Best of r/ProRevenge 2023 - Reddit Stories

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Welcome Friends to another r slash Pro revenge  video if you want to be a pro here all you gotta   do is hit those like And subscribe buttons down  below that said our first story of the days by   I love you a lady refused to cut my hair based  on my appearance for context I like to wear my   clothes until they're worn out I have money but  I don't spend it unless I really want or need to   money usually goes towards my groceries bills  Etc my clothes don't look torn apart but you   can tell they're old I wear old pants old shoes  old shirts all clean just well worn I decided   to go to a salon for the first time just out of  curiosity I usually cut my own hair but I wanted   to try something new I signed in sat down and  waited the lady who I assumed was going to be   the original person to cut my hair takes a glance  at me and turns around to one of her co-workers   without even lowering her voice tells her I'm not  cutting her hair I walked in with very clean hair   I was clean my hair is kind of short and it was  all brushed out and good before I walked in she   continued telling her that she didn't want to cut  my hair because I was cheap and thought she'd be   lucky to get free stuff here I didn't know they  did free things for newcomers anyway just wanted a   haircut you know well their co-worker cuts my hair  instead we have a nice talk and I end up with a   lovely haircut she was one of the sweetest people  I've ever met on top of paying for my haircut I   look at her and tell her here I want you to have  this this is yours don't give it to anyone else   and gave her a 50 tip The Other Woman saw all of  that and looked angry as heck the lady who cut my   hair thanked me and she looked over joy that was  the best fifty dollars I've ever spent seeing the   first woman's angry expression made my whole year  I'm not so cheap after all huh if somebody talked   down about you like this would you want to spite  them and give that person a really good tip maybe   even try to make it apparent to that one person  that stiffed you let me know in the comments down   below our next door series by Randa luminium  sincerely forgot a bully's name and called   her something totally wrong then thanked her for  getting me fired I don't know if this is actually   Revenge but a comment I made in a different sub  reminded me of this event from 20 years ago and   it feels a little like harmless Revenge to me I  worked at a small satellite office nine staffers   of a much larger organization headquartered  elsewhere the place was a seething snake pit   of office politics and the parent org was even  worse from the first day everyone gossiped about   everyone else to me so I didn't tell them anything  I could avoid telling them because I knew anything   I said would be immediately told to everyone in  the office and weaponized when they wanted to use   it I did assume anyone who spent five minutes  with me would know or at least suspect I'm gay   I was 40 something not married not Macho Etc but  a trio of my women co-workers decided that since   I was single and didn't look like a player I must  be a virgin and it was fun for them to try to make   me blush thus lots of sexual jokes and innuendo  apparently it was their job to tease me into I'm   not sure what go hook up with a woman I would just  walk away and never speak to them about anything   not work related and absolutely necessary I'd have  been there eight months and I knew that I wouldn't   last a year they decided to go full on Mean Girls  and file multiple complaints about me but there   wasn't anything to complain about that was an  actual infraction So eventually one of them lied   to HR and said I called our boss the old see you  next Tuesday right like I was stupid enough to say   that the people who were making my life miserable  and who would have instantly gone to our boss with   it one of the three was named Shelly I don't  know if she was the one that made the initial   accusation but she and her two friends all lied  to HR and said it happened in front of the three   of them I was fired for supposedly calling our  boss that word and along with a lot of self-right   anger about it all I got a better job and moved  on a few years later on Christmas Eve I was in the   post office and someone called my name I turned a  look and for some reason when I saw her face ice   claimed Darlene like it was someone I was thrilled  to see I don't even know anyone named Darlene have   never known anyone named Darlene and have no idea  why I called her that but then I said no that's   not right she looked like I'd thrown a water in  her face and said Shelley I said oh right Shelly   I'm so glad to see you because I need to thank  you and everyone back there because all the lies   you told and the nasty things you did to me to  get fired turned out to be the best thing that   ever happened to me I have a great job now with  people I love and I make a ton more money and it's   all thanks to you and everyone at so and so she  suddenly looked like she'd bitten into a lemon and   said well you have a merry Christmas and I walked  away I could be wrong but I feel like it seemed   like there's a pretty clean clear double standard  going on here first of all you reverse the gender   roles going on here and that mean guys crowd  nowadays if that got out properly might end up   getting those people totally blacklisted if they  didn't have enough power or nepotism to cover up   the fact that they're being sexually harassing  anyways our next story is by z1000 Kawa saying   you're the boss to your boss so this happened  two years ago a little bit of background I work   for a security company at a European airport not  allowed to say which for about 10 years now two   years ago I became a high-ranking supervisor I'm  responsible for about 400 plus agents because of   that the law states that I have to follow an  additional course of 132 hours plus two exams   to get my degree as security manager basically  everyone from supervisor to manager needs to   have this degree the location of this course is at  the training facility of the company where all the   security guards of that company follow their  basic training refresh specialized trainings   Etc and this is where my Story begins first off  one of the rules state that you should wear your   uniform at all times when you do work related  things like a training or course one exemption   is for the newly hired guards they get the  uniform after the first two months of basic   as well as guards from smaller companies who work  for a bigger company and people who do one of the   manager courses the uniform is a black pair of  pants with a red slash white shirt for Asians   red and black for supervisors a tie for the men  that needs to be worn every time and completely   black shoes no other colors allowed important  for later I was there with one of my fellow   supervisors in our civilian clothes and we were  in a class with mostly people from other units   within the company it's been four years since  we were last at the facility and things changed   over the years so we kind of felt lost there  at first after a few hours I spotted a friend   of mine Chris who recently started the course for  Aviation Security I helped him apply for the job   Etc and I was talking to him asking how the course  was and some small talk about the airport he   explained to me where the new facility restaurant  is as we were on lunch break and then went back   to his group this is where the jerk of the story  let's call him Kenny walks up to me from that same   group conversation went like this Kenny said hey  man I said hey how are you he said you seem a bit   lost here I said yeah it's all a bit new to me and  Kenny says where's your uniform pointing to his   own never mind you're scheduled for the airport  right did you do your basic already I knew where   this was going and I couldn't let this opportunity  go so I played along I said yes I haven't received   a new uniform yet which is true as a supervisor  wears a different uniform I hope it suits me   awkward laugh yes I'm going to the airport after  this course I passed basic a while ago which is   all basically true Kenny says well I'm in training  right now to be a supervisor there I say oh you're   going to be my supervisor nice to meet you he said  yeah whatever next time we meet you better be in   uniform and wear it correctly got it bud I said  yes sir I walked off to the restaurant and told   everything to my colleague we started laughing  our butts off and went with our day I texted my   friend Chris and asked for Kenny's full name and  what he was like in class Chris told me everything   how Kenny was walking around like he knew it all  constantly talked back to his instructors and how   he didn't give a freak about the uniform or the  company's dress code really Kenny also told the   group about our conversation and how scared I  looked he and some others laughed about it but   Chris knew this would backfire and how right he  was Chris never told Kenny he knew me and who I   was because he knew I'd handle it fast forward a  few weeks later I passed my course the week before   and just got my new red and black uniform I was  sitting at my desk going through the names of all   the guards on duty today when I saw Kenny's name  on there I located his position and went to visit   him he was standing there at the X-ray machine  no tie black and white shoes and his shirt wasn't   ironed he didn't see me as he was too busy talking  with another guy instead of working I talked to   his team leader who told me he already gave Kenny  a warning today about his uniform but he wouldn't   listen I said I wanted to see Kenny right now in  my office a few minutes later Kenny walks in and   doesn't recognize me at first until I say Kenny  you said I needed to be in uniform next time we   met so here I am Kenny's eyes widened and realized  who I was he said oh yeah I was only kidding sir I   said never mind dude however let's talk about you  you're not wearing your tie your shirt looks like   well crap and your shoes aren't the right color  not only that but you ignored team leader who I   trained when he warned you about the uniform and  you were a real pain during your training you're   also slacking off at work how come Kenny just  stood there looking at the ground and mumbled   something of an excuse I say I should ride you up  for ignoring your team leader misbehavior neglect   and slacking off that's a three-day suspension  right there but I'm in a good mood and you're   obviously new here so I'll let this one go for  now okay Kenny said thank you sir I didn't realize   it would be a problem I'll behave accordingly  sir promise I said great and oh one more thing   Kenny he says yes sir I say make sure next time  we meet you wear the uniform correctly got it   bud I appreciate the sheer amount of patience op  displayed here you could have annihilated a total   jerk like Kenny who obviously was lying to your  face about their reasoning saying oh I didn't know   even though I warned you about the exact thing I'm  doing and I'm put putting in zero effort anyways   just in general Opie's like I'm not really going  to punish you but I'm going to make sure you feel   like a total jerk an idiot and give them that  last chance to turn it around before cementing   themselves as a total jerk our next story is by  Floyd Henderson one from my dad during his army   days South Africa about 1979. one of the camps my  dad went to they had a sergeant there harder than   Nails everyone under his command was the best  at what they did and all super fit also no one   messed around with Sergeant or anyone under his  command other lower ranked soldiers and commanding   officers were so poop scared of Sarge mainly  because one day Sarge found out his own nephew   was stealing from the other soldiers Sarge drilled  his own nephew non-stop until he passed Sarge   got demoted and worked his way back to Sergeant  that's where my dad comes in there was one private   who got made troop leader for a bit who my dad  described as a first class jerkhead and train that   also made mess-ups and training that seemed to be  done on purpose every time first class jerkhead   and training made a mess up Sarge made him watch  while everyone else did PT one day everyone has   had enough first class jerkhead in training had  a separate bed near the front of the sleeping   quarters so carefully and as quietly as possible  two covers were pushed closer together and first   class jerkhead in training had his bed lifted onto  the top of the cupboards bright and early the next   morning sarge is in there sounding the call First  Class jerkhead and training nearly knocked himself   out he hit the floor so hard Sarge sees it as  his duty to start giving first class jerkhead   and training a serious stressing down right there  because one why is he playing games sleeping on   top of the cupboards or two why wasn't he aware  enough that someone had put him on top of the   cupboards that's when Sarge chose someone else for  the new leader and no more problems I mean it's   nice to finally get this guy out of the way so  it isn't like giving any more heartache to people   or headaches at least but I find it so bizarre  that op kind of nonchalantly glanced over the   part where they said Sarge basically ripped into  their own nephew non-stop until they passed and   then they only got demoted for it I don't know if  that's like a figure of speech or if that's just   like a really bad rumor but sounds like a bit much  our next story is by spotson ruined my graduation   and work me like a rented mule well hope you don't  like salt in your food this all happened in 1999.   backstory my cousin Charlotte and I are about  the same age we come from a pretty big family   Thanksgiving could be upwards of 35 people and  she was completely self-obsessed she was dating   a man who was 15 years older than her she was  about to break up with him because she wasn't   sure she'd still find him attractive in 10 years  she was 25 he 40. but then he reveals he has over   a million dollars because his parents left him a  large sum of money when they died all of a sudden   she's pretty sure he'll look just fine in 10 years  so she sets about getting married my mother has   only one request don't get married on the last  Saturday of May as that was when I was going to   my graduation from college well wouldn't you know  it that's just the day she picked her side of the   family downplays it after all what's a graduation  when compared to a wedding I gripped my teeth and   I agree to not make a big stink and we all drive  six hours to her wedding the story we get a call   the night before to get to their house it was all  to their home early so he can set up and we should   ring our appetites because he's going to serve  us breakfast okay fair play so we pull up the   morning of the wedding it's family so you pitch in  we walk in and are immediately put to work we set   up the table in the front yard and chairs in the  back over 150 chairs to be exact we work for over   an hour all the time getting hungrier and hungrier  at our around 10 or so we ask our uncle where the   food is well didn't we get any when we came in no  we got there and we were put right to work oh well   no time now then the Caterers show up well it's a  guy that goes to my uncle's church and he brought   two 15 year old waves the food is all pre-packaged  and there's a ton of it so my sister gets put to   work in the kitchen warming it up while my brother  and I are put to work setting up the serving lines   now my uncle was one of the cheapest men on the  planet and it was Dawning on us that this was a   diamond gym special that's what we called it when  he cheaped out on everything and expected everyone   else to pick up the slack by now my brother and  I have sweated through our undershirts and we're   looking pretty ragged all the while my cousins  drifting around the house like she's royalty I   swear to God if she had just told me thank you  for doing this I know you missed your graduation   for my big day and I appreciate it nothing that  happened next would have but instead she walked   up up to me and said you're going to fix your hair  before the service right I gritted my teeth and   went back to putting tablecloths out the wedding  comes and goes the service was fine but 30 minutes   late because her Royal Highness wanted to make  an entrance my sister didn't get to see the first   half because she was still warming up thousands of  meatballs for the serving trays then the service   is over and without missing a beat my uncle looks  at my brother and I and says okay now move all the   chairs out front to the tables my brother looks  at him like he's about to murder him but we do   it anyway all the while we're taking crap from  the guests like um we need chairs over here and   YouTube really should have done this earlier but  the straw that broke the camel's back was when at   a moment's notice Charlotte decides that because  some of her favorite flowers were in bloom that   she wanted to rearrange the entire wedding meal  so she could take her pictures there and oh won't   it just be fun for everyone to watch them being  taken my brother and I are some moment and after   work we go while this is going on the caterer and  my uncle are just sitting under a tree having a   big old time while my sister runs the kitchen and  is busting her butt to help these two overworked   freshmen those two girls look like they were  going to die we are beyond hungry remember we   didn't get to eat that morning but by the time  we finally finished most of the food was gone   my siblings and I go back into their house  and scrounge whatever's left and sit in the   living room we're all exhausted and looking for  payback the revenge like I said before all of this   could have just been avoided with just a little  recognition for our efforts but we came up with   what we called our severance package just a little  couple perks for our work Charlotte's sister Bess   hates weddings and isn't a huge fan of her sisters  so we ask her what airline they're taking to go to   Hawaii on their honeymoon she tells us and I get  on the phone as the groom this is pre-2001 so it   was a much different airline industry history  I was dealing with my initial plan was to   upgrade their tickets to First Class the dude  could afford it and we'd suspected he'd think   Charlotte did it Well turns out they were all  booked so quick-witted little weasel that I was   I tell the woman on the line that I was supposed  to get the tickets upgraded for our honeymoon and   that my new wife was going to be pissed so could  she please move up to the opposite ends of the   plane so she won't Badger me all the way there the  woman gets suspicious and asks if this is a prank   I assure her it's not and she moves the seats I  then ask for the no sodium meal because we didn't   get to eat today she gets to have a garbage meal  on her flight as the happy couple drove off to   their night at a BNB we waved our goodbyes and  headed to a local casino to blow off some steam   the aftermath we knew crap was gonna hit the fan  because Charlotte simply sees all inconvenience   in her life as the worst thing imaginable but  what we didn't know is that best decided she   wanted it in and started really scorching some  Earth she called up and canceled their BNB as   well as did something to the luggage that no one  would explain then when confronted pinned it all   on us they had to come back and stay the night  with her parents before leaving the next day we   found out this part of the story at four in the  morning when we returned to our hotel to find my   mother waiting outside for us now to be clear  my mother is an amazing woman a woman full to   the brim of the cream of human kindness but that  wasn't the face she was wearing when we pulled   up no she was wearing the face she wore that time  she helped the FBI nail a con man who was trying   to destroy our family business to the wall a  story for another day this turned into a sore   spot from which our extended family never really  recovered I feel bad about that but in the spirit   of giving her an opportunity to even the score I  invited her to my wedding she declined I've only   seen her at Family funerals I don't know if it's  rude of me to say but like considering all the   selfish behavior and lack of recognition and lack  of care expressed by their relatives it might not   be the worst thing that this led to a no contact  situation like Opie didn't have to deal with them   anymore over the years maybe it saved them some  extra grief this next story is by 5 frog margin   entitled baby brother feels the need to create  drama over a Thanksgiving drive to Aunt Patty's   I give him enough rope to hoist himself I have an  obnoxious younger brother the baby of the family   he was always the good kid compared to me so my  mother indulged him all of his life which resulted   in a spoiled little boy who thinks the world  exists to serve him he had deep daddy issues even   now into his 40s as his older brother I'm a bit of  a stand-in for our father I look just like Dad and   the family often jokes that I'm dad's name part  two despite my checkered past I straightened out   and grew into a hipper version of dad with many  of the same interests this drives little brother   Nikki up the freaking wall and he's transferred  all of his daddy issues onto me even into his 30s   he was always trying to berate me and criticize  everything I did case in point and here's where   the story starts ten years ago I offered to drive  my mother to the family Thanksgiving about 90   minutes away I picked up my daughter and stopped  by moms to get her of course little brother Nikki   was there I'd already banned him for my car due  to his obnoxiousness and endless complaining so he   decided his revenge instead he was going to follow  us to Aunt Patty's house for Thanksgiving never   mind he'd been there countless times and knew  the way I am a journey not the destination kind   of dude I like to enjoy the experience even if  it's a drive I've done a hundred times the drive   was nice daughter in the back seat mom in front  we took it easy checking out the sides along the   way going the speed limit we even stopped a few  times to talk about this lake or that scenic view   and even swung through old historic neighborhoods  to see the houses Nikki stayed right on my bumper   flashing his lights when I stopped too long at  Thanksgiving he loudly insulted me to everyone for   driving like an old lady when I told him I'd be  going home the same way in speed he snapped that   he didn't have time to follow my slow butt and  left the petty Revenge the following year I told   him after last year I didn't want him following  me period we'd meet him there telling him no is   like waving a red flag to a bull it sets him off  and he was at my mother's 30 minutes early just   to make sure I knew he'd be following me like it  or not he had a new BMW Coupe that he intended   to show off as well all I have is my six-year-old  Forerunner when I showed up he immediately snapped   he was following me deal with it as we all took  off I headed west instead of East I played around   a bit trying to lose him but he was on my butt  showing off in the new BMW I then headed for a   new road being built in town we used to bike the  trail as kids and we knew it connected close to   a state highway heck mom used it as a shortcut to  football practice it was still dirt with mounds of   sand and and gravel throughout he tried to follow  but I hid all of the potholes did some off-roading   and made a cloudy mess he tried to call but I sent  them straight to voicemail he decided to outsmart   me and turned around he raced to the destination  where the new road ended expecting to cut me off   and begin following me again of course once he was  gone we turned around got back on the main road   and took a third circuitous route to Aunt Patty's  had another nice low scenic drive with mom telling   daughter all about the used to bees and Patty  called us prompted by a concerned Nikki of course   and we told her we were fine and would be there  around one just in time for turkey Nikki sulked   the entire meal when it came time to leave I said  we'd be staying another couple of hours mom didn't   complain even suggested spending the night Mickey  complained about the traffic the driving at night   and the getting Mom home so late I I told him he  was welcome to leave any time we'd be just fine by   now the family had caught on to his manufactured  drama and condescendingly asked him if he needed   a guide to get back to the place you've lived all  your life he left in a huff can I just say I love   the composure and tactics Opie expressed here  don't let the guy rile you up don't let the guy   get you uneven and unkilled you just keep making  the smart decisions not giving them anything to   use against you and over a long stretch of time  you just keep knocking him one stare down the next   all the way down to the bottom of the entire  staircase need somebody to hold your hand on   the way out Nikki our next story is by a serious  question some drunk jerks wanted to keep me awake   so I made them suffer by freezing their hair like  I'm the Iceman I used to live across from one bar   and next to another I was in my late 20s and there  was one dark and freezing winter night in which   two Rowdy young lovers left one of these bars  and then decided to loiter underneath my bedroom   window in the alley for a very long period of time  and of course they were drunk loud and obnoxious I   was sleeping when they woke me up it was around  3 AM the bar had been closed for nearly an hour   I opened the window and asked them to please be  quiet and leave they said okay quite dismissively   and I assumed they would really go because it  was below zero so it was too cold for them to be   there very long anyway I waited a little while but  after a while they still hadn't left so I opened   the window and asked them to leave again they  basically told me to freak off at that point I got   hostile and told them I'd ask nicely and wasn't  going to ask nicely again they just laughed at   me this continued on for a while and every time  I looked out they were leaning against the wall   laughing drunkenly and kissing and smoking it's  well after three I opened the window and tell them   I am done with the warnings so they laugh at me  some more at this point they think keeping me up   all night is freaking hilarious I then decide that  I would like to make them colder because I wanted   to find out how cold they had to be to leave so  I went into my kitchen and got a very large Soup   pot and ran the cold water in the sink until it  was as icy as possible and I filled the Soup pot   up to the brim I lugged it to my bedroom window  and slid the window up the screen was already   removed they looked up and saw me smiling down at  them and they barely waved me off and went back   to focusing on each other at that point they  weren't concerned with me and felt that they   had really owned me so they weren't paying any  attention when I tilted this Soup pot over the   window ledge and poured this ice cold water down  onto their heads they were not wearing hats as the   water poured down onto their heads they screamed  and ran as they ran I heard one of them screaming   my hair is freezing which I know for a fact it  only takes seconds to freeze your hair when it's   wet in cold weather I felt pretty pleased with  my inventiveness and proudly laughed myself to   sleep they never loitered under my bedroom window  again they thought they could inconvenience me and   laugh at me but I got the last laugh I wonder Opie  probably could have been liable for some kind of   like charge right obviously they were causing  a disturbance but dumping water on their heads   while it's freezing outside that's probably like  some kind of assault right I mean they're just a   couple drunks anyways but I'm just kind of curious  and our final story of the day is by top desert   Ace thank you you slash dunachiest for reminding  me of this fun story of Revenge info leading up   to the Revenge so back a while at my other job at  an animal shelter myself and a couple co-workers   were talking and one co-worker mentioned that her  son's car kept getting messed up in the student   parking lot at the high school so I asked why and  she said that apparently another student has it in   his head that one particular spot in the student  parking lot is his despite their never having been   assigned parking at that school now this kid who  I'll call little crap has a tow truck not even one   of those big flatbed trucks it's a crappy little  beater pickup with a tow hook in the back if   you've seen the movie Cars think slightly bigger  than Mater anyways whenever someone parks in   little crap's spot he then tows that person's car  out and parks and the aforementioned spot usually   damaging the vehicle in the process well while  my co-worker was telling us this I said you know   what would be funny parking the Bearcat in that  spot and weighing it down it would be freaking   hilarious to see that little crab try and Tow that  big chungus of a vehicle the chief of police was   chatting with us the animal shelter in my hometown  is considered part of the police department and   officers will occasionally visit us every once  in a while and he laughed and said I would love   to see that the Revenge so to start the state I  live in according to the laws moving a vehicle   a certain distance without the owner's consent  and without proper Towing permits is considered   vehicle theft I was told told the story a few days  later so here's how it went down the police chief   placed a bay truck in the parking spot and set up  a couple undercover units close by and the truck   itself was