r/maliciouscompliance | PRO Builder VS Whiny Admin

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hey everyone my name is Jacob today we are gonna be looking at some malicious compliance stories so sit back relax and enjoy sure don't listen to the guys who do this job for a living years ago I used to work as a medical biller for a surgery center the administrator who run the place knew that I worked construction with my father as well on my off times doing remodeling and building houses as such she commissioned us to do some work for her at her personal home it was small projects really installing a new garbage disposal installing a new mailbox installing a projector in the ceiling easy stuff now before I get into the main part of this story I must tell you she was very stingy with money we had an autoclave that needed servicing at work and she refused to pay for the workers travel time of two hours for a 30 minute job she refused to pay a lot of the medical equipment bells until she was threatened with collection notices or refusal to send any future items she even told us not to waste patient bands who were no-shows and instead place another patient sticker over the old ones which could be a HIPAA violation but she didn't care this is important to know one day she came to me and asked if we could take a look at her flooring in her exercise room she had said the water heater had busted and as a result from sitting too long her flooring was swollen from being waterlogged so my dad and I went over there to assess the situation and determined that we could do the job for a total of four hundred dollars plus material we weren't out to strike it rich but really to help the community by providing quality surveys at low rates she was happy with the price and told us she would pick out the new wood she wanted laid down we told her she would need about 100 slats for the repair we were going to do as well as new plywood for the base she seemed okay with that she went to Los Angeles for one weekend and came back with the material that she wanted to use for the flooring only she had about thirty of the requested 100 to do the job properly on top of that she did not think that she needed to get a new sheet of plywood we informed her that the old plywood was moldy swollen and would cause problems down the road she eventually agreed to purchase the plywood replacement but she was not going to purchase more wooden slats instead she demanded that we use most of what was already there yes the swollen pieces but to tear up the slats in the little alcove that was not hit with water damage and placed the damaged ones there we did everything we could to convince her this was a bad idea we told her that wood doesn't magically shrink when it dries out we told her that joining the swollen pieces with non swollen pieces would be near impossible we told her that the moisture would invite more trouble down the road and provide an uneven floor setting she was having none of it she knew better and did not want to spend more than she already had so we went to work we tore up the old pieces saved the best ones and started laying down the new pieces first then we tore up the pieces in the alcove and matched them with the new pieces two further instructions we place the least damaged slats in the alcove doing everything we could to make it look presentable lo and behold though it was all uneven it raised in spots it had gaps in spots it didn't fit quite right but that's what she wanted done and that's what she was going to get despite our best efforts we were absolutely shocked when she said the the flooring looked horrible despite us telling her that it would look horrible with the damaged slats okay no we really weren't shocked at all she demanded that we tear up the floor again and fix it right away we told her sure but you'll have to pay as another $400 plus get the other slots that we request it she got livid said we were horrible people and refused to continue on the next day I quit the job after she came in and badmouth my dad in front of my co-workers but I heard from my co-workers that she had to hire someone else to do the job and it cost her $1,200 for the labor alone plus another $400 in wooden slabs all because she was so certain she knew better than the guys who have been doing the work for years I can understand some people thinking they might be getting finesse like buying too many things and thinking they know better but if you ask you know oh can you show me proof that you need a hundred and then I'll buy a hundred that would be better than just refusing cuz yeah it's not gonna work how my father put my brother in hospital because I did what he told me to do for a bit of a back story my family is a bit of a special case my younger brother henceforth called ginger was diagnosed with autoimmune diabetes type one at the age of four this was just over a decade ago when my father was trained to manage his diabetes he let his ego get the better of him and denied my mother and myself access to the free training The Endocrine team were offering to the family to keep my brother alive his mentality I think was a too many chefs in the kitchen approach but I think in this case it was wrong fast forward to today I live with my mother and he lives with my father most of us don't get along specifically anything to do with my father ends in mess story for another sub my brother came over to visit a few days ago while he was here my father sent me a number of messages I'll spare you the uncut version and give you the finer points he wanted me to remind my brother to take his insulin bring my brother home by 10 a.m. Monday no matter what and to not bother him if my brother's diabetes is acting up such as ketoacidosis low glucose levels etc mind you I'm not trained to deal with his diabetes so I trust that my brother's 14 years of having this condition has taught him what the correct course of action is for certain things in addition my father's old words his diabetes isn't your business screw off still ring in my ears to this day so naturally I decide to comply as maliciously as possible while keeping my brother alive my brother forgot to take his late-night insulin on Saturday and Sunday despite me reminding him from what I understand this causes him to have insanely high glucose readings during the night and into the early morning which in turn