Best NUCLEAR REVENGE Stories of 2023! - Reddit Stories

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hey guys welcome back to another nuclear Revenge compilation so let's hit those like And subscribe buttons down below and let's get into it that said our first story of the days by Lady delirium my Uncle D and Ard my friends I made sure he never saw his now ex-wife and children ever again by getting him banned from a whole country about 22 years ago my mom got a frantic call from my uncle's best friend to say that he'd been arrested apparently an ex-girlfriend had accused him of the r word but she was just being vindictive because he broke up with her my uncle Chad is obviously innocent we all love him he's our charismatic friendly outgoing loving Uncle you would never hurt anyone the family all send money for legal fees they're in France we're in South Africa this is true because it's all over my profile the best friends send us all the updates no one ever thought to Google anything we were getting it from The Source he was found guilty and the family was devastated we all send money for an appeal deal this goes on for two years and then we get the call that he's been found innocent and released after his release he meets Lucy who's originally from Canada Lucy's lovely comes from money in a very big way he's so charming and convincing they're married in less than eight months huge wedding in France then suddenly they're having separate honeymoons he was going to Honeymoon in his home country Namibia and she was going to Canada then they would meet up in Brazil he stayed in Namibia for a couple of days then partied with us in South Africa we teased him that he took his wife's surname he said that's what she wanted she's the boss and then he cheated on his wife I was floored I had looked up to him all these years and he cheated on his wife on their separate honeymoons I was disgusted I saw him once after that he tells me he's unhappy in his marriage blah blah blah he now has two children I honestly couldn't care less then six years ago I get a message from him he's getting divorced he's coming to South Africa can he crash on the couch I say sure he's still family I haven't seen him in maybe 10 years maybe he's changed he arrives and we have a blast he hits it off with my fiancee he's funny and happy like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders he tells me they were both cheating the relationship was extremely volatile they were always fighting and on edge they're toxic for each other she's a total control freak he's on Tinder and hooking up on the prowl he leaves for a couple months to travel around South Africa it's an extremely beautiful and diverse country comes back leaves again they don't mind he's fun to have around one of the weeks he's in town he meets my friend Jane Jane is gorgeous wild fun out there they hit it off instantly he asks her out for a drink she says yes she tells me that the next day they were having a great time but they must have drank a lot because she can't remember much of the evening she vague me remembers Chad going home with her they must have hooked up she just can't remember this is not unusual behavior for Jane she has a chronic drinking problem she'll get drunk and go home with men all the time I've learned the hard way not to bring this up also we're all 40 plus I'm not going to start telling other adults how to live their lives I am definitely not a saint two days later Chad has to fly back to Namibia and calls Jane from the airport we're sitting together having lunch Chad says that he's so glad he has photographic mementos of their time together she's confused he then sends her all these inappropriate photos of her unconscious laying on the bed put in different positions she just starts crying she doesn't show them to me I'm sent them at a later stage she tells him to delete them immediately he laughs she's Furious and embarrassed she starts reflecting on the evening trying to remember details she digs through her handbag and finds a receipt cheap jerk laughed his wallet at home two extra gin and tonic and 2x tequila definitely not enough to get a seasoned Drinker blackout drunk I am furious Jane is furious for some reason I think about his r word conviction and Google his name holy crap I wish I had done this 20 years ago at the top of the Google search namibian R wordist released from jail and political blunder we read this article in silent shock the truth two years before being caught and convicted he met a woman in the nightclub deed her drink took her home took inappropriate photos of her and then awed her she went to the police and the next day luckily there was DNA two years later he gets arrested for drinking and driving they take his DNA and Bam it's a match they have all the surveillance footage and the photos on his phone easy conviction even though he tried to convince the courts they were dating and she was a jilted lover can I stop her for a moment to puke his story about being innocent and released is all Bs some politician who was trying to make a name for himself decided to release 100 non-violent criminals Chad somehow got on the list about eight months later they realized their mistake re-arrested him and extradited him back to Namibia hence the separate honeymoons while in Namibia he changed his name and took his wife's surname so that he could get into Canada they don't take convicted felons I tell Jane we need to go to the police she says absolutely not she has dealt with a South African police with r word before and it's worse than the actual event I tell her I know someone ex-police men who can help her we end up getting into a huge fight she blames me for introducing them she's had a couple of drinks on top of this devastating realization slaps me on the face and leaves the restaurant I am beyond Furious I am murderous towards Chad I say send him a message saying that I know what he did to my friend and that I know about his real past he's despicable and disgusting his response was I'm so over your drama does this look like she's deed and then proceeds to send me all the inappropriate photos of my friend I'm physically ill no one wants to see photos of their friend like that she refuses to take my calls and that day was the beginning of the end of our friendship I'm haunted this consumes my thoughts day and night I decide to message his wife I say I'm so sorry about your divorce until they're all the crap you said about her are you sitting down there is no divorce they're having issues with his infidelity but he promised it would never happen again he has a therapist who's advised him that he should come to South Africa to find himself I tell her exactly how he's finding himself she breaks down and tells me everything from him sexually harassing the live-in Au pairs hiding cameras in their bathroom to film them shower ring getting one of them pregnant there was a huge court case but he denied it was his and refused to take a DNA test Court made him take the test and he is the father she sends me all the affidavits court papers report from the therapist Etc she also sends me screenshots of their conversations message upon message of him saying how much he misses her and how this trip will save their marriage he misses her more and more every day all the while telling us that she's crazy abusive controlling and cheated on him with his best friend spoiler alert there is no therapist he created a fake Gmail account and sent reports to his wife on his progress the therapist basically said she must forgive him for his infidelity because he had a traumatic childhood and he's actually a super nice guy if I wasn't his therapist he would be my best friend I kid you not that was in the report I'm not sure if his wife was just really gullible or hopeful people but I saw the minute I opened the first email I mean the idiot made the same spelling mistakes and used the same colloquialism I plot and plan what is the worst possible thing I can do to him I am all consumed in South Africa you can pay someone for anything but I'm a big believer of karma so I know I can't use any nefarious means I realize I have copies of all of his documents passports Namibia and Canada his ID with his original name on it bank statements showing he has loads of money he was supposed to send money home to his wife before he left he took the proceeds of a car they sold it was meant for the farm but he told her he needed it for his sabbatical he would flip cars in South Africa and double the money then I remember he changed his name and took her surname so he could get into Canada so for about a year I went backwards and forwards in my head do I report him to the Canadian immigration what will be the repercussions I was troubled and torn I'm not a malicious person I was still ticked off and felt like I needed to do something I'm a person of action then I heard he had done the same thing to someone extremely close to me Annie during the same period as Jane she only remembered a year later after extensive therapy so I sat down in front of my laptop and wrote the most detailed factual devastating letter of my life my hands shook the entire time I put it all in there the French assault with links to the newspaper articles screenshots of messages to me blanked out showing he's Distributing inappropriate pictures without consent illegal in South Africa as well but not much enforcement a full timeline of his life highlighting his name change to deliberately deceive the Canadian immigration I made it very clear in my letter report that his behavior had escalated without recourse I did not include the affidavits or correspondence from his wife even though she knew of his deception I didn't know want her to get into trouble I pressed send and got very drunk it was 100 Anonymous so I never got a response I just carried on with my life and helped Danny get better Jane and my friendship deteriorated Beyond repair she deliberately started dating my brother and has turned him against me that's a whole other messed up story that I might write about one day when it stops hurting I only told Annie what I did this year I've kept it a secret for about three years I know he's not been able to go back to Canada at all banned for life part of me feel sorry for his kids and a bigger part of me thinks I did them a favor especially his daughter who he had started making suggestive comments about saying things like isn't she attractive for a 13 year old you can see the hot woman she'll become Etc puke a thousand times the au pair that he got pregnant was only 18. I'm friends with his ex-wife on Facebook she is Facebook happy new guy kids are happy well I wish the wife literally all the best after dealing with that and would you guys agree with me that this dude deserves to be locked up Wallace windowless doorless room practically that a guy like this only deserves a flap on their door that opens once a day to give them food let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by mundane seesaw strap in boys and girls this one's a doozy we don't sell pizza because you have the wrong number the end result of the story which I will tell you up front is that we lost the ability to order from several local Pizza Huts for life we used to have a phone number that was very similar to a Pizza Hut their number ended in 5575 and ours was identical but ended in five five one five now these two numbers are commonly mixed up for obvious reasons this was back before the days of cell phones and everyone having their own personal number and we actually had to get a caller ID because of this for years we had this pizza Hud's client base call our house about 50 50 split sober or drunk and order pizzas the thing is people will not listen when you tell them sorry wrong number we would have drunk people call back four or five times and then begin screaming into the phone I know this is a freaking Pizza Hut you jerk or give me the number or I'll kick your butt this was pretty normal and the Pizza Hut was even aware of this and profusely apologized when we would call them never giving us anything for free though despite the massive inconvenience of the phone ringing off the hook well Pizza Hut Corporate then pays for an advertisement on paper billboard and phone book and guess what they botched the number they put our number on the things for the phone number as one of the locations in our town for Pizza Hut's pizza why because ones and sevens are the same number apparently the phone calls we get freaking explode it goes from like three to five phone calls a day to like 100 to 200 initially we were directing people with a message that simply said this is not Pizza Hut their number is so and so it didn't end we would get calls with people screaming into the voice recording I want a freaking Pizza This is BS I'm going to kill whoever doesn't answer this freaking phone aren't Boomers great we got that crap all the time from older people I cannot tell you how many times I've been told to end myself for trying to direct someone to the correct place and for some freaking reason no one ever listens well upon this happening my dad calls into the Pizza Hut and says look all we want is to not have to change our number if you guys will please change yours or pay for hours to be changed it was like a ten dollar convenience fee or some crap we will stop getting your darned phone calls the manager cussed my dad who had him on speakerphone calling him a poop load of names and for getting him bad reviews as well as losing customers to his branch which is locally owned what a freaking joke it's costing their business a solid 10 grand easy over a phone number why not just change it I don't know my dad looks at the phone hangs up and says okay jerk you want to be like that about it might add then instruction my 17 year old self and my sister to take all the calls from now on if it rings pick it up take the order and say okay your pizza should be there in an hour and a half then when they call back to tell them sorry the driver just left and if they call back a third time say well I can get you on the phone with my manager but he's probably gonna kick your butt if you keep complaining and then switch the phone with someone else and have them say listen here which you aren't getting your pizza and we're keeping your money freaking get over it or something along those lines anyway two weeks pass and my dad tries to get said Pizza Hut to change our number for free never pointing out that they screwed up their ad as apparently they were completely oblivious to this fact again the manager screams at my dad saying I don't have the money to change your freaking number we even tried calling other Pizza Huts to get the issue resolved and their corporate with no real luck fair enough it's game on time now which why for two reasons one my dad got a phone with a transfer button and two because Summer was rolling around and me and my sister loved messing with people over this it was a really bad influence on us to be honest we feel the phone calls every day all day long we had friends come over and they loved partaking in the same thing we had a general plan one every other call would get a pizza delivery two on the other calls we would get them really pissed off talking crap to them and saying okay do you want to speak with my manager and just cold transfer them to the Pizza Hut it took six more weeks of us doing this and the Pizza Hut closed a few weeks before they closed we got a phone call from Pizza Hut Corporate who more or less threatened us with a cease and desist sounding like they didn't really understand what was actually happening as it accused us of stealing their phone calls we called their corporate and explained what was going on and even played our recordings of talking with them before about the issue and ignoring us all they said is you had better stop this is illegal over and over we didn't stop they were aware of what was going on and didn't want to do anything about it to fix their Fubar a few weeks after the owner lost his job he called her house and was trying to argue with my dad about how bad of a person he was because I lost money and got my butt beat several times apparently we had pissed a few people off so bad they actually went in and attacked him and the other staff to this day it cracks me up that a company can be so oblivious and is the single reason I don't believe we live in anything close to a meritocracy anyone in this position who has any Merit would instantly change the number but not a corporation who has money to Sue and not a middle manager who has an ego problem I just couldn't imagine ever being that stubborn spend the 10 bucks to get them to change their number and save your business that dude deserves to lose their franchise acting like that and maybe they deserve to get beat up a little bit too don't suspend me for a stupid reason backstory I'm a sophomore in high school we have four assistant principals in our high school for freshmen sophomores Juniors and seniors anyway my school is a very left-sided School most of the teachers are very liberal and honestly don't let you share your own opinion if you're conservative Story one day I decided to post my own opinion on my Snapchat story bad idea I posted how it's my own opinion that girls shouldn't wear makeup as I just simply don't find it attractive some girls started a rumor that I was talking about her and she and her friends came at my physical appearance and my nationality I made a bad decision and called her out for cheating on her boyfriend friend and called her a hoe and she got really mad and deleted her stories and made it seem like I was simply coming at her for no reason I was already pissed I have tons of screenshots of what was said however I couldn't stop this now I had 175 views already and the amount of screenshots I had on that story was 86. people started making memes about me calling me a weasel gerbil said my forehead was big and everything it really hurt but I knew I still had some friends I go to school the next day and I'm getting threats to get beaten up and people are spreading rumors about me I was so distraught but I fought through it as I was getting my lunch a group of at least 15 girls went around me and formed a circle around me and yelled at me the girl I was talking to at the time was on my side surprisingly and she went and yelled at all those girls many kids made Rude memes about me and it really hurt turns out someone told the sophomore assistant principal she was this that I was just mansplaining and I didn't know anything about girls or women or why they wear makeup turns out someone told the principal the wrong story and didn't show the assistant principal's screenshots of everything crab escalated quickly and she started yelling at me and I kept saying that wasn't the full story turns out someone made fake screenshots and gave it to her I was surprised at this and I even showed her everything that I posted but she said I deleted it I showed her all the things people made with the name not blurred out and she was now surprised she called them up and told them not to do it anymore then they just got let off with a warning after they left she told me I was going to have to be suspended she was a real witch and I don't know why she suspended me for this I was really mad that I was suspended for at least two days all because of a Snapchat post that wasn't even that bad getting suspended means a lot to me since I'm usually good and I've had a perfect attendance since first grade this is why I was about to get into National Honor Society now because I'm suspended my chance is really low this is where the Revenge starts Revenge the minute I got home my parents instantly talked to me and sided with me they even said I could just treat it like it was a snow day and I didn't even get punished they were pissed too I sat at the desk in my room on my computer and I thought what could I do I looked up my assistant principal's name on Google to see if I can find any information I find her Instagram and her Facebook she's quite young actually like around 26 to 30. I decide to make a fake account posing as a random person so she could accept my follow request I had to buy followers and make posts so it doesn't seem too suspicious I think I spent thirty dollars on followers and likes I'm not sure I needed this to work I soon Got a notification at around 5 or 6 PM saying she accepted my follow request perfect I scrolled down her pictures and this was before Instagram's stupid layout update so you could still see your posts she had around like 450 posts could be a little less could be a little more I just assume around 450. I scrolled down and saw pictures of her husband and her two-year-old with her it wasn't Tagged so he probably doesn't have an Instagram not a big deal so I scrolled down more then I saw a picture of her except she was in a Hooters uniform I thought to myself that usually people work two jobs but this picture was very odd it was one of those pictures you could slide right and you could look at more pictures the next picture was with a kid that looked really really familiar I then saw a bit of this shirt I couldn't tell what was really on it but I saw that it had my high school's colors I then instantly realized who it was the junior that was the captain of the varsity football team I was so curious so I slid to the next picture he was grabbing her butt while hugging her and she was looking up at him like he was her husband I was so shook that I had to screenshot I keep scrolling through her Instagram and it's just her and this kid then I found the perfect picture she was kissing him and it was definitely at a house party I knew what I had to do I had to screenshot this then I quickly went on Facebook I found pictures of her husband and he was tagged I know his name now so I looked him up on White Pages he lived at the same address as her so I had to do this during school I found out where he worked and so I quickly printed out pictures that I found this was the best thing I also plan to email the pictures to the school she shouldn't suspend people for a stupid reason and she shouldn't be kissing her students I went to sleep knowing this was going to work I woke up between 9 and 10 that day and was ready for this I grabbed my bike and buy like the six miles to get to their house across the city I'm on Varsity soccer team so I'm quite in shape this took me about 20 minutes and when I got there I saw his car in the driveway great he didn't leave for work yet I simply just put the pictures in their mailbox knocked on the door and biked off as quick as I could I had to wait until at least seven o'clock to email the school I made an entirely new email address and emailed it at around 6 30 because I couldn't wait they emailed back almost right away and they said they'll deal with it right away since today was my last day of being suspended I was ready to go back to school tomorrow after math I woke up in the morning really happy and excited and I couldn't wait to see what was going to unfold in our lunch the assistant principal along with a few teachers walk around monitoring the lunch I then see the principal along with two police officers pull the assistant principal and the student out the whole lunchroom gets quiet and so many people are recording I smirked really openly when I saw this happen I asked one of the monitors to get a bathroom pass just so I could hear what was going on they told me I couldn't go right now as some things going on I was kind of sad about this but also happy I knew what was going on but I couldn't tell anyone now some stuff happened in the next few days but I'll just sum it up first day after the day after this happened she didn't show up but the student did I asked him what happened but he wouldn't say all I knew was that he wasn't in trouble that made me glad because he didn't have a reason to be in trouble and that wasn't my goal five days after since it was a four day week in that week as we had Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday off we came back to school on Tuesday I noticed that our office was empty I was really stunned that she got fired so I looked up our state's court case search there was already one case and it was hers she had cause child 13 to 18 to view inappropriate activity as the charges pressed against her three weeks later the school wanted to hide this so of course no news came out but a new case has opened up her divorce case I saw this and I instantly knew I succeeded she should not have ever have been an assistant principal as she was extremely hateful and biased and even a perv now she's serving 10 months in prison and I don't feel bad at all I think more than anything in this story this just goes to show that when you're in those kinds of positions and you're dealing out of punishment you've got to remain impartial this assistant principal clearly had severe bias against op and willingly acted upon it when it wasn't deserved are you glad that op went and exposed this principle for what they were doing so they got out of that system should you feel bad at all for them serving 10 months in prison let me know in the comments down below and by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos like our last story of the day from True dead God walking you try and end my life let me make sure you wish yours was I've wanted to post this here for a while but I only just got the true best ending backstory I'm super allergic to aerosols and perfumes commonly used in spray cans of cologne to the point that I go into anaphylaxis if it touches me directly or I breathe it in directly and I've had several close calls I'm also mildly autistic and used to be rather nerdy and anti-social making me the perfect Target for all of the jerks out there now for the story I was in math class right after I learned I was allergic to Cologne this being Junior High this was actually a pretty major problem as I couldn't even change in the locker rooms most days of course I had several people in my class that were absolute jerks to me and that particular day the miscreants were messing around with a bottle of ax body spray one was running around in the middle of class no less spraying people with it I wasn't too bothered at first I just put my jacket over my head to keep out of anything that got too close then the guy will call him Richard for comedic reasons sprayed the girl right across from me I had to quickly ask to leave the room which my math teacher be grudgingly agreed to after my nose started to bleed and I was visibly getting hives on my face and arms I quickly left to the jeers of wood the smell too manly for you gay crap and go back to your anime op no one wants to see your face explode in front of the math teacher mind you and spend most of the rest of the hour puking out the lunch I'd recently eaten seeing as it was the last hour of the day I decided to wait until school was over before calling my mother to take me home to save out on the paperwork soon enough the bell rings and I leave the bathroom to head to the front office to call my mother as I was walking down the Hall however I hear some conspicuous giggling behind me which I recognized as Richards then I heard the worst sound the hiss of a spray can right in my face I dropped instantly my Airways closing like an eyelid gasping for breath I didn't even have enough time to call for help before I passed out on the floor but not before hearing a soft oh crap from one of Richard's friends I found out later that of course the cameras in the Halls were down for maintenance the same BS as always anyone with a half a brain Knew by that point that the cameras were just for show they never caught Richard for doing that despite my insisting it was him I had almost died and was in the hospital for more than two weeks by the time I was good enough to go to school again when I got back Richard was still a Richard and I guess he thought I forgot or maybe didn't know it was him I didn't forget and I knew who it was who did that I just needed some way to get back at him fast forward two years and I'm 15 and in high school and Richard has become a football player and track star to everyone else that event was lost to time and I even forgot it sometimes until one day at Walmart I saw Richard again with a girl who was clearly not his girlfriend the tongues were flailing in that poor dried food section and I was just going to leave and then I remembered what he had done to me and my master plan began I quickly snapped a picture and hurried on my way an evil smile on my face and a more Sinister plan forming in my head I spend almost a year Gathering every piece of juicy dirt I could on poor Richard and trust me it was a lot I'm not going to list everything here but to put up a few things inappropriate photos of children drug use underage drinking poaching took some time today dig that one up vandalism Etc then I got the best one of all an explicit image taken by one of his friends at a house party that I had to borrow someone's iCloud account to get this one was something that made me sick to even see Richard on a bed doing something unsavory to his own sister who to top it off was only 11. once I'd gathered over 300 images recordings and text messages minus my grand finale and anonymously put them into a police drop box in a big manila envelope after only a day I didn't see Richard at school then a week passed then a month I didn't even hear a news report on it this wasn't enough for me even though I knew from a friend he was already in jail I decided it was time that I make sure I ruined his life forever so what did I do you may ask well well I took my trump card sister image and put it in the mailbox of Richard's poor family and then waited I didn't hear any more about the story until just a week ago Richard was put on life ending watch after attempting with bed sheets yeah uh wow so this started with the average absolute High School jerk and ended with maybe one of the worst people I've ever heard of in a nuclear Revenge story if Richard isn't just about the worst villain in one of these stories I've read They're sure darn near the top all I can really say all I can really add to the story is that it's no great surprise that Richard is where Richard is now and with an Outlook from what all they've done it's no surprise that they're trying to do what they're trying to do when the gift horse bites you back my Story begins about six years ago I was a frequent and dedicated customer of a locally owned smoke and vape shop in my hometown the owner heard me say I was looking and offered me a job it'll have to be under the table and I can't pay more than ten dollars an hour I was just happy to be out of the house and seeing someone other than the kids and family so the owner spent a day training me gave me her cell number and door keys then told me to call if I had any questions that was it no other info besides call me if you need pricing it was kind of a sink or swim thing they then started another business in another state my shop was in California and they opened another biz on the other side of the country I went from Friday and Saturday to full time I went two months without being paid because they just never came home I finally told them look I'm basically just running the place alone I can do all the ordering and whatnot send you it for approval and then you can just stay there and pay me via Zell they said yes to all of it except for the pay part instead they would have their family friend T check the books and receipts then check my hours then pay me up to that date every two weeks tea got got paid quite handsomely but also took whatever she pleased from the shop too I took note of everything she took how long she was there and sent all of it to the owner Lisa T did not like that because it was all taken out of her pay so she started being busy and not showing up to pay me when she was supposed to instead of every two weeks it was every month or every five or six weeks and then I had to text my boss to beg for an advance of pay to get gas so from two days a week to seven days a week with 10 hour days Lisa and her Hub refused to pay for expensive software so I did all the supply lists and tax stuff and ordering on my Google Drive and sent the info they wanted by email eventually I began to get calls that I had the wrong music playing on the stereo I played reggae and she wanted hardcore rap that she wanted that or this customer out now which I generally ignored because they were paying customers after all or things like that I began update and improving the shop at their request all on my own dime that they swore to reimburse which brought in a bunch of customers and new stock our CBD section and customer base balloon our Vape section went from two shelves to an entire wall and people from other cities came to our shop because I could repair almost anything that was broken our water tobacco pipes area became huge with hand-blown glass pieces from famous and very well-known artists on sale from my connections they got them super cheap and boosted that price 400 percent to sell them basically I took a small town or Rinky Dink vape and smoke shop and made it hugely successful very profitable and well known across the state all this time I was told I would be getting a percentage of the profits and that I was family and they always treat family well with profit sharing being done at Christmas Christmas comes and I'm told a rather Biz is doing bad can we pay you the percent six months I agreed more the idiot I covet happened but we kept our head above Waters becoming listed as a necessary business I pointed out their business license still listed them as selling food and snacks even though they didn't so we stayed open all the other shops cut their hours or closed but we were pulling in cash like never before tea was still coming sporadically and I was working my butt off but since I love the shop and my customers I tolerated it but as I was massively overworked I eventually paid for it I was admitted into the hospital for two weeks for exhaustion and a heart condition that the exhaustion made worse the whole time I was in there my boss kept calling and making me prove I was in the hospital I had calls constantly from T who filled in and just in general Lisa was pissy as heck that I was in the hospital and not her shop I get out and back in the shop and she asked me to work on a huge project for her skin five years where the register receipts enter the daily totals for all five years into a spreadsheet separated by year cash credit CBD cash CBD Credit Credit Report total bank deposit hours worked discounts given Etc took me three weeks to do it all saved to my Google Drive then emailed to Lisa never thought about it again then she calls me frantic because the accountant said it looked like we made way too much during covet I told Lisa that we'd been the only shop open that was the difference she demanded I resend the spreadsheets but only the part for that year 2020. I do then out of nowhere she fires me sends in tea with T's daughter my replacement and tells me to pack up and leave no final pay no reimbursement for the profit sharing nothing I called Lisa and she tells me something that pisses me off to this day you're bringing in the wrong kind of people I didn't work that hard to update and open that place for you to fill it with f slur for lgbtq and n-word that is it and that she would settle up my last pay later she didn't I was pissed I left I'm a lesbian she knew that when our story was at its worst during covid the lgbtq community came together and supported the shop because I was there and we all helped one another our biggest and best paying customers were lgbtq so I let them all know what was said I also told a few well-placed people about what Elisa had said during our phone call I also had numerous texts where she had screen capped the security feed and pointed out people to run off who strangely had all been persons of color I also told the