r/ProRevenge WORLDS WORST PLANE RIDE! - Reddit Stories

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Posted by u/eldee17 13 hours ago I planted bambu all around my apartment building because my landlord sucks I’m playing the long game on this one. So I live in a really cheap 1 bedroom apartment with my daughter who is now 8. We moved in 4 1/2 years ago. My landlord promised me the 2 bedroom at a very reasonable rent price. Well, when the two bedroom became available, despite my income and ability to afford the rent price we had discussed, he told me he’s not comfortable renting to someone on just one income. Meaning, a single mom. He knows I make enough to cover the 2 bedroom for what he said he’d rent it to me for. Nope. Instead he rented it out to this couple who sell drugs and make their living that way. So, I ordered bamboo seeds and 3 years ago I planted them all over the building. From what I read it takes up to 5 years for them to sprout & break ground. But in the meantime they are forming extremely complex root systems under ground which will make it nearly impossible for him to ever get rid of the invasive plant. Freak him I can’t wait. Posted by u/Titfortat101 19 hours ago I purposely farted in front of guy at the gym because he wouldn't take no for an answer. So a few things. I go to the gym to workout and decompress I don't see it as a place to be social. I wear large over ear headphones. I was at the gym and just finished one my sets for deadlifts, when a guy walks over. This is something I'm used to (despite how much I dislike it) but he starts talking to me and I'm able to pick up he's flirting. I'm polite and waiting for the proper moment to end the conversation. When he asks for my number I decline. He keeps talking and going into the usual shtick of "why not?" And "come on". At that point I'm very uncomfortable and also annoyed because my workout timer has already gone off and it past time for me to start my next set. I put on my big girl pants and tell him he's making me uncomfortable and I just want to finish my workout. Does he leave? No! He keeps talking now going on about "how he didn't mean it like that" and " he's not a bad guy." No actual apology to be found. Now during this entire interaction I've had to fart. I was being polite and holding it in until he left but seeing as he's not I think "well I know a way to get him to leave." As he's STILL talking I let it go. It's silent but rather smelly. It only takes about 2 seconds for him to catch a whiff. He stops talking and the face he makes is too much that I have to bite my lip to stop laughing. That's when he give me a look of "are you serious" and the finally leaves. And I'm left alone to finish my workout. Posted by u/throwaway46808752 15 hours ago I got paired in a group project with my bully, so I made her fail. This happened in high school, around 12 years ago. There was a girl, we’ll call her Alex, that used to bully me non stop. Alex and I actually used to be friends in elementary school, but out of the blue she decided she was too cool for me, so she felt the need to bully me. She used to whip coins at me on the bus so I’d get little welts, she’d have her male friends call me and ask me out as a joke, and she’d point and laugh at me in the hallway (which I thought only happened in movies because honestly that one is pathetic). She made my life absolutely miserable. High school comes around and guess who has to sit next to her in Spanish class? Me. And guess who sat behind us? Her 2 best friends. I felt so small and invisible. She would even have her friends pick on me, like throwing spit balls or ripping the pins out of my hair and throwing them across the room so I had crazy hair. I got so fed up but was too shy to speak up. The teacher had us do a group project, and she picked teams of 4 so you worked with whoever sat near you, and of course I had to work with her and her 2 best friends. I tried asking them for help and they would stare at me and continue their conversations with each other so I had to do the entire project by myself. I remember looking over at my teacher and I can see the empathy in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. It wasn’t a major project, but we had to come up with some script in Spanish and all of us had to speak in front of the whole class. Since I wrote the whole thing, I basically made her lines make no sense and I didn’t follow any of the rules for her (we had to use certain words and tenses and I didn’t include any of that). In the middle of her speaking, I think she realized what I had done but she was in too deep to stop. The teacher raised her voice at Alex and I don’t remember exactly what she said, but her tone definitely implied that Alex was an idiot and that she can expect a terrible grade. The best part was the public humiliation in front of the whole class, and there were definitely some snickers across the room. This part is just an added bonus, but I haven’t thought of Alex in so long until now. I decided to look her up on social media and she posts this lavish life on the beach all the time, with her expensive Jeep and Louis Vuitton bags. Then I googled her name and there’s public records of her getting sued multiple times because she can’t pay her bills (credit card companies, apartment complexes, etc.) so it gives me a chuckle knowing her whole life is just for show and she can’t actually afford her rent. (No hate to anyone that’s struggling financially, but when you’re buying designer items, maybe worry about paying your bills first). Posted by