weighed down with a crapload of cement  bags my co-worker said she was surprised the truck   didn't collapse under the weight sure as crap  little crap shows up sees the truck in his spot   and attempts to tow it away now the plan was for  the Undercovers to come out and arrest them right   then and there what happened was that little  crap did a burnout trying to move the truck it   was successful for a few feet at least the bare  minimum for a misdemeanor and then the back axle   popped out of the tow truck the Undercovers come  out in a rested little crap the camera footage was   obtained which showed the roughly hundred other  times he's done this which of course only bumped   up his charges literally no remorse even remotely  possible for somebody that's going to go and act   like that trying to have ownership over a at least  semi-public parking lot no assigned parking and   willingly damaging other people's vehicles and  somehow getting away with it this kid deserved   every sentencing that they got flame War years  ago when AOL was still a big thing Facebook and   Twitter weren't even thought of yet there were  discussion alt and sot type news groups which   were the popular way of sharing information on any  specific topic there was an individual who would   always be around the men's rights or divorce child  custody forms and had actually started a business   as a consultant for men who found themselves in  trouble the thing was he was a loudmouth who would   verbally attack and insult anyone who disagreed  with him mostly women you try to intimidate Often   by looking up any information he could find on  the person and then stalking them offline posting   home addresses workplace information names  of family members most who argued with them   would either be scared away or would Tire of him  repeating this same rants over and over and would   kill file him and move on I was someone who was  posting to the men's group as well about my own   experiences with child custody matters I thought  it would be helpful to take the modest information   I'd learned and formulate it into a website where  others could benefit from it this was around the   time when geocities was a service that actually  allowed one to create web pages well before the   age of Wordpress or Wix this particular guy took  exception of me and my web pages probably because   I was providing info for free which he wanted to  charge thousands of dollars for he began attacking   me and following me all over the Internet scouring  for any information he could find about me I   probably would have tired of him rather quickly  like so many of his other targets but along the   way he learned that I'd served in the Marine Corps  he took this and began spreading lies that I'd   been dishonorably discharged fled from the enemy  in combat committed adultery with the wives of the   man-eyed serve with Etc I took these lies very  personally I served two enlistments including   combat service and was honorably discharged so  instead of continuing to create web pages about   men's issues I changed my tech and instead created  a page about this individual first I chronicled   his attacks against me culminating with his  false smears about my military service he'd   made several statements about the type and reason  of discharge I'd received Each of which contradict   the others you can't get a medical discharge  for mental issues and a dishonorable discharge   for conduct Unbecoming so I reproduced each of his  posted statements I also collected instances where   he'd harassed others degraded women threatened  to have one assaulted and reproduced all of this   with the full post headers one of his tactics was  to complain to his detractors internet provider   sending several emails a day threatening them  with legal action until they would grow tired   of it and close the person's account he got this  webpage of mine suspended because it was on a free   provider who didn't have the resources to deal  with his constant complaining so I purchased my   very domain a pretty big deal at that  time and the domain was about followed by his   name then I found an inexpensive web hosting  service in Australia which would ignore his   frantic complaints and uploaded my pages there all  the while expanding them as he continued to harass   because the domain and the content of the pages  contained this name the internet search engines   indexed it and people like his professional  colleagues and prospective clientele would easily   find the site and read about how he was carrying  on I expanded the site with more documentation he   claimed to be a financial wizard but I found the  public record of a bankruptcy filing he'd done and   posted the PDF to my site he claimed to possess  a degree in child psychology but when I found   his CV it turned out his education had come from  from a well-known diploma Mill meaning he paid a   fee to an unaccredited University and they sent  a degree in the mail yep I posted that on the   site too all the while he's threatening to sue me  telling me all about the massive law enforcement   investigation which is about to arrest and charge  me but all the information on the side was true   and most of it was reproduced from his own words  as posted in various places on the internet he   would also belittle everyone in the divorce groups  about what horrible spouses and parents we must   be often posting outright lies that we've been  charged with child abuse spousal abuse committing   adultery Etc all the while claiming what a great  family person he was it came to light that his   own daughter hated his guts probably because he  ignored her for years while he hammered away as a   keyboard Warrior it came to our attention that his  daughter had actually done adult entertainment and   somewhat of a jerk move I emailed him privately  mentioning the the stage name she'd used which   was at that point not public knowledge and some  taunting remark that it would be terrible if this   got out nevertheless I refrain from exposing it  feeling that it would hurt the daughter who had   done nothing to anyone no matter the guy himself  took my entire email and publicly posted it on the   internet revealing her information himself this  went on for years and over time many colleagues   and trade organizations began severing ties  with him the bankruptcy itself was probably at   least in part the result of his business suffering  because of his conduct online and my side calling   attention to it according to his filing he'd gone  from a six-figure income to near minimum wage over   the course of a couple of years the entire time  there was a notice on the bottom of my web page   as well making reference to his original false  statements about my military service if he could   provide proof to back up his claims about my  discharge I would agree to immediately remove   the pages the other part of this was he could  simply admit that he'd lied and make a public   apology after which I'd also remove the pages and  leave the net rather than do this he allowed his   business to be run into the ground some years ago  he died alone and penniless does the story also   resonate with you guys nowadays more than ever  it just seems like every day you're dealing with   a constant heavy bombardment of people making  frivolous claims and trying to pass it as the   truth social media as a whole nowadays is just so  rampant with people that regardless of what is the   actual truth will push their narrative and take  it as the truth as far as they can take it do you   guys sometimes wish that social media didn't  exist let me know what you guys think in the   comments down below and while you're at it make  sure to like And subscribe so you never miss my   daily videos with awesome stories like this next  one from Talent card 815 got revenge on an April   Fool Joker with a petty joke first off I know many  will say this is just a joke that circulates yes   it is I managed to successfully pull it off  with the help of a few people my friend likes   to pull the simple April Fool's jokes he does  it constantly this year he happened to be going   to Disney World from March 27th to April 2nd he's  also a fan of The Lion King yep that's where we're   going he's also not the sharpest tool in the shed  hence the reason this worked I told his wife what   I had planned and she was on board completely  I tell him that he's lucky he'll be there on   the first of the month careful not to say April  because they have a lion king special in the first   which is Kings Day when he goes to eat dinner he  has to remember to ask for it March 31st comes I   text him that night to remember to order the Lion  King special tomorrow he texts back that his wife   already reminded him April 1st they go to dinner  and he asks for The Lion King special the waiter   says excuse me sir he says yeah the Hot Tuna  caught a sandwich it's only offered on the first   of the month the waiter goes the Hot Tuna Piccata  that's offered on the first of the month they say   yes that one the waiter says so you want a Hot  Tuna Piccata The Lion King special on April Fool's   Day at this point his wife loses it and busts out  laughing again him not being the sharpest tool in   the shed goes what's so funny the waiter breaks  into song Hot Tuna Piccata what a wonderful phrase   the wife told me she had tears streaming down  her face as he realizes it and says that son of   a witch he got me my only regret is I wasn't able  to see it in person John If You by some chance   are reading this gotcha Ain't No Passing craze  not gonna lie this is actually the first time   I've ever heard of the Hot Tuna Piccata prank but  it's pretty darn good our next story is by Dublin   cheesy roommate left a mess so I dumped his prized  herb garden in college Lise was up on an apartment   I shared with an another student I had a vacation  the second week before move out and he was going   on vacation and moving out before I got back  from vacation so we planned and agreed to watch   each of us were responsible for before I left on  my vacation however when I got home and he was   already gone I saw he had used my dishes to cook  and eat but he didn't even wash them he cleaned   his part of the apartment and took his own dishes  but he left a gross mess of rotting food on my   dishes no note apology or anything just a little  screw you on the way out the door the incredible   thing was he didn't even finish moving his own  stuff but we had to be out before he would return   from his vacation it was pretty incredible because  he left the two of the things most valuable to   him one was an heirloom painting from his grandma  and the other was a collection of herbs he'd been   growing for years looking at all the containers  that comprise this Garden I realized I had a few   choices here are those choices in order of least  work for me to most work one take them to the next   door neighbor who we were friends with for that  friend to keep for a week two make multiple trips   down the hall down the stairs past the parking  area past the next building and then toss them   one by one into the commercial garbage bin three  make a special moving trip or two just for those   herbs to carefully transport them to my new place  and then unload them and care for them for another   week until he got back number three was out of  the question number two was a lot more work over   number one but this is the petty Revenge sub after  all when he returned and heard from mutual friends   that I dumped this prized Garden he apparently  got quite upset oops our friends set a date and   time to meet at my place and they came with them  because they were afraid it would turn into a   fight double oops I didn't give a care I wasn't  afraid of him to begin with and I still at his   grandma's painting anyway he comes over and starts  yelling at me about how much his herb garden was   worth blah blah blah I said that's his problem  he should have cleaned my dishes after using them   and should not have left food out in the summer  when he knew that I would not return for a few   days he was a little embarrassed when our friends  looked at him like what a jerk move still mad but   now more whining than yelling I told him to wait  a moment I went to the back room and brought out   his grandma's painting everyone knew about that  painting so they were shocked at one he pulled   that jerk move two he left his whole garden and  three left that painting giving him the painting   I told him he's lucky I saved that painting and  the loss of the herbs was a good lesson for him   he was ticked off again triple oops we went to the  same College in a small town so although I never   hung out with him again I heard about him from  his friends every now and then for the next two   years I heard every once in a while that he was  still pissed off because it cost him hundreds of   dollars and many months to replace that Garden for  as much as this guy was pissed off off they sure   did handle things with such a lack of care imagine  having anything you spent hundreds of dollars on   an hour setting up and then you just leave it  behind when you move you basically abandon it   at that point you shouldn't be mad that op did  anything with it especially for how much of a   jerk you were being our next story is by TB Fitz  good luck on your own so this happened a few years   back so forgive me for being fuzzy with details  this all started around June also mandatory   English not first language warning I used to work  as a salesperson the job co-workers and customers   were generally great so great they had me tolerate  the awful owner he was your general terrible boss   treating employees as lesser people coming in  late if at all refusing requests for time off   at the last moment Etc then came the worst on T  polled Fridays we used to stay open until 9 00 PM   instead of the regular 6 PM one Friday he came up  to me and said op I've decided that it's not fair   you never work this late shift so you will also  have to you can choose when you start doing so   tonight or next week I tried arguing I had prior  engagements but he wouldn't have it that's when I   started plotting any one of my co-workers was  studying and a completely different field and   she was nearing her finals another co-worker had  expressed she wanted to go back to school starting   September I contacted HR using a different phone  number than the one on file gave them a random   name just so I could confirm my one month's  notice could legally be sent by email before   his four-week vacation just as expected both my  co-workers gave their notice I had been on several   interviews by then and landed a new job once he  was away for a week I sent to my own notice via   email his connection on his vacation address was  sketchy at best so it took him two more weeks to   find out his last remaining employee was leaving  as well safe to say oh this vacation and his   business were ruined and I got lower stress and  a better paying job in return this continues to   reinforce the theme of people don't quit bad jobs  they quit bad managers it's one thing if the job   is so so as long as it pays but if somebody above  you is going to be absolutely horrid to work with   you're just not gonna stick around you're not  gonna deal with that our next story is from   Arya Stark Dave Matthews Band after a decade of  front house work I'm now a dishwasher at a popular   outdoor restaurant when I started we had a True  Unicorn of a head chef super chill very talented   a big fan of customers who would come specifically  to see and order food from her unfortunately   Nothing Gold Can Stay so after months of  back-to-back doubles she left us to take another   job that valued her time more her replacement is  a grumpy old misogynist who freaking loves Dave   Matthews Band as much as he hates working with  women who don't defer to him without question but   don't call him Chef he doesn't go in for that BS  the guy complains constantly but like to himself   and if you acknowledge it he will straight up  ignore you yesterday I wasn't feeling well I'm   in the middle of a truly gnarly period and my  boyfriend's sick and I probably got two hours   of sleep I and literally everyone else who works  in the kitchen aside from grumpy not Chef am too   short to hang up the pans so I put them on the  table next to where they hang this prompted him   to say we may as well not even have a dishwasher  I responded saying is there a problem silence I am   literally too short to hang these up and last  time I tried I got elbowed in the boob so I'm   not trying to have that happen again silence okay  buddy whatever then he told our 21 year old server   in nursing school she frequently brings study  material for slow times in the kitchen that men   like women who study but not too much Charming  today it's been three months straight of Dave   Matthews Band all day every day I once tried to  put my music on Leanne La Havas very chill singer   songwriter nothing annoying or offensive and he  screamed about how it was too loud and turned   off the speakers I had not adjusted the volume no  one else had tried to play their own stuff since   and neither did I instead after the third version  of trip and Billy's I waited until he walked far   enough away that his Bluetooth disconnected from  the speaker I quickly connected mine but didn't   put anything on he came back in and spent about  10 minutes frantically but silently trying to   figure out how to get his synced back up he  turned off the speakers to reset them and I   quickly connected my phone again three times after  about half an hour I had to go to the bathroom and   when I came back he had it set back up none the  wiser but definitely the more annoyed I can't tell   anyone right now because he's still here but I'm  so pleased to have this Petty weapon in my Arsenal   and I plan on employing it every time he goes for  a smoke it's a boy's woman's true dream if this is   like a proper Bluetooth speaker I just hope that  nobody gives Opie a call I guess they can have   vibration on where only their media is playing  just imagine how awkward it would be if op slipped   up and their ringtones started playing worth it  though honestly just to piss this guy off this   next story is by Annie Jack Easter decorations  this happened a few years ago a few neighbors   had Easter decorations out Bonnie's oversized  plastic eggs Etc one neighbor had a three to four   foot wooden cross with a purple stole draped over  it it was quite nice looking and very tasteful in   my opinion the neighbor with the cross received a  letter from the homeowners association saying her   decoration was violating HOA rules she contacted  the HOA to ask which rule she was violating they   said no holiday decorations allowed other than in  December she then checked with the other neighbors   with decorations and none of them had received a  letter she contacted the HOA again and asked for   the specific Clause stating no holiday decorations  turns out no such Clause existed the HOA president   didn't mind the more secular decorations bunnies  chicks eggs Etc but didn't like the cross the   petty Revenge next year she had a six foot blow-up  cross you know you want to talk politics sure you   should probably be able to separate your religion  in a platform like that but come on you're talking   about somebody's own home regardless of an HOA in  fact I think if you try to control somebody from   dolling their house up for a religious holiday  they celebrate you're probably a terrible person   imagine basically trying to tell somebody no  you can't decorate your own home for a religious   holiday that you celebrate our next story is by  ipsos custodies420 accuse me of smoking pot in   your bathroom okay so here's another one of my 33  year old female stories about living with Chad 36   year old male so one day I was watching TV in the  living room messaging friends back and forth I had   just used the washroom in an unladylike fashion  took a rank woodland-sized dump in the bathroom   I became nose blind to it about 10 minutes later  Chad gets home and walks into the bathroom and   comes out into the living room and says what  does my bathroom smell like so being a smart   butt I said I don't know what he repeated the  question again more sternly and I just looked   at him and told him I'd used it to poop right  before he got home he repeated the question again   now it's legal in my area and I was a teen once  so I put two and two together and said oh come   on now I wasn't doing drugs in your bathroom  he told me that he didn't mind the use of but   not in his house I told him that's fine because I  hadn't had any since I moved in months before and   I like smoking it outside even in freezing cold  weather he proceeded to tear apart all my stuff   in the bathroom and then start started ripping  my room apart trying to smell the stash until   I showed him the Bing statement of the last time I  bought any long before I moved in he sulked in the   bathroom texting me that it smelled bad he doesn't  do anything substances so I don't think he knows   what it smells like so I picked up some essential  oils of his favorite smells and I started to make   increasingly enticing smell diffusers that I  would leave randomly around the house it would   arouse him enough to think that I was making his  favorite foods or ask what the amazing smell was   and I would reply with what smell drove him nuts  just imagine how embarrassing it would be to be   like in the same Social Circle after you break up  and being able to repeat that story over and over   again of how they thought you taking a dump in  the bathroom and how they tore the part of place   looking for the substances when the entire time  it was just you having went to the bathroom our   next story is by Broken softly Thump Thump Thump  I live in an apartment below a herd of elephants   when we had an earthquake I woke up legitimately  thinking that the neighbors were just jumping up   and down at five in the morning I could go on  and on but that's the gist I bought a cat toy   that attaches to the door frame with a toy on  a bungee cord my kitties absolutely love it an   unexpected side effect is that a cat will catch  the toy try to walk away with their prize and   then the toy gets caught by the bungee the toy  goes thump against the ceiling and the cats try   again within half an hour they can catch it  a good five to seven times I usually put it   up between 5 and 8 PM when I get home so I can  supervise them playing the neighbors have been   much quieter lately that's really a good way to  describe it living in an apartment below a herd   of elephants I've never had to deal with living  in an apartment but reading all these stories   and knowing how baste and Truth they are I feel  bad for the people that do have to just somehow   make do with people stomping around all the time  like if I put myself there how could I even like   go and have the time to read all these stories of  people around upstairs were like giving a good old   every so often our next story is by potatoes lad  cut me off in the drive-through I think not I want   to tell the story of the time that someone tried  to cut me off and the two-lane drive-through at   McDonald's it was two lanes that merged into one  at the windows I wasn't necessarily in a hurry   but I finished my order first and started to pull  out and they tried to cut in front of me I drive   a crap box Ford freaking Ranger so I just kept  going and went around them they were obviously   upset so I paid for their food at the first  window at the second window I picked up their   food and went to work I like to consider myself  an expert of neutral chaos and laugh about that   moment to this day now I'm just wondering did they  get stuck with op's order or did op pay for both   their order and the other person's order take  both of them and then drive off either way very   chaotic for sure our next story is by hop on Bop  you earn this Christmas gift today parked at Wally   World finishing my coffee mom and three kids park  across from me flops the smallest in a cart from   the Corral pushes it 15 feet cusses bad wheel  Yanks the kid out gets another cart leaving the   first one behind a car she gets on her phone and  they head in with her fussing they need to hurry   up I follow a bit later grabbing the cart before  she left of course she becomes that one that you   keep running into over and over loud on the phone  ignoring or shouting come on at the surprisingly   well-behaved kids and blocking the aisles I  know she gave at least two employees grief   because she didn't have time to mess around I get  done and I'm heading out just in time to hear her   say no I don't have any quarters to the two kids  sitting on the ride on horse and race car in the   vestibule well guess who has a handful of shiny  quarters he was holding for another coffee this   guy hey darling I gotcha Merry Christmas you  share with your brothers gave Mom a wink and a   Merry Christmas she gave me a half butt smile that  didn't reach her narrow eyes as the horse started   trotting I made my exit I just hope that over time  this Mom's behavior doesn't rub off on those kids   honestly bless those really well-behaved kids  especially when their mom is let's just say like   that our next story is by lay 10021 trick me into  Walmart plus I'll use your crappy service one can   at a time I'm trying to get my husband a PS5 for  Christmas I'm not as Savvy as many other people   out there when it comes to technology so I'm not  having much luck I try to get one from Walmart   but the notification said the releases are for  Walmart plus only I now realize this is a ploy   to get people to join but I figured I would have  some luck at least wanting to be a good wife I   joined and have now wasted about 12 hours of my  life waiting in Virtual lines that just eventually   disappear and I'm out 98 dollars now I know  Walmart doesn't really care about my Petty Revenge   so this is really more for my peace of mind and  the only benefit I see from Walmart plus is that   they offer free shipping on any order instead  of 5.99 for orders under 35 dollars so I've been   using this to my benefit when I'm at the store and  I see an item I think I can get cheaper at Walmart   I look on my app and if it's cheaper I order it  I'm talking a can of beans but I do it one at   a time so they have to ship a can of beans to me  for free and then the next day maybe it's a jar of   spices that way I'm going to save the 98 through  comparison shopping for the next year and then   they have to ship me those items for free again  I know they don't give a Flying Fig but it gives   me a little satisfaction does anyone know of any  other ways I can use Walmart plus and stick it to   them I think maybe a good way you could continue  to use this is if you can add multiple addresses   you could probably have somebody cash app you some  money and just use your Walmart plus to ship them   some Cheapo items too just make it convenient for  your whole family all right stories by Kaya Lily   my great grandmother learned how to repair her car  after her husband tried to force her to stay home   so a little bit of backstory my great grandma was  born in the late 1920s so when she got pregnant   outside of wedlock her family forced her to marry  my great-grandfather which really sucked for her   because she really didn't like him she and my  great-grandpa pretty much never got along they   were always fighting and would constantly do petty  things to each other like my great grandma putting   a raw piece of meat on two slices of bread when my  great-grandpa refused to eat what she made and to   manage to make him a sandwich but my great grandpa  could also be really controlling my great grandpa   refused to let my great grandma leave the house  to do her own errands or have any form of life   if she wasn't leaving to go to work or doing stuff  specifically for or with him she wasn't allowed to   leave to ensure this he would take essential Parts  out of her car when he left for work he'd take the   parts with him and and always assumed he had her  beat well my great grandma was a feisty Woman Who   Wasn't about to put up with that so she got a book  on basic mechanics to learn how to put her engine   back together she then would go buy parts to her  car that my great grandpa would regularly take out   he wasn't a mechanic or anything so it was always  small parts that would be easy to take out and put   back in if you knew what you were doing after he  would leave for work she'd wait a bit to make sure   he wasn't coming back for anything and then she  would get the parts to make sure my great grandpa   didn't know what she was doing she hid all of the  parts and things like flower pots and containers   of bird seed that he never messed with she'd put  the part in her car go into town to do whatever   and then would take the part back out and re-hide  it before my great-grandpa got home as far as I   know he never figured out what she was doing he  just smugly believed that he had her completely   stranded at home all the while she was out on the  town living her own life one final Petty thing she   did after he passed was to place a whole bunch  of plants in his room they had separate bedrooms   since it was custom and they hated each other  she had all kinds of plants in there that he   had hated and would never let her keep she loved  those plants and took great care of them until   she couldn't anymore we've tried to put some of  those flowers on our grave now that she's passed   if I remember correctly she's not placed near  my grandfather love how Petty my great grandma   could be man can you just imagine being back in  the 1920s and having a culture where if you're   having a baby out of wedlock you're just kind of  expected to settle down with that guy marry them   right then and there and you're just going to have  to make it work and in that culture a lot