Best of r/NuclearRevenge ALL TIME - Reddit Stories

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Welcome Friends to another r/ nuclear revenge  video if you want to help this video blow up   like these stories make sure to hit those like And  subscribe buttons down below that said our first   story of the day is by peach jelly soda no proof  no problem don't mess with women's best friend   I manage a bar and one day I came in to see the  place totally rans sacked thankfully but weirdly   nothing was stolen which meant it was someone  with a personal Vendetta I'd recently fired an   employee who I suspected had done it we hadn't  been able to get his keys back yet so he had a   way to get in and he knew the alarm code since  he would open the bar sometimes I went to my   office and saw that the lock on the door had been  smashed in and the CCTV footage was deleted the   only thing that was missing was a clay mold of  my dog's paw print I had taken right before she   passed away this dog was my first pet and was  my best friend I always talked about her and   had brought her into the bar a couple of times  on my days off we let pet stay on the patio so   while the employees knew how much she meant to  me I kept the mold on my desk to always have her   with me I was sure it was him he hadn't taken  his firing so well but with no absolute proof   I couldn't just outright accuse him the bar's  a bikini bar and the dude was a total creep on   multiple occasions he had made disgusting comments  to the girls the cherry on top was when he came in   drunk and assaulted the girl working men who came  in could be gross but the things he would say and   did were on another level all together when I  called all the employees to ask where they'd   been he totally outed himself before I could even  ask he said I was home with my wife on Saturday   night I just smiled into the phone and said I  never said it happened on Saturday he quickly   hung up gotcha witch the police couldn't do crap  though with the camera footage deleted all I had   was him knowing it happened on a Saturday plus the  damage wasn't too bad just a lot of smashed plates   in the lock on the door so there wouldn't be much  to sue him for if I did get proof so I decided to   get even and get my dog's paw print back he only  deleted the night of the Breakin not the rest of   the footage so I combed through hours of footage  to find the time he slapped the girl's butt and   grabbed at her chest but I found something even  better on the camera pointing to the back alley   he was screwing some chick probably a prostitute  definitely not his wife up against a car Jesus   this dude was an idiot he even smiled and waved at  the camera I copied the footage to a USB stick and   put it in an envelope I knew he had another job so  I waited there until he showed up and went inside   I stuck the envelope under his windshield wiper  with a note it read give back what you stole or   this will start popping up everywhere you go it  didn't take long for him to text me I played Dumb   and acted like I knew nothing about it but added  sounds like whatever you took was important to   the person he told me to freak off and said he  didn't have whatever I thought he took I still   played dumb the next day I left another USB in  his mailbox I knew his address from his W2 and   another on his windshield wiper again for good  measure I guess he found both of them because I   received another string of texts asking what the  freak is wrong with me I still play dumb but told   him to give back whatever the person was asking  for and it would probably stop he said he didn't   have the paw print and was going to the police man  this guy was as dumb as a bad of rocks I told him   Only I knew the paw print was taken and now I had  the proof he broke in for the police no response   I'm no lawyer but pretty sure what I was doing  was just as illegal as him breaking in if not   worse and he would have had a good case on his  hands for blackmail but he was Dumb and probably   just wanted it all to go away safe to say the next  day one of my bartenders told me that the guy that   was fired dropped off his keys and a package for  me in the package was my paw print broken in half   with a letter that basically said he was sorry and  he didn't mean to break it and was just pissed off   he got fired and please stop leaving the video  I debated for a good while if I should send the   video to his wife anyways but I found out she was  divorcing him because she had found the one in the   mailbox now I'm not saying what op did here was  the right thing but as a dog lover who actually   does relate pretty greatly to the story I have a  paw print of my child child hood dog too I'm not   saying what they did was right but I understand  do you guys agree that it's understandable why op   did what they did let me know if you guys agree  in the comments down below our next story is by   an anonymous poster cost me money it'll cost your  life two disclaimers one no one died two I'm not   the subject of the story rather someone else is  so I'm a race car driver well getting back into   it after a horrible accident a few years ago  but that's besides Ides the point and I race   mostly vintage stock cars I.E Oldsmobile AMC Hurst  we're talking late' 60s early '90s now for those   who know a bit about these cars their moment of  inertia along the roll axis in reference to the   pitch yaah roll concept is incredibly small so  they flip easily if they spin and they like to   flip rapidly so there's this one kid I think  late teens who's fairly Rich it wasn't that he   was a bad kid but certainly didn't shy away from  getting physical granted this is a local track   stuff so beating and banging is expected but this  guy will shove you into the wall and you better   believe getting your alignment screwed up and  not being able to steer because someone wanted   to pull a slly job on you will leave a sour taste  one night a few years ago we were geared up for a   38 mile dirt track speeds typically range from 50  m an hour on Corner Apex the slowest part of the   turn and 110 mph on the braking Zone well at the  beginning I'm sure the speed tapers off further   along in the run as tires wear out I'm behind said  kid and another driver who's notorious for being a   hotthead again he isn't a bad dude either but he  was a fight on Sunday beer on Monday kind of guy   he didn't hold on to things but he gets pissed  easily I don't really remember how far into the   event we were but I was trailing these two for a  few laps the kid was trailing right behind hothead   and presumably tapping on his bumper a bit this is  typical track racing it took a while but the kid   finally caught the inside corner panel of hothead  and was able to stick his car into the inside and   essentially ran side by side with hothead for a  few laps they were bumping doors a bit the kid was   trying to take momentum off of hotthead and pull  away but he couldn't never really clear him hodad   had a real good weight balance from what I can  remember when racing with him in other events so   he's difficult to move around and pass eventually  the kid gets tired of being door Todo so coming   out of one of the turns he very flagrantly slams  hothead into the wall which while not necessarily   illegal in this league it's definitely a big no  no among drivers unless you're looking to fight   and here's the Revenge I don't think hoad's  car was damaged too terribly much but he had   to be steaming the yellow flag was thrown and  as the field was slowing down I remember him   zooming right past me to catch up with the  kid and give him a solid smack in his bumper   before getting to the outside panel and spinning  them out as I mentioned earlier these things are   easy to flip over and flip quickly once they're  sideways so of course the kid starts going into   a supercharged barrel roll the car kept flipping  and flipping until finally the roof of the car   hit the catch fence but not just any part of the  fencing you see small tracks use advertisement on   steel beams right behind the catch fence to help  earn some Revenue to keep the place going mostly   in corner so audience view isn't obstructed well  when the kid hit the fence roof first he hit the   solid steel beam behind it as well completely  crushing the Survivor cell of the car where he   was sitting I'm not one to be super pessimistic  especially in a race but being right up close to   when it happened I knew the kid was in trouble  I could see the lights just out of the corner   of my eyes of the track safety workers running  out to help them and when they red flagged us   all I could see was out of my tiny little mirror  just sticking up out of the window the workers   were going into overdrive mode and trying to  extract them out of the car which usually means   the driver's in critical or life-threatening  condition so the aftermath the kid ended up   being in critical condition with a compressed neck  broken jaw a nearly severed tongue I assume from   his teeth going right into it and biting down  on impact concussion severe internal bleeding   spinal contusion and a herniated disc this was  all described in the local paper for the next   day I don't think I ever saw him race again nor  do I really know what he's up to now I did feel   a bit bad for him as a person considering the  amount of injury but as a driver I couldn't as   much as if I were that upset I'd probably spin  him out too I don't think hothead had intended   for him to be as injured as he did as for hothead  he was black flagged and parked for the race and   from the track for about a year I think from what  I can remember he wasn't charged with anything   however he was fine by the track and by the kids  family understandably so again as a person I shook   my head at him for what happened but as a driver  I know I would have done the same if I were that   angry and like I said you can never really predict  the consequences of what happens there's a lesson   for all of this and it's important for those who  want to get into racing this isn't a sport where   your body's in total control and you can lay waste  to your opponent if you want these are incredibly   fast 4,000lb machines that can and will hurt  injure or even kill others if you're not careful   the best way to avoid situations like these is to  keep a very calm and collected head which trust   me it's going to be pretty hard and to maintain a  level of mutual respect as not just a competitor   but as someone who's so easily at risk of getting  a lifechanging injury from one person's decision   watching races and seeing races and drivers and  the skills they possess they're really amazing   and it's such a weird thing because I've heard of  people who watch it hoping for Dramatics like this   but like it's such a dangerous thing it almost  gives me anxiety watching some of them especially   like Formula 1 not just how often accidents can  happen but like how easy it is for cars like that   to just completely annihilate thankfully nowadays  they're getting things like the Halo which is like   a super reinforced beam right over the head of the  drivers but I definitely agree racing is is not a   sport to downplay and our final story of the day  is by shmey nobody screws with my dog this took   place way back in the sixth grade towards the end  of the year I live on the same street as this kid   I'll call Dan I have a dog that's about 7 years  old and loves being outside to play with the   neighbor kids during warm weather when everyone  is out well on some random day of the year Dan   must have been feeling edgy because he came out  of his house and just hit the crap out of my dog   with a plastic bat right in front of my sister  she ran into the house balling telling us what   just happened we ran outside and picked up our dog  and rushed him to the vet after not too long of a   wait the vet came and told us that our dog was  alive and that he should recover over the next   week or two now my parents were angry and they  took this to Dan's parents explaining what he   did to our dog they seemed to be understanding of  the situation and told us they were sorry and that   they'll punish Dan severely but I was immensely  Furious this didn't satisfy my anger towards Dan   at all now here's the deal I never really liked  Dan he was pretty jerkish at school we were both   in the same grade but not necessarily towards me  but towards my close friends and I guess I've been   ignoring it for far too long we were in the same  grade and something the school does every year for   the sixth graders is to have a big science fair  towards the end of the year and everybody tries to   make these super elaborate projects this is where  I start my master plan once everyone was getting   close to finishing their projects I look around  the classroom to try and locate Dan's project his   is along the lines of some sort of aerodynamic  rocket that travels really fast down a clothline   in a small amount of time perfect I checked out  the rocket and the rocket has a fuse too perfect   that night I go home and look at my firework  inventory I had left over from last year's 4th   of July sure enough I still had a huge belt of  firecrackers left so I went over my plan on what   to do after school the next day I dissected Dan's  rocket and put in as many firecrackers as I could   and made sure that they would be set off once the  fuse was lit I put everything back together as if   no one had touched it at all skip ahead a few  weeks and it's the day of the science fair it   took place in our gym and we were supposed to be  next to our projects all morning as judges came   around to judge them so from my point of view I  couldn't see where Dan was presenting but I paid   close attention to every noise in the gym about  a half an hour into the science fair I heard an   enormous explosion from one end of the gym and a  loud crash the blast was stronger than I thought   the rocket was obliterated along with Dan's  hearing one of the beams that held a clothed   line fell over and broke some glass on some other  poor kid's project there was a lot of shouting and   all of the adults rushed over to that end of the  gym to see what had happened I stood perfectly   still I just sat there giggling at my handiwork  knowing how traumatized Dan must be I felt no   sympathy only villainous satisfaction I'm sorry  but this kid beat up a dog with a bat and the   parents go oh sorry we'll punish him severely  this kid is going to grow up to be like some   sociopathic Psychopathic I don't know something  he's either on the path to be the next T Bundy or   Dexter Morgan and I don't know which forc me out  of the closet have fun running from the police at   the time the situation peaked I was 15 years old  in a sophomore in high school given that this was   2 years ago dialogue might be a little hazy but  everything else is is true to detail back story   I come from a pretty big family my dad comes from  a family of 15 and my mom comes from a family of   11 both my parents are the oldest child on their  side of the family naturally with that many kids   both my parents took on some parental roles from  a young age my father's the kind of man who's been   shaped by his firsthand experiences with poverty  growing up he had nothing and by the time he was   12 years old it was time to get to work to help  feed the other 14 mouths my Dad loved his siblings   and did his best to work hard and bring home money  so his siblings didn't go hungry that was a horror   he himself faced when he was a little boy however  this unconditional love sprouted something that   was not as innocent after he came to America my  dad worked his butt off to give his children the   best possible life he didn't want to have anyone  face the same things he did cue Brady younger   siblings the love my dad has for his kids often  times extends to his nieces and nephews although   my dad's far from Rich he never denies someone  who needs a hand my aunts and uncles knew this   as previously mentioned my dad comes from a family  of 15 having faced poverty and knowing how hard it   was to raise a family that big you would think my  aunts and uncles would know their limits and have   smaller more manageable families right wrong  some of my aunts and uncles have seven to nine   kids this would be no problem if they went out  and work to provide for their kids but instead   they sit on their butt at home and look to the big  brother for financial help about 8 to 10 years ago   my father landed a job as a semi-truck driver  after 2 years of going to school and studying   to be able to get the necessary license and  credentials everything was going well for my   family instead of barely making ends meet suddenly  we had some extra cash lying around this attracted   the attention of one of the befor mentioned ants  this ant had a really bad history in my family   and was Notorious for being lazy and living off  the food stamps and Welfare she was given here in   the states she has five kids under the age of 12  she constantly throws this detail around with my   more well-off relatives hoping for some handouts  it never really bothered me until everything came   to a peak the year I turned 15 the wrongdoings  tax season was coming around and that meant my   aunt was in a frenzy she hadn't worked a day  that year but really wanted to cash in on some   of that return money that hardworking people were  going to get Q tax fraud since she knows that the   government isn't going to give her any money she  sells her kids as dependence for other people to   use as tax deductions not my kids not my problem  tax return season is a fun time for people like   my dad who work hard and get to cash in on some  money at the end of their working year this year   he had a plan on how he was going to spend that  money I was going to turn 15 and a Coming of Age   ceremony was scheduled for August but my aunt  had other plans you see my dad had this dream   of starting his own truck driving business and had  been putting it on hold to help family members get   out of tough spots in swoops my aunt my aunt sat  down with my dad and told her all about this plan   she had on getting my dad this money and blah  blah blah her plan fell through and all the   money my dad had given her all the tax returns  plus some savings was gone the total damage was   about $10,000 might not seemed like a lot but it  was almost everything we had with all this money   gone my dad panics the money he spent was for the  ceremony and he was running out of time to get his   hands on some cash before he had to cancel all  together this didn't really bother me I didn't   really care if the ceremony occurred I knew my dad  was in a state of stress and my selfish wants were   not at the center of attention right now but deep  down inside I felt a burning rage towards my aunt   a rage that was not easily hidden I knew better I  knew that that money was not lost because her plan   had failed she was taking her busload of kids to  Las Vegas for a mini vacation and putting a down   payment on a way too expensive truck I knew this  was no coincidence I knew that this money that my   dad worked for was being used and paraded on  social media at that given moment but my dad   was oblivious so the rage went from deep down to  surface level I couldn't help the glares or snide   remarks it was just too much to handle one day  as the whole family sitting in her house talking   about the upcoming plans for the ceremony I feel  daggers being thrown at me I start wiggling on the   couch visibly uncomfortable because my back's to  a group of people who are all staring at me and   tossing me looks that could kill I don't muster  up the courage to look behind me but when the   television goes dark for a few seconds in between  scenes I see the eyes of my family looking at my   back some of them look disappointed others sad and  some straight up Furious I'm scared I didn't know   what I did to ensue this kind of reaction an hour  passes and my parents gather up the family and get   in the car the drive home is silent and my anxiety  is shooting through the roof I get home drop my   stuff in my room and lay down for a second trying  to gather my thoughts my mom was never the kind of   person who just wanted to talk to me and usually  left me alone but she walks in and sits down on   my bed looking down her eyes wandered as she spoke  but she never looked at me directly the following   conversation ensued she said tell me what's going  on please me obviously confused said the heck are   you on about she says your aunt had some things  to share about you today I say um okay and she   says you know I love you regardless why didn't  you just tell me at this point I'm getting super   frustrated because she's not looking at me and  she's being super vague about the situation not   addressing anything in particular and just assumed  I'm going to admit a crime or something I say just   tell me what you want or get out mom said op I  know you're gay I said what I was fuming and felt   tears welling up in my eyes my extended family  is very conservative and being gay was seen as   a sin in my family I'm not gay I'm bisexual  regardless I knew admitting to this was only   going to cause trouble for me in the future so I  denied everything to heck I told my mom to leave   me alone and to let me think and gather myself I  sat and I cried I didn't want to out myself yet   because I didn't know how to handle my family's  reaction but this decision was made for me but   in that fur of sadness I thought about who could  have possibly found out this information in the   first place then it hit me my Aunt frequented  this local restaurant that was owned by some   lady and her husband their daughter was one of my  classmates and she didn't really like me since my   aunt frequented this restaurant she would talk to  the daughter while waiting on her meal and brought   up that she had a nice niece that was around her  age and asked if she knew anything about me so   since I'm more comfortable with my sexuality at  school I'm more open at telling people word gets   around fast in high school and obviously this  information didn't stay in my friend Circle for   a very long time this girl my aunt was talking to  had found out this detail as well and a willingly   relayed the information to my aunt that sadness  and that feeling of helplessness soon turned to   rage I knew who was at fault here and her witch  butt was sitting at home still living off my   dad's tax return so I made my plan the Revenge  that Burning Anger soon transformed and became a   more calculated anger I knew what I wanted to do  and I knew I had to act on it now so as much as   it hurt me inside to do it I put on my innocent  15-year-old girl face and smiled politely when   around here from then on I did so with every  family member acting completely oblivious all   while I was carrying out my plan you see my aunt's  current boyfriend had a habit of smoking weed AR   less right he would post videos of himself smoking  weed while holding my youngest cousin there were   videos of him drinking alcohol and giving it to  his kids as his idea of a joke he was a nasty   person who dedicated himself to smoking pot  and laying around the house all day I hated   him as much as my aunt I screen recorded videos  screenshot his picture uploads and even got my   hands on some pictures he posted of his huge pot  stash even a screenshot of him offering to sell   this pot to A Min I gathered this information for  about a month but it wasn't enough to incriminate   him I wanted to incriminate her too so I took to  some family members phones I being a teenager am   seen as the family's repair woman when it comes to  things going wrong with technology because of this   I have a lot of my family's passwords for Facebook  and other social medias I never Ed these passwords   for anything bad and just kept them in case I got  one of those I can't log in calls but this time   I use this to get my hands on some information  within a few minutes of digging and searching I   found information regarding the fact that she  knew her boyfriend smoked around her children   how she found it amusing and her not wanting to  take action on this I also found more information   about her selling her dependence for tax returns  and some information on other illegal acts that I   will not repeat here but man oh man was that some  evidence I was sick of it I was sick of having to   smile every time I saw that woman and I was sick  of pretending to be someone that I wasn't I was   sick of this disgusting boyfriend that this woman  had and how he would treat my younger cousins I   took all the stuff I collected and I gave it to  the police anonymously the following information   information was given to me secondhand as  I wasn't there when this happened when the   police went to go investigate these claims my aunt  was out shopping and left the kids in care of the   boyfriend lo and behold the house smells of weed  the police knock on the door no answer my aunt's   boyfriend is scared he's using a towel to try and  get the smell out of the house and he's telling   the kids to go hide in their room he never answers  the door and in instead calls my aunt telling her   to rush home the police give up after a while  since they don't have a cour issued warrant and   can't enter the premises without the permission of  the resident my aunt gets home and her boyfriend   is scared out of his mind as it turns out he's  been doing a lot of illegal stuff they make their   decision a call is made to my dad asking for  money my aunt packed up her car with all the   stuff she could fit in there and was moving across  the country to live with her boyfriend's mother my   dad gave her the money she asked for and I haven't  seen her since last I heard she and her boyfriend   were doing the same dumb stuff my dad promptly  cut off the financial support after he found out   from another family member that she was lying to  him about using the money for her kids and instead   giving the money to her boyfriend so he could  smoke it away oh well one more call to police   won't hurt once you have a warrant out for your  arrest and the cops are looking for you you can   no longer cash in on benefits from the state so  guess who got their food stamps and Welfare checks   taken away yeah no more of that sitting on your  butt at home money another detail my family and   I are all Mexican although my family is legal and  has gone through the process of gaining residency   having a criminal record is grounds for getting  that residency revoked so yeah yeah even though   I don't get the satisfaction of her rotting in a  prison cell I do get the satisfaction of knowing   she missed up her entire life in the states do you  guys agree that what this ant did is absolutely   deplorable just to get a little bit more access  to money lying and cheating and stealing it makes   you wish that op could just get a hold of their  dad sit them down in a chair and say look dad   you're getting stolen from hand over Fist and this  person is an awful person you got to respect the   dad for helping family out where they can but  they had some serious blinders on here like to   the point that they must have known at least a  little bit what was going on and just willfully   wanted to and probably convinced themselves that  it wasn't I don't know if it was the weed or   whatever that finally convinced them to say hey  maybe I shouldn't keep giving this money to her   to blow for things that aren't actually going to  what she says they're going to I don't know but   yeah I kind of just wish somehow some way they  would have figured it out and stopped giving   that money a lot sooner if a relative treated  you like this and then after you try to get   revenge on them they move away to the other side  of the country would you still be trying to call   the police and report them when you know they can  probably get busted for something and still keep   up seeking that Revenge even though they're not  in your life anymore let me know in the comments   down below Drive long sharp nails into my fence  kill my Vine and enjoy the weeds my siblings with   this happened in the summer of 1974 when I was  4 years old when I was a kid we had an next-door   neighbor who was a total Mega witch Mega witch  was a 40-some woman who liked high heels mules   big jewelry lots of makeup and wore long flowy  C and garish colors that did not flatter her   she had a big perm remember it's the' 70s a huge  butt and was Notorious in our neighborhood for   being an entitled jerk her favorite thing was to  go on the neighbors Landings either early in the   morning or late at night and steal decorations and  potted plants which she would then put in her back   Garden she even once dug up someone's small tree  out of their front yard because according to the   neighbor she felt it would look better in her  garden total witch for the most part she left   my family alone my family has a take no crap rep  in the neighborhood and she knew it only glared   at me and my siblings when we played outside she  hated kids sadly that didn't last one day one of   my sisters got badly sliced by a long nail when  she went to pick flowers off the passion flower   vine on the fence important later turned out Mega  witch had hammered dozens of long nails into our   fence so she could hang potted plants she'd most  likely stolen the leaves on the vine had hidden   them until my sister got sliced she had to