u/No-Bluebird-714 9 hours ago I turned their washed towels into flags Everytime this particular neighbour of mine goes into laundry day.. she always hungs her washed towels and blankets in our gate and fence and it was annoying AF because whenever i take out my car those dang towels are blocking my way... i tried to ask her not to do that but instead she just smiles and says a shallow "im sorry i will not do it again" but she'll do it again.. im a patient person and waiting for the right moment to teach her a lesson.. then this moment comes when its her laundry day and as usual, she hungs her towels on our fences and she goes out for grocery and i already prepared a passive aggressive plan.. i brought some poles and i tied her towels in it to looked like a flag and plant it on their rooftop since we lived in a rowhouses and i can access their roof.. it looks like a meeting of united nations with those towels of different colors.. Soon she returns and saw my masterpiece and she immediately confronts me and shouting hysterically why did i do that.. i just smiled and shrugged my shoulder and says "at least i didnt put it in trash".. she leaves quickly and climbed on the rooftop to put down those towels with an angry looks.. to this day no more towels are hunged in my fence again.. Posted by u/NeedleworkerFront127 22 hours ago Taking revenge on abusive parents before I move out. Will update. Edit 3: OKAY. T H A N K Y O U so much you guys BUT my dad isn’t DEPENDANT on drugs. It’s just weed. Second, he won’t KILL me. He used to be violent but he hasn’t been violent with me since I was 19ish Edit: thank you for the replies my father isn’t as abusive as he used to. I don’t fear for my life anymore and I can’t go NC because there’s a family member that I need contact with. Edit 2: guys I’m not putting fentanyl in anything So. The title says it but for more information… My mother was neglectful and barely gave me any attention unless she was scolding me. It was a complete 180 in front of people and on Facebook. She cares about image (relevant). My father was my “safe” parent. Safe as in whenever I didn’t do something I wasn’t taught or didn’t entertain an argument with him, he would get violent. There were many times I thought he was going to kill me. He would even say so himself and tell me he would make it look like an accident. I won’t list the things he’s done to me but maybe I will someday but for now, I’ll focus on updating. So. NOV 29.2023 My mothers worried about image and she’s been on some keto thing and she’s lost a lot of weight. Good for her but it annoys me because she makes comments like “here take these pants they’ll fit you” and when they’re too big “there’s no way they could be too big for you”. Just little crap like that you know? Also I know giving me pants is a good thing but it’s in the manner she does it. “Oh just tell her to stop” no when I tell her to stop something that makes me uncomfortable she doubles down. If I call her out then I pee her off, she screams at me, Dad find out and... Yeah. I know I’m a total jerk for this but I want to get some kind of revenge that I know would absolutely destroy the both of them before I move out. (I’m getting my stuff together.) so today I replaced her zero sugar drinks with sugared drinks. I think tomorrow I’ll replace her carb free stuff with carb stuff. She didn’t notice any difference with the drinks today so… yeah. Let’s go. I think for my father I’ll replace his drugs (recreational drugs, not medical. I’d never do that) with safe not drugs. Like I said I’ll keep you guys updated, ever since I was a little girl and watched Matilda I’ve always had a fantasy of doing stuff like that. No Miss Honey is going to save my inner child so here I go. I just know my therapist is not gonna like this but oh well. Posted by u/ReadSuccessful2726 1 day ago I was disinvited as a Godfather to a christening This happened a few years ago. I was friend with a straight couple at work. The girl told me she will take me as the godfather to her son. However, I remember the guy joked that I will make his son gay. Not an uncommon joke here in the Philippines where at least 40% of the guys you meet are gays. This is akin to jokes like "How do gay people increase if they cant have children?" So I just laughed it off. But come christening day, this was a couple of months after the conversation, I never received an invite as a godfather and never received an invite to the reception while all our colleagues (we all are in the same team) were invited in the church and at the reception. Everuone in the office group chat were goshing at how cute the baby was. I was in disbelief. Come Monday, everybody was still talking about the Christening some even asked why Indid not go, for people I was close with I just whsipered I was not invited. Now here in the Philippines, Godparents are expected to give money or gift around Christmas times to their godchildren, we traditionally call this aguinaldo. So that year, I spent so much buying gifts to all my colleagues' kids (some are my godchildren in fact) except for this couple's child. Made sure to happily announce I have gifts for all of their children and told them to look inside their drawers. This couple did not show any reaction whatsoever but I knew it stung! I ceased being friends with them too. The boy is 8 years old now and I saw his mom's tiktok account and he was dancing to Ariana! Wishing that child, if ever he is gay, he wont have to deal with his homophobic dad! Posted by u/usmc_mermaid 2 days ago She knows my name now Not sure if this is