of times   you were expected to be the subservient housewife  can you imagine having a ball and chain to some   guy that doesn't even treat you well like that  wants to essentially make sure you can't leave   the house reasonably I honestly to me it sounds  like a nightmare and a hundred years later I think   it's pretty great how much we've progressed  beyond that kind of culture but that's not to   say you don't hear your fair share of people that  say they miss that kind of culture my dad was let   out from his job in transportation because of his  crappy boss and me and my siblings destroyed the   five star reviews they had a little bit of info  I think might be useful before getting into the   story and not gonna lie this is the first time  I read a post in any of the subreddits here so   I might come off as awkward my family and I are  not native to the country we live in I came to the   country as an immigrant along with my parents but  my siblings were born here my dad's been working   in the transportation company for 10 years now  which means all of my teenage years and a few   years into my early 20s he's been slaving away for  them coming home after 10 to 12 sometimes even 13   hour shifts barely giving me time to spend with  him and my siblings my dad got the worst route   for his job and every other week of the month  AKA two out of the four weeks he takes a route   that's supposed to be taken by three people at the  very least but nope it all fell on his shoulders   lastly I'd like to mention that my dad was about  35 when he started to work with them so the math   is easy to add up now on to the pettiness my Dad  recently bought a new car and the one we bought it   from apparently failed to mention a few defects  in the description and of course we had to send   it to a workshop to check what was wrong with it  come a few days later they said X and Y was wrong   and needed to be bought and could be fixed at home  so we did then something else came out and we sent   it there again this time it had two long lines  scratched to the back of the car to the point of   stupidity at how they didn't notice it and thus  failed to inform us fine we went to talk to them   and nothing came of it as far as I can remember a  few days after my dad and my younger brother all   also in his 20s went today to talk to them about  the incident having them either pay us back what   we spent or we'd raise a complaint because of  the poor service they provided us to certain   degrees this is possible which was the case  here my dad was wearing his work attire as he   only has a few hours before his work starts at  10 A.M the employer at the workshop after some   time became hostile towards my dad and came up to  his face pushing him and even hitting him on the   head when my dad did nothing other than rightfully  expressing his annoyance at the poor service after   my dad came back home from work he told us his  boss now ex-boss had let him off of work at first   I didn't believe it and then it clicked that he  wasn't choking apparently it was to code my father   it was because the employer got physical with me  while I was wearing the work attire with its logo   and instead I could have gone there after work  first off how was it my dad's fault for someone   else being physical with them secondly BS how the  freak can my dad go there after work hours when he   works 10 to 12 hour shifts because he refused  to split his routes on three people as you're   freaking supposed to do so my younger brothers and  I thought you want to be Petty and a complete crap   bag fine we'll give you pettiness the first time  my younger brothers went to the local newspaper   and got in touch with a reporter there at the  ready to write about how buddy buddy my dad's   ex-boss and the employer at the workshop is and my  brother will be going to the workshop tomorrow and   telling them either you pay us back what you took  from us or we'll release the entire thing you did   to us to the local newspapers not gonna lie I hope  for the latter because I want at least some sort   of justice for their absolute BS my second younger  brother and the first one got their friends and my   second younger brother got his friends on Discord  mind you he's in quite a lot of servers to take a   little online stroll to the workshops Pub public  online review page and give their thoughts on the   service with the fabulous one star review as their  guest from what I heard from one of my brothers it   took the workshop 10 years to get the review to  5 out of 5 stars and the pettiness and anger of   us took it down to somewhere along the lines  of 2.9 Stars within five to six hours it may   not have been much but by God did it feel good  to ruin their 10-year efforts for a 5 out of 5   down to a 2.9 out of 5 within a few hours as they  deserve and all of this could have been avoided   if they'd thought with their crappy heads instead  of behaving like stuck-up brats be crappy towards   my family expect to be paid back with the same  Vibe sometimes even tenfold as they say what goes   around comes around sorry if this post more like  rant was long in all over the places and sorry if   it wasn't a satisfying Petty Revenge but I just  needed to get this off my chest as a Foreigner   in this country and having had enough of me and  my family being treated like crap I definitely   failed to understand what the employer is  thinking here you're at fault for getting   assaulted because you had a few hours before work  that you could use to run errands most businesses   are not going to be open after a 10 to 12 hour  shift that starts at 10 A.M there literally is   no time to run errands after work so I don't get  that employer at all if you got reached out to   would you join in on this review bomb let me know  in the comments down below our next story is from   dancing basilisk vice principal went out of her  way to make me feel dumb so I worked my butt off   went to a better University than her and will be  finishing my masters in three months so I can get   a higher paying job than her so first I just want  to clarify that I don't mean to come across as   conceited I'm just feeling Vindicated I had a vice  principal in grade school that singled me out for   my ADHD symptoms daydreaming work avoidance being  being too energetic and would go out of her way   to make me feel like the dumbest kid in the whole  school whenever she talked to my parents whether   it was an actual conference or just a passing  conversation in the hallway she would always   find some way to slip into the conversation  that in her opinion I was slow when I tested   into advanced classes she was evidently displeased  and would keep insinuating that I didn't actually   belong there her approach toward me really hurt  but I fought tooth and nail to make it through   school I wanted to prove her and others wrong fast  forward 13 years later at 22 I was accepted into   a master's program with a less than 10 percent  acceptance rate I'm about to graduate with my   Master's Degree at age 24 heading into a job that  has a starting salary of 56 000 a year I was on   LinkedIn and she popped up in the suggested  because apparently she works in my area now   I was curious so I took a look at her profile and  LMFAO she got demoted to office coordinator and it   turns out that I got into a better University than  the one she attended soon I'll be making about 15   000 above her salary and I'm like this person  tried to knock me down and ended up worse off   than me is it good to Revel in someone else's  Misfortune no but it feels really good to know   that she was full of it the whole time and that  she expected me to fail but instead I surpassed   her I feel amazing frankly it's the people like  this that Inspire us to do so well in our lives   right I mean it's not a universal thing but if  somebody tells you that you can't do something   that is very realistic often times you want to  use that as motivation to not only do exactly   what they're saying you can't do but surpass it  and blow it out of the water and op did that also   screw Any teacher principal counselor or adjacent  position that looks down on any kid with any   kind of disability our next story is from Maggie  cat73 latmate has hardly anything to eat off of   now living at University and accommodation and one  of our flatmates keeps using everyone else's stuff   and then leaves some of it instead of washing it  but won't admit to leaving it and won't wash it   because it isn't her stuff she also expects us  to wash her stuff straight after using it and   when I didn't she called my boyfriend asking him  to ask me to wash it since we're essentially the   same person now anyway had an argument today and  she said I was a waste of oxygen then proceeded   to use my plates to eat off of and defrost food on  so I moved all of my stuff and two other flatmate   stuff out of the cupboard so she can't use them  she now has one plate one knife one fork one spoon   one glass and no Bulls she can use it again when  she apologizes but until then they stay out of   the communal cupboard being petty is great update  she's appeared to have magically found more bowls   and plates amazing what turns up when you don't  have other people's stuff to use so they can't   it's really no surprise that somebody like this  that's going to try to take advantage of your   stuff when having all that stuff taken away they  immediately turn around and don't complain about   it don't apologize for it they just find another  way to just get their way and keep on going it's   definitely a good Revenge though because nobody's  going to be helping them anymore with any of those   dishes and they can't pass it off on it being any  of the flatmate stuff and we're next stories from   alpaca tasty picnic a very Petty drive by Revenge  six months ago one of my good friends ghosted   me I'm not sure why but suddenly my messages  weren't getting replied to and I didn't see him   at Christmas I was upset but I had a few home life  problems and tough circumstances all at once and I   didn't have the mental capacity to start chasing  after someone anyway today was the first time I'd   even spotted my friend he was at the bus stop  outside his house waiting for a bus a boss that   I knew was going to be at least 20 minutes away  I've been in front of it way back along the road   and had gotten stuck at some traffic lights plus  there was a huge queue of traffic and I could tell   by his body language that he was late for work and  getting to panicking one of the circumstances I'd   been dealing with was taking my driving test and  I'd passed despite my nerves and being a mature   learner and bought myself a little car a little  car that I was currently driving past this house   and him and was about to drive past this place  of work which is about five minutes walk away   from my place of work a good person would have  stopped and offered him a lift I was not a good   person I coasted past singing along to my current  favorite musical and got to work in time to make   myself a cup of coffee and some toast I wonder  how late he was yeah I definitely don't blame   op if your friend's going to ghost you like that  with no explanation you make a reasonable effort   to reach out to them and connect with them and  they just stop responding I mean you leave that   last conversation and that last attempt to reach  out there and realistically you just move on or   maybe some people upon seeing their friend like  that would actually want to confront them about   it if it were you when you were driving past them  would you want to stop and confront them about   ghosting you or would you say that they're not  even worth your time for ghosting you and just   keep on driving let me know what you guys would do  our next story is from gargoyle noises dumb Karen   boss sucks at Excel so this happened a while ago  I used to work for a medical slash retail Center   and I had a regional supervisor that I hated  Karen she was stereotypical fake blonde Karen   cut heels attitude everything and there were  only a handful of people in the company that   tolerated her one day our entire region 15 to 20  stores got an email from her talking about a local   sporting event with a theme night that we were  all invited to we got excited started planning   and got our families involved per the email fast  forward a few days later and a kill worker is   talking on the phone to a person at the corporate  office which was local for us the conversation   proceeded as such the co-worker said hey I'm  excited to hang out with you at the game next   week corporate says how do you know about that  co-worker says what do you mean how do I know   turns out the invitation to the game was only for  the corporate office to attend and nobody else was   supposed to find out she wound up making herself  look really stupid in front of all her bosses   and had to send an apology email to everybody and  if this was the only time she was this tone deaf   I'd have to let it go but it wasn't and I was  pissed so I kept a lookout for her emails like   a good employee and so that she sent an Excel  sheet with some black blots covering the total   profit for the stores in the area based on store  number she was known to send emails like this to   put emphasis on different men metrics to make us  look bad without factoring in shift coverage or   patience per employee so I opened it up in Excel  noticed she hadn't actually flattened the image   deleted the sensor to expose the confidential  info and immediately notified my boss who sent it   directly to her boss's boss's boss in this company  regular employees knowing profits was a huge No-No   and unfortunately being a lowly wage slave I  didn't get to learn about the repercussions she   faced but she got fired maybe a month or so after  this incident she met me more than 10 times over   my two and a half years and never even bothered  to ask my name and fun fact I was there longer   than her I actually can't recall what it was but  I remember having some kind of PDF where because   they were like just trying to cover up a signature  at the bottom and replace it with their signature   you could actually open it up in a PDF editor  and just like delete this white box graphic and   you would just see the original person's original  signature underneath it just makes you realize the   people who send out confidential documents need  to know how to actually secure said documents our   next story is from very bored panda terribly rude  office mates smells like Petty Revenge spirit so   my friend worked in an office where they have  dozens of small spaces to let you ran a small   room with a sliding glass door each room can only  fit three to five people that sort of thing it was   good for what they needed in terms of their space  with the caveat being that they were essentially   in a fishbowl everyone could peer into their  workspace and they could see and hear other   people from theirs now since this was all pretty  open everyone was conscious of their neighbor   music was kept below a certain volume phone calls  were made with the doors closed food and dishes   were marked in the common areas and kept clean  Etc everyone that is except one office shared   by at least two guys this off office was loud  they constantly blasted their music left food   out on the shared counters belched openly yelled  to each other made weird cartoonish sound effects   at high volume you name it they were horrible  office mates and made work hard for everyone but   especially my friends group who apparently worked  right across from them despite sending numerous   complaints to the management the rude neighbors  and their ways remain distracting everyone with   an earshot my friend's group were apparently  just going to put up with it and were even   talking about moving to another location within  the building when a one of the men blasted music   during my friend's boss's important phone call  leading to some less than desirable outcomes I   forget what it was but apparently the boss was  just so distracted that they couldn't present   properly here's where the Revenge comes in now  for some reason the team had a bottle of liquid   farts if you know you know that stuff is potent  it doesn't go away you easily so they decided to   stay late one Friday evening after the office made  to the left put some of it on a napkin and wiped   the bottom of their glass walls with it the way  my friend described it is they slid between the   vertical crack where the glass and drywall meet  at the edge of the office and wiped up and down   near the bottom this way they didn't damage any  property like the carpet or something but they'd   never suspect the bottom of the glass being the  culprit was their reasoning Monday morning rolls   around and the guys apparently took one Sniff  and complained to management who investigated the   whole office to see if anyone else was impacted  by the overwhelming stench strangely enough it   was just their office my friend didn't know what  game of the guys apparently they just never came   back after trying to clean the carpets once with  little effect Windows remember so I guess just   be considerate of others lest you discover what  liquid farts smell like do you guys think that   because this is a rented property that belongs to  somebody else despite those Neighbors being bad   that what they did was a little far because it's  going to be hard for the original owners to try   to find and locate where that smell is coming  from and clean it and that could affect their   business or do they deserve it for allowing  such a terrible tenant I'd like to know your   guys's thoughts our next story is from Android  Petty revenge or identity theft this is a story   of what I'm sure was meant to be Petty revenge  against me that backfired spectacularly I used   a pet sitting company last month that after I was  back from my trip tried to get me to pay another   almost 50 British pounds citing that they hadn't  added the surcharge for bank holidays and try to   guilt me into paying immediately or else they  wouldn't be able to do payroll the only problem   with that is they'd already increase the price  once before the visit for the exact same reason   when I questioned how it was possible they  broke the charges down revealing that they   were trying to charge me a higher their daily  cost than I'd agreed to I responded with the   original invoice I'd signed detailing the cost  told them I didn't appreciate them trying to   guilt me into overpaying and that I considered  this matter over I then gave them a three-star   review on Google slash trustpilot detailing this  experience I still gave them three stars because   after the exchange it seemed like they were just  incompetent rather than malicious and the cat   sitter themselves was good they saw the review  responded that it was completely unnecessary and   that it was all a big misunderstanding and then  sent me a couple of emails privately calling me   rude things I just screenshotted the emails  attached them to the review and changed it   down to one star I can only assume they read  this subreddit or something similar as they   decided to do what a lot of people have done  here and give my contact details out to random   companies the only difference is they didn't  stick to mailing lists they actually contacted   companies using my details they've tried to take  out loans applied for university courses and made   bookings for various things like gyms tutors  and solicitors in my country this constitutes   as identity theft and given so far that they've  contacted 33 companies over the span of a week   it's quite a severe case and while companies may  not record in many details of how someone signs   up for a newsletter a lot of them particularly  these solicitors capture a lot more about the   requests to their site like an IP address which  just so happens to be the same IP that was used   to view my signed invoice on the same day that  crime started they're now being investigated   by the Cyber crimes division of my local police  for the identity theft as well as identity fraud   for trying to get loans open in my name so folks  when you're committing Petty Revenge make sure you   don't go overboard and don't do it during business  hours on the computer you use for work yeah I'm   gonna be honest it's one thing signing people  up for Scientology mailers and information you   can even go like overboard and sign them up for  inappropriate content but going and trying to get   loans taken out with their information yeah that's  just straight up illegal fraud identity theft   here's a real tip if you're gonna try to commit  Petty Revenge don't do something that is blatantly   illegal and can get you prosecuted our next story  is from Taco Pete's taco truck Petty very Petty I   used to work help desk and one day I got yelled at  by some low-level manager for not displaying my ID   properly basically the lanyard I had on wasn't  the company issued one and all black instead of   the one with the Corp logo the guy really ripped  into me so much so that people thought I must have   done something personal to hurt him anyway after  he's done I grab a soda try to let it go realize   I can't so I made it my mission to mess with him  I would randomly lock his account use our general   admin account that changes assigned business group  revoke access to the shared file system open help   desk tickets in his name for things that made him  look stupid and so on he eventually quit because   of all the problems with our it Department  I kept messing with him right till the end   around 4 months total no regrets I don't really  have a lot of empathy for somebody that's going   to go and dress somebody down like that for some  ridiculous reason I mean in return picking on them   and making them look like an absolute idiot to the  point where they just want to quit maybe a bit far   but like so was them yelling at you like a drill  sergeant not wearing your uniform right in front   of everybody else and it's all over a lanyard our  next story is from Lolly rocks 12 my ex who abused   me and tried to make me quit Jiu Jitsu lost all  his matches while I won all of mine at the same   tournament I broke up with my ex about three years  ago after a tumultuous relationship he gaslit me   love bombed me [ __ ] shamed and made me feel like  I needed him to do daily tasks he slowly started   to take some of my freedoms away like driving to  work at first he insisted on driving me to work to   save money but then it became a thing where it was  a way to control how I get to work and when to get   off he isolated me from my friends made fun of my  family and made me feel like I needed him anyways   I started Jiu Jitsu around the time I met him and  he was maybe a couple years into it I was excited   to start and learn and would often try to show my  ex some of the moves I learned because I figured   it would be a good way to bond but instead every  move I showed him that I learned you would counter   it and go rough on me I simply wanted to show him  the move and not actually fight when I signed up   for a tournament he refused to show up and support  me and he would often tell me that I'm not very   good it was another way for him to control me  so after that tournament I placed fourth with   which sucked and he basically had a I Told You So  attitude after that things went downhill for me   and I quit Jiu Jitsu for a bit I broke up with my  ex insult in my depression I did however get back   into Jujitsu and started to work harder than ever  I was eventually promoted to blue belt I started   to compete again and lost pretty much the first  four tournaments I did eventually I got better and   started placing on the podium this past weekend I  competed and won all of my matches and got gold I   saw my ex at the same tournament and I panicked  a little but it was fuel for me to fight and win   I noticed that he was still a white belt and when  his match came up I saw him instantly get choked   out I pointed them out to my teammate and we both  had a laugh it was a beautiful sight to see and my   ex lost all of his matches and placed dead at  last it was one of the best weekends I've had   winning at something I was told I would suck look  at and seeing the person who told me this lose   all I gotta say is op's ex seems exceptionally  bad at Jiu Jitsu or hasn't been working at it   because if you've been at it for a few years and  there's still a white belt meaning they've never   gotten ranked above the very first beginner level  of jujitsu they are doing something wrong this   next story is from dog cat cat doggy your crappy  flooring company is now a bathroom on Google Maps   I can't believe it lets you do this but hey it  worked I just had a pretty bad experience with   a flooring installer I'm in a small town in a  non-western country who just never showed up   I had to pay them my deposit so really it was a  matter of how many times did I want to call him   a day asking when he was going to show up when  he did come finally he did nothing but complain   about how hard this was going to be Etc it was so  annoying so I asked him to leave his scraper tool   so I could do it myself he said he'd come to help  me the following day and of course you never did   he came again today after the usual two messages  where are you except this time I let it be known   that this was the last time I was going to be  so polite I've wasted several days waiting on   him when he never told me he had any intention of  ever coming so anyways he's taking forever but my   arms are too sore from the day before so I can't  continue he goes outside and starts complaining   about me to another worker about how annoying I  am always asking when he's going to come by I did   him a favor and cut him off and let him know I can  hear him and his job is officially over he's free   to leave and I want my money back he didn't leave  and try to bargaining which is infuriating now   that I think about it because who the freak does  that talks crap and doesn't respect the homeowner   so instead of leaving a nasty review I noticed I  could edit the listing on Google Maps I changed   their company to a public bathroom that's open 24  hours apparently it turned turns out that editing   a listing on Google Maps like that only edits just  the personal persons map it's not actually like   updating the worldwide map but man they deserve to  be a toilet company because this flooring company   hires the exact same stuff that goes inside one  and our final story of the day is by jc1093 he   stole my work told the teacher I took his so I got  a Revenge during college I was doing a course on   Health and Social care and as that's something  I specialize in and some classmates knew that   I helped many with their coursework one day one  of the people Sean I was helping with coursework   decided to copy all of my coursework I had on my  laptop and turn it in as his own a few days later   I was called into the tutor's office with Sean  about the recent coursework that was just handed   in and that both of ours was identical Sean then  said op must have copied me I was stunned silent   but I didn't say anything because I knew that  the tutor wouldn't believe him and even if he   did he wouldn't be able to answer anything from  the coursework the tutor said as I can't tell who   copied I'm going to give you one week to redo this  coursework Sean said but I worked so hard on that   coursework it isn't fair I smiled and said thank  you and asked if I could get started the tutor   agreed and both Sean and I left a couple days  later Sean called me and apologized for copying my   work and asked if I could help him I agreed only  because I had a plan to get him back I told him to   come around mine tomorrow afternoon and I can help  him I had 24 hours to get ready so I made a fake   coursework paperwork with wrong statements laws  and coursework and saved it on my laptop Sean came   around and I went to the toilet to leave him with  my laptop and he sent it in again stating it was   his own work but this time decided to delete it  from my laptop so I wouldn't send it in as my own   two days later Sean calls me and swear and shouted  me for ruining his coursework and making him   look like an idiot I told him you deserve it for  stealing and hung up he ignored me for the rest of   the year background info one everyone knew I did  my work on my laptop as my handwriting is terrible   two I'm guessing Sean used a USB to take the  coursework three the coursework was about mental   capacity four my laptop didn't have a password  five the tutor was a very calm and neutral   person 6. I specialize in Health and Social care  due to many years working in the industry and   my own problems 7. the coursework Sean copied  was wrong laws and statements regarding mental   capacity I love Sean's thinking here regardless  because honestly anybody worth their salt with   computers would understand that even though Sean  Wenning deleted those files it probably takes   less than five minutes to go and recover those  there's plenty of programs out there like rakuva   where if you delete a file you go and open recuva  immediately navigate to that folder you deleted   it from and just let the program search chances  are you'll be able to recover any document right   then and there no problem now of course in this  situation it clearly didn't matter to Opie at all   it was just a fake bomb coursework but it just  goes to show that Sean here is like a zero IQ   Thief things they can try to steal get away with  it and rush it through being like this is my work   I did it myself I found the man that stole 48 982  dollars from me about six years ago just a year   after I graduated from uni I was scammed in one of  the worst ways imaginable my boyfriend now acts at   the time was the only partner I'd had for a while  pretty much all of my uni days because when you're   going to college in a big