leader of the local lgbtq Association and the Chamber of Commerce leaders what had been said and showed my proof as they were former customers of mine they were appalled and spread it far and wide utterly destroying their customer base a month after firing me she called apologizing for the firing and making up excuses for not paying me then asking where I had saved that spreadsheet I told her that it was all on my Google Drive she said if I sent it to the accountant again she would settle up just don't send her 2020. she already has that one so after making my life miserable for years putting me in the hospital and then firing me just to pay T's daughter five dollars an hour more yeah I'm taking my revenge she gave me the number of her accountants so that I could make sure the info got to her I called Miss accountant and asked her can you send me what you do have I don't want you to go through duplicate documents if you don't have to see I knew that Elisa had been tweaking numbers and figures so that her other Biz medical marijuana could funnel through the store and be seen as legit see if you sell medical marijuana you couldn't really put it into a normal bank because of the feds wanted to they could seize it because it is still federally illegal and banks are under Federal rules you had to prove that the money didn't come from selling medical marijuana to get it back which could take years there are banks that deal solely with people in the marijuana business but even the cheapest account at the cheapest institution has a one thousand dollar a month flat fee this was back in 2020 though maybe it's different now my boss was not one to pay money like that just for a bank account so she was a laundering it through the store her accountant thought the numbers were suspicious but had no proof until now I was sent all the spreadsheets that Elisa had sent her and wow was she in trouble she was claiming that our little store was making over ten thousand dollars a day more than we really were and it all started happening in you guessed it 2020 so I accidentally sent her the real spreadsheets for 20 2020 with all the scanned receipts and credit report scans and bank deposit skins all the info needed to really blast Lisa into the stratosphere the accountant called and asked me are these all real are you sure these are the right figures I said yep all she needed to do was click on the day and it hyperlinked you to all that day's info register a seat for the day the square breakdown for the CBD sold that day and the bank deposit and credit report receipts I told her that these were the fully updated and accurate info for that year I remember the accountant sounded stunned she disliked my boss as much as I did for her lies late payments and utter contempt she treated her with I emailed Lisa and told her all the info was sent and that I was waiting for the payment as promised surprise surprise she blocked me and no payment went through as it was paid under the table it was a she said she and her husband and her best friend and her new worker said so it was the least I could do you to take her and her lying butt down I also looked up the IRS tips email and sent them copies of the real and altered files along with a copy of their business licenses they would ask me to text them copies of them and their tobacco license and then also called code enforcement and let them know that their fire alarm system didn't work that they had no emergency exit and that their extinguisher hadn't been serviced in four years they just sent a friend to fake it I turned them into the FDA website for selling to underage customers the new cashier was selling the underage all the time and then sent in an anonymous tip that they were selling carts and wax they had made it their new business on the east coast and were selling out of the shop The Fallout was glorious they were shut down by code enforcement and the fire department for having black mold on the walls due to leaks they refused to fix exposed wiring no up-to-date servicing on the fire alarm system and the fire extinguisher was inoperable they were shocked by the FDA and had to pay some pricey fines for three different underage sales and had their tobacco license pulled right now the IRS is doing a complete audit of the last 10 years of the store's taxes and they shut the stores Doors Down for good about two months ago the bad part I never got to hear what happened to their East Coast Medical Marijuana business huh oh well them's the brakes I guess considering everything this lady's done do you think that she's gonna end up getting some jail time do they deserve jail time let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and by the way make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos they're chocked full of awesome stories like this and speaking of awesome stories our last one for the day is from Mom man11 bully kids for being gay time to put you in their shoes in my school during the time I was there there was a lot of social stigma with being a homosexual within a school environment no one ever came out publicly due to the amount of bullying and general buttery that would follow so it was a closed shop I'm personally straight a victim of bullying for reasons that aren't related to my sexuality but a victim of bullying nonetheless I knew I wasn't really able to stop this on my own so I just moved on and tried to make their lives better through things like programming clubs I'm well versed in my knowledge of programming languages during my third year there I remember there was a particular little freaker who am I'll name dip for this story and he was relentless his parents were strict Christians but not in the sense of love and peace more like hate and repent for things out of your control they would let him get away with bullying the LGBT kids due to the fact that those F words deserve it for going against God the school would try everything to prevent him and in their defense they did suspend him for a few days but after the poop storm his parents kicked up for this incident he was acquitted almost every single time after this one particular incident caught my eye when he cornered a kid who was rumored to be gay without having even been confirmed and beat the poop out of him calling him an f word and telling him to repent more so sarcastically not in a serious sense I don't remember the details of the case but I'm fairly certain nothing came about it due to the lack of evidence but the victim was scarred frankly I'd had enough I began to work on a particular program which was my first rat allowing me to transfer files between computers as well as run commands in admin on their PCS this was in the before times before people were big on e-safety which essentially gave me full control I sent them these rats in various forms through disposable emails so they'd have no idea it was me I then began my my planning downloading various files of gay adult entertainment not for personal use and began to transfer it I always made sure it was in places where they wouldn't ever look Windows directory sample videos the usual then awaited I remember it was a day where we were all in class together I took out my laptop sent a single command which essentially was a function to do one thing open it all up the greatest part about this exploit was that it also forced the sound to play through the speakers as well as blasting it at full volume close-ups of the most depraved poorly drawn stuff once that was all open I just kept resending the command each time they closed it making sure to only do it once no one could pinpoint it was being done automatically obviously the school informed his parents and as strict Christians who remember Hayden repent were absolutely freaking Furious if I were recall correctly they disowned him and the local christian community exiled them from the church refusing to allow him back in without his parents he had to live with his equally but more accepting and less wealthy and an uncle who constantly berated him for being gay despite his protests it was rumored they signed him up for electro shock gay conversion therapy at school he felt the crab storm these kids felt as well being called Gay and getting hurt left and right due to this he didn't pass any of his exams and as such was stuck at a dead-end job for two years of his life due to the events in his life up till that point he took up alcohol as a suppressant for the pain and as such was swiftly fired from his job for his ethanol-induced escapades I'm not very sure where he is now but I know that wherever he goes he won't bully anyone ever again and that is The Branding I was looking for well I'm gonna say this is definite nuclear because what op did just sent them on a roller coaster but instead of an up and down it was just a straight down and when it collided with the ground it still just kept going down and similarly in their parents eyes their view of him crashed and went down to a certain place that's very steamy you gotta love people who are so hardcore on religion that are willing to say stuff like repent and like seek God and and change your ways but then immediately follow that up with the equivalent of a religious form of grabbing your hand hitting you and saying stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself they were probably shoving their own kid out of their lives in their Community while also saying repent and seek God and stuff no Second Chances here but consider seeking a second chance my dad's side of the family doesn't play around for a little bit of the background this is a story that's been confirmed as absolutely 100 true and has always been shared in Whispers whenever I was lucky enough to hear it I live in a predominant the Mexican family and my dad's side is the Mexican side our cast for this nuclear feature Jorge is cousin server Arabella is cousin's sister m is Mobsters Jack Jack is the d-bag lady hitter it begins in the 1950s Midwest in a larger City Jorge was working for a decently classy restaurant that the mob used to frequent due to its supposedly stellar food now this was back in the day when the mobs used to run the cities with their protections and whatnot so seeing suited up townies in the street wasn't the most abnormal thing every time the mob came in to eat Jorge had them at a table in no time they were waited on hand and foot and nothing less Jorge made sure they were fully supported throughout the meal and entertained with conversation now somewhere along these lines the Mobsters noticed how much Jorge was busting his balls and gave him a favor card with a number on it they said if anything goes down and he needs help he is to call the number on the card and tell them what's going on and that the situation will get taken care of in the meanwhile Arabella had started dating Jack H and everything was a lovey-dovey at first short time later Jorge started noticing Arabella getting more and more distant emotionally and always coming with new bruises and marks and silly excuses for them Jorge then starts questioning Arabella about what the situation is and eventually Arabella breaks down and reveals Jack H is the one laying his hands on her so much Jorge didn't like this or he didn't like this at all so when he was all right and riled up all he had to do was make one phone call he told them everything he knew according to Jorge Jack H was picked up in a van somewhere off the street beaten halfway to death and then left on the side of a highway a ways away from town tldr don't mess with the sister of a guy who's trusted by the mob to serve them food I mean you just gotta tell me 1950s Midwest in a larger City and I already believe you if you were serving these guys and they gave you a card like that would you ever actually consider using it or would that be the kind of thing you tuck away and just try to forget about let me know in the comments down below by the way if you enjoy these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from Anonymous Survivor five years later the nuclear revenge on an abusive Predator is so so sweet backstory trigger warning I was adopted as a child from South Korea into an American family and was abused in many many ways I won't go into exact details here but my background led me into the relationship the story is about I didn't learn what a good and loving relationship should be like and wasn't able to recognize being groomed as a late teen by a much older man enter jerk slash Predator psychotic narcissist AP for short not one of the family but came along after I left the abusive home the Innings took place over the course of the following 15 years after I left the abusive home he was 32 and I was not quite 19 yet I'm now 38. I ended up being whisked away from the only real family I knew sis Mom and Dad no blood relation but I was their unofficially adopted daughter to California from the beginning I noticed some things were off when I was being groomed but didn't know how to recognize the signs of grooming two years into the relationship the abuse really started in Earnest over the course of our travels and problems I noticed that he would talk incessantly online with other women he even made it a point to tell me about one that turned him on on a job site he worked Telecom construction jobs I also caught him online with a 16 year old he told me amidst severe paleness and sweating stammering in fear at this point it was like having to take care of an adult-aged baby who had to have things his way all the time I enjoyed he left for weeks on end sometimes months for work it meant that I didn't have to deal with his butt all the time just to clarify why I say it's like taking care of an adult aged baby he would literally poop himself and drip it all over the floor on his way to the bathroom and then make me clean it up this happened all the time that's just one example he would throw the Christmas tree more often than not during some argument or another during the holidays so I started not putting one out throwing things breaking furniture and punching holes in walls non-consent those sorts of things about eight years into the relationship AP ended up getting an inheritance from an uncle who passed away in his family and so started the if you ever take my money and leave I'll find you and kill or shoot you threats he was big into guns and had many mind you this is a man who is a severely paranoid psychopath which I eventually learned that he was a paranoid schizophrenic via his ex-wife I found on Facebook it was then that I really really tried to find a way out it was difficult because he kept moving me around the US to different places in several States so the last place he forced me to move to was Missouri enter the 3 000 square foot home that he made me co-sign for I hated it I had to keep it spotless which also meant running after AP constantly picking up around him and cleaning I was also working part-time and doing College full-time the problems got worse at this point as this is about the time I found him online with the 16 year old miner this is when it really dawned on me that he was grooming someone else he would also force me to talk to his then current girlfriend whenever she called to the time too all this was adding up and since we were finally in a big city I knew I could find a way to leave since there were resources out there AP decided he was going to go on a trip with a friend out of state so that's when I'm plan to leave I planned ahead let the shelter know the situation when to expect me and if I didn't show to call the police after 24 to 48 hours of no show I hated copies of my social security card and birth certificate too AEP figured out something was up and ended up not going I was a day late in getting to the shelter but I made it it was a violent fight that night and I ended up leaving injured with nothing but the clothes on me my hat jacket and some cigarettes oh and my hidden identification copies the nuclear Revenge part one once I got to the shelter I used one day to decompress then the Revenge plan started all the utilities including the cell service was in my name yep I called and canceled them all the utility companies are required to give a seven day disconnect notice to the occupant to allow them time to get the utilities in their name so I knew AP would have problems with this because AP had crap credit and hence the reason why everything was in my name the cell service was immediate however which meant AP no longer had a phone to use for work the Gable company I also put a password on the pay-per-view so we couldn't rack it up with adult entertainment I did call my bank and let them know but was unaware at the time that he could still cash a check which he did do and forged my name more on that later so after I got everything canceled I knew it was time to find a place and start over and finish getting my revenge and my life back luckily I had a friend later husband will call him H in Ohio who offered me a place to stay I used my last paycheck to grab a bus ticket and hightailed it out of there part two Once I arrived in Ohio and settled in I started taking stock of my options H is a retired law enforcement slash military slash doctor slash martial arts practitioner so much there that he's done but it comes in handy later too in more ways than one he helped me to figure out my options letting me know our local laws and helping me in finding the right type of attorney to help me he also helped me in documenting everything that AP decided to do once he figured out where I had gone and AP did try AP even sent someone to our home to threaten to kill us AP tirelessly stalked sent threatening emails Etc part 3 with documentation in hand and a 15-page type statement I called up a local Missouri attorney we'll call him A1 who ended up being amazing and he helped me take care of all the filings I needed to do AP and I were together barely shy of 10 years and Missouri is a common law state I had to go through a legal separation to sever everything we had in Missouri A1 ended up getting me an excellent judgment against him as well as a warrant for his arrest for that County the documentation of his erratic threatening behaviors still continued part 4 AP was so scared that he ran away he ran back to California and ended up getting married enter my attorneys A2 A3 and APS to attorneys A2 on Mayan ended up a flop so I hired A3 ap's first attorney I had taken off the case since he had represented both of us during the house purchase he really thought I was stupid to allow that to go under the radar due to the Judgment amount I ended up hiring an attorney who dealt with the judgment's 40 000 and above normally for businesses my judgment wasn't much below that amount so he took my case the amount was also coincidentally very close to the amount he still had left from his inheritance I asked A1 to ask for that amount since it was all he had left of his inheritance he filed a sister State judgment so that the interest and judgment were moved to California for me A3 got ap's second attorney to drop him since they were colleagues at one point AP no longer had any legal representation and try to represent himself from this point on and boy did AP make a fool of himself trying to represent himself part 5 enter my private investigator later on turned friend that A1 recommended Pi for short he enjoyed that chase because of the situation behind it Pi hates abusers like him Pi found him in California and we ended up finding all of ap's personal address information Etc because he was arrested for domestic violence on his pregnant wife we were able to serve him during his court hearing on his wife's case via a bailiff owed to have been a fly on the wall remember above I said that I'd found out that AP had forged my signature and gashed a check on my bank account yeah I also had all the proof from that and had him out and out on check fraud and forgery as an Ace in the Hole if I ever needed it which A3 was also provided as well the last Act with all the proof in my hand AP also knew I had him on check fraud and forgery should the need arise the judgments and the warrants a second warrant was about to be issued in California on him as well from me and A3 he finally offered to settle in the end I still got the same amount of my judgment plus court costs he never realized that that was what I was aiming for he always said if I ever took his money and left him he would find me and kill or shoot me I still got his money and he never did do that it took five years but darn if I wasn't going to fight tooth and nail to nail this jerk for what he put me through it was amazing being able to nail him with some sweet nuclear revenge for 10 years of grief between myself H and A3 he was so scared that he wouldn't even go into a3's office to hand over the payment for the settlement he made someone else do it h and I took his money renovated our home bought h a pickup truck me a replacement Honda Pilot since AP stole mine before some other miscellaneous things that AP would have hated and finally got my Korean sky dragon tattoo sleeve done the Sky Dragon was something that he always wanted done for him but was too chicken poop to handle the pain we made great use of that money for a six foot blonde-haired 400 pound man he became obsessed with food during the course of our relationship and added 200 pounds he ended up being a whimpering terrified crybaby not bad for an abuse Survivor who put up with 10 years of abuse oh and H and I have been together now for nine years married for six and a half of them all I can say is putting up with that for 10 years Opie deserved everything they got and probably more and the guy got off easy being able to settle and our final story of the day is by SLG 407 bully me for five years enjoy being blind so when I was in the first grade some guy moved into my school tool I'll call him p p was a tall thin guy he liked to bully me verbally and would sometimes hit me this Revenge starts in the fifth grade I always had anger issues so when I got angry it was extreme and sometimes it would take up to five teachers to hold me down so after P did a particularly tick move on me I snapped but this time it was different I let the rage build up inside me and when class ended I waited for him to bully me a little bit more after a while he shoved me to the ground I got up and looked at him with the most rage I've ever had and I punched his face but I missed and hit his eyes so hard his retina detached he then proceeded to fall to the ground crying and I got suspended for a week but didn't get in too much trouble because the school considered it self-defense his retina got damaged when the surgeon tried to reattach it he's now blind in one eye well I'm not gonna say that this kid has necessarily deserve to go and lose eyesight in one eye but if that sure is heck isn't one Learning lesson about being a bully I don't know what would get through to them I think the only thing I'd want to know from op is if they continue to bully like Behavior or if they seem to clean up or stop messing with OP I mean all I know is if I was that kid and I lost my one eye I'd probably stop messing with OP I'd avoid them like the plague I found out my sister has been screwing my boyfriend behind my back I get even little backstory first I was born into a broken family my father was a drug addict my mother on the other hand was the kindest strongest woman I know fortunately they separated just after the birth of my younger sister who was only younger than me by a year I took after my mother my sister though apart from my mother's looks she got everything else from Dad now the thing is my father was a horrible person even before he became a drug addict he was an arrogant selfish insufferable jerk and not only that he also cheated on my mother multiple times while she was pregnant with me and my sister and he also physically hurt her he was so horrible to the point that when he left my mother said it was the happiest day of her life she continued raising us all by herself while my dad went to God knows where and you know what I've never even missed him 18 years later me and my sister were all grown up and the thing is we've never really been that close we fought a lot when we were younger but it was all usual sibling fights as we grew we fought a less and less and we were able to coexist like all siblings do and though I didn't express it all the time I did love her here's where it all goes to crap in my senior year of high school I started dating one of my classmates he had just transferred during that year and said that he liked me immediately and asked me to go out with him if I was interested I give the guy a chance it goes extremely well and just two months later we were initially dating he was sweet would treat me to lunch take me to places and was just a great boyfriend overall we continue to date through our first year and second year of college and he comes over at our house pretty frequently and my mom even lets him stay the night it came to the point that he would come there even when I wasn't and I thought nothing of it I was even glad that he felt so comfortable there until one day just a month before our anniversary I text him that I would be home later than usual because I still had something to do in school I was already in my third year and I was busier than I was before since we usually go home together he asked me what time do I think I'll be home and I said probably after dinner so he can pick me up then he says okay fortunately though I managed to finish earlier than I thought and instead of texting him to pick me up I decide to surprise him by coming to his house since it's been a while since we spent time together and I missed him when I got there his sister sister whom I was very close with was visibly confused and immediately asked me what I was doing there I told her I was there to see her brother and she becomes even more confused and says he told me he was coming to your house to see you though he left hours ago this time I'm the one who's confused so I quickly turned around and went home thankfully our houses were only 15 minutes apart from each other so I got there quickly the next 20 minutes were like heck I come home to find his bike outside the house was dark and I try my bestest to go inside as quietly as I could by the time I got up the stairs I hear it moans female and male the male one sounding particularly like my boyfriend tears immediately flooded my eyes I didn't even need to see to know it was him my boyfriend of almost three years screwing my sister my feet suddenly had a mind of its own and and I yank the door open I was seething at this point the witch was riding him like a mechanical bull I stood there as my now ex pushes her off of him shocked as he puts his clothes back on in light speed and starts spewing excuses I wasn't listening at all I was sobbing so much I couldn't breathe The Jerk follows me all the way downstairs and I yell at him that if he doesn't leave that instant I would tell his entire family he leaves and I was left with my sister I couldn't even look at her I stayed downstairs calming myself down until my mom came home from work she immediately notices something's wrong but I don't tell her yet dinner starts and I felt like crying again and you know what's even worse when my sister came down and sat just across from me I saw no hint of remorse or guilt on her face absolutely none I felt sick I wanted to vomit and I swear that at some point during dinner that evil witch even smirked a week goes by and I don't say anything I was so hurt my ex wasn't saying anything too no phone calls texts nothing and so did my sister not a single freaking sorry I felt so defeated I was crying multiple times a day and I couldn't even focus in school one day I finally snapped and I tell my mother everything she was extremely disappointed she scolds my sister but she didn't even seem to care and then suddenly I remembered my ex had told me his passwords he told me early in our relationship and I never bothered to open them because I was never the type to go through my significant others messages I trusted the freaker and this is what I get anyway I managed to open his Messenger account and there I see hundreds of messages between him and my sister I felt weak in the knees it had been going on for almost four months then I took screenshots turns out they'd been going out while I would be at school all three of us were from different schools my sister couldn't get into mine because her grades were too low and so was my boyfriend's my pain quickly turned into anger and I wanted nothing more than to make them both pay I couldn't stomach the side of my sister the fact that she would go behind my back like that over some guy made me freaking sick we were supposed to always be there for each other after a month I asked my mother if I can move out and live with my aunt for a while because I just couldn't take it anymore she was sad but she understood I felt so sorry for her she held my sister accountable for what she did but at the end of the day she was still her daughter so she can't completely turn her back on her I didn't want to give her the burden of having to choose so I did instead so I move out and live with my aunt and promise to keep in touch the next six months were basically me putting my crap back together I became a working student and did some freelance work to earn some money and as I started to earn more her I dropped out of school completely and became a full-time freelancer as the months went by I would earn more and more and I had more than enough money to spend for myself and from then on I started to send money to my mom monthly one day I got curious and decided to check on my sister and ex when I unblocked them I regretted it instantly the jerks were still together and my sister was even flaunting their relationship on Instagram suddenly it's as if no time had passed by at all and I was angry yet again I scroll through more pictures and it was obvious that my sister was completely in love with him I acted on anger I sent the screenshots I took from before and sent it to our cousins and told them everything they all ended up hating her and then I sent it to my ex's sister and also told her everything she punched him and told their parents and a day later I receive a text from them apologizing on behalf of their son it made me feel slightly better a week later my mom asks me to come home to spend the weekend I decided to say yes this time I stopped by a mall on the way to get a gift from my mom and guess who I see my ex-boyfriend with a girl who wasn't my sister holding hands I laugh hard the urge to take my phone out to take a picture and send it to my sister was so strong but I stopped myself it wouldn't be painful enough so I hide where he can't see me and follow them after about an hour she goes to the bathroom I follow her there I approach her when she comes out of the cubicle and say is the guy you're with your boyfriend she looks a little bit scared and confused but she answers yes nonetheless I quickly tell her that the same guy is currently dating my sister and even showed her some pictures the girl was completely horrified she said she had no idea that he was seeing someone else and I fought the urge to laugh I told her to get rid of him quickly and I'll tell her everything she needed to know but also asked her not to dump him yet so she makes up an excuse to him about an emergency at home and they go their separate ways for the day we meet up at a coffee shop close to the mall afterwards there I spill everything including all the details about the cheating when I finished she looked so mad almost as if it had happened to her and then she goes on to reveal that a long time boyfriend of hers actually cheated on her as well we talked some more and as time passed by I came to discover that the girl was actually really sweet and I felt sorry that she became a victim as my ex as well she asked me if I was gonna get revenge and I said yes but I needed her help but I also told her she could say no if she didn't want to but she said she wanted to help so I told her my plan and she was all for it I came home that night excited my mom seemed pleased and my sister looked a little pissed I didn't give a a freak though since I had the knowledge that my ex-boyfriend the guy she destroyed our relationship for was on his way to destroy her the girl and I talked for the next three weeks I was there and she would send me screenshots of her and my ex's convo and also pics of them together we continue to talk even after I came back to my aunt's house and exactly two months after we met the plan was finally in action it was a week before my ex and my sister's anniversary yes they had an anniversary and I was about to give her the greatest gift by that time my ex had confessed to the other girl about his relationship with my sister but she told him that it was okay and that they could still be together because she didn't care little did he know her and I were basically best friends now and had come up with a master plan to ruin his life I come home again and spent the week there leading up to their anniversary it was the longest week of my life the day finally come comes and after my sister leaves to go to his house I wait a few hours then I FaceTime his sister to ask of the two jerks were home she says yes then I send it dozens of pictures of my ex with the other girl and screenshots of their conversations ones where he was telling her how much he loves her and how he's planning to leave my sister for her soon there was one where he even expressed how annoying he found her and that he sometimes wants to strangle her a whole bunch of other screenshots where he insults her calls her stupid desperate and many more he also said that she was awful in bed and was way too noisy and that he barely touched her the past few days ouch but it wasn't enough for me the Final Touch was a three minute long video of my friend and my ex screwing yes she gave me her full consent to send it she was on top exactly how I found my sister an ex before and she was Galloping to Oblivion but I cried so her face wasn't shown but my axes was in full view it was hilarious The Jerk was enjoying it so much and I know my sister would probably have a seizure once she watches it afterwards I wait I was still on FaceTime with a sister and after a while I hear it screaming objects being thrown more screaming his sister comes upstairs to check on them and I hear everything my sister was sobbing and what's even more screwed up is that my ex didn't even try to deny any of it and asked her to just leave her sister and I talk some more and she tells me how she's never liked my sister and so did their parents they said that they would ignore her whenever she would come by at their house she would even ask about me sometimes just to piss her off after about an hour my sister finally comes home and I sat there grinning like a devil as she steps into the living room face puffy from crying we make eye contact and I smirked at her and said you deserve it before going upstairs I don't speak to her again and for days she refused to even leave her room the satisfaction I felt was through the roof and I even told my mom that I could move back in now but it didn't end there because my ex had gotten my sister pregnant a huge part of me wasn't shocked but my mom was of course disappointed we had to tell the rest of our family and they were all disappointed with her as well before she gave birth my sister told my mom she was gonna move in with my ex's family since they had to take care of their baby and my mom refused to let him step foot in our house again but since our houses were really close to each other she agreed it was pathetic it was obvious that she still wanted to be with him even after everything he did but hey wasn't my problem anymore but according to my ex's sister though her parents weren't too happy about the whole thing and although my ex said he would take responsibility of his