considered petty revenge but here goes… So a few years ago my husband and I used to be really active in visiting the downtown area we used to live by. We also had a couple of part time jobs in the service industry there so we knew a lot of people by name. Bartenders, servers, retail workers, owners, etc. We were also all social media friends so there was a lot of networking and just knowing who was who. Anyway-There was this one bartender in particular that my husband and I both had met one night while we were sitting at one of the popular bars. She was really friendly and we all start having a great convo about the downtown scene. We then find out she’s dating a friend of ours so my husband and I introduce ourselves formally and she does the same. We chatted a bit more after until we headed out and that was that. About 2 weeks go by and my husband and I are out and about and we see the bartender again. She says hi to my husband and calls him by name and she looks at me and says, “I’m sorry what was your name again?” No biggie. I tell her and the night goes on. Fast forward a couple months and my husband and I were out with a group of friends and we see her and her man in their own friend circle and they eventually come over to us. Her BF is our friend so he says hi to us like usual but she greets my husband by his name then looks over at me and apologizes for not knowing my name. It didn’t bother me I went ahead and told her and she just half assed said, “my bad” without even looking at me. I don’t usually take things to heart but she has met my husband and I at the same time and has had the same amount of interaction. We know her BF. He knows my name. I was a little miffed. Time goes on and randomly one day my husband and I were taking an afternoon walk downtown to get some sunshine and window shop and we see the bartender chick walking our way. When she gets closer to us she smiles at my husband and greets him by his name and then looks at me AGAIN to say she’s so sorry she doesn’t remember me. Before I can even respond to her she just starts benching about how hungover she is, how she is absolutely beyond miserable, how she had to work until 3 a.m. bartending and then had to sleep in her car because she had to open too. She said she can’t even keep food down and it is so hard just trying to walk to the bar to clock in. When she finished talking I started applauding and said ‘That story was THE greatest story I have ever heard in my entire life. You should tell it again so I don’t ever forget it.’ She looked at me with complete shock and locked eyes with me for a few seconds and finally managed to respond, “No it isn’t a great story.” She didn’t say anything else after and just walked away. After that I saw her a couple more times downtown and she made sure to avoid me. Feels good not having to repeat my name again. Posted by u/amyd1064 2 days ago Petty revenge as a gas station manager I was a gas station manger for 7 years. The first place I was managing was a small place. There was a small apartment building behind us that had 5 apartments. Many many days I would come in and have to clean up trash from around the dumpster where they would throw their trash but not put it in the dumpster. Never could figure out where it came from but did complain to the property manager about it. Nothing changed. One morning I come in and it was disgusting. They threw the bag in untied and it was hanging off the side all the trash on the ground. . I was ticked. I grabbed the broom, gloves and dustpan trash bag ect and went out to clean it up. The first thing I saw was a piece of mail. This is when a lightbulb went off for me. Que petty revenge. I grabbed a marker and wrote on the mail stop using our dumpster and making a mess. I collect all the trash then went to their porch and proceeded to dump it on their porch. I then set their mail on top of the pile. I absolutely gave no freaks that day. They said nothing about it when they came in later that day. Still makes me laugh. Posted by u/Glum-Needleworker165 1 day ago Coworker who is horrible to everyone doesn’t get her seat Possible throw away Lurker to the forum and love it. Now I have my own story. I have this coworker that’s been working on my unit for years. Let’s call her BP. We work with psychiatric patients and to be quite honest, she is not empathic or therapeutic towards patients or coworkers. BP’s mean to everyone, talks crap about everyone, is entitled, has had others quit cause her attitude, and just mean. We have seats on the unit we like to sit in. They aren’t assigned so if someone is sitting in that seat, the person will just go onto the next one to do their work. Not her. BP will wait till you move from that seat or will bully you to give it up or be like it’s my seat. I have my own mental health problems and some of my family too. Since I work somewhere that can get people onto units when they need the help, for my family I brought them in cause I trust my coworkers and the psychiatric unit we have. I learn that BP was talking crap who my family and that’s honestly miserable because why kick someone if they are down and if their family was in that situation, you would want to be compassionate. BP usually works a different shift so I usually leave when she comes in but not today. Today I’m doing overtime. So I sat my pretty butt in the chair and typed up my work. I’m a fast typer but I deliberately typed slow and went over my work 3x-4x to make sure everything was correct. She asked me to move and I said let me finish my work. BP goes on to say she’s been