get  a tetanus shot which made her sick all day Mom   was piss pissed so she went out and actually spent  the rest of the day hammering each and every nail   back through the fence and back into Mega witch's  Garden causing many of the pots to fall and break   this is probably why she did what she did about  a month later my mom goes into our kitchen and   sees a man in our yard she goes out and ask what  the freak are you doing guy tells her he was a   gardener and had been hired to get rid of the  vine on the fence mom asked him who hired him   to do this the owner of the fence he told her and  gestured to Mega Witch's House mom told him calmly   since none of this was his fault that it wasn't  Mega witch's fence and she was the owner the poor   guy was horrified however the damage was done he  had already cut into the hardwood and roots and   now our Vine was dead after the poor guy left  Mega witch stiffed him we found out later mom   went to Mega Witch's House and confronted her  that witch didn't even deny it just laughed in   my mom's face and said I did it so what it's not  like you can do anything about it then sauntered   back into her house she just messed with the  wrong Family 2 Days Later Mega witch went on   a two-e vacation with her husband a jerk to Cabo  Revenge time the day she left my older siblings   along with a family friend decided Mega witch's  Back Garden needed improvements so they climbed   the fence went into her garden dug up all the  pretty flowers and small trees carted them out   along with the stolen decorations and replaced  them with high pollen weeds quick growing Ivy   and lots and lots of poison oak and poison ivy  that they'd carefully dug up from a nearby park   I was too young to help sadly we then temporarily  moved our three dogs into our backyard neighbor   was afraid of them despite the fact that they  were two Pomeranians and a small mut we also   had a 9-foot fence which was too high for her or  her husband's fat butts to climb so we knew our   garden would be safe from her my family excitedly  waited when Mega witch got back and saw her new   and improved Garden she threw the biggest most  epic tantrum and meltdown we'd ever seen it was   spectacular a whole class of sugared up pissed  off preschoolers couldn't have thrown a bigger   tantrum from the top of the fence we all watched  dad took the day off to see the freak out as he   put it as Mega witch screamed and ranted pulled  her hair kicked the weave and through anything   she could get her hands on all the while cussing  and screeching like she was getting a chili powder   enema then she spotted all of us watching her she  yelled and cursed at all us laughing kids coming   to the correct conclusion that we done this to her  precious Garden by this time all the surrounding   neighbors were also watching but she of course  zeroed in on us Mega witch then stormed over to   our house and banged on our door until mom opened  the door dad let her deal with it as he was still   laughing his butt off Mega witch then demanded my  family not only pull all those ugly plants out and   to of course pay for new ones and plant them and  to do it now right now our mom just looked at her   yawned told her she had zero proof it was her kids  who' done it my mom knew even sat and watched with   me as my siblings did it laughing the whole time  I think at one point my dad even helped mom then   reminded her she had stolen dozens of plant from  the neighbors had been caught blatantly stealing   from their front Gardens yet was surprised  that someone had retaliated mom left told   her to freak off and went back inside she ranted  at us through the door for about an hour till her   voice blessedly gave out then stomped back to her  house she avoided us from then on and would give   a death glare to my mom whenever she saw her  mom would just smile give her the finger and   go about her business she was intimidated by my  dad and wouldn't do anything when he was around   but Dad worked a lot so wasn't there most of  the time we donated most of the dug up plants   to neighbors she'd stolen from and returned the  stolen ornaments and decorations to the rightful   owners if we found them but kept two rose bushes  which we planted by our back gate a ceramic Hearth   cat which I still have and a Glass and Metal sun  god decoration nobody claimed Mega witch never did   get rid of all the weeds and didn't realize it  was poison oak she was pulling barehanded until   she and her husband got horrible rashes over  onethird of their bodies and I was told in some   very unfortunate places so with poison ivy does it  travel at all or does it have to very specifically   come in contact with a very specific body part  I'm just trying to understand how it would end   up in some very unfortunate places if you stole  back all these stolen decorations would you be   going around the neighborhood Hood trying to  find what belonged to who and return them let   me know in the comments down below our next story  is by soupman Bob I got back in my bully in a big   way I've posted some entitled parent stories  and in one of them I shared that an entitled   mother spread some nasty rumors about me being  a violent sociopath that actually managed to   stick due to a prior incident this is said prior  incident this happened 12 years ago and some of   the details have been lost to the ages and some  stuff might be exaggerated Andor embellished as   stories might get as they get told and retold  for years now with the necessary explanations   out of the way on to the story strap in I tend to  digress so this is likely going to be a long one   I was 12 years old and I wasn't all that tall I  was wide and overweight I also had one heck of a   temper that I had to learn to control in a way so  that for the most part I didn't react violently   but I reacted to most things regardless it meant  bullies loved picking on me at this point I'd been   bullied for years it started out with classmates  during the lower years until my mom got involved   and all the parents were made aware of it and my  bullly stopped then my first year in the Middle   grades fourth to sixth grade A guy two grades up  saw me and immediately realized that I was a prime   candidate for him getting to feel better about  himself he was as short as me and a complete geek   this guy started out using an old timey insult  for fat people I had no clue he was trying to   bully me we had similar interests so I actually  thought he was trying to befriend me this pissed   him off a lot and he went out of his way to make  it clear that he was bullying me took me a fair   bit of time to actually catch on over the years  he escalated he grew in size he got a following   of friends and they would use almost every recess  every day to follow me and Bully me I'd gone to   the teachers multiple times my mom and dad had  contacted the principal multiple times didn't work   my bullies usually retaliated with getting extra  intense and physical too for a while every time   so I stopped doing it snitches get stitches am I  right now my dad was very tired of this happening   again and again so he took me aside and gave me a  lesson about defending myself that I shared in my   second entitled parents story he basically gave me  a rundown on self-defense told me explicitly never   to start a fight but it was all right to fight  back and to end it that violence should always   be my last Choice Etc I took this to heart this  had been going on for 2 years by now my mom had   contacted the principal again they were getting  physical again they had cornered me and I tried to   get away they wouldn't let me I was sick and tired  of this so I looked at them and I said he better   stop now or he would regret it bully and his posi  of course laugh they don't believe a little fatty   can do much at this point I am seething I try to  get out again they push me back and that's when I   explode I jump on Main bully he might be bigger  than me but he's still a skinny geek I get him   on the floor and start wailing on his face then  when he tries to fight back and push me off I bite   his hand so hard I hear crunching meanwhile  his friends are frozen just staring at me I   also jumped on his chest in the end it took three  teachers to pull me off this kid had a broken nose   at least two broken ribs a huge gash on his hand  from my bite which honestly could have killed him   you know germs and all I was suspended duh for a  week but escaped expulsion because these freakers   had tormented me for years and the school had  failed to stop them according to what my dad told   me he had used that defense against the school and  promised that if they expelled me he would expose   their failure to stop the bullying for years to  the media and all the parents so yeah uh that's   the story and as said I honestly don't know how  much of this is exaggerated but I got a feeling   that the severity of the injuries might be one of  the exaggerations I think this is a good example   of why you should just try to treat everybody with  as much respect as you can if you think somebody's   weird maybe they don't talk and you treat them  that way who knows what they could turn around   and do maybe an insult was that last turning  point for somebody like that that would lead   to such a major Unforgettable thing and our final  story of the day by Dutch wolf d0 talk racist and   kick me you're half blind now so about 3 years ago  I was in high school and there was this guy in my   classes that hated me for some reason and I heard  he was talking racist about other people I didn't   mind at that time because I didn't want to get in  trouble but when I heard that he was saying that   I and my my brother need to go back to Africa I'm  black but born in the country where it happened I   was shook so in the break I went to him and asked  what he said the conversation went like this I   said what did you say about me he said what do you  mean I said you were talking racist about me and   my brother he said I didn't do that at all I say  I have screenshots of you saying things about me   I could see him getting uncomfortable and angry  and he said if I ever see such a thing again I'll   mess you up he didn't react to that and he was  shook probably cuz he didn't know that I would   confront him then I walk away and get to the next  lesson and he pushes me in the back really hard so   I fell and then kicked me on the ground multiple  times what a weak move then I stood up shocked and   hurt but I felt so much adrenaline in my body that  I punched him on his cheekbone I did boxing at   the time so it was a hard hit he ran ran away and  cried later I get called to the principal he gave   me a story that I hit somebody so I told him the  whole story and I didn't get in trouble the next   day I hear that he had some big eye issues because  of the punch and that he was blinded in one eye   Now by me and he got expelled for starting a fight  and provoking me some Sweet Revenge good on op in   the situation where they're getting hurled some  obscenities at them people are downplaying them   belittling who they are and where they come from  good on op for standing up for themselves breaking   this weird mindset that this guy got stuck into  and not only stop at confronting them about it   but keeping on pounding this down into the ground  until they got repercussions that they deserved   for what they did now I ain't saying going  blind in one eye is necessarily a thing that   this guy deserved but it'll definitely always be  a remembrance if if anyone ever asks what happened   they'll have to think about the time they were  being racist harass your classmates think twice   hun this is kind of a long story but here goes  this happened back in high school about 4 years   ago I was involved but another girl exacted the  Revenge that the rest of us were begging for I'm   going to call the antagonist AP her initials I go  to school with ap she's 16 and in the year below   met her in anatomy class she's nice to me and we  get along tells me she's bisexual and I mean I'm   totally cool with that but I don't know why she  told me I see her here and there and we hang out   at the homecoming game AP starts leaning against  me as if I'm her significant other think this is   weird but I'm like whatever I get up at one point  she takes this as rejection I say this because of   the way she acts when people are upset with her  or can't hang when I get home that night AP texts   me says she's going to end it all and asks why I  didn't hold her and stuff like that AP asks why   I don't don't love her and says she thought I was  her girlfriend I may be bisexual too but I'm not   interested in her in that way she also tells me  she was assaulted multiple times and stuff like   that she only ever said she was assaulted in the  past when she felt rejected I feel bad for her and   tell her I'm sorry if I hurt her feelings but  I'm still weirded out by her behavior hang out   with her more and she keeps leaning on me hugging  me and putting her hands on me same routine every   time I reject her she threatens ending it all and  I apologize when really I'm trying to get her away   from me cue the final straw I'm in anatomy class  one day and she touches my butt like dead center   I jump and turn to her I get up in her face and I  tell her don't ever freaking do that again at this   point I'm about to flip out I know it's not the  worst thing that could have happened but I feel   violated and I hope to God no one saw her do that  to me now I have never said anything like this to   anyone but this had gone on for a few months and  I was on edge didn't speak to her for a while   you may be wondering didn't she say something to a  teacher yes I told my teacher and a counselor that   she was harassing me sending me photos touching  me threatening self harm the teacher just gives   me a look of what do you want me to do about it  counselor tells me to tell AP to leave me alone   I didn't want her to get in too much trouble but I  wanted her to get help I was fuming at this point   and I went home tell my mom what happened and she  was livid tells me to stay away from her and I'm   thinking you don't have to tell me twice move on  to the next block in the second block of my senior   year I'm in stagecraft class we're in the middle  of working on our set for Little Shop of Horrors   everything's going well and our set looks insane  we even get the Audrey 2 prop from Broadway one   day teacher announces that we have a new student  I'm hoping that we'll get along nicely who is it   AP she walks in and sits at the same table as  me she hangs out with my friend who I'll call   Eevee Eevee is being nice to her and I don't say  a word to AP I don't even look up later we go to   work on the set and I go to my teacher I ask her  if she won't make me do jobs with ap as I've had   issues with her in the past teacher is super nice  and understanding and says she won't I think her   move on work with EV and EV tells me that AP is  being weird I tell her I figured and ask her why   Eevee tells me that AP was talking about her  Pur in detail out of nowhere and tells Eevee   that she was assaulted by a classmate in another  class now I'm not usually one of these people but   I don't believe a word of what AP had said to  EV I tell Eevee to avoid AP we go on with our   day and I'm chilling out with my guy friend ar ar  is this really nice and funny rooc kid unicorn of   my heart I tell you AR tells me that AP P's been  getting handy and flirty with him he hates her too   we hang out a lot and she practically follows him  around like a puppy even at her workplace she kind   of moves onto some exf friends of mine whatever  out of my life now I previously said that she was   sending photos I deleted my Snapchat to get this  girl off my back because she kept sending them   and as previously stated she's 16 at the time the  photos she sent me were inappropriate like picks   of her in short shorts tank tops low cut dresses  Etc turns out I wasn't the only one she sent pics   too the pic she sent to others were worse one day  her friend gets mad at her like fuming mad AP had   sent her some photos as well ap's friend is hungry  for Revenge at this point I don't know what AP did   to her but it must have been bad ap's friend goes  on Facebook gets on ap's page and posts the pcks   I mean hundreds of them everywhere her friends and  family see them relationships ruined she became an   embarrassment now I don't Advocate this Behavior  at all but this is why we don't harass people   with photos and inappropriate sexual behavior if  ap's friend wanted Revenge that's on her short of   going to the police in the situation they kind of  exhausted what they could talked to parents talked   to teachers talked to counselors none of them  actually offered any help considering all the   creepy and weird Behavior AP put out towards a lot  of people do you feel bad for AP at all knowing   that all the unsolicited pictures she sent to  people were pasted all over Facebook let me   know down in the comments and our final story of  the day is by Captain Chronicle never steal from   a mechanic okay so I shared my little story to a  few friends and a Discord and was told to share   it with you fine people this all happened a little  over 10 years ago when I was just starting out of   my mechanic career it's a bit of a long read but  I believe it's worth the time due to the nature of   the story some parts and locations will be vague  Looking Back Now I probably went a little too far   at first but apparently fate had other plans in  the end so to start off a little backstory I grew   up on a farm in the east coast lots of hard work  with no pay and being from a less fortunate family   we never had much Growing Up This Way helped me  appreciate what little I had though once I was 16   I bought a car with a blown motor and rebuilt it  while an auto class I Lov that car while working   for an auto part store my mother decided to  moved down south parents were divorced long   ago and since my stepmother was a total witch  druggy ruined my father's business that kind of   witch I decided to leave everything behind and  move in with my mother a few states away a few   months after turning 18 I barely had enough to get  there once there I helped pay the bills with my   auto parts store job for Christmas that Year Mom  couldn't get me anything we were barely getting by   so I scraped up enough to get myself a stereo for  my car a cheap one but nice to 19-year-old me and   her a goldplated cross necklace she hung on her  rearview mirror she cried when I gave it to her   and still tears up when I talk about it we lived  in a trailer park surrounded by trees covered in   Spanish moss hidden from the main road and a  few miles away from the nearest town we knew   our neighbors well as there was only around  eight other trailers on the slot nice people   apart from the one that was next to us I'll call  him Chad Chad was in the military and worked on   a nearby base he was also an MP as such he never  cared when him or his buddies were being too loud   at night left trash everywhere and refused to  clean it up and and generally was just a jerk   to everyone he even cussed out a 90-year-old lady  for asking him to clean up the beer bottles him   and his friends threw into a rose garden the whole  neighborhood hated Chad and his jerk friends one   spring I blew a head gasket in my car so I was  in my little driveway parked next to my mom's   car her boyfriend's truck was parked in front of  the trailer out of the way anyway late one night   as I was working on my car Chad's buddies were  making their drinking rounds walking all over   the park throwing bottles everywhere peeing on  cars being jerks they saw me working on my car   and came right over to make fun of me for being  poor not having a better car still living with my   mom at 19 everything I tried to just ignore them  since I was not a confrontational person I asked   them to let me be so I can get this done to this  they just made a bit more fun of me and left when   they realized they weren't getting a reaction from  me later on they all went into Chad's trailer and   continued partying so I packed up my tools and  parts and took everything inside ensured all our   doors were locked and went to bed that morning  I woke up to all our cars doors opened and them   rans sacked I was pissed missing was my stereo my  mom's gold cross and her boyfriend's truck stereo   was an expensive HUD style we called the cops and  they didn't want to do anything about it as the   donut Patrol was talking to me saying this isn't  worth it apartment's time something in me snapped   I politely said okay I get it we'll be sure to  keep a watch out for next time then and the cops   left I went inside and started thinking of how I  was going to get even no one will make my mom cry   so I went to Chad's door and asked him where our  stuff was he was hung over and I woke him up at   7:00 a.m. he was not happy but let it slip that  he doesn't know where his friends took it to so   I had him I told him he has 24 hours and nothing  will be done he laughed it off and slammed the   door in my face it was on on later that night came  a huge storm Heavy Rain lots of Thunder the works   so at 1:00 a.m. I dressed up in some old clothes  and thermals grabbed my tools and went out to his   car he had a nice new little Nissan and to me it  looked a little too nice I got under it and took   off everything I possibly could without being  caught I unbolted every nut cut every wire cut   a few holes in the gas tank sliced his tires from  the inside sidewalls took off the oil pan I went   AP cra CP on this poor little car my father was a  mechanic for many years and growing up with him I   learned a lot about how to destroy a car without  being noticed thanks to the storm Chad never heard   a thing after a few hours of getting my revenge I  went back inside and cleaned up tossing my clothes   in the wash and going to bed happy I was able to  cause him some Peril the next morning I wake up   to the Blissful sounds of him cursing and punching  his car that had no chance in heck of ever working   again all those parts of his I threw into a small  pond just over the fence near the edge of the lot   they'll never be found he was so pissed he broke  all the glass and dented several body panels the   cops Rec called and they asked around everybody  said he had anger issues and was within reason   that he would take it out on his own car or his  wife who was hardly around due to him being him   but they had a kid so I guess they were making it  work somehow the cops being the lazy jerks I knew   them to be from the day before didn't do what  a thing and chocked it up to him having issues   and left any other Revenge story this would be it  right I got my revenge and he has to pay oh but as   fate would have it I was but a cog in life's plan  to give him what he had coming I never planned   this part but it makes me smile every time I think  back so since he didn't have a car anymore he had   it towed off his wife at least I thought it was  his wife would come over to have some loud open   window sex one thing that perplexed me is there  was no kid and toe as usual and her voice was   different so I got a webcam and set it up in my  window a perfect spot to see who was coming in   and out and hear all the juicy bits of their love  making thing is there were several different girls   coming over when I was gone to work since old  Chad didn't have a car now he had to have his   Affairs do house calls Apparently after a little  over a month I compiled every girl every runchy   sex section and every front porch kiss goodbye by  into a folder and caught his wife bringing their   son by when he was out one evening I asked her to  come in and I showed her the clips she was livid   she was so pissed she called her dad and ordered  a U-Haul I helped her gather anything she said was   hers including a 55 in TV it was 2009 those were  still very nice the fridge and even the washer and   dryer she gave me a 100 bucks for my time hugged  me and thanked me over and over for letting her   know just how much of a jerk he really is that's  when I told her he did me wrong too and explained   what had happened to me and my family she was  slackjaw and called her dad again she told me   this wasn't over and she felt so bad for us having  to deal with them an hour later she came back with   her dad and he gave me another 200 bucks and said  he was very appreciative that someone did the   right thing he shook my hand thanked me again and  I never saw him after the most amazing thing was   when Chad came home after drinking and realizing  all the stuff was gone he destroyed the trailer   kicked out the walls Windows ripped off the door  everything cops were called again by the old lady   neighbor and he was put in cuffs and taken away  he was never heard from again but I was told   from the nice landlord who owned the whole lot he  was on the tab for all the damages and for rent   and took him to court they had to wait because  apparently he made a fuss at the station and hit   a cop I don't know what happened after since we  moved so his life is probably still ruined and I   couldn't care less I bought mom another cross me  another stereo and mom's boyfriend one too that   wasn't as good as his old one but was still nice  I told him the full story over a bottle of tequila   with his friends and had the best night I still  don't remember much of take care of your mechanic   friends well now I know if I live in an area where  the cops don't really care and I have a mechanic   nearby that can take apart my car better not go  and double cross them or be a jerk isn't it just   sad though that both sides turning to the police  because things were stolen and damaged and taken   apart and the cops look at it and go yeah we don't  have the resources for that just try uh keeping   an eye on it next time thanks guys I really  appreciate it that makes me feel so much better   and helps with my problem treat me like a maid and  threaten me I'll just make you homeless this isn't   a fake story I promise you but this dragged over a  number of months cast for this will be me the one   that should have known better boyfriend my lovable  hero F old flad mate who's the spawn of Satan FB   the spawn of Satan's playtoy landlord isn't it  obvious so I've known f for a number of years   and we had a good friendship up until a year ago I  was a hormonal young woman that wanted to have her   own space and F felt the same so we put our money  together and rented a flat but when I say say our   money I mean 70% mine and 30% hers I didn't have  a problem with it at first because I was just glad   to not have my mom in my ear 24/7 I even paid for  all the furniture in the flat just for everything   to be broken ripped or messed up with food and  cigarette butts that comes later I had boyfriend   stay with me in my room and it was amazing and  flatmate had flat mate's boyfriend stay with her   now boyfriend and I live in our own flat in a  different city because crap at the fan in more   ways than one now I don't have a friend but I'm  better off that way because that was no friend in   the beginning me and flatmate friend opened a join  account for bills and kept our separate accounts   so bills didn't fall on one person which I come  to find a few months later that when I got paid   end of the month flat May took the money from the  account until their payday which was on a set date   every month this led to unpaid bills and calls  coming through to me from from companies chasing   for money when I confronted flatmate about it they  said they needed to travel but I knew it was going   to drugs for flatmate and their boyfriend they  did some weird stuff I know I should have known   better and nipped it in the bud there and then  but no flat made even beged me for money after   taking money out of the account every month and me  being me lent it to her flat paid nothing towards   food shopping but flat man and their boyfriend  ate every last thing if money wasn't in issue   cleanliness was plates cups and pots left all over  the kitchen and I was mismade expected to clean   everything which I did because I have OCD and  can't stand mess if you saw it you'd understand   when I finally put my foot down flatmate told  me that my boyfriend left plates on the side   too boyfriend laughed and told flatmate that his  plates were on the side overnight hers were there   for 6 days flat mate still took the piss and never  cleaned up unless I said anything like I was her   mother after that plattin mate's boyfriend waited  until my boyfriend left the flat to go to the   shop and shouted at me telling me to sort myself  out before he does blah blah blah empty threats   flat mate's boyfriend didn't realize I was on the  phone to boyfriend and boyfriend came back to the   flat before he got through the door flat mate's  boyfriend ran out slamming my door and calling   me a witch while running away like a wussy because  he's scared of boyfriend that's actually true but   it's too long to add bear in mind boyfriend's like  The Big Friendly Giant one day flat Maiden their   boyfriend went away without a word and flat made  had taken things from my room my hair straightener   my jumper and my brush so I went into their room  to retrieve them the smell that hit my nose when   I opened the door made me so angry I don't know  why but immediately I got on the phone with the   landlord this is the Revenge part