r/maliciouscompliance | Violate my two weeks conditions and then tell me to “just work?”

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day violate my two-weeks conditions and then tell me to just work this happened about three or four years ago I worked for a big grocery store chain as a front-end cashier I had already had some problems with my company as they had promoted me to later Ries in said promotion because of a lack of training hours one of my assistant managers had also been harassing me giving me all of the nightly duties and favoring daily position assignments for her friends finally fed up I turned in my two weeks notice I take the two weeks notice extremely seriously remember especially in corporations you are extremely replaceable the point of the two weeks is to give your company time to conduct interviews have labor for the written schedules and fill your incoming vacancy you are doing them a favor by not quitting on the spot I submitted two separate two big notices a formal one that didn't go into details and was meant as evidence of my resignation and an informal one for my department manager explaining the poor treatment I experienced that led to my resignation I specifically tell her not to schedule me with the bully assistant manager the first week goes with little problem two days into the second week I arrived for my shift to find that the bully assistant manager has been scheduled as my manager on duty fan-freaking-tastic I seek out my department manager and questioned why she has violated my condition she explains that she has spoken to my mo D and that everything will be fine because I'm here so just work okay when I return to my department to receive my position I see that I'm scheduled on the self-checkout station this is by far the best station because you don't have to scan our back just help older people who struggle with the machines and check IDs for alcohol well the bully assistant manager has commandeered my station because her knee is bothering her I immediately smell bull but say nothing is head to my normal checkout lane well surprise surprise an hour goes by in the bully's best friend has arrived for her shift the bully's best friend's favorite position was easily the self-checkout station because again it's easy and she was even lazier than me she also used the quiet moments to shop for her groceries time theft anyone suddenly the bully's knee is feeling 100% better she hops off the self-checkout sends her best friend to the station and hops on a normal Lane I am seething queue malicious compliance grocery stores have peak times usually around four to six pm when people are getting off work working on a register during these times can be crazy but I was also one of the faster workers so it's no sweat my manager tells me to just work sure I work my butt off I give every customer the friendliest customer service I can and work accurately but quickly my Lane moves three times faster than the other open lanes combined and before I know it the peak has ended one sticking around for another ten or so minutes to confirm the peak has ended I calmly shut down my register clock out and leave four hours before my shift was supposed to end and I don't come back because I was between high school and college at the time I was one of the stores most important coverage workers I worked almost any shift especially during peak times which meant that my manager had to scramble to fill every single eight-hour peak shift she had given me for the rest of that week so if your management started treating you badly didn't live up to a request and basically made things harder than it needed to be during your two weeks notice what would you have done or what would you have said let me know in the comments below you're sure you don't want help okay my niece had driven to class downtown and parked in an attached garage she was in her dad's car a limited edition ex addition and have you seen an expedition you know this thing is freaking mammoth so not a small car when she was done with this class the car wouldn't turn over so she called her dad my brother to find out what to do since he was at work he asked if I was available and I headed over to pick her up and facilitate a tow truck to take it to a garage when I arrived I found my niece and we walked to the car and discovered that the garage was pretty low and probably wouldn't let a tow truck into the space we were a bit concerned but we're not scared of a little extra exertion and decided we'd help the driver push the car out of the garage a car that big would need at least three pushing it no matter what you did so we called the truck and waited probably 20 minutes for it to arrive when a truck out there we introduced ourselves to the driver he wasn't much taller than me I'm five foot four and while scrappy and strong still a small dude we told them where the car was parked walked to the car and realized there is no way the flatbed truck was getting in that garage now I'm a big woman very active and strong and my niece is not one to be trifled with we both are in martial arts classes and working out so we offer to help him extract the vehicle from the space stating it would be no problem he needed the help but I suppose in an effort to be chivalrous he stated that he could do it himself we said we didn't mind helping and since we've actually had to move this car once or twice before we were more than ready to help you ladies just sit back I'll have this done in no time famous last words the car I had driven was a little ways from the entrance to the garage and my niece and I walked back to the car and chatted as we leaned up against the car while they began to move this two-ton truck from its space about 15 minutes passed and we both thought we should check on him he had barely gotten the thing out of the space and was trying to turn it around so it would be facing towards the garage exit we approached the vehicle and said we can help you out you know and he said no I can do this we said okay and since we didn't have to be anywhere anytime soon we went back to the car and started chatting