child he didn't want to anything to do with my sister anymore freaking jerk so I continued to live my life working going out and focusing on becoming even better it didn't take long for me to finally be happy again and all the pain and betrayal felt like a distant memory I reconnected with my old friends and even started dating again I also kept in touch with the girl who helped me with my revenge she of course dumped my ex broke up with him just the day after it all went down and were genuinely good friends now and meet when we can I don't keep in touch with my sister at all but according to my ex's sister she's absolutely miserable because she had to drop out of school and my ex barely spoke to her and would always be gone sometimes for days and even brought home girls on multiple occasions and hooked up with them in that same house my pregnant sister was in he also wasn't there when she gave birth I didn't feel sorry for her at all since she chose to stay with him but I did feel sorry for the kid for having those those two jerks as his parents they would go to our house at least three times a week to see my mother and my sister would completely ignore my existence guess what the witch still hasn't apologized I didn't really care at that point so I ignored it but one time I kindly offered to buy her some baby clothes and she fixed me with the nastiest look before singing we don't need your freaking money I was appalled and that I was pissed again alright then if that's all she wanted to play funnily enough I ran into my ex at a bar just a couple of days later he looks freaking terrible and I question what I even saw in him he sees me and actually looks happy I on the other hand no longer felt anything for him only disgust he tries to make conversation telling me I looked great and even apologizes I was shocked but his apology didn't really mean crap to me anymore later that night I receive a bunch of messages from him he was a apologizing again and went on to say how much he regrets cheating on me before begging for another chance and swears that at this time things would be different and that he was gonna change for me I laughed so hard I fall off my bed the ocean would dry up before I'll even think about taking his butt back but since my sister pissed me off once again and I was feeling a little petty I sent her the screenshots of those messages with the caption this your baby daddy I knew she was still in love with him even after everything and I knew that it would hurt her to see how he's willing to change for me but not for her the mother of his darn child he barely even gave her money for their child it was only ex's parents and my mom who supported her financially she blocked me and no I don't ever take my ex back last I heard he started using drugs fast forward to now I continue to thrive while she continues to be miserable we recently had a family reunion and at one point she says to our relatives that she's having a hard time and one of our cousins looks her dead in the eyes and says well maybe if you hadn't screwed your sister's boyfriend you wouldn't be in this position she was absolutely dumbfounded and there were Tears In Her Eyes I almost choked on my wine to keep from laughing she probably didn't think they knew well now she does and they all didn't bother to hide how much they despised her she had no one on her side and was considered the disappointment of the family but she only has herself to blame with stories like this I usually like to ask you guys if they deserved how the outcome really turned out but honestly considering everything that happened here I think it's totally just what happened for those of you that are close with your siblings or even cousins if you found out your cousin went and cheated on their sibling like that well that completely sour how you feel about them for the rest of your relationship let me know what you guys think in the comments found my girlfriend cheating on me with my close friend I am arrested and ghosted her backstory incoming sadness my wife Rachel and I grew up in a largest town of close to 30 000 people we knew each other at an early age roughly six or seven can't specifically remember we were practically Inseparable at 16 we started dating each other when we turned 18 we moved away for work in a city just a few hours drive away by 20 we were married and had about our first house at 22 we discovered that she was pregnant with a boy it was then the disaster struck about five weeks before she was due to go on maternity leave a large shelving unit collapsed and crushed her I was told that her and our child were killed instantly two of her colleagues had also been injured in the accident one left paralyzed the other losing his leg after it had to be amputated the company she was working for had in a cost-cutting measure decided to continue using old shelving that had been written off as unsafe instead of replacing it I still haven't quite forgiven those Executives and management Personnel that made that decision because they cut short the love of my life as well as killing our unborn child it wasn't long after I was told I had a choice on how to proceed with what her company called compensation but I called it blood money they wanted to settle out of court to avoid a lawsuit I on the other hand was out for their blood just to clarify here this is not the Revenge this is still backstory fortunately due to the coverage that it got and involving several politicians the case was settled quickly in court roughly three years in which the payout for all parties was close to 10 times the amount that they initially offered a lot of fines were given to them for breaches on work health and safety Executives were sacked others were jailed Etc a story for another time when I feel comfortable sharing in this time I was still working my job in telecommunications my mother bless her soul and moved in while all this was happening to help me I think I would have fallen apart if she hadn't been as involved as she was it was around this time I was offered a promotion but it involved a lot of travel around the state I made a request to have an office in my hometown's Branch as I wanted to not only take care of businesses in the state but in my hometown also as there was no business representative located there to which they agreed after a few months we settled into the routine of one to two weeks in the city office one week in my hometown and one to two weeks visiting the rest of the state after a year I decided to buy a house in my hometown so I wasn't having to stay at my parents place every week or so that I was home and that I could come and go as I pleased this important for later in the story it's about four years later that our Story begins I just returned from one of my trips on Friday and was checking in some stuff in my office when Harry the Branch's managing director walked in we had grown up together also but had gone to different schools but since coming back it developed a very close friendship he asked how things were and then asked me if I wanted to come to a house party that he was having that evening short notice and all but I said yes I feel like a few drinks with friends were in order it was there that Harry introduced me to Catherine she was a new hire at the branch where my hometown's office was located and was getting to know everyone being new in town we hit it off immediately as much of a cliche as it sounds it was almost as if Rachel was in front of me instead of Catherine I won't bore you too much with the details but after two years of dating we decided to take the next step and she moved into my hometown's house everything up to this point has been going really well Catherine and my parents got along and Rachel's parents also approved and were happy that someone could make me just as happy as Rachel had done all was going well for close to a year when things began to change Skype sessions were cut short suddenly neighbors would tell me about how a car described to me like Harry's was always seen parked in the back alley near my house whenever I was away some clothes that weren't mine were in my wardrobe all signs pointed to her cheating but she said that nothing was happening she said that Harry would come over occasionally to discuss business Etc but never stayed the night I chalked it up to me being paranoid and continued on as if nothing was wrong but there was always this feeling that something wasn't right it was close to six months after that I discovered that she had been lying to me I had just finished closing a rather large contract with a new company and negotiations had wrapped up earlier than I'd anticipated so instead of sticking around for the next few days I decided to pay for an early flight home and surprise everyone fast forward a few hours and I drive into my hometown and down the alley behind my house so that I could get into the house without being seen and surprise Catherine some part of me was curious however as to whether this mystery car was there sure enough there was a car that was blocking the back entrance gate I was confused for a moment wondering if it had just been a neglectful neighbor parking only to realize that it was indeed Harry's car if it hadn't been for the high hedge line that had put in a few years back for privacy I may have well driven past my own place pulling up behind his car I got out and thought it was strange that he was there so late as she claimed that he'd always left by now I approached the back of the house and I saw something that made my stomach drop in my kitchen Catherine and Harry were going at it hammer and Tong I froze time stopped there was my close friend hooking up on my kitchen bench with my girlfriend I didn't know what to do so many questions were running through my head was this real or was I dreaming why were they hooking up in my house feeling defeated I turned and left without them seeing me I sat in my car for what felt like an eternity I was crying hard but the sadness quickly turned to anger the same kind of anger I felt towards those that were responsible for Rachel's death I wanted to hurt them badly as a pacifist I don't believe in violence it was then I knew I was going to punish them and destroy their lives and what better time to start than now I moved my car back up the alley far enough from my driveway that I could still see Harry's car and then walked back to the gate where I could see into the house and called her phone they were still going for it when it rang they looked at the caller ID and did a double take when my name came up I could see that she was considering answering it and they let it ring out after a few moments they were back into it again and I dialed once again this time she did answer as she was answering I hung up and made my way back to my car as soon as I did she called me back she asked why I was calling as late as I was and I told her that I was about 10 minutes from home and didn't want to scare her coming in she obviously was shocked and acted happy that I was coming and the call ended up very quickly after she said she was going to get up and get changed into something I said bye and hung up a few moments later Harry came peeling through the Gates still half naked jumped into his car and took off like a bat out of heck I smiled a little knowing the fear that both of them would be feeling from being so close to being caught I waited a few moments before turning my car into the same place Harry had been moments earlier the night was fairly uneventful afterwards and it wasn't until after she was asleep that I got up and went to my office down the hall I couldn't sleep I needed to plan and plan I did the Revenge my mother always taught me to be a pacifist and to allow Cosmic Karma to take its course but on this occasion I decided that Karma could use a helping hand I decided to punish them separately but destroy both of them I knew that Harry had a drug habit nothing major but he kept it private I only knew about it after accidentally seeing some coke and weed left out in his place but pretended I had seen it when he made attempts to cover it up I began calling some of my more unsavory clientele and made a few discreet inquiries into obtaining some samples that they were willing to part with a few days later I had a decent enough stash for my plan to work about a month later I had friends including Harry around for a barbecue night after making sure that I sufficiently liquored up Harry I told him to stay the night and sleep it off in the early hours of that morning I took the drugs and an assortment of my personal belongings and placed them at various places around his car with the biggest stash in his tire well confident that he wouldn't find them over the first few months as the rest of my plan took effect I locked the car up and went inside asleep I also placed some more drugs and personal items in his house after driving him home because he was still too drunk to drive a few days later I staged a break-in by Smashing the back pain of my back door into my kitchen and lay leaving it open before heading back to the city for a flight I had several messages the moment I landed one for my clearly panicked mum who had found the back door smashed open and had called the police one from Catherine in tears and one from the local police asking me to call after returning all the calls I informed the police I was away on business and that I would be back the following week to talk with them while away I got Catherine to stay with my parents until after I got back and asked my dad to organize one of the local security companies to install cameras and an alarm system after getting the go-ahead from the police as to not ruin the scene of the crime after getting home I did the usual my God I can't believe this happened and why would anyone do this routine after doing a thorough check of everywhere finding that the items I had taken were missing and filing a police report I had the security company's reptalk Catherine and I through how the cameras and alarm system worked then came the question I'd been waiting for the question of what happens if we're doing some business and don't want to record it she acted a bit shy asking this question but I knew exactly the reason she was asking he assured us this was a question he got asked a lot and we were shown on the home computer if we wanted to be doing things without it being recorded how to stop the recording for certain cameras so that we could protect your modesty as I was walking him out I asked him if the cameras were turned off could a notification be sent out just as a security precaution he came back in and helped me through how to set up email notifications and left shortly after fantastic all I had to do was wait at this stage I approached r slash legal advice for some help in relation to couples law in my country I needed to make sure that my upcoming plan could illegally be done and that I wouldn't be forced to pay out any money or Equity to Catherine as I didn't know if we were classified as a de facto couple or not being the sole benefactor of Rachel's estate I didn't want to be left with any nasty surprises where Catherine could take any of the estate away from me shout out to those guys and gals there as they helped me get in contact with a great lawyer who assured me due to the fact that although we'd been dating for close to four years we hadn't been living together long enough to be classified as de facto and because I was paying all the utilities on the property that she was living in and didn't pay rent showed that she had no legal standing to make a financial claim against me just to be sure though he drew up what I felt was a pretty Ironclad document just in case there were any legal trouble the following week my work had approached me and offered me a promotion to move back to the city and run the team that I was a part of meaning I wouldn't need to travel as often and be in the one location and due to the success of being located in my hometown that they were considering having three to five Representatives spend one to two weeks in the larger surrounding town pounds including my hometown as part of my team I said yes and began the process of beginning my transfer which would take about six weeks perfect more than enough time to gather all my evidence upon getting back to my hometown the following week I began to start in motion the rest of my plan I asked Harry to approve one week's worth of vacation for Catherine for two weeks time I wanted to send her on a friend or two away on a retreat before I made the biggest decision of my life for a second time he jumped up and gave me a huge hug congratulating me on being prepared to take the leap again I hugged him back tight but not the way I think he'd imagine it at the time he agreed and blocked out the week for me I asked him not to say anything to anyone as I wanted to make it as big a surprise as I could I knew that it would spread like wildfire around the office regardless but that was my plan that night I told Catherine that I booked her and two friends to go to a tropical spa resort all expenses paid for a week no questions asked pick two friends and come back to the biggest surprise of her life she screamed like a kid who had just been told that all the candy in the shop was hers to have I then told her that the following week I was going to spend it in the city preparing for a large client who was one of my biggest accounts and needed some people in my team to help before flying out the following week and I wouldn't be home until the Monday that she was leaving so I wouldn't be able to see her which seemed to disappoint her but I told her it would be worth it when she returned what I failed to tell her was that I had decided to take two weeks vacation on the other side of the country mentally preparing myself for the craft storm that was about to erupt the moment she stepped foot on the plane as well as enjoying my first stage of freedom on Sunday two weeks later I flew back and began driving home once getting there I did a quick pass by my house and sure enough Harry's car was there like the first night it caught them I parked a little ways back and checked the cameras asleep in my bed no surprise honestly as I'd recorded them constantly doing this over the two weeks I'd been away I then made my first call to the police blocking my caller ID I told him that I was one of my neighbors and saw someone hanging around in their car in the alley behind my house and occasionally passing something through Windows to passing cars while also looking into my yard and I was concerned that they were dealing drugs or going to break into someone's property I gave them his license plate and description they said they would have someone there in a few minutes so I thanked them and hung up I then called Catherine and told her I was about 10 minutes from home and that I knew she was flying out tomorrow but desperately wanted to surprise her looking back at the footage now I laugh at the commotion that I'm surprised I didn't hear in a few short seconds Harry was half dressed and flying out the back door to his car are at that point I couldn't have asked for a more perfect scene as Harry was peeling away one of the police cars rounded the corner behind me saw Harry driving away fast and gave chase after pulling in greeting an excited Catherine and doing all the couple things she fell asleep again I on the other hand couldn't sleep a wink the next day her and her friends were bundled into a car after they drove away I had to wait a few hours but I began to execute my plan I called my friend who was a removalist and apologized for the late notice but needed my place packed and moved on Friday after agreeing on a time I told him that he would need to take certain boxes to a storage facility which he said wasn't an issue then I began packing Catherine's belongings later that day I got a call from the police for me to come and identify some property that they'd apprehended from a suspect the previous night that fit the description of property I'd reported stolen I grinned to myself happy that my plan for Harry had grown to fruition and replied that I would be there shortly to collect it of course when I got there some of the atoms were still unaccounted for due to the fact that they must have still been in his house and they hadn't searched there yet by this stage the town was buzzing with news events in my hometown don't stay secret for long Harry was disgraced and promptly fired for his possession of drugs and stolen property and our respective bosses on behalf of the company had extended a formal apology towards me during the week that night I went to my parents house and told both mine and Rachel's parents what had happened emitting certain details and that I was moving back to the city after being promoted but Catherine wouldn't be a part of it they were pretty upset initially that I hadn't let them know what was going on but they were happy that I was handling everything maturely and hadn't sunk to their level though they didn't agree with hosting Catherine but after some drinks laughs and tears I went home on Friday afternoon after a busy week of organizing cleaners for the following week the real estate to put my house on the rental market and various other tasks in my hometown's office I packed some things into my car and drove to my parents place and said goodbye before the drive before leaving I went to Becky's house Becky had been one of Rachel's closest friends growing up she was the only other person who knew what was happening minus the details about Harry without her help I wouldn't have been able to organize everything as quickly as I had I gave Becky a large manila folder with my gathered evidence of her cheating as well as the letter and a few other legal documents for my attorney stating that she was ordered not to contact me and the details of how to access her belongings located at the storage unit I'd rented out after a quick goodbye I left and drove back to the city on Sunday I woke up to several missed calls avoid voice messages and text messages turns out Catherine had come home early after being alerted to something being a foot in the town only to find an empty house and a foreign sign out the front freaking out she had gone to my parents who closed the door on her the moment that they answered forcing her to call everyone until she managed to somehow be contacted by Becky and was told that she had a package for her I was told that she didn't take too well to that as I fully well knew at that point from the numerous angry texts and voice messages from her accusing me of setting up Harry of being deceitful Etc I was worried that she might show up at my front door but nothing ever happened five weeks later after leaving and being promoted I write this out for you dear reader granted it's long and it took a few rewrites to shorten it down from my initial 14 pages but I feel that most of what I said was important enough for the story do you guys think that op went too far here or do you just understand like with everything that they went through and what they experienced in this situation do you just understand or was it just too much planting all that stuff let me know what do you guys think in the comments down below entitled mother at a Ukrainian Beach stumbles onto two creative sociopaths who deal out some Sweet Revenge so around three years ago I came back home for a visit and around the table the subject came to previous holidays which made me remember this little story of horror so I thought that you guys may like it warning I was am and will always be a jerk and fully understand that I and my aunt did a crappy borderline sociopathic thing but my shame had over the years degraded also want to give you a heads up that the dialogue in the story is from as best as I could remember and also translated from Russian so this happened a very very long time ago around the time when I was about nine or ten so old enough to develop up a spiteful mindset at the time me and my family which included me my mother my grandmother and my mother's sister my Aunt this was during the time when we lived in another country and usually went to the holidays to Ukraine around the Black Sea which is where the story took place every morning around 8 AM we would head towards the beaches as they were always full and impossibly hot by the time it was Midday so our plan was always go to the beach and leave by around 11 when it got so hot that you could cook in your own sweat we would always go around the small towns surrounding the beach to play games arcades and the other entertainment and then go back to our little special personal houses Huts for rest and lunch nevertheless I'd digress so on this particular day we made it to the beach a little earlier which meant that we could pick out some of the best parts of the beach and set up our blankets before new amounts of glass and trash were made on the beach for some background while the Black Sea is lovely the beach is around the area are only for the more experienced to know how to avoid the trash areas often beaches were full of broken glass bottles cigarettes needles and many other dangerous things and thus it was highly advised that you wear foot protection when traveling between point A to B so me and the gal crew my grandfather rarely ever came to the holidays with us as my grandparents owned a massive house with farm animals and couldn't trust anyone to take care of them so someone had to stay back and my dad is a deadbeat jerk so it was always just us girls now about that spot we found the perfect spot and laid out our things and towels and checked for any bottles or debris and were Overjoyed to find none we watched the beach fill up with people and eventually around 10-ish we noticed that a very large woman with three kids approached us now the girls in my family are big but this was a hippo of unbelievable proportions we were in a spot right between the sea in the entrance under a big umbrella that was here for public use she towered over us there were lots of people around but still a few spaces available around to sit nearby which was very surprising this woman towered over us and loudly ground and complained let's refer to her as entitled mother and her kids entitled Kid 1 entitled Kid 2 and entitled kid 3. all three boys you're an hour spot the entitled mother yelled loudly all of us blinked unanimously in confusion my mom even started laughing a little asking are you having a heat stroke or are you for real entitled mother loudly gasped and started kicking our towels and stuff you're in our spot we've been sitting here for the last three days and now your fat butts are taking my spot and because of you my kids are burning their feet waiting for you cows to move she yelled my mother's sister burst into laughter replying well whoever the cow is in this scenario it's definitely not us a translation I know but it's direct while this was happening I was building a small sand pile her Devil's spawns suddenly start pushing me and taking some of my sand castle stuff and bending it to which I got up and pushed him away and grabbed my shovel and then hit him with it telling him to bug her off hitting him repeatedly and hard I was usually a well-behaved kid but if I have ever seen anyone try and break my stuff I would [ __ ] them as we weren't the richest and I was protective of my things the mother gasped and started crying out for me to move which everyone in the surrounding area glanced at but it's Ukraine nobody cared I love my people and besides there was no one to call for help police or guards around the beach are not common or wanted my mother had stood up fully to her now and told her take your fat we have a better word joyfa which means fat hippo butt in one word and ugly butt somewhere else before the 5 five of us collectively will [ __ ] you she straight up tries to slap my mother to which I then responded and took a plastic shovel to her son's eye with sand in it and started jabbing it as his siblings try and push me away but I spit in one's face and kicked the other all of them started crying and a few people shout out for her to shut her brats up the mother then stops Midway and grabs her spawns and yells at us the second you witches move I'm taking this spot another were more profanities but I don't remember every word Foley or the conversation fully now mind you there was no one to call help for as the lifeguards were not evenly spaced out and miles away so we decided to have a miniature Revenge my mother tries to tell me off for assaulting the boys but my grandmother defends me and said something along the lines of don't be mad at her she was defending you to which we all then agreed to forget and have fun now me and my mother's sisters were a lot closer to being siblings than her and my mother she was about 10 years older than me so she was like 19 when I was nine we went swimming in turns never leaving the towel and stuff unattended after about 40 minutes my mother and grandmother tell us to pack things up as they were going to get one last dip as we had ours so me and my mother's sister realized we have a window of opportunity the Revenge while taking their last dip me and my mother's sister see that the entitled mother is eyeing our spot and we had an idea mother's sister was just as petty-minded and jerk-minded she told me to go and have a quick look around for broken bottles in the area and I knew exactly what she was planning she told me not to touch them by hand and use my shovel and little claw pickup I took my bucket and my spatula and started running around for 15 minutes while she packed everything and I started picking up glass shards and bottle shards with my spatula and all the cigarette butts and all the disgusting things I could find which was not hard I piled them into the bucket I then ran back to my aunt and she saw the bucket full she told me to be careful and make sure that no one was watching or cared enough to this wasn't the first Ponzi scheme Revenge plot an act of disturbing punishment we've done so I knew what to do we knew that my mom and grandmother would still be a long time turning our backs towards the entitled mother my aunt started to take out the glass shards and bottles and me and her started spreading them around that specific area as this was not uncommon for people to bury their trash so no one paid mine to it we started slightly burying them from a visibility the sharp way up and engulfed that whole area as much as we could while making it look like we were building a sand castle my aunt told me to come pick up grandmother and my mom as we saw them getting out of the sea and drying and she told me to take them around a slightly different route so they wouldn't step on our little booby trap I watched her get up and the entitled mother almost pushed her out of the way and yelled at her to move move to which she just smiled and told her to have a lovely day as the five of us cross met we slowly started to head a little bit away and my aunt stops Midway where there's less people to put on a few things and stall for time so we could watch I saw the entitled mother hastily punting the tower over the sand without checking it big mistake and slops her fat butt down to only then yell and Howl in pain as she also sat directly onto the broken glass shards that we hid cutting up her towel and her leg and thigh entirely one of the brats who would also try to break my things stepped onto the shards and cut his foot by the looks and sounds of it and started yelling and crying and breaking down and the woman yelled in pain a few people started being unconvinced by her and others checked out what happened and tried to help but the woman screamed profanities she started rolling around and all the cigarette Buds and seaweed that we'd also placed started getting on our wounds and skin as well as her towel and her things and engulfs her in trash and all the things that people would be collecting in biohazard suits my grandmother was horrified thinking that we were also sitting on this but my mother looked at the Two of Us knowing we did this she couldn't say a word and started shoving us away from the beach in a hurry to get out me and my aunt started laughing as my grandmother said oh praise the Lord that we didn't get cut like that woman and that it was the grace of God that saved us me and my aunt just continued laughing as my mother took us to the side and told us off my mom threatened to punish me usually by shaking me hard yelling at me as she couldn't ground me on a holiday but my head took the blame and told me it was worth it we sat down in a cafe to get us some cold drinks and lunch and only after about an hour and a half we saw a few paramedics start coming towards the beach by maybe around 1pm or 2PM the medical care in Ukraine on holiday locations is piss poor and the only way you'd get a doctor helping you is if you were dying if that it was also the Dead Heat of the day so the medical paramedics would be too lazy to go onto the beach and no one came to help until the sun came down there was a dude that got tangled in a parachute and help arrived only an hour and a half later it was safe to assume that it was for entitled mother and that was a satisfying moment as we realized this woman was basically rolling in a cesspool of illnesses for at least an hour or two before any help arrived baking under the 95 plus degree Sun we've most likely ruined This Woman's holiday and have most likely put her out of commission for a long time as those bottles and those hazardous sand and cigarette pits would have definitely have given her an infection or at least seriously made it worse paramedics and doctors also need bribes there so this help would have probably cost her 500 Eur Rose and bribes only without the cost of any treatment there's no cameras around no people who cared and no proof that we strictly did it and no way of ever finding us hopefully next time that cow learns some manners lesson of the story is that don't pick a fight with someone and underestimate their mindsets because you may just stumble on a sociopaths who will get back at you for being such a delight give me a heads up if you want to hear about some of the other Ponzi schemes and Count of Monte Cristo revenge stories that me and my aunt have dished out over the years when you grow up without the internet and only part-time cable TV you'll find alternative entertainment procedures which mostly resolve around making a crappy person's day even crappier all I know is I was hearing this story and I was like man this is Extreme then I realized duh this is nuclear Revenge doesn't really matter if somebody's right or wrong the point is the revenge is nuclear and this definitely was as a kid do you think you'd be capable of trying to ruin the spot like this without knowing the outcome or do you think that would be too much for you even as a kid let me know in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by throwaway 6655-44654 cheating wife gets wiped out in divorce found my best friend's wife's secret social media account she was sleeping with one of our other friends I told my friend about it he just kind of shut down a few weeks later he told me never to tell anyone I knew she was cheating or that I knew about the account I would casually ask him how the two of them were every now and then always great every time I saw them together they were a happy couple nine months later he confessed he had lost everything they had to a gambling addiction a year before they both had cars that were paid off he had sold them and leased new cars the money he made selling them he lost a Gamble their Savings in 401ks were essentially gone all lost on gambling the condo they lived in was rented they had essentially no assets she immediately filed for divorce they had no kids similar incomes divorce was finalized without him owing alimony her cheating was never brought up she got all the furniture and pots and pans he kept his secret horde of gold