the landlord  came over the next day while friend and their   boyfriend were still out and saw the state that  flat made left the flat in he was so livid he   swore and apologized to me he was sweet but said  he wanted to issue her a notice to leave the flat   and gave me permission to stay although I was  thankful of his generous offer I didn't want to   stay where I felt such bad energy before he issued  the notice I called boyfriend and asked him to   arrange a removal van while I contact a storage  company to rent a locker I then dismantled and   packed a f furniture from the kitchen bathroom and  living room packed up the van and kept my things   safe God knows flat would have stolen them when  flatmate and their boyfriend got back flatmate   saw the notice and Furniture gone she got so mad  she stormed out the notice had mentioned that the   cleanliness of the flat was disgusting the loud  music had been reported by neighbors they had a   boom box playing at anti social hours and smoking  in the flat was not allowed which flatmate knew   before signing the agreement flat mate never spoke  a word to me after the notice was served and left   the flat before the two months was up the idiots  left her bedroom windows open and tried to sneak   in later that evening but I shut them and  made sure they were locked with the key the   door key was changed by the landlord immediately  after flatmate and their boyfriend left me and   my boyfriend stayed about a month later to make  sure the flat was presentable to the new tenants   before we moved on we now live in a much nicer  area and are trying for our first baby wish us   luck oh also flat made and their boyfriend broke  up I heard through the grapevine flat made burned   every last Bridge with her family and even called  my boyfriend for money thankfully he didn't help   her we haven't heard a word from her since and I  couldn't be happier to be rid of that leech sorry   if it seems so all over the place like I said  this happened about a year ago and I've tried   to forget the little details so I can move on with  my life but unfortunately this really happened if   you don't believe me that's up up to you so if  you had this go down and it basically came out   that you set in motion the chain of events that  got them evicted and they're the kind of people   that were resorting to begging for money for  drugs would you try and move out and find a new   place that they don't know about ASAP or with some  good locks on the door maybe some cameras wouldn't   bother you too much let me know in the comments  down below our next story is by can you change   usernames paintballs not in my story but an old  trucker who doesn't have Reddit we got stuck at   Sea on a rescue boat yesterday and passed the time  sharing Pro revenge stories so as told by him I   was a fuel trucker say that five times fast I had  a regular daily route in my state and would start   just after 400 p.m. so I was refilling the area's  gas stations roughly after evening Rush this had   me driving late into the night in this one small  town it seemed like every night around 10:00 this   jerk in a T-top would pass me on the road while  while pleasuring themselves he always seem to   find me pull up next to me on the highway and try  to get my attention before zipping off down the   road one week I saw him three nights in a row at  the same red light it was the summer so he had his   roof down each time then I got an idea a wonderful  idea when I got home I gather what I needed for my   teenaged son's room and slept better than I had  in weeks the next night as I drove through that   small rural Deep South to down sure enough Mr ttop  pulled up next to me and whacking it and giggling   as he looked up at me noticing that my window was  down for the first time then he saw the paintball   gun my son was Avid at the sport and had saved  for a long time to buy this thing and modify it   out for team and League stuff my point is it could  shoot very very fast and I lit him up the inside   of his car him and his lap were covered in green  paint in about 3 seconds I don't know how long it   took him to get in gear and run that red light but  I was empty before he was out of the intersection   this is one of those situations that's so perfect  because despite op doing that they literally   cannot report them to the police unless they want  to get in trouble themselves it would literally   be a situation of uh-huh and so why do you have  paint in that location like they would have to   somehow get through explaining that that they were  committing a very blatant case of public indecency   so run off home and hope you can get that green  paint out of everywhere car and person this next   story is by Alaska guy in DK teens threw eggs at  our neighbors houses vented and broke a window on   their truck so in our neighborhood for years teens  would egg houses around October it caused problems   since in Alaska it would be around freezing at  that time and eggs would freeze to the house   and wouldn't be able to be removed until spring  one year me and my half brother had gotten some   paintball guns they were awesome for little Wars  and playing around and having Capture the Flag   matches well some friends called our house a few  days before Easter and said they just got egged so   me and my brother talked and decided to climb onto  the garage roof with paintball guns and wait for   the eggar after about an hour or two of waiting  on the roof in the freezing cold -10 maybe 15 F   they finally pull up in front of our house it's  a nice Ford F-150 or something like that think   cool kids truck three to five people in the bed of  the truck start throwing eggs at our house me and   my brother let loose the sounds of paint balls  pinging off metal and flesh was awesome the ow   oh freak ah that came from the Agar was better the  back window breaking on the truck scared us though   so we hopped off the roof and hid the paintball  guns while breaking them down we realized the   paintballs had Frozen in the cold so that's why  the window broke in case the cops came they never   did nobody egged our neighborhood that I know  of since this is yet again another situation   where they literally can't like report this to  the police without that blatant precursor of   yeah we were egging the person's house like they  probably very legitimately could get op in trouble   maybe even for some serious charges considering  those paintballs froze over but they'd have to be   willing to get in trouble a little bit themselves  too and our final story of the day is by the foot   58 manager thought my job rooll was unnecessary  finds out the hard way it wasn't about 20 years   ago I was a sales engineer supporting sales reps  at dbag tech company a new sales manager joins the   team he was a former co-worker from a prior job  a paty little man prior we were peers now he was   a manager over the sales reps I supported I had a  separate chain of command he wasn't my manager but   he felt like he should be he was resentful of the  power that sales engineers in this new company had   in an attempt to show me up he closed a very large  deal with a banking company and did so without   any involvement from the sales Engineers just one  sales rep he gloats about it publicly talks about   how we don't even need sales Engineers the whole  nine yards later the manager calls me in a panic   and we talk with the customer the s rep and the  rep sales manager totally messed things up and   sold the customer an incompatible set of solutions  I say that the customer could exchange one bit of   stuff for another bit of stuff everything would  work and they're roughly the same price so nobody   would lose any money but the sales manager doesn't  want to do it because admitting he messed things   up would make him look bad and he witches at me  for bringing up price because that's supposed   to be the rep's job he calls my boss and poops  all over me my boss took his side and poops all   over me too so I'm like freak you I quit I sent  a very lengthy detailed letter to HR explaining   how the sales rep messed up lied to the customer  and how the sales manager and my boss tried to   make me the scapegoat instead of trying to fix  it which would have been easy and made everyone   happy I move on get a new job do other things at  some point I'm chatting with an old friend from   DTC and he mentions they messed up on a huge deal  that they spent a year on I'm still bitter about   the dag sales Reb manager and my jerk boss so I  post about it on a forum a bunch of investors use   the stock crashed $13 the next day this will be  important later I find out ABC is suing DTC for   freaking up the deal the deal that the dbag  sales rep manager messed up and tried to pin   on me I reach out to ABC send them a copy of the  letter I sent to HR in which I detailed precisely   how badly DTC messed them over I talk with one of  their lawyers and he's very happy especially the   part of my letter where I describe how the sales  rep lied to ABC DTC subpoenas me for a deposition   I have to tell dtc's lawyers everything that I  told ABC's lawyers lawyer stuff the day before   the deposition DTC sues me directly remember dtc's  stock crashing they're suing me for badmouthing   the company and attempting to short their stock  which I wasn't however there's a Twist because   DTC is suing me directly I don't have to say crap  to them at the deposition their preparation for   the lawsuit goes completely out the window they  know they're freaked because they read the letter   I sent HR but they don't know how freaked because  they don't know what else I know or what I've told   ABC's lawyers additionally because they never  deposed me they can't catch me contradicting   myself between what I say at the deposition  and at trial they're dumbfounded no idea how   they could have messed up this badly turns out  there were two legal teams one defending against   ABC's lawsuit and another trying to scare people  away from talking crap about the company on the   Internet by indiscriminately suing their critics  they don't communicate with each other and the   one team didn't mention to the other team that  they would be suing a key witness in their case   DTC settles the lawsuit with ABC and they drop  the lawsuit against me and they fire the sales   rep the sales rep manager and his manager too well  it sure was a costly and time- wasting experience   but they finally made the moves that they should  have done to begin with which is just get rid of   all of those cancerous people guess they had  to go through several extremely painful bouts   to realize that though needed to scare away the  bullies not my story by my co-workers from an old   job cooworker will be referred to as a a is from  a Spanish-speaking country and his family moved   to Bronx New York City when he was about 11 years  old STS Middle School shortly after doesn't speak   a word of English school's obviously hard but to  make things worse one group of boys has taken it   upon themselves to beat a up after school this  happens A's first 3 days of school till he finally   can't take it anymore after getting beaten again  he goes home and looks in his father's tool shed   for something to defend himself with the only  thing there are some pliers and a hammer so he   takes the hammer next day the bullies come back  to beat a when the first one closes in he pulls   out the hammer and cracks him on the head putting  a small hole in his skull the other kids and a ran   off he doesn't know what happened to the kid who  got hit but assumes he was fine as no one hunted   him down no one bullied him after that and most  people just stayed away from him in general till   he graduated and went to high school I guess it's  kind of sad but in some environments the way you   survive is just kind of showing that you're going  to defend for yourself and fight do you guys feel   bad for the kid that got hit on the head with  the hammer or considering they actively bullied   and beat up this kid Maybe you don't feel bad for  them at all let me know what you guys think in the   comments down below this next story is by sarin  Baxter cheat on me get what you deserve when I   was around 16 I was dating this really cool guy  who I met through a friend at this time we were   both in the closet so nobody knew that we in fact  began a relationship back then I was very low in   the self-esteem department and I'm pretty relaxed  when it came to dating one night I was laying in   bed with him since he decided to stay the night I  unlike him am a bit of a light sleeper and usually   stay up pretty late I was just about to KN off  when my phone notified me of a text I looked to   see it was a mutual friend who I had to admit  would be willing to sleep with any man with a   pulse usually she was the type who'd like to  tell her friends about her latest conquests   this time she had told me how she had slept with  my at the time boyfriend it turned out that he   took off work early so he could visit her and and  they could hook up this made it worse because he   later came to my home and he did the same with  me at first I was prepared to slap him and kick   him out of the house but I had a better idea  slipping out of bed I searched around my dad's   tools finding a half empty tube of superglue I  made my way back upstairs but making sure that   I unplugged his phone before returning to his side  I continued to glue his manhood to the side of his   leg before moving to sleep on the the couch the  remaining night I was upset but knew that it would   be worth it once he wakes up the next morning  I woke up that afternoon and sat at the table   to eat with my unsuspecting parents enjoying a  piece of French toast when I heard a loud thud   from upstairs I couldn't help but grin as my now  ex limped down the stairs most likely preparing   to curse me out for what I'd done of course my  parents were at the table and he didn't want   to out himself to anyone nor would he want to  face my father about cheating and sleeping with   his only son he simply grabbed his phone in the  attempts to phone one of our friends for a ride   to find that the battery was dead before choosing  to walk his way home long story short I enjoyed my   toast before inviting a couple of friends on what  was supposed to be a date we all had a lot of fun   and I ended up coming out to a couple friends  and explain the situation I later found out   that he now has three kids from different women  honestly it was probably over the line to do do   what op did but we are in nuclear revenge and that  is a nuclear Revenge I just can't imagine this guy   waking up and being like that doesn't feel right  our next story is by unhappy pandu 101 jerk uncle   gets jail time backstory about 12 years ago I met  my uncle for the first time he introduced himself   to me by literally pushing my dad out of the way  and telling me that I was a fat little girl and   telling me I should lose some weight as this was a  fairly common thing for me to hear I just brushed   it off my grandma and grandpa lived in Spain  and the house they owned was fairly large and   out of the way and therefore worth a fair amount  a couple of years ago my grandpa passed away and   as per Spanish law his property and money would  be split between his children my aunt jerk Uncle   my late uncle and my dad but none of the money and  property could be claimed until all the children   were present in court this left my lovely grandma  in a lot of debt my dad and aunt agreed to sign   over their portions to Grandma in exchange for  all the love and care they received his children   Q jerk Uncle refusing to sign over his share or  even show up to claim his part meaning for a good   while as grandma was left with no money no claim  to her house and with a lot of health issues that   she couldn't sort she lost her car her phone  and a good few months in the hospital left her   with some issues she had contracted menitis which  temporarily messed with her memory I lost my crap   with jerk uncle and started studying Spanish law  books getting my aunt to translate what she could   and we didn't tell anyone about our plan about a  year ago I presented a case to the family lawyer   that due to his selfishness and arrogance grandma  got sick therefore meaning he caused her harm and   then he intentionally continued to withhold the  money from her even though he knew she needed it   for the Hospital jerk unle got ugly at this point  and started screaming about how I was trying to   get him to go to jail and I don't care if she dies  I want my money were the words that followed thank   you phones for having a record setting this voice  clip was presented to the police along with proof   of him failing to collect his part of the will  What followed suit was a court case with him   having to pay all of the money that my grandma  lost in medical bills and he had to pay a large   chunk of the debt she was in or or else he would  face jail time he didn't pay he took his son to   Disney instead 18 months I believe he got in the  end I definitely can't even begin to say I know   anything about the laws in Spain but if it really  goes down like this they got some nuclear Revenge   our next story is by omega fat mama dbag bullies  me wrecked his Daddy's car got him expelled and   nearly killed him so a couple of years ago when  I was still in high High School there's this   guy let's call him DB I studied in a private high  school so there's quite a lot of spoiled brats DB   always goes around flexing his dad's M5 and made  fun of or bullied other students that drive cheap   and older cars sometimes he and his gang would go  around school car parks and vandalize those cars   it's a private school so there's only a handful  of students driving around cheap secondhand cars   I drive a 12-year-old Camry to school my family's  actually pretty well fell off but maintaining a   Camry is a lot cheaper than a Mercedes and  that's the reason that I actually executed   this Revenge because I'm the only guy that drives  cheap cars and DB's classmate I took the bunt of   DB's bullying many times after school I literally  saw him in his gang scratching my car and kicking   it not that I care it's a Camry he'll break a  leg before he does damage to my car but soon   after that they started to break my side mirror  and even let out air from one of my tires I tried   complaining to school but the teachers Hardly did  anything only gave them a warning so that's why I   decided to take things into my own hands besides  DB's Deb baggery in school he drives like a jerk   on the road too regularly tailgating and break  checking other people especially students from   our school the police are really nice here as in  you can legit bribe every single one of them to   let you go for a small offense so DB didn't even  once get in trouble start of Revenge my revenge   was actually very simple intentionally Ram his  car when he break checked me so I won't be in   trouble one of my classmates invited everyone in  our class to her birthday party a month before   that I bugged my parents to install a dash cam  in my car then at the party I refused to drink   any alcohol seeing that I'm not feeling well  DB however literally did a whole row of shots   within 5 minutes of arrival which is good for  my revenge so after the party ended I followed   DB on the road we live in the same community and  it's a 40-minute drive from the party we're on the   highway going 150 km an hour it's almost 4:00 a.m.  so the road is empty DB was speeding in the fast   lane as usual and suddenly he switched Lanes I was  getting excited because I thought my revenge isn't   going to work DB drove in front of me and hit the  break quite hard then I didn't even let go of the   gas only tried to Ram his car's corner to make  him hit the beams on the side of the road on the   dash cam it looked like I tried to avoid hitting  him but here's where it went wrong his car lost   traction and hit an overp Pass Support it looked  like melted butter I got legit scared and stopped   my car and ran over to him the car was smoking  and all the airbags were blown the passenger DB's   friend who's also a jerk luckily didn't suffer  for any Serious injury DB on the other hand bit   his tongue and was bleeding out and passed out I  remember seeing blood coming out of his mouth like   a faucet I called 911 and the ambulance arrived  in 10 minutes apparently his condition was very   serious then after DB and his friend got carried  away in an ambulance the police did an alcohol and   drug test on me and I was clean I told them what  happened they wrote down everything I said and my   parents drove me home I didn't really get in any  trouble other than my parents didn't let me go out   late for a year then later I found out that DB's  license got revoked got expelled from school and   just last week I heard from a friend that he was  disowned and jailed for drug trafficking I was   definitely going to say even if they're driving  like a jerk and breake checking if you hit them   wouldn't you still be at fault in this case though  op was talking about how they were swerving from   Lane to Lane and on the dash cam it looked like  op tried try to avoid hitting them it worked   out almost a little too well it's surprising that  somebody would try to break check by like swerving   into their lane and then doing a break check but  I guess it would be probably pretty effective our   next story is by rapid Raptor beware the fury of  a patient man I came out as bisexual to my father   when I was in Middle School my father was always  verbally abusive and an alcoholic due to his own   turbulent childhood and his experience in the  Gulf War but after that it escalated to physical   violence against myself and my mother it lasted  up until my third year of college I was unable to   move due to a limited income and it escalated to  full-blown aggravated assault one night that ended   with me holding my father in a rear naked choke  while the police had to pry me off him we went   to court my mother filed for divorce immediately  now the Revenge during the hearings my father was   convinced that I was going to vouch for him  as though he were blameless I spelled it out   to the attorney and judge the verbal abuse  the physical abuse all of it the look on my   piece of crab father's face was priceless and the  final nail was when he blurted out she turned you   against me ice water in my veins I replied no you  turned me against you the separation was granted   with a Vengeance not only does my father owe a  grand a month in alimony but my mother now has   a restraining order in place word got out to my  family's friends and they sarily severed all ties   with the old man his social life his job prospects  his freedom and the life he had built for himself   had all been blown to flenders he still texts me  I don't text him back as far as I'm concerned the   only time I'll ever see him again is when I have  to identify his body for all the things they did   to op and their mom with how things turned out you  can't help but feel good for op because the system   didn't fail them this guy was an absolute jerk  and did some awful things and they weren't allowed   to twist it and use it to their advantage and lie  and now they have to pay for it by paying monthly   and being cut out of everybody else's lives and  our final story of the days by o 9000 uncle gets   revenge against creepy neighbor my parents told  me a story that happened several years ago so   buckle up my aunt was being harassed by a dirty  neighbor he did it for some time and my uncle   couldn't stand it anymore so one day he waited  in an alley with a baseball bat for him going to   work once he did he kicked the door in and smashed  everything to bits the neighbor moved out not long   after note it may seem fake but my parents told  me and it happened a long time ago so I might   have missed some details I mean depending on where  this took place and a little bit more back back in   the day when you could kind of get away with some  things probably a little bit more easily this guy   stalking around harassing this guy's wife you kind  of understand why they're going to flare up and   have a reaction I don't know if I would wait in  the alleyway and take a baseball bat to them but   I would definitely have a reaction too at least it  wasn't actually against the guy and just basically   everything he ever owned I guess if you're going  to break and Enter do it in an era where there's   not a lot of security cameras or doorbell cameras  or what ever nowadays robbers need time machines   to get away with stuff like that they kicked my  friend's mom out so we trashed their store and   got it shut down okay I realize this may sound  terrible but you have to read through the whole   story this happened about 15 years ago when I was  living overseas now I'm in the US let's just say   I used to live in a developing country back at  the time me and my friend let's call him Han were   driving around the city one night when he got  a phone call from his older brother let's call   him Barry the phone call from what I was able to  comprehend H was pretty intense after Han hung up   he was pretty frustrated he told me to drive over  to the supermarket near his parents house I did I   asked Han what was wrong he said it looks like  Barry has gotten into a fight and that he needs   our help I told him let's go see what's going on  on our way to the supermarket Han called a couple   of our friends and told them to meet us there for  extra support I know how this may sound it sounds   like we're a bunch of gang bangers looking to go  start some stuff so before yall start jumping into   conclusions let me give you some background the  community I used to live in is heavily tribal   it's not about ganging up but more like standing  up and being there for a friend in need that's   the common mindset and that's their way of life  it's pretty backwards at this day and age and it's   worth pointing out that I'm completely against  that mindset now especially that I'm living in   the US but anyway we eventually arrived at that  Supermarket it was in a very busy and vibrant   area with lots of traffic we parked our cars at  the front door and stood at in the street waiting   for Barry until he showed up he was enraged but  yet calm and on point we asked him what was going   on so we went on explaining apparently Barry and  hans's mom went into the supermarket to buy some   chicken she did manage to buy some chicken in a  sealed container she needed it to cook for the day   but when she got home and opened the container the  chicken smelled absolutely rotten and disgusting   understandably she decided to go back to the  store and return that chicken notify the store   management and get another chicken that isn't  salmonella in a box since she shops there quite   often I know my friend's mom she's not a Karen in  any way and she's the super sweet lady in her 60s   who's very friendly with everyone she meets when  she went into the store found the store manager   told him about the rotten chicken and asked him  politely to give her a different one she was even   discreet about it and didn't want other customers  to hear the manager was super rude and refused to   acknowledge that there's anything wrong with  the chicken outright refused to exchange the   chicken and wouldn't even smell or look at it he  called her a liar and told her to get the heck   out of his store Pon Having learned that his  mom was insulted that way was pretty Furious   Barry told us that he was going inside to talk to  that manager and give him a piece of his mind and   that he wanted us to be there on standby in case  things go down we agreed and waited outside Barry   went in we were looking at him through the glass  door we saw him speak to that manager with a clear   understanding of how heated the conversation was  getting basically Barry asked the manager if he's   the one who told his mom to get the heck out and  the manager says yes and you get the freak out   too and shoves him away now a little background  on Barry he was feared he's always been kind of   problematic since he was little he was never a  bully but he just never took crap from anybody   ever now while I don't agree with the way he  handled things I've always respect Ed how he   stands up for himself and for the people he cares  about it's worth mentioning that he's a lot more   calm now within seconds of him going into the  store and after hearing how belligerent that   manager was Barry lost control over his rage and  we see him start throwing punches at that manager   other employees joined in on the fight too and all  heck broke loose me Han and another friend of ours   immediately jumped into the store we started to  trade punches with whoever was fighting it was an   cluster truck all I remember was that I punched  the manager a few times and then I was on the   ground I didn't get punched or anything and still  have no idea how I ended up on the ground luckily   no one got really injured from either side but we  had a clear advantage over them the aftermath was   horrific glass was broken shells were knocked  down and product stands were destroyed I still   remember M&M scattered all over the floor it  was a hot mess at that time we knew we were abs   absolutely screwed we pretty much vandalized  a whole darn store and physically assaulted   its staff eventually we left and stood in front  of the store and started cussing them out they   stayed inside