r/Mildlyinfuriating · :\

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hey you're not ugly you're a beautiful human being think about it God blessed you with life he may be beautiful on the outside but you you Chu you chose to make yourself beautiful on the inside as well and that's rare in today's world so you know what that makes you unique that makes you special feeling ugly that makes you special smile frown how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash mildly infuriating I am a huge perfectionist when it comes to making things look nice and even on like a desk or something so I'm very much not ready for this one but let's get right into it oh come on man someone please just open it up and turn that berry one facing forward please for the love of God zero miles per hour twenty two thousand two hundred and twenty three oh man this is this is already becoming very frustrating this is no longer Adam's house there are no drugs here you are on camera Oh Oh No the house has a comma in front of it not a period come on hey perfectionist this is an 89 degree angle have a good day I hope you have an awful day okay you know what I can let this one pass just a little bit because hey maybe the guy who cut the bagel wants to give another half to a friend you know maybe maybe this one this one's testing my patience you see how do you mess up that badly we got to throw the ball out it's all bad now he's useless this one this one is just incredibly infuriating come on we we only have one planet people oh that's painful yeah I mean it could work but it's not ideal you can still get the liquid out but yeah watch your tongue and lips hmm I don't think that's how you lock up a bike also it's it's locked to a swing why a swing of all things there's a perfectly good pole right next to it what I owe the hospital that I went to because I was suicidal this is just a stay in a room for two days it's expensive being mentally unwell people wonder why we don't seek help okay for one that is a lot of money and to a odhh there's a to tease there oh this just makes me think of people who eat KitKat's like without breaking them apart I mean okay I may or may not do it sometimes please do not get upset oh there's an easy fix just push it in more it's like Jenga but not and also this is awful bra moment you are eligible for free shipping only one cent until free shipping this reminds me of a figure I was gonna buy don't ask me why it was this much but I was about to buy it and it costs one $49.99 and it says you can get free shipping if you have an order that's $150 or more but no of course one sent off just like this stupid you've got to be a you got to be a real a real psychopath to cut like this okay okay how did this happen it did one person Park wrong and everyone else is just like why not all right as someone who wraps the wire very tightly around the the posts that they clearly have for you there this this doesn't fury at me quite a bit yes my favorite breakfast cereal Sekou [ __ ] rock yeah why why is there a door there I would like to know oh I saw this one a couple days ago that yeah puts headphones in pockets for two seconds and they end up like that how did this happen what like someone like bit the tube the ears off on them running on the right and then like bit the whole year off on the left bunny but the other year is like kind of cracked huh oh my god oh my god someone please paint it just just just make it smaller please redditors just scrolling laughing it means redditors when they notice a hair on their screen oh my god there I was literally about to swipe get rid of the hair that's on my screen but no there is there is no hair there good job this hurts how do you mess up that imagine like flying by in a plane and being like someone please just just rip out the whole the whole block look what you did you got the ice-cream on the floor good job have fun cleaning that out iPhone is disabled try again a nine million three hundred and thirty seven thousand nine hundred thirty-eight minutes that'll that'll blow by like that five things everyone hates low Wi-Fi low battery low service loading and oh my god two of those little things are black and they're not they don't doesn't make sense it's how it looks oh this hurts my brain it's like okay for one there's two double use and that's definitely not where P goes oh my god this this is awful what is this guy doing why why is this making a mess of the place come on man people got a workout why would you have a paper background and I have the words line up with it oh my god yeah they don't they literally just like oh the first line lines up so uh should be fun okay a little Locker door tell the class why you're in trouble and why you're being made fun of because you don't match with the other yellow ones oh that I would be so angry like what's in there like a picture frame or something imagine the raw strength someone has that just be like oh just like bend it so to make it fit oh I always hate it when this happens and then you try to open it up like the proper way and then like you'd be worried a little like like fibers of that little material would get in there just like uh just gives you the creeps how do you who did this okay who did this there's got to be security footage so someone fire this guy that's not how you treat milk respect the milk half one of my meme me splitting my meme in half for relying on Reddit to fix it have two of my meme oh yeah it's all coming together not quite sorry oh I've seen I've seen a surprising amount of these in person how do you mess that up you don't have like a measuring tool or like a balancer come on now this has not happened to me but I've thought about it a little bit and I think if it ever does I'll probably just use a fork to wedge it out or something all right all right who's this [ __ ] okay just guys have a nice car I got his plate um right here 8h RK 1 3 8 you're going to jail just because I said your score 67% a at a 12 passing score 70% 8 at a 12 your score is not sufficient to pass the course sorry bud but the percentage didn't match why are the peas upside down it's messing me up oh my god they are this is like oh this is an awful optical illusion if it is oh my Wow it's always the point 99s it's always the point 99s felix for the sake of humanity remove that one block oh my god I've never even noticed Oh Felix come on man oh yeah this hurts this definitely hurts just come on scoot it over to the side please pepperoni stone big pizza yeah sorry you gotta make it yourself get order more cheese you'll be fine I promise please use uploaded logo sorry but it looks it looks like they didn't that's great that's a nice little puzzle here oh my god someone find the piece quick please oh there's a whole subreddit devoted to this just incredibly long CVS receipts it's amazing it's like a whole religion oh you hate to see it reset your password use an old password to protect your account choose a new password oh okay what I thought the problem was at first is like some of them have like that try design and some of them look like boomerangs but no there's pebbles all in there this is this belongs on crappy design oh no the relish the relish why'd you have to be the odd one out it's always the relish who even likes relish dear lord it might be time to maybe get a new phone case maybe a new phone that's quite quite an old model yes okay this one's easy just just rotate it right cut I mean come on who puts that down I bet whoever did they're like but what what someone gonna do become Superman and lifted themselves plan ahead yeah follow your own advice this is like chip bags right when you open them up and it's like not even full all the way that that sucks come on skittles we thought we could count on you but I guess not oh dear Lord the bad guys one against the good guys 43.7% with a thousand 45 points and the good guys literally one digit below that sucks what how did this happen it looks like someone literally like Photoshop of the image but knowing humans are now dumb we can be how just just so slightly to the left and not centered this this this does infuriate me quite a bit it's giving me another headache oh I've seen this one this one's awful yeah how why would you put the stove diagonal in there like that in fact why would you even want to put it in the corner that's an awful spot to put a stove eight hours of whale sounds deep underwater oh my god there's so many ads what the that's awful why I've seen these images before so so close how does how does this happen Oh looks like someone got the big bass bonus except you didn't because it's not in the green Oh for tickets sorry buddy well there it is again that the headaches headaches revving up yep mm-hmm I feel it someone please for the love of God just take the tile off and rotate it please this is baffling what's even holding on to those how is it like this what's wrong with this the shopping cart just wants to park somewhere - okay huh what's so bad about that he may not be a car but he's trying his best please tell me this is ironic like this guy was just like hey man take a photo of me like next to these wings and not in the middle that's legendary all right whoever did this I'm not saying they should be arrested for life but that that is that is truly painful and well yes definitely saved the worst for last actually I don't know I can't tell which one was the worst they were all pretty bad but we have reached the end of our slash mildly infuriating and yeah I might need to go take maybe a tylenol ibuprofen but if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bells see you notified every time easy-peasy uploads and if you want subscribe to me Zack the narrator my link will be down in the description below thanks again for watching and until next time I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 154,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mildlyinfuriating, reddit mildly infuriating, reddit infuriating, mildlyinfuriating, r/ mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, r/mildlyinfuriating ezpz, ezpz
Id: tT6JwgQfuV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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