coins I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's at least two hundred thousand dollars worth well all I can say is I sure hope that guy can keep those hidden like I really wonder like what would be the technique here because you can't just like show up to the bank and cash two hundred thousand dollars in heck I think anything over ten thousand dollars they have to like keep a record of or something right I'm guessing they're a pretty cautious person considering they pulled this off but I don't know it's kind of a weird thing to like try to tow the line on unless unless you go around like a leprechaun trying to pay everything off in cash via gold coins oh rents do oh okay hold on let me go get me pot of gold to be fair though it would be a pretty sweet way to get paid because Gold's value is always going up right shoot show me your pot of gold and sure I'll let you pay your rent in it I know what I'm about to say is funny considering like the marriage just happened in the divorce but I just want to say that I would not enjoy having that a lifetime commitment of trying to make sure you keep all your golden coins secret and that you don't have any hand revealed that you got this stash of money somewhere beat me up I'll run you over this story's not mine neither of anyone I personally know but it's something that happened where I lived and I became news last week because of how gruesome and stupid it was as is public and on the news I'll try not to give names as to not expose even more the parties and their families this happened last Sunday April 21st the Revenge victim in the situation was an MMA fighter and the perpetrator was his Uber driver I'll refer to them as fighter and Uber that night the Uber picked up the fighter and some of his friends in a planned neighborhood in the suburbs of my city the group was supposedly drunk and were screaming and making a huge fuss inside the car which annoyed the Uber he asked them to stop which they did for a while but soon after started again they kept annoying the Uber until he snapped he stopped the car on top of an overpass and told them to get out of his car this was late at night so it had no traffic the group started to get out but the fighter didn't like the Uber's attitude so he started punching the Uber right before leaving his friends take him off of the driver and the Uber speeds off the Fighter's group started walking to a nearby gas station to wait for another ride meanwhile the Uber makes it back around and starts speeding back in their Direction and hits the fighter in the back running him over from what I heard the impact alone wouldn't have been enough to kill the fighter but that was not it the force of the impact launch the fighter in the direction of a truck parked nearby and he hid his head on said truck killing him almost instantly while the Uber sped off the driver presented himself to the cops last Thursday April 25th the fighter had two kids and so did the driver needless to say this is definitely one of those overly Brash decisions that you make would you guys agree with me that to be able to go and do this and run somebody over like that that you have to have a legitimate anger problem whether that's a disability or a mental issue or do you think an otherwise normal person could get riled up to the point that they would actually go and do that the minute what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from an anonymous poster my mom's abuser gets what he deserves this happened when I was much younger and frankly I'm not ashamed after divorcing my dad and my mom hooked up with a dude who was really into drugs I was 14 at the time after hooking up with him she pretty much abandoned me I went a year without seeing her and around 15 I finally saw her again she was as thin as a twig and had a black eye I immediately grabbed my skateboard and went to go after her dude but my uncle stopped me and just told me not here we were at my grandparents house fast forward a few years where I rarely saw her and I would hear about the abuse here and there from family I didn't get involved as I was a teenager and didn't even know where she was most times of course she never told me about the beatings when I did have a chance to see her or speak with her when I was 18 I was living with my uncle the one who stopped me years before he got a call late one night and it was my mom her dude had hurt her bad we loaded up two nine millimeter pistols and grabbed a couple of bats then rolled out but when we arrived the cops were there as a neighbor had called mom's dude was arrested and she was taken to a hospital he messed her up pretty good did a year and a half in the pen for it after he gets out he claims to be reformed and they hook back up now I'm in my early 20s she's living near me and I'm trying to build my relationship with her back up I never would visit her when her dude was home and she would only come to visit her alone I hadn't heard much those days about the abuse as it appeared she was trying to clean up her act and things maybe were better with him one day she comes to visit and I notice a ton of swelling in one eye and a bunch of makeup caked around the area I observed but I didn't acknowledge I knew what he had done I kept my cool and gave her the impression I wanted to give him a chance as she had begged me to do for years I invited her over for a cookout and gave her permission to bring him my daughter who was a baby and her mom were present for this as well maybe I should have mentioned that earlier I became a dad at 21 and we stayed together this all occurred around the same time frame anyways the day comes and she brings him I had already stashed my favorite aluminum kids baseball bat by the back door kid-sized metal bats are the best for home defense I led everyone to the front yard to hang out and had my mom daughter and my daughter's mom chilling out there by the grill I knew my mom's dude smoked herb so I made an implication that I'm growing something in my backyard and I'd like to show him as he heads to the backyard I told him I just needed to grab something from inside real quick side note I'm really proud of myself for being able to play this all cool because inside I was raging I see him waiting in the backyard and I grab my bat I stormed outside and yelled so I heard you like to hit women I proceeded to beat the heck out of him shins ribs back and arms I didn't want to kill him as I knew I'd go to prison and I had a newborn to raise but I did hit his head once accidentally I just wanted to hurt him good because I wanted to send a message he crawled to the front yard as my mom yelled at me and cussed me out she got him into the car and they sped off as my neighbor stood outside trying to figure out what happened I kept all all the action in the backyard so no one would see but I made a point to yell at her car driving away something along the lines of don't let me find out you hit my mom again I just didn't need cops to come luckily no one called my mom didn't speak to me for months nothing new here I ended up catching up with a mutual acquaintance and I found out I cracked ribs on the dude and he had severe bruising all over he couldn't really get around for a few weeks mom's dude asked said acquaintance whether he should seek revenge but Mom's dude was told he earned it so he just accepted it and didn't move forward I think he knew that if he did seek revenge on me that my family very old school rural country type family would help them disappear so I owe them gratitude for their understood protection of me they tried to help my mom their sister but she would just disappear with her dude anytime loved ones tried to intervene she is a grown woman after all that's my story I'm not ashamed first time I've ever told this publicly but but all these years later it feels good to let it out well I'm not saying a kid's baseball bat is the answer in this situation but considering what was going on you can't really blame them too much for feeling that way and doing that I mean if it's your own mom and you care about her a lot and you see that happening to her they show up silently trying to downplay it knowing the turmoil they're going through how can you not want to do something like that by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos that said our final story of the day is by an anonymous poster crappy neighbor bully struggling immigrants for 15 years their kid gets revenge and the crappy neighbor loses custody of her kid and is forced to move out of their house spoiler alert I'm the kid a bit of context first I'm an only child born in the USA to older parents they were both 45 when I was born who immigrated from Venezuela in the 90s when I was two my dad was shot in the head he lived for another 13 years but the incident permanently damaged certain parts of his brain and he was a completely different person for those last 13 years he went from being the most loving incredible caring compassionate person around to an aggressive violent jerk who blew up over the smallest things but only ever at his inner circle me my mother or other close family he always managed to keep his composure around strangers for fear of someone calling the police and him getting arrested but he would later let it all out on my mom and myself admittedly mostly me after the shooting he could never work again and my mom was forced into the position of being the Family Soul Breadwinner we lived in poverty for many many years because the USA wouldn't recognize her college degree and she couldn't afford to go to college again so she couldn't work in her field and had to start at the bottom of the ladder that eventually passed when I was 15 of issues related to his shooting now when I was seven my parents decided to move into a town with a better reputation for their schools than the one we were currently living in so that I could attend a better school they bought a house literally on the edge of town most of this town is incredibly expensive but because on the other side of our street and across the town line there's a big complex of government subsidized housing our area is much cheaper this is the house with a jerk neighbor the house is a three family for the last 16 years we've owned and occupied the first floor while the terrible neighbor lived on the second floor until recently and the third floor had been occupied by over 10 owners and tenants over those years none of stayed more than three or four years and some have stayed as little as a handful of months now the second floor witch let's call her Karen because obviously she has a husband who will call Bill and they have a young son Henry here's the story when we moved in Karen and Bill had already been there for a few short months the three of us us in the first floor Karen and bill on the second and the original third floor's owners bought the house from the same crew who had bought it and turned it into a three family fixing it up in the process Karen quickly showed her true colors as a bully over the years there's been countless examples of nasty crap she's pull her husband bill is an immigrant himself and doesn't speak very good English he's very submissive to her and does whatever she wants but in front of other people makes himself out to be physically dominant in our first years here they used to fight a lot which we regularly heard from downstairs they would yell sometimes for hours and occasionally it seemed like things got violent Henry was born maybe 10 years ago he doesn't factor into the story until much later but anyways the point is whatever Karen's done she's always gotten away with it here's a couple highlights my mom always took pride and how well she took care of our trash bin and recycling bin every month she'd give them a quick rinse after that week's trash day just to make sure that they wouldn't develop a smell or a colony of bacteria wouldn't move in Karen apparently wasn't so diligent in one time her recycling bin got really nasty and I mean really nasty so she just left it out back context behind the house isn't a backyard it's just pavement with a parking spot designated for each unit and began using ours lo and behold ours started to get nasty and Mom quickly went from spending a quick three minutes rinsing it out every month to about 45 minutes scrubbing with soap and water to clean it out eventually we decided we'd had enough and she and dad sent Karen and the third floor tenants of the time a polite but firm email that basically said whoever started using our recycling bin please stop and use your own you never asked our permission and we take good care of it and ever since you began using it it's become disgusting we knew it was Karen and Bill but Mom and Dad figured it was more polite without a call out and they didn't want to start anything within a week two things happened Karen and Bill got a brand spanking new recycling bin and one week we found ours had been mysteriously destroyed someone took a knife to it and cut it to Pieces we had no way of knowing who it was but we had a pretty good feeling we knew exactly who it was yes we had to get a new one because we had no evidence of who did it though my parents didn't say anything about it back when we could afford a car we haven't had one since our first few years here we used our parking space out back every time that Karen and Bill hosted a party which back then was surprisingly frequently they would toss their trash over their balcony into the general vicinity of the trash and recycling bins out back which is literally right next to our designated parking space most of the dents we had on our old 88 Toyota were from bottles thrown from the second floor balcony we had Windows break a couple of times same deal each time it happened my parents would politely go upstairs knock on Karen and Bill's door and respectfully ask them to stop throwing stuff over the balcony because we know you don't mean it but sometimes it accidentally hits our car each time they went and did that Karen and Bill stopped but they would do it again until they got caught during their next party again though my parents never wanted to escalate the situation so they never Justified taking it further than knocking on her door and politely asking them to stop this is another example of Karen's utter crap Behavior but it's also relevant for the Revenge part of the story so I'm putting it after the bullet point section our basement is shared between all three units each unit has its designated space boxed out kind of like office cubicles and there's some designated common area in between years ago like maybe eight or nine Karen and Bill completely filled their designated basement cubicle so they just started piling crap all over the common area eventually they developed this enormous pile of junk in front of unit ones our units oil tank for heating my mom and dad never said anything because it happened over a long period of time and they didn't want to start a fight and as far as I know none of the third floor folks ever said anything either but it got to the point where she and her husband were taking up common area space that was easily twice the size of their designated cubicle now I'll be the first to admit that for many years my parents and I weren't great neighbors either we didn't bully anyone but due to my dad's condition he could be triggered by seemingly anything and suddenly he'd be in a rage and we'd all be yelling I grew up in that generally chaotic environment and yeah there were several times when the police were called to our house from noise disturbances but we kept our crap to ourselves and we were nothing but polite and respectful to all our neighbors always that said you can imagine that our first priority was always my dad and his stability and we had enough on our hands with that so he and mom always swallowed their pride and avoided doing anything to antagonize Karen no matter how crappy her behavior got and believe you me there are plenty more stories on top of the ones I told above after my dad died I had developed my own issues for a while with mental health growing up in a constantly chaotic violent aggressive environment took its toll on me and for a time I had deeply depressive Tendencies I struggled with thoughts of ending things for years and eventually wound up graduating high school after eight years of attending classes in some form or another similar to when my dad was sick I became my mother's top priority at that point so again Karen and Bill kept getting away with all her BS I got better though nowadays I'm even off psychiatric medication I got my stuff together and graduated high school and even College I have my bachelor's and I'm doing some post-grad stuff for a masters most of the way has been paid for by scholarships shout out to the book confessions of a scholarship winner but I recently decided that as an adult now and therefore as someone with a little more say in things around the house than when I was a kid I had had enough of watching Karen Bully my parents particularly my mother for so many years I wanted Revenge phase one of my plan was to ease my way into the adult condo Administration dialogue I began helping out more around the house as in around the common area parts of the house I single-handedly redid the back porch's flooring it sounds like more than it is I just pulled out all the floorboards and nailed new ones in I replaced both storm doors about six months apart when each one began having problems different kinds of problems doesn't matter what they were I also took care of some comparatively smaller things I weed whacked out back for a couple of hours cut the grass out front a few times and got up early so that I could beat everyone else to the shoveling every time it snowed one winter not 2018-19 but 2017-18 I also began Wheeling back everyone's Recycling and trash bins after trash week every week not just our own after the first two bullet point stuff each time I sent out an email to everyone in the condo to let them know I'd taken care of it all I asked of the other two units was for them to reimburse me one third of the cost of materials on their timetable because of course I hadn't given them a heads up so it was only fair that I allowed them to pay me when they can the smaller stuff from the last bullet point I obviously didn't need to announce the idea was just that over time the neighbors would see me taking more initiative in things and being more active which would go on to justify me participating more in the inter condo politics I also made a point to keep conversations to emails so that there would be a written record of every interaction phase two of my plan ran pretty much concurrently to phase one but had an entirely different purpose and was overall entirely different I began Gathering evidence of everything I could I asked my mom to track down all the old emails she and dad had exchanged with the neighbors documenting many instances that Karen and Bill had pulled crap I went downstairs and took a video of Karen and Bill's crap all over the common area particularly emphasizing all the highly flammable wooden and cardboard stuff they had piled up in front of our oil tank I dug up and poured over the D to our apartment specifically the sections that detailed the rules around common areas and the limitations of our unit as compared to the others and vice versa to my utter Joy mom and dad never threw out that old recycling bin that Karen and or Bill had knifed apparently because they just never knew what to do with it and never wanted anyone to ask questions naturally I dug it up and took plenty of photos I did one other evidence Gathering thing that needs a bit more explanation Karen and Bill are awful parents mom and I regularly hear the crap they do to Henry through the very thin ceiling we have here I'm decidedly not going to go into detail because even though I changed his name he's still underage and I feel it would be disrespectful to him to do that but let's say it crosses far into the realm of child abuse this is a topic I'm particularly sensitive about because I grew up in a crappy situation myself so believe me when I say this part is the most satisfying part of my revenge let's just say that every time I could hear stuff through the ceiling I took out my phone and started a recording until it stopped finally phase three of my plan was basically to beat Karen and or bill into a trap I set that that as it turns out would have humongous consequences for them mom and I have this old treadmill that we got for free it's in the kitchen and lately we've come to the conclusion that it just takes up a little too much space we both use it a little but not enough to justify keeping it she wanted to toss it out but I argued hard to keep it around because I knew I could use it for this plan it would be my only shot remember how I mentioned we hadn't had a car for years well eventually I convinced mom to let me put the treadmill outside in our parking space out back I bought a large tarp to cover it with so it would be protected from the rain and I told her I'd start using it more if it was outside because it's nicer to do exercise in the fresh air I also sent out an email to Karen CC De Bill and the current third floor folks asking her to move all the things in front of our oil tank in the basement somewhere else despite the fact that those things had been there for many years I Justified addressing it now because I'm the one addressing it and that's different from before because before I was a child and now I'm an adult who actively participates in the intercondo dialogue I asked her to because the way she currently had it set up is a safety hazard and I'm just following the rules I further let her know that if she and Bill didn't take care of it within a handful of weeks that I would have no choice but to take care of it myself and the same email I let everyone know that I was putting our treadmill and our parking space out back so if anyone had any trouble with getting into their spot to please let me know the same day I sent out the email I put the treadmill out back now I figured nothing was going to change from all the other emails I had sent about matters regarding the condo's Administration and nothing did she and Bill never acknowledged anything the current third floor guy didn't want anything to do with going up against Karen so he just thanked me for the heads up about the treadmill and and said nothing else it's also important to note here that my real reason for mentioning the treadmill in that email wasn't in case anyone has trouble getting into their parking spot needless to say sure a treadmill in a kitchen is pretty freaking big and obnoxious but a treadmill off to the side of an automobile parking space isn't really big at all plus I placed it in such a way that it wasn't in anyone's way giving everyone ample room to maneuver around it was just there off to the side the reason I mentioned the treadmill in that email was to alert her to its presence and perhaps associated in her mind with my request for her to move all her crap in the basement I also began using it at least three mornings a week I timed it so that sometimes Karen and Bill would run into me as they left to drive Henry to school every time I saw them I waved and greeted to ensure they'd notice me on the treadmill mom also used it a few times but she wasn't part of my plan so I have no I idea if she ever ran into them while on it here's the other thing I did I set up a video camera and our laundry basket see we have it permanently in the pantry next to the pantry window that faces the back area I buried it beneath clothing so that from the outside you can't even see it but I bought a few massive memory storage wise not physically SD cards and kept the thing recording 24 7 with a time stamp for two weeks nothing happened the camera recorded nothing suspicious and Karen and Bill didn't move their crap in the basement their time was up so one night I got up at around 1am when everyone else was asleep so nobody would hear me and went downstairs to move their crap Reddit I can't express to you how much I enjoyed this I bought a GoPro strapped into my Noggin and carefully recorded the entire hour and a half of moving stuff around I took the enormous pile of junk in front of mom and I's oil tank and found a way to fit it all all into their designated storage cubicle in the end it was packed I have mild OCD and I nearly exploded at the end from how well organized physically everything was so that everything was innately packed together and all of the space was used at maximum efficiency it was glorious packed from floor to ceiling and almost wall to wall all around if you can just imagine one massive near perfect rectangular prism of junk that's what I created it was a masterpiece I was so proud on the side the door was on there was enough space to walk to either wall but you couldn't move into it anywhere I got back upstairs into our apartment and couldn't sleep the rest of the night I was beyond excited I wound up watching Infinity War to prepare for Ant-Man and the Wasps then upcoming release sure enough Karen and Bill took the bait it must have been at school or work when they first discovered the the basement because I never heard a thing about it in hindsight it's probably best I was out even though I would have savored those angry shrieks like nothing ever before in any case within a few days we discovered our treadmill destroyed similarly to the recycling bin of years past it had been knifed up I can imagine they probably wanted to straight up take a hammer to it but they didn't really want to make much noise so they wound up tearing the thing apart with a really big and a really sharp knife they had seen we were using it and aside from our trash and recycling bins it was our only property that they had access to at that point several years back I filled up the rest of the wall of our basement cubicle and installed a door with a lock so our cubicle was now sealed off to everyone else but the others are open and anyone can enter plus I can imagine destroying a one thousand dollar treadmill is infinitely more tempting than a trash or recycling bin so they went for it in retaliation for my stunt in the base after moving the crap in the basement I started timing my treadmill used differently so that I wouldn't run into them as soon as I saw it after they destroyed it I went straight to the camera I had set up in the pantry it caught the whole thing in true fashion of their relationship Bill brandished an enormous knife and single-headedly destroyed the whole thing himself while she stood next to him and seemingly ordered him to do it she basically kept pointing around at all the parts she wanted him to cut up with that in hand I called the police reported the incident told them that my mother and I felt threatened by their presence and we filed a restraining order against both Karen and Bill with the police that same day I turned over all the evidence I'd gathered of all their crap over the years and I also turned over all the audio clips I had of Karen and Bill terrorizing Henry I figured because it was all audio and no video it wouldn't be enough to get him out of their care but maybe it at least get the Department of children and families involved Karen and Bill immediately claimed that I'd broken a bunch of their crap while moving it around in the basement crap that they no doubt had broken themselves so I offered my GoPro recordings as proof that I had not in fact broken any of their crap while moving it at all the restraining order of persons allowed to file with a police report is always temporary but you can always petition the core to extend it once mom and I did that it was granted at that point Karen and Bill hadn't been legally allowed to go back home for about a week and since it became a longer term restraining order they were basically not going to be allowed to live in their own home for several years soon they made the obvious choice to sell the house and move elsewhere needless to say selling a house you're not allowed to be near is a difficult task and moving all your stuff out of said house is even more difficult particularly when you have so much of it they'll end up coordinating the entire firehouse's sail from afar with their realtor being the only person who came around to show the house once it was time for them to move some relatives of theirs came around and packed everything up and loaded it into a truck also I was right based on my recordings alone Henry wasn't taken from their custody but DCF did get involved I heard from their family that came around to pack their crap up though that Karen and Bill did wind up losing custody of him they didn't say much as to why but they basically implied that the abuse ramped up a lot after everything went down between me and Karen and Bill which is the only part I feel guilty about but in the end I hope this is a situation where the end justifies the means at which point Department of Children and Families was already sniffing around so they wound up losing custody of him anyways I have no idea where Henry wound up but wherever he is I obviously have nothing against him and I hope he winds up in a much better situation than he was finally I'll say for two such andordinately obtuse and disgusting human beings they had surprisingly decent family members a few times I ran into them and made small talk when they were around they were pretty apologetic about the whole thing I got the impression that this isn't the first time they're apologizing on Karen and Bill's behalf I hope Henry's taken in by one of them and not chucked into the Foster system here's hoping kid considering the overall outcome and the ramp up and what the kid had to deal with for the short term do you think this overall is a situation where the ends justifies the means I'd like to know what you guys think in the comments down below either way I definitely think that we can all agree that we just hope the best for Henry in the situation and whatever living situation they're in now you hope that it's much much better than what they had to deal with fooled my cheating soon-to-be ex-wife and the thinking I was cheating then thermonuclear Shinobi ghosted and served her Christmas Miss day I hope you've got some time and a snack because this one's going to be super long as the events that follow spanned from late 2019 to last week as per the rules all names are altered herein okay so here's the back story my soon-to-be ex-wife was my high school sweetheart we started dating in 1992 when we were both 17 we're both 45 now and have been together ever since she's the only woman I've ever been with my entire life we married five years later at 22 fresh out of college a year later we had our first of two children both boys 22 and 17 23 years I gave to her bill to her house worked my butt off to give her the life she wanted sure we had rough patches but what marriage doesn't even in the worst of times we found a way to pull through and come out the other side better which made the discovery of her Affair that much more jarring flashback to March 2020 when I first got the Feeling something was off for a good two months prior we were in a funk I was on the the men from reconstructive knee surgery blew out my ACL fall 2019 but still lacking in movement at the time I only had about 55 percent range of motion on my knee this took quite a toll in the house I was out on workers comp as I'd been injured on the job and I was unable to do my usual household Duty so a lot got backed up my sons would do what they could but tasks only I was capable of doing had to be put on the back burner or my wife had to do which she wasn't pleased with things also crawled to a standstill in the bedroom between us it had already slowed down prior to my injury but in the state I was in at the time it completely stopped during these months she will call her Sue was spending more time hanging with co-workers after work between November 2019 to March 2020 it was a regular occurrence for her naturally I thought nothing of it I've never in the 23 years I'd been with her had any reason to worry or not trust her she has her friend friends I have mine and we have mutual I'd go hang out with my friends all the time and there was no issue it was all above board it was around January of this year that I noticed something odd Sue started getting noticeably distant with me sure we were in a funk but she'd never denied me affection to that point the usual hugs and kisses she'd gave me came to a halt her phone was attached to her hand long before my suspicion grew but she'd always share and show me things she'd discovered on the web DIY interests and recipes on Pinterest memes all kinds of stuff but she was now being guarded about her phone even her interactions with me became more snippy as if she couldn't be bothered so we're now in March covet has arrived in New York City's lockdown our chosen careers fall under the essential designation so neither of us have to work from home I just been recently clear to return to work after five months on the shelf and I was eager to get back after it as 5 months on my butt rehabbing my knee and not being able to do physical stuff drove me nuts for context I enjoy physical activities I'm an avid martial artist and I'm typically in the gym four days a week on top of all the home projects I did within a week or two of the lockdown my soon-to-be ex-wife alerts me that she's going to have to start putting in extra hours again again I think nothing of this because of her field of course I was under the assumption it'd be every other day but no it was every day and not just an hour or two she'd come home three or more hours later and go straight to the shower spend a little time with me a little time with our 17 year old 22 year old lives with his girlfriend across town and then go to bed as I'm able to support myself and my knee better we started getting intimate again but as you'd probably guess she wasn't mentally or emotionally present for it which I noticed quickly so by early April the pictures started giving clearer to me all of the signs were pointing to the idea that she was having an affair that's when I decided I needed to find answers so I scoured the internet on things I should be looking for signs of infidelity in one's partner and sure enough she was pretty much taking all of the boxes on such Behavior so then my search and query Advanced to how do I find proof I started with her social media looking at our Facebook entries from months prior it's pretty much the usual pics of us and our sons picks with her and her friends and a few more pics of her nights out with co-workers in these pics it's a mixed bag of her closest friends from work and a couple of folks I've never met from her work but I see one recurring thing in a number of these pics one guy in every picture he's in he's rather uncomfortably close to her his arms around her shoulder or hand on her lower back way too close for a guy I've never personally met needless to say that put a sour taste in my mouth but that wasn't the worst of it no no no the worst was the fact that apparently this dude is a friend of hers on Facebook and follows her on Instagram so we go to look up his Facebook account and wouldn't you know it I'm blocked why the heck am I blocked from seeing this guy's Facebook account but he's friends with her on Facebook yep I'm now in Batman detective mode at that point I wasn't even trying to deny it I knew she was cheating on me with this guy my mission was to find out for how long and over the course of April and May that's what I did you know I never had any clue the depth of info you could secure from phone text and email records up until then we have a family cell phone package and I was able to pull up quite a bit of data my soon-to-be ex-wife's data history was telling the two most frequent numbers she had interacted with from October 2019 to April 2020 was my own and a number I've never seen before 4. take a wild guess