the store because they knew that  the law would be on their side while they're on   their property so about the laws in that country  they make absolutely no freaking sense whatsoever   a good example of its ridiculous laws is if you  get physically assaulted by someone and you decide   you want to press charges and you do just that  you'll need to go get a doctor's note stating your   injury and then head to a police station and press  charges the person who assaulted you gets a phone   call from the police telling them to come to the  police station that person can also press charges   the same way even if they're not at all injured  if both parties have pressed charges both parties   will go to jail awaiting trial unless bailed out  it's also worth mentioning that obtaining a forged   doctor's note in that country is easier than than  buying a tub of sour cream fact that said we knew   we better hurry up and press charges we got to  the police station before the supermarket staff   and filed a complaint against them they eventually  arrived like 15 minutes later to do the same thing   it was the jerk manager and another guy that was  in the fight too at the police station it was a   shock to me how nicely we were being treated  by officers and how crappy they treated the   supermarket staff like what the freak is going  on shouldn't we be in hand cuffs right now what   I didn't know was this while we were standing out  the door cussing those guys out after the fight   Barry disappeared he did meet us at the police  station but we didn't know what he was doing after   the fight was over well it turns out that while  Barry was exiting the store after the fight he   started yelling my name is Barry so and so and I'm  not done freaking you up apparently a passing by   police patrol heard Barry yell at the top of his  lungs and stopped to see what was going on out of   sheer coincidence one of the patrolling officers  turned out to be a distant cousin of Barry it's   a small country and he recognized his name while  he was shouting it he took Barry aside for a word   and started asking him what was going on Barry  explained the entire story of how they insulted   his mom after selling her bad chicken and refusing  to admit any wrongdoing the officer also turned   out to be an on duty health and safety inspector  he then took it personal and assured Barry that   he'll take care of it anyway back to the police  station now that both parties have press charges   the police were clearly favoring us they threw the  supermarket staff in a Cell while we were sitting   on the couch sipping coffee Barry was still  cussing the manager out eventually we reached   an agreement to drop all charges and we all went  our way now the real revenge after the store was   picked up and everything went back to normal kind  of Barry's officer cousin went to the supermarket   on an inspection the next day do you see where  this is going yep he found tons and tons of   badly stored meat of all kinds that was completely  inedible and could potentially be life-threatening   he also found spoiled Dairy and a buttload of  expired items apparently the owner orders the   staff to unplug the fridges and freezers at night  to save on electricity the owner was knowingly   selling rotting meat to save a few bucks the store  was immediately shut down pending investigation   the health Ministry got involved and find the  supermarket and the fine was just so huge that   the store stayed shut down and never opened again  because the owners weren't able to financially   recover considering the end result finding out  that all that food was expired they turned off   the fridges and freezers at night do you think  getting in that fight and all the precursors to   that health inspection made the entire thing worth  it to save people let me know what you guys think   in the comments down below and our final story of  the day is by Gustavo the recliner was told this   belonged here which tries to destroy my Orchard I  destroy her life well let's start a few years in   the past my great grandparents planted an orchard  it's now at least 120 years old my grandparents   and my parents were really proud of the peach  trees growing in it and did their best to keep   them in good health and well we always threw a big  party when the peaches were ready to be harvested   and invited all of our friends and neighbors to it  I love those parties The Neighbors on the property   to the south of our Orchard were particularly  fond of our peaches they were a bunch of fine old   people and me and the old man Sam were pretty good  friends he taught me a lot about woodworking with   hand tools only and we had some great evenings in  his workshop and we finished many a good whiskey   in there together in return he got a lot of fine  peaches marmalade homemade peach liquor Etc sadly   he died a good 10 years ago Cancer's a real jerk  his wife followed soon after many suspected it   was of a broken heart they had no kids so all of  their property was left to the state except his   tools and whiskey collection which he had gifted  me a few weeks before he died in comes Karen the   name speaks for itself haircut attitude witchiness  the whole deal she bought the property of my late   neighbors we hadn't had the kind of money to buy  it at that time as we'd met some Dire Straits the   years before and all of our savings were gone the  first thing she did before she actually moved in   was to go around and make demands of the Neighbors  on the surrounding properties when it was finally   our turn to listen to her gibberish she told us  that we needed to remove half of the trees as the   leaves were blowing on our property we told her in  a polite way that we won't comply to her demands   as the orchard is a vital part of our family  heritage tradition and life and has been there   for at least 120 years she was pretty pissed but  but did nothing for the time being there's some   things you need to know before I continue with  this story the workshop I mentioned before was   situated right at the border to our property  it was a small Timber framed building at least   160 to 180 years old the regulations in my state  are pretty strict concerning old structures every   structure over a 100 years is protected and you  need a special permission to tear it down failing   to get this permission can lead to a hefty fine  to get the permission to build a new building it   has to be up to code and you have to ask your  surrounding neighbors and if they agree you're   good to go except there's one specialty in my  County you have to keep a certain distance to the   border of the property to allow Emergency Services  full access to your property if one of these   requirements isn't met the building is illegal or  at least only partially legal and can actually be   ordered by Court to be torn down that might come  in handy later so back to Karen after our first   encounter with her she did her best to pester the  whole neighborhood she got the neighbor's dog put   down because he allegedly attacked her brat later  turned out she faked the attack the dog was the   sweetest and most innocent dog you could imagine  a bernes mountain dog big but a real teddy bear   anyways she later got us to stop doing our annual  Peach parties as she called the police every time   for various reasons noise complaints we had a  band playing there in the afternoon our and we   lit a fire in a designated fire pit in the middle  of our property she called the ATF on us allegedly   making moonshine my dad had a license to dtill for  our own consummation in short she was a real pain   in the bum bum and after 3 years we decided it  wasn't worth it to deal with the various officers   and law enforcement agencies every time we threw  the party and we decided to quit after she had   reached this goal she resorted to pestering us  to remove the orchard we didn't cave in and some   things started to get really fishy somehow the  tires of our trucks got slashed eggs got thrown in   our Farmhouse our cat disappeared and surfaced a  few days later in pretty rough condition it looked   like somebody had tried to cut his tail off don't  worry he healed up completely but we actually   couldn't prove that she did all that then came  the day she made her biggest mistake she had a   company come in in sort of a secret operation and  tear down the old woodworking Workshop overnight   2 days later they started building a big garage  SL recreational center slous right where the shop   was but she missed one fine detail which got  pretty important later on she didn't ask for   our permission nor for the Neighbors a short while  after the trees right next to our property started   to get sick the leaves turned brown in the middle  of summer and the branches started to die we lost   four trees before we figured out the cause so  somebody had driven long copper Nails into them we   had a suspicion but we couldn't prove it so we put  up some trail cameras perfectly legal as it was on   our own property we caught her red-handed my dad  confronted her she apologized and my dad being   the way too nice guy he is wanted to let her get  off the hook but not me the nail she drove into   our oldest tree was the final nail to her coffin  I started to investigate I had some friends at the   administration of our County and asked them to  do some inquiries turned out she hadn't applied   for permission to tear down the old shop nor for  permission to build a new building I further did   some inquiries on the borderline of our property  turned out the old markers vanished over time and   her building was about 3 ft on our property after  I gathered all this information I presented it to   my parents at first they were reluctant as they  didn't want to start a neighborhood Clash but   after I recalled all the things she did to us and  our neighbors they were in so let the games begin   first we called the authorities on her for tearing  down a protected building and presented them with   all the evidence we gathered then we called  the building Authorities on her for building   a building without permission not up to code and  not only didn't she keep the required distance to   the property border she also built on our property  without our permission long story short turned out   the workshop had hasn't only been protected  because of its age but also because it was   a historical landmark which played a vital role  in a conflict back in the 1860s she got sued for   this and had to pay a fine of an equivalent of  about $150,000 she further had to demolish her   newly built building costing an additional $50,000  got fined for this too about $83,000 and had to   rebuild the workshop on her own expense which was  another whopping $154,000 as it had to be period   correct up to the smallest detail meaning it had  to be built with the correct materials with hand   tools only and to the correct Dimensions as you  can imagine paying professionals to build quite   a large timber-framed building only by hand  gets pretty expensive pretty fast so all in   all it cost her an equivalent of 400 $37,000 plus  further expenses as lawyers Etc this caused her   to go bankrupt so she had to sell the property in  the end which my parents bought by the way last I   heard of her was that she moved back to the big  city I'm sorry but if you're going to move out   somewhere more rural a place that's a lot more  discreet a place with trees nearby you should   kind of expect that leaves are going to be blowing  into your yard this was one of those Mega witch   neighbors that know nobody wants to live near if  you live next to them and they can have a say or   try to stop you from doing anything they're going  to try to do so unless you're silent your leaves   don't blow into their yard and you just let  them do whatever they want they're going to   try to make your life as miserable as possible  and just because of the dog thing I hope this   lady wherever she moved struggled and couldn't  find a home bully the soft kid and become the   guy that got hospitalized by the soft kit so I  wasn't sure whether or not this would count as a   nuclear Revenge but I've seen a few stories that  are similar so I thought I'd share mine and hope   some of you will get a similar kick out of it that  I did to give context in the story I'm 12 years   old in year eight at school in the UK I was one of  the biggest targets for bullying in school for a   few reasons I have a hormonal deficiency which  causes rapid weight gain causing me to be fat   the moment I started puberty which caused endless  bullying based on the fact that it's always funny   to bully the fat kid I'm a transgender man please  use he him pronouns if discussing in the comments   but at the time I was living as a girl which  meant I often gave people lesbian Vibes so I   dealt with a lot of homophobic bullying as well  as sexual harassment kids would often find it   funny to grab my breasts or butt without consent  at the time I didn't realize how serious this was   and I'm kind of gutted I didn't proceed legally I  was often called a goody two shoes as I never got   into trouble always handed work in on time was in  the highest set for all classes and consistently   did well my family was poor so I didn't have the  best phone which was a massive status symbol at   the time in school so also got me crap whenever  I had to call my family the icing on the cake I   was a goth at a school in the middle of a chav  neighborhood the school was in the middle of a   council estate and a fair few of the parents  didn't really care what their kids were up to   being a goth wasn't the best fashion choice in  terms of eliminating bullying but I was 12 and   I thought it was cool I'm very happy now and life  has worked out well for me I'm a happy man have a   beautiful fiance a degree from a very prestigious  University and my career is progressing quickly   it has a happy ending but I was a very miserable  adolescent one such instance of bullying is where   everything changed as I confirmed before I was  12 years old and I was already someone that was   bullied a lot to make matters worse my mother  had passed away a few months pre previously so   my mental health was really struggling and I was  dealing with a lot of deep sadness but also anger   during this time there was also one kid at my  school who I'll call Potter that had major issues   he seemed to take out on everyone else either by  being violent being disgusting burping in their   faces or being a pervert randomly showing explicit  stuff he managed to download on his phone at the   time groaning and rubbing his legs while talking  about supposed sex he'd had and pretending to have   sex in class if you've seen The Inbetweeners he's  J to the extreme needless to say due to the above   reasons I'd quickly become one of his favorite  targets overall Potter was and still is from   what I can see via social media a disgusting human  being unfortunately for me Potter was in my tutor   group this meant that every day I had to see him  at least twice once for morning registration once   for afternoon registration we had to queue outside  the classroom this was often the time that Potter   would strike as we were often waiting without  any teacher supervision nearby one afternoon my   friends and I had decided to go wait outside our  tutor classroom a little early so we wouldn't have   to rush back from lunch we'd been chatting about  a recent football game minding our own business   when Potter came up to my side throwing the usual  insults at me leaning in close to my face as he   said all sorts at the time I'd been given two  sets of advice when dealing with bullies one   was the same advice that all kids receive ignore  them and tell a teacher I usually went this route   as it always wanted to do what was right sadly  this rarely worked out usually consisted of the   kid being scolded and then me getting beat up even  more for being a g/g grass the other was advice my   dad gave me hit them and never stop hitting them  my bullying was becoming a real problem for my   dad he had just dealt with the loss of his wife a  few months before and was looking after my infant   brother on his own the fact that I often came  home bloody bruised and in tears and he couldn't   do anything to protect me had a real toll on his  stress so he advised me that the only way to get   rid of bullies was to show them you're unwilling  to stop so they know that it's not worth fighting   you because you'll do far more damage than they  will as I said previously I was known for being   soft gentle and for never daring to break the  rules this meant that one one of the reasons I   was so easy to Target was the fact that I didn't  fight back as I said previously I originally tried   to ignore Potter continuing talking about football  and just pretending that he wasn't even there this   was around 2004 or 2005 and this was during the  height of Scooby DS at my school they were these   colored plastic strings that kids would tie in  different ways in order to make shapes or key   Rings or whatever out of them I never got into  it but they were really popular with everyone   else so Potter took one of these Scooby-Do that  was unraveled and started whipping me on the arm   with it these were strings of plastic that were  quite thin and he was hitting me relatively hard   with them so each whack caused a painful sting but  nothing I couldn't ignore as I continued talking   about football this continued for almost 5 minutes  before he then went back to queue up in his normal   place outside the classroom and I glanced down to  my arm to inspect the damage only then I saw the   bleeding bleeding I'd been caused to bleed  before by being hit in the face lip getting   bloodied against my teeth or being pushed over  and being scraped but this was the first time   that direct contact with something caused me to  bleed the feeling of pure rage that I experienced   at the site was one I had not experienced before  like I said my mother had passed a few months   previously and on top of the other bullying and  puberty in general I was certainly struggling   with my emotions only when I saw he had made me  bleed did something inside me snap I forgot the   conversation about football and all I had to my  mind was that I wanted to hurt this boy as much as   humanly possible Midway through the conversation  I walked away from my friends we were on the other   side of the room and made a beine towards Potter  who was laughing and boasting with his own chav   cronies about the damage he had just done to me  I remembered my dad's advice about how to punch   if I needed to to not give any warning to just  do it I know as a fact that due to my reputation   for being a harmless potato nobody expected me to  react the way I did especially not Potter bear in   mind I've always been a lot stronger than I look  even now I look like a soft chubby Ball but have   shifted Furniture easily I often won arm wrestles  to people surprise and had no problem doing heavy   lifting when I was at school so nobody really  expected me to have the strength I did the moment   I was close enough to reach Potter I pulled my  fist back and punched Potter as hard as I could on   the side of his head which forced the other side  of his head to collide against the wall besides   which we were queuing only a second at passed  after my first punch in which I saw Potter's   mouth fall open in pure and utter shock Frozen as  he certainly didn't expect any retaliation from   me crap he seemed to have no idea how to take it  all I remember thinking at that time was I'm still   angry and I ended up hitting him again and again  and again I ended up punching him over and over   again several times as hard as I could against his  head while the other side banged roughly against   the wall after I punched him several times he  still hadn't fought back still in shock that I was   willing to defend myself after he had attacked me  I assumed that my lack of retaliation was probably   the main reason he attacked me in the first place  which was most likely why during my entire attack   on him he made absolutely no attempt to fight back  I had hit his head against the wall a lot before   deciding it wasn't enough damage bearing in mind  we had arrived early so we wouldn't have to rush   back from lunch there was plenty of time before  the teacher would come out and call us into the   classroom I then proceeded to grab Potter's curly  brown hair twisting it in my fingers as he made   the most delightful Yelp of pain I then dragged  him down onwards so his whole body fell to the   floor and he was on his back on hard tiled ground  I then proceeded to climb on top of him stradling   his chest and sitting so all my weight was on  top of him I was only 12 but so was he and as   a fat kid I'm certain he would have been very  uncomfortable underneath me I then pulled back   my fist and started to punch him repeatedly  Square in the face over and over again it was   only on my second punch that I actually felt his  nose crack back under my Knuckles the first and   only time I've actually broken someone's nose  but I didn't let that Slow Me Down by any means   I remember becoming tired and my fist starting  to hurt towards the end I was punching him with   the side of my fist rather than directly with my  Knuckles but I was still going as hard as possible   pure anger and rage influencing me far more than  tiredness could Potter had bullied me relentlessly   for over a year at this point I had to show him  I wouldn't stop so I decided I wouldn't until I   was physically pulled away sure enough after a  few minutes of non-stop beating my tutor came   out and saw me punching The Living Daylights  out of this lad she rushed over to pull me off   and without thinking I leaned back and punched  behind me Landing one on her too at the time I   did feel guilty about hitting the teacher but now  I realized that she did very little to help me   when Potter blatantly sexually harassed me hit me  bullied me loudly and class so screw it she then   ended up having to call security the thing is my  school was in the middle of a rough Council estate   with random acts of violence happening almost  daily to the point that teachers were no longer   qualified to deal with the amount that happened  therefore we had members of staff that were there   purely to deal with violence rather than teach  police were always at the school too it was quite   disturbing now that I think about it after a few  minutes security turned up it took two fully grown   men one holding each of my arms to actually pull  me off Potter by this point his nose was bleeding   greatly he had a cut on the side of his head and  a massive lump the other side of his head where   he'd hit the wall as well as another lump on the  back of his head he'd been on his backpack when   lying on his back so there was a gap between the  back of his head and the floor Potter then slowly   and shakily stood up as I was held back a panting  mess all of our classmates staring on in stunned   silence at what had happened at this Point our  teacher then shouted what on Earth happened and   I heard and saw the most beautiful sound/ Vision  to this day Potter sniffed and with tears running   down his face said with a shaky voice she hit  me before breaking down into sobbing tears I   had never seen him at a point where he was that  hurt before yet after the Relentless harassment   often on a daily basis I'd received from him it  was the most wonderful thing I could have seen   to know he went from that smirking smug violent  Thug to sobbing his eyes out while roughly beaten   all because of me was incredibly rewarding Potter  was then sent to the hospital while I was sent to   isolation to calm down they seemed to want to make  clear to me that I wasn't in trouble even though   I'd beaten the living crap out of this boy as I  had the reputation for being soft I remember the   shock and confusion when I was put into isolation  another student came in who was the daughter of a   family friend so we were on good terms and said  what the freak are you doing in here as she knew   I was a harmless nerd then proceeded to high-five  me once I told her what happened Potter was then   off school for 2 days while he recovered from  concussion apparently he was in real worse for   wear after I'd beaten him up and was passing  out while in the ambulance on the way to the   hospital when he came back he kept his distance  only then shouting at me that he would punch my   nose into my brain from a fall when I was going  home I turned around held out my arms and said   come on then as he had made it clear how much  of a coward he was his response was to tell me   to freak off and go home he never tried to hit me  again he never tried to hurt me again he kept his   distance all the way up until we left school  4 years later I continued to get bullied by   various people over the years however beating  Potter up had made things significantly easier   for me as word got quickly round that anyone that  took it too far would seriously get messed up the   best part Potter had the absolute crap ripped out  of him after word quickly got around that he was   beaten up by a small chubby soft 12-year-old girl  especially after people saw him sobbing his eyes   out and noted that while he would give crap out to  many people he was an utter wimp when they fought   back his nose never did heal back into shape and  he always had a nose that slightly moved to the   left I do slightly feel accomplish Lish that his  face will never look the same after he messed with   me even all these years later one thing I just  remembered which seems somewhat important my dad   never got told I sent this kid to the hospital and  at the end of the school day I was sent home like   any other day no letter no phone call nothing dad  found out from me when I got home and was proud   to have me home after hitting someone rather  than being hit myself so considering all the   events that led up to the in ENT happening and  the outcome after the incident do you think what   op did here was the right thing did they even  have any other option besides getting physical   like they did I'd like to know what you guys  think in the comments down below still from me   I'll ruin your career this was about 2 years  ago in college I had just moved into a house   off campus with three of my closest friends there  were two other college guys already living there   all of these guys were doing air force rooc with  me basically you go into the military after after   you graduate I really liked all of my roommates  in the house except for one of the dudes that   was already living there he had a dog that would  constantly rip up pee poop on the carpet and he   wouldn't clean it up furthermore he would yell  at us for leaving dirty dishes in the sink Etc   while he was the one making the vast majority  of the mess I had a job working around 30 hours   a week and doing school full-time and doing Roc I  had a job as a server so I would make quite a lot   of tips around 300 $ a week I would leave the cash  in my room boxed up because I trusted everyone in   the house we were all going to join the military  and integrity is a big thing so I go to deposit my   tips in the bank after not going for about a month  and I'm shocked when my cash deposit is only about   $200 when I knew it had to be at least $1,200 I  knew someone was stealing my tips then and then   made sense because my deposits had seemed a little  low for a while I was Furious because I was barely   scraping by working my butt off trying to pay  for college so I buy a security camera for my   room and hide it I get all the documents for my  work regarding the tips I've made over the past   few months I continue leaving my tips in the  Box unconcealed as bait I don't tell any of my   roommates this sure enough I leave for a trip and  I get a notification on my phone I watch as this   freaker that I trusted steals about $300 in cash  from me taking only $20 bills so I wouldn't notice   well the next day back from the trip I schedule  a meeting with our Roc Commander I bring him all   the evidence and video footage and tell them about  my awful experiences with him in my house with my   other roommates as Witnesses long story short he  got kicked out of Roc and ruined his career he had   to pay me back about $11,000 I let him off easy  and had to pay the military back about $99,000   he'd been getting paid by them for about a year in  addition we go to an expensive school and he chose   a useless major so he stacked high in student  debt with no real way out and finally he had   just quit his job because he thought he could get  away with stealing from me and watching TV at home   and he had just crashed his dream car he'd been  working on for a while because he drives like an   idiot I still see him every so often on campus and  smile at him so considering this guy was quitting   their job planning on banking off of stealing op's  money and living off of that do you think having   to spend over 10 grand being stuck with a useless  major their car broken down getting kicked out of   Roc do you guys think that's enough payback for  what they did or do you think it needs to go even   further let me know what you guys think in the  comments down below and our final story of the   day is by jxxx LZ Grandma plays the sweet old lady  facade and destroyed them all my boyfriend and I   were together for 9 years on our 7th anniversary  he proposed and I said yes but