city after living in a  small town you can easily latch onto the first and   easiest connections you make and that's exactly  what I did I was completely devoted to him for   the four years that our relationship last it and  he absolutely wasn't this may seem irrelevant to   my actual Revenge story but it helps to understand  why and how I could have been so gullible in the   actual theft I was really young when I got into  uni and I was extremely clueless so I was always   misunderstanding social cues and things like  that you can imagine how rough my awkwardness   was then I met this cute boy outside the coffee  shop where I worked part-time while I was in uni   before becoming the manager of the chain after  I graduated trust me that's the only good bit   of the story anyways he was the city boy and I  was the clueless small Southern Girl and it was   a terribly written ebook come to life I worshiped  the ground He Walked on he worshiped the ground my   roommate walked on and I caught them going at it  on the kitchen counter I'd scrubbed painlessly the   night before that Unfaithful morning the breakup  tore me apart but I think it was made worse by the   fact that I had to handle the rent for a Midtown  two-bedroom apartment but I didn't didn't want to   get stuck in that situation again not that I had  the hopes of finding another boyfriend ASAP but   I didn't want to go through that oh I'm building a  great friendship with someone and then a man comes   into the picture and they realize they don't like  being a good person as much as they like sucking   so and so and they decide to treat me like crap  taking my man and my rent along with them been   there done that was on a long road to recovery  and never wanted to do it again so although my   Craigslist ad was very non-gender specific I was  only responding to male applicants that gave off   heterosexual Vibes and women that seemed overtly  religious or overtly homosexual I believe I   already implied I wasn't taking any chances right  now this is the part where things started getting   murky because I was bone deep in depression I  had a very loose version of a checklist for my   perfect roommate and because of how hurt I was  my only requirement was no strange women allowed   so he had to be straight and not a criminal but  time would tell that I was a little bit dumb in   the way I checked that last bit because back then  all I did was ask any criminal record and kept   it moving after they all quite obviously said  No at the end of the process I was stuck with   two potential new roommates and I closed my eyes  shuffled their applications prayed for luck and   chose one with my track record I probably should  have avoided any context involving luck but the   one thing I didn't lose after this whole ordeal  is my optimism I guess it's in my DNA anyway   back to the recap so I chose this person let's  call him Steve because I think Steve's an ideal   name to characterize a thief Steve the thief so I  called Steve told him to come by the house for a   final discussion we agreed on the rent payment  schedule Bill sharing Kitchen Rules and pretty   much the basics I didn't particularly have an  issue with anything he said because I wasn't   looking to be impressed I just wanted someone who  didn't remind me of the man I'd lost every time   they walked around topless my ex-roommate had  my ex-boyfriend's head buried in her chest when   I caught them so naturally I felt like Steve the  thief was a great choice and because it was the   first month I had to bear the cost for all of the  bills since I'd already paid about 90 percent of   them by the time I found Steve and throughout the  two weeks of Terror he kept insisting that I keep   tabs of everything because he was certain he would  pay at the beginning of the next month when he was   fully moved in I guess he didn't realize he would  end up paying but I'll save that for later so for   about a week he didn't stay in the apartment but  I thought that made sense because he was probably   cleaning out his old place then he showed up the  weekend after our agreement and he came with tons   and tons of packing boxes in my wondering about  how much stuff he had I didn't pay much attention   to anything else about the boxes for a while then  everything started going downhill after a week of   Steve moving into my apartment I call that week  the peak of my rebound season because it had the   most meaningless one-night stands after my breakup  but on a hunt to be less lonely this time I just   wanted someone or more accurately a few people  to make me forget but I'd slow down the train   when my new roommate moved in out of courtesy  of course however by the time he moved in with   the tons of boxes I picked up where I left off and  skyrocketed into sexual Indulgence I had one night   stands every other night and there were some  repeat features in the mornings and afternoons   two separate events but the same person and I  was getting to the point that I was detaching   emotions from sex but the downside is my haze of  sadness was weakening and I was starting to see   things a bit clearer and that's when I noticed  that things were going missing in the apartment   at first they were things I wouldn't really have  noticed if I wasn't observing the apartment with   post not Clarity but each time I turned back to  my room after closing the front front door behind   my guest of the night or morning out I noticed  that something seemed out of place in the living   room but one thing stayed constant Steve's pile  of boxes anyway I convinced myself that I was   being silly kept it casual with my roommates since  he abided by the rules and had his own string of   loud Knights and giggling but then it got very  obvious that I was missing some things in the   house I had subconsciously been listing things  that were gone from the house when I realized   that my 21st birthday gift a Michael Jordan  autographed basketball was gone from its shelf   on the wall I sat down and make a list of things  that had mysteriously disappeared they were all   little things that had some monetary value like an  engraved paperweight a set of fancy wine glasses   and a pair of studded earrings but when the Jordan  autographed basketball which was estimated to be   worth about a thousand dollars when missing I was  worried up to that point point I'd summed up the   disappearances to my carelessness and letting the  one night stand spend more time than necessary in   my house while I was asleep but at that point  I hadn't had anyone over in a while so I had   to confront my roommate and he was very visibly  taken aback that I would think that he or any of   his guests would have stolen the basketball then  he started making some points which sounded very   valid at the time he talked about how he was  constantly in his room whenever he was in the   house how the living room was the entry and exit  point for both our guests and how I may have moved   the basketball without remembering because didn't  you mention to me your cheating ex-boyfriend got   you that basketball it felt like a Eureka moment  because I was actively trying to remember the   last time I'd actually seen the basketball and  I was certain that it been so long that it was   probably in storage or I'd given it out to any  of my friends so I apologized yes believe it   or not I did apologize and decided to end the  conversation about it right there and then he   put up an attitude for a few days but ultimately  we fell back into the Casual friendship we had I   stopped bringing men back to the apartment and I  noticed that the items had stopped disappearing or   so I thought it was now fully a month since Steve  had been living with me but he hasn't paid his due   bills for over a week not enough to cause worry  because I didn't have to actually pay for anything   till like later in the month but we had an agreed  schedule and I was getting a little iffy about it   so I called him for a little convo in the kitchen  I explained that logically he'd spent a month in   the apartment already and our agreement was over  a month old and blah blah blah I needed him to pay   his share of the bills and throughout my entire  Spiel he was quietly nodding so I felt relieved   that we weren't about to have a huge confrontation  then Steve explained how he'd recently started   doing freelance graphic design for a new company  remotely hence the constant staying in his room   and his paycheck has cleared yet it sounded  reasonable and this was back when remote work   wasn't as popular so it felt valid that processing  payment wouldn't be a seamless experience as a   matter of fact I think I felt some level of pity  for him big mistake big big mistake now remember   that the mysterious disappearances had stopped but  Steve's boxes were still littering the apartment   living room that was my first sign but I hadn't  caught on to it then what my friends like to call   the big steel happened and all heck broke loose I  got back from work one day and the apartment oven   was gone like a huge gaping hole was occupying  the space the oven used to be in the kitchen   and it felt like the world was playing a very  bad unfunny joke on me a twelve hundred dollar   oven just upped and left the apartment highly  unlikely immediately I walked over to Steve's   door and banged till he opened it here's the thing  I'd never seen him inside his room and he'd been   living in my apartment for almost two months at  this point but when he opened it I saw nothing   that screamed that he was actually a designer no  multiple screens no casually discarded scribbles   and none of this occurred to me till much later  because I was freaking out about having to explain   the situation to my landlord as expected Steve  was adamant that he didn't know about it that he   heard sounds earlier but thought I was home and  tinkering and then he threw in the winning line   remember that the guys next door got robbed last  week and we were supposed to change the locks and   I felt immensely stupid there was no way Steve  would have stolen the oven and remained in the   apartment cool as a cucumber well I was only right  about one part of that there was no way Steve was   going to remain in the apartment I ended up paying  my landlord two thousand dollars for the price of   a new oven and cost of installation plus wiring it  was a very bad a week but I didn't know how much   worse it was going to get the oven theft occurred  on Monday and when I was going to the apartment   door on Friday it was with the full intention of  kicking up my feet with several glasses of wine   but I ended up at the police station that night  the apartment had been emptied out completely my   television the kitchen appliances everything done  to my straightener was gone the only things left   behind were my documents and some of Steve's  boxes I have experienced grief and loss since   this incident but I promise very little comes  close to the extent of helplessness I felt that   evening what happened was that Steve had slowly  been taking bits of my belongings and putting them   into packing boxes hidden in plain sight and when  it became obvious that I was suspicious he moved   them from the apartment the oven was his test  to see how stupid I was and I broke the scale   so he could carry out with the grand audit  of my apartment but I didn't find out about   any of these until almost a year later I was in  debt for over three months after Steve robbed me   blind and I became even more depressed because  bad luck doesn't even begin to quantify what I   was experiencing of course I called the police  and when they vetted all the information Steve   provided I don't think anyone was shocked to  find out that it was all false down to his name   CCTV from the street showed that he had loaded  a van with most of the items and packing boxes   and taken the larger things out through the fire  escape behind the building which is a blind spot   I had to pay the landlord back for everything that  was pre-installed and I was racking up losses left   and right luckily I had leave days piled up at  work so I was able to focus on rebuilding my   life I moved out of that apartment because it was  the constant factor in all the BS I went through   in the period of that one year my total expense  and loss from Steve's Grand and theft unpaid rent   and bills summed up to forty eight thousand nine  hundred eighty two dollars and since the police   were more focused on reminding me that I'd made  a series of stupid choices I knew that the case   was Gone with the Wind but as luck would have  it I got a promotion about six months after   the incident and started planning for a vacation  one of my friends and co-workers decided to join   me for a road trip to a nearby state where we  would Lodge for the weekend drink and indulge   in multiple vices at this point I hadn't fully  recovered from the whole drama with the theft   in the breakup my ex-boyfriend and ex-roommate  got engaged shortly after Steve stole from me   but I was in a much better place so we planned the  trip and weekend and about a year after the whole   thing happened we pulled over for a gas stop just  one stretch of road to our destination and that's   when I got my shot at Revenge my co-worker let's  call her Beth was one of the you people who knew   the full story about what happened because I  didn't want more people than necessary to know   that I'd been well and truly stupid anyway so she  knew about it and when I gasped as she got into   the semi-busy line of cars at the gas station she  followed my gaze and immediately figured out that   I was staring at Steve seated in a pickup truck  she quickly reversed the car and pulled over to   the side of the gas station and we watched as  Steve jumped out of the truck left the windows   rolled down and walked into the gas station store  I told her I had a plan and I needed the bag of   weed and LSD that I knew she had on her Beth's a  bit of a wild cat my plan was simple because this   was back when traveling Interstate with marijuana  without a medical prescription was prohibited and   I just had to plan Beth's absurd amount of illegal  substances she had a medical card for her anxiety   and previous jolt of cancer so she got away with  carrying weed around back then in Steve's car we   got out of the car Beth covered my smaller  frame as I tossed the weed and pills to the   floor of his driver's seat then we walked back  to the car and called the cops I kept it brief   explained that he'd stolen for me and I still had  the fake documents he attended for his application   mentioned his plate number and I just slid it in  there that I'd just seen him buy what it looked   like marijuana at a gas station with an efficiency  that was missing the first time I tried to get   Steve arrested the police got to the gas station  very quickly Beth and I were already getting gas   in the car when a cop car pulled up and one  of the two policemen in it announced that the   owner of the pickup with Steve's plate should step  out of the store through the glass windows I saw   Steve look confused in the checkout station before  turning towards the doors where the policemen were   standing behind their open doors Steve walked  out of the gas station and asked the officers   if there was a problem they led him to his car  searched and found the weed the moment Steve saw   the bag he was obviously confused and kept looking  around but he made the singular mistake that would   have helped him out when the officer asked is this  yours he grabbed the bag for a closer look got his   Prince all over it and then said no the policeman  told him that they had to bring him in and when   they pulled into the city's police station we were  right behind them as soon as Steve stepped out of   the cop car and saw me he started screaming that I  was the one who planted it and when they asked if   he knew me he couldn't answer because that would  have implied that he should establish how he knows   me which would have led to 48 982 dollars worth of  stuff he took long story short I identified myself   as the caller the police questioned him and got  us scheduled for a hearing Steve was held on bail   for theft and illegal possession of marijuana the  court process was fast because I got a statement   of the first report I made and Steve was ordered  to pay me sixty thousand dollars for the cost of   stolen property and damages Beth and I chose a  different destination for another vacation and   had a great time and I've been more conscious  and careful than ever because I got a lucky   when I found Steve the thief and I never want to  relive that experience again although I collected   every last dollar he stole from me and then some  approximately ten thousand dollars more but hey   that's enough to cover the emotional and physical  stress I went through have you ever in your life   had an experience that felt as lucky as what  Opie experienced here going to a whole totally   different state pulling into a gas station and  running into the person that stole fifty thousand   dollars from them do you think you've ever felt  nearly that lucky in your life let me know in   the comments down below and our final story of  the day is a story of a man keeping their kids   from their ex-wife I was married for 15 years and  at the end of marriage I hated my ex-wife more   than I ever loved her to be honest now that I'm  looking back into my life with that woman was I   realized I was playing a part up until the very  end and my role was the clown my ex-wife let's   call her Karen was the circus master and whenever  she needed something I was the Willing volunteer   who put my neck on the line I sold my first car  to buy her second car and no it doesn't make any   sense but at the time I can't go on a road trip  in an SUV I need a convertible to fully immerse   the experience was a convincing argument for me  I was a loser or as most of you would agree a   total simp Karen's word was life and Truth for the  better part of our marriage it was so bad that at   one point my 14 year old son was convinced that  I was the originator of the concept of simping   because I allowed their mother to take off for  the weekend because she said she needed a break   from parenting to put it into context we have  a 14 year old a 12 year old an eight-year-old   and a four-year-old and every single one of our  kids had an event that weekend my 14 year old had   his first baseball match on Friday afternoon  and his friend's birthday party was on Sunday   my 12 year old had to be dropped off for ballet  class on Saturday morning my eight-year-old had   a play date on Saturday morning as well and  I had a pick her up later in the day and my   four-year-old was scheduled for the dentist's  office at midday on Saturday the kids knew it   was a busy weekend and their mother knew and I  knew but that Thursday morning my wife came down   to the breakfast table with a travel bag packed  to the brim and a beach hat under her arm Beth   is having a birthday weekend getaway so I'll see  you guys on Monday when you get back from school   the first part was said to me the second part  was said to the kids as she gave them forehead   kisses interrupting the breakfast I woke up at  5am to prepare since she slept in almost every   weekday I couldn't figure out what to say to that  but I didn't have to my oldest son spoke spoke up   but there's so much we have to do this weekend  can't you miss it and that's when she dropped   a bit about needing time off from parenting which  was in itself a blatant joke when she was not just   a bad mother she wasn't a mother period my friends  and I joke that the only good thing she did for my   kids was carrying them to term and delivering  them safely Beyond getting pregnant which she   loved because she could order me around without  needing an elaborate excuse and giving birth   which she hated because she had to spend months  recovering from what she called Baby body my wife   didn't do much else but she was great at being  a trophy wife and now that I'm being truthful   about my marriage and life in the past 15 years I  know that was the reason why I married her it was   the reason why I gave her my annual salary bonus  I work in Tech as Senior Management so you can   imagine how many zeros were in that wire transfer  so she could get a BBL and recuperate in Hawaii   my ex-wife was beautiful and that's all there  was to her but for 15 years it was all I needed   to make the marriage work she looked good in the  family photos and she looked good at my company   dinners and she put my handle in her Instagram  bio as husband so I was convinced that she just   didn't have maternal instincts or the ability to  be romantically expressive and I filled her shoes   anywhere and everywhere I could but the thing  with that is she prefers stilettos to slippers   and I'm using that as an analogy for everything  imaginable when she was pregnant with her third   child she couldn't stop craving mangoes which is  a slippers type of thing right but she wanted the   mangoes specifically from a farmer's market three  states away hence the stilettos and I didn't mind   in fact I never noticed or had any attention drawn  to it until the breakfast event as the door closed   behind her that morning my eldest son said to  me that I was the biggest simp he had ever known   without mincing words of course and I just laughed  it off I was stuck in my clown season as I now   refer to it and it took a lot to convince me that  I had a huge red nose on my face before I faced   reality truly and it took the threat of losing my  children the only real thing in that marriage for   me to see that I was wasting my life away but  before I get to the juicy part of my revenge   on the worst person I've ever had the unfortunate  luck of meeting I need to explain how stupid I was   so you guys can understand how satisfying it was  to find common sense once again and no juggling   that crazy weekend wasn't my undoing in fact for  a long time it was the primary argument she used   whenever I tried to get her to do anything I can't  skip my spa day to take the kids to the park I can   make dinner I can't attend the recital but I'm  sure you can handle it remember that weekend in   July and how everything was perfect and I would  just nod and turn into a human octopus the only   bright side of overworking myself as a parent  was the fact that my children Love Me Maybe the   universe pities me and the stupidest decisions of  my life Mary and Karen but I'm truly blessed with   the smartest amazing beautiful children despite  the worst and imaginable mother figure they have   my children are empathetic and kind and a constant  reminder that I've done something right in   raising them the person I did it with absolutely  regrettable have you ever met someone and wondered   why everything seems to fall into place so easily  well you shouldn't trust them I did and it was the   worst mistake I ever made I met my ex-wife just  as I left the optometrist's office with my brand   new glasses 20 20 Vision right but I couldn't  see the disaster right in front of me until it   was almost too late I wish I could say that I saw  the signs but it's taken long nights of drinking   with my friends expensive there therapy sessions  and a ton of introspection to admit that I let so   many things pass without noticing them much less  addressing things that were so terribly wrong with   my marriage towards the end of my marriage with  Karen the red flags got larger more crimson and   I was more oblivious than I should have been with  four children looking up to me to Shield them from   the world and their mother in one particularly  sobering event my wife left my children alone   at home and went for an office mixer at the  Publishing Company where she works as an office   assistant because a big shot from the company was  rumored to be arriving from out of town and she   wanted to be photographed at the event and where  was I at the hospital with my mother who had just   come out of hip replacement surgery I raised  my voice at my wife for the first time in our   marriage the next morning and even then I wasn't  addressing the actual issue rather than rip her a   new one for leaving the children I kept repeating  why didn't you call me to come home and pick   them up I was willing to leave my mother in the  hospital go on a one-hour trip home get the kids   ready for an uncomfortable night in the hospital  waiting room and drive another hour to the   hospital just for my wife to get her shot in the  photo album for a welcome party I wanted to be the   one responsible for everything she couldn't do for  my kids like babysitters aren't an option like my   then 12 year old son wasn't old enough to get his  siblings into a waiting cab I didn't consider any   other options and even in my anger I was offering  myself as a first alternative my therapist says   I wanted her to need me but I think it was more  about needing her to need me for weeks leading up   to the end of my marriage it felt like the world  was just passing by while I stood on the sidelines   and when I began to snap out of the trance I was  stuck in it was almost too late it started with   a rather climatic event like all things do  she forgot our four-year-old son at the mall   for six hours it was one of those rare days when  she showed more than an ounce of emotion towards   our children and she had wanted to take them on  a trip to the mall so he could check out the new   play center near the food court if I'd been more  careful about her intentions or more conscious of   her flaws I would have probably realized that  there was a luxury beauty store opening on the   top floor of the mall but I didn't know till I got  to the mall that night frantic and worried to the   Grays on my head basically she had dropped my son  at the play center and gone to the store's opening   five floors away she had my credit card because  I was the elated husband excited that she was   spending time with her child and instead she had  spent about five thousand dollars on heaven knows   what apparently she saw one of her friends at the  opening and they spent the next few hours touring   the mall before heading out for a drink completely  forgetting that she had a child in the building   when she got home at 6 PM her arms were loaded  with bags but empty of our sun and she didn't   realize it until our other children asked about  their brother my eldest daughter shout of where   is he was what had me storming down the stairs  I found my ex-wife and three of our children   standing and staring at each other in the living  room and all my mental alarms went off that was   it there was no coming back from that I knew it  she knew it and our kids knew it wasting no time   at all I asked about the last place she saw him  where she went and a million other questions that   raced against my heart as I thought about what I  did wrong to have deserved a life like that with   a wife like that when I heard her say she left  the mall with a friend she saw at the opening   my subconscious mind did a recap of the past 15  years and it felt like I was a stranger in my own   life but I couldn't deal on the new realization  because my child was missing somewhere and that   was the best case scenario yo for a curious hungry  and tired four-year-old pray that he's alive just   pray that he's alive that was the only thing I  said to her as I ran out of the house with my   eldest son I've already mentioned that my children  are quite smart and that night was proof of it   the only number my four-year-old knew was 9-1-1  and I just started teaching him how to remember   the house phone number so I knew he couldn't have  called but after he noticed that his mother wasn't   coming back for him he had found a security guard  told her his name and told her that he didn't know   where his mom was the security guard had taken him  to the main Security office after making several   announcements and Reporting the case to the police  waiting to see if someone would turn up in search   of my son I didn't realize how shaken I was by  it till my baby boy was wiping my tears after I   hugged him when we were reunited that night after  talking my kids in I called my lawyer and told him   I wanted to file for a divorce and that was the  beginning of a new series of fortunate events but   I was more aware of what was going on everything  that Karen was doing I was able to see it before   she did I fought back twice as hard she didn't  know what was going on and I took advantage of   that to the max Karen wanted to pull the strings  and I had snapped them in half when she got the   divorce papers she was visibly confused because  we were still living in the same house and a life   had continued as if nothing changed but something  had happened and I was never going back into that   mindset where everything she did was perfect  I wanted our divorce to be a very simple split   because I didn't want to give our children any  additional trauma to the years of neglect they   had to suffer from their mother but Karen wouldn't  go out with a bang my lawyer Drew up a simple plan   for shared custody and spousal payment but Karen  found a lawyer who I'm pretty sure she slept with   because she didn't have the finances to cover  an average lawyer's fees who she was able to   convince the helper get full custody spousal  payment and child support payment I had spent   15 years financing Karen's life and she wanted me  to continue financing it for another 14 years what   she hadn't taken into account is the fact that  I had had enough of her and her scheming ways   she put my child's life in danger because I never  let her consider an alternative to her selfishness   and she was about to find out how terrible it  could be to not have her way my lawyer advised   it would be best to have a judge hear my case and  Grant the ultimate decision so we went to battle   it out in court and Karen played her last hand she  