r/maliciouscompliance | Won't give me 2 pennies extra? How about $400 MORE!

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hey everybody my name is Steven and welcome back to the storytime channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day to be or not to be back in 2011 I was working for a local council and as part of the job we were given an off-site training course naturally this was code for visit a city get drunk every night and attend the course most of these courses had no exam at the end just a certificate for attending the course they put us up at a hotel in the city center on bed-and-breakfast rates the expenses policy stated that we were to get a maximum of 10 pounds for lunch and a maximum of 1173 for an evening meal no one outside the policymakers know why it was such a strange amount supervisors could approve expenses above these values should there be where the maximum is too low it specifically mentioned Abe remote hotel with expensive menu but also mentioned that it was at the discretion of the supervisor the hotel they booked for me had a restaurant and the cheapest thing on the menu was 1175 two pence more than I was entitled to I swiped a menu to prove the point the first day back after the course and I asked my boss to authorize the extra expense he looked at it and said no I explained that not only did it run to ten pence for the week two pence per day five days but the cheapest thing on the menu was more than the policy allowed I even showed him the menu his response was stick to what the policy document says you are entitled to malicious compliance time I've heard the policy document to ensure that I had the details right and found a link to another document entitled business overnight and out-of-pocket expenses this document was additional to the training expenses document and section one of this document stated that it can be used in conjunction with the training expenses policy I sat down and worked out what I was old in addition to these standard meal allowances of twenty one seventy three daily there was also an extra twenty eight pounds daily I was entitled to also because I had to travel on us one day I was entitled to travel time as overtime double pay for a Sunday as the return train arrived back home after 8:00 p.m. on the Friday more than three hours past my standard finish time the Friday was also classed as an overnight and all I feed out nearly 110 pounds for meals during the week but because of my supervisors reluctance to pay an additional ten pence I claimed for around the 300 pound mark with seven hours of overtime pay for an extra 182 pound after explaining it to the head of IT who wondered why my expenses were so high he grudgingly signed it off note most of the claimable expenses didn't require a receipt internet access telephone allowance away from family allowance and several others were allowances cash given if he met a criteria I had receipts for all my meals as they needed them does anybody else have any experiences with people being as stingy as this boss is being 10 pence if you've got any stories like that let me know them in the comment section down below absolutely unbendable travel rules fine by me I worked for a company that was bought out by a large multinational corporation after a couple of years a new online expensive system was put in place this also was used to book travels hotels etc and we were told that under no circumstances could it be circumvented the Travel section was strange the we'd worked was he chose the city you were traveling to and it gave you the pre-approved hotel you had to choose all very straightforward until you consider how these hotels got on there it wasn't through hundreds of corporate negotiations it was when the first traveller using the system had to stay in that city found a hotel that met their needs that became the default hotel I live in a small country in the local company was based about 150 kilometers from the capital the only people who'd used that system to stay in my country were these senior VPS who had worked on the takeover and when they returned to the capital to fly home usually spent a few vacation days there I was asked to go on a training course run by a company in the capital and being a lowly parole would have expected a Travelodge are similar but the only choice available to me was the 5-star Intercontinental Hotel where breakfast starts at 50 euro and the rooms are eye watering I checked with a scheme admin and she laughed as she read me the rules under no circumstances could the system be circumvented the course was over two weeks in debt month and my expenses were submitted nearly six grand in hotel bills plus food and mileage my boss in a different country was almost in tears when he called me about this because he knew this compliance to the rules meant he'd have to explain this to his boss oddly enough some other hotels were added soon after you can't blame all pee on this one they even went and checked in with the scheme Edmond who said that they can't circumvent it so I would have ran with it as long as I couldn't see how far I could get with it mandatory drug tests back in 2012 I worked as a medic for the largest medic service in Louisiana as a remote paramedic on a drilling rig I live in Panama City Beach Florida I was hired on in 2007 and was chosen at random several times a year for a drug test every time I was chosen I was either at work or on training so it was not a big deal into 2012 I had just returned home on the Thursday before Memorial Day from a two-week stint on the rig in the Gulf of Mexico I got a phone call around 4:00 p.m. on Friday saying I had 24 hours to complete a drug test I was by the pool and a six-pack in when I got the call I asked where I needed to go to pee in a cup my options were Jacksonville Atlanta or New Orleans there were no other authorized places to accept my exceptional urine and I had 24 hours I called up a few friends and they decided New Orleans would be the best spot to spend Memorial Day to follow all the compliance we left Panama City Beach drove to NOLA partied all night bug the only hotel we could find and really expensive restaurants beaten a cup then went back to the French Quarter stayed one more night and drove home on Sunday I turned in my expense report as follows 400 miles travel expense one-way $220 one meal in NOLA for Friday night $50 50 was the most we were allowed per meal one night in the French Quarter $299 breakfast lunch and dinner $150 one night in French Quarter $349 breakfast $50 400 miles home $220 lunch 50 16 hours billed as overtime at 40 per hour 640 total billed 1948 dollars my supervisor probably shot himself but I got paid and now there are more authorized places to pee in a cup and until my departure from them in 2014 I was never selected again for a random test I'm honestly so surprised that they managed to get away with that 2 grand - have a nice trip and Nola sounds like a good time to me delete everything okay at the start of secondary school each student at my school was given a unique computer login where we can access