we decided that   we'd get married after 2 years so that we'd have  time to save up enough for the wedding and our   future kids Etc our families were ecstatic except  for his mother I don't know why she never liked me   since day one and she was not shy in showing it  I.E incessantly accusing me of being promiscuous   but mainly being a gold digger I'm not trying to  brag but I earn more than her son and this will   be important later on I came from a well-off and  respected family in our community whilst preparing   for the wedding his mom took pleasure in being  a gosh darn pain in the butt jerk mother would   make changes about the details of the wedding  without informing me or her precious boy such   as informing my guests that their invitations were  revoked to accommodate her chosen guest whom I've   never met or heard about before mess with the  seating arrangements and change the menu and   Arrangements Etc I had to pay twice freaking twice  just to revert the changes she made of course it   didn't sit well with her so being the ever mature  adult that she is she cried in through a tantrum a   freaking tantrum I am not a confrontational person  and I easily get anxious when I feel tension arise   thank God spineless ex- fiance's grandparents from  fiance's Father's Side were really lovely people   and of course my beautiful Grandma they were the  main reason why I was able to put up with all the   BS she was doing belittling was one of her Hobbies  so it didn't come as surprise when she berated me   about my wedding dress which was gorgeous by the  way and it was Handmade by my mom's best friend   who's like my second mother it took a year and 3  months to finish the dress in short the dress was   really really special to me I never ever raised my  voice nor said anything negative about jerk mother   but the straw that broke the camel's back was when  she stole my wedding dress 2 months before the   wedding and destroyed it because she didn't like  the design I had a fullon anxiety attack when I   found out what she'd done and whilst my anxiety  attack she never lifted a finger to help but   she was on her usual routine calling my anxiety  attack a cry for attention and that I was just   being over dramatic it was too late to fix the  dress so I ended up buying a new wedding dress   by this time we were way over the budget for the  wedding because of this monster wedding day comes   lo and behold my dashing fiance was a noshow no  one knew where he was and no one could reach him   I was devastated a crying mess and of course jerk  mother thought it was the perfect opportunity to   verbally attack and mock me to be honest it still  hurts me every time I remember this up to this day   I honestly believe nothing will ever make me feel  so pathetic I showed up to work the following day   desperately trying to distract myself from all the  Fiasco and 3 days later I found out that he'd been   cheating on me for a year with a mutual friend  the worst part was that we all worked at the   same place as I said I am not a confrontational  person so I did my best to avoid them and avoid   the drama but ugly cheating friends started  tormenting Me by purposely showing off how   sweet spineless ex fiance was how he treats her  like a princess topped with nauseating public   displays of affection and was spreading rumors  and talking crap about me just to get me riled   up but it didn't work ugly cheating friend with  the help of jerk mother started targeting my   family as I mentioned my family is well respected  in our community and everyone knew what went down   between us so some of our close friends informed  us about cheating friends malicious comments   about our family of course my ex- fiance being the  ever spineless witch he is did nothing and sided   with his new side piece I'm really close with my  grandma she was the one who raised me when both my   parents died I love and respect the woman she's  the epitome of what a classy woman is she has   this aura that was really kind and comforting but  can be very intimidating when the situation calls   for it which is why she's very well respected and  well loved in our community she always had a smile   on her face and treated everyone well and if it  wasn't for her I don't think I would make it after   all that that had happened to me so when cheating  friends started badmouthing her I was bent on   destroying her and my spineless and buttless  witch ex fiance I was beyond furious at this   point thus I started scheming on how I planned  to drag them down I talked to my grandma about   it but she convinced me not to do so and that I  should just leave our hometown for a while to take   a breather and take some time to heal myself  Etc after weeks and weeks of discussions and   I eventually saw how everything that had happened  and currently was happening was taking a toll on   my mental and emotional health I ConEd defeat to  my grandma's idea so I left didn't contact anyone   from the hometown except my grandma of course 2  years passed and I received an invitation for our   high school reunion by this time I've been really  missing my friends and family so I decided that   it was high time to return and reconnect with my  old friends and family everyone was surprised to   see me but everyone was really warm and welcoming  it certainly felt like I was back home everything   was going well I was in line to get a refill of my  drink when I overheard two girls blabbering about   how cheating friend was pregnant and the father  of the child was a married man I was curious as   freak but decided not to pry Since I no longer  wanted to be on the loop about whatever was going   on about them the following day I met up with my  favorite cousin and my curiosity got the best of   me so I asked him about what went on when I left  and oh boy I was not ready for the tea my grandma   always had had a gleeful disposition she always  greeted everyone and engaged in small talks with   anyone but apparently when I left she started to  act differently the happy grandma from the next   door was gone she always had a gloomy smile even  the way she talk changed she talked about how bad   she felt for me how she was hurting so much  that me her precious granddaughter was going   through such a rough time how it broke her heart  knowing that she couldn't do anything to ease my   pain people around us knew grandma as someone  who hates to be seen as weak and helpless thus   it was truly a heartbreaking surprise when they  saw Grandma in such a state despite her lamenting   about my unfortunate situation she had nothing but  kind words for spineless ex fiance jerk mother and   cheating friend everyone revered me and my grandma  for handling the situation ever so gracefully   their words not mine despite all the bad blood  we took the high road people now started treating   spineless ex- fiance and jerk mother differently  they became a social Pariah after hearing what   both spineless ex- fiance and jerk mother did and  how they treated me especially jerk mother most   families cut their ties with them jerk mother's  husband a good man but very timid apparently was   my grandma student filed for divorce and declared  that jerk mother could have whatever she wanted   for the marriage as long as he doesn't have to  deal with her anymore as for spineless ex fiance   most of our mutual friends sided with me through  the ordeal he was being groomed to be promoted   for a takeover as the Department chief and this  was huge because if it went through spineless X   fiance would be the youngest Chief in the  company's history but due to what happened   and the fact that his boss my second mom's husband  was a close family friend of ours it all went down   the drain spineless x- fiance was not fired from  his job because the boss thought it would be such   an easy way out and because my grandma spoke  to the boss that firing him would be wrong and   unpr professional and again playing her sweet old  lady card ugly cheating friend was caught having   an affair with one of her bosses unfortunately  this boss of hers was married the wife found out   about the affair but didn't know who the third  party was obviously divorce papers were filed   and both parties agreed that it was a no fault  divorce until the wife received incriminating   evidences of both cheating friend and the boss  which were sent anonymously Grandma hired a   private investigator to collect enough evidence  to incriminate both cheating friend and boss not   only did the wife sue for 80% of their property  she also filed a case to have cheating friends   license revoked on grounds of moral turpitude as  the investigation went on they found that cheating   friend and boss had been stealing from the company  one thing people didn't know about my grandma is   that she's really conniving she knows how to play  that sweet lady card All Too Well my grandma just   told me she saw cheating friend at the grocery  store and decided to have a small talk with her   she approached her with a smile on her face and a  bottle of olive oil in her left hand my grandma is   a very softspoken with a huge sickly sweet smile  she proceeded to talk crap about cheating friend   of course cheating friend being cheating friend  was pissed and started yelling at my grandma   a fellow Shopper saw what went on and called the  manager and security when the manager asked about   what happened cheating friend began furiously  explaining and repeating what my grandma just said   to her my awesome Grandma then put on her gloomy  smile and said that I approached her because   I wanted to know if this was the right kind of  cooking oil I was looking for I couldn't read the   label since I forgot my glasses at home I'm Sorry  Miss I didn't mean to bother you I just needed   some help and this infuriated cheating friend  the manager turned to cheating friend and said   ma'am the old lady just needed some help and I'm  pretty sure she would leave you alone if you just   tell her you didn't want to be bothered my grandma  then said it's all right sir I was at fault here   again I'm sorry Miss I hope you have a lovely  day ahead everyone who saw the commotion gave   cheating friend dirty looks at the grocery store  and some were really sweet and offered to assist   and accompany my grandma while doing her groceries  I freaking love this woman I know I'll never be   as cool as she is my grandma and I would like to  think each and every one of you guys you're all   really lovely and she'd like to share a little  advice when someone screws you over let them   think that you're an underdog and when they're  complacent hit them where it hurts definitely   if you got the face and the Persona to pull it off  doing that innocent holier than thou type Persona   it can really help you out if you just wreak of  that sweetheart older lady look and style and   sound there's probably a darn lot of things you  could get get away with guess it just depends how   good your acting skills are if security asks  to Turn Down music just comply so let me set   the scene I'm a security officer with redacted  security company I work in a refurbished office   building that's been made into a bunch of stores  I've been with this company for almost 8 years so   I have a great professional relationship with the  building owner clients and all store owners now   I'm generally a good guy and I'm relaxed about the  rules as long one as your space doesn't get out   of hand two I am needed or called for a complaint  this particular day I received a complaint of loud   music so I'm following procedures and walking the  floors and find the source as I get to the third   floor via stairs I can already hear the music  on the floor it's the new nail salon I decide   to go to the restroom and on my way back I calmly  knock on the door of the salon and I'm greeted by   Store employee the conversation went like this I  say I'm sorry to bother you but I've received a   noise complaint I know it's the weekend and not  a lot of people are here but I have to ask you   to lower the volume please the store employee  says oh okay no problem I didn't think it was   too loud I say thank you for your cooperation she  then shuts the door in my face rude but okay so I   continued to the other floors and didn't hear  any more music so I returned to the security   desk about 40 minutes later Store employee comes  down up to the desk I'm sitting at and this is   the conversation that follows they said you're a  liar I said excuse me they said you said you got   a noise complaint against me I just went up all  the floors and nobody said they complained about   me I said I'm sorry ma'am you misunderstood what I  said she cuts me off before I can explain she said   don't try to backtrack now you're a liar and I'm  going to get you fired for harassing me I called   my boss and she's calling building owner I said  I'm sorry you feel that way but I need for you   to return to your workstation as you're causing a  scene in front of clients and if not I'll have no   alternative but to walk you out of the building  as the site has a zero tolerance policy for these   kinds of events she says I'm so going to get you  fired for this and storms off to the elevators   about an hour later I get a conference call from  my boss and building owner my boss said morning op   I'm on conference call with building owner and we  received a wild complaint about you misbehaving on   site just now we want to get your side of things  before we decide on what to do next the building   owner said I agree as the allegations against you  are really out of character and I have confidence   in your performance and representing both of our  interests so I give them the rundown on everything   that happened and how I handled it the building  owner said that sounds more like you however it's   now he said she said as she claims you forced your  way into her workspace and was yelling at the top   of your lungs at her to turn the music down while  yelling obscenities and racist remarks at her and   in front of her clients and how you threatened her  life if you had to come back up there she says she   feels like her life's endangered as long as you're  here working so close to her and her client said   that she was telling the truth now I was pissed CU  my Nuclear Revenge as a safety precaution a while   back I bought a body Cam that is connected to my  cell phone and guess what after the conference   call was over I remembered that turned on my cam  and it had been recording since before I clocked   into work when I checked I struck gold because I  had a recording of all the interactions with store   employee so after reviewing my audio and video  footage mostly to get start and end points of   all the interactions I had with Store employee  I called my boss back I said hey boss I forgot   about my body Cam and how I could prove what I  was saying my boss said really great send me an   email and a copy of the footage for me to review I  said okay sir and do I have permission to contact   building owner and let her know my boss said if  you want to I'll be calling her after reviewing   the footage too so I called building owner and  told her about my body Cam and how I could prove   my innocence I could literally hear her perking up  at this she responds perfect send it to me ASAP my   email address is so and so and time the notations  I should look at fast forward 2 hours later who   comes wobbling out of the elevators in tears and  a sobbing mess with a box with her stuff in it   with her head down doing the waddle of Shame as  she's being escorted out of the property by police   it store employee later I find out that building  owner called the salon owner and was liid that her   employee was causing such a scene and had gotten  her clients involved with the incident against me   and how that was unacceptable while building owner  didn't have the power to fire employee building   owner made it clear that she was now banned from  the building and all of its resources reminder the   salon owner that thought Store employee called the  shots inside the salon herbt answered to her once   she steps out of that salon and the icing on the  cake building owner renegotiated my contract and   I got a $5 raise for my outstanding service thank  you building owner after having heard this story   if you were ever to work in any kind of security  job even if it was just building security would   hearing this story be enough to make you invest  in a body camera for that job do you think just   about every security guard building security Etc  should have some kind of body camera on or is it   kind of over the toop for building security to  be wearing a body cam let me know what you think   in the comments down below and our final story of  the day by feral tax evader buddy you picked the   wrong person to harass the year was 2014 or  maybe 2013 who gives a crap I was a freshman   in high school on a general basis it sucked I  mean it was an American public high school with   literally thousands of kids it's a given that  it's going to blow some major balls one thing   in particular particular that made it extra sucky  though was gym class specifically this one guy in   gym class this dude's name was Jack A McGee the a  of course being short for butt as the name would   imply he was a donkey at first it was pretty  standard High School guy in gym class level   of obnoxious jerk you know the type overly loud  unreasonably aggressive during games bossy tossing   the collective brain cell back and forth between  his two equally AP like Buddies the usual I don't   know when exactly it happened but he developed a  sort of eye for me after the first couple of weeks   or so he started asking me bizarre questions that  I now believe may have been some sort of innuendo   sitting uncomfortably close to me resting his  hand on my gym shoe General creepy Behavior   he once blocked a doorway with his body this dude  was massive forcing me to literally squeeze my way   through and crawl over him he then tried to grab  me and pin me to him once I was almost through   but I'm very good at dodging physical contact  whenever possible and dipped on him before his   giant gorilla arm could catch me I still shudder  thinking about it I cannot emphasize enough how   terrible this dude smelled but the true Breaking  Point came during the peak cruelty of this school   mandated sadism Jim swim before anyone asks let  it be known that yes I did try to tell someone   about this I told my gym teacher first semester  really early on that Jack was making me incredibly   uncomfortable the gym teacher waves it off saying  he was just playing around and that it's probably   because he likes you his suggestion was basically  to just put up with it and wait it out because he   was sure Jack would lose interest soon anyways  spoiler alert he didn't second semester rolls   around and the 4-we period of Jim swim descends  upon us like the bloated carcass of a catapulted   whale crushing us beneath its wet foul smell  ing body 40 some odd adolescents forced into a   cold overly chlorinated pool for 50 plus minutes  adorned in swimsuits determined to crawl up into   our butts like Ant-Man himself it was Heck on  Earth basically as I've mentioned in a previous   post I'm autistic so the echoing sounds reflected  fluorescent lights pungent odors slimy floors and   assorted BS made the situation even worse for me  I wasn't officially diagnosed yet so my complaints   were written off as me being whiny and I was  told to shut up and deal with it so I did I   think I had more meltdowns in that 4-week span  than I've had in the past 2 years combined but   whatever on top of the sensory overload there  was Jack I think something about being allowed   to go shirtless and stare at the nearly bare  butts of girls for an entire period emboldened   him because Jack promptly lost whatever semblance  of restraint he'd had until then he made frequent   attempts to grab me trying to hold me against his  bare skin which was disgusting and I spent most   of the Clash trying to evade him the swimsuit I  was forced to wear fit a little awkwardly around   my chest which he delighted in pointing out to  his buddies staring unabashedly at my chest he   managed to sneak up behind me and snap the strap  of my swimsuit even trying to pull it down off my   shoulder but I jerked away fast enough to prevent  that I'm furious at this point but I'm like 5'2   maybe whereas he was easily over 6'5 and probably  300 plus lb and I'm not stupid while all of this   was happening my new gym teacher they switched  every semester was busy trying to keep a couple   of the other guys from drowning each other she  was one adult forced to watch over 40 Rowdy butt   kids in a swimming pool she was a bit preoccupied  the final straw came one Wednesday afternoon the   event that finally pushed me off the edge of  rationality I'd been clinging to and sent me   plummeting into full on bloodthirst there I  was paddling around minding my own business   when Jack and his two goons managed to Corner me  I'm immediately suspicious hackles raised as they   ask me fairly Bale questions about how the pool  is today and the like cracking up the whole time   I give short tur answers trying to see if I could  maybe slip past them I spot an opening and bolt   for it but Jack was apparently expecting this as I  swim through the narrow gap between him and one of   his friends he stretches an arm out and actually  manages to slip his hand under my suit to grab my   chest I froze for a moment the delighted giggling  of him and his friends echoing in my ears as if   from a thousand miles away the next thing I knew  I was out of the pool being held back by the gym   teacher and Jack had a bloody nose he was shouting  angrily at me calling me a crazy witch as his nose   gushed blood into the water there was a mass  confusion among the class I was told to change   quickly and sit in the hallway apparently the  gym teacher had heard me screech like a banshee   followed by a number of shouts and had looked over  to see me wrestle out of Jack's grip jump on his   back and throw him off balance enough to smash his  face into the edge of the pool wall I remembered   none of this but I did find a few chunks of greasy  brown hair clenched in my fist that I'd evidently   ripped from his scalp when the teacher pulled me  off I washed my hands thoroughly it was decided   that I'd go in early to school tomorrow to have  a little talk with the dean they would have just   sent me there straight away but Jim was my last  class of the day and the dean had already left by   then for whatever reason so it had to be postponed  a little while it was pretty heavily implied that   I was going to be suspended quite possibly even  expelled for what had happened I was Furious   not only had Jack made my life a living heck but  his horse poop was now going to be the cause of   my expulsion I wasn't about to go down without a  fight but I realized that I'd have to to play this   pretty smart if I wanted to weasel out of it the  next morning I did two things I put on mascara and   I made a superficial but rather painful incision  on my right thigh high enough so as to be covered   by my shorts normally I hate wearing makeup  because I don't like the way it feels but I'd   worn mascara before and notice the interesting  effect it had on my appearance specifically I   already have pretty long pretty dark eyelashes  so adding mascara draws a lot of attention to   my eyes and makes them look huge like total Bambi  eyes wide innocent naive harmless I sat down in   front of the dean at 6:40 a.m. I didn't need to  fake the fear in my expression but I made sure to   throw in something that could be interpreted as  guilt too bowing my head and twisting my face in   dismay needless to say the dean was pretty pissed  do you know why you're here young lady he said   yes I said softly and you know that what you did  is very serious ious yes I said again making my   voice tremble care to explain yourself then I I  began my voice shaking I just wanted him to stop   stop what the dean prompted his eyebrows furrowed  I just wanted him to stop touching me I blurted   as I said this I reached my hand under the table  where he couldn't see it and dug my finger into   the cut on my leg causing me to Lurch forward as  if in a sob my other hand covering my face as my   eyes watered from the pain touching you the dean  asked his brows now on a collision course for Mars   I spent the next several minutes divulging all  the crap that had happened to me that year digging   into my injury for some tears whenever necessary  and by the end of it the dean looked horrified   he reaffirmed that no I shouldn't have attacked  Jack like that but they'd have to investigate the   matter further I basically got off with a slap  on the wrist and after multiple testimonies from   other girls Jack got suspended for 2 weeks I  wasn't satis satisfied they hadn't been able to   expel him due to lack of Hard Evidence but I was  out for blood he returned to school 2 weeks later   and I was ready one of his friends had a little  brother in my bio class a fairly chill dude named   Owen who i' had worked out a deal with see Jack  had been very vocal about his displeasure with   me to his friends which made its way to Owen who  for the low low price of bailing his dumb butt out   and biology was more than willing to share that  information with me I had a direct pipeline any   thing Jack shared with his friends made its way  directly to me via Owen and as it turns out this   dude didn't keep a whole lot to himself there was  a lot of crap I was tempted to nail him for for   instance I found out he was selling drugs mostly  Aderall and some occasional weed from his locker   and had been cheating his way through most of his  classes however I knew how suspicious it would   look for me to report something like that so soon  it probably just looked like I had a grudge which   I did and was trying to get even which I was  he slipped up really really bad about a week   after his return and that was when I struck see  he hadn't been subtle about his displeasure with   my retaliation and spent most of gym class sending  really ugly looks my way the gym teacher kept us   as far away from each other as possible but he  managed to track me down in a passing period one   day and ranted me about how I screwed him over and  that I was a lying little witch yada yada yada and   that he'd make me regret it funny stole the words  right out of my mouth I found out from Owen later   that Jack had been bragging to his friends last  night about the switchblade he'd stolen from one   of those hunting stores downtown and promised he'd  show it off to them later that day I seized the   opportunity I took a few seconds in the bathroom  mirror scratching at the scab on my leg until my   eyes were Tey enough to really sell the terrified  victim look then bolted down to the Dean's office   stuttering and shaking crying out for help the  front desk lady was under understandably startled   by the sight of a seemingly panicked freshman  girl bolting into the office and called the   dean out right away his face grew serious when he  saw me Mr Dean please help he's going to kill me   I cried now slow down he said what happened Jack  I said resisting the urge to grin maniacally at   the hardness that appeared in the dean's eyes  he he cornered me in the hall he called me a   witch and said he was going to make me regret  telling on him he he's got a knife he what the   barked everything moved very quickly after that  the security guards were told to search the kid's   Locker while a couple other security officers were  called down to get Jack out of his classroom and   take him to the office I was told by the front  desk lady who had heard the whole exchange to   hide with her in The copier room so Jack wouldn't  see me they found the stolen knife in his backpack   and the drugs in his locker that combined with  his previous charges was enough to get him not   only expelled but arrested I never saw him again  which is probably a good thing because I'm still   mad and would probably try to kill him if given  the opportunity personally I don't think what op   did here was enough of revenge against a jerk that  treats people that way all the stuff that they did   but it's definitely a darn good start getting them  expelled and away from you and getting them locked   up at least for a short term that's a really good  start to the right path for this jerk revenge   in my cheating fiance was bad but the karma was  brutal this happened to me about 1999 2000 when   I was 19 to 20 years old my friend told me that  this was the juiciest revenge and Karma he's ever   heard of and that I should post it here if you've  ever been cheated on by someone you love this is   for you I was single after around 5 years with  my then boyfriend and had finally mustered the   courage to tell my junior high school Crush let's  call him DN for douche nozzle about the candle I'd   been holding for him for the past seven years ever  since the first time we met I was still somewhat   new to the Pacific Northwest after leaving my home  of Alaska and figured well he's in Alaska and I'm   here and never moving back so I might as well  let the unspoken thing be spoken get the answer   I'm sure is coming and move on with my life I was  pretty sure that once I laid down all the cards he   wouldn't have wanted to be friends with me anymore  or would have said something like I'm not into you   that way I was expecting at most