whose number it was a quick check on Google and I confirmed it was the dude from the photos who blocked me on Facebook we'll call him POS because that's what he is again the picture becomes even clearer at this point but a lot of their messages and texts were disjointed which meant she was deleting a lot of them I knew she was cheating on me with this guy but nothing in the data could serve as a Smoking Gun I needed more evidence it's at this point that I tell my best friend Oz what I'd found he asked me did I confront her with what I had and I said no because I felt like it wasn't enough that's when he told me about an app that I could download to apparently spy on her Communications in real time I won't say the name as I don't know the rules on that here I got it installed sync up my data plan and waited within days of doing so I finally saw it a text string between the two of them talking about how much fun they'd had the previous night and making plans to do it again that weekend boom gut punch to say I was completely devastated was an understatement I guess that moment counts as my D-Day and for the next two days after I was just broken I actively distanced myself from her those two days immediately after D-Day which she was noticeably shaking by she'd try to console me and ask me what was wrong but I'd rush it off and leave her presence I couldn't even look at her this woman who I gave 23 years of my life to who I had given everything I could and more to as a husband and she stepped outside of our marriage for a guy just five years older than our eldest son by the third day I wasn't even sad anymore I was pissed I contacted my friend oz to let him know my suspicion was confirmed then he asked me had I confronted her yet my answer was no and I told him I wanted payback I didn't want to just divorce her I wanted to destroy her I wanted to leave her life in shambles and freaking ruin her it was was going to take time to do so and I devised the plan and my readings and research on infidelity I had saw a quote that resonated with me that went the enemy of infidelity is unpredictability or something to that ilk that was going to be the basis of my plan I was going to make her life hack on Wheels while also secretly planning my exit strategy so we're now in early June and I've got the app still installed pretty much every night I'm gathering as much data as I can seeing their back and forth messages they're talking like it's a full-blown relationship they're in sexting lovey-dovey romantic stuff inappropriate photos the whole freaking bag at that point I'd stopped looking at any of it I was just collecting info and cataloging on my private FPS server meanwhile I started doing things out of the ordinary I started going out at odd times I start coming home later than cheetahs and her presence I'm on my phone a lot more than usual and when she she asks what are you up to I just simply say just stuff and put my phone away I'd also changed my login info on everything so she couldn't access any of my stuff mind you for our entire marriage we didn't never hit anything from each other but right around I'm assuming the start of her Affair she'd changed her password on Facebook as well as on her phone stating she had to because of the security breaches in recent months yeah really nice cover for hiding your Affair from your husband anyway I'd clued Oz into my plan as well as telling my older and only sister and two more of my closest friends what was going on these are people I trust with my life and I swore them to secrecy for context Oz and I have been friends since we were kids the other were our friends Joey and Nina we've known since high school make note of Nina she comes into play down the road July comes and my soon-to-be ex-wife is in full paranoia mode she's texting and calling me a lot more frequently now asking me if I'm going to be home when she gets home when am I coming home while she is and I'm not asking me what I'm up to the works I can see the seed planted in her head the month prior is starting to sprout especially in her communication with POS she's confiding in him her doubt and confusion telling him that I'm getting cold and distant the freaking nerve of this woman in the interim of these interactions with POS she suggests that maybe they should stop meeting up at our house because she has no idea if I'd just show up confirming that yes she's had this jerk wad in my home thanks Sue POS asks her in that specific communication was she worried about me potentially cheating on her which actually pissed her off I can't even begin to describe the level of joy and how many laughs I got out of reading that exchange my cheating wife arguing with her Affair partner over if she's mad her husband could be cheating on her oh the freaking irony now bear in mind I'm not hooking up with anyone when I leave I'm usually at Oz or Joey's throwing back some booze watching fights and spending some time with my Bros or on my big sister's house hanging with her and my brother-in-law who's like an older brother to me my sis is 52 when her hubby's 58 she had told him about my soon-to-be ex-wife's infidelity but not of my plan couldn't risk it as he's a bit of a blabbermouth we'll fast forward now to October that's when things seriously pick up I've been in my faux Affair for three months now and Sue is hyper aware of the fact that I'm actively pulling away from her it's been as long as the day I enacted my plan until the day she confronted me October 20th 2020 that I'd even touched her no hugs no kisses no initiation of intimacy nothing not like she needed it she was still screwing POS just at his place or at motels so that afternoon she calls me at work which wasn't rare before this all began but certainly hadn't happened in a while and asks me to come straight home after work saying she had something important to tell me I'm not gonna lie to you all I have believed she was going to come clean about her infidelity but she of course didn't instead I get home to her asking me if I was unhappy with her the freaking nerve she cites the fact that I've been spending way too much time away from home I don't show her affection anymore and our sex life has completely died she tells me she's worried I'm pushing her away because I was resentful of how she treated me the months I was rehabbing my knee and then came the punch line she freaking asked if I was cheating on her folks I fell on the floor laughing hysterically and when I say hysterically I mean Joker laughing gas hysterical on the surface it looked like to her assuming it was me laughing off the notion of being unfaithful but it was of course actually me laughing at the sheer irony of what was happening in front of my eyes I'm tearing up pouting on the floor and complete hysterics for a good two minutes before I compose myself enough to answer I sit up and look her in the eyes for the first time in months shaking my head but I don't give her an answer I stand up brush myself off kiss the top of her head and go about settling in for the night later that night as I'm in my office I decide you know what given the brevity of what happened I wanted to see what she was telling him so I fire up the app and sure enough they're actually texting in real time she tells POS I know he's cheating on me I asked him tonight and he literally laughed on my face he fell on the floor and laughed for like five minutes it wasn't five minutes obviously he doesn't care how I feel anymore I don't know how or why but he's gone I know I've lost him this is karma I know it the smile on my face I had while reading that must have resembled the Cheshire Cat she was breaking POS attempted to console her saying that if I cared enough for her she wouldn't have had to come to him to give her what I wasn't giving her but the tone of her responses told me she was having doubt now she had the nerve to step out of our marriage because I was unable to fulfill my role as a husband due to a legitimate injury and kept the affair going for at that point nearly an entire year but the idea of her losing me to another woman was enough to make her a waiver what a freaking weakling now during all of this I was also exacting the second part of my plan for payback getting all of my Affairs in order financially in September I'd met with a family attorney to get the ball rolling on divorce papers with the mountain of evidence I'd piled up to that point New York is an at fault state as far as divorce and the overwhelming amount of proof I'd gathered displaying Sue's infidelity pretty much solidified I could nail her to the freaking wall in a divorce case my lawyer instructed me to get all of my financials in order and preparation for for whatever division of assets might come as a result I went one better than that secretly pulling all of my money out of our joint account and putting it in my personal account I also started shopping around for an apartment as part of phase two we're now in November and I've not changed my behavior in fact I've ramped it up this is where my friend Nina comes into play for context Nina and Sue have never been what you call close I met Nina freshman year of high school two years before I met Sue even way back then sue had seen Nina as a threat as she's my closest female friend there's always been an implied I don't trust her from Sue regarding Nina she's never addressed it directly but it's obvious to anyone who pays attention conversely Nina's never been a big fan of Sue early and me and Sue's relationship Nina called to attention to me how Sue is pretty much imposing herself into our little square of friends whereas I didn't do the same with Sue set of friends that irked Nina because she knew why Sue was doing doing it her among Sue's Circle even now there are no male friends aside from POS whereas Nina is the only girl in my Square Nina had been stuck overseas due to the virus and finally returned to New York City November 3rd Oz Joey and I decided we were going to celebrate her return with a night at Joey's house for dinner and drinks there was only five of us Oz Joey Joey's wife who's also Nina's sister Nina and myself sticking to CDC guidelines we take the Rona very seriously Nina being the evil mastermind she is comes up with an evil idea to trigger Sue she suggested we take some photos in the same vein of photos I discovered of Sue and POS months prior and post them to my Facebook and that's just what we did it wasn't until the fifth that Sue got a wind of it as I'm guessing a few friends noticed my updates and saw how uncomfortably close I was with Nina this really messed her mind up because she still believed I was cheating and I I can almost guarantee she wanted to accuse Nina but she knew that Nina had been stuck in Europe for the majority of the Year still didn't stop her from attempting to dress me down that night for being so as she said ANSI in the pics I saw this as a golden opportunity to deliver the lead jab for my knockout blow I say so what about the pics with you and POS from last year he was pretty handsy in them but did you see me get bent out of shape over it deer and the headlights it was the first time I even mentioned the dude's name throughout all of this the hamster wheel in her head started reeling in a real time as she tried to explain away those pics to that point she hadn't even known I saw them That's how little I use Facebook when I actually do post something it's like an event to people which is why the pics with Nina specifically got so much traction among our circles and explain away she did he's that way with everyone he's just a really friendly guy I can see how it looks but there's nothing there there I'm sorry if those picks hurt you I'll delete them no no the picks aren't what hurts me the year you've been hooking up with the dude while it's lying to me that you're working extra hours and hanging with friends is what hurts me but Vengeance as Lieutenant Commander wore from Star Trek the Next Generation so famously said is a dish best served cold from that night Sue was being extra specially clingy and attentive to me like annoyingly so she'd try to initiate affection and intimacy with me and I'd Stonewall her at every chance all the while I'm archiving literally everything she says to POS mind you at this point I'd long since gone numb any desire I might have had to save my marriage was dead I checked out the day I enacted the first phase of my plan she's confiding in him that I've gotten worse that she doesn't know what to do and she feels like I absolutely hate her I do then comes the bombshell she says she can't see him anymore the guilt is too much for her and she feels like Karma Irma is suffocating her she can't risk losing me she says that she loves POS deeply but she still is in love with me and she has to save her marriage before she loses me no my dear you're about eight months too late for that BOS loses his crap saying such lovely things as he doesn't love you the way I love you and you're making a mistake you can't just throw me away like this that text chain would be the last they'd have until about three weeks ago throughout the remainder of November into December she's stuck in a limbo she's trying to gauge where my headspace is and is still unable to tell if I'm actually being unfaithful meanwhile POS is steadily blowing her phone up daily but she's not responding to him I'd see her check her phone often then quickly put it away meanwhile phase two of the plan was now officially complete the divorce papers were done I found me a studio apartment in Co-op City New Yorkers will know the area and signed a two-year lease on it all of my money was in in my personal account I was ready to throw my Haymaker so we're now at Thanksgiving my oldest and his girlfriend were hosting a small gathering of our immediate families so them oldest and his girlfriend oldest girlfriend's parents she's an only child myself Sue and our youngest we have a great night my oldest girlfriend is studying to be a chef and she did all the cooking herself the girl can freaking cook let me tell you as I had to keep up appearances of nothing being wrong between Sue and I I initiated affection with her several times that evening kisses on the cheek cute little hugs wrapping my arms around her shoulders from behind the gestures didn't go unnoticed by her as she reveled in it bear in mind this was the first time I touched this woman since I kissed the top of her head the night she confronted me in October so just about two months not gonna lie I felt repulse doing it but I had to I couldn't risk the plan and me being distant to her in the face of my boys my oldest girl friend and her parents would set off alarms so my youngest decides he wants to stay over with his big bro for the night so Sue and I head home on the drive home she thanks me for being so good to her and says I don't know what you're going through baby but I'm here for you I had a hold off busting out of maniacal after again and responded saying I know I just need time so for the first time realistically since Springtime we hooked up that night I figured screw it with what I'm about to do may as well get some action before I delete her from my existence I won't go into detail but it wasn't love making when I finished she was a lump of Flesh laying there trying to figure out the direction of the truck that ran her over no cuddling or anything after I just got up showered and went to go sleep in my office to her confusion though I used protection first time in two darn decades I did she was definitely perplexed by it but she didn't ask questions shirazak wasn't going raw knowing that she'd been doing so POS for months at that point I wake up the next day and check my handy dandy spy app and for the first time in weeks she responded to POS dude went full Novella he professed his love for her said she was wasting her time trying to rekindle a flame in me that died that she'd have been in a prison with me for 23 years and deserved to experience the love and affection of a man that would cherish her mind you this dude is 27 freaking years old five years older than our oldest son and he's that sprung on a 45 year old married mother of two what a grade A high quality simp she chose to blow up our marriage and destroy the home we'd Built For This dude a pretty boy with a soft side huh she responded saying pretty much the same thing she said when they last talked that she loved them and enjoyed their time together but she can't lose me I'm still the love of her life but she'll always have a place for him in her heart that they can still be friends if he chooses but the physical relationship between them is over he begged her to see him one last time that week and yep you guessed it she said yes one more for the road right who am I to say anything that's what I did to her the previous night of course I added all of that to the archive I'd compiled December 4th is when phase three the Final Phase of operation Shinobi ghost started the divorce papers were in hand my new place or residence was set up now I had to slowly start moving my stuff out of the house but first I had to break the news to my boys I called my oldest to the house that Friday night had them join me in my office and laid everything on the table not the specifics but that their mother had been cheating on me for over a year and I was going to be filing for divorce soon my 17 year old was especially shaken up by this because he himself had recently experienced his first taste of infidelity yep his first girlfriend had cheated on him just four months prior see seeing his heart broken a second time at the idea that his own mother was capable of doing this hit him hard my oldest took it a lot better and suggested taking his brother in to live with him until this blows over to which I agree we packed up some of his stuff and he asked me if I was gonna be okay I told him yes son I'm going to be all right and so are you we're going to be all right I promise and then they were off the hardest part was now over and it was now time to arm the nukes over the next few weeks day by day Oz would help me get a little of my most sensitive stuff out of the house gave him a list of all the definite stuff to grab while Sue and I were at work and left him the spare key this was all stuff that Sue wouldn't notice was missing unless he told her it was gone I'd also gotten a new phone and a phone number and told everyone who needed to know Oz Joey Nina my boys big sis and my mother my new contact info meanwhile I'm keeping up the ruse with Sue and she's none the wiser trickling bits and pieces of affection to her just to keep her off the trail while it's she's still in contact with POS not to the extent that they'd been prior but there's still an emotional thing happening the fog is faint but it's still there all the while I gather everything and I do mean everything every bit of data I've archived since I started the plan call logs texts pics emails everything and start making printouts folks I must have spent over fifteen hundred dollars on Staples supplies printer ink paper binders the works and I cataloged everything in order from the beginning of the affair until that last bit two weeks ago December 16th in the binders 14 of them I then put each one in a box and gift wrapped each addressing them to various people my mother my father passed seven years ago her parents her two sisters her brother her HR department did I forget to mention POS works for the same company and there's an expressed rule against intercom company relationships because of the nature of what she does several of her friends POS and pos's parents lugged all those freakers to the post office and shipped them all out December 16th ETA for the delivery December 22nd to 24th perfect so we're now at Christmas Eve see who comes home around the usual time no idea if he'd seen POS I'd stop tracking her on the app the 18th figure I'd gotten all the mileage I'd need out of it as per usual she showers hangs out with me a bit I blow her back out on the living room couch I know I'm a freaking jerk and she turns in for the night the Final Phase was upon me at long last the new guy had been arming since June was finally about to be launched in the middle of the night I woke up and wrapped up one of the three remaining binders with a divorce papers taped to the inside cover and set it on my side of the bed with a note that said Merry Christmas on it next to it I left my old phone and the business card of my lawyer I packed up the remainder of my most needed items enough to fill two backpacks and I left my home that I spent 23 years in for the last time that my friends was one week ago to Sue I'm completely off the grid gone Shadow ghosted she's blocked on Facebook but still hasn't blocked me for some reason so I'm keeping tabs on the Fallout it's absolutely glorious my packages have reached everyone I sent them out to and Sue is getting crucified her youngest sister completely dressed her down both of her parents have condemned her my mom absolutely destroyed her like holy crap I know my mom has a Mean Streak but the thing she called Sue were unfreaking holy she's been frantically trying to find out if anyone knows where I am but those that do aren't saying a word all over her Facebook feed she's desperately trying to reach me because I'm guessing she knows I'm likely looking but I'm not saying a freaking word to her without my lawyer present that'll be the next time I share oxygen with her she's got no way of spinning the narrative to paint me as the bad guy because I have exposed her to everyone who matters to her and from what a mutual friend who works in the same company as her said she and POS apparently are being put on administrative leave as of tomorrow so yeah chances are she'll be going into 2021 unemployed as for the final two binders well one's been turned over to my lawyer as my final bit of evidence for my impending divorce and the last one I put in my storage unit to be burned in Joey's fire pit when the divorce is final do I feel guilty about this no not even in the slightest 23 years I did right by this woman I gave her the home she wanted I gave her the family she wanted I gave her the life I felt we both deserved and I loved her unconditionally never have I faltered never have I strayed never have I even entertain the notion of breaking my vows when an issue came up that I felt was affecting our marriage I came to her and told her and we sorted it out the best we could she opted to find comfort and another man's bed rather than come to me and say she was unhappy with our sex life at the time she decided to step out with a young punk who gave her the tingles so no I have no sympathy for what I did or for her she can burn for all I care the most I stand to lose is my house a car and maybe a couple hundred bucks a month in alimony but seeing as the divorce is filed under the statute of adultery and New York state is at fault that might get waived with the insurmountable amount of evidence I've provided as far as I'm concerned she's dead to me and I'm never looking back if you were in such a long-term lifetime level relationship would you have the ability to wait as long as op did to enact this level of Revenge or would you just have to call them out on it right away kick take them out get it going as soon as it happened let me know how you would handle something like this in the comments down below my girlfriend cheated I never let her forget to this day a good Revenge story gives me a warm bubbly feeling inside I believe it comes from this college experience years ago when I got revenge on my cheating girlfriend and it felt good I know I'm not supposed to enjoy it but I can't deny how satisfying it feels it's probably one of my favorite feelings in the world even though I'm ashamed to admit it so I decided to write my first post about this because they don't tell the story often it's so extensive and honestly just makes me look bad I'm going to try to my best to not paint a picture where my ex looks as bad as possible and me as innocent as possible I want to write this as accurately as I can even if it makes me look bad bit of context and backstory at the time of the story I played Division 1 NCAA basketball at a school so I traveled a lot weekly in different cities and states and my entire your life revolved around this during the events of the story I was in the early stages of a horrible drug and alcohol habit years after the story I ended up getting sober and joined a program whose name you can find at the front of almost any phone book I'm sure many people reading this are also sober and will understand how we addicts and alcoholics can be this story is an effort to explain a character defect that manifested from the events in the story that led me down a very dark path however I don't mean the story to come off in a self-pity kind of way lastly I was always a good kid I was never troubled my upbringing was very difficult but I was able to keep an overall kindness in my spirit to other people and almost always did the right thing or took the high road when it came to dating I knew people treated in relationships but at the time of the story I always chalked it up to other people not doing things the way I did I never really thought it would happen to me I always thought that because I was a five-star boyfriend in my amazing choice in women infidelity would never be a part of my dating journey I was naive I really thought highly of myself and also had a real arrogance like any guy in his early 20s I guess the build up I was in my junior year in University and I'd been single for about a year after me and my high school girlfriend finally broke up after three years I checked their relationship off as my learning experience and now I knew what to look for in my next girlfriend the next woman I chose to have a relationship with I would most likely marry and start my future with I know I was young and dumb and thought I knew everything I had my eye on this girl in my school we'll call her Lisa I saw Lisa around the Collegiate Athletic Facility the university team's training grounds and locker rooms Lisa ran for the track team and was darn good the various athletic teams often had parties and I knew that the first one I saw her at I would introduce myself and try to chatter up a bit and see where it led soon enough I see Lisa at one of these parties and we pass each other on the stairs we make die contact and she smiled at me I sparked a conversation with her and after going back and forth a bit we exchanged numbers We Begin the classic American style of flirting where we constantly just hint things back and forth indirectly we slowly progressed the relationship in this manner for weeks sending texts back and forth hinting that we were interested in each other but also playing it cool to not let the other person know we had a crush on them at the time she was on a break with her current boyfriend who was a popular player on the football team she ended up leaving him completely to date me this should have been a red flag obviously but remember I had severe hubris at the time her leaving him to date me just gave me a superiority complex I was playing good in sport and if she was willing to leave this guy for me then she'll never leave me for another guy I was a freaking idiot I can't express how much I was into Lisa I was addictively attracted to her and had that weird feeling of I can't believe my crush is actually into me too I really was so drowned and blinded by my crush on her I missed so many red flags but our relationship began progressing really fast because of this I didn't really do a proper inventory on why I liked her so much fast forward like eight months later we're together officially Lisa has her own athlete's dorm room but I was a couple years older than her and was working during my Summers full time and part-time during school slash season and had my own apartment near campus and Lisa was basically living with me she even would stay there when I was out of town which was like three out of four days every week because we were in season and the team was flying all over the country me and Lisa were deeply in love regardless at the end of the season I'd planned two massive back-to-back parties one was for my teammate's birthday Friday night and then my birthday Saturday night they just happen to be one day after the other and luckily landed on a Friday and Saturday night me and Lisa got drunk Friday night and hooked up unprotected Lisa kept a period tracking calendar app on her phone she was asleep and I drunkenly remember she always marked down in her calendar when we went unprotected so that she knew if she should be worried if she missed her period she missed her period often because she was an athlete my inebriated brain thought she should put it in her calendar now because we would forget the next day since we were so messed up so I woke her up and said can you put that in the calendar that we hooked up unprotected at this point it was like 5 a.m and we were that 5 a.m kind of drunk where you're mostly just tired she unlocked her phone and opened the app and before she could even do it she fell back asleep so I took the phone while it was still unlocked and proceeded to try and figure out how to put it in her calendar myself side note throughout our entire relationship Lisa went through my computer and phone constantly she was very insecure and always had her suspicions I didn't care that she was doing this all the time she never found anything because I never did any Shady crap ever again looking back this is an obvious red flag I missed remember I thought this girl would never cheat on me so this wasn't one of those stories where I went through her phone looking for something and subsequently finding it in this case I was innocently trying to navigate this darn period calendar while I was drunk and I wasn't suspicious at all when I looked at the period calendar app on Lisa's phone I saw all kinds of little markers on different days of each month each marker was a different color so I opened one to see what the color coding meant I saw that red was obviously symboling her period and then there was also black markers that showed when she hooked up unprotected this is when my heart sank into my stomach this freaking calendar was peppered with a black marker it looked like a checkerboard with only a handful of red pieces left and all the freaking black ones there were black markers on dates that I was in a different city playing basketball I proceeded to open all of the black markers going back to our entire relationship we didn't go unprotected very often maybe once or twice a month she had written the names of the guys she had hooked up unprotected with in the notes section of the black markers there was a total of four guys throughout the entirety of our relationship that she did that with some months there were almost a dozen of those freaking black markers sometimes two in one day looking back on this I wonder if there were more unlisted men that I didn't see because she clearly only kept track of the guys and times she had unprotected and almost every story I hear of infidelity it involves the discovery of text messages or being informed by a friend or the classic coming home early and catching your partner red-handed I on the other hand discovered a freaking well-documented Ledger of almost every time she cheated and hooked up unprotected amongst the four guys I discovered one of them was her ex that she originally left to date me cheating on me with him was a common occurrence there was also some other unknown guy she was also clearly sleeping with regularly The Last Two Fellas looked to be just a one-time thing but again like I said these markers were just the times she hooked up without a condom so who knows what the true story was there I sobered up real quick I proceeded to look through her texts and calls and found nothing however at the time Android phones had a folder where you could see deleted texts but not the contents of the messages she had thousands of deleted texts and calls but I couldn't see what they said but I saw the numbers and did a quick Facebook search and matched one with her ex in addition to something like half a dozen other random dudes the word worst part was I found two of my teammates one guy I was actually pretty close with I just put her phone down after a few minutes the evidence was overwhelming the more I seemed to look at the phone the more my insides began to hurt I felt so defeated I can't fully describe the feeling but I'm sure anyone reading this that caught a significant other cheating knows what I'm talking about I felt so stupid for trusting her and having no suspicions of her I couldn't stop thinking about how I regretted all the times I had an opportunity to cheat and remain faithful to Lisa I felt like an idiot for not cheating on her when I could have my loyalty felt like a waste I know it sounds ridiculous and irrelevant to the fact that she was unfaithful I think I was obsessed over that because if I had cheated as well I wouldn't have hurt so much in that moment all I could think about was how much I was hurt I would do anything not to feel the pain and embarrassment anymore question am I the only one who thought this way after catching their partner cheating I I'm curious about this I proceeded to leave my apartment and go for a long walk I had never felt the emotions that were coming up and didn't know how to process them my ego felt like it was literally dismantled in front of me I wasn't sure what to do and I was too embarrassed to tell anyone my sadness quickly turned to anger I knew I was gonna get my revenge I just didn't know how yet I was seething with rage and wanted to make sure she never recovered from this my roommate slash teammate and best friend at the time who was sleeping on the couch in my living room we'll call them Bono an Eastern European kid who stood Fort an Eastern European kid who stood seven feet tall and was as Russian and demeanor as you can imagine also had an equally ridiculous real-life name hence Bono well Bono called me shortly after I started my walk I answered and he asked where I was I asked him to keep this between us and told him what happened he stays on the phone and goes into my room and I hear pyramid is a Russian accent yellow yo witch you cheated on op then I faintly hear her inaudibly say something in the background and him yelling at her to get out of the apartment after some scuffling Bono gets back on the line and says yo she gone come back and let's talk I head back home and me and bana go over what had happened things don't get sappy because we're both complete alpha males who both come from cultures where men don't cry and neither of us really knew what to say or do in the situation he makes his best attempt to comfort me and says tonight's her birthday we're gonna get messed up and find you some girls screw her I never liked her anyway oh yeah this day was my birthday forgot about that part me and mono go out for breakfast I'm still a little drunk my phone's blowing up with calls and texts from Lisa I tell her I saw everything on her phone and I can't stand to speak with her or look at her she keeps trying to convince me to let her come to my birthday party and I make it clear I don't want her there she was clearly concerned about exactly what Bono suggested to me earlier when me and him chatted Lisa's entire reputation and popularity revolved around the fact that she was dating me I think most people didn't like her in the first place but put up with her because we were together she knew that if I acted single at my birthday party and she didn't show up everyone would know something was a skew I think Lisa was more worried about being embarrassed than our relationship I don't remember much of what happened that night but one of my friends sent me a little package for my birthday from California filled with some really good weed hash moon rocks some pills and the devil's dandruff and I proceeded to do a glorious Swan Dive