arrived with a black eye and busted lip in all the   years I'd known her I could maybe agree that she  was selfish and mischievous but to the point of   self-harm to satisfy her greed probably not goes  to show you how little you can know about someone   you live with anyway my lawyer saw her appearance  and knew that the case was as good as gone because   my kids were unable to testify in court and given  that her account of me being violent with her   would play into an argument of manipulation and I  let him and Karen believe that I'd lost and given   up she only knew me as her doormat so I guess she  didn't expect anything else but two weeks after   the first child support and spousal payment I made  to Karen my 14 year old and I came up with a plan   that changed my future and possibly the nature of  my criminal record even texting me with updates   about their living situation since I had to leave  the house after the divorce was settled and to   say it got worse would be an understatement my son  was taking up full responsibility for himself and   his siblings while Karen reminded them at every  possible chance that she was a good person and   I was never going to come for them so it's safe  to say that two months later when she came home   to an empty house with no children and none of  the property documents she was very surprised   I didn't want to put my children through the  whole horrors of an extended court case and I   couldn't deal with the thought of applying for  shared custody with Karen if it were up to me   I wouldn't live on the same planet with her so  I put in for a semi-permanent remote placement   at work had my teenage son packed their things  slowly over a week and borrowed a Chevy Suburban   so it would be one single trip and two months ago  on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon I stole my   kids for my ex-wife while she was out shopping the  entire time I was second guessing the decision and   having an extreme internal debate about whether  it was the right thing to do or not but seeing   my young kids cry after we pulled away from the  old house was all the convincing I needed there   was no wrong in giving my children the life they  deserve I was tired of doing things based on the   convenience and comfort of my ex-wife so I stole  my kids with a well detailed plan I carefully   highlighted the loopholes in my wife's initial  testimony AKA lie to provide my lawyer with   accurate information for a defense and I reported  a new case of neglect to law enforcement shout out   to my eldest son for the brilliant act he put up  to the police not that he lied out rightly but he   may have embellished the truth when he told the  cops that his mother left a pot on fire he had   made a lunch for his siblings and left the door  open while they ran out to meet me in the car and   left his baby brother in the bathtub more like a  toy Left Behind after the toddler's morning bath   before heading out for drinks with a friend we  had the perfect story we found a new judge and   we got her to listen my still retallied with the  kids the security guard at the mall was willing to   help me get CCTV footage plus a witness account  and my friends were able to submit eyewitness   accounts all of these plus the fact that my kids  reported their neglect several hours before she   called the police station searching for them made  for a very convincing case and I got full custody   and she's facing possible charges for neglect and  manipulating evidence in a court case these days   I work for my new home on the other side of town  and I have my kids by my side I definitely feel   for op the wife sounds like an absolute Nightmare  and frankly I don't think there's any greater   nightmare than having your four children that you  love to bits stuck with somebody with full custody   that does not care one bit about them I think one  thing's for certain about op here they were going   to go at bat to get their kids back and give their  kids the life they deserve one way or another   and ultimately they pulled it off monitoring my  movements enjoy the spam about four years back I   had a colleague who worked in a different Office  to me it was a nice enough guy but just generally   annoying on emails anyway one week he was down in  my office for work and sitting next to me and I   caught a glimpse that he attacked me on Skype for  business so whenever I went offline away or active   live he got a pop-up notification for whatever  reason that really bugged me I don't like the idea   that someone's monitoring my movements once he  went back to his home office every time I left and   came back to my laptop or was bored or on a call  including with him I'd flick my status on and off   10 to 20 times I knew every time he was getting  these pop-ups and he couldn't really say anything   to me without admitting it I still chuckled to  myself about it to this day now I'm not sure if   Skype has a setting like this on by default but I  know I've used programs before or apps that when   you're using it and somebody comes online you do  get a little pop-up notification if you're using   a program that notifies you every single time  somebody comes online or offline that's on your   friends list or Associated to your account do you  think it's weird to like having that on getting   those notifications every time somebody comes  online or offline let me know what you guys think   in the comments down below our next story is from  weak assignment five 0.091 Green Day helped me get   a vindictive neighbor to move this happened about  a decade ago but I still get satisfaction when I   think of it so around 10 years ago we had to move  out of the duplex we shared with my father-in-law   he was a jerk and a bully and had no boundaries  because he owned the duplex he thought he could do   whatever he wanted including walking into my unit  unannounced while I'm barely clothed so we left   and moved into a beautiful place a good distance  away from him after I pushed father-in-law down   the stairs when he threatened me for the last time  when my husband was gone the tenants who lived in   my unit had been there for over a decade and it  was a woman in her 50s and her physically disabled   son they were very quiet the man who lived under  me was absolutely pissed that he lost his peace   when a family of four and a dog moved in it was  a huge place and realistically if it hadn't been   us we were friends of the owner it would have  been another family who also wouldn't have been   as quiet as the previous tenants the downstairs  tenant's name was Frank and he was a threatening   Bully from the start except he wouldn't complain  to me if my husband was home he would wait until   his work truck was gone and catch me outside alone  when checking the mail he was a huge guy too I'm   only five foot two and weighed maybe 140 pounds  back then so we moved away from one jerk only to   find a bigger one who seemed to try anything he  could to get us in trouble when he realized he   couldn't make us move or make my kids four and six  at that time be any more quiet than they already   were they lived in an upstairs unit and knew  not to be too loud indoors he moved on to my dog   within a couple of weeks of moving in we started  getting bylaw showing up about my loud dog my dog   wasn't loud and only barked when someone knocked  on the door which didn't look great for me when   the bylaw showed up then he started recording the  dog barking for that minute someone knocked and   would call the landlord and play it every time I  brought my kids to school so I left my webcam Mon   and a friend watched and listened while we were  gone and the dog didn't make a peep a few days   later I get another bylaw visit and they gave me  a fine except I hadn't left the freaking house in   days and the dog barked only once when I got a  package delivered now under my revenge after I   get another fine from bylaw that was significantly  higher than the first most cities bylaw Department   only responds when there's a complaint lodged  they don't go looking for people to tick it and   with absolutely no proof to justify a 230 dollar  fine I had enough we'd been there only a month   by this time and this jerk made my life even more  difficult than my father-in-law did I decided that   I'm going to leave for the day with my kids and  my dog I put them in the car and then went back   upstairs to lay my subwoofer on the floor exactly  in the middle of his apartment downstairs I put   Green Day's Greatest Hits on full blast press  play and left that freaker wanted noise wanted   to complain and get me fine for no reason well I  was about to give him a reason I knew my landlord   was out of the country on vacation so there  wouldn't be anyone calling to harass me from   Greece I was gone for about six hours and the  album was on repeat I must have really pissed   him off because by the weekend he had moved out  I get a major satisfaction from winning this game   still over a decade later I'm just struggling to  understand how they can record the dog barking you   know maybe a few times a week and just that Soul  recording of the dog barking when the doors being   knocked on is enough to get op fined over and over  again bylaw clearly didn't care about getting the   true facts of the situation because the neighbors  recording probably shouldn't have gone for more   than a couple minutes at most I mean I highly  doubt the dog was barking for more than five   minutes so to me the fact that this neighbor got  away with reporting them and Opie getting a fine   for it because they stopped to take a two minute  recording every so often when the dog barked is   kind of an outrage to me our next story is from  Colonia Venus Glassdoor infuriated Me by making   me sign up and give them personal info to view  something so I left them a bad employee review on   their own site listen this might sound a bit extra  but have you tried to use Glassdoor before if you   haven't go try it I'm serious see how far you get  before it harasses you into signing up for their   sight but I can just simply sign in with my Google  account you say wrong it won't let you back to the   viewing page after signing in no it forces you to  give them details about your job your job title   your company your location your salary your years  of experience although there is thankfully a skip   button when it gets to the review part it's hard  to even notice it and it tries to force you into   it again later okay I kind of get it they need  data that's what makes the website use useful but   here's the problem I don't have a freaking job I  graduated college last year had some health issues   ETC so what the heck should I enter when it's  forcing me to answer questions about my job is   it ironic that they're withholding information  that could help me get a job because I don't   already have a job or is it prejudiced  against the unemployed I can't decide I'll   tell you what job title male prostitute company  Glassdoor location Las Vegas Nevada salary 69   000 all ratings one star Pros five word minimum  none there are no Pros cons my talents are truly   going to waste at Glassdoor no one wants to hire  me to screw them because the company's website   is the most atrocious thing they've ever had to  interact with on the internet I don't blame them   frankly how can they trust me to give them a  good time if this is the company I represent   no one's having a good time on this website no one  Glassdoor get a freaking ux team if you have one   already get a new one this crap stinks advice for  management fix your website forcing people into   signing up and giving reviews to Simply view  a page that they got to from a search engine   is really freaking obnoxious and completely  unhelpful for people looking for their first   job you're forcing people to give false data  when you do this how's that helpful for anyone   give people the option to skip it no one wants  to sign up for your site when you force them   sincerely a male prostitute who just handed in  his resignation I seriously doubt it'll ever make   it to their page of public reviews which looks  rigged as crap by the way but I just hope that   some employee that is complicit in this heinous  design Choice reads it my review fell short of   the level of copy pasta Vibes I was hoping for so  if anyone wants to improve upon it in the comments   please do in conclusion glassdoor's website  has the freaking temper government of a sleazy   frat boy who won't take no for an answer wait no  glassdoor's website is the virtual embodiment of   an arrogant crusty old businessman who invites  his young female intern to a private meeting   to discuss promoting her only to say that it's  contingent upon her performing an inappropriate   favor yes I'm still angry I've dealt with too  many dysfunctional websites lately so this was   the last straw apologies that this isn't really a  triumphant Petty Revenge story in all honesty this   is partially an attempt at a cathartic writing  exercise and partially the next step in my   campaign to tarnish their name no offense intended  the male prostitutes Frat Boys businessman or   anyone else full offense intended to be employees  at Glassdoor who made their website like this   screw them screw them having spent my fair share  of time on the internet I totally agree with OP I   haven't experienced Glassdoor but a website that  I've visited quite a bit that info infuriated me   is quora do you know how many times I've found  a question that is answered on quora and as soon   as you go there you see one answer and then  it's like sign up so at some point you give   in you're like okay I use this side a little bit  you sign up for it and then it starts asking you   for quora plus and then there's certain answers  on certain questions then you can only read if   you have quora plus I sit there looking at that  and I'm like who's going to pay so and so much a   month to read a slightly better answer also unless  you like giving away all the personal information   attached to your Google account or any other  account I would advise against signing in using   your Google account or a lot of times you'll see  like sign them with Apple sign in with Facebook   when you sign in with those things you're giving  them access to all your personal info attached to   those accounts by the way if you're enjoying these  stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe   buttons down below so you never miss any of my  daily videos our next story is from Nana j88 I   gave some someone the wrong answer on her test  okay this happens back when I was in high school   when I was 16 or 17 I'm now 23. I'm pretty good at  English I came from a country in Asia so English   isn't very common so one time me and Tina my  friend we played with water Tina sprayed me   with water and accidentally sprayed someone else  let's call her Thea we apologized but she decided   to throw a racist comment and called the stupid  Chinese in my native language fast forward we're   on our very last test before graduation Thea  sat behind me and kept calling me asking for   an answer to the English tests so being the petty  person I gave it to her all the wrong answers the   test results came back I got a 94 in my tests  and guess who got 60 on theirs I don't blame op   one bit for doing what they did here they made an  accident they accidentally sprayed water on Thea   and instead of just being the bigger person and  accepting their apology for an honest mistake they   turn around and get racist and nasty well down the  road it's no surprise that op is not going to just   bail you out on your test after all that this next  story is from beard guitar123 neighbor called code   enforcement on me about my lawn without even  speaking directly with me first now I'm really   gonna piss him off a little background info my  wife and I purchased our house a few years ago   and the day we moved in our neighbor Roger called  the cops on us for moving in too loud we weren't   playing music or even talking amongst ourselves  just my wife and I moving our belongings into our   new house cops came I explained that I was just  moving in and they apologized for bothering us   Roger and all his retired proud boy Glory comes  out of his house immediately after they left to   let us know that he's the one that called the cops  and in more words says he's setting the tone for   our new life even still we were super cordial  with this guy because we wanted to make a good   impression in our new neighborhood it's our first  home and it was important to us to make it homey   about a year or so later our first Sons born we  let our property fall to the back burner while   we adjusted the Parenthood and a few newspapers  piled up in our driveway and in the rain sort   of melt onto our driveway all on our property  Roger comes knocking on our door to complain I   tell him I'm sorry and that we let it get away  from us I explained that we have a newborn son   and I would get to it ASAP he digs in and starts  telling me how when he was a new father he didn't   let anything affect his property and he tells me  I'm being lazy I said then why don't you pick it   up if you're so worried about it to which he says  no I want you to pick up the freaking mess I was   trying to be semi-cordial still because I'm  not interested in unnecessary conflict with   my neighbor so I told him fine I'll get to it and  he left later that year Roger comes over one day   to ask if he can trim the tree that hangs over my  fence onto his side of the fence and I'm fine with   that so I say no problem and he casually mentions  how one time when a 17 year old kid friends with   his delinquent drug addict son at the time broke  into his garage he hit him in the head with a   baseball bat until he was our word and the police  came and he was cleared of all responsibility   because it was a break-in he's smiling and  laughing while telling me this noted I'm   thinking to myself this guy is a freaking piece  of crap psychopath well it's a couple years later   now with a few more minor run-ins but nothing too  significant and my wife and I just had our Second   Son one month ago about 10 days ago sun isn't even  three weeks old at this time I get a notice on my   door saying my lawn is in violation of my City's  code I molded two days before my son was born so   it's been about three weeks since I mowed and it's  been raining since I have 48 eight hours to comply   I call the number on the card and no answer so  I call the non-emergency line to verify what my   responsibility is because of the vague wording  on the door hanger it's because one of the grass   types of my lawn growing very sparsely like one  blade per square inch is over 12 inches tall the   majority of the grass was like two to three inches  long but there was another type there as well that   grew faster I told them that I'm a new father  and asked for an extension to deal with it later   they said don't even worry about the lawn just  take care of the baby so now with some Newfound   confidence I mow my lawn into a spiral shape  leaving lots of grass remaining as a middle finger   to whoever we knew who it was at this point in the  story right called the cops on me about my lawn   a couple days later Roger talks to me over our  shared backyard fence and asks about my lawnmower   and if it's busted or something I told them no I  just have more important priorities than mowing   my lawn and tell them about my new son and then  I asked if he was the one that called the cops   on me about it he says he called code enforcement  but not on me he called on my new neighbors on my   other side a really nice Mexican family who's  always diligent about their lawn and always   outside working on their new property he says code  enforcement must have happened to notice Milan   when they went to follow up on his call next door  at this point I say something along the lines of   look I'm a pretty freaking cool guy if you have a  concern about my property then you can speak with   me directly he swears up and down that he didn't  call on me and that it was just a coincidence   whatever about a week after that yesterday he  knocks on my door and I already know what's coming   I answer the door kind of chuckling and greed him  he's kind of chuckling too at this point because   it's freaking ridiculous he says Hey so you said  I could talk to you if I had an issue with your   property I tell him you Yeah by all means he  gestures to my lawn and asks what it's about   I say it's kind of like a middle finger to ever  called code enforcement on me he is irate says if   it's a middle finger to him I stop him and remind  him that he told me that he didn't call them on   me so he shouldn't feel targeted he ignores me and  restarts his sentence the same way again so I cut   him off again and I say I specifically am telling  you it's not a middle finger to you Roger he says   if it's a middle finger to me then This Means War  over what I ask him laughing he's getting bigger   and huffier by the second and tells me I'm a lazy  piece of crap and my properties and shambles and   that all the other neighbors mow their lawn I  remind him that I have a newborn son and that my   lawn can suck my you know what for now he puffs up  as big as he can and says I never had this issue   when I was a new father I told them I don't give a  crap about what he did as a dad ironic enough his   drug addict son lives in the house on the other  side of him and causes trouble in the neighborhood   regularly cars peeling out people screaming at  each other drug addicts always waiting outside   Etc now he tells me that he's going to call code  enforcement on me every day and I tell him to get   the Freak off my property he says move me so I  tell him I'm calling the cops and he says do it   so I grab my phone and start dialing he walks  to the sidewalk and keeps yelling at me about   how I'm lazy and not fit to own my property cops  come and speak with us very anti-climactic they   did make sure to let him know that he needs to  get off my property when I say so and that's all   I wanted from them tomorrow I'm going to take my  hedge trimmers and mow my maze down to 11 inches   screw you Roger all I know is it would suck to  live next to a neighbor like this that doesn't   let you get away with anything that's you know  slightly out of code frankly I'd say this is worse   than just living in an HOA Community it definitely  takes a certain kind of person to keep living next   to a neighbor like that somebody that actually  thrives on allowing the neighbor to get more   and more upset all I know is is in this day and  age with everything that's gone on I don't know   if I would feel greatly comfortable continuing  to piss off this neighbor because first of all   you heard what they said about what they did to  the kid in the garage who knows one day if you   can finally just get this guy to totally snap and  he does something really serious our next story   is from revolutionary p833 don't like me smoking  weed okay so a little backstory I smoke weed to   help deal with my mental health issues but I found  myself in a dilemma whenever I smoke in my room   the smell seeps through the door crack and makes  the house smell so I tried finding a nice Scenic   Place but when it's cold or raining you kind of  want to smoke in the comfort of your own house   I started smoking in my backyard only at night  time because the neighbors to my right half kids   and I want to be respectful the other night I was  smoking outside and my neighbor to the left were   outside talking so I come out at the usual time  and mind my own business there's a six foot wall   separating me and them so I give them their space  and I have mine I come back inside and I have my   windows slightly ajar and I can hear them arguing  about calling the police and saying I don't want   to smell that crap 10 minutes later the police  knock on my door and asked to have a look around   the house five minutes before I ran outside found  a fence and wedged all my weed stuff inside it   they have a look around and found nothing I'm now  seething I'm an Ireland where wheat is a hundred   percent illegal so I could get into some serious  trouble we're grown adults if you have a problem   with me smoking weed come and tell me which I'd  appreciate more than you calling the police time   for the Revenge we may be illegal in Ireland  but CBD Bud isn't you may be wondering what is   CBD Bud simplified it's basically C CBD but it  looks and smells like weed I rolled up a nice   fat joint stood right next to the wall separating  me and them and started smoking away four minutes   later the police knock on my door and immediately  smell what seems to be weed I kindly pointed out   that it's CBD bud and completely legal as long as  it contains less than .3 THC the thing that gets   you high they agree and leave the neighbors saved  me because the police can't do anything moral of   the story please be an adult and communicate  your feelings let's kind of put ourselves in   the neighbor's shoes here if you're outside  talking late at night and your neighbor goes   out into their backyard and starts smoking and  you can kind of smell it creeping over the wall   and let's say it's something that's bothering you  or you don't personally like would you yourself go   over there and ask them to stop smoking outside  if they can tell you're outside or do you think   it is understandable for them to get upset about  it and call the cops rather than go over there   and try to talk it out with a neighbor let me know  what you guys think down in the comments our next   story is from Big Mick large huge7 parked my car  on the street got a removal notice so we need to   have the main water line into the house replaced  so they need to come out and Mark all the utility   lines before they dig for the new pipe I moved  my old car to the street in front of my house on   Thursday on Saturday I had a removal notice from  the city for an unattended vehicle in place for   48 hours keep in mind the car is registered to  my address and was parked in front of my house   our neighbors across the street had to have called  it in and that pisses me off when they first moved   in they left a work truck in front of our house  for a month then another month shortly thereafter   was I happy no did I call the police no his work  truck along with the other neighbor's vehicles   are okay even having people visiting in a trailer  or RV for two to three weeks at a time so I moved   the car back up into my driveway but I did move  the old toilet that's been sitting next to the   house waiting for bulk trash pickup didn't like  looking at my old car enjoy looking at the toilet   jerk when they come to trench I plan on moving  the car into the same spot only in my yard City   can't remove it on your property enjoy looking  at it I was gonna donate it to charity soon but   now I think I might keep it a bit longer those  neighbors are total jerks it would honestly piss   me off to no end to realize that they did that  and frankly I might want to be Petty and do the   same thing that op did too just leave it parked  there right in the yard make them look out their   windows and study it for a good while maybe even a  month or two and then finally donate it to a good   cause our next story is from retro fan Sid 6581  revenge is a dish best served cold about 20 years   ago I worked in a local computer shop up there  was only a handful of staff and it was very much   a friends and family Run Place the boss had an  acquaintance who would come visit him let's call   him Dave he would be in the back area with all of  us along with the stock CPUs Ram hard drives gpus   Etc because we were all friends stock checking  and keeping was very lapse but we trusted one   another so it wasn't a problem but suddenly things  were going missing and we couldn't work out what   was going on we all suspected it was Dave but  couldn't be sure around that time there was a   very popular screensaver doing the rounds it was a  very photorealistic 3D aquarium screensaver by Jim   sacks and everyone wanted it on their PC I had it  on my work PC and when Dave saw it he immediately   asked for a copy to which I refused he grumbled  about it and then left I then had the idea of   catching him out I fired up Visual Basic and made  a quick program called aquarium screensaver and   and compiled it with a standard Windows type Setup  Wizard the setup looked very legit I then saved   it to a floppy yes a floppy and wrote aquarium  screensaver on the disk I then put it on the side   and left it the next day when I got to work the  disc was missing I asked the boss of David bennion   and he had now as you can imagine I didn't write  a screensaver in fact I wrote an app to delete   all the files and folders on any computer that  installed it in the setup terms and conditions it   clearly explains that this is what would happen  and the user agrees to this before installing   later that day we get a call from Dave asking to  speak to me Dave asked if I had any problems with   the screensaver as his computer would no longer  boot I said no it was fine for me and to perhaps   try it on his other computer a few days later  one of the other staff told them I had made this   program and he stormed into our shop to face off  with me but soon backed off when I reminded him   I hadn't given him the screensaver so he proved  he was happy to steal something and we got petty   Revenge it's honestly a darn Smart Way To Catch  a Thief like that if you know something as far as   computers go that they really desire you just  happen to have an installer or a CD or a DVD   lying around that contains that file supposedly  and it's no surprise that sticky fingers Dave is   the one who took it if the suspected Thief wants  something so you go ahead and plant it it would   be no surprise if all of a sudden that suspected  Thief now suddenly has that exact thing they were   asking about and