here longer and I know that’s her seat. I reiterated what I said and went to pee. She proceeded to stay pouting in the other chair and refuse to start anything or any of her work because of it. After an hour and a half, I slowly moved over and told my other coworker he can tell her she can move back since she was complaining to him earlier. God forgive me but it was nice to be that petty for once, especially as someone who isn’t assertive or like confrontation. Just a gentle reminder to be nice to others. Posted by u/Formal_Tonight_6796 2 days ago I have managed to stop my bully. It was someone from work, at first he just insulted me, then he even pushed me, like that for months, I just ignored him. A few days ago I couldn't take it anymore and I insulted him back, he threatened me, he told me that later in the street he would hit me, he is lame, he doesn't have a crutch but he limps, he doesn't walk well, and I told him "what are you going to do?" Are you going to hit with the crutch?" and I began to imitate his limp. He went blank, not only did he stop bothering me, but he didn't speak, not just to me, to anyone. It's sad that to stop a bully I have to become one of them. Posted by u/partycolek 2 days ago Stop urinating with opened door! So my husband is a wonderful man that just happened to be used to urinating with opened door. Our relationship is usually without petty disputes or childish oneupsmenship. Well, after spending a year asking him monthly to close his door so I don’t have to see and hear him pee I snapped. Decided that diplomacy is useless and instead went into offensive. He was peeing, doors opened wide and I just went in, leaned into the door frame and started staring at him quietly. He stopped urinating and looked at me like I was a weirdo. He asked what am I doing. I said I thought that those opened door were an invitation. He asked me to leave and to close the door. I did this two more times. After that he finally realized that our bathroom door do in fact close and that he also has that power. Anyway, I handle most of our disputes in slightly more mature manner. Posted by u/subi 2 days ago How My Ex-Coworker's Rash Decision Cost $4500+ In my previous job, a colleague had accrued over $4500 in travel stipends throughout the year. He left the company on good terms, but unexpectedly, I received a notice about a debt in his name that somehow fell into my lap. I reached out to him to relay the message, but his response was unexpectedly harsh. Despite my role as a mere messenger and being in a relatively senior position, he seemed to relish the opportunity to lash out at someone above him in the company hierarchy. He grudgingly agreed to settle the debt, expressing frustration over the financial burden it would impose. As I wrapped up our call with an apology for the inconvenience, he abruptly hung up. Ironically, he was unaware that I had just assisted another individual in clearing a much larger debt of over $6000, thanks to some loopholes I'd discovered. My plan was to extend the same courtesy to him—if the payment proved burdensome, I was prepared to help. However, his rash decision to settle the debt without further discussion closed that door. Just an hour later, I learned he had paid in full, missing out on a potential resolution I could have offered. Posted by u/Degofreak 3 days ago Living large My SIL is a special case. She's living with us to find herself, I guess. It's been coming to a head lately that she does nothing. Pays no rent, utilities or food. Does little to nothing by way of being appreciative of us footing her cost of living. Recently, I put my foot down and said this has to end. Tonight, very calmly, I asked her what her plans for moving forward. She shut me down, claiming she "doesn't have the mental capacity right now to have this conversation." So, I quietly went to my WiFi and scheduled her some random down time off my network. She and the wife are not tech savvy enough to find my modification. I rule this router. Ha! Posted by u/NMFHandyman 3 days ago Hog the armrest and more? Enjoy everyone’s worst nightmare on a flight! Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m English and a stickler for spelling, punctuation and grammar so if auto-correct does me dirty on anything then I apologise in advance. Also posting from mobile so hope I’ve seen enough comments on walls of text to know how to format this correctly. Tl;Dr at the bottom A couple of months ago, I (m38) was on a flight back from Corfu to Manchester with my partner (f23) our son (14months) and my partners parents (m59, f54). With the title, you can probably guess where this is going already… We all booked and paid for our seats to be sat together on our orange-themed budget airline flight with a 3/3 layout either side of the aisle. I took the aisle seat to the left on my own with my partner and her parents taking the 3 seats together across from me to the right. We all know the budget airline business model; cram as much cattle in as physically possible, make it uncomfortable as possible (although I don’t mind the lack of reclining seats having had so many Karen’s infront of me on long-hauls before), and charge for everything possible barring the loos - though I believe that has been discussed by a couple of budget airlines in the past! Upon taking my seat, the gentleman in the middle seat was taking the full armrest up - no issues here, it was to his right, his assumed partner at the window seat used the one between the 2 of them and I have the one to my right on the aisle. However, not only was he