into an intoxicated Oblivion all I remember is sitting on my chair at the pre-game for my party there were two girls sitting on the arms of the chair and I still have a photo of that moment and I remember it vividly we were preparing to head out I had a few tables downtown in a popular nightclub the drinks and substances were the only thing that made me feel normal I had my sunglasses on and clearly had that happy loaded green on my face the longer you look at that photo of me on that chair you can tell I'm hiding a huge amount of hurt sitting on that chair the cocktail of drugs start to take effect this was the first time I ever used substances not to party but to feel better to make me feel normal I remember thinking I want to feel this way for the rest of my life I'm never going to hurt like that ever again with this stuff I have control and no one can hurt me again oh how ironic that turns out to be years down the line I told my teammates and friends that me and Lisa were done when they asked why she wasn't at the party I didn't tell them why though I also didn't show them that I was affected by it in any way and just played it cool I tried to focus everyone on the party ahead of us the Revenge so this is one of those revenge stories where it was was only half planned I knew I wanted to get revenge on Lisa for hurting me so much but I kind of just improvised as opportunities came up my original kind Spirit had died at my birthday on that chair all my morals went out the window I never cheated in relationships therefore I believed I would never get cheated on I realize now how dumb that is but that's what I thought at the time I didn't care what Collateral Damage I caused as long as my mission to hurt Lisa as much as possible was accomplished so I continued every day of my life with this new selfish mindset I was sitting at my computer later that next week skimming Facebook when I saw the profile of one of her track teammates on my feed that's when I had my first vengeful idea I decided I was going to attempt to get her teammates to bite the bait that I was about to cast out into the water though I didn't have proof she hooked up with my teammates she was clearly trying to hide a conversations between them so I was going to see how many people who are close to her I could passionately hug luckily I had much more options than when she was cheating on me a women's track team is much larger than a men's basketball team also much better looking Lisa's teammate I originally spotted on my Facebook had a boyfriend but I thought clearly everyone cheats let's see if it's true I proceed to do the little flirty social media dance with her you know the one where I like a couple of her photos she likes a couple of mine back I shoot her a message and Bam she's at my house in my bed about a week later I proceed to do something similar to other teammates of hers all on her 4x4 Relay Team coincidentally two of the three girls I passionately hugged had boyfriends and subsequently cheated on them with me which gave me some real mixed emotions it stroke to my broken ego but also made me bitter and sad giving me one of those women ain't crap none of them are loyal attitudes this is such a tip typical story of a while fighting monsters I became a monster this actually became my go-to strategy because it accomplished two things in my messed up mind it exposed a cheater but more importantly if they were willing to cheat on their boyfriends they would a be more secretive about it which meant the drama that would ensue when it came out would be elevated and B it made me feel better about Elisa cheating because it proved it wasn't me that was the problem it was women that were the problem I know it's messed up but that's what I thought back then I started to collect something from every girl that I hooked up with like a bra a pair of underwear or some jewelry Etc not for a creepy reason but this is important later and was a part of my plan sometimes I didn't even have to try one girl left a pair of very distinguishable shoes I knew Lisa would know whose shoes they were they belonged to the girl that Lisa's ex-boyfriend rebounded with after Lisa and him broke up which highly upset her because it was her friend now it would upset her more because that same girl slept with both of her ex-boyfriends I especially try to collect items if it was something that I knew Lisa could distinguish like a sweater from the women's track team with her teammate's name on it after some time I'd collected a boatload of stuff after a couple months or so one of the Lisa's teammates boyfriends found out about me and his girlfriend and it started a big beautiful dramatic explosion of series of events with her and her teammates this led to all of them finding out about one another's promiscuity the drama was massive even their coaches had to get involved it got so bad this made me feel powerful and such an evil yet satisfying way I fell in love with the destruction I was causing the most awesome part about all of it was that same week the Athletics PR team had put massive posters of me all over campus promoting the next game they were every everywhere some of the posters took up the entire side of buildings So Lisa and her friends had to see me all over campus every day while this drama was erupting all around them I felt like a triumphant dictator it was glorious and pathetic at the same time their coach even proceeded to have a serious meeting with the compliance department and my team's coaches my coach literally laughed at her saying this seems like an internal issue but Opie hasn't done anything illegal or broken any school policy so there's nothing we can do this infuriated the women's track coach their team had fallen apart their national ranking began to plummet then Lisa's coach even got in trouble for being caught tearing down some of the smaller posters of me on campus in a raging temper tantrum I loved all of it I continued to add fuel to the fire posting photos of me with girls smiling being happy every chance I could on Facebook and Instagram but under it all I was bitter I was so deep into my new mindset I'd already forgotten the kind-hearted naive kid I used to be I hated my old self because I let some girl emasculate me I was so full of self-pity looking back at it it's depressing no one really knew though because I played the cool guy attitude in front of people there was even a girl on campus on one of the sports teams who claimed that she was pregnant with my kid after I pretended to like her the same way I did with all the other girls on Lisa's team and as soon as we passionately hugged I moved on it's a long story but it turned out she wasn't pregnant but the news are pressed that came from that further dug the knife deeper into Lisa's side I left a trail of women I deceived and relationships I destroyed I feel bad now but at the time I didn't care because they were equally at fault in my eyes since they were cheating on their boyfriends or sleeping with their friends as ex quickly girls became weary of me plus I was running running out of potential targets I was an awful human being then the way I was thinking and I was going after girls that weren't even friends or on the track team with Lisa but were just around her in daily life for example her classmates and as well as her own family I even flirted with her own sister who was married with a kid and I almost succeeded she was down but her and Lisa's dad found out about it and stepped in and put a stop to it all before we could do anything her sister was ostracized as the news spread within the family I wanted Lisa to know I was everywhere and constantly reminded her how she messed up in my eyes this was all her fault and she Unleashed this Fury of chaos upon herself she should never have messed with me like that Lisa had to take an extended medical leave because of her depression and mental health issues she was experiencing from the whole situation she even had to go on medication and lost tons of weight she began to look extra extremely unhealthy the whole mess was torturing her and the more she hurt the better I felt at this point I had already inflicted more damage than she did to me but I'd become addicted to the feeling of power I spent zero time processing my own emotions or moving on from what happened all I wanted was more revenge and I couldn't stop after weeks of ignoring Lisa's texts and calls she finally gets a hold of me by showing up to my apartment unannounced late at night she was there to pick up some stuff she left from when she lived there to take home she was actually a local and her parents lived close by she was still on her medical leave and no longer staying on campus but rather with her parents I told her I would bring her stuff to her parents house that weekend but I couldn't let her in because I had company which I did but it wasn't one of her teammates or friends unfortunately I then took all the items I'd collected from all the girls over the weeks there was probably like eight or nine things from different girls including her teammates and threw their belongings in along with Lisa's stuff and a big black trash bags I took the bags to her house and then called Lisa's dad I told him I left her stuff on his porch and to inform his demon daughter me and Lisa's dad actually really got along and he even took my side after Lisa and I broke up but after all these events transpired he obviously had a negative opinion of me 15 minutes after I get off the phone with Lisa's dad I get a call from Lisa I answer because I want to hear her reaction to having all these other girl stuff mixed in with hers she was sobbing uncontrollably it sounded like that half crying half mumbling thing people do when they're hysterical she wasn't even angry just desperately begging me to point to stop my tyranny I just smiled and bassed in the glory of hearing her hurt I responded why were there other guys in our relationship you mix them into our relationship like I mixed other girls stuff into your stuff it's the perfect little ironic metaphor I thought it sounded cool at the time and was real proud of myself face palm I later found out from one of Lisa's friends who knew she was cheating on me during our relationship that Lisa was convinced I was the one cheating on her because I was always out of town this doesn't make sense since I was out of town because of basketball a very legit excuse not just randomly on my own accord you could literally see my schedule on the school's website I kept in contact with her constantly when I was gone but obviously when I had practice or team meetings I couldn't be on my phone but she didn't have the logic in her brain to figure this out I guess I assume it's just an excuse she made to protect her insecurities about the whole Fiasco or to keep face with the people who knew she was cheating months go by Lisa comes back to school from her medical leave and we bump into each other at the physical therapy center and our athlete facility building I see this as another opportunity it had been a while since I did something that hurt her and I was still hungry for more Vengeance I proceed to pretend like I wanted to rekindle things with her she's cautious at first but eventually bites after about a week we start to mend our relationship we proceed for about a month but I wouldn't call this a relationship I forbid her to have any male friends nor is she allowed to go out and party with her girlfriends I also need full access to all her accounts and her location at all times it was more like a hostage situation it gave me a sense of control meanwhile I'm not being faithful at all this was my plan all along finally she finds out about me sleeping with a girl in one of her classes and we have a nasty breakup I told her that she literally knows what it felt like to be me when we last dated yet again I felt triumphant but it was just another chance to hurt her and I did after this we don't speak for years I graduate University and moved to Central America she messages me while I'm there about a year after I moved and about two years after we last spoke at this point my life has become that of a real degenerate I was doing copious amounts of substances on a daily basis and about 75 percent of my life was involved in some sort of a legal or nefarious activities but I still blame her for me becoming the Dark Soul that I was and taking no responsibility for bitter immoral nature I hadn't had another relationship since her and always had trouble because I couldn't trust a woman in any capacity anymore even after years had passed I saw this instance of her messaging me as yet another opportunity to hurt her we begin to talk as friends and even getting flirty with each other over Facebook Messenger mind you there is literally many countries states and an ocean between us at this point I was planning a trip back to my old University to visit some friends however I told her it was different I explained to her I was moving back to the city for a new job I was just offered we decided to meet up when I get back and see if there's anything worth saving between us I'd put on my best acting hat and try to seem like I've put our past behind us however I'm just as vengeful now as I was years ago she's finishing up her last year at University and I make the trip back to the USA I made Lisa at a coffee shop when I arrive we spend the entire night together from her point of view it really looks like we move past our differences and what happened we could actually work things out however I'm not moving back obviously like I told her I'm only staying two nights she doesn't know about this after hooking up a few times and spending a couple days together without mentioning anything to her about me leaving I pack my things and get back on a plane to Central America I blocked her on my social media and communication Outlets this time I could only fantasize about what happened to her when I disappeared after she thought I'd moved back and supposedly was ready to give our relationship another try this time however it wasn't as satisfying as my previous plots of Revenge my drug habit and lifestyle only got worse every year three years later I was hospitalized and almost died because of my extended substance use I was never sober a full 24 hours after that day went through that freaking period calendar looking back as much pain as I might have caused her with my vengeful life my new identity that consumed my old one was so tainted with a dark-spirited heart I think I honestly did more harm to myself with my actions and led me down the road where I had no morals anymore though I spent the entirety of this story telling everyone of how I kept getting revenge and my ex for cheating on me as satisfying as it was I wish I would have spent an equal amount of energy healing myself from the incident if anyone reading this is experiencing the pain that comes with cheating a good Revenge story can bring you some satisfaction but I hope you don't make the same mistake I did rather spend more time healing yourself from the hurt and moving past it the Revenge won't heal you it'll be a separate Journey but could distract you from putting yourself back together luckily I got sober and I'm sober now four plus years I even had another girlfriend of two years cheat on me before I got sober but this time I didn't take revenge I spend my time healing I changed and only focused on myself and that was a way more satisfying than the Revenge I got on Lisa for cheating on me now I'm married almost two years to a woman who's sober and man do I have a good life I have a dream job and a dream marriage thank you to everyone who read this sorry if it wasn't well written I never read like this but I I've never told the full story in detail before and I got a lot out of writing it mostly what I hoped to get from this is to share my experiences doing horrible things but feeling an immense satisfying feeling from where it's almost addictive and morphing from generally a good person to a relatively dark evil one obviously people have dark moments but I feel like my personality and psyche have never been the same since that experience I'm looking forward to any responses to the people willing to read this stuff so considering what happened to Opie and the links to which op went after that point do you sympathize with OP do you understand like why op went so far or do you think even with a broken heart the things op did were just way too far for a reasonable person to go to I'd love to hear what you guys think down in the comments below scumbag does two thousand dollars damage to my car steals my best friend's motorcycle while recovering from dental surgery gets whole life just Droid for years this happened several years ago but first let's meet the cast there's me best friend and of course the star of the show scumbag first a little bit of background there was this homeless he wasn't truly homeless scumbag who I was Sheltering in my house while they looked for a place to stay I wanted to help him out and help him back on his feet he'd been problematic for a while he was crapping in the trash can peeing in soda bottles everywhere and lying to everyone all the time he wasn't even good at lying he was one of those pathological Liars who can't tell the truth to save their life and when he got a BB gun he shot out my neighbor's window this will become relevant at the end the list of sketchy stuff scumbag did could go on for days but that's not what I'm writing this about though it certainly does factor into the Revenge now on to the main event while one of my buddies needed a ride to the train station I was too tired to drive so I let him take my car and drive himself to the train station when he came back my front bumper was on the ground and he duct taped it back on he claimed that he was T-boned at an intersection and injured his leg he went to the hospital faked his injury and came back with crutches so I'd buy it when I asked the police in the town he said it happened in whom he said he had filed the report with they told me No Such event had been reported and they had no clue what I was talking about I later found out through my buddy who was in the car with him that he was doing donuts in a parking lot and hit a tree so shame on me for letting someone drive my car I know it was a very stupid decision on my part the cost of repairing my car came out to be two thousand dollars and I couldn't get insurance to cover it so the repairs came out of my pocket so I gave them the benefit of the opportunity to make things right and said all right pay for the cost of repairs and I'll forgive the transgression he already had a minimum wage job so I expected him to pay me every week until it was paid off after two weeks he stopped so I took his PS3 in safe as collateral and said I'd give it back when he paid me back and if he didn't I'd sell it to cover the costs few weeks later my best friend who was also staying with me had his wisdom teeth removed he was in a ton of pain that dental pain is the worst scumbag said he needed to go to the store he let scumbag take the bike to the grocery store but after a while we became suspicious he called saying the bike wouldn't start I drove over to the store he was at and he and the Motorcycle were nowhere to be found the store was 10 minutes away we called them and said bring it back now or else we'll report it stolen when he came back later that evening with a girl and he made up a BS excuse as to why the motorcycle had 130 miles on the odometer the way he told it made it clear he had no clue how mechanical odometers work they don't glitch and jump ahead 130 miles like he said it did my best friend would know he's constantly pulling his bike apart and making repairs and modifications to it I grilled him about the fact that he was never where he said he was we deduced that he had rode the bike to his hometown to pick up his girlfriend and back and lied about everything that was the last straw that broke the camel's back and a very bad mistake my best friend and I were trembling with a rage when we threw him and his girl out the front door to the curb this is where the nuclear Revenge begins scumbag was dumb enough to leave all of his password saved on the laptop we loaned him while he was with us we got his email and changed the password once you've got someone's email you've got everything else by default we got a social media accounts and financial accounts and reset their passwords too it was hysterical seeing the flurry of password reset emails coming in he knew we had him in the bag and was frantically trying to salvage his situation he had opened up bank account at the local bank to deposit his paychecks from his local cashier job while he was in the area we emptied the whole thing for a total of twenty five hundred dollars imagine my shock I get the 2000 for my car and gave the remaining 500 to best friend for his troubles and having my back we then sold this PS3 on Craigslist and split that 50 50. we eventually opened his safe and it was full of random papers and earbuds of no value but it did have his debit card and one of the papers had his pin on it which is how we emptied his bank account in addition to that while he's on his way out I go to the store he was working at and tell his boss he won't be showing up this afternoon and to consider him to be quitting I explained why the manager was cool about it but told me that he can't take my word for it in any event he was never seen at that establishment again so sooner or later that manager was going to have to take my word for it but we're not done yet we still have a social life to destroy we hijack his Facebook and make all of his friends hate him we make posts about all the crappy stuff he did we make posts about eating his poop we make posts claiming his love of all manner of debauchery and degeneracy we start petty fights with his friends list in the DMS we go under their walls and say snarky nasty crap we turned everyone against him and in the process of destroying his social life a bunch of girls he abused who lurked on his page came out of the Woodworks praising us for taking him down a peg it's been years and he still doesn't have a social media presence a few weeks go by and we get a package in the mail from him turns out he wasn't homeless and completely out of options like he said big surprise I know the package was mailed from his parents house it's an empty threat to sue me overflowing with hilariously made up lies and pages of screenshots of what we did to his social media me and best friend are laughing our butts off reading it he said he left town because the bills were too much it never did Sue us and we even taunted his bluff with our new Facebook account the reason why he thought this would fly I is the neighbor threatened to sue us over the window he broke and we paid for the replacement window so he thought that the mere threat of a lawsuit would be enough to put an end to the Revenge I still have his lawsuit letter because I like to read it for a good chuckle every now and then I'm thinking of framing it on my wall as a trophy last I heard he's completely destitute and has zero friends now that everyone knows how much of a terrible person he is even his parents got sick of his manipulative Behavior his girlfriend didn't take long to wise up and apologize to us so what's the real lesson of the story protect the ever loving crap out of your email because that's all anyone needs to gain access to everything else you do and completely ruin you also don't save your passwords on the computers of the people you're screwing over I'm kind of curious after reading this story do any of you guys in the comments have any friend that you would trust enough to give your email password to I'm talking your email that you would use to link your bank bank account your social media accounts up to or would you not trust anyone with that let me know in the comments down below and our final story of the days by heiger balm hubner Jerk Beats up my little brother because of his mental issues gets beaten within an inch of his life for context this story takes place long before I was born my father told me these stories many many many times when I was younger another context my father wasn't a witness but his friends told him the story so detailed since they were there when it happened but it almost sounds like he was there so here we go the cast is Cage The Jerk who verbally and physically attacks someone with mental health issues Daniel the poor guy who's semi mentally challenged I'll explain it better Vin Johnson Daniel's Big Brother the name will make sense when I explain it so okay I don't know which year this took place as my dad never specified but I knew this took place when he was in his late teens and or early twenties okay there was this guy Daniel who was well semi-mentally challenged when I say semi I mean occasionally he was able to successfully understand the situation around him but the majority of the time he couldn't because of that his friend group constantly protected him not at a Pity but because they genuinely cared about him however this one jerk-faced cage decided he didn't like Daniel's mental issues and decided to poke fun at him note they were at a bar and cage had a large group of friends with him who all forced Daniel's friends to back off since they were taller and thus were intimidated although they kept close just in case things went South and they assumed their verbal assault would be the furthest that this would go how wrong they were cage decides to poke fun at Daniel making stupid noises at him purposely talking all wrong and broken as a way to mock his difficulty to speak due to his issues and well everything else you can imagine but like I said Dan manual most of the time wasn't able to pick up on the things around him and thus wasn't phased by the insults since he couldn't really understand what was going on this seemingly upset cage who then resulted in beating the ever-loving hack out of Daniel Daniel's friends immediately tossed aside their intimidation of Cage's friends and tried to stop him but were restrained by Cage's friends while poor Daniel was defenseless against Cage's beating two minutes later cage stops the beating laughs at Daniel and kicks his foot one last time before leaving with his buddies Daniel's friends take him away to a hospital and inform his parents and older brother Daniel's brother will call him Vin Johnson why because if you take Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson fuse them together that's Daniel's brother that's how buffed and jacked he was he went full papa bear mode seeing red at his beloved little brother being beaten to a pulp and demanded to know who did it and Daniel his friends informed him and Vin immediately returned to the bar a day later and from what I was told literally kicked the door open and loudly and aggressively asked I was told this part so many times and the words are quite exact who the freak beat my brother up yesterday which one of you freakers did it start talking or I'll tear this place piece by piece despite Vin's hulk-like stature and Darth Vader levels of deep voice cage wasn't scared and smugly walked up and told him I did what you gonna do about it without less than a billionth of a second later Vin punched cage so hard he actually flew back a couple feet Vince stomped over to cage and continued to beat him up as in he stood above a fallen cage and arraigned punches like those you see in movies then he picked him up and threw him into a wall before grabbing him by the hair and smashing his head onto the pool table several times finally Cage's friends interfered though they were all beaten up by VIN seriously it was like 5v1 yet Vin whooped their butts according to my father whose friends were there and were watching the whole thing then took two of Cage's friends lifted them both up with one hand each by the throat and smashed their heads onto a glass portrait knocking them both out instantly and leaving them with several cuts from the falling glass then Vin finished off Cage's remaining friends before returning his attention to cage himself who was literally dragging himself across the floor In Fear And as Vin grabbed him by the collar of his shirt cage begged him to stop but if in sarcastically asked him if his little brother Daniel also begged him to stop and Vin continued to beat the crap out of him and even after cage was knocked out with his face covered in blood and a few teeth knocked out then continued to beat him up and was only stopped by Daniel's friends who told him to stop otherwise he could kill him and Vin actually said said I still don't see the problem the bartender was indeed watching but knowing what a piece of crab cage was decided not to do anything yep cage was that much of a jerk but since he paid for beer almost every day the bartender wouldn't throw him out then Vin decided to end the beating by picking the now unconscious cage up one last time and threw him across the bar and Cage's head smashed against a jukebox or something like that I don't know exactly what it was but it was something related to music then in Daniel's friends walked away and the bartender called an ambulance for cage and his friends a few weeks later Daniel was dispatched from the hospital and only suffered bruises but was overall all right when Daniel's friends returned to the bar sometime later they asked the bartender if he knew what happened to cage and his friends and the bartender actually knew almost everything that happened apparently Cage's parents decided to find out what actually happened since one of Cage's eyes had suffered so much damage he actually became blind and one eye and asked for security footage but the bar didn't have cameras so there was nothing however the bartender actually came clean and told them all that happened and what cage had done to deserve the beating surprisingly the parents weren't entitled but a miracle and understood the situation and asked the bartender to tell Vin and his family they were sorry for their son's behavior and promised to update him on Cage's future to inform Daniel's family about Cage's punishment then according to the bartender Cage's parents refused to take him back home and literally threw him out on the streets telling him that if he was willing to beat a defenseless person then he too shall become defenseless without support from his family cage then became homeless and his friends abandoned him and became a loner homeless one day Vin actually passed by cage while driving his car and since it had been a day after a rainy day there were water puddles around Vin purposely drove over one splashing over to cage making him completely soaked in dirty water cage began cursing at him but as Vin slowed down and looked over cage recognized Vin and a leg death not long after cage was arrested for trying to steal food off a local market and his parents actually further added to his sentence over the beating he'd gave to Daniel making cage spend some good quality time in jail after getting out however cage was finally allowed to go back home but was never allowed to go out without his parents again until he got himself a job a house of his own and a life of his own considering what cage went and very explicitly did it's very easy to have no sympathy for them in this situation it takes a horrendous human to do what they did to a defenseless person and frankly everybody as a whole were lucky that VIN existed and was willing to stand up for them cage deserved it my personal Crusade against the men who destroyed the person I could have become so this is the story of what made me the sociopath that some of you are familiar with through reading my multiple nuclear revenge stories it's a long story about my Early Childhood some of which I remember and some I was told by my older sister and mother then my revenge against the people who were responsible I've been debating whether or not to post the stude the criminal behavior and it's also a hard story to read but I've had some interesting experiences with the aftermath of posts that I've made here so let's get to it I had a horrible childhood with no father around and my mother left me alone for most of my childhood around the time I was six my mother started dating a man will call Tom short of stepfather and Tom had a son that was 10 years older than me we'll call him Jerry short for stepbrother at first everything was fine until they were married and we moved into a house together it started with my Mom and Tom arguing almost every day and after every argument when I was the alone with Tom he would tell me how much of a witch my mom was and this progressed to hitting the crap out of me then telling me that if I said anything he would end me and my mother so every black eye every bruise and once he broke my right elbow were all explain away with clumsiness and fights at school you would say in passing don't take any wooden nickels this will become relevant later this went on for years until one day that I completely blocked out of my memory and my older sister had told me this part my mom had said she was going to leave Tom this particular morning so when I got home from school that afternoon this is the scene my sister came home to I was sitting on the couch motionless with a completely blank face while Tom had a gun pressed to my forehead and my mom who was coming in right behind my sister was frantically trying to talk him down from well ending my existence we got away from him eventually and that's what Tom had done to me but to be completely honest it wasn't the worst part about my childhood I'm going to keep this part short there's no reason to get into specifics with this part of my life as I said Tom had a son 10 years older than me Jerry was a predator and how do I know this well there's no easy way to say this so Jerry started doing things when I was seven almost every time he'd stayed at our house obviously he lived with his mother he'd sneak into my room and you get the idea it of course dissolved all of what made me feel fun fact about Jerry was he was really active in his church and was on his way to becoming a pastor but he became a teacher instead so let's Jump Ahead about 10 years at this point I'm on every substance known I've been in and out of halfway houses and being homeless and living in my car it had been a long time since I'd even thought about Tom and Jerry till I was at a park across the street where my governmental office that handles stuff like welfare and other things in that vein when I see a big white truck with the name of Tom's company on the side he owned a small general contracting company so I took off after it on foot and sure enough it was him obviously picking up day laborers just like he used to do when I was a kid suddenly a dam broke in my brain everything I lived through everything Tom and Jerry had done to me came rushing into focus in my mind and I felt I felt rage and my path became clear I was going to destroy Tom and Jerry my revenge I'll be tweaking the timeline some of the injuries and some of the dialogue to keep Anonymous and who knows maybe I've made it all up part one Tom Oster this was saying isn't the internet great I wrote down his phone number off the side of his truck I immediately found out where he lived and it just so happened to be the same crap whole house where all of my nightmares take place all Spirit of the tedious details of Stalking Tom and casing Tom's house so as a kid I spend a lot of time in that house I knew everything there was to know about it and to my delight Tom had done absolutely nothing to the home in the whole 10 years since I lived there so while following him he led me right to the home of my second Target and I can't tell you how many hours I put into my logbook of both Tom and Jerry's routine the night I was waiting for had arrived I broke into his house not the first time I did I made sure to find his gun and to make sure he had no other weapons at his disposal he had passed out drunk