the one you planted was missing  our next story is from IV AGM make me stay at   work for an extra hour I'll sleep through it so  this happened a while back but I was retelling   the story yesterday and my friend called me Petty  obviously I saw this as reasoning to post it here   I worked customer support from home at my last job  we didn't get paid overtime because it's from home   or some other BS S one day at the last 50 plus  minutes of my shift my connection dropped for   long enough to kick me out of the VPN the company  uses I could not connect again to that VPN due   to a technical issue but I still had internet I  reported this to my boss so that she would let me   go for the day and I could just stay for an hour  more the next one my boss instructed me to stay   because I was logged into the systems and could  help out in other areas that was not talking to   the clients she told me that despite me staying  to the end of my shift and helping out I would   still have to do overtime the next day because  my task for the day was to contact customers not   help out in other areas I couldn't work my task  but I was forced to stay and work on other tasks   and on top of that I would have to work overtime  another day basically I wouldn't get paid for the   hour I did work because it wasn't logged nor for  the other hour because it was logged as overtime   which was unpaid no thank Q cue my Petty Revenge  slash malicious compliance I finished off my shift   that day at a bit later than 5 p.m however my  boss reported officially that I'd worked until 4   pm due to a technical issue and logged an hour of  overtime for me for another shift what she didn't   realize was that the other shift had a different  task not contact customers but do internal work on   tickets and such this work isn't heavily monitored  by the minute as the one with the customers so   the morning of my overtime shift I logged into the  system and fell blissfully back asleep for an hour   my productivity for the day went significantly  down as they tracked that but I was logged and   working on some really tough internal cases no  one could say anything I was one of their best   workers the only one on my team that was fast  and competent whose productivity was great heck   they promoted me because of it with a four percent  raise in salary which is an absolute joke here as   averages 15 to 25 percent so they lost more money  by trying to cheat me out of two working hours to   be honest and they lost my respect as I ended  up quitting a month later frankly that's one   of those jobs that you do work at for a while but  you realize the amount of work and dedication you   put into that job will never be respected by  the people actually overseeing that job both   in just how they treat you as a human and also  compensation just because you're working from   home doesn't mean it's not overtime and our final  story of the day is from fan commercial 1802 my   college roommates needed to chill quick background  my final year at University I got divorced and   ended up rooming with a bunch of random younger  dudes I'd never met at the time I was working at   a nighttime maintenance job on campus think basic  electrician and plumbing work my roommates were   all quite religious not a problem I also am in my  own way but not attending their church was a real   stick sticking point they couldn't get over it led  to many heated and boring discussions so and Petty   Revenge every morning when I had the apartment to  myself they all had morning classes I'd go into   someone's room and unwire an outlet one by a desk  or wherever their phone or laptop charger was I   capped everything off it was safe and up to code  I didn't need an arson charge naturally they'd   complain to the apartment complex way to get a  notice that maintenance would be entering on such   and such date and time I'd go back in and connect  everything back up before the maintenance guy   came eventually the complex staff decided that our  apartment was just full of it so they took longer   and longer to respond so my final parting gift was  to turn off the natural gas to the water heater   for finals week nothing like an ice cold shower  before exams to be fair I bet an ice cold shower   before exams would actually be pretty decent like  I'm imagining you want to feel woken up and kind   of engaged and like yeah it's jarring but you're  pretty awake after a nice cold shower everything   else though is really smooth I got my evil fast  food boss fired the summer before my freshman   year of college I worked at a local franchise of  a fast food chain that's pretty popular here in   the U.S I won't say the name of the train because  I'd hate to tarnish their precious reputation or   somehow face legal action all these years later  but let's just say they're well known for their   delicious chicken sandwiches and their ownerships  on friendliness towards the LGBT community anyway   this was the first real job I'd ever held I've  done random stuff here and there over the years   yard work for Neighbors roughing basketball  games dog sitting but nothing ever amounting to   an actual position you know something with wages  and a uniform and all that good stuff at the start   of the summer I was actually excited for the job  though working at a fast food restaurant wasn't   exactly the most glamorous thing in the world sure  but I knew I'd at least be making money something   my teenage self had a definite lack of and I also  knew several of my school friends had worked at   the same franchise before they never complained  to me about work so how bad could it really be I   also had a really Pleasant interview to get the  job the man who had conducted it had been a nice   older gentleman graying hair roundish face soft  smile who had kindly reassured me that the work   wasn't too bad and that I would quickly receive  a raise in my hourly wage once I completed their   mandatory training at the time I'd assumed he was  going to be my boss and that it was going to be   his calm presence and kind demeanor running  the work environment boy how nice that would   have been anyway on my first day of work I walked  into the restaurant and made my way into the back   kitchen area where I was supposed to be working  that summer not seeing Mr Carlson the man for my   interview I approached a kitchen worker who was  putting together sandwiches uh excuse me I said   is Mr Carlson here it's my first day and I'm Mr  Carlson the guy interrupted Mr Carlson's not here   right now I don't think it doesn't really come in  that often just for special occasions prospective   employee interviews that kind of stuff but  isn't he the manager I asked how can he not   come in that often the guy looked at me confused  Mr Carlson's not the manager he's the franchise   owner she he said nodding towards a middle-aged  woman is the manager I looked over at the lady   he had pointed out she was short thin and seemed  to have a permanent frown carved onto her face it   looked like she was chewing someone out at the  other end of the kitchen as I was studying her   she suddenly turned around locked eyes with me and  began making her way over to where I was standing   the guy had been talking with noticed her walking  over too and quickly went back to his sandwiches   nice to meet you man but I've got to get back  to work the name's Nate though he paused for a   second and then looked back at me Good Luck before  I had the chance to ask him what sort of luck I've   would need frying nuggets and putting together  sandwiches suddenly the manager had made it across   the kitchen and was right at my side you're late  she said to me emphasizing the last word like it   was a crime on par with murder not really a great  first impression to make with your new boss is it   late I asked genuinely confused I thought my shift  was supposed to start at 12 30 and it's 12 33 she   said like that somehow she cleared the confusion  up not one minute late not two minutes late but   three entire minutes late was she serious right  now I say well I got here at 12 30. I just wasn't   sure where to go and I was looking for uh uh nope  nope she said interrupting me like a preschool   teacher that's not what we're gonna do right now  make excuses like that that's the kind of stuff   that's gonna get you sent right out that door she  said pointing to the exit when I tell you you may   messed up all I want to hear is I'm Sorry Miss  Connie it won't happen again understand I gave   miss Connie the most professional nod I can muster  in that moment but she made a sort of motion with   her hand like she was waiting for more after a few  seconds I got it I'm sorry miss Connie I said with   gritted teeth it won't happen again she nodded  smugly to herself apparently satisfied with my   apology then turned around and told me to follow  her and make it quick you've got a lot of work to   catch up on after that the rest of my eight hour  shift went about as well as my first conversation   with miss Connie had gone there was genuinely a  lot of stuff to pick up on about working in the   kitchen for one thing how to properly put on a  hair net how to work the deep frying machines   how to operate the industrial dishwasher how  to determine if the pickle slices were too big   or too small how long to keep the sandwich buns  in the toaster for the list of insanely Specific   Instructions seem to grow bigger and bigger as  the day day went on and I struggled to keep it   all fresh in my head but that was nothing compared  to the nightmare that was miss Connie I don't even   know how to explain it other than to say that I  basically experienced that first interaction I had   with her for the entire day on repeat for eight  hours there was just no relief from her Presence   at the frying station at the dishwasher at the  sandwich counter there she was breathing down my   neck watching me like a hawk criticizing my every  move when I finally got on a 15 minute break five   hours into my shift I half expected her to follow  me into the restroom and critique the way I stood   at the urinal you're probably assuming that from  this description that miss Connie was at least   the one leading me around the kitchen and you  know showing me how everything was supposed to   be done but nope that job went to my main man  Nate from earlier after miss Connie had barked   at him to get over here and show this idiot how we  do things miss Connie his job in reality seemed to   just consist of standing right beside me scowling  and interrupting whatever I was attempting to do   with some sort of insanely specific always  unhelpful comment every five seconds I kid   you not when I say I didn't get through a single  task that day without having to endure some sort   of infuriating little nitpick as I was taking a  container of nuggets out of a deep fryer you're   not holding that handle tightly enough are you  trying to kill us all with boiling oil I had both   hands on the handle and about as secure a grip as  humanly possible as I was putting pickle slices   on sandwich buns that slice right there is not  even close to the right size I said around the   size of a nickel not the size of a penny are  you even listening to me I looked it up later   the size difference between a penny and a nickel  is wait for it two millimeters two millimeters   as I was scrubbing dishes in the back after the  restaurant had closed I can't believe I seriously   have to tell you this scrub the pan clockwise not  counterclockwise I shouldn't have to be the one   holding your hand through every little thing  you do I'm not even gonna comment on this one   needless to say by the end of my eight hour shift  that day I was beyond done with miss Connie ready   to quit ready to leave and never return ready to  find a new job ready honestly to do anything else   that didn't involve being paid a minimum wage to  spend eight hours in a hot loud kitchen with the   most frustrating boss imaginable somehow though  with every sign pointing at me to find something   better I decided to stay I only had two and a half  months before summer was over I reasoned to myself   I could stick it out for that long and besides  I couldn't possibly get any worse than it had   been on the first day right right narrator voice  he was not right it could in fact get worse much   much worse as I would learn quite well through my  time working with her that summer miss Connie was   not just rude or frustrating or overly zealous  about clockwise dish scrubbing no that was just   the surface level stuff the kind of stuff you'd  pick up on from one day working with her the   real Miss Connie had a whole laundry list of nasty  traits some of which exposed her as being just a   generally horrible person but all of which exposed  her as being a truly incompetent insufferable boss   to work for let's run through a few of them so  you can hopefully see what I mean nasty trade   number one laziness there's no beating around the  bush on this one miss Connie was just downright   lazy I'd already gotten a glimpse of this side  from her for my first day you know when she got   Nate to show me how to do everything and spoke  up only when she wanted to criticize something   I was doing but this experience was actually a  little misleading why well it turned out miss   Connie regularly did even less than she had  done on that first day a typical work day for   her would involve sitting on a folding chair she  would keep in the center of the kitchen flipping   through some magazine or newspaper or scrolling  through her phone and then periodically looking   up from her reading material to scream at someone  about how they were doing something all wrong the   only reason she would get up from her chair  would be to use the restroom or more often to   choose someone out if they felt they deserved  more than a regular sitting down reprimand the   worst part about it is that we the regular workers  I mean were never allowed to sit down not even for   a second and we were working minimum eight hour  shifts if you've ever been on your feet for more   than four five hours at a time then you know what  I'm talking about when I say that towards the end   of those shifts our legs and feet were burning  but if Miss Connie ever caught one of us even   leaning against the counter to try to reduce some  of that pain she was out of her precious chair   in an instant yelling and screaming about out how  unprofessional and lazy we were I don't think she   really had a grasp on the concept of irony nasty  trait number two incompetence others might say   idiocy you would think someone with the gall to  sit in a folding chair all day barking orders and   screaming about the right way to do something but  at least know what they're talking about right you   know on a basic this is how the Machine Works kind  of level well think again because miss Connie knew   nothing about how the kitchen operated I remember  one time in particular when the consequences of   her incompetence were really put on full display  it was a Sunday afternoon around lunchtime so we   were at our absolute peak hours of busyness  frankly we were always busy Monday Saturday   lunchtime dinner time it didn't matter people were  coming in droves for whatever reason though this   particular Saturday was even busier than usual the  drive-through line was wrapped two times around   the building the inside dining area was filled  to the brim with people with waiting to order   and the kitchen well the kitchen was struggling on  this particular day I had the great luck of being   the one operating the deep frying machines this  meant in essence that the entire kitchen's rate of   output was dependent on how fast I could operate  the fryers and push out fresh chicken I was frying   as fast as I possibly could putting down basket  after basket of nuggets and fillets but we were   still drowning in orders there was just no way  to keep up with the sheer number of people at   the restaurant after about 15 minutes of trying  to remedy the situation from the comfort of her   folding chair miss Connie suddenly decided that  enough was enough and that she needed to help by   getting in my ear and yelling at me you need to  make the Friars go faster she screamed this is   unacceptable now I had to simultaneously keep the  fryers going and keep up a conversation with my   crazy boss they're going as fast as they possibly  can miss Connie I try to explain Lane I've got all   of them running at Max temperature max temperature  I know they can do more than that I've done it   myself set this next batch to a higher setting  if I put it to a higher setting the fryer could   break or the stop arguing and do it I knew there  was no reasoning with her so I reluctantly set a   new basket of nuggets into the oil and click the  fryer into a higher setting something that Nate   had specifically told me never to do after about  30 seconds the fryer started making a whining   sound like it was being strained too hard miss  Connie I don't think this is good for the friar   I said I need to put it back down to its normal  setting or it might quit with the back talk and   just cook I think I would know better than you  anyway sure enough though after another 30 seconds   the fryer suddenly made a loud pop noise and all  the lights on its exterior turned off I held the   power button down desperately trying to reset  it but it was useless the fryer was down and we   still had nearly a hundred orders to fill miss  Connie was obviously furious at me I'm not   sure what you did to cause this but you are in  deep trouble you better hope that friar doesn't   need to be replaced or it's coming out of your  paycheck fortunately for me and my paycheck the   fire wasn't permanently broken and didn't have to  be replaced altogether it was however completely   non-functional for the rest of the day causing our  order backlog that afternoon to become even worse   and miss Connie to become even more insufferable  as we struggled to keep up with demand but wait   there's more nasty trait number three racism Yes  you heard that right on top of everything else   the laziness the rudeness the incompetence miss  Connie was also horribly racist at first it was   just a couple of questionable statements here and  there stuff about how certain customers who always   happen to be minorities we're making her feel  unsafe or about how a black teenager playing rap   music in the drive-through line was probably in a  gang but then it started to get even more obvious   to the point that there was no way she could deny  it sometimes she would be sitting on her folding   chair flipping through a magazine or scrolling  through her phone and she would suddenly look up   and talking to no one in particular say something  blatantly offensive like this country was so much   better off before we started caving into black  people's demands or I just wish I could snap my   fingers and get us back to how it was in the 50s  yeah luckily no one working in the kitchen was a   minority in hindsight I'm not so sure that was a  coincidence so there was no one she could outright   Target with that sort of stuff but it was still  extremely uncomfortable to have to listen to her   crazed ranting and raving anyway all that to say  working with miss Connie was a nightmare and truly   one of the the worst experiences of My Life by the  end of summer I was frustrated and burnt out and   done with anything and everything Kitchen Chicken  and deep fryer related the one thing I wanted was   to get away from miss Connie as quickly as  possible and without so much as a good buy   until that is the opportunity to give Miss Connie  a proper fitting goodbye presented itself the kind   of goodbye that only someone as horrible as miss  Connie deserves Revenge I hadn't been planning on   trying to get any sort of payback before I left  like I said by the end of the summer I was just   ready to get as far away from miss Connie as  humanly possible but one night as Nate and I   were talking in the parking lot after another  horrible shift a plan started to come together   the conversation started out like any other well  that was fun I said sarcastically I almost wish   the restaurant stayed open later so I could work  another eight hour shift Nate laughed and said   yeah right I think I'd literally rather walk on  broken glass than spend another eight hours in   that dungeon I laughed back come to think of it  I probably would too I polished for a second we'd   almost reached our cars you know Nate as terrible  as The Summer's been I'm glad I was able to meet   you I'm almost sorry to have to leave and strand  you here all alone with Miss Crazy wait a second   Nate said you're leaving two two I looked at  him confused does that mean you're leaving soon   as well he said uh yeah man I'm getting the heck  out of here I've already wasted two years at this   stupid place surely I can find something better  than this he paused Friday is my last day and   after that I'm gone dang I said Friday's my last  day too I guess that's just gonna leave Mark and   Brandon here Mark and Brandon were the two other  kitchen workers guess so he said although you know   Brandon has been talking about quitting this job  so he can do school full-time time but if Brandon   quits that would just leave I looked over at Nate  to see if he was thinking the same thing I was he   nodded that would just leave one person here he  laughed and imagine if Mark left too it would   literally just be miss Connie in the kitchen she  would be screwed that's when it came to me wait I   said you know how Friday's supposed to be super  busy because of that basketball tournament well   I continued What If instead of quitting after  Friday we quit before Friday and we convinced   Mark and Brandon to quit too miss Connie would  be by herself in the kitchen trying to keep up   with the orders on maybe the busiest day we've  had this summer and he looked at me smiling and   said I think that might be the best plan I've ever  heard after that conversation in the parking lot   all that was left to do was to convince Mark and  Brandon to join in on our plan Brandon had been   planning to quit for some time so he agreed to the  plan almost as soon as we proposed it to him Mark   was a little bit harder to convince but he came  around too once we framed it in terms of finally   getting some revenge on miss Connie So the plan  was set after our Thursday shift was over and miss   Connie had left the restaurant she naturally was  always the first one to leave we would leave all   our uniforms in the kitchen along with a written  note explaining why we had decided to leave I took   on the responsibility of drafting the note and  went into Super lengthy detail about everything   wrong with miss Connie from her ignorance of how  the kitchen worked to her frequent racist comments   I figured miss Connie would probably find the  note and tear it up but why not at least try to   get her in trouble when Thursday finally rolled  around everything went exactly as we had planned   we endured Miss Connie's normal abuse got through  our final shift and then as soon as miss Connie   had raced out of the parking lot left our uniforms  and the note I'd written together in the kitchen   that left just one thing enjoy the chaos that  was sure to be breaking out soon the next day   rather than idly sit by and imagine everything  that was going down at the restaurant the four   of us decided to go at lunchtime and check it out  with our own eyes and boy were we in for a treat   as soon as we stepped through those doors we could  tell that our plan had to be working for one thing   the line to order food literally stretched from  the front counter to just a few feet in front of   the doors that we'd just walked through in two  and a half months that I'd worked there I had   never seen a line that long even on the day miss  Connie had caused the friar malfunction that meant   something or someone had to be holding up the  food in the kitchen more interested in Revenge   than ordering a chicken sandwich the four of us  walked past the line up to the counter where you   can see the front part of the kitchen through a  little opening in the dividing barrier that's when   we saw the sweet sweet fruit of our delicious plan  for revenge for maybe the first time in her entire   career miss Connie was out of her folding chair  and running back and forth across the kitchen   with the most frantic worried expression I've ever  seen on someone's face it looked like miss Connie   had gotten one or two of the employees who usually  worked out front to help her in the kitchen but I   knew their help would be basically useless since  miss Connie hardly had any idea how to work the   deep fryers sure enough around 30 seconds after  we'd started watching her I could sort of make   out the sound of miss Connie screaming something  to one of the employees about I don't know just   figure it out as soon as we heard her yelling  the four of us began to crack up Nate turned   to me and said you know I'd be impressed if  she's even managed to turn one of the Friars   on I laughed and said bet you a million dollars  she's running them on 2i of a setting right now   after a couple of minutes of enjoying miss Connie  frantically trying to run the kitchen from afar   I decided I deserved a closer look wait here  I told Nate I walked past the front counter   explaining to one of the employees that I left  something here yesterday that I need to pick up   real quick and then made my way into the kitchen  miss Connie spotted me almost as soon as I stepped   through the door running up to me with a look of  pure hatred on her face you idiot she screamed you   were supposed to be here three hours ago where in  God's name have you been did you not get the Nobi   left I asked it should have explained everything  note what note she yelled you know what never mind   it doesn't matter just put on some gloves and help  me with these fryers we're swamped right now no   can do I said as I began to head back towards the  exit I was actually just about to be on my way on   your way on your way if you step out that door you  are fired I mean done here no need for any of that   I said as I opened the door I quit as I close the  kitchen door behind me I could hear the muffled   sound of Miss Connie's yelling after that the four  of us decided to leave having seen what we had   come to the restaurant to see plus a little more  in the parking lot we have a sort of impromptu   Victory celebration letting out a few celebratory  cheers and sharing a couple F you miss Connie high   fives then we all said our goodbyes shook hands  and drove away in our respective cars the job was   done Victory had been won I thought that was going  to be the end of the situation but a week after   that Friday Nate called me out of the blue dude  he said when I picked up the phone did you hear   about what happened to miss Connie after we left  I told them I hadn't so he proceeded to fill me in   and man was it good apparently at some point after  we'd left the restaurant that day Mr Carlson the   franchise owner had showed up presumably after  being told there was some sort of problem with   the kitchen staff and ridiculously long lines for  food when he got there he obviously went straight   to the kitchen to see what the problem was only  to find miss Connie along with two employees who   didn't work in the kitchen attempting to operate  frying machines that none of the three knew how   to use at all as if that wasn't bad enough for  miss Connie Mr Carlson then found the uniforms   and then note we had left there the night before  apparently in all of her frantic running around   and trying to operate the Friars miss Connie had  never paused long enough to see the note and to   get it before someone else having read the note  Mr Carlson then obviously proceeded to fire miss   Connie which he could do without severance pay  because of the details I'd graciously provided   in our little farewell letter when Nate told me  that part I couldn't help but laugh sounds like we   really got the best of Miss Crazy then he agreed  and apparently after Mr Carlson fired her miss   Connie just started to go absolutely ballistic  too like screaming at everyone cursing up a   storm yelling about lawsuit this and lawsuit that  someone who was working at the front counter said   people could hear her all the way in the dining  area I laughed now that was the miss Connie I had   had the distinct displeasure of getting to know  that summer after that I never did hear anything   else about what happened to miss Connie if I had  a guess I would say that she's probably back to   incompetently managing fast food franchises and  terrorizing poor teenage employees trying to make   a buck over the summer that was always the one  thing she was any good at if there was one thing   that would just tickle me pink about miss Connie  after this story it would be if any potential   future employer were to get in contact with the  franchise owner of the original place and was   able to first hand over the phone and get those  details about you know all the blatant things   Miss Connie's done suffice to say I feel like miss  Connie should be outlawed from ever being able to   be in a managerial position do you guys think upon  finding out everything about miss Connie here that   the franchise owner should go out of their way to  alert any restaurant in the area about miss Connie   and what miss Connie did let me know what you guys  think in the comments down below try to rip me off   let's get your mother-in-law involved booked a  local guy to install new doors in my house during   lockdown I was staying at my sister's thought I  was doing him a favor as no one wanted people in   their house so he was lacking work well he puts  the doors in but doesn't trim them to fit so I   couldn't close any doors including the hallway and  bathroom door without them scraping and damaging   the floor he said he would do that the next