again as we turn to go back to the car we build smirked at each other knowing he was on some sort of macho power trip and with our help we could have been out in 15 minutes flat and on the truck but no me strongman me can do all the things ger while he pounds his chest another 15 minutes and he's almost at the exit we come in again and offer our help no I mean I'm almost there I got this okay at this point my niece and I are just trying to keep from laughing I mean come on dude is it really worth all that stress and strain so another 10 minutes or so passed and he's huffing and puffing and sweating through his uniform and he finally gets it out of the garage another 10 minutes he starts strapping it up and in the next five the car is on the flatbed it took him just about an hour to do something that would have taken the three of us 15 minutes tops you can't say we didn't offer at this point the driver starts to get a little testy I mean I don't blame him he got his entire week's worth of a workout pushing that thing out of the garage and while not scorching hot it was pretty warm outside so he started to get a bit of an attitude I'm like hey dude don't start with us we offered so next we call my brother and ask him where he wants the truck dropped off we get the information to the driver and we're off while we're driving behind the truck we get a call from my brother and he decides he wants to take into his house mid transit while annoying all we had to do was call the towing company to have them radio the driver to inform them there was a change in venue we were still a few miles out so we didn't think this would be a problem since we were behind him we could see him answer his phone hands-free and start screaming at the phone all of a sudden the truck pulls over off the highway very suddenly and we pull off behind he slams his door and angrily walks back to our car and starts very aggressively cussing us out because we changed the route now both my niece and I have grown up in a very large very male-dominated family suffice it to say most males don't faze us like they'd like to think they do I can't remember the conversation here but it was something akin to him cussing us out very aggressively as if he was gonna reach in and clock one of us and we basically telling him look we got the call on the way and the plans changed what the heck are you mad at you're getting paid we're not screwing you over get back in your truck and finish the job and you won't have to be bothered with us anymore that totally wasn't it but that's what was going on in my brain by the time he got back into the truck my niece and I were heated he was on some macho power trip and he's ticked because he didn't have the wherewithal to allow two women to help him with his job whoo-hoo buddy get the freak out of here we had called ahead to the house to let my family know that we were coming with the car and that the driver had been very aggressive towards us and cussing us out once we rerouted the truck thankfully my nephew a very sweet big imposing teddy bear of a guy was home and we made it clear that he needed to be present when we pulled up so this guy wouldn't try anything he was that aggressive my niece and I could take care of ourselves but there's nothing wrong with a little backup when we pulled up to the house the truck headed position itself to get the car down as safely as possible my niece and I parts got out of the car and went in the house and sent Sam out just to give you a physical lowdown on my nephew he's easily six foot six 350 bearded and built like a brick wall he came out when the guy got out of the truck my niece and I hung back while he saw this big butt man lumbering towards him my nephew says to him do we have a problem here the driver looked at him wide-eyed and said no no problem good my nephew said and came back in the house I had to sign off on the car and the driver couldn't even make eye contact with me while he slunk back into his truck and drove off that's what that driver gets for trying to terrorize and instigate something bad with these two kind ladies that offered plenty of help the time I pulled an act of malicious compliance on my teacher time frame back in my school days the story back when I was doing my GCSEs here in England I had a fantastic maths teacher before I get into that I need to provide a bit of context since I was 9 years old my parents put me in a private school this was because the school was very close to my dad's workplace my dad a doctor couldn't send me to a public school because of the distance to it which was over 20 miles I believe to my closest public school hence why they placed me in a private school this is not a bragging any mean so please do not consider it so moving on to year 10 which is the first year of GCSEs in England so in our school for GCSE your core subjects which are maths English language and literature and a language with the core subjects a role of my school was depending on your ability and grades and tests shown in your previous year year 9 you would be assigned to an appropriate class the classes for the core subjects were arranged in order of the abilities of students I was somewhat good at math so I was placed in the advanced math screw this group contained kids who were good at maths number predicted a or a star in the exam at the end of the year skipping ahead to two months before the main exams and the mock exams are coming up in order to prepare us my family have always pushed me to do my best so in order to not let them down for supporting me I was willing to put in the effort plus I enjoyed maths as well the teacher again was one of my favourite teachers in the place he was the macho hardcore well-built person and the kind that goes on expeditions to Everest erm insert any other tall mountain here he was not only my personal tutor but also my leader for a program that is run in the UK no one is the Duke of Edinburgh Award do fe it is an understatement to say that I admired him as a teacher so in this advanced class in preparation for our exams the school provides us with past papers of which