an awkward  conversation with him that may have explained   my behaviors over the years I'd known him much  to my surprise he reciprocated my expression   of sincere love deian and I had been friends for  all that time and though I never dropped hints to   him about it I did tell my closest friend at the  time he and I even kissed once during our first   school year together and even though I wanted to I  didn't never press the issue or pursue him further   giving him the chance to take the lead which he  didn't his words to me were poetic and so full of   Promise including him saying how I always had a  thing for you and never knew how to approach you   and I was so afraid you would reject me and I'd be  humiliated and so on the same kind of stuff I told   him 7 years later having not the slightest clue  that he was going to react that way at all it made   me question my decision about never moving back  I mean never after the phone call professing love   for each other that word never seemed so stream  if I relaxed that decision maybe I could have the   opportunity for the relationship I'd wanted for  so long I had a really great perk with a family   member who was a pilot and was able to fly on  a buddy pass or standby ticket pretty often   so I decided to fly up to Alaska every couple of  weeks to see DN once the news got around everyone   in our circle of friends would exclaim oh my God  you plus DN I always hoped you two would end up   together you're the perfect couple I thought  it was super cheesy and romantic antic but it   actually felt validating and nice because that was  what I had envisioned and hoped people would say   about us I was always very careful to avoid dating  or even flirting with anyone I went to school with   for the sake of avoiding interpersonal drama and  gossip at school which would have disrupted so   much more than my education after several months  of traveling to see him every couple of weeks he   asked me to marry him I said yes and then without  hesitation started planning to move back to Alaska   to be together and start our life there in our  hometown I made my plans for the move packing   up all of my belongings and parcel shipping  everything I owned thankfully it wasn't much   because I was still so young and didn't own any  furniture deian and I were going to live together   at his place where he had a roommate let's call  him bicycle man who I will never forget and the   reason why is coming up in the scant number of  days before my final flight back up to Anchorage   I started feeling kind of icky and gross and  after several days days of that followed my   intuition and took a pregnancy test I found out I  was pregnant and I was so Overjoyed that I called   him one evening to tell him about it there was  already a party going on in his place I spoke   with deian briefly and said I have some news I  want to share with you and he said but first I   have to tell you about this really cool artist  chick and he told me about this girl who came to   the party let's call her thought yes a terrible  nickname used only because I'm too lazy to think   of a better acur him and it made me laugh when  it first occurred to me I was irked by the way   he was talking about her and realized this is not  the time for a big reveal I think I said something   to DN like don't do anything you'll regret  he asked me to call him later on to tell him   whatever the news was so I said I would and then  I did hours later whoever answered the phone said   that DN was there but couldn't come to the phone  right now I had this awful stomach sinking feeling   because I already had an intuitive feeling about  what was happening DN never called me back that   evening I called him the next morning no answer  I was heartbroken that evening I finally got to   talk with him and reminded him how you have news  but he interrupted me to say I have to tell you   something and my stomach Sinking Feeling was now  turning to nausea he admitted that he cheated on   me with thought all while the time I was trying to  reach him the night before I hung up the phone on   him and threw up he didn't call me back to ask  what my news was I called him back later on to   verbally up braid him and all he could do was  ask for forgiveness and tell me that it was a   mistake and that he still wanted me to come there  I told him there was no chance I would marry him   after that that was not a mistake buddy that was a  choice I said I would be up there to get my things   and then I'd be gone for good it took every ounce  of my emotional strength to verbalize my thoughts   without screaming I miscarried the pregnancy that  week add that onto the absolute devastation that   this person I'd longed for after all these years  didn't actually intend on a committed relationship   after proposing to me and then I had to deal with  the immense pain of losing my first pregnancy and   then to top that off I had to fly up to Anchorage  weeks before Christmas to pick up all of the stuff   I had already parcel shipped there wait for it to  arrive with nowhere else to go but dian's home I   had to face him and be around him after having my  heart thoroughly crushed I knew also that all of   our mutual friends and our families would either  learn the truth or would be told lies if DN tried   to say face about his mistake I didn't know DN to  be that kind of person but then I didn't know him   to be a cheater either so all bets were off  when it came to an educated guest about what   course of action he would take so I got on the  plane blew up north to Alaska and of course DN   didn't remember he told me the date before that  he'd picked me up at the airport or he didn't   think it was worth it whatever it was it was the  most awful feeling to be forgotten about and left   there stranded even more humiliating was when  an elderly couple at the airport saw me waiting   alone picked up my lost girl Vibe and asked me if  I was okay and I lost my calm demeanor and broke   down in tears in the airport I shoed away the  well-meaning couple because I couldn't keep my   crap together long enough to be gracious about  any help they could have offered I finally got   a cab and went out to his place banged on the  door outside and waited until I couldn't feel   my fingertips anymore the racket finally woke up  bicycle man who let me inside DN was in his room   passed out on his bed I went to the living room  couch and waited I didn't know exactly how to   confront him so I didn't he already knew how  I felt based on our phone call following his   confession I acted like I no longer cared about  it because the last thing I wanted was to be seen   as a a crazy ex there was no way I was going to  let his behavior and choices bech my reputation   so I acted cool and dispassionate as if it were  all just a matter of fact end to a relationship   I kept to myself as much as possible DN must have  taken that as some sort of sign that we were just   friends or only friends as if we'd never had a  relationship as if he'd never asked me to marry   him and he had the bright idea to invite th over  to meet me as it turned out DN told thought that I   was just a friend and he never told her about our  relationship engagement me visiting frequently to   see him me moving there to be with him Etc it was  like I was erased and discarded looking back this   is a very clear case of a narcissist relationship  pattern of idealize devalue discard every moment   between arriving there and leaving felt like it  was just me crying and feeling so incredibly hurt   that it broke my whole world I had sacrificed  my family who would all moved to the Pacific   Northwest by that point I left my job so that  I could move back to Alaska and be with DN I   was so into the idea of a relationship with him it  didn't even feel like I'd sacrificed for the sake   of our relationship but I did and it HD me that I  sacrificed family and job who had never hurt me at   least not in the way Dean had hurt me I regretted  leaving them to be with Dean and his empty promise   of love when the news spread to our mutual friends  and his family no one could understand why deian   and I were split up while everyone understood  why I was crying and upset no one really knew   what to do with the constant stream of tears I  maintained my composure as being the not crazy   ex to the best of my ability this all happened in  front of people who knew both of us for years they   were dumbfounded about thought and what she was  doing with DN they put the puzzle pieces together   themselves I kept my mouth shut and only stated  facts when I was asked yes deian would rather be   with her so he's with her I'm here waiting for  my things to arrive so that I can ship them back   and then I'm getting on the next flight out of  here one day out of the total around 2 weeks I   was there bicycle man came out of his room and  saw me in my silent waterfall of tears and just   said to me DN is a total jerk if I were you I  would be crying too for some reason that made   me feel better about the whole thing bicycle man  was a musly bad to the bone guy to a young woman   like me and for him to say that made me feel like  the world wasn't such a cruel place after all I   still had not told anyone about the pregnancy or  the loss because even though I was grieving and   in pain if I mentioned any of that I knew that I  would be treated like a crazy ex who was making   up stories to make him feel worse or make it all  about poor me and I just didn't need any more BS   on top of that I suffered in silence and perfected  the art of crying without making a sound so that I   wouldn't draw anyone else's attention to my grief  over those two weeks deian invited thought over   frequently he probably thought it was no big  deal to me he wasn't thinking about me or how   his behavior was affecting me I was in a State  of Shock I never thought he would treat me like   that after I'd known him for so long and had never  seen him behave in that way I stayed on the couch   while the two of them had their fun in dn's room  with an earshot A Move that like is such a jerk   thing to do that I'm still surprised he didn't  instantly place his likeness in the dictionary   under the definition of sociopath I didn't have  the energy to confront Deen or to argue as to   why doing something like that was cruel and  heartless if he didn't know that already me   telling him wasn't going to teach him the basics  of empathy I was so angry at him that I wanted to   hurt him even worse than than he had done to me  before I left I concocted a plan to poison his   new relationship with thought this is where the  Revenge plot comes into play I'm bisexual and I   knew that th was at least flexible in that regard  and obviously she was willing to move fast with   someone so at yet another party night a seemingly  regular Occurrence at that house I got thought all   to myself before she got drunk for long enough to  seduce her I sh both of us in dn's room meanwhile   everyone else was getting too drunk to get that  anything could have been happening in there DN   was occupied with the guests and may not have  noticed we were missing after we were finished   I told her why I was there and told her about  my history with DN with an icy and dispassionate   apathy that Illustrated how much DN was dead to me  I told her if he cares enough about me to propose   to me and then do what he did with you after I've  known him for years just imagine what he'll do to   you suddenly she understood why I'd been so somber  when I was introduced to her she had no idea that   I was anything more than an innocent friend of  dn's she didn't know why I was there in Alaska   or why I was waiting for boxes she didn't know  anything she felt profoundly guilty and regretful   despite the fact that she didn't know any better  she had been deceived and I'd been too gracious to   lose my cool or cause a scene at a house party  or in front of anyone else as would have been   expected Ed when I was in private with her I  told her everything including how I pined after   him when I was 12 years old because my adolescent  hormones Didn't Know Better Dean walked in on us   and must have assumed that nothing was wrong  only because nothing violent or terrible was   happening in the moment that was either hubris or  drunkenness on his part there was no confrontation   again the party went on and the other girl left  the next day deian asked me what I was doing with   the other girl I said to him she was an easy piece  of butt and I'm not surprised you were able to get   busy with her the same day you met her I just  happened to do the same thing you did I didn't   see her that way I said that to her because that  was the most emasculating thing I could think of   the look on his face seemed to suggest that  his hot dog had shriveled and inverted into   his body he looked more mortified than I've ever  seen him I still played my poker face he didn't   know what to say after that so he said nothing  and changed the subject I made him feel just as   small and insignificant as he had made me feel  mission accomplished or so I thought there's   more I got my belongings finally and shipped them  all straight back to where they came from I got   myself on another flight out of there a day or  so later didn't never see the other girl again   I didn't hear from DN again for the next 5 years  5 years later I was married and had just learned   that week that I was pregnant with my first child  I got an email from DN he tracked me down through   social media back in 2005 he said that he wanted  to catch up with me and so I obliged him with a   phone call thinking I was going to gloat about  being married and having a kid or some crap Dean   told me about all the Karma that went down after  I left said you didn't go crazy while you were   here but whatever you did planted a seed that  grew into something that destroyed my life he   didn't say that word for word but close to it I  think he used the word cancer in there somewhere   perhaps my intentions to avenge my dead fetus  invited my guardian angels demons may be more   likely to intercede in the situation karma in  order of appearance the other girl cheated on   him with his best friend and then moved in with  the dude only 2 weeks after I'd left ouch he   got fired from his job on exmas Eve his boss was  another mutual friend who heard about what he did   to me decided he didn't want the guy working at  his video store anymore ouch his truck broke down   in front of an electrical station got impounded  he didn't have enough money to get it out since   he lost his job so he lost his truck too ouch  that's pretty bad when you live in a place like   Alaska in the middle of winter his family caught  a wind of what went down with me and disowned him   ouch I thought that was pretty extreme what did  they hear I never found out but just chocked it   up to Karma after the other girl was gone his  remaining friend friends unsurprisingly threw   another drinking party at his place except that  time they got Dian wasted drunk and then beat   the crap out of him and threw him out of his own  home into a snow burm and locked him out he took   Refuge with a neighbor but later on had to leave  the state because he'd been shunned by all of his   remaining friends had no family or job or truck  and was now single without even a thought to lean   on when we spoke he'd been living in Texas and  rethinking his life and wanted to know how I was   doing after our engagement friendship ended and  that was when I decided that that was the right   time to tell him about the baby we could have had  and then distinguished guests was when he started   to cry and I told him how much it sucked for me to  feel like I couldn't have told him about it before   and then I heard his fullon ugly cry on the other  line he was sobbing on the other line and couldn't   stop apologizing he said I had no idea you were  pregnant I felt a momentary indignant rage and   sublimated it for another Pokerface moment in  my matter of fact emotionless response we had   six so it's not like it was impossible for that  to happen I tried to tell you at the time it was   more important for you to confess your horrible  Choice than listen to my news you didn't have any   idea that I was pregnant because you didn't care  to know you didn't even ask more sobs on the other   end of the line and more apologies than I've ever  heard in my life from anyone I ended our call by   saying it's really okay I don't hate you I wanted  to say I pity you but held my tongue I said things   are better for me now I'm married and we just  found out that we're pregnant with our first child   anyway it's really been nice catching up with you  and finding out what happened with your life sorry   to here it's been difficult let's keep in touch  he didn't I don't know why he bothered contacting   me in the first place because he must have had  some idea how that call was going to go down but   he probably wasn't counting on finding out that  he could have been a father and we could have had   a family together if only he hadn't crushed the  heart of someone who actually cared about him in   hindsight that relationship was nothing more than  me confusing his charm his words words words and   my infatuation and pining away for actual love  I spent so much time wondering and questioning   what i' done to deserve him doing all of that to  me what I did didn't realize was that he didn't   do any of that because of me or to punish me for  any reason he did all of that because the only   person he'd been thinking about was himself it  took me many more years before I would learn how   to identify narcissistic behavior and now looking  back I realized that I'd narrowly escaped getting   myself stuck in Alaska and romantically committed  to a person who has little capacity for empathy   and doesn't feel remorse when he wrongs someone  I learned how to get revenge by by maintaining   my grace and composure stating only the facts  keeping my emotions to myself and my demeanor   together just long enough to plant doubt in the  heart of the new and Other Woman 5 years after we   crushed my heart he cried enough to fill a bottle  with his tears and my satisfaction poured it over   the flowers on the grave of our tiny dead fetus  I'm sorry baby do you think what op did here was   brilliantly played out or do you think there's  elements to it that they could have done better   let me know what you guys think in the comments  down below just wanted to share the story of how   I dealt with a bullying around 16 years ago little  bit of a backstory I was a bit on the heavy side   back then and by bit I mean I was the biggest guy  in size in school so I got bullied a lot mostly   verbal the few times I got physical I didn't  retaliate so almost everyone knew how much of   a softy I am which made me a prime target for the  whole school also the school was an all exclusive   boys school onto the story I was called a lot of  names back then chubby fatty big Lori anything big   in size gets associated with my name there's this  one guy who I've known since the first grade let's   call him DB who's been relentlessly bullying me  since the first time he laid eyes on me I'm kind   of a nerd just love computers and anything related  to technology which DB didn't like because his IQ   was mostly a double digit and he has trouble  figuring things out so at the start of 8th   grade we could take an extra class that taught  us current technology and stuff DB stayed at the   back of the class and got in a lot of trouble  with the teacher because he was disruptive the   technology Department's located on the first  floor of the school this will be important   later I'd already complained a lot to the school  administration about the bullying and even had my   parents involved during the fourth grade he only  got a slap on the wrist because his father was a   friend of the school vice principal vice principal  had filed numerous reports about DB but had never   taken action oh and the time my parents got  involved he said boys will be boys they're   just having fun they'll grow up and look back  to those moments and have a laugh who knows your   kid might even lose weight just to impress them  my parents were helpless in the situation so at   the start of e8th grade The Bullying started and  this time it was mostly physical punching me on   the arm slapping the back of my head my my father  had always taught me to turn the other cheek and   always to respect others even if they do something  wrong to you exactly 1 month after the start of   the school year I went home with a black eye and  fingernail scratches on my face my father couldn't   bear it anymore that was the day my father  gave the best advice that he had given me son   you have the size and strength to overcome many  things next time anyone even thinks of bullying   you physically mess them up bad you never have any  trouble with anyone if you stand up and fight back   against them I had been bottling up everything up  until that day my father's words unleash that rage   beautifully I went back to school the next day  and I was fuming 8 years of pent up rage ready to   freaking demolish DB my first class for that day  was technology class the teacher still hadn't come   to class so we were all just waiting outside DB  saw me and started going on and on about my side   I didn't say anything the moment he punched on my  arm was the breaking point I simply grabbed onto   his shoulders and said the words I was waiting to  say all day long this is for all the years of you   punching and calling me names I freaking threw him  over the railing from the first floor he landed on   the ground with a sickening thud What followed  was the most girlish scream I had ever heard the   rest of the class had to pick up their jaws from  the floor VP came running to his Aid looked up   he saw me smiling with the biggest grin I ever  had during the eight years I spent in that heck   parents were called and what followed was a crap  show DB's father tried to punch me in the office   in front of everyone principal vice principal four  head teachers of the school and the principal of   the school board who just happened to be on a  visit to the school my father got in front of him   and laid a nice uppercut which dislocated his jaw  police were called and he was arrested for trying   to assault a minor vice principal was fired  because he had never taken any action against   DB even though he knew the whole story DB had a  broken shoulder and broken kneecap which stopped   him from playing soccer which he loved after the  whole Fiasco was sorted out my father gave me some   new advice just punch their lights out don't throw  them from balconies I never had any more trouble   with bullies they were scared of me my next goal  was to protect the other ke kids who were getting   bullied if I saw anyone bullying anybody I would  stand next to the kid and ask what's the problem   they would always apologize and leave I could  proudly say that I solved the bullying problem   and our school barehanded well good on op for  finally standing up against these people sometimes   I like to hearken back to the phrase violence is  never the answer but sometimes it is growing up   have you ever been in a proper fight at school let  me know in the comments ments down below and our   final story of the day is by used ad 495 ex and  boyfriend hurt my daughter tarnish my friend's   reputation and I seek revenge I'm going to begin  with the main players me my ex-wife pepper Revenge   Target number one her boyfriend Steve Revenge  Target number two the boyfriend's ex-wife Maria   co-partner in The Revenge my daughter Sarah and  my friend Jason accomplice in the Revenge with   that set let's get some backstory out of the way  so pepper and I had a very up and down marriage   it was one of those that I was madly in love  with her but looking back I think she was more   in it for the money and convenience she had one  son we'll call drug because he was and still is   a major drug addict before we got married and  I also had one son name is unimportant that I   had full custody of while married we had Sarah  I tough the marriage out for as long as I could   but eventually we just couldn't keep it together  we separated ated and due to traveling some for   work and having custody of my son I moved back  to my hometown a few states away so my parents   could help but kept an apartment in the town that  pepper and Sarah lived in so that I could still   spend as much time with my daughter as I could  at this time I asked my best friend Jason who's   a lawyer and owns his own firm to do up a child  support agreement for us it's very important to   note that we only addressed child support it had  nothing about custody or visitation or anything   else in it so for about a year this is how it  would work I would spend a month with Sarah   while my parents watched my other son and then I  would spend a month with my son almost exactly a   year later I could no longer afford keeping two  households and pepper was wanting to move back   to her hometown which was in a different state but  closer to where I lived so I gave up the apartment   and she moved the new situation continued for a  couple more years pepper and I remained friendly   and even tried to reconcile the relationship a  couple couple of times but it wouldn't work out I   was still deeply in love with her but we couldn't  come to an agreement on things like where to live   and such I forced myself to try and move on and  started dating she'd been dating basically from   the day after I moved out even though I still  loved her our relationship moved more into good   friends than husband and wife so she eventually  meets Steve I never was told much about Steve   other than he was a certified ethical hacker and  that is what he did for employ M important later   while they were dating she would send me texts  about their dates she even texted me the day they   first had sex together this her deeply and looking  back I think this is what she wanted but I tried   to play the part of good friend and Confidant  stepen pepper had been dating for 6 months when   out of the blue she tells me they broke up and she  realized that she's madly in love with me since   it's at the beginning of Summer She packs some  suitcases and heads to my state they were going   to spend the summer with me and see if they like  it or not we had an amazing summer all the kids   are getting along drug even loved it here so she  makes it official we're back together and they're   moving in we went and registered my daughter for  school we were even able to get her on a peeeee   cheerleading team for the Summer She made several  friends and was loving being here there was only   one problem pepper still had an apartment that had  all of her furniture and stuff in it I offered to   go pick up with my truck and help load everything  but she insisted that her and drug can get it done   so off they go to pack it up and then head to  their new home as you can guess things didn't   go as planned she was home for about 3 days when  she informs me that under no circumstance will she   move and that her and Steve are in love and moving  in with each other to say I was destroyed was an   understatement I couldn't understand why she had  done it the worst part was that she had left it to   me to tell Sarah the bad news when I told told her  the devastated look on her face started turning my   feelings of hurt into feelings of anger then Sarah  broke down and started begging to stay with me   and started spilling the beans she told me things  about how her mom would leave with Steve for days   and leave drug in charge she had to learn how to  cook for herself at 8 because drug would spend the   money on well drugs and spend the whole time high  if drug wasn't left in charge Pepper would use   her multiple convicted felon nie to watch her she  also told me about the first time that she had met   Steve he came to their house basically said hello  and him and her mom disappeared into the bedroom   and started having loud sex Sarah was outside the  door and they just ignored and continued this is   how my 8-year-old learned of sex and is still in  counseling trying to recover 7 years later at this   point my anger has turned to rage I immediately  notified pepper that there was no way Sarah was   coming back and I would fight her to the death to  keep her out of that situation Peppa responded by   getting an emergency hearing in her state to force  Sarah back I had to scramble but I managed to get   a lawyer and easily won the hearing which pepper  showed up late for and told the judge it was due   to a disability the judge agreed that since there  was no custody agreement and with the troubling   accusations that it was best for now for Sarah  to stay with me I had won the first battle but   it was shortlived with an hour of the hearing  I started getting tons of fishing emails and   texts I was also getting password resets and MFA  codes for my bank Facebook Reddit and any other   accounts I knew that Steve was behind it the very  next day Jason calls his law firm's website email   and phone account has been hacked because he had  to disclose the hack to the court and because he   was working on a semi high-profile case at the  time the FBI got involved to say I was enraged   was an understatement these two people had  destroyed me harmed my daughter and tarnished   the reputation of my lifelong friend it was time  for them to pay and pay