week  four times he arranged to come back then didn't   show eventually I just asked for half my money  back as he did technically Supply the doors he   promised then delayed delayed delayed threatening  Court action got me nowhere writing a negative   review got me nowhere months go by so my friend  and I did some Sherlock Holmes sleuthing and my   friend worked out we knew his mother and in law  she was a teacher at our old high school one text   was all it took sorry we couldn't resolve this but  small world I know your mother-in-law she was my   favorite teacher in school I really should catch  up with her money was hand delivered through my   mailbox within 20 minutes and yeah I mentioned  it to his mother-in-law anyway he's divorced   now probably not my doing but still funny do  you almost feel bad for the guy that they were   that scared of being ripped into by their own  mother-in-law that they would be willing to go   and Fork up that cash or do you think considering  the quality of work he did it wasn't even enough   Revenge let me know what you guys think in  the comments down below our next story is from   lesbian linguist won't pay me back I'll just  embarrass you another story on here reminded   me of something I did back in 2016. so I joined  the Navy in 2016 during boot camp we have these   photo packages offered to us that are super  expensive you can get your boot camp pictures   a light up Crystal engraving Etc they had  initially made us send all of our belongings   back home in a box but they told us to keep a  couple of things such as our credit and debit   cards one of the girls I'd befriended forgot to  keep her card with her so she didn't have a way   to pay for her picture package which came out  to be about two hundred dollars I told her I'd   spot her and I wrote down her info to contact her  after boot camp obviously a lot of us added each   other on all forms of social media so I had her  on Facebook I sent her a couple of messages to   remind her that she owed me that money and she  said that she was a bit broke so she'd get back   to me so I waited sent another message no reply  another no reply she didn't even have the brain   cells to delete me off Facebook before posting  pics with her friends of her expensive shopping   trips so here's the Revenge I went through her  info on Facebook found her mom found her mom's   number on White Pages and gave her call hi Mrs  mother of Cheapskate this is op I went to boot   camp with your daughter I actually lent her money  for the picture package she said she was too broke   yet going on shopping trips constantly and she's  now ignoring my messages on Facebook so I thought   I might give you a call and see if you can get her  to respond she hasn't paid you back interesting   very interesting what's your address about a week  later I received a very nice handwritten note from   Cheapskate with more than she owed me I guess  telling Mommy really got to her I think op got   the good ending in this scenario I feel like a lot  of people if they're the kind of people that can   afford going on a rich shopping sprees and stuff  like that and also somebody like this who's going   to try to stiff you and get away with it you  tend to believe that that kind of thing is a   passed down behavior and it wouldn't surprise me  that in a million other similar scenarios a mom   would be like stuck UPS snooty deflecting saying  they're not responsible for anything telling you   to go bite it stuff like that so the fact that  this worked out so well for op is actually pretty   awesome our next story is from Sunset bro 78  don't park in my space this happened a few years   ago when I was living in Burbank California for  a variety of reasons I couldn't Park in my space   and instead parked on the street which was in a  good area parking was allowed at all times for   residents of Burbank only the spot right in front  of my house was always available but it was under   a tree full of birds and your car would be covered  in turds even after a few hours naturally I didn't   want to park there and would instead leave my car  in front of the house two doors down the nearest   place with no tree one day this nudie owner meets  me as I'm getting into my car he wants me to keep   clear of their space I explained that public space  is not theirs he then threatened to do something   to my car the police went over there after I  called them and found they were using the house   for their business of renting camera equipment  that was against the law and they had to cease   operations immediately and get the freak out of  Burbank within a month further everyone there   was parking on the street and as non-residents of  the city they were in violation and all received   tickets as well every action carries a consequence  that you probably did not anticipate Mr neighbor   it was a most satisfying week honestly I don't  blame op if they're parking in a spot that makes   sense for them and they have every right to do  so people might say that it's bad etiquette to   park in front of somebody else's house and take  that space But it is public property and nobody   can dictate where you can and can't park on that  street so for them to come up to you confront you   and then basically make an ambiguous threat as  to what they're gonna do to your car calling the   authorities and at least trying to build up that  report is a pretty good idea because if something   does happen that's going to be on record that  you called them in and reported that and this   business bust was just the icing on the top our  next story is from mergadoro here's a leaking pen   for you eons ago in the third grade one classmate  brought a box of 12 blue ballpoint pens they were   all the Rave as they rode very smoothly 11 friends  of generous classmate got one pin each I wasn't   one of them but I had the same pen but never ever  dropped them because the tip would start leaking   the trick is to wipe off the excess ink with a  piece of paper and then use it if riding for long   minutes periodically wipe off the tip of the paper  to store the pen wrap it in paper before putting   on the cap and then put it in our pencil cases  one of the 11 recipients of the Magic Pen is nasty   nasty Andrew we fought each other all the time  for every reason Under the Sun hey we were eight   so in our school rooms in my country the bench and  desks are attached to each other each bench seats   two people the bench has a backrest the backrest  extends into the attack able for the people behind   you and so on one day Andrew was handing a book to  my friend Joan behind him to be passed on to the   end of the row but Joan was busy writing something  and didn't see the thing Andrew bopped Joan on the   head with the heavy book which caused your pen to  slide on the whole paper rendering her assignment   unsubmittable I got mad too because we were eight  her enemy is my enemy The Revenge I stole the   paper and cap for the amazing pin and put the  pen tip down inside his bag the pen leaked all   over inside the bag and messed up his notebooks  Petty on hindsight but for eight-year-old me it   was Pro Revenge honestly for me looking back to a  time like third grade this story serves as like a   perfect example of the things the class would get  obsessed about or use as like a status figure when   in reality it's just having a pen like for no  describable reason everybody in the class room   just starts like losing their mind at how amazing  these pens are and how cool you are if you have   one and it's like down the road you realize it was  just a pen why was everybody so obsessed over it   why was that your third grade reputation piece  our next story is from Ricky Corey beat my full   grown butt dad's workout short and sweet I'm five  foot two 24 female and my dad's five foot eight my   brother was teaching him certain muscle building  workouts so Dad can lift his muscles properly my   brother was teaching him how to do Bulgarian  squats and wanted to use me as an example to   show Dad how it's done dad saw me lift 25 pound  dumbbells each and started laughing it says that   I can't properly do it doing 50 pounds in total  and will probably angle it wrong well suck it Dad   I did it properly as I should and my brother was  very impressed with me Dad made a surprise Pikachu   face and was like whatever I do more weights than  you 35 pounds each to which I pointed out out sure   but you're not doing a 90 degree proper way like  mine to which he didn't respond back honestly it's   greatly disappointing to me that this Dad felt  it necessary to make this into some like one-up   competition it sounds to me like there was some  kind of insecurity about I don't know not being   able to outlift your own daughter it's one thing  to make a competition out of it it's another to   be insecure and make it like a a one-up contest  by the way if you're enjoying these videos make   sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons  down below so you never miss any of my daily   videos every single video has awesome stories  like our next story from Reddit admin dumb87   you should always pay your accountant especially  if you've got skeletons in your closet my buddy's   an accountant he has his own firm his biggest  clients are small to medium-sized businesses   well he had a client who owned four different  clubs and bars in two different cities client   was always Shady always slow on payment Etc I  was also a customer of one of the bars they had   a poker game that it would play in on Thursdays  well one day I'm at my buddy's house having a   few beers and he's complaining about non-payment  from a client I asked who but he doesn't want to   say but it's really bugging him because it's  a significant chunk of change he then says the   name we'll call him Scott I'm like wow Scott isn't  paying you he then says God is saying business is   way down and I think that's odd I have been going  to one Scott place and every Thursday it's packed   my buddy looks at me and goes really I go yeah he  does this new cash discount thing 15 off your tab   if you pay cash my buddy goes really I tell him  about my experience in Scott's Bar and eventually   the topic changes a few weeks later my buddy calls  me up and says you're going to Scott's Bar to play   poker I said yeah he says can I join I go sure he  joins we get a few drinks in US lose our money at   poker my house is closer and he decides to crash  there on the way over he breaks down his theory he   thinks Scott is a vastly Under reporting his  Revenue the reason why he suspects Scott is   offering cash discounts is because cash is easier  to hide he says he's going to do a deep dive on   Scott's finances my friend tells me his plan is  to go to all four of Scott's establishments get   the prices he charges at each Place piece together  how much alcohol he's buying versus how much Scott   is seeing his Revenue equates to looks up how  much gospeling and payroll rent bills Etc keep   in mind he has access to all this info and he  determines that Scott is basically using his   credit card receipts plus a little bit of cash to  cover his cost of business to include rent payroll   Insurance liquor food Etc however based upon the  amount of products he's selling he's suspecting   Scott's underreporting his total income by about  35 to 40 sent he goes back into Scott's books even   more and he figures in the last year Scott's Been  Under reporting his sales by 35 to 40 percent but   he's also been Under reporting his sales by at  least 20 to 25 percent for years on end simply   put there is no way Scott is going through as much  product and as much alcohol as he's purchasing and   having the revenue numbers that he's claiming he's  Under reporting his sales to his accountant which   means he's also Under reporting his earnings to  the IRS by this point Scotto's my friend thousands   of dollars that he hasn't paid he said his total  amount owed could buy a brand new motorcycle it   never gave me an exact number my friend decides  screw getting repayment from Scott let's get   repayment from the IRS Through The Whistleblower  program he's estimating Scott's underreported his   Revenue by millions of dollars over the course of  years The Whistleblower fees he'd earned from the   IRS far outweigh the amount Scott owes him  the IRS will pay between 15 to 30 percent   of what they collect so with the assistance of a  lawyer my friend gathers all the evidence he has   Scott's Under reporting of to the IRS and files  a whistleblower Report with them during this time   my friend fire Scott is a client for non-payment  now this part gets boring because there's a lot of   legal wrangling and back and forth this went back  and forth however eventually the IRS comes down on   Scott and they come down hard it's estimated that  Scott underreported his income to the IRS by about   4.5 million dollars now my friend never told me  how much the IRS was able to recoup but Scott's   businesses are no longer his businesses and  4.5 million dollars would put the Whistleblower   reward at around 675 000 to 1.3 million dollars  keep in mind it's based on what the IRS collect   not the amount that's reported I've asked my  friend how much he got in the end and he simply   says I no longer have a mortgage and I would have  been much cheaper for Scott to just pay me yeah I   mean this story is a good example as any that if  you're gonna try to cheat this system like that   just know it takes one slip up to get caught one  person that Witnesses everything that's going on   and just doesn't have an interest in protecting  you in any way and not only do you stand to lose   all of it you probably stand to lose a lot  more too because of that 4.5 million dollars   that Scott did not report I would be willing to  bet that they didn't have nearly that much saved   up or in assets this next story is from Memphis  grit maintenance guy at Senior Living Center gets   revenge on satellite TV companies over 200 plus  residents emerge Victorious I'm the maintenance   director at an independent senior living center  it's pretty much an apartment complex in which you   have to be a senior citizen to reside we provide  3 meals a day housekeeping activities a bus for   transportation and several other amenities  to increase the quality of life because more   times than not they'll spend the final years of  their lives here our facility is family owned and   orientated family members of current employees  are encouraged to apply for positions we have   one rule in our employee handbook ensure resident  safety happiness and prolongment of Life I take my   job very seriously and take pride in it I try to  go above and beyond and make them all happy each   resident during the daytime either listens to the  radio plays crossword puzzles or most of the time   watch their favorite TV shows we don't provide  television service each resident has to provide   it themselves if they choose over the last year  there's been a trend of televisions not working   in countless units and when this happens they're  very upset when I get a work order for a TV I go   and check it out most of the time there's nothing  I can do if the cable isn't cut everything's   plugged in and there's no obstruction to the  satellite signal it's going to be a software issue   when this happens I install an air antenna until  the regular service is fixed I call the company   and a tech comes out fixes it and usually within  a couple of hours it stops working again this is a   never-ending cycle of upset residence over the  course of an entire year I spoke with several   supervisors and tried to schedule for someone  to come out and go through the entire property   with me to address each issue they weren't having  that they wanted me to go to each individual unit   and have that particular resident call them this  is almost impossible a lot of them have trouble   hearing and discussing complex matters over  the telephone let alone know the four digit   code and the answer to the secret question one  resident was out of service for over 60 days   and I demanded that they refund or discount this  particular resident properly they ended up giving   her 21 off which isn't even even half of a single  month's payment when I spoke with this particular   representative I told him that wasn't enough and  I would be throwing all of their dishes in the   dumpster this is just the tip of the iceberg these  companies have caused significant property damage   to the facility they've ran the coax and the  gutters and down the downspouts ran cables draped   over the sidewalk which is a tripping Hazard  installed dishes in the center of Courtyards   and wherever it's convenient for them all over the  property cables are strung out on top of the grass   for hundreds of feet they don't bother to bury any  cables I've discussed this numerous times with the   owners of the facility the last year the last time  I spoke with him about it he gave me the okay to   handle the situation and do whatever needed to  be done to fix the issue my options were limited   and the only feasible option I could concoct  was using a landline company that didn't need   a satellite dish well I've officially finished  running new coax to as every single unit and a   landline company came in and installed boxes and  services in each resident's apartment residents   who have previously had to pay a monthly fee for  their television service now get their service   free of charge those that never had service now  do we've saved over 50 residents money every   month and all in total over 200 plus now have the  television service that is included in their rent   without any increase whatsoever this was revenge  for the representative talking to Miss T in such   a negative and rude tone I couldn't be happier for  my residents honestly bless op for looking out for   these people who sadly in a lot of cases do get  mistreated you always hear horror stories about   how Elder homes or Senior care Living situations  all these people get basically abused minimal   human contact almost abandoned so it's a godsend  to hear a story where op is a person out there   just looking out for these people improving  the quality of their lives in their Twilight   years and even saving them some money doing so  as far as I'm concerned op is a saint and our   final story of the day is from no inspector 5529  deny my employee claim and tell me if I don't like   it I can leave I'll withdraw everything from your  company and watch you disintegrate I have a story   that started before the covet pandemic and just  concluded a while back I'm a typical simple guy   who just likes relaxing and was born with the  proverbial Silver Spoon in my mouth I'm the   black sheep of my family and a middle child to  boot double whammy but I at least have a little   brains and some luck which I kind of use on a  day-to-day basis due to my parents connections   I managed to get into a lucrative School in my  country did my military service and was promoted   upward to Captain and later on was shift off to  college out of country I've never been too close   with many people apart from my circle of friends  and I prefer it that way after my college I was   employed in government you guessed it family  connections and after a few years was able to   use my name to get ahead and meet people who  helped me set up several businesses in my area   a coastal city where this story happens the money  I used was generally allowances small inheritance   from my late Grandma some Investments a fund that  was started when I was a baby and money gifted to   me by Family basically in an attempt to not leave  me broke enough to embarrass them even though I am   a simple low maintenance fellow my businesses  are booming since the coastal area we live in   attracts a lot of tourists local and international  and of course some locals who wish to mingle with   the tourists to get green cards pen pals spouses  and such typical coastal city I guess the incident   as a proprietor of my business I have most if not  all of my staff on salary since it's the best way   for them to gain benefits and is easier for me as  a business owner tax wise tipping's more of a gift   typically since we don't have a tipping culture  and I have my staff on comprehensive medical   insurance which has additional dental and Optical  on top of the national governmental health care   medical scheme our government hospitals provide  all services free but wait times for elective   surgeries are exhausting we also have a mandatory  legal requirement to provide employees with   retirement benefit savings a minimum of 21 working  days leave I give 30 and my business offers paid   overtime and unhindered medical leave for surgery  in serious conditions which can be extended as   well as allowances to seek treatments such as  chemo or dialysis one of my female employees an   older lady who is brilliant and had moved up the  ranks to manager and was adored by all was booked   for a hysterectomy since as she told me she was at  risk of cervical cancer as her mother had passed   from it a few years back and since she already  had four kids it was the most logical step she   did her due diligence and Found A Private Hospital  which was in our system where she could have the   procedure done on the plan date she applied for  leave days which we obviously rejected since this   fell under the scope of medical leave she went on  to have the procedure successfully and had a quick   recovery time the bill was to be catered For by  the company insurance and we'd made sure to get   all the necessary pre-authorizations few months  later she came into work looking distraught and in   all honesty we thought that she'd been told that  she'd gotten cancer since she asked for a day off   to go for review and tests but what happened was  much worse she'd been given a bill by the hospital   since the insurance had refused to pay for it  citing that it was not in the scope of cover we   were livid since we hadn't made sure everything  was in freaking order I sent my accounts manager   to go have a talk with the insurance people as we  try to calm her down the manager came back super   angry and told me that basically after showing  them the evidence the insurance people just told   them to buzz off I decided to personally go visit  that office and get a clear understanding of what   was happening they kept me waiting for an hour  and even after that had the audacity to inform me   that erector from the head office who was in the  area had declined to meet me because he was quote   unquote busy I was pissed to the High Heavens  so I decided to go to their head office in the   capital city a two-hour flight the head office was  no help and informed me that they'd revised their   policy and that it was not covered I asked when  the policy was revised they informed me a month   prior I informed them the surgery was done five  months prior and we had all the documentations   they claimed that it was 12 months retrospective  I inquired why I was not informed of it since   this was big news and I've held policies with them  and they told me that they'd informed their large   clients and would inform the other clients when  their insurances were due for Renewal I demanded   to speak to their boss Company vice president  since the CEO was not around and they boldly   told me that he had no time for me and frankly  that in verbatim we are a large company and have   no time to argue semantics with low end clients if  you don't like it you can frankly leave and find   a new insurance company the Revenge if I'd been  in initially pissed I was full-blown mad I was   livid and filled with rage in all my years I may  have experienced some disrespect and I accepted   it to not make problems but this time it went too  far I decided In the Heat of the Moment to switch   everything and be done with them I flew back home  and just plain went to the hospital to settle the   bill in full and took the receipt to my employee  who initially insisted that she would do anything   to pay me back but I refused since it was no  way her fault and I'll be darned if she pays for   something that was way out of her control I had a  few days to cool down and talk with my directors   the word still etched on my mind I asked how long  it would take us to switch to another insurance   they went ahead and checked out a few large Rivals  of the insurance we had and discovered that if we   switched it would take six months for the new  insurance to provide full coverage The Firm   we picked who I'll call new insurance offered  us a way better deal to the one we had and not   only comprehensive cover dental and Optical they  also included mental health cover Physiotherapy   and occupational therapy cover rehabilitative  Services Mobility device acquisition Prosthetics   and wheelchairs for some of the disabled employees  smart cards for direct payment on outpatient   visits kind of like a debit card a dedicated  team of relationship managers death and funeral   benefits and an expanded coverage area plus up to  six dependents plus spouse cover it would cost me   a little more but I didn't really care the people  who dealt with us from our previous Insurance who   all call Old Insurance seemed unfazed that I was  pulling my company from them since they thought   it was just a small business they looked puzzled  when I came in with several people and a few boxes   of documents what they failed to realize was  that apart from that one business which is a   restaurant I have three popular bars a cab company  a hotel resort cleaning service chain a building   and residential guard service and several rental  buildings in the town and around the country their   shock was compounded when they were informed  by the lawyer just who I am and the shock awe   confusion and panic when they heard my family name  was an extremely satisfying sight cue the pleading   and attempted negotiations and apologies it was  so big that the news reached their head office   who sent not only their director the one who  was apparently too big to see me but also their   Chief legal officer Chief Financial Officer and  president of the company I also somehow earned a   personalized call from their CEO who was abroad  no amount of sweet talking was changing my mind   and by the end of the six weeks we'd completely  removed ourselves from the old insurance it was   now a waiting game to the beginning of the new  insurance cover and we really really hope that   no no one would become Unwell by that time but we  were ready just in case in that time waiting and   after the new insurance commenced I talked to  my friends and my family on one of my holiday   visits my older brother's kids adore me and my  family kind of realized they were jerks to me and   are trying to re-enter my life and thought that  was that aftermath my friends and family took my   words and also pulled their businesses from the  insurance to other insurances The company took   such a huge hit and when kovid came around and  was a big deal they were barely floating they went   into receivership soon after and were acquired  by the insurance item moved to who happened to   be their greatest Rivals the directors and CEO  were given their golden parachutes and resigned   and most of their employees were luckily retained  apart from the senior Executives including the   ones who told my manager to buzz off and a cruel  Twist of irony the building they were operating   on in our town was sold and if you guessed I  purchased it you would be absolutely correct   I decided to remodel the inside and turn it  into a business rental space all in all it was   a bit of sweet payback and wherever they are  I hope those disrespectful guys learned that   everyone is human and they're not above anyone  and remember that karma is a cold and heartless   witch incredible respect to OB in this story not  only did they display that as somebody that owns   a lot of businesses in his by all appearance is  very successful but they displayed that they put   their employees first going out of their way to  pay for that lady's hysterectomy when she wouldn't   get coverage standing up for the employees  underneath them making sure that employees have   good insurance that actually covers the things  that they're going to run into and face I've had   relatives who have insurance through their work  and somehow these insurance companies managed to   deny claims and one Hospital trip still gets you  stuck with thousands of dollars in bills it's just   mind-boggling and crazy and so frustrating so  it's nice to hear a story of somebody out there   fighting for good insurance and protecting the  people that work for them but first a story from   alberty HOA rules need to be followed sure the  setup our Tales begin in my teen years about 10 to   11 years ago it was summer and my parents wanted  to go on vacation me being a 16 year old idiot   with both a gaming addiction and seeing my cue to  living the free independent unsupervised life much   like a house cat with an open door for two weeks  opportunity offered to house and dog sit while   they and my sister went on vacation some important  background information is probably needed here   since else some idiots here might call my parents  neglectful for leaving a 16 year old unsupervised   for two weeks I'm from a way safer and secure  place than the us we lived in the suburb and I was   taught most life skills by the time I was 12. the  only dangers I could be exposed 2 would be alcohol   poisoning and strains to my wrist from the insane  amount of rounds I would force my poor member   through during the two weeks you know the typical  threats for a boy in a country in which 16 year   olds can buy beer the boy and the Karen megasaurus  Rex week one while gaming took 90 of my time away   and I developed the day and night schedule of  a back-end developer I still did all the chores   around the house with a few exceptions since I  deemed they could wait I checked the mailbox