taking up the armrest, his elbow was taking up a large portion of my seat and when sat back, seatbelt on I took a few elbow jabs to my kidney region. Not taking hints of me pushing back, or my less than discreet missus saying to me to tell him to ‘move it or lose it’, I decided that my son and his lack of plane etiquette, sleep, space to play in and all round lack of understanding why he’s back on one of these plane-thingys after 11 nights in the sun and splashing daily in a pool, was my responsibility to settle down and keep entertained. Side note; we previously agreed that as I had other passengers to my side and the other 3 are all together and related, they would tend to him on the flight out of politeness to others. Anyways, the kidney-elbower soon had a taste of his own medicine as my hyperactive, over-tired and confused son was lashing his limbs about like one of them tall blowy-blokes you normally get on used car sales forecourts caught him with a few sweet heels and even a backwards headbutt to his right torso. All this whilst still not screaming though so other passengers weren’t disrupted by his shenanigans. Yes, my flight was uncomfortable, but it was before I took my son on my lap anyway. I just made sure that I wasn’t the only one to endure an uncomfortable flight. If only the gentleman had not taken liberties of overhanging the armrest with his elbow in my kidneys. Posted by u/SunnyRyter 3 days ago Don't Make me a Bridesmaid? Okay... Hello, So this is going to sound very petty, and I am rarely ever so. Edit: TL;DR on the bottom. Back story: All about my cousin, let's call Cindy. Cindy's Mom (let's call her Aunt Sunshine for irony purposes) is a competitive old bat. She had two kids, and her oldest was always pitted against one of my other, older Best Cousin (from what i hear, I wasn't born yet). Then my dad got married, had me, and apparently I was the darling baby of the cousins. I was the first kid in like 15 years in the family so I was the baby. Aunt Sunshine couldn't stand for that so while her kids were teenagers, she had baby #3 one year after I was born. Was it deliberate? An accident? Who can say. All I know is, Cindy and I were the only two cousins close in age, so I wanted to be her BFF. But we can't have nice things. It took me years to realize, because as a kid you don't see these things, but everything was a suble competition. One example of many: We both were flower girls at a wedding. When I arrived, I was dressed in a cute little outfit, age appropriate. Cindy arrived dressed as a mini-bride, veil and all, and full makeup. She was 5. Her mom wanted to make sure she outshined me. When I got my MBA, instead of congratulations from her, when she saw me at my Grandma's memorial, she sneered and said loudly maybe she'll get her doctorate, for all there to hear. No "congrats", no "hey, you must have worked hard for that." No, just 1-uppmanship. She still hasn't gotten around to that yet. At her wedding, I said congrats! She bitterly responded, "Why didn't you invite me to swim in your pool?" Umm... WTF? Yes, my parents had a pool yes. But every time my mom called her mom to invite them, Aunt Sunshine would always say she was busy with her (at the time) boyfriend. 🙄 My dad said my Cindy anc Aunt were always jealous of me because I was tall (for reference, I am 5'10") and they are short. Again, I never saw it as a kid. Well, she married a tall man (good for her) and was bragging to me how her daughter was tall for her age. Um... good for you? None of this ever bothered me. They are just doing their thing, fine. Haters gonna hate. Main story: BUT weddings... [edit to add: in my CULTURE] usually it is expected to make unmarried cousins your bridesmaids. I always wanted to be one. I was the only close in age to her, and unmarried. She didn't choose me. She chose only her friends. [Edit to add: this was directly flouting cultural custom] Fine. Cool. Your wedding, that's fine. But I knew what my petty revenge would be. People inform me how they want to be treated by how they treat me. I was getting married in 2018. She had a 2 year old. This is how sneaky they were. Both her and her texted my Best Cousin (one mentioned above) that they'd be "honored" to have Cindy's daughter as a flower girl. Huh. Thinking it coming from my Best Cousin would somehow influence me. I texted back politiely as I could, "Unfortunately that role has been filled but someone else." I honestly am not giving revenge on the daughter. She was two at the time, she probably could care less, mich less remember. But my cousin, Cindy? I could tell it burned her. Why? When another younger cousin was set to get married in 2020, Cindy didn't mess around. She got cozy with her and later informed me haughty that her daughter would be a flower girl at that wedding. My response. "That's great, she is older now, good for her." That caught her and her husband (no doubt poisoned opinion of me from her) by surprise at my graciousness. 🙄 Guess what happened at 2020? Pandemic, baby! She posted sad videos of her daughter "practicing" being a flower girl at their backyard. It was pathetic. Well, the wedding finally happened and Cindy got her magical dream of having her daughter as a flowergirl. But i still relish telling her no. And had she made me a bridesmaid, I would have HAPPILY made her daughter a flower girl.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,055
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: CLJcxQhTAyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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