communal resources and save our own private work a few of my files seem to keep disappearing and new things are put there that I didn't create after a few days I figure out I'm actually sharing my account with another student hence the mysterious missing files and random new ones we meet up and learned we have the same surname first initial and tutor group so we assume that's why our accounts are actually the same one we go down to the IT teacher we just started here so figure this is a good place to start he insists it is impossible for us to have the same account and that we should go in and delete everything that isn't our own work we explain the situation even offering to demonstrate how if one of us makes a new document it will appear in the others account this was fruitless so we are instructed to sit down and delete everything that isn't ours we do so log off log on again and we both have completely blank accounts having just deleted everything between us no backup for students private work we've lost all assignments and homework the teacher leaves us presumably to figure out what's happening comes back 15 minutes later with an apology and a note excusing us from all homework already set and for not having our classwork the next week we received new accounts and a month later the IT systems are out for a few days possibly unrelated but we like to think they were improving the system to stop this happening again as a bonus the notes were undated and signed by the head teacher so I used it a few times and emergencies over the years that lasted but is pretty smart I can imagine Opie finding a place to carefully store it so it looks like it doesn't aged a single day so that they can pull it out and say like oh the headmaster excused me because of this okay I'll only wear the provided uniform so my local government workplace decided to introduce a strict uniform a few years ago we always had a dress code no jeans no shorts no exposed midriff and if you didn't comply with it words would be had so most people were sensible and dressed for work accordingly but sadly according to management that needed the change the uniform chosen was awful black skirt or trousers of your own fine so far white blouse and jazzy neck scarf for ladies white shirt and jazzy tie for gentlemen these were provided for us staff had to wear the scarf or tie despite it being a strangle risk we were with the public who are sometimes confrontational and even our lanyards had to be the special breakaway type in case we were attacked suddenly that risk was forgotten / ignored not to mention unnecessary gendering of the uniform I asked for a tie and was refused enter the malicious compliant we did not plan or coordinate this but somehow everyone in every satellite office came to the same conclusion we will wear the uniform you provide we will only wear the uniform you provide now being a local government the budget was pretty non-existent so the quality of the shirts was awful paper-thin see-through and cheap badly sized people having to request several sizes bigger than they wear from the regular shops and order for them to fit full-time staff who almost always worked five days per week were allocated to shirts part time staff were allowed one shirt no matter how many days their shifts were spread over now either one of two things will happen here either the shirts will become very grubby after a day of work and you turn up the next day in a grubby shirt which looks very unprofessional or you wash it after every shift in which case it'll become worn frayed and even more thin and see-through after a few months which looks very unprofessional and will need replacing after a few months which there was no budget for after a very scruffy-looking year and several requests from the 80 or so staff for new shirts the rules were relaxed somewhat so that staff can wear any plain white black or monochrome clothes that they wish and suddenly everyone looks much nicer more professional and coordinated I've always been a big hater of overly restrictive dress codes and I hate the provided stuff because it's always so streamlined and so cheap and the sizes are so incorrect and oftentimes they want to charge you for it and it's a huge markup you should not belittle people trying to help you disclaimer I am a certified electrician as I took several courses during school still I didn't end up working with electricity and it's been a long time since I did any work but this pandemic is making it hard to get a guy come and make quick fixes this is in Mexico and the heat is making life miserable for some of us that's why my ex-wife bought a new air conditioner and asked me to move her old unit to another bedroom to replace an even older unit no big deal so I comply and when I see the outlet I inform her that the voltage is different 220 volt and that her unit is a hundred ten volt she then starts literally screaming that she knows her house better than I do and if I am not capable of doing things I should not volunteer to do them a couple days passed since I refused to replace the outlet with a regular one the 220 volt is a different shape so she keeps pestering me because I don't know crap about electrical work and I am a bad person because I don't care about my family suffering from the heat I know my daughter's bedroom has a split unit and the little one sleeps with her sister the bedroom I made the switch to is occupied by his brother and he was out of the city until yesterday so I told her the risks and that it would freak up the unit she insisted and kept saying that I knew nothing about anything so I've replaced the outlet and let her plug the unit into it I wish I had recorded her face when the AC worked for about 10 seconds and then stopped I gladly checked the outlet to let her see that it was perfectly connected she then plugged in a fan to prove it wasn't connected I wish I could broadcast a mental image of her face when the fan sparked and started smoking before she hurried to plug it off yesterday an AC technician was brought to check the unit and diagnosed it as dead then she was still arguing that the outlet had 110 volt the technician then plugs in his multimeter and in the most smug tone available declares no ma'am this is a 220 volt outlet it feels so good the brother bought a secondhand split unit pay to get it installed filled with gas and serviced also scolded her for talking out of her butt he also tried to pay me for my work but I refused this feels so good that I feel paid in full if somebody's gone to school at least to some degree for something and I assume the person making the claims hasn't maybe they should consider putting a little bit of Merit into what they're trying to explain to you but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story town channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the story Tom Channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 34,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: IAvRC4b6G0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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