on the couch the same freaking one he had when I lived there so I walked through the home making sure there were no possible ways for us to be interrupted the stage was set I pulled up a chair and this is some of what followed for obvious reasons I'm not going to post what was actually said but you can rest assure that you'll have the meat of my fun little play side note the house is in an area I'd call Urban desert and the area is really bad off you can hear gunfire every night and Sirens all night long it's been like that since I was a kid and it's gotten worse in Tom's living room me sitting on a dining room chair pulled up in front of his couch I'm holding up Tom's gun fully loaded pointed at his forehead I slapped Tom he sits up rubbing the side of his face looks up at me and jumps he says water I hit him with the butt of his gun this is important remember I have his gun I shove a balled up sock in his mouth and say you're only going to talk when I ask you to talk and when you do you're going to talk in a regular tone if you yell you might not see tomorrow do you understand Tom nodds yes I say take the gag out Tom does what he's told and says what I punch him in the ribs and say I didn't say you could talk but I'm going to let you ask me three questions okay go ahead Tom said what are you doing here I said this hitting in the same spot Tom says if you want money I don't have any I I hit him in the face and say that wasn't a question and I know Tom you have no money that's not why I'm here go ahead ask me a question Tom says what do you want I say for you to be in pain of course and you know that you deserve it now stand up Tom starts crying and slowly getting to his feet side note when I was a kid he looked massive and always scared me even when he wasn't being abusive but now I Tower over him by eight inches and I'll weigh him by at least 80 pounds me getting darker said why are you crying like a little witch then I slap Tom again and said do you think that I'm going to end you Tom nod's yes I say well I haven't decided whether or not to end your life yet then I started with the real hurting I burst one of his eardrums broke his nose his arm and elbow this was a somewhat long process it could have been two or three hours I said well Tom I'm going to be leaving now and if you call the police in less than six hours I'm going to end Jerry then I told them everything that I know about Jerry from his address to his workplace Jerry's fiancee's name and even Jerry's mom's name I say remember don't take any wooden nickels then I hit him as hard as I could and knocked him out and slipped out the same way I came in this is the end of part one and if you think this is bad remember physical wounds can heal what I do to Jerry is a life destroying without actually ending him so if you guys thought that story was insane make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss my daily uploads where we cover a lot of crazy stories like this that said I know it's bad etiquette to judge whether her story is real or not but do you guys think this actually happened let me know what you guys think in the comments down below we pick up again with Ghost of a sociopath with part two so at this point I've completed my revenge against Tom Jerry's dad and I've come completely tracked everything Jerry does and everything jury's involved in so what did I want to take from Jerry I wrote a list other than just life gone one is job as I said he became a teacher at an elementary school and in my opinion that needed to end two his relationships at that point in my life I hadn't had any resemblance of what a real relationship is in my life three his reputation with his family and his church Thor his physical ability I needed to show him that I was now able to destroy him with very little effort 5. his freedom he's locked me in a cage that has no key first his job I made an anonymous phone call to the school he worked at posing as an older brother of a student in his class and said a few things that I had researched now of course a random phone call isn't going to get him fired so I let this one go for the time being second his relationships this was in the form of a letter left on Jerry's fiancee's car with the truth and an idea for her to not just take my word for it but go on his PC at home now if you know absolutely anything about Predators you know that they always keep incriminating evidence in their stuff well I don't know what she found but Jerry was staying at Tom's house less than a week after the note well the fall part of my revenge came only a few days after those two parts so as you might expect I'd been following Jerry for a while now and I used to go out with a few friends from his church to the same bar almost every weekend so now is my time to show on my face for the first time in over a decade except this time I stood face to face with Jerry I was no longer a small child so I waited for the perfect night a night that had a large number of people from his church and he had enough to drink to get a DUI I didn't want him to be so drunk that he wouldn't be able to put up a good fight here we go I walk into the bar and start staring at Jerry until he noticed me I could tell he had no clue who I was I started talking loud enough to be heard clearly by him and his friends I said hi Jerry I used his full name and said how have you been Jerry says do I know you I say yes yes you do how could you forget about your little stepbrother the one you prayed upon over and over again when I was was seven years old how about we have a talk outside just the two of us or we can talk about how you're a predator in here in front of all your friends I turn around and walk outside and the freaking idiot actually followed me to be honest I thought it was going to be harder than that to get him outside I did not let him say one word as soon as we were back out of the bar I started dealing damage to Jerry and he had no chance against me I beat him soundly then when his friends came out I told him everything Jerry was and everything Jerry's dad Tom was and who I was and as if my luck wasn't good enough one of the men that was there remembered me from when I was forced to go to church with Jerry and I was believed for the first time in my life someone believed me Jerry once he had gained his composure which took a while jumped into his car and started the 45 minute drive to his dad's house then I made the phone call to the police and said there was a man driving on honor the influence and gave them his license plate number let me guess you're all thinking wow op a DUI that's it no dear readers it's not just a DUI Jerry just happened to be in possession of a stolen firearm that was stolen during a terrible B and E just a few weeks before that put one man in the hospital for two or three weeks good night needless to say op is bloodthirsty and out for revenge and it's all going to be wrapped up here with our next story in part three of my personal Crusade against the men that destroyed the person I could have become so at the end of part two Sherry was getting arrested for a DUI and being in possession of a stolen firearm well Jerry was in the county lockup side note you might be aware of the fact that I had a pretty serious substance habit I made most of my money in those days by buying and selling them and because of that I had a few acquaintances in the same jail and just for a few bucks to be put on some of their books I was made aware of all of Jerry's info so it turned out that Jerry had a pretty solid Alibi for the night of the b and e at Tom's house and all he was going to be charged with was DUI and possession of a stolen firearm at first I'm not done yet I watched Jerry's house closely in less than a week after his arrest his ex-fiancee moved out of Jerry's house so since nobody's home I gained access to it the first thing I found was a note to Jerry from his ex it was a long note with her describing what she'd found and how disgusting it was and calling Jerry every name in the book also stating that if he tries to contact her at all she will go to the police with what she found side note I was absolutely appalled that she wasn't already going to the police so it went through the whole place and found a few items that would fetch a good amount of money and some money I found his office in PC and disable the screen saver and sleep mode and then found an image opened it and left it on his screen I wish I didn't have to see the image it gave me terrible flashbacks but it was necessary for my plan then I left a note behind right next to the one left by Jerry's ex then left and when I was a safe distance from the house I made a phone call to the police I told them that I think someone's broken into my neighbor's house Cherry's house this is what was on the note that I left behind of course for anonymity's sake it's not exactly what I wrote dear police I'm the person who called in the tip I did this because of the horrifying things I found on the PC in the office I left it open on the desktop so you don't even have to touch it from the thief about a week later I received word that Jerry was moved into protective custody after he gets out of the hospital he got shanked by his cellmate who I assume was trying to make his bones and I hope that he did be because Jerry had been talking openly about his new charges that were a DUI position of a stolen firearm possession of inappropriate child stuff and worse this was pure conjecture but I assumed that he had a video of himself on his PC it took about 18 months for the trial to be done and he was convicted of all charges and received 15 years so that's the whole story am I done well I don't know Jerry should be getting out in a few years maybe I'll pay him a little visit but maybe I made this whole thing up so who knows considering the lifelong drama and turmoil I would never advocate for what op did everything your life really has been up to that point all those just awful things it's not surprising to see and you kind of understand it I'm not saying anybody should do it but there's a level to it you kind of just understand spray paint elderly's homes bully my brother throw rocks in my window have fun replacing your car window house windows and repainting your house and car okay so about a week ago there was a kid that was throwing rocks in my windows I've had beef with this kid ever since we tried to steal my bike and I had to steal it back from him this was the Troublemaker of the neighborhood he also had a record with the cops okay no more BS I'll get to the story so one day when I got back from school I noticed that our living room window and my brother's window had giant cracks in them their security glass windows or whatever they're called check the security footage from the security cameras that our duplex comes with and I immediately knew it was this piece of crap kid because he has this hoodie that he wears a lot and he was also wearing a werewolf mask that was part of this Halloween costume I knew this because I used to be his friend and trick-or-treated with him his mom is a druggie and doesn't care what he does she's a bit of an entitled parent also so I'm thinking about what I should do for revenge and then I remembered this subreddit I then called up my friends and told them what he did we agreed on this plan by spray paint by masks most of us had one or a bandana call up friends of my friends the reason that we went through all these measures is because that was the last shot we gave him like I said before he's known as the Troublemaker of the neighborhood and has spray painted some of the elderly's homes not to mention he's also bullied our siblings in the past so we do this on a Sunday night we go there at around 11 pm and of course all of the lights in the house were on so we waited another hour the lights were still on then we waited another hour the freaking lights were still on at this point we all just said screw it and started spray painting the curtains were closed so we didn't have much to worry about there were about eight or nine of us when we were done with the house we did the garage door then we did the car we then took bricks from a torn down building and threw them at two of his windows within smash the driver's seat window with a hammer we did that last because the car alarm would start sounding and we booked it out of there the next day I called the cops and showed them my security footage he had to pay for the windows do you feel bad for this kid that was originally acting out like do you feel like there must have been something wearing down on them as far as their home situation for them to be going out doing this stuff let me know what you guys in the comments down below our next story is by the real one eye Bandit freshman claims to have hooked up with my sister I ruined his and his mom's life gather round Lads I've got a tail let me set the stage for you first we've got the dumb butt freshman my wonderful sister and the one-eyed abandoned me now I'm a very socially awkward senior in high school with a really bad anger problems and it's incredibly hard for me to speak to people let me also mention that I haven't been in a fight since I was 12. one of my friends had essentially yelled at me that a freaking freshman slept with your sister banded how could you let her do that now normally I would just say that she's her own woman and I can't do anything about that but something felt different about this I asked my friend if she knew who the Freshman was and what lunch he has her response was golden yeah he has third lunch perfect I spend the rest of the day waiting for third lunch which is at like noon I had to wait for three freaking hours did I mention I have a bad anger problem well every minute was just more seething anger building up finally third lunch rolls around and with some assistance from some friends I've located dumb butt freshmen I sit at a stable and he asks who I am I respond with some BS about I'm a new student and I have nowhere to go he freaking bought that stuff like discount fish after about five to six minutes another freshman came over and asked if a senior really slept with him perfect he regales us with a story about how my sister slept with him two weeks ago the other freshman leaves and I keep asking questions trying to catch him in a lie and embarrass him in front of his friends but he's good at lying then he goes on about how sis is very promiscuous and begged him to hook up and how he's gonna do it again tonight I asked him to add me on Snapchat so he can give me updates he gives it and I leave like 10 minutes early time skip to later that night around 11 pm I start getting snaps from this kid they're variations like oh God this so-and-so is wet and oh man I love this slot note dumb butt freshman never shows the girl he's hooking up with I snap him a video of me and Sis hey idiot before you go lying make sure to cover Your Tracks he didn't show up to lunch the next day but the story doesn't end there he kept going on and on about how I was a liar and some other dumb stuff now me being the shy kid who does other people's essays and homework I was like a darn info broker and I had my little sparrows give me whispers about where dumb freshman's classes were and even his address a few weeks pass and I'm still scheming when I get a call from this kid's mother hello is this op I say why yes it is she says I want you to stop bullying my son I say ma'am your son claimed to have hooked up with my sister and spread nasty rumors about her she says well it's not my fault your sister's promise I hung up I knew what I had to do I hacked over to his house and lo and behold his mother was sitting on the front porch smoking she didn't notice me and I snuck up to the side of the house I leave and decide to go back at around 3 am I snuck into the house and kind of suddenly broke everything the couches peed on the toilet clogged with towels the bathtub sprayed with poo I soon found dumb freshman's room and he wasn't there apparently his parents are divorced found his Xbox and laptop his laptop had no password so I logged on and downloaded as many Shady viruses as I could find stole his Xbox too when I'm getting ready for school I had a knock on my door it was the police they asked if they could come in and ask a few questions I invite them in and ask what's the problem they say we got a report about vandalism theft and burglary a mother on 123 Road claimed that you broke into her house and stole her son's Xbox and ruined her house I say while I was here on my phone all morning they say can you prove that sir I pulled out my phone and showed how I'd posted on iFunny and Facebook several times in the allotted time frame I also showed them clips that I recorded on my Xbox also during the time frame they soon left with warm coffee and fresh cooked egg sandwiches but they didn't know is that iFunny has scheduled posts and I just had my friend play on my Xbox and post on Facebook when I was at school dumb freshman came up to me and started throwing punches I should mention that I'm a huge person like six foot four and 265 pounds but I didn't hit back the resource officer sees the whole fight and watches as this kid wails on me for 30 seconds before I sock this kid right in the stomach then jaw then I pick him up just to slam him onto the ground when he landed onto the ground I heard the most satisfying crunch I broke his arm and leg his leg was so broken that he would never walk the same again on top of that the resource officer had vouched that it was self-defense after he recovered he was sent to an alternative school for 730 school days his entire High School career now even if he could play baseball he can't because a school doesn't have a team during the last week of school his mother shows up to school as we're leaving and starts hitting biting and scratching me the resource officer tried to restrain her before she could do any real damage but she got me right in the eye when he finally got her down she was carted off to jail however I'm now blind in my right eye now she was sentenced to 22 years in prison for assault of a minor assault of a police officer and evading arrest still got his Xbox lost an eye fun fact apparently op literally posted a face reveal showing their like supposed bad eye honestly I looked at it and I couldn't really tell that there was anything noticeably wrong it just seems a little weird to me that they would go and admit all of these crimes that they did in like very specific detail and then post a picture of their face like pretty directly attached to it but hey more power to them I suppose and our final story of the day is by the real Nemo threatened me at my house bye bye job prospects earlier today I found something out that made my day to begin with I study Marine engineering which for those that don't know is engineering on ships I'm part of the Merchant Navy as an officer Cadet as I'm still studying to become an engineering officer we're held to pretty high standards not to the same level as a military but still we need to be professional in order to do my course you can either Fork out near 50 000 British pounds and spend hours upon hours looking for companies to let you work on board ships for experience or get a company to sponsor you and pay for the course the option that I and the person in question will call him D for druggie chose was the company route which is the main option because this is such a professional industry drug use is heavily frowned upon being found under the influence is cause for instant dismissal yet they managed to pass every drug test only having one for training we have to attend a college that specializes in jobs for the Merchant Navy so you get to meet a lot of people from around the country sometimes the world has there's a few companies from the Middle East that use the college I attend for training their officers in order to get into college I ride a motorbike cars are too expensive as I'm 20 and insurance for a bike is so much cheaper than car insurance now because they're at a motorbike I have gear gloves neck warmer as it gets cold here jacket Etc Dougie would religiously take my bike stuff and hide it or throw it around the classroom to begin with I was all right with it as we would do stuff stuff like that all the time but like everything after a while it's no longer fun I should state that this was in between lectures so we wouldn't piss anyone off we are childish but only when appropriate if you can be after it stopped being funny I asked Dougie to stop and it didn't it got to a point that we nearly had a fight because of it Dougie would sometimes not show up to lectures which is like not showing up to work but with magic up excuses that people bought but because Dougie never showed up the lectures his grades started to drop he only passed a couple of exams his sponsoring company picked up on this and warned him that if he continued that he would be let go which it did and eventually he was anyway because the course had already been paid for he was allowed to continue to get an hnc higher National certificate which is one of the qualifications you can get outside of the COC Certificate of Competency which is what you need to work as an officer on board a ship I didn't really think anything of it but at least you would get something out of it one night the class was staying back late as we had a big exam coming up and we were getting some revision done or at least that was the intention while I went to the toilet Dougie was up to his old tricks we were in a class with a locked cage in the back full of expensive equipment Dougie thought it would be a good idea to throw one of my gloves in there when I got back I spent the best part of 30 minutes looking for my stuff I eventually found it all but couldn't get to the glove in the cage my arms weren't long enough luckily enough another class member who I'm close to reached in and got it for me after this he kept grabbing my stuff I got more and more annoyed and said something that I agree was out of line but I was pissed I said I understand why your dad beat you as a kid not a word for word as this was a few weeks ago and my memory isn't the best I found out that he was hurt as a child which I can sort of sympathize with as I was a as a baby fortunately I can't remember it I do also have friends who were and sadly do remember but have grown from it which he hadn't in my opinion he was red in the face stormed over to me and put me in a headlock trying to choke me out I didn't retaliate as I will admit he was stronger than me so I waited until he let go and he did then proceeded to storm out of the room to calm down he then comes back and sits down the atmosphere in the class is intense Dougie then proceeds to put into our group chat which we use to inform each other of any work that was missed new lessons that were put on last minute or just have a chat on weekends on the words pissy seat at first I think nothing of it and continue with my work until my classmate responds with you didn't this is when I think he went outside my motorbike is outside in a fit of rage I raced over to my bike and find it had been moved which pissed me off but not as much as if he had pissed on it so I head back to class annoyed but I sit down and continue after about an hour I start to put my stuff in my bag and notice that the straps had been padlocked together I knew Dougie did it but he protested his innocence I knew he had done it but thought screw it I'm tired I'll deal with the lock later the padlock hadn't rendered the bag useless but made it so awkward to use as everyone's leaving someone takes Dougie's phone I don't know who I'm the last to leave as I have all my bike gear they all either drive cars or walk as I'm leaving my friend hands me Dougie's phone Dougie saw my friend with his phone but didn't see him give it to me Dougie asks for his phone but as I'm annoyed I pretend to not know anything after about five minutes of arguing my ignorance Dougie throws the key to the padlock on my bag and walks over to my friend I'm at my bike now getting my gear one with Dougie's phone in my hand getting ready to drop it at his feet and ride away but as I get on my bike he storms over really aggressively and says that my friend said that he gave it to me I show him it he's a good five meters away and throw it into the bushes next to the bike parking and right off as I'm pulling away Dougie kicks me now I have a pretty fast bike so I ride home quickly as I have a feeling something's going to happen I get home put the bike in the garage and head inside five minutes later Dougie pulls up I noticed so I head outside and he's wanting to fight I'm not a violent person but I will defend myself if needed I say screw off I'm not having a fight and lock the door he stood there for a good few minutes before he gave up the next day I head into college and as I'm annoyed and fearful that Dougie will do something to my bike I tell the college I recite the story and they're shocked they wanted us both to be there so they could hear both sides but only I show up after about a week Dougie shows up the college wants to talk to him so they do apparently what was said to him was that they have said to him that as he's looking for a job or something to do if he applies to the parent College of the one I attend you will not get a place due to his actions and that as he will have to put them down as a reference on his CV they'll inform anyone he applies to for a job or course that the same thing will occur in short because I informed the college I've made it near impossible for Dougie to get a job I would like to point out that I did not say that I wanted any further actions taken and everything after myself informing the College of what happened was out of my control unfortunately for Dougie they seem like just way too loose of a cannon I don't know really like the scope of what's going on in their mind but you just kind of hope that at some point they can figure it out either way it doesn't excuse what they did and the outcome was relatively Fair honestly be a POS all of your life have fun getting stranded in a drug cartel City this Revenge was performed by my mom and her epic mind it all started when I was born life was happy good and easy my brother was a good and working person College Dropout but always very smart or that's what we thought my brother went out every night with his friends nothing alarming but very weird time passed and I turned 10 years old at this point my brother had a girlfriend a son and it already moved out it was fun until my brother moved back with me and my parents crap truly hit the fan there the first day we noticed an instant change in both his personality and appearance you see he didn't move back in alone he came with his son and girlfriend we asked why he came back and he simply said they had a problem and that this was temporary for his girlfriend to which I will refer to her as D and Son this was true but he stayed for the rest of the story in our house when Dee and her son left she got contacts with both our family and my brother but occasionally asked for money don't judge her as bad just yet because she had a very good motive my brother after this became a good for nothing piece of crap with everybody in the house turns out his friends were actually his dealers you know for weed and that stuff later we asked why they truly left the other house and he just said I had a fight with her brother and Dad it was vague but it was true sometime around 2018 when I turned 11 we occasionally went to visit Dee and her son one of those times my mom asked why she cut contact the truth was that my brother was emotionally physically verbally and sexually abusing her she didn't press charges and still refuses to do so because of fear my mom became enraged at him but didn't do anything just yet years passed my brother stayed in our house fights between my brother and everybody here became more and more common my brother smoked pot 24 7 with two kids in the freaking house I I started showing signs of depression around those times I was 11 years old imagine how crappy this was for me to consider ending things at that age more time passed it's now 2020 and his first fight with my dad his stepdad just happened my mom was leaving to go to couliacon and right after the fight my brother asked if he can go my sister which was not relevant to this story offered to buy him a plane ticket this is where the Revenge starts you see my sister bought a ticket to go but not to come back Mom was the one to come up with this plan my brother didn't know this at the time gulia Khan is a city known for being home to various drug cartels Sinaloa the state where culiacan is is pretty much horrible more if you're like my brother the day my mom returned is when I was notified about all of this I was expecting my mom to come back with my brother but she came home alone my brother was left alone in a hotel with no money no family nothing he tried calling us multiple times through public phones but wasn't successful at all unless he gets a job and a house he's either going to die of starvation or get killed by a drug cartel it's the first time in years I've truly felt happy I would certainly classify that as nuclear Revenge do you guys think that this level of Revenge is super overboard for what they did or do you think that honestly they deserved it let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from heracious Coco's I got fired and went after the boss's money his hotel and his marriage back when I was still in University I used to work for a hotel to make ends meet when I started the hotel very urgently needed new Personnel so I cut a deal with the old owner about getting to choose and pick shifts so I could visit my courses and exams speaking some extra foreign languages I also got a little bonus on each month on top the old owner was a great guy he owned multiple hotels so I rarely saw him but when he was in the house house he always made a point to have drinks with the staff chat with us and if we were free he even invited those on the front desk to fancy restaurants who weren't on shift fast forward I'd worked in the hotel for a few years now and was nearing the completion of my studies so it wouldn't have been an eternity until they had to quit anyway as I was of course more interested to work in my field of study as part of my deal with the old owner I mostly chose to work night shifts allowing me to visit my courses at University during the day to make up for my privileges I had picked up the habit of doing some extra work in the dead of night other shifts would normally have to do when I on contrast could have sat around and stared at the walls people were grateful for the help in the beginning and we became a rather tight-knit group but over time people rotated in and out when the old owner retired in his jerk of a son took over the business as the new owner I already feared the worst the new owner didn't like me very much I never found out the exact reason for that one I was at that point nearly the sole veteran left from when I started among the tasks I'd taken on was doing light clerical tasks to ease the manager's job in the morning for that I generally had to use the manager's network account one night while doing my lists I logged into the manager's account and emailed to do my job then I saw an email with my name in the subject line I know it's not nice to Snoop but of course I read it turns out the new owner wanted to get rid of me I still had my old employee contract with the business for foreign language abilities and was allowed by my contract to pick and choose shifts I can only assume that these privileges are what made the new owner hate me no idea if he had other reasons because to be honest these seem very weak to me but he couldn't fire me without cause on top of that I would be owed Severance if fired and generally there weren't enough bodies in the shift's rotation without me though the new owner didn't seem to understand that point as the emails told me I looked for more emails concerning me and found them there was an email chain between some of the employees the manager and the new owner I was of course not cc'd as I was the hated topic the employees didn't like me hogging the night shifts because those paid better and for every night you worked you got paid the night bonus the manager was the only one rather neutral on the matter and just curbed their enthusiasm to get rid of me as they needed me to be fully staffed the new owner and my colleagues actively conspired to make a hostile work environment so I would quit of my own volition I was Furious I thought about a variety of reactions from egging their cars to Burning Down the hotel but I settled on a less crazy method of Revenge I called my Uncle at 2AM asking for advice my uncle's a lawyer so for sake of proof I forwarded myself all the emails I made photos printed them out made copies and filmed the whole deal just to be sure my uncle told me to sit tight and see if things got worse or if it was just a Bluster and so I gave it a few days and things did take a turn snide remarks about my looks clothing and so on were only the tip of the iceberg some of the colleagues were just as professional as before the conspirators always left extra work for me or pawned off crap duties they normally had to do on me I always kept a spare shirt and suited work just to have a change which suddenly disappeared one guy even started to threaten me with a violence but I kept clenching my butt cheeks I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of saving on the severance or giving in I'm a big boy after all I did however stop doing any extra work I was not obligated to do which in the end was the reason they used to fire me they still had to pay me Severance the next day my uncle with bundled proof of the email and all documented harassment by my colleagues served the hotel my lawsuit it started with a wrong full termination and ended with harassment reportedly the manager went white as a sheet when he realized where the emails must have come from the new owner had been on vacation and had to cancel his expensive vacation in France to deal with this their Council advised them to settle so I accepted my Severance and a hefty bonus on top enough money to last me until the end of University without work but that wasn't all of my revenge I'd gone after the new owner's money but in the next step I went after the hotel I had used all the spare time during night shifts alone to document every last violation of City County District state and federal law I could find that went from minor things like some harmless mold under the kitchen sink to substantial violations like modifications to the building the building was under a limited form of historical protection by federal law on the ground of being built and inhabited by somewhat important historical figures a few hundred years back so every renovation or change in floor plan needs to be signed off on by a committee which can take ages there's also a grant paid to the new owner by the government for keeping the building intact as is so with my uncle's help I sent documentation of every violation I could find in the corresponding agency in one month everything from Health Building Code fire safety to the finance and work police crawled over the hotel in the end it was the building and fire inspectors that shut that place down the new owner had done substantial renovations to the top floor luxury apartments which he had used when he was in town so the new owner had to pay back the grant pay fines for unauthorized alterations to the building endangering his guests because something wasn't built right according to fire code and had to close down the shop until the building was fixed I also tipped off a friend who had studied journalism and worked at a local paper the paper ran an article on on all the violations accumulated which tanked the business once it had reopened as the newspaper article had led to