you can request more should you need these papers came in packets of five this packet is supposed to last you a week relevant later our teacher makes us do them in class to work on during which he focuses on his work with the do Fe award I mentioned earlier so that's everything for the context now on to the malicious compliance cast me as yours truly Robert / Rob cool teacher Rob at the start of class in the beginning of the week okay begin working on your packet of papers me begins working on past paper and get stuck on question 40 minutes later raises hand sir yeah Sophie what's your question I'm struggling with this question Rob looks at the question OB why are you stuck there that is such an easy question you could have been doing something else by now me slightly irritated as I felt like he called me dumb with that statement so you mean to say I can do anything else should I be done with my questions is that correct yeah you can as long as you have completed all your questions proceeds to explain to me how to do the question thank you sir I think I understand it now still irritated so this is where I begin my act of compliance so when I went home under the guide of the homework I began working on the packet answering all of the questions and all papers looking up the method to solve those I am finding difficult then I even proceeded to find similar questions to those and do those at 9:00 p.m. I am done after starting straight after I got back from work at 4:30 p.m. with all the papers and all the questions including the ones I was struggling with the following day I bring my packet of test papers and sit down once registration is done the teacher tells us again to begin working on our papers at this point I bring up my ipod touch and my headphones as those were allowed in class as long as you don't distract others with your music and begin playing games halfway through the class one of my classmates next to me asks him a question regarding one of the questions in the paper when he walks over finished his helping my classmate out and proceeds to walk back he notices me playing on my ipod this is the conversation that proceeds oby are you playing on your iPod why are you not working on your papers oh I'm done with my paper so I thought I could play games while I wait for class to end all of them yeah all of them I don't believe you show me your packet me hands over my packet and Rob four seats to mark through the papers you really did all of them when at home you never said we could not work on these at home no I didn't you were right but you know that once you were done you should have asked me for more papers sorry about that Rob what happened again Rob goes to the teachers office to grab me a new packet to work on if you think that is the end oh no it doesn't end there so the process of me working on the papers continued and two weeks later I managed to finish all of the packets the Friday of the second week Rob I finished the last packet you gave me can you check it over yeah sure hand it over proceeds to mark all five papers using the marks scheme well done Opie you got 95 plus percent in all of the papers oh good so what's the next paper pack I need to work on I don't have any more you finished all of them all fifty papers that we prepared are finished so for now work on this exam paper in the back of this book brings out old-looking maths book and hands it to me okay sure no problem begins working and finishes paper in an hour I'm done that was fast let me see checks over the questions and marks them 100% amazing job oopy thank you so considering the fact that I'm done with all the papers you provided me can i play now you did say I could do anything once I'm done rob relents yeah I'm sure you managed to do everything and finished all questions I think you will be fine for the exams to go ahead can I ask you one thing though can you help your friends and classmates should they have any questions sure not an issue puts on my headphones and begins playing GTA Vice City on my ipod that is the end to my tale of malicious compliance on the teacher ended up helping a good portion of my friends and classmates since I was so far ahead of my friends in terms of the paper and questions during those classes but mainly I spent a good portion of time playing games surprisingly when it came to the mock paper I also got 100% in that followed by the main exam in which I got 97% otherwise an a-star as I was helping my friends autumn was performing well Rob didn't ever bother me again but I did continue practicing a good portion of questions from another maths textbook I had this dude is a whiz and can tolerate way more mathematics than I ever could you want to kick me out of my hospital work station room that I prepped for the day I am a radiology resident and luckily the facility I am working at allows for each resident to be separated in individual workstation rooms for reading imaging this morning I grabbed one of the rooms spent the while cleaning it all up to make it safe for me to spend the day in another resident who showed up late came in the door and demanded that I leave the room because it was assigned to him I chose the room because I knew the dictation microphone didn't work so all reports would have to be typed and I was on a rotation that was led on volume so it wasn't a big deal to type the reports for me he started to squeeze his way in and boxed me out and because of his persistence I let him I packed all of my things to head to a different room got up and headed out the door right before shutting the door I told him Oh by the way the dictaphone doesn't work in this room as I sit here typing this I am watching him read case after case which he has to individually type meanwhile I have spent the day studying and relaxing in my new cleaned room edit No the room was not assigned to him what a beautiful twist of fate that gives this guy what he deserves but with that said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 94,415
Rating: 4.634789 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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