’t   have a life here. Every time I travel I feel  that taste of freedom that I know it’s gonna   go away once I step back in my hometown. It’s  the same day-to-day routine every single day. Recently, my mom is getting another divorce. I  don’t care. I know my mom’s not gonna read this,   so that man was a b!tch and I called it. She  always dates down when she's worth so much more.   But now she’s talking about stepping up again and  doing more around the house. But she knows I have   1 foot out the door. It’s making our relationship  even worse that I’m barely home. I just do the   bare minimum like making sure my sister gets  to school and she eats and goes to bed on time. I honestly don’t even think I'm much help at the  moment. Plus, she says it all the time anyway. But   with everything going on at my house, I just feel  like and ungrateful angry ball of misery. Like I’m   supposed to want to help her and stay. But if I  stay, I know my story, I’ll just end up depressed,   pregnant, and a stoner for the rest of my life  taking care of people that I don’t want to. I’m   so ashamed to say that. And moving, god, just  thinking about it I can feel the opportunity,   the worry, the excitement, the struggle,  the happiness… idk no risk no story. This is truly a rant and there’s no  structure. I just wanna know if I am   an ungrateful human being for wanting to  leave my mom behind and figure it out? Posted by  u/AslansGirl89 3 days ago Entitled houseguests M  So, about 12 years ago, the summer after I (34f)  graduated from college, I was back at home and   planning a wedding to my husband (32m). I was  there for about a month or so when my father came   home from a late shift around midnight one night  and came inside as white as a sheet because he   had just been robbed at gunpoint right in front of  our house. It was a disrupted night of sleep for   all of us to say the least after we had dealt  with the police and whatnot. I honestly don't   think that my father even slept. So, the next  day my mother called her good friend and told   her what happened and the friend graciously  invited all 3 of us humans, 2 birds, a dog,   and a turtle to move into their basement until  they could find a place to live in a safer area   because we had been living in a very bad part of  town which is why what happened, happened. So,   we all moved in and all was well for a few weeks  until my Narcissistic father and entitled mother   started to complain about how this friend and  her husband lived differently than they did. I   mean obviously... 2 couples in their 40s/50s are  going to live differently than each other but my   parents were so dumb and petty about the things  they chose to complain about. Granted, there were   some serious things that this couple had going  on that were problematic like not having any gas   because it had been shut off due to non payment so  there was no heat or hot water. The heat wasn't a   problem because it was summer but the cold showers  were a bit annoying but still, we were guests in   their home. Anyway, here's a list of the dumbest  things my parents got into fights with them over: The couple never ate any  veggies and "ate like children." Their teenage daughter was too sullen  and spent too much time in her room. The lady slept with a teddy bear. The man washed his hands too  thoroughly and too often. The man was struggling to find a  job (hence the gas being shut off   but my father spent the entirety  of my HS career unemployed so...) Their dog's breath stank. 🤣 They complained about the people's house cleaning  because there was dog hair all over the place   and it was cluttered. (The house we left looked  like it should have been on the show Hoarders.) I can't think of anything else because I have  tried to block that period of my life out but   my parents stayed with them for a good 6  months and they were constantly fighting   over the dumbest things like the above. It  just baffles me honestly that my parents   would be so ungrateful of their hosts like  that. I mean I am not surprised because as   I mentioned at the beginning, my father is a  Narcissist and my mother is entitled because   of it but I would be a lot more grateful  if someone was letting me, my adult kid,   and several pets live in their basement!  Thankfully I went back to my college town after   the end of the summer and didn't have to deal  with that nonsense on a daily basis while also   planning a wedding but yeah. There's one of the  THOUSANDS of entitled parents stories I have. Smh. Posted by  u/monteay12345 4 days ago Practised self defence and nearly got   expelled for it L  TLDR: my bully got socked  and I nearly got expelled. Context and cast: me, EK, EM, SM (saviour  momma), NP(nice principle), BT(biased teacher),   SD(super dad), ED. Ek and I were both  14yrs male. We were in the same year group,   and EK was my bully for about 4 years before  hand. BT and EM were friends outside of school.   SM and SD are (obviously) my parents, and  EM and ED are (also obviously) EK’s parents. EK had been my bully for years, and this wasn’t  your typical name calling, shoulder bumping,   gossiping kind of bully, this was a raw, British,  fat-boy bully. He was physical, pushing me over,   pressuring me, trying to pick fights, literally  spitting on my head. He was about 4ft 5”, and   I was about 6ft 2. He was fat, and I was lanky.  Not a very fair match. Just before this incident,   I went to the local fairgrounds that had popped  up recently, and I had a go at one of those   punching bag score things you see people failing  at in meme videos, and it turns out I have some   pretty decent momentum, as I got a score of about  500ish, while all my friends got about 350-400. On the day of the incident,  right before it happened,   I went to the orchard in my school’s garden area,   as it had just reopened due to the large wasp  nest being removed. Along comes EK and his goons. EK: Oi! Dumbo!. Me: (still trying to  reach for an apple on the tree) what?. EK:   what’re you doin’ mate!? Me: picking apples,  what does it look like I’m freaking doing?” At this comment, which I am quite proud of, he  scowls, leans forward, and starts barrelling   towards me in a rugby tackling position. As I am  still stretched up trying to reach an apple, I see   this in my peripherals, and don’t have enough  time to move before I am on the floor, winded   and cut by the gravel ground. In perfect goon  fashion, they all start laughing, and EK steps   back a bit. I get up, walk away, and just before  I go through the trees, I give EK a little 🖕. I immediately hear home shout “get back  here you lanky crap!” And hear gravel   crunching under his feet as he runs.  