dearly I was a man on a   mission I spent hours digging up as much dirt  as I could on Steven and pepper I had a lot of   luck with pepper I found social media posts  of her out late drinking that correlated to   tardiness and missed days at school for Sarah  a I found tons of picks of her and two strange   kids doing fun activities I found neighbors that  were willing to testify that Sarah had to come beg   for food because she was either left with either  drug or the Felon I knew I could bury her Steve   on the other hand had all of his accounts locked  down I couldn't find any dirt and it was driving   me crazy then it hit me try LinkedIn it paid off  there wasn't much posted through his account but   I found his ex-wife's account I reached out to  her and she happily accepted Maria and I became   fast friends she hated Pepper for good reason  as they both abandon her kids like my daughter   and didn't want her around her kids I learned  so much to keep it short Maria and Steve had a   recently divorced as part of the custody agreement  Steve got the house car bank account savings and a   lower than usual child support Maria had traded  all that money to have control of the kids she   knew he was a scumbag and all she was concerned  about was keeping her kids safe they had a very   detailed custody agreement with the rules for  Steve to follow as part of that agreement if   Steve broke any rules then he had to pay and pay  dearly he had to sell the house and give her half   of everything his child support would also double  and Steve would be financially ruined Steve also   didn't have her blocked on the social media and  would regularly send texts bragging about how   great his life was without her many of those texts  had pictures of pepper in them we compared notes   we swapped evidence we came up with a plan and now  it is time for Revenge first I got with Jason he   let the FBI investigator know that I also had some  hacking attempts and we believed it was the same   person the investigator called quick I gave him  all the information I had and who I believed was   doing it and he asked a weird question do I know  where Steve worked well yes I did thanks to Maria   so apparently Steve wasn't as good as a hacker  as he thought himself to be they had already   tracked back the hack on Jason to a business the  very same business Steve worked for as soon as   my conversation with the FBI was done I called  his work to Lodge a complaint I told the manager   that someone was trying to hack me and I was  sure it was Steve they of course didn't take it   too seriously cuz I had no proof what they didn't  know was that they were soon going to be getting   a visit from a special agent the next week was  absolute heck for stepen pepper pepper got served   with divorce papers and our lawyer got served with  all the evidence I had gathered my lawyer said it   was the most complete investigation he had ever  seen I had all 40 tardiness and 19 absences tied   to nights out drinking with Steve I had hard proof  of them abandoning my daughter for days at a time   Maria even gave me a picture that was taken at  2: a.m. the night before the emergency hearing   with Steve and pepper drinking in a tattoo parlor  the same hearing she was late to and said it was   due to a disability Steve got served that he had  violated the entire custody agreement Maria had   pictures from me proving he was with pepper on the  nights the kids were with him and they were left   alone she also had proof that there was contact  with pepper that violated the custody agreement   The Fallout was awes awesome to watch Steve was  fired between my complaint another older complaint   of him hacking and the FBI showing up they had  no choice but to fire him he did avoid any legal   issues as the FBI could never tie it directly to  him the word spread of why he was fired and no one   would hire him in an IT job again he had to sell  the house liquidate all the Investments and bank   accounts and give half to Maria his child support  got to stay the same since he no longer had a   source of income last I heard he was working at  a grocery store so in total his income went from   200,000 plus a year to less than 40 Grand as for  pepper the divorce was Swift and painful for her   the judge ruled in my favor for all counts I got  soul custody and soulle decisionmaking she was   forced to go to counseling and her and drug can  only visit Sarah with a third-party supervisor   paid for by Pepper Sarah's doing much better she  still needs counseling but she thrives in school   and has many friends she very rarely sees her mom  but she's much better off without her I think it's   great that Sarah has such a caring and dedicated  and devoted father that they're willing to lay   down all this legal in court stuff just to protect  them and make sure that they can stay with them   and get the help they need and just Foster a good  environment for them to grow in Father attempting   to murder p be leads to his own faked murder this  is my uncle's story not mine my Uncle Mike used   to have a friend that we'll call Jim Jim owned a  quiet mechanic shop at the beginning of a deadend   dirt road many people would drive down the road  dump things and drive back by the shop Jim and   Mike would often sit in front of the shop and  keep an eye on people driving by as there would   be some shady characters out there sometimes in  front of the shop the road had a bridge that went   over a river one day a family driving by stopped  on the bridge Jim and Mike's attention was alerted   by children absolutely screaming from inside the  car they watched as the father who was also the   driver threw a sack from the bridge into the river  then sped off down the dirt road they saw that the   bag was moving and immediately sprung into action  climbed down the embankment and grabbed it inside   the bag were seven tiny live puppies Jim was a dog  lover and was not having this he knew that since   the road was a dead-end road the family would  have to drive back by he grabbed his shotgun   and stood in the middle of the road waiting they  pulled up and he had the gun drawn they stopped   and he ordered the father out of the car the  mother and two small children were terrified   he then marched the father down to the riverbank  out of sight of his family he then screamed at the   father for a good 10 minutes about animal abuse  his poor parenting skills and some other choice   not so nice words then for good measure fired at  a shot into the ground this shot Was Heard by the   family waiting in the car their eyes went wide  and the kids started screaming again the mother   started crying and shrieking it was another 2  to 3 minutes before the father walked back up   to the car completely fine and uninjured I'm  not agreeing with the actions here but that   sure was some Revenge also screw puppy murderers  I wholeheartedly agree with op's last sentence   here you can't really condone the kind of action  that was going on here especially traumatizing   the kids and wife but if somebody is so cruel as  to willingly throw a bag of live puppies off a   bridge into the water down below I ain't saying  they deserve it but they kind of deserve it this   next story is by being Jack she didn't give me  my money back so I ruined her life I don't know   if this is the right sub but here we go I'm male  20 strongly believe in individualism and equality   currently in University jeta fake name is probably  under 24 and a clerk in a government Bank a good   accomplishment for middle class Indians we're both  neighbors live with our parents it's normal and   sort of compulsory in India especially in small  towns we're neighbors for around 8 years our   parents have okay relations with each other and  I have a good relation with her parents and okay   relation with jetah we're both lower economical  middle class and socially from upper cast both   our parents are liberal in the Indian sense but  in Western standards they're very conservative   you can say this for the majority of Indian  parents February 2019 I had to deposit $112   us it's a large amount for lower middle class  Indians in the bank I'm sort of lazy and didn't   want to wait in Q's in the bank also jeta was in  the same bank so I thought I'd give her the money   and she would deposit that in my account I went to  her house at 7:00 a.m. and called for her mother   she opened the gate it turned out that her Elder  brother 28 and mother and father went to Temple I   told her why I came she accepted the money and  told me that she would keep the Hard Cash and   transfer the money from her account the next day  2 weeks later the money was still not deposited   I asked her about this several times mainly from  WhatsApp but she just made excuses at last after   3 weeks I went to her house and asked her to give  them money instantly I threatened her that I would   tell her parents after hearing that she said this  what proof do you have that you gave me the money   ask for money again and I'll tell everybody  that you're sexually harassing me that was it   I became stiff as Stone my whole body became  too heavy suddenly I really had no proof and   I had whatsapped her several times saying money  hasn't been deposited yet or when will you deposit   the money now before any of you Western folks say  that I exaggerated the situation you have to view   the situation through an innocent Indian person  India is based ically the Middle East in terms of   sex personal space and sexism Google two finger  test in India also legally men can't be R worded   but unlike the Middle East it hides this fact  through White Lies India has an assault problem   and this causes false accusation problems too  I've heard many false sexual harassment and RW   accusation cases and I've personally seen my  distant Rich cousin assault his neighbor due   to land dispute violently he simp simp L used his  beautiful clerk to charge him with a false sexual   harassment case the case ended with the neighbor  being in jail for some time both my cousin and   his neighbor had to bribe the police June 2019  I hadn't talked with her again after that but I   had a plan to Revenge her by this time I'd spied  on her a bit and found out that she buys alcohol   every alternating Saturday from xplace and drinks  it in her friend's place drinking alcohol is seen   as immoral in the male population and 10 times  as immoral in the female population in India   also she has a boyfriend under 25 with whom she  spends half an hour every Saturday evening with   at X Park which is on the other side of town  having a boyfriend and girlfriend is seen as   immoral in India and you won't even get a rental  flat easily if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend   I took photos of her both with her boyfriend and  buying alcohol first Saturday July 2019 that that   day on my way to the park I found a police SUV a  mile away from the park I thought maybe it's time   to get this plan a step further I told them that a  couple's doing obscene acts in so and so park the   police officer replied in a very rude language I  knew I had to pay him so I gave him 2,000 Indian   rupees and he agreed to go the park jeta used to  go to was famous for unmarried couples so in every   Valentine's Day the police used to harass the  couples there upon reaching there I told them   the spot and began to watch the situation from a  distance I wasn't able to hear them but the view   was clear J and her boyfriend were neither kissing  nor hugging they were just talking on the bench   at that time the police arrived and told them  something after that the police slapped jeta's   boyfriend a few times immediately it appeared her  boyfriend refused to give his parents' number in   India if a police officer caught an under 30  unmarried couple they demanded the victim's   parents' number the whole drama went on for 20  minutes both of them even fell to the police's   feet at last they had to give some money to the  police this police behavior is pretty normal in   India both looked pretty terrified that day for  Sunday July 2019 I had already printed out all   the images in 10 groups because there's 10 main  houses in the neighborhood including mine in each   set there were three images of her buying alcohol  and four images of her and her boyfriend together   I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and put all the sets of  pictures in front of the 10 houses and went to   sleep I woke up with a loud noises from jeta's  house I'd put one set in front of my own house   too I'm pretty sure her brother slapped her a few  times her mother was calling her bad names like   Randy Hindi word for promiscuous her father was  not in the house that day I asked my mother about   the situation and she told me to stay away from  jetah she told me that jetah had shamed the whole   society with her childish behavior August 1st 2019  and the last month she was forced to stay in the   house by her parents the whole neighborhood was  disgusted by her and her parents also charged a   blackmailing case on jeta's boyfriend which caused  her boyfriend to spend a few days in jail but he   was released after a week her parents also tried  arranging a marriage for her it turned out that   her boyfriend was from lower cast which fueled  the rage even more she also needed a stitch on   her lip lips because her brother literally cut her  upper lip in half September 15th 2019 she'll be   married next year she had started going to the  bank again I still haven't gotten the money so   obviously these cultures and living arrangements  and just situations in general vary greatly from   what I'm used to that said considering everything  that happened to jeta in this story do you think   that was more than enough revenge for never paying  op back what was supposedly a large sum of money   let me know in the comments down below and our  final story of the day is by Fancy Cat 11 Miss   nice girl has left the building first I need  to explain something I seem like a very nice   laid-back easygoing person so most people make the  mistake of thinking I'm a spineless wimp they can   take advantage of operative word there is seam in  point of fact I have a vicious vindictive temper   I'm just emotionally lazy I don't like wasting  time and energy on confrontation that can more   profitably be spent elsewhere however if you  mess with my family or my money very bad things   will happen to you as my Mom liked to say Miss  nice fancy has left the building and you don't   want to meet the other fancy example follows this  happened about 20 years ago I started working as   a cad drafter for a small Drafting and design  firm practically fresh out of college I made   a good salary not great but comfortable very  soon I found myself the drafter receptionist   office manager file Clerk and even janitor when  I needed to pick up a little extra money my boss   was almost never in the office because I was there  to handle everything after a year of being general   fact totem on Friday April 13th my boss came to  me and tells me he doesn't have my income tax   paperwork ready but has a reasonable excuse and  he asks me to file an extension I told him this   is kind of last minute don't you should think but  okay I'll do it and I did every couple of weeks   afterward I'd ask him about my tax paperwork and  he'd tell me no not yet and um teen excuses why   not finally he told me his lawyer had them and was  finishing preparing them and would be ready any   day really I did wonder why his lawyer was working  on them instead of his accountant but I didn't say   anything my tax extension would be up on Sunday  July 15th so I had to turn in my taxes by Saturday   July 14th on Friday July 13th about 5:00 p.m.  I was sitting in my office chatting with my mom   who was there to give me a ride home my boss came  into my office and had the gall to ask me to file   another tax extension and gave me some totally  bogus excuse you see what he didn't know was I   had found all my tax paperwork on his computer  a few weeks before just needed to be printed out   and signed off so I knew then that he'd been lying  his butt off this whole time I remember staring at   him for a few moments absolutely dumbfounded  then smiling and saying okay my mom told me   afterward when she saw me smile at him like that  she thought oh crap FC's going to kill this guy   and I don't know if I can stop her I'm sure he  wishes that's all I'd done to him first thing   Monday morning I walked straight up to my boss  and dropped my resignation on his desk he's like   what the heck and tried to argue me I don't argue  I just told him I'm leaving do you want me to work   my notice he said heck no get your stuff and get  out which was another huge mistake in a long line   of them because I left and went straight to the  IRS office where I gave up all the goods on this   guy he apparently never actually paid any of my  taxes or his though he did take it out of my pay   and I had proof it so happens before he was a cad  drafter in design he was a CPA who left that field   under a cloud the IRS was not happy to hear his  name again everybody knows you do not mess with   the IRS not content with that I then contacted all  of his business associates and told them what he   had done that he was being investigated by the  IRS and if they didn't want to be two they might   want to steer clear I didn't tell his wife whom  I was on very good terms with but only because   I wanted him to have that pleasure just picture  that conversation oh my God why did op leave op   did everything um well I'm very sure she heard  all about it from his associates I'll give him   this he was stubborn he managed to hang on to his  business for about a year of living heck before   going under but I smirked every time I went by  his empty office to clarify I never printed the   tax paperwork from his computer it honestly never  occurred to me to do so I used my own records of   what I was paid and what tax was taken out of  my salary to go to the IRS with since it was   all in his handwriting they accepted it I was  really just trying to give this guy the chance   to do the right thing right up to the end or hang  himself whichever it just kind of blows my mind   that there's somebody that is willing to wait  literally like a day before the last possible   day to turn in your taxes and come in and say hey  could you get an extension and then repeat meat   that again and say could you get another extension  like somehow just hoping that they would get away   with it like eventually something's going to hit  the fan because you're not giving the information   to op like are they hoping that op would have  just I don't know eventually just not did their   taxes I don't know what the actual Exit Plan here  for this guy was I think it was honestly a pretty   doomed plan from the get-go maybe they were trying  to last till they could afford their plane ticket   to Cuba Guy steals my virtual stuff gets screwed  during my middle school and high school years I   was really into an MMO RPG called maple story  for those that are unfamiliar with this it's   basically an online game where you interact with  thousands of real people while you level up your   character upgrade your equipment and make money  it was extremely addicting and I played this game   probably more than I should have over the course  of these years I made many friends in this game   some of which I still talk to today then one day  I met someone that I'll call Mark Mark and I both   played this game quite a lot we began leveling up  together and spent countless hours talking against   my better judgment and perhaps his as well we gave  each other our usernames and passwords so that we   could borrow equipment from each other while  one was offline we began to have a stockpile   of equipment shared between us on both accounts  and basically shared everything I bet you can see   where this is going what could possibly go wrong  I got back from school logged in and my character   looked strange change gone everything was gone  my mouth went dry Mark and I had been friends for   years at this point and my first thought didn't  even go to him I thought some internet hacker got   into my account of course it was virtual but it  was still years of work that was just gone I just   stared at my empty inventory in disbelief Mark  has logged in Mark has logged in I message him   and ask if his account is okay because my stuff is  missing he finds me and gives me a monologue don't   even try to deny it I know you took everything  from me so I went ahead and took everything from   you goodbye he doesn't give me a chance to reply  and he's gone I try logging into his account only   to find he changed his password I try to log back  into my own account and my password's changed as   well now he even changed my recovery email so  I was unable to change it back this is the part   that actually confuses me someone must have stolen  his stuff but I know it wasn't me I could see the   the logic in his end that if I was the only one  with his account information and his stuff went   missing it must have been me but it wasn't  and he didn't bother talking it out I would   have given him half my stuff to get him back on  his feet either way he took everything and left   me no choice now it's War Mark had multiple game  accounts he gave me his username and password for   one of his other accounts in this game on a whim  I tried logging into it it worked he never changed   it I went into his game account maintenance page  and found his backup email the password for the   game account worked for the recovery email I had  one of his email addresses I saw he set up this   email to be a recovery email for another one of  his Gmail accounts the same password worked for   this email as well this email was a recovery  email for another one of his Gmail accounts   you guessed it the exact same password through  this chain process of recovery email addresses   being linked to other email address es I obtained  five Gmail accounts of his and promptly changed   the passwords for them then I thought I bet these  Gmail accounts are linked to the game accounts I   was right the backup email for my game account was  linked to one of these five backup email addresses   his main game account was linked to another  email address I obtained I swiftly changed   the password and back up email for all of my game  accounts as well as his I had everything of mine   back plus game account and five email addresses  that should be good right this is where it gets   good I wasn't in this to just get even by this  point I wanted everything by plugging in that   single password in five of his email addresses I  obtained his Facebook Instagram and various other   social media accounts as well on this Facebook  account of his I found an interesting video of   him and his girlfriend that his girlfriend sent  him I was thinking of what I could do with this   his girlfriend's dad was friends with with him  on Facebook H I emailed him I don't know exactly   if I should tell you this but Mark's been showing  everyone this video at school and sent me a copy   I thought you should know I attached the video  I acted like his classmate from Anonymous email   address and said Mark was showing everyone  an interesting video of his daughter the dad   confirmed he was the girlfriend's dad and thanked  me I deleted the account and I never spoke to the   dad again during all this time I gave another  friend the other social media accounts and told   him to wreak havoc with them but don't do anything  with the interesting video the girl didn't ask   for this so I wasn't going to bring her down I  never got to see The Fallout from the email to   Dad it had to have taken a while to fix what my  friend did to those social media accounts though   I haven't spoken to him since or played that game  in many years I still have the email addresses   and game accounts I don't know how he managed it  but apparently he still deal with his high school   girlfriend I can rest easy knowing that holidays  with dad must be awkward as heck so going into   the story I thought it was awesome because when  I was younger I loved maple story too and maple   story is definitely a game that's kind of r with  people who fall into fishing scams and get their   accounts stolen and hacked and their money taken  so I was going to be like oh this is kind of   relatable but then this went way further than I  was ever expecting guess that's why it's nuclear   did you ever make dumb decisions like that as a  kid too similar to op sharing his account with   an online friend something you look back on and  you're like I was way too trusting let me know in   the comments down below our next story is by Jay  kisi 26 don't mess with my little sister I have   twin sisters that are a couple of years younger  than me they are two of the sweetest little girls   and avoid confrontation almost the exact opposite  of me so because they're so sweet they're prone   to bullying and because they're good-look young  women most of the bullying comes from girls who   are jealous of them the time of this story I was  19 and they were 16 my first year of college I was   3 hours away from home so any bullying that  happened couldn't be directly confronted or   taken care of by me that doesn't mean I wasn't  involved so apparently my younger sister had a   new boyfriend that used to be involved with one of  the head cheerleaders at my sister's high school   knowing about a new relationship between the boy  and my sister a gang of cheerleaders started to   bully my sister both online and in school daily  I would get phone calls from my little sister   crying about being harassed my advice to RKO them  and cut their hair in class didn't work because   let's face it neither of the twins had the balls  to do anything about the girls so instead I took   matters into my own hands and messaged all of the  little cheerleading witches involved and let them   know that if the bullying did not cease I would  make the 3-hour drive home and make them stop this   only encouraged more taunting and bullying so you  can't fight your own battles for my sister since   I went to the same high school I'd known these  cheerleaders actually had an affair with one   of their older brothers and almost ruined his  marriage all a part of Revenge for my sisters   but I also knew that our high school had a no  tolerance truancy Rule and if you were caught   leaving campus you were immediately suspended and  in big trouble I used this to my advantage when   I saw that the girls had left campus not only  on a Friday but in their cheerleading uniforms   on a football game day and posted about their  lunchtime adventure to Subway on Snapchat I used   this advantage and called the school pretending  to be an upset woman whose car was almost hit by   the cheerleader's car pulling out of the subway  parking lot I asked to speak to the Head cheer   coach and made up a whole elaborate story about  the girls cussing at me almost hitting my car   wearing their uniforms and talking crap to me the  coach assured me the girls would have consequences   and that they shouldn't even have been off campus  to begin with they ended up being kicked off the   cheer team and put an in school suspension a room  where you sit in complete silence and do your   schoolwork while not allowed to talk or socialize  or have your phone for a whole week they never   cheered again which was a big deal because they  would post on social media about how much they   love to do it I called my little sister and told  her what I did and she was amazed at how clever I   was and how it played out every day she saw them  in suspension she would text me and tell me what   horrendous things were happening to them while  they sat with the special needs kids at lunch   and weren't allowed to leave anywhere and this  my friends is another downside of social media   back when you're a kid doing kid things skipping  school or cutting out of class early or sneaking   away if you're so addicted to social media it's  it's hard for you not to be like here we are at   Subway all it takes is one parent to see that  Snapchat or some teacher or somebody from the   school and you're doomed but in this case they  definitely had it coming to them our next story   is by almost mental my bully of 3 years finally  pushed me too far when I first started Middle   School I ended up with my first girlfriend this  pissed off her ex so began three years of bullying   all the standard stuff hitting stealing from me so  on on and so forth he even ruined my bike while it   was locked up once every time he pulled some crap  I did the right thing and reported every event   for almost 3 years none of which led to any real  repercussions for the little crap now all of this   leads up to the end of eighth grade me and my best  friend are leaving gym class when lo and behold   here comes my bully he runs up to me shoving  me to the ground saying something to the effect   of been walking long f word at this point I was  pretty numb to his BS yes my friend goes to help   me up when the bully does something new he hit my  friend I don't remember the next few minutes what   I do remember is suddenly finding myself being  pulled backwards away from the bloodied and   mangled face of my bully I can still remember how  my Knuckles throbbed the skin completely destroyed   blood dripping down my fingers I turned to the  security guard that was now holding me up and   asked him freak what did I do now I don't know  