causes ketoacidosis the insulin he is supposed to take is slow acting and Keita's out after about eight hours designed to get him through the night naturally he wakes up at 9 a.m. vomiting normally I'd contact my father for how to treat this but seeing as I'm not to disturb him I instead ask my brother what he needs me to do can you prepare a glass of lemonade and mix in a spoonful of sugar protip for anyone who has a diabetic relative this is the very last thing you want to ever give a diabetic especially for ketoacidosis but alas I give him this because hindsight is 20/20 he gets about halfway through it before he's spewing it back up at this point I have to get him in the car and back home to make the 10:00 a.m. drop-off time so I get him in the car with a bath bag and head over to my father's place when I get there ginger is almost completely passed out my father sees this he met us at the driveway and freaks out start screaming at me and calls an ambulance when they arrive I'm asked what he is had and what insulin has taken paramedics are p.m. one through three what did he have for dinner last night mashed potato grilled lamb and assorted vegetables and how about his insulin I don't know for him to be like this he had to have missed a lot of his insulin do you know what the last amount of insulin he had was I don't know I'm not sure is it like a pill he takes a pill not for his diabetes it would be a syringe or a pen what insulins does he normally take you'll have to ask my father he was trained about all this and refused to train me really do you mind if we have a word with your father in private sure go ahead I went and checked on ginger while they spoke to my father in the house my brother was given morphine for the stomach pains he was dealing with and some fast-acting insulin to try and combat the effects of the ketoacidosis but was in the ambulance ready to be taken away when the paramedics came back my father looked more defeated than ever apparently he'd been lectured hard in there over not training me or my mother because the paramedics gave me a card with a number to call and basically ordered me to organize diabetes training ASAP the ambulance bill was put in my father's name that cost him a few hundred dollars for anyone concerned my brother is still in hospital and they have had him on saline and insulin IV he will be fine he can't get any worse under the hospitals care and I'm getting the training done early in the new year that is crazy to think that this father was so egotistical he didn't want anyone else to learn how to deal with the diabetes like that's such a stupid thing to be egotistical about taking advantage of someone on his last day in the military see how that goes for you this happened to my dad a long time ago but he loves to tell us the story my dad was literally working the last day of his enlistment in the Navy he worked in communications but his supervisor decided to get some manual labor out of him on his last day by making my dad put down new tile in one of the mess halls since it was a direct order he had to comply and do the job he carefully laid down perfectly spaced tiles in the entire room it took him the rest of the day but he made sure that it was as perfectly lined up as humanly possible supervisor looks in the room approves the job closes the door and tells him he can go home what he didn't realize is that my dad used a blue of any kind I don't know what happened the next day when someone actually discovers what he did but I am sure it didn't go well for the supervisor he never heard anything about it but was planning to play dumb and say he didn't know it needed glue after all it was a job he was never trained for and this was in the u.s. in the 1970s hey I mean he did what he told him he told him to put some tiles down and he put them down he never said anything about glueing you want photos you'll get photos although I am number one 21 years old number two very sheltered within my church youth groups and fellowships number three have always been totally transparent with my parents about all the major events in my life perhaps to my detriment number four have never been to a house party or come home drunk ever and five have always come home within curfew my parents particularly my mother believes I am NOT trustworthy of any independence in my life today I told my parents I would be attending a party without letting them know a few days beforehand mom was already ticked at me for the past few days because dad bought me a car it's a requirement for my university program unfortunately and she wanted me to Oberer everywhere which is not possible because giving uber my clients addresses violates client confidentiality she was screaming all the way up until my ride arrived accusing me of hating my family demanding I stay home and then she looked by the door trying to glimpse who the driver was half an hour later she threw my dad text me to send her photos of the party I'm going to mind you it's just a small gathering this makes me laugh and infuriates me I have never done anything that is worthy of her suspicious scrutiny believe me I have never given her any reason not to trust me always updating her on everyone I've dated every gathering I've attended every friend I've spoken to that day but you know what dear mommy asked for photos so I gave her photos photos upon photos photos of every inch of the party dozens of photos photos of the clock of the appetizers photos of people's socks photos of the fridge of the bathroom of myself in the bathroom I must have sent them 30 individual photos and more to come believe me someone moved mummy was updated she asked for photos whoo that's such a like narcissistic and toxic relationship that they're in like that person really needs to get out of it in my opinion obviously it's not me to say but I would try and get out of that in some way it seems very toxic hey everyone I hope you're all having a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to see more videos like it then click on screen right now and if you never want to miss out on a video then hit subscribe but I will see you all very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 51,749
Rating: 4.8954425 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: WogYUfOBPvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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