I think about making a dash for it,   but decide against it. I wanted to try  something, knowing it probably would work,   but I wanted to try it anyway. I  was going to fight back for once. I see him appear around the trees and  run straight at me. I back up a bit,   and he starts smirking. He slows down  and starts walking just as he gets   closer to me. The next few seconds are a  blur. My arm raises, I ball up my fist,   and I punch EK in the face, right as  he’s getting ready to tackle me again. He’s on the ground, groaning, poking his cheek.  Before anything happens, I make a break for it   and run back to the main building. Class starts  and EK comes in late, with a purple cheek. Crap.   BT asks him what happened, and EK tells her a  bullcrap story of how I punched him unprovoked.   This is typical for him, as when I have told  the teacher about what he’s done to me before,   he makes up some story about how he is  the victim, and for some ungodly reason,   the teacher can’t decide who’s lying and who  isn’t, and so just punishes us both. It’s   gotten so bad that SM tells me to shush whenever I  mention EK’s name, as she knows it’s gonna be bad. EK sits down, and class goes on. Later, I get  called to the principal’s office. EK and BT are   there, along with NP. EK is told to tell his side  of the story, in which he says that I pushed him   over and punched him for no reason. All the while,  BT is glaring at me. I then tell my side. I have   been on good terms with NP for years now, so I  hoped that he would believe me. But it seemed   that BT had been trying to convince NP that I  was in the wrong here. NP told us all to leave,   and that he would get our parents to  come into school to talk about this. A few days pass and SM, EM, EK and I are back in  the principals room. To spare you the details,   as this is already very long, EM started  raving about how I should be expelled for   assaulting her sweet child, and SM argued that  EK should be expelled for all he has done to me,   and how I was only using self  defence. It ends with, as usual,   us both getting punished and suspended. Later,  SD decided enough was enough, and so he and   I did something very unprofessional,  and went to EK’s house on the weekend. My dad knocked on the door, and ED opened  the door. ED: um, ello, who’re you? SD:   I’m OP’s father, I’ve come to have  a word with you and your son. ED:   ah, right, well then, I guess you can come in. At this point , ED was visibly intimidated, as  my dad was very tall, 6ft 5, and he wasn’t lanky   like me, he was wide shouldered, big muscles,  essentially, bigger and stronger than ED would   probably ever be. SD told me to wait in the car.  He never really told me what was said in there,   just told me that EK should leave me along from  now on, and if he doesn’t, make sure to tell him. EK left me alone for a long time after that. Until  the school called the police on him after I told   them about how he slapped my butt (for some  unknown reason, probably just to annoy me). He   was charged with sexual assault and suspended. He  never really interacted with me again after that. I notice now that this post is  more about EK than EM or ED,   but I think it still fits with the subreddit, idk. Posted by u/Jlaw118  3 days ago My mum and step-dad claim they understand how  busy my life is right now. Then complain I   never have time for them. I’m exhausted  with their entitled, attention seeking.  M I’m caught   up in the middle of an argument between my mum  and step-dad at the minute. My step-dad left her   in June following an argument that turned sour  between the two. The problem they both have is,   he’s a heavy drinker and my mum has anger  issues and together they just clash. Anyway, regardless, this argument between  the two of them has been going on ever   since. Both promising me they won’t get  me involved but it’s all they have done. My life is hectic at the minute. Me and  my girlfriend moved in with my grandma   18 months ago following her dementia diagnosis,   so we live and care for her. We’ve got an 8  month old baby boy who keeps us on our toes,   whilst I also started my own business in June  and most days I’m out working 12+ hours a day. I literally get up and out of the door for  6am, I drive most of the day and limited to   when I can text and be on the phone. I get home  about 6pm on average, where we sit down to eat,   wash up, then we have our little boy in a  routine at about 7pm we get him ready for bed,   with a bath every two nights. That’s a bottle,  book and then trying to settle him. Whilst   trying to make sure my grandma’s needs are  also met. Then we have washing up to do,   sometimes bottles to wash and sterilise. Then  we maybe get into bed about 9pm to settle down,   but I have to sit there on my laptop catching  up on admin things for the business that I don’t   get the chance to do during the day. We maybe  get to sleep around 10/11pm, then back up at   5am and repeat. I barely see my little boy apart  from bed time most days and it breaks my heart. My step-dad recently saw me have a mental  breakdown in regards to my grandma’s dementia   only a matter of a month or so ago. Then not  long after he started kicking off at me over   texts and emails, throwing things in my face  that he’s bought me over the years and telling   me how awful and ungrateful I am. Then has  gone back to my mum saying I never ring him,   or visit him or care about him. So mum’s  responded reminding him I’m working all of   the time now whilst caring for my grandma  and baby etc, and pretending she cares. Her freezer broke yesterday. She’d asked me if  we had room for anything in our chest freezer,   I told her we did a big shop over  the weekend and don’t think we do,   but could probably squeeze some essentials  in. Then she’s messaged me this morning,   telling me I was no help to her yesterday when she  needed it and all her food is now going to waste,   and my step-dad is right, I don’t  have the time of day for them. You know what? They’re right.  I don’t have the time of day   for them. They’re exhausting whilst I’m  already exhausted myself. They both want   constant attention. Me and my girlfriend  are absolutely exhausted with everything   because we get so little help as it is.  There’s just not enough hours in the day. I know it’s not always going to be like  this, but at the minute it is and we’re   struggling. I can’t be bothered with  any of it. I just can’t please anybody.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,064
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, Storytime entitled parents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitled parents Storytime, Storytime r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitledparents posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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