how much of this next bit is true as it's told   from my friend's point of view but apparently the  moment my bully touched my friend I exploded into   an animalistic rage tackled him to the ground  and started swinging like Rocky he didn't even   have time to scream before I knocked him the freak  out he ended up in the hospital for a month with   a broken nose orbitals jaw and the back of his  skull I was told by the administration to keep   my mouth closed about them not doing anything  about the bully for 3 years and in return his   injury injuries would be declared an accident  from tripping on a curb I still have nightmares   of his bloodied face every now and again normally  in situations where it does come to a fight I   almost never would advocate for anybody to keep  going after they were knocked out but imagine   being in a situation where you're tormented and  beaten up and bullied for 3 years and then they   try to extend that to your friend that you care  about honestly Opie going into a rage blacking   out and just the results being the results you  kind of get why it happened this next story is   by livid unlawfulness harass and Peep into our  Windows burn down your patio so I lived in this   trailer park growing up for about 16 years it used  to be pretty nice until they kept changing owners   eventually the newest owners hired a security guy  dude was a straight up freaking creep he'd write   down everyone's plate numbers knocking your door  and barg in without permission to look inside to   see if he could get a f for something inside look  inside people's windows Etc he even thought he was   a cop and had lights put on his security car which  the local PD made him remove we called the police   and they said they couldn't do anything about it  or whatever because our trailers were on their   property one of my family members was and still  is a mechanic so we acquired some of the oil he   drained out of customer cars dumped it onto the  guy's lawn which killed it then dowed his patio   equipment with flammable substances and lit it on  fire guess what he never so much as even looked   at the general direction of anyone's Windows  ever again I mean whether or not this guy is   hired if you've got your own tight-knit very close  small community and you got this certified genuine   creeper going around harassing people sometimes  the communities just got to work together to run   that guy out of there and our final story of the  day is by dovakin spoiled brat gets spoiled fruit   and fish it was just another Saturday afternoon  me and my friends just hanging out at our local   park talking and laughing everything goes well  until craphead a spoiled brat who likes to one   up everyone comes along at this point I'd like  to mention that I'm a 6'1 29 lb male metal head   with quite some muscle and a background of martial  arts I'm the quiet big guy that cares for everyone   anyway craphead comes up to us to tell us about  the new phone his dad bought him we try to act   like we cared but craphead probably wanted us to  worship him or something and the dialogue went   something like this you said so what do you guys  think friends 1 to three said pretty cool man I   said nice craphead asks is that all at this point  I feel like we're going to have a good time I said   yeah man it's not that you got a new house it's  just a phone I'm happy that you like it but chill   big mistake craphead says you're just jealous of  me cuz you can't afford one you poor freaks I was   Furious but decided to not take action my friends  were baffled from this and couldn't talk I say at   least we use our phones to talk to each other to  meet up and go out not to entertain yourself to   adult entertainment in HD I then turned on my  phone and put on my earbuds he went eight poop   and slapped me in the face and broke my screen I  stood up and all I could think of was destroy him   and my friends just stood there looking at me I  say you'll pay for my phone and you'll not come   close to me or my friends ever again I said as  calm as I could he proceeds to slap me and call   me a poor runt I go nuclear I grab him by the  collar and bring him to the ground making sure   he was as comfortable as possible he tries to hit  me but fails miserably I grab him by the collar in   the belt and lift him a half a foot in the air I  want you guys to know that the angrier I get the   more twisted my humor gets so I tell my friends  to open a garbage bin and they do it in seconds   crab head was wearing we ing all white expensive  clothes I throw them inside close the lid and seal   the bin with a rope a day later I hear they got  that guy out of the garbage bin 3 hours later by   the garbage truck driver who cut the rope cuz he  heard screaming and gagging from within that was   the last I heard from dear craphead and believe me  I am happy as much as I want to believe that they   tied this dude up in a garbage can and was later  found by the garbage guys it feels a little hard   to believe that said though in any situation in  no way should you go up to a 200 lb 6'1 metal head   that is described as being pretty built and figure  yeah let's mess with this guy the town where this   happened is a small one and the school that I went  to is a 70-year-old School my granddad and my dad   are also alumni of the school let me just start  off by saying this that the alumni of the school   are really successful and the school has had a  long history of being very charitable and also   offering amazing retirement benefits to teachers  depending on how long they've worked there my   great-granddad donated some of this property to  the school when it was being constructed and he   was an adviser and a part of the school board  in his time the school was an all boy School up   till 1996 when they had their first co-ed class  and is a full co-ed now the school also has all   classes from kindergarten to high school split in  two buildings the first one houses kindergarten   to fifth grade and the other has classrooms from  6th to 12th grade part one teacher versus dad the   incident said teacher we're going to call her  MD was my dad's math teacher when he started   high school she was a young woman just finishing  her teaching degree and was a master's in math   and chemistry at that point she was the most  qualified teacher the school had unfortunately   MD was also a nasty person she walked into class  and the students were expected to be sitting in   ready mode back straight legs together hands  on the laps with only the needed textbook and   a pencil to take notes on the margins the class  was expected to greet her with a good morning or   afternoon when she walked in and she assigned tons  of weekend homework she would simply stop teaching   for the entire hourlong class if one person spoke  without having asked to speak you couldn't drink   water without her permission couldn't go to the  restroom unless she finally saw your raised hand   and asked you to speak there were multiple cases  of people complaining against that but with her   being the most qualified teacher there the school  board didn't take action instead they supported   her by saying that this would help discipline  the students but this isn't even the beginning   of it her exams were incredibly hard and with the  classes being full of teenage boys they would talk   and even one of them doing so would cause her  to stop teaching and not teach until the next   class she would then lecture on a different topic  completely skipping that part of chemistry suffice   to say day before the finals the entire class was  in a panicked State trying to self-study enough to   at least pass the class my dad ended up getting a  41% our education system said you failed the class   if you had under 40% so he was relieved that he  passed but when he went through his answer sheet   my dad noticed that his totaling was incorrect and  that he in fact had a 49 on the test he raised his   hand and after about 5 minutes or so of him just  sitting in his seat calmly with his hand raised   Ed he was called on and MD asked what the problem  was Dad told her that there was a totaling mistake   in the final and that he actually had a 49 this  somehow offended her instead of calling him forth   and checking his paper MD decided that it was  simply impossible for her a master's in math to   make a mistake in something as simple as addition  she waved him off and my dad was shocked but she   calmly turned to the next person with a question  my dad on the other hand was not happy he walked   up from his seat which was basically considered  a crime in her class and put the paper on MD's   desk and started totaling his points loudly MD  incredulously watched him do that and was at a   loss for words though when he was done totaling  you could see her face was flushed and she was   Furious she looked furiously from the paper to my  dad and then back to the paper and then suddenly a   cruel smile appeared on her face she says oh okay  I see the mistake but that's no excuse for this   Behavior this Awards a subtraction of 10 points  from your final the class that was amazed at the   first sentence went back to having Grim looks  and my dad stood there jaw dropped that he now   had 39 points and had failed this class instead  of responding and making the situation worse he   simply took his final packed his backpack and left  the classroom he went and spoke to his granddad   who was on the school board but he said he  couldn't do anything many think since grades were   completely in the hands of the teacher concerned  my dad took his loss and decided that Revenge   was not worth the trouble in switch classes he  dropped Kim and took up econ and that was the last   interaction he ever had with this teacher part two  teacher versus my brother and I my younger brother   B is 2 years younger to me and so when I was in  freshman year starting High School my younger   brother was in seventh grade we had an auditorium  under construction and the library was newly   renovated so a teacher was assigned to chaperone  the younger class students at the library my   younger brother's class unfortunately had MD as  their chaperone my dad had specifically instructed   me to be very careful around MD and I was on the  lookout but my younger brother had no idea just   who he was dealing with before summer our library  allows students to take any two books of their   choice for the break so when my brother walked  past MD to the librarian and was stopped by MD he   was really confused he had an enen blighton book  and a copy of backyard science experiments both my   younger brother and I are really good at science  related topics and he'd been waiting for summer   break to do some cool science experiments at home  with me MD said wait a minute what book do you   have there b b said a story book and a backyard  science book ma'am MD said what are you going   to do with that backyard science book turning to  the other Library staff I thought his father no   brains in there you would have no idea what to do  with this book leave it for someone who does and   with that she snatched the book from his hands  and walked away the library staff giving awkward   laughs behind her when he came looking for me  crying I was Furious I was a really popular guy at   school I won quizzes and debates and represented  the school and National competitions my friends   and I literally had an entire Showcase of trophies  at school with our names embossed on it and most   teachers loved us man the vice principal of  the school and our group were on firstname   basis he chaperoned us on all the competitions we  represented the school in but when he told me what   had happened I was dumbfounded I had no idea how  to react but for the moment I went to the library   and got another copy of the backyard science book  to console my brother but then we were out for   summer vacation and I didn't think too much of  it side note in the summer we attended a science   Summit and my school friends and I won prizes for  having the most efficient hydraulic gear-based   ply system and the second fastest chemical fuel  raceboat this was before I ever took a high school   chemistry or Physics course this was announced  in the school assembly the first day after summer   break when we came back for fall I had a chem  class with MD the first day of school this was   also right after the assembly where my group was  given the award so we go to the the cam lab and   MD's on the lab instructor's desk setting up an  experiment designed to liberate hydrochloric acid   fumes and a gas flask some moments passed by and  we could see that some mistake had been done and   there was no reaction in the mixture turns out  the zinc granules were impure and rusted but MD   somehow got the idea that turning on the bunson  burner on full blast would help the experiment   after collecting the gas for about 3 minutes which  is 2 and 1/2 minutes too long since Hydro chloric   acid fumes are toxic if inhaled she's satisfied  she then pulls up the flask to show the class   how we do experiments cherry on the icing is when  she opens the flask and brings it uncomfortably   close to the girl beside me MD says does it smell  pungent the girl awkwardly smells it and jerks   away does someone who has no clue that would be a  plausible confirmation but I knew it was complete   horse crap I could see that the girl knew about  pungent fumes and cringed away on reflex and not   because it was actually pungent I don't know why  I did it but at that moment I snorted it loudly MD   instantly Zooms in on me walking toward me with  her face contorting into an ugly expression she   goes something funny you'd care to share with us I  know I messed up but I was also angry this person   in front of me had bullied my younger brother  and my dad I remembered that and suddenly all   my verbal sensors were shut down I said you and I  both know that she didn't smell anything pungent   that experiment you just did was a failure MD says  oh you think you know more than me turning to the   class he knows more than me you know what I'll  step down why don't you teach the class Professor   op I said oh absolutely to the absolute shock  of everyone watching I walk up to the podium   and while maintaining eye contact with MD I said  first thing to remember class turn to experiment   one of your lab textbook read the warnings the gas  is pungent and poisa MD says how dare you has no   one taught you manners this is no roadside Shack  and you would do well to remember that else you're   going to have a couple broken bones this was in  a different language but if you want the exact   translations it was I'll break your limbs and  feed them to you she's absolutely Furious grabs   me by the hand and proceeds to drag me to the  principal's office on the way there we cross the   vice principal's office and he sees MD dragging  me away and runs out they say what's going on here   before I can say anything MD starts ranning to him  about how disrespectful and unacceptable my class   behavior is and is heaving by the end of her Spiel  the VP gives me a searching look and then responds   with a go back to class MD I'll deal with him we  had back to his office and he offers me a seat and   a glass of water what actually happened in class  op he asks with a sigh I tell him exactly what   happened once he hears my side of the story he  looks at me incredulously and asks me if I really   went to the podium and started lecturing the class  I look up and see the Gob smacked look on the vp's   normally reserved face imagine someone who looks  like a male manura mogle being completely shocked   I couldn't stop myself it started with a giggle  which turned into full-blown laughter I laughed   till my stomach hurt and my eyes teared up to  my surprise VP was also smiling wildly at that   he shook his head and that reserved expression was  back they said I know that would happen there had   you concerned for class safety but that is no  reason for such disruptive behavior aside from   that I'm personally going to investigate what  happened in that class and if MD is found to be   intentionally forcing students to inhale harmful  chemicals she will be sacked immediately oh and   you're supposed to hand over a written apology ol  to MD about this Behavior now get moving I sighed   and headed back to class and I really thought I'd  ended MD's career oh how wrong I was she changed   the story so it looked like she'd purposely done  the experiment wrong and was about to reprimand   that girl for inhaling what could have been a  harmful chemical MD pulled one on me and had me   look like I was just an insolent child who thought  that he knew everything by reading a chapter of   the book and here I stopped myself this event was  was me just going in headon with the teacher who   had been in the school for longer than 35 years  part three Pro Revenge mode now I knew that to   help my brother I needed to get rid of her my dad  knew about what happened in school and he wanted   me to not engage MD he said it wasn't worth it  but by now I was in the game she had played her   card it was my turn now I don't know what made it  so that she had such a problem with my dad and my   younger brother they were quiet and hardworking  students I felt she had something against our   family and I was convinced that my younger  brother would have to deal with the problem   if I somehow messed up and got expelled or made a  Worse Enemy out of MD this was war and I had a new   plan I started to act really sheepish around her  and made it a point to stay back after class and   ask her questions in the most polite way possible  I was the kid who was guilty of not understanding   the plans of Elders I portrayed myself as an  amazing student who MD had succeeded in humbling   I slowly but surely made my way into the category  best described by the term boot licker it hurt me   inside to do it but what I planned if this went  well made me lightheaded with anticipation I was   in it to win it I conceded defeat and a fight to  win the war two years later I'm in junior year   my younger brother just started high school and  he was taking the chem class with MD I was the   highest scorer in chem and was a pet to MD she  started to like the op I had portrayed and made   me the lab assistant for that year two of my best  friends knew what I planned everyone else in class   hated me for being the teacher's pet and getting  straight A's when the next highest grade was a B   minus everything was going according to plan on  the first day of class I replaced your stool one   of the three-legged ones with a broken stool this  was supposed to be the first in a series of pranks   that would hit her that day she came to class  and went to take her seat and boy she fell well   somehow she HIIT her hand on the wall and cried  out yep that must have hurt but she was definitely   overweight and it couldn't be traced back to me  I smiled on the inside as I rushed to her and   helped her back up I ran and fetched her another  chair while inside the freshmen were trying their   best not to laugh when I got back from the room  that had extra stools I walked into the side   of her screaming like a banshee but what got me  Furious was that she was screaming at my younger   brother apparently she said something like stupid  stools and stupid lab assistant fools to which my   brother responded with it's not my brother's fault  you're too heavy for the stool though I loved him   for it he really needed to learn where to come  to my aid but then I didn't do much and just   replaced the chair silently while silently trying  to communicate to my brother to calm down nothing   else of concern happened that day to the time  when school was over and the teachers were heading   back stage two was in MO we heard a loud bang and  immediately the large crowd of students nearby all   headed towards the teacher car parking lot we saw  MD's car smoking and her exhaust blown right off   keep in mind it was an older car and we decided to  block off the exhaust with clay that had hardened   over the course of 6 hours on a sunny day well  that car had to be towed and she went home with   some other students that day she didn't show up  to school for 2 days after that but but she did   show up to school on the third day which was a  half school day because our country celebrates   Teachers Day it's tradition that students go to  their teachers current and old and wish them the   best give them cards gifts Etc this was by far  the most ambitious prank pulled in the school   that I know of the two days that she was absent  we went around telling people to not visit her on   children's day it helped a lot that my friends and  I were some of the most popular people in school   and with the other cool guys and girls agreeing to  that we spread the word and got confirmation that   no one from the entire class in my year was going  to go to her to wish her on teacher day but then   what actually happened was something no one could  have expected I guess it could have been because   we acted so fanatical about it that our classmates  spread the word to all their friends and no one   not a single person in high school went to her  on teacher day it was the most amazing feeling   of accomplishment I have ever had she had made the  situation for herself by being the nastiest person   I've ever seen it was no surprise that people were  fine with doing this to her for the first time in   70 years and our school a teacher had not had a  single well-wisher on Teachers Day well things are   never perfect and as it happened word of what had  conspired got to her the next day I just set up   the lab the freshmen were getting settled in and  here comes MD anger radiating from her and waves   she walks up to me and I get the hardest slap I've  ever gotten in my life right across my face I hate   to admit it but that left a blue mark on my cheek  and my nose and lip bleeding my younger brother   who saw that happening ran towards me but my  shock slowly subsided and I smiled a bloody   smile that probably scared him I told him to go  get the vice principal 20 minutes later I was in   the school emergency room with a nurse wiping my  lip and me holding a cloth to my my nose the vice   principal comes in with the principal and two  cops in toe and they inform me that my parents   have been informed and ask if I would like to  talk about it now or when my parents are here   I say that I can answer their questions as soon  as my lip is bandaged so I tell them about the   cases of bullying against my brother and I and  also tell them that she's a really incompetent   teacher I tell the principal that he could check  the school average in science subjects and sure   as I guessed in the average scores in the National  exams we had physics and biology come in at 92 and   90 with chemistry at a surprising 79 topping that  off with assault charges and she lost her license   to teach 2 years before she retired and with that  lost amazing retirement benefits that the school   offered her car also had no insurance huh that's  not all though one could ask what could be worse   well consider this the fall she had off the stool  had her go to the the hospital for an x-ray of her   wrist and hip that she suspected she might have  broken well the wrist sure had a hairline fracture   the hip was fine but well the X-ray showed another  thing I don't think it's normal for anyone to   laugh when someone's diagnosed with stage three  cancer but I did also I later met with her only   living family member her nephew who had long cut  all contact with her but had been contacted by the   police and the hospital he' flown back from the  us for this that's where I found out the truth   well I could have never have guessed what I found  out there MD's mom was my great granddad's niece   through my great- granddad's younger brother who  had stolen money from the family and tried to kill   my great-granddad well he was disowned Good crap  and no one knew this entire time well not that   anyone would care happy that the nasty woman is  out of our lives for good this time apparently   she passed last year with no one by her side I'm  definitely not going to be the kind of person to   celebrate any kind of outcome like that but what  I will say is if you're going to be a nasty person   and treat people like that all throughout your  life throughout decades it doesn't come as much   of a surprise that when your time comes there's  nobody by your side considering the outcome for   MD here do you feel bad for them considering the  way they treated people for decades let me know   what you guys think in the comments down below  and our final story of the day is by Chief snake   117 talk trash about my sisters and no one will  hear from you again this is a story that happened   my junior year of high school my sisters and I  are all pretty close in age so when I was 17 my   junior year my sisters were in 10th and nth grade  the sophomore who will call K started dating an   absolute jerk we'll call him AB for jerk boyfriend  needless to say I thought he was a jerk from the   first moment I met him but hey I wasn't dating  him so they date for a few months and he breaks up   with her because she won't put out as he told her  now let me explain something that he would have   benefited from knowing my sisters didn't associate  with me at school because I was the crazy kid no   one messed with we're talking battle dress uniform  pants combat boots with a knife tucked into them   brought a gas mask everywhere in my bag kind of  crazy so I'd met jerk boyfriend through a mutual   acquaintance not as K's Big Brother Q breakup  I'm giving Kay a ride home after school while   my youngest sister's at swim I notice she's been  crying ask her what's wrong and she tells me about   the breakup and that now jerk boyfriend's been  telling people she's promiscuous and lots of   other bad things okay well I'll talk to him just  as I drop her off youngest sister from now on   she'll be called e calls me crying begging for a  ride home so I flip around and set a new personal   best time getting there she's outside Balling  on the curb I pull up looking around for all   her swim friends don't see a single one so I get  her in my POS pickup and start heading home ask   her what happened are you hurt she tells me that  all of the girls in her swim team had been making   fun of her and calling her and Kay promiscuous I'm  pissed look you can Trash Talk me and my look and   my behavior but you pick up my little sisters  and I go nuts so the next day the girls don't   come to school and I followed them home take  the weekend off for my crappy part-time job so   I can find the right moments to pick him apart I  followed him around for the week figuring out his   whole schedule fullon stalker mode Monday rolls  around time to enact my Wy coyote scheme I took   a bathroom break and run out to the parking  lot swing by my truck grabbed a pair of wire   cutters rolled underneath his car and went to  town on every wire I can find in reach step one   complete third period rolls around and I have one  of my friends drop a couple joints in an unsealed   Ziploc baggie in his backpack jerk boyfriend gets  searched during lunch for wreaking of weed now our   school was pretty LAX in this area so they sent  him home and called his parents only he couldn't   go home because his wiring harness was in pieces  so he has to waste 2 hours waiting for a tow truck   it's Monday night and I have a shift that goes  until midnight so I dip out around 10:30 and ask a   buddy to cover for me I run over to his house Dawn  my head wrap and gas mask and take the screen off   his window and open it a crack I peek inside he's  out like a light I creep inside and stand over him   for a minute reaching down I clamped my hand over  his mouth his eyes snapped open staring at me with   a primal fear I leaned down close to his face  and whispered if I ever hear you or hear of you   speaking K or E's names again I'm going to come  back here and no one will ever hear from you again   do you understand he nods good now we can do this  the easy way or the hard way you can either get   in your closet and lie down or I can see how many  times I have to hit you to knock you out needless   to say he got in his closet I went back to work  and acted like the whole thing never happened   he didn't come to school for that whole week and  all that bullying going on with my sisters slowly   died off with jerk boyfriend no longer constantly  instigating I wouldn't say that they necessarily   deserve what happened to them but I think anybody  in that situation deserves to have somebody that   would look out for them like op did just maybe  not going as far as op did but with that being   said that's all the time we have for today so of  all three of these stories that I've read for you   today which one was your personal favorite and why  let me know in the comments down below and if you   haven't yet if you could like And subscribe that  would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether   it's liking subscribing turning notifications  on all of it helps grow this Channel and I   appreciate the heck out of it so until next time  I'll see you all tomorrow with some more story is
Channel: Storytime
Views: 84,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: g55GvMuje7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 39sec (14319 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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