horrible reviews in the end to afford all the fines repayments and building costs the new owner sold the hotel as the cherry on top all the jerks who had tried to harass me lost their job granted the people who didn't do anything to me lost their jobs too but didn't do anything to stand up for me or help me either so I don't feel too much remorse and the Revenge cherry on top was that the new owner whenever he was in town used to bring home escorts which in my country is not illegal but he was married it took some doing to get that information to the new owner's wife but one of my former colleagues who had quit before this had all happened had her email so I let her know what the new owner was up to when he was out of town I don't know exactly what happened but they did divorce in the end make of that what you will honestly this is a pretty impressive nuclear Revenge like you can tell op did a lot of work did a lot of research but also had a little bit of luck too stumbling into all those incriminating emails by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos every video has awesome stories like our next story from an anonymous poster an Australian pilot enacts revenge against the Germans in World War II Clive Caldwell Australian pilot he wound up in a British ref Squadron flying a P-40 Tomahawk one of the first units in the world to fly one Clive had trouble mastering the skill of Gunnery deflection he developed a training technique known as Shadow shooting he shooted the shadow of your own aircraft This was later adopted by the Desert Air Force now on to the revenge on July 4th 1941 glive watched a German pilot kill his close friend Donald Monroe as he was parachuting to the ground that harshens Goliath's attitude and he ended up shooting every parachuting enemy pilot he could this earned him the nickname Clive killer Caldwell Clive shot down 28 and a half aircraft and had an ace in a day he nearly killed one of Germany's most famous Aces Lieutenant Werner schroer listen all I know is is if I'm out there on the actual Battlefield flying my plane around I see my friend parachuting to the ground and that happens to my own friend it would make me get very sour too what Clive did wasn't really right but it's hard to blame him and our final story of the day is by drumhead entitled ladies Porsche loses tires okay so this story took place back when I was in Florida in the early 90s it does involve an act of vandalism that's connected to Revenge hopefully it won't be removed and hopefully it'll count as nuclear Revenge anyway South Florida was devastated by Hurricane Andrew my dad as part of a local charity was set up day after day at a local market seeking donations from Shoppers to give to food banks you have to understand this storm left many people homeless and without power in some cases for six plus months in Florida heat and humidity my father was legally disabled from a serious car accident he was hit by a drunk driver in the early 80s and suffered from Relentless hip and back problems it never killed his heart or kindness to others hence the charity work one day he was about to pull into the disabled space at the local market to go buy a few items to donate to the hurricane charity right before he's about to pull in this lady pulls into the space in the shiny red Porsche my dad parks behind her and says excuse me ma'am I was about to pull in there and also points to his disabled placard in the window she says to him you don't look disabled and proceeds to walk into the store for anyone who has a relative who uses a disabled space you know the frustration of this situation and the anger one feels my dad seemingly unfazed Waits until she goes into the store and then gets out and Snips the valve stems on all four tires flattening but not destroying all of them he then pulls into another space not far away and just Waits about 15 minutes later the lady comes out and is shrieking about her car being vandalized my dad's far enough away so she can't see him but he can hear everything she calls the police big mistake she files a report for vandalism and the police give her a ticket for being parked in the disabled space with no placard about 250 dollars at the time the gobs leave and she calls a tow truck as the cars being loaded onto the truck my dad pulls up and says to her you don't look disabled but your car sure is and then drives off my dad could be a nice guy and a pure Savage when he needed to be well what op's father did here was absolutely not right but despite that there's something about this story that you can't help leaving it without a smile on your face standing up to my workplace bully led to unforeseen consequences let me start this one out by saying that I fully intended to seek revenge on the person in this story but the Aftershock of the eventual confrontation is what led to the aforementioned consequences rather than by my direct actions I work in the UK for a large technology company doing software support I'm part of a team that has members all over the world I've been in this job for around 10 years and other than the major issues I've had with this guy I truly enjoy my job when I started with the company I wouldn't say that I was green I had about seven years industry experience under my belt I was definitely inexperienced with the company but the job that I had been hired to do use technologies that I was more than comfortable with the point I'm trying to convey here is that I wasn't completely oblivious to all of the applications supported by our company ever everyone on my team around 30 of us was a very nice and was very keen to help except for Shane Shane is probably what you would term the team Guru about five years from retirement part of the office furniture metaphorically as we were all homeworkers he'd been with the company for nearly 40 years everyone labeled Shane as the only guy to go to when you were truly in a bind when I was initially starting out I did indeed find that Shane was highly knowledgeable and more often than not had the answers to whatever obscure questions you might have things were great and our team ticked over nicely I got to know the rest of the team well over phone over time too and my best friend was a woman named Mel she was of a similar age and experience level to Shane and in my opinion was just as knowledgeable as him one day Mel and I were on a brief call chatting about a work issue when we got to shooting the breeze for a while we talked about ourselves and also the team I had said that I hadn't met anyone face to face yet and that is when she told me that she once met Shane in person a couple of years ago they're both based in the U.S I'm in the UK and both got invited to a Tech Conference in New York she told me that he has serious health issues due to his weight around 450 pounds and when he was home was often on oxygen and medication his plan was to ride things out until he was able to take early retirement so that he didn't need to worry about paying for his medical insurance anymore that sounded like a reasonable enough plan to me and we were soon talking about something else the issue started about two years into my tenure with the company we started moving in a New Direction with what applications we were going to be offering to customers and towards that end we were trained in a bunch of new stuff I saw this as a great opportunity and equalizer if no one on our team had any experience with this new software then I would be on equal footing with everyone this went really well for me and I put a lot of time and effort into learning as much as possible Shane didn't show much interest in the new stuff he still continued to spend most of his time with the Legacy Tools in team meetings you could clearly tell he was getting pissed off that his status as a guru was gradually becoming more and more meaningless this wasn't anything personal we work in software you have to adapt in order to remain competitive as time went on it was becoming clear to the team how much work I was putting in and I was well on the way to becoming the go-to guy for the new software during this time Shane would start sniping at me for anything he could plausibly manage for example if I was late to a team meeting because a customer call overran he'd make sure to interrupt whatever was being said to comment something like oh look Ops bothered to Grace us with his presence even though he'd been guilty of the same in the past things like email chains too almost anything I sent out that included him and our boss on an email he would reply AI with some unrelated complaint or observation completely irrelevant to what was actually being discussed one day Mel called me and asked me what my beef with Shane was I truthfully told her that I'd had no beef at all with him and he just seemed to have it in for me she said that if she managed to find anything out she'd let me know things continued like this for a couple of years I continued to be their go-to guy and he continued to try to discredit me and generally pay me in a bad as light as possible one day we had a major incident one that literally could have cost the company millions in SLA fines if it was not solved quickly our manager split us into teams to troubleshoot specific areas and she paired me up with Shane I wasn't happy about it but whatever I was a professional we got on a call and started working through the issue as our call progressed it was becoming abundantly clear why he didn't like me he knew nothing about the new application he hadn't done any any work on it at all everything I asked him to check he needed hand holding even for the most basic of tasks eventually I just started my screen and said for him to watch me I went into the guts of the system through so many logs explaining to him what I was doing the whole time and eventually found the problem was with a recent patch that we'd installed at this point he dropped from the call I didn't think anything of this at the time we used Skype for business and it can be flaky so I just continued what I was doing our process was not to roll back any changes until it had been approved by the senior manager as I was the one responsible for deploying and rolling back patches I made some notes about what we needed to do and then rejoin the main call I wasn't worried at all because bad patches happened every so often they just didn't usually have this level of impact as soon as I did I got absolutely destroyed by the incident manager apparently Shane had returned to the group call and informed everyone present that the outage was caused by an error that I had made in the deployment process and that Shane had told me what the correct fix was and I'd refuse to implement it then and there I was Furious he had accurately told them the cause of the problem because it was me who literally demonstrated to him how to find it I had even foolishly mentioned to him what I thought would fix the problem because of how long he'd been with the company compared to me only our immediate team knew the truth about who was really the better skilled person in this situation his historical reputation still carried a lot of weight with people who didn't work day to day with him because this incident was so major over a hundred people were on this call several of them two or three levels of management above our team he made me out to be a reckless incompetent idiot and he was believed despite my manager's protests I was disciplined and given a verbal warning he meanwhile was congrats congratulated for steering the company away from a potential disaster and given a commendation I was so angry and a while later Mel gave me a call apparently Shane had been bragging to her about putting that smart butt punk in his place she was shocked and asked him what he was talking about his real beef was that he thought I had disrespected him by trying to take over his role as go-to guy for the new software that wasn't my intention at all I didn't see it as my fault that he was too darn lazy to do the work again I lamented with Mel that she should have recorded the call she laughed and said that Skype shows when you're recording a call and he'd never have spilled his guts while being recorded I immediately Had a Brain Wave I decided that I would confront Shane one on one I pinged him on Skype and said that I wanted to talk he responded with a smiley and just said sure I called him and let him know I was recording this call and the Skype notification popped up to let all part this know that this call was being recorded and went right for it and accused him of lying about the major incident and said that it seemed like he had a major beef with me as expected he lied and said that he was sorry that I felt like I had to react this way he said that he would need to talk to our boss about it I said wait one second and turned off the Skype recorder I then said that Skype isn't recording and that he knew exactly what he had done his mask slipped at this point and he said that he was perfectly in his rights to put me in my place he said that you need to respect the longer serving people in jobs like this and that he would do it again in a heartbeat I didn't hold back I called him a dinosaur who refused to move with the times and wanted to Coast out his days here without doing any work he said that he was a couple of years away from retirement and he'd be darned if he was going to bust his butt for some shiny new software I said to him speaking of new software has heard of OB yes of course he hadn't and I suggested that he Google it I then hung up on him not long after the messages started he was begging me not to use the secret recording that I'd taken he said that if he gets fired he'll lose his retirement package and his medical benefits I told him to go screw himself and that he should have considered that before trying to get me fired I passed all of this on to the relevant channels before really giving it any thought things set in motion and sure enough a few weeks later after a company investigation he was fired I heard from Mel that he had asked to take an early retirement so as to keep his benefits but this was apparently rejected it all came out later that apparently he had significant debts and that he was counting on his retirement package to keep him financially afloat with no job and no package he had no money to pay for the medical treatment which he badly needed he was in no state to get himself a new job and his skills had stagnated so badly that he he couldn't even get a new job online Mel told me he passed about six months after this whole incident due to his ongoing health issues I felt conflicted about this for a while sharing the recording obviously contributed to his death but I don't know how bad I feel about it I'm a young guy trying to build my career and he actively tried to destroy me I should maybe have held off when he pleaded for me to not reveal the truth but he was old enough and wise enough to not engage in the childish games he played if I'd known he'd been gone as a result of this I'd maybe have done things differently it's one that stays with me that's for sure I'm still at this company and I can tell you that I will never treat a new employee the way he treated me so maybe the breaking of that cycle is the positive to come out of all of this so considering the outcome do you think if op could have a second go-around that they should withhold that information after they were pleading or considering everything that co-worker did did they deserve it regardless of of that outcome let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below too if you do so you'll never miss out on any of my daily uploads each one has great stories like our final story of the day written by dostinko Uno Pico my Petty Revenge led me to a nuclear Revenge victim I needed to go into DC for a couple hours yesterday afternoon to tie a few things up at work before leaving for vacation I didn't leave until a bit after noon so I was pretty hungry and decided to stop at this nice little Deli slash grocery store on the way for a sub it's a small establishment but pretty popular the parking lot is kind of weird the spaces are on the small side and it's very narrow I drive a full-size truck because I have to tow heavy crap often I spot a corner space that's going to be easy for me to get in and out of so I go for it I'm back in partially and then pull out to straighten it up and a lady swoops in my space in a little Fiat I put my truck in park and looked through the back window she was on the phone when I gave a little honk she looked up and gave me the finger I gave her a slow shaking head and a thumbs down I don't know why but that gesture seems more impactful to me like disappointment versus anger I found myself another spot and started making my way to the deli the angry lady was still engaged in her conversation now behind me walking to the deli she's stalking loudly on her phone about the redneck that almost wrecked her car in the parking lot trying to gain sympathy from whoever she was speaking to like I God darn try to assault her with my vehicle so as I'm in line to take a number to be served it clicks I can mess with her a little bit today I reach up to take my number and pull the next 10 tucking them in as I turn around so the angry lady didn't see them I make my way down the line passing out the extra numbers ahead of hers and mine putting 10 people ahead of us to order and receive food making her wait an extra 20 or so before she even got to order here's where it gets a little fun my number was directly before hers so I just waited at the counter after they called mine as the girl walked up with the next sub I asked if it was number 469 the angry lady sub it was of course so the deli never called her number and I bought both subs I don't know how long she waited before she asked about her order but I do hope she wasn't a jerk to the workers the second part of this is what I did with the extra sub I told the story from college a while back and in the comments I mentioned that I try to be a little extra now part of that is being kinda strangers I work in DC there's a ridiculous amount of homeless people here so I pack an extra lunch a few days a week to eat with some random person the extra sub was gonna be my lunch date with whoever I ran into that looked like they needed a meal after I parked my truck I found my overpriced parking spot quickly and grabbed the sandwiches is in a couple of bottles of water before making the Trek towards work I spotted a guy sitting on a bench with a little sign asking for change I asked him if he'd like to have lunch with me his eyes lit up and he shook his head yes we had a little casual conversation and he asked me why I bought him a sandwich I told him that oddly enough I bought it out of spite and told him how I came into ownership of said sub he laughed said it was fate that Revenge brought him a sandwich and proceeded to tell me the following story that led to him to the life he now lives he was a young investment Baker in the late 90s making serious money he was married and had a sex addiction he would spend thousands of dollars on high dollar entertainers to do all kinds of weird stuff to him he eventually got himself a sugar baby and set her up with an apartment in the city he had no interest in children but his wife did so he got a secret vasectomy thinking that he was only going to be hooking up with two people now now he liked the idea of no condoms or babies at either house his plan was to stay at the apartment for a couple of weeks to heal while his wife thought he was in San Francisco for business unfortunately for him his urologist's office called his home line to check in after a couple of days this is when his wife started to learn of all his illicit Behavior the cheating the spending the stealing of her future family over the weeks he was gone she uncovered his secrets to her and she sat on it he told me in the weeks and months after his vasectomy she started wanting to go out get drunk experiment with drugs and hooking up with groups he was amazed at how much he and her were in sync now he loved their Newfound lifestyle he really loved the white powder so much so that he had to evict his sugar baby from these seven to eight grand he was spending a month on Blow he couldn't handle the expense anymore along with his have it luckily his wife was still ride or die with the swinging snorting life they had built so he was going to be okay and she was going along with every fantasy recruiting men and women to hook up with she kept building up this fantasy of having a threesome with his boss's wife whispering things in his ear when they were hooking up just really putting her at the Forefront of his thoughts Christmas party time rolls around and the whole staff is wasted she keeps Adam about the forbidden fruit the boss's wife goes to the restroom and his wife follows her after a few minutes they come out and the boss's wife waves at him as his wife approaches she tells him that she's down to swap and that's why she waved next time she goes to the restroom you should just follow her in she kept them at her side and fluffed him until she sent him gleefully trailing behind his superiors wife into the restroom no that's not at all but she was actually waving for wifey had said that he didn't think she'd seen him all night and a wave would make him feel better he exposed himself and said he couldn't wait to taste what her husband left in his wife after the scream in the slap the party halted the next day he was fired and subsequently blackballed from his industry his white powder habits sucked with little finances he had left after the divorce he couldn't keep a job after his life fell apart he's now homeless and has done some deprived things for a warm place to sleep and a meal no not for this meal I mean honestly all I know is that story is insane and frankly I feel like the money they spent on that sub was well worth it getting a story like that in return I'm going to start the story off by saying that this absolutely is not one of my most shining moral moments and that I'm well aware that I was the straight up jerk for doing what I did my only real defense is that I was in a super bad place mentally and needed a Mountain's worth of therapy if you're curious about the circumstances of around her check my profile which was evil in human form now on with the Revenge I was a weird kid growing up really weird it was mostly because I was being hurt at home and forcibly isolated my social skills were so underdeveloped that I had difficulty reading human faces aside from my grandmother grandfather and father being the weird kid meant that I was the juicy Target for bullies it never stopped but there was one bully that I hated more than any of the others we'll call her Holly this girl never passed up an opportunity to make my life heck and since she lived across the street from me there was nowhere I could avoid her Ali treated me like garbage here's a few examples she put dog poop in our mailbox on a regular basis she let my dog out of my yard and I was never able to get her back she would also sit on her porch with her friends and roast the heck out of me to entertain them if I so much as put a toe outside my front door it went on for years I hated her with a fiery passion of a thousand Sons but while my grandmother was still alive there was nothing I could do about Holly if I did anything to her or fought back in any way my grandmother would punish me for it and I was more afraid of her than I was Holly for a very good reason so I made a plan I suffered through all the abuse and promised myself that when I was older I would make Holly pay for what she did to me thinking of what I was going to do to her when the time was right was sometimes the only thing that kept me going over time Holly grew up and eventually she left me alone and stopped being a jerk unfortunately for her by then it was too late I didn't give a crap about her new moral Epiphany I had been nursing my grudge for two decades and it was time for a reckoning I was going to destroy that witch when my grandmother passed it was go time and I'd had 20 years to plan I was an idol while I waited I made it my mission in my life to learn as much about Holly as possible and to do it I became friends with a few people on the periphery of her Social Circle eventually I knew more about her and her life than her own mother did the first step I took in my plan was getting her fired from her job it took longer than I would have liked but eventually I managed it Holly worked at a doctor's office and I knew that the doctor she worked for was super Christian very straight edge upstanding type of guy he also had a huge influence on the local community I decided to become a patient at his office scheduling my visits to be on the days Holly was off work after a couple of visits I just happened to notice Holly in the staff photo on the waiting room wall I made a show of looking surprised and then concerned I got to the exam room and the doctor came in shortly after the expression on my face caught his attention and he asked me what was wrong I told them that even though I didn't want to as a Christian I couldn't keep my knowledge a secret and still sleep at night because I just couldn't let him endanger his soul and reputation by doing nothing I had his full attention then I asked him as one fellow Christian to another not to tell anyone where we got the information I was about to give him after he promised he would I told them that I knew that Holly was using illegal drugs he was absolutely floored and at first he didn't believe me I told him that I understood his skepticism entirely but it was easy enough to prove or disprove my information with a drug test if I was wrong he lost nothing if I was right he was saving himself from trouble down the road he finally agreed to test her and he tested everyone else too so that it didn't look like Holly was the only target see I wasn't actually lying Holly smoked a crap load of weed and I knew that because it was my dad she used to get it from he'd been her weed dude since she was like 15. her test came back positive for marijuana and much to my surprise Xanax oopsie the doctor fired Holly on the spot when the results of the urinalysis came back and then he called me to thank me for telling him what was going on and before he hung up he told me that I truly walked with the Lord y'all will never know how hard I had to fight not to laugh at the depths of his wrongness I thought I was going to pop a blood vessel phase one complete I know what you're thinking it's just a job it's not like she can't just go get another one right losing a job isn't the end of the world you'd be wrong remember how I said that her boss had a very high reputation in our area that man called every single hospital and doctor's office in the state personally to make sure that none of them would hire Holly and risk liability and loss of Community Trust for associating with her hundley's field of study was all pertaining to the medical profession so her education was rendered worthless because nobody would hire her I wasn't done yet nope not even close she lost her job and because she had no income her car got repossessed she still had her family though two kids and a fiance who needs families am I right with the help of a good friend of mine we catfished the freak out of her fiancee my friend is hot as freak and she let me use pictures of her to prove that she was really real she even got on Skype with him once when he finally made the arrangements for a face-to-face encounter and booked a hotel room I texted the screenshots of everything to Holly from a burner number to say excrement impacted the oscillating unit would be a vast understatement they broke up the whole thing was an ordeal and how Ali was devastated she had two kids no job and now no fiancee who could help her keep the family afloat a normal person would have stopped then unfortunately I'm not normal and I was going full scorched Earth I seethed for 20 years no way in heck I was going easy on her phase three with her fiance gone and no job Holly was struggling badly she needed money and she needed it quickly before she and the kids got evicted meth is a giant problem in my area it's high risk but it's also fast money and so I started subtly mentioning Holly's situation among my more legally questionable family eventually one of my family's friends who happened to be a meth cook got in contact with Holly and offered her a crapload of cash to let him cook dope at her house it was supposed to be a one-time thing two days and then done forever Holly was desperate so she said yes everything went smoothly at first but dead in the middle of the cook someone called an anonymous tip about an active cook in progress to the local narcotics unit they rolled up on Holly's house at about 3 A.M and caught everybody inside including Holly red-handed making meth watching her cry when they handcuffed her and put her in that police cruiser was one of the most gloriously satisfying moments of my life she was in deep legal doodoo and to make a bad situation even worse most houses where labs are discovered aren't deemed habitable afterwards because the toxic fumes from the chemicals used to make the drug get everywhere and it's super hard and time consuming to clean it's up to the property owner to either hire a HazMat team to clean it or condemn it and tear it down a lot of cleanup costs thousands of dollars it would have cost more money to clean it than the entire property was worth so it got torn down with everything Holly owned still inside see you can't take things out of a meth lab because they're going to be covered in toxic residue it can make you very sick especially young children everything in the residence is a usually counted as a loss now some people sneak in and grab stuff anyway but whatever it's their funeral but since Holly was still sitting in jail there was no way for her to get anything and none of her close family were interested in risking getting caught sneaking into the house and being accused of stealing or tampering with a crime scene Holly ended up in jail for a while and while she was gone the court gave their father ex-fiancee sole custody of their children and Holly was only given supervised visitation two hours every Saturday if I recall correctly revenge is a dish best served cold and mine was freezing I was behind every single bad thing that happened in Holly's life in one way or another for an entire five-year period she decided she liked bullying me and making my life hack and she figures there would never be any consequences instead I took a reputation her job her fiance got her arrested and convicted of a felony and her children taken from her and the best part is that she has no clue I did it to this very day she'd forgotten about me what she did to me impacted my life forever but to her it wasn't even important enough to her to bother remembering I was nothing to her so she never connected me to her problems last I heard she was in rehab for alcoholism and had her parental rights terminated permanently after she lost her kids she just sort of gave up and crawled into a bottle and never came out again I was tempted to tell her but I decided that the helplessness and confusion about why everything suddenly went to heck in a hand basket was the better plan because that means every now and then I can contact her and pretend to give a crap about our troubles to to get a fresh Revenge boner about her newest tale of Woe she thinks I'm the nicest person she's ever met would you guys agree with me that a story like this is almost freaky in a way it's like about how Ops pulling the strings behind them never being visible never being in their thoughts just manipulating this or that just right and causing this very unaware person to ruin their life do you guys agree that it's kind of creepy let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and our final story of the day is by wife for 2016 the office pervert and a cribbage Championship I used to work in an office that did promotions for local charity events and fundraisers crab pay but awesome co-workers and the blueberry scones in the office cafe were flat out amazing our office was small as offices go about 20 employees including the two managers our top boss who I'll call Bob was really sweet constantly having friendly contests with prizes for the most donations and such I want a basketball that I donated to the kids of my church he was the kind of guy that would give you twenty dollars from his own pocket if he needed lunch money I miss him but I digress our office was a lot like the TV show we were a close family of sorts who celebrated each other's birthdays drew names at Christmas and ate lunch together all was rainbows and flowers until Steve strode into our happy Kingdom of a blissful Sunshine Steve was tall Steve was large Steve had a thing for girls with a big chest Steve had been fired from the hospital morgue for having relations with the um the deceased into Steve's line of vision came my friends and myself the three girls in the office whose attributes appealed to him day one Steve sidled over to our end of the office and leered at us hey ladies steering at our chests we mumbled shifted and went back to work no problem right oh how wrong you are this became a daily onslaught of touching rubbing comments stroking our hair lewd remarks and pouting because we didn't reciprocate we went to Bob we went to a second manager they threatened him it continued until the day I was on the phone with a client and he grabbed my arm in a vice and started whispering in my ear while I was talking to the client I was struggling to stay professional while trying and failing to get away from him I finally hung up and screamed let go of me while bursting into tears now this is the 90s recognition for sexual harassment was stilled in its infancy help for it was almost non-existent unless you worked in her office second manager came roaring over hauling Steve off me and making sure I was okay told me to take the rest of the day the revenge and the surprising outcome I went home and took the next day as well to settle my nerves when I returned to work the office was buzzing the girls gathered around me asking if I knew what happened after I left nope the guys in our office gathered in the hall and waited for Steve when he came out for a smoke they jumped him pinned him up against the wall and while I was never privy to what was said I was let known that they beat him pretty good and put the fear of God in him Steve didn't return for a few days when he came back he was a Broken Man black eye bruised face he came up to me and loudly apologized saying he knew how wrong he was and promised to play nice from then on the outcome Steve was a changed man turns out he was actually a pretty decent guy while eating lunch one day someone brought out a cribbage board and everyone was surprised to learn I didn't know how to play so Steve offered to teach me I found I love the game and Steve and I quickly became the team to beat going on to win the office Championship I left there a few years later when I left everyone chipped in for gifts and cards and Steve gave me a hug I hugged them back I definitely can't speculate on what necessarily changed to cause them to be a reasonably good person but you could definitely throw it out there that may be getting jumped knocked a few of those wires and circuits back in line but with that being said that's all the time we have for today if you haven't yet if you could like And subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this Channel and I appreciate the heck out of it so until next time I'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 44,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLtzTj7vRLg
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Length: 297min 42sec (17862 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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