and   there's a handwritten letter with Runes of the  ancient using my old doctor's notes as a Rosetta   Stone I deciphered that it was from the president  of our equivalent of an HOA imagine an HOA with   a fifth of the power the typical HOA in the U.S  would have a Hawkeye of the HOA Avengers if it was   a sport it would only receive participation Awards  you get the point the Moria written tomb said that   the grass of my front lawn was too tall according  to regulations I went out took a look at the grass   which was maybe one centimeter Too Tall that's  the equivalent of a jelly bean to my freedom   measurement folks same day I cut the grass cause  might as well do so to keep the peace the day   after a new letter written by the same Shakespeare  wannabe came I grabbed my Indiana Jones hat and   performed a heathen ritual in the shed to read the  message the roses in my front yard were going too   far out through the fence by 15 centimeters that's  an average sized carrot in Americana I once again   comply on the third day of craft miss the true  cause of annoyance said to me my backyard's bushes   were too tall here's where I finally get irritated  since you have to enter my parents property to   check the Bush's height with Satan's three  Commandments in hand I go and visit my direct   neighbor who I knew were in the HOA board I asked  her about the gutter speak letters and she looks   through them and laughs those are from the Banshee  of arrakis aka the mega Karen who lived 10 house   is further down the street she'd been kicked  out of the HOA board after she poisoned three   dogs in the neighborhood with rat poison laced  treats not wanting to deal with her after she   threw rocks at me when I was trick-or-treating as  a child I decided to let the case rest and leave   my bushes be untrimmed the boy the planted bomb  and the instigation fast forward a week into my   parents vacation after being alone for seven  days I finally mastered the art of playing   Mozart's Requiem on the meat flute and decided to  do something else as any teenager would I started   to plan a party and like the good kid I was I went  around to all my nearby neighbors and warned them   about the potential noise which parties tend  to create at some point here in my post flute   Clarity I remember the saying witches be fading  but a good Counter-Strike match lasts forever   instead of holding a straight up party I decided  to invite friends over to a LAN party so we could   play Counter-Strike source and quickly replace the  the white blood cells in our body with whatever   was in the knockoff energy drinks fast forward  to said land party my parents dining room smells   like Teenage farts ax body spray sweat and all the  chips in the world mixed together difficult land   stuff 1am there's a loud knock on the door I go  out to see two cops looking at me with a surprise   Pikachu face I look at them with the same amount  of confusion cop 1 says we have a report that   there's a loud party going on and there might be  several miners doing drugs here I say does energy   drinks count as drugs Cop 2 says no I say then  I have no idea what you're talking about cop1   says we had a frantic Woman calling constantly  which is why we came but it seems we're more of   a disturbance than you guys are at the same time  one of my friends can be heard in the background   op get in here the bomb's been planted and you're  the only one alive cop one says Counter-Strike I   say Counter-Strike they say we'll leave you to it  then cop left and we we lost the match unrelated   though two days after I get another knock on  my door there she is the bane of all good she   who must not be mentioned without carrying merak's  sword and a towel on you she starts screaming that   me and my drug party kept her up all night and  that I'm a horrible brat who needed to tend to   my bushes if my parents don't want to lose the  house at this point I stop her and remind her   that one the HOA doesn't have the power to do that  they hardly have the power to do anything except   to prove of the house owner's requests two that  she was kicked out of the HOA due to the poison   incident three that I didn't even have a party  four that she needs to stay the freak away from my   backyard she got even madder and started screaming  that she would have me and my parents arrested and   that the poison treats were meant for my dog  as well I slammed the door on her faster than   hyperspacing from Argos row she had a royally  pissed me off no one threatens my good boy no   perfect legal pettiness so now we're at our final  Act my revenge I had about four days before my   parents returned so I made them count I called  the police and visited my real HOA neighbor and   got all the necessary approvals then I went over  and talked to the neighbors surrounding her house   I would do all the yard work which involved loud  equipment around her house legally we were allowed   to make noise from 8 AM till 8 PM with yard  work but it's considered rude to do it after   5 PM that didn't stop me though like a druid on  Paragon level 256 I just kept sending leaves and   grass flying as if all the bushes trees and odd  plants had pissed on my grandfather's ashes she   came out and screamed at me even through a rock  at me it brought back old memories but I didn't   care I was gonna make as much legal sound as  possible whenever she complained I just told   her that her plants weren't up to HOA standard  Friday rolls around it's 8 AM me and my friends   are are gathered in front of her house we have  all the tools ready purchased by the blood coin   of my Insanity induced labor the two days prior  it's time to make her pay we turn on the speaker   the barbecue and crack up a beer speaker is set  to the exact legal limit of how loud the music   is allowed to be most of her neighbors come  out and join during the day since I'd invited   them while kill billing their plants she screamed  constantly for an hour called the cops twice which   left after seeing my permits from themselves and  the HOA that's right witch if you want a party to   complain about then you shall get the finest party  of the Shire just outside of your house we kept it   up to the exact time limit although op's Revenge  here is really really good would you guys agree   that this revenge and this agitation that Opie's  causing them is probably not a good thing just   because it only serves to motivate the neighbor  to try to get back at them however they can or do   you think what op did was great and if anything  they should do more of it let me know what you   guys think in the comments down below our next  story is from civil contribution 48 my downstairs   neighbor better be ready okay so background info I  31 year old female live on the ground floor Europe   and my downstairs neighbor basically lives in the  basement of this building from my entrance it's   the basement but she 60 plus has ground level  entry to her apartment the buildings from the   50s so I realized that at times some noise from  the neighbors is expected and generally I don't   care about it for instance my next door neighbor  often has family over in the weekend and I don't   care about that but my downstairs neighbor is  so freaking loud when she's out in her Atrium   I've lived here for almost three years and sure as  heck every single sunny day she has guests over in   her Atrium and they're so loud that I can't use  my balcony and sometimes they're even that loud   that I can hear them through the closed balcony  door from the morning to the late afternoon   evening I guess she retired early and I'm  on disability working Limited hours she   sometimes even invites someone over so they can  use her Atrium to fix their motorbike completely   ignoring that this is a neighborhood with several  multi-story apartment complexes close to each   other's amplifying any kind of noise she also  thinks everything happening in the neighborhood   is of her business and make sure to comment loudly  on everything going on outside of her Atrium it's   right next to the parking lot in common areas  so today I went and did something good for our   environment and to get back on her I brought a bug  hotel and Bug friendly seeds for my flower box for   my balcony so she better be prepared for some  visitors this spring slash summer I suppose it   definitely depends on what kind of neighbor you've  got but it might be worth mentioning your concerns   to them if anything at least it'll make you feel  better if they're a jerk about it that you get   those bees flying around in the area by the way  if you're in enjoying these stories make sure to   hit those like And subscribe buttons down below  so you never miss any of my daily videos every   single video has great stories like our next one  from nabs91 reverse Petty Revenge drive-through   drama yesterday I was in the drive-through at my  local McDonald's the individual in front of me   wouldn't move up to the speaker although there  was room I beeped in motion for him to move up   he looked up smiled and gave me the finger he  made his order and went through when I went to   window one the employee said that he paid for my  order he pulled through window two and before he   left flipped me off again I approached window 2  and the other employee asked if I was with him I   said no and she said that he had said that  I was and she gave him my order because of   that and because he paid so all in all this guy  was so mad that I beeped at him he paid for his   order and an additional 25 dollars for my order  just to model the inconvenience me this was a new   level of petty I haven't experienced before I've  definitely heard of this kind of petty Revenge   before but I think they didn't do it as smoothly  as possible the gold definitely would have been   to like make op understand that they paid it  forward or something so that by the time they   pulled up the window too and they found out that  they took the food with them and left it would be   some kind of like very big like oh that guy's  just a huge jerk kind of moment basically the   moral of the story here is if you get up to window  one and they say that they paid for your order you   tell that person in the window okay great just  make sure they don't hand them my order our next   story is from beer and food make the weekend was  petty over mere pennies several years ago I used   to volunteer part-time at a pretty well-known  British charity shop this happened soon after   the UK government legislation where shops had to  start charging for single-use plastic bags like   five pence at the time the idea was to try and  cut down on plastic most customers were either   fine with paying or even started bringing their  own bags but there was this one guy that decided   to take the piss so this guy comes into the shop  to browse around for a bit before coming to the   till was some form of clothing can't remember what  I'm scanning his item and he asks for a bag I tell   the guy we have to charge for bags now and that  it's five pence per bag something I make sure   to tell every customer the conversation between  me and the guy isn't word for word but it's more   or less how it went I say it's five pence for  a bag is that okay I say oh no need I'll just   use one of these now one other thing the charity  shop offers is donation bags little packets that   contain a large bag basically if anyone wanted to  donate items to the shop we would give them a few   of these packets and they could either bring back  the filled bags themselves or arrange with the   shop for the items to be picked up after refusing  the bag the guy reaches for a donation bag I say   oh those are for donations only the guy interrupts  me wearing this poo beating grin as he opens the   packet but why should I have to pay for a bag when  these ones are free I say it's company policy you   have to pay for plastic bags now the guy says  but these ones are free the whole situation was   starting to piss me off now and I'd already dealt  with some other crappy customers earlier that day   so I stopped caring at this moment and just let  them use the donation bag on the Till's computer   screen we had a add bag button installed that'll  add five pins to the total bill maintaining eye   contact I reached over said one sec then tap the  button and charge them the extra five pence the   guy either didn't care or probably didn't notice  but at the time that was the most pettiest thing   I remember doing such a small thing but it made  my crappy shift much better as long as you're not   going to get in trouble for it and get caught over  it I think it's pretty fair to charge that jerk   5 Pence for being as much of a jerk as they were  being would you guys agree that it's a good thing   to have a charge for plastic bags let me know what  you guys think our stories from Thief schlag try   to stop me Jehovah's Witness a long time ago when  I was about 13 my parents lived in a big apartment   block at least for our country's standards in  the 80s and every summer it was the same my   parents went to work and I enjoyed the time I  had for myself insert self enjoyment joke here   back then my very special friends the Jehovah's  Witnesses used to go from door to door to talk to   you about God unlike when you see them standing  in the street they would never shut up and take   an enormous amount of your time basically trying  to brainwash you in about half an hour my parents   warned me about them ahead of time and told me not  to open the door when they came knocking God Alone   knows how they got in the building so during  summer break my usual routine is a bit of an   introvert teen was to get up late have breakfast  and then either switch on my computer or play   the five finger Shuffle and sometimes both now  imagine how helpful to my agenda on knock on the   door and the words excuse me do you want to talk  about God was while I'm in the middle of another   round of spank the monkey when it happens once no  biggie just be quiet and wait for them to go away   but when it happens every freaking day it starts  to piss you off royally I swear these guys must   have a self-injointment sensor or something one  day I decided to dodge the issue altogether and   try to get out for a change why not get some fresh  air being the smart kid I was I decided to use the   stairs because I was a dead sure that my special  friends would use the elevator to make their   rounds oh how wrong I was just as I entered the  stairwell Along Came two guys in their 30s looking   exactly like I imagined them horn rimmed glasses  short sleeve shirts with ties classy here we go I   thought trying to avoid any interaction I wanted  to avoid eye contact and squeeze myself past   them well I tried hello young man do you have a  minute to talk about God no sorry I'm in a bit of   a hurry excuse me as I try to get past one of them  made a big mistake saying hey wait and he grabbed   my wrist yes I was an introvert teen but not only  a I was pissed off really pissed off no one messes   with my Happy Time B I've been a martial artist  since I could walk won the regional tournament   the year before reacting before I could think I  twisted his hand to his back and added a kick to   the back of the knee for good measure let's just  say it did the job it was supposed to do far be   it for me to say that I felt the sweet joy of  payback in that moment that would be unethical   but the grin on my Facebook volumes as an added  bonus for some reason they seem to lose interest   in my building soon after turned out to be a great  summer realistically this is one big lesson about   not putting your hands on somebody else as far  as the legality of this situation I'd say op was   completely in the right because if you're trying  to leave and somebody grabs your wrist a little   bit of Fairly innocent self-defense I think  is more than warranted whether or not it was a   Jehovah's Witness this next story is from AKs and  itd I'm sorry what year is it here's another story   from my work with databases one of the many data  tables that I dealt with was refreshed on a weekly   basis then when the year ended we'd freeze the  data that meant we would stop refreshing the data   rename the table from data table to data table  2010 or insert the proper year and create a new   empty table called data table that takes place for  the current year this is because very often the   number of columns would change from year to year  and even the logic would change so something that   was being calculated one way would be calculated  differently using the new columns that had been   added there weren't new columns every year but the  lodge was always changed Along Comes yet another   know-it-all Harry Harry's the stereotypical boss  who knows little but is only too happy to take   credit I've been working on the updates for the  new year these updates would usually take around   two months since they would come in be worked  on and it'd be an iterative process we'd go   back and forth on ambiguities issues with bad data  exceptional cases and other assorted problems so   for two months the code was in flux and everyone  knew there may be incorrect values because of this   Harry was having none of this he wanted everything  done tomorrow naturally he was bugging me to get   the updates done quickly none of this two-month  nonsense even though it worked and was a proven   system over many years I ended up working overtime  and delivered it in about a month what did I get   for my labor one a lousy thank you email which  wasn't even copied to any of the seniors so my   work wasn't even openly acknowledged and as an  added bonus Harry would be presenting this on   call to the people in charge you can probably  guess where this is going day of call Harry   pings me and reminds me to have everything ready  of course I created this setup I know it inside   out we get on the call and Harry's going on and  on about how great this table is blah blah blah   I'm inwardly laughing because to be honest the  yearly updates weren't that big this time and even   then it's still an improvement of something we've  had for a while it's not something completely new   but clearly Harry's decided this will be his big  thing after all this blabber he goes to run the   report and what would you know it's showing last  year's information all the numbers are off because   of that rather flustered he tries to brush it off  claiming the report needs to be updated with the   latest data and asks me to refresh the process  I run it and he tries again no change yes I had   made it point to the Frozen data of the previous  year on the back end after half a dozen tries with   nothing changing Harry gives up admits defeat and  closes the call needless to say this blew up in   his face and he was reassigned elsewhere there  were a bunch of frantic emails over how to fix   this urgent problem I let everyone stew over it  for a week before going in and undoing my changes   which took about five minutes I still didn't get  as much credit as I felt I deserved for delivering   the updates early but I at least got this monkey  off my back and that was enough if I found myself   an OP situation where there was a crappy boss  that wanted to take credit for what I did or   at least presented in a way that heavily assumes  that they're the one really responsible for this   and be like look at this shiny new tool that I was  the driving force for then yeah I'd feel the same   way as op and I'd want to expose them too and I'd  want a little Credit in myself as well especially   when you work so much overtime on that our next  story is from Pokey 1984 accidental revenge on   a wrong number caller I haven't had a cell phone  in a number of years about 2015 I got a shiny new   job with a good pay Boost and so I went out and  bought a shiny new phone naturally I also got a   new number with the phone all was well with my  first ever smartphone the one before that was   a slider that's how long had been without a cell  phone that I've never had a smartphone before is   relevant later in my story while it was great for  about a month then the voicemail started phones   weren't allowed inside the building where I worked  for security reasons so I checked my messages   after work and every day there was a message on  my phone sometimes two or three hi Deborah this is   Jen from hospital I really need you to come in on  Saturday please give me a call back except I guess   she assumed Deborah had her number because she  didn't leave it and the callback number captured   by my phone was just the hospital switchboard  every day there was a new message hi Debra the   patient in 2B has asked for you call me hi Deborah  it's Jen I need you on the third floor on Tuesday   I know that's your day in the East Wing but we've  got a patient coming in who needs so and so never   a last name or a callback number just friendly  chatty messages I tried calling the switchboard   they agreed I shouldn't be getting those calls but  couldn't think of a way to track down who Jen or   Deborah were due to the sheer size of the hospital  and not knowing even what department they worked   in after the third or fourth time I called they  promised to pass a memo reminding staff to double   check their address books and make sure to leave a  name and a callback number with every message but   the voicemails kept coming and since Jen only ever  called while I was in work I could never catch her   to tell her to stop calling me and she apparently  missed the memo about requiring full names and   callback numbers on every message I even changed  my outgoing message to say if you're looking for   Debra you have a wrong number this is op sell if  you have a message for Deborah hang up if you have   have one for me leave it at the tone despite this  the message is continued so the important part   about this being my very first smartphone was that  I was trying out all kinds of apps I even paid a   monthly fee to have one that transcribed all my  voicemails so I could read them instead of hear   them after a few months of annoying voicemails  I started saving those message transcripts I   collected over 50 of them in a six week period  to this day I have no idea how Jen didn't know   Deborah wasn't getting her messages they clearly  saw each other face to face several times a   week at least one would think that Jen would have  asked Deborah why she never returned her calls or   Deborah would be confused when Jen mentioned she'd  left a message but somehow neither of them noticed   and I kept getting the calls then one day I had  an unexpected afternoon off work during business   hours so I decided to go down to the hospital and  track down either Jen or her boss I just wanted   the calls to stop so I went to the hospital and  explained my problem and showed the receptionist   my list of transcribed calls she looked at them  for a really long time and eventually gave me   back the phone told me don't delete those just  wait here a moment I'll be right back she gave me   back my phone while emphasizing the don't delete  those part I waited bored I started reading the   messages on the nearby bulletin board one was a  memo reminding staff and patience alike to always   leave a full name and callback number when leaving  voicemail messages so the switchboard made good   on their promise at least it was half covered  by a flyer for an upcoming golf tournament so   clearly no one was paying much attention to it  but they tried the receptionist came back with   a gentleman in a suit who was very friendly and  apologized for the trouble but asked to see the   messages so I handed over my phone again he looked  increasingly concerned as he scrolled through   them then he thanked me for my patience and for  bringing this to his attention and would I mind   waiting here for just a little longer it's very  important see I hadn't actually read all those   voicemails I developed a habit of seeing the  hi Debra and automatically hitting save two the   file I'd made for them I just wanted the list of  messages to show how very many I was getting so   they take me seriously that there was an excessive  number and I guess I hope they could use some of   those messages to figure out who the heck Jen was  and get her to update her contacts five minutes   later me and my list of voicemails were in the  hospital administrator's office with four Dudes   in suits and the receptionist I told my story the  third time and was asked again to show them the   messages then the room got very quiet then the  administrator and the four men in suits started   whispering after a few moments the administrator  whispered something to the receptionist who went   wide-eyed and answered right away in an urgent  tone before rushing from the room so fast that   she actually lost a shoe and had to back up and  put it back on I swear for a minute I thought I'd   stumbled into a medical drama on the TV that's  a serious violation one suit says in an almost   normal voice we could get sued another Whispers  back a little too loud I didn't catch most of   what they were saying but caught a few bits about  HIPAA and patient privacy then I actually started   reading the transcripts Jen had named names  diagnosis and treatments and even asked about   specific files and included patient ID numbers and  such there weren't a lot of calls with specific   info but there were several in the list of generic  I need you on Tuesday messages there was some more   Whispering from the group and then one of the  suits said to the administrator you can't keep   her here after this the Privacy violations alone  and the administrator cut him off with a fierce   shake of her head and a Stony look on her face  oh no I'm firing her right now I've already sent   security to escort her here oh so that's where  the receptionist went in such a hurry about that   time they all seemed to remember that I was in  the room at which point the suits left in a rush   throwing a good bit of legal jargon back and forth  at each other I assume they were all lawyers then   the administrator sat down and kindly explained  to me that what Jen had done was very illegal in   addition to being rude she also very politely  asked me if she could copy those messages and   implied they might be subpoenaed if I didn't  let her and would I be willing to testify in   court about these calls if they needed me to and  of course the hospital would pay any relevant   costs if I needed to testify and we're very sorry  that this happened we very much appreciate you   bringing this to our attention you've done a great  service to all the patients in this hospital she   really laid that part on kind of thick the tech  department walked off with my phone for a bit and   I filled out some paperwork one of the suits  brought in with my info and signed a witness   statement about the calls they were making copies  of and another agreeing to testify if they needed   it and one saying that I understood testifying  was voluntary and I could decline to testify   any time by filling out another Form and a form  agreeing that I would remove those messages from   my phone and not distribute them the whole visit  kind of became a blur and it wasn't until I was   being thanked for my help and escorted out to my  car that I really realized what had happened and   that this was a big freaking deal I just wanted  the voicemails to stop but I ended up getting a   department head fired in the end I spent less  than 45 minutes in the hospital altogether I   never got another voicemail for Deborah and I was  never asked to testify about three months later   I got a generic form letter in the mail from the  hospital legal department apologizing for the data   leak and assuring me that no patient information  had been disseminated to the public and that   the responsible parties had been released from  employment by the hospital since I'd never been a   patient there I assume my name was was just tacked  onto the list of parties involved along with all   of Jen's patience no word on what if anything  happened to Deborah I'm gonna be willing to   bet that Deborah definitely got blackballed from  working in that environment at least they sure   as heck aren't going to get a recommendation I'm  wondering what if any legal action might have been   done I guess we'll never really know and our final  story of the days by hahaha thunk greedy Grabbers   get exactly what they take sweet older lady in  our church was a retired nurse never married no   kids she had a heart attack and while she was in  the hospital her niece and nephew thought she was   dying they came and took her stuff her apartment  was small but she had some very nice Crystal and   silver and some lovely antique furniture when  she came home she had no dishes and almost no   furniture niece and nephew denied it but the  neighbors had seen them carting everything   away several years later she passed away her  most recent Will dated after her heart attack   left one dollar to each her niece and nephew  everything else went to the church her estate was   a 9 million dollars well stealing from somebody  is definitely a very good way to make sure that   you don't end up on their will in the end that  niece and nephew got exactly what they deserved   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today so of all these stories I've read   today which is your favorite and why let me know  in the comments down below and if you haven't yet   if you could like And subscribe that would mean  a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking   subscribing turning notifications on all of  it helps grow this Channel and I appreciate   the heck out of it so until next time I'll  see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 202,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: lp-4TQ9N6SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 43sec (14323 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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