r/maliciouscompliance | Company wanted to be BILLED by the HOUR

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hello everyone my name is Steven and welcome the story time today we're going to be reading some malicious compliance stories tales we're following the rules can lead to some just desserts and let me just say if you're not already subscribed to story time please consider doing so but with that being said let's sit back relax and listen to some captivating reddit stories my employers wanted me to build them by the hour so I build them by the hour a bit of backstory I have for some years now worked at some local farms as farm assistants because employers got to pay employee fees to the state I was hired by a medium-sized company that rents out assistance to farm so they can hire rent me without paying the employee fee which is a quite large percentage of what the employee earns I later discovered that the company I technically worked for it took about 25 percent of what the farm owners paid them in order to pay me and the only work they're basically doing is doing the taxes for me so I decided to quit and start my own private company where I rent myself out to them for the same price they paid that company and still do the same work with a substantially higher income with the only extra work being that I have to do my own taxes from now on or so that was the idea the farmers get a set amount of money from the state as aide to hire farm assistants so they wouldn't be losing money by this the amount they get in aid from the state is about 80 grand each a year I only got 60 grand of that from the company I was hired under this isn't money that can go to themselves since the aid is paid after they pay me edit that is 80 grand aid for each farm meaning 240 grand in total since I worked on three farms edit - it's not in US dollars divided by nine I think to get my value for readers following along that's about 26 and a half grand USD for all three farms together while I was still employed to that company my employers just for the sake of doing everything easy just kind of the days I worked at their farm with a fixed hour since it was about two hours work on each farm they just wrote on the hour list that they sent to my company that I've worked two hours a day so when I started up for myself things took a turn for the worse because they tried to push me over a bit for their own convenience I offered a deal to keep things similar he as before we're a set a price for a day's work so even if I ended up working longer a day I won't charge extra and the year the amount is the same they paid to the company I used to be hired under and I still do just as much work they however were not satisfied with that since they saw an opportunity to exploit this for their own benefit they wanted me to get paid by the hour and work at day more a week I reluctantly accepted because they wouldn't budge and it's worse going without a job I'd still get a decent higher hourly wage than before and still earn the amount of year I'd plan to earn by going independent but instead of the extra work being just the taxes I also now ended up working more days in the new contract I brought with them it was stated I have to write up the hours by the minute and send them the time I used every day the easiness from before has been completely tossed out the window so their hope is obviously getting more hours out of me on the money they're already paid by the state cue the malicious compliance I started using a stopwatch and noted down the hours by the minute which turned out to be some minutes more than two hours a day on occasion the farm owner stopped by while I worked and we stood and talked for a bit could quickly be 15 to 30 minutes which was mainly work-related talks what needed fixing or upgrading and stuff like that so I let the clock continue ticking also on regular intervals I had to clear out the poop which also took an additional 15 to 20 minutes toilet breaks were also added the time it took to walk between farms was added and other small stuff needless to say they needed to pay me more than the amount they got his aide and farmers in this country don't really earn much because the expenses such as food for the animals takes away most of the income so they were not happy about having to pay me close to ten thousand more a year each something they would have avoided had they not been greedy and accepted my first deal they then wanted me to work less days some weeks which was fine because I started to feel a bit overworked but they also wanted me to not add the chats in with the work time which I refused apparently they wanted to take me to court over that but as I've heard from one of their wives some when I grew up with as a neighbor and also thinks this whole thing is silly that the lawyer Elly recommended not to take you to civil court since I would most likely win since work-related chats during work time would be counted as work so I am almost no longer seeing them at all by the farm when I'm working I have offered again the deal I proposed in the start but for some reason they are against it would have made everyone's life a lot easier since they pay me the same for the same amount of work anyway the only thing I can really pick off on this is maybe they didn't want to hire you at the same price they're already paying because they can just keep paying that company the same price regardless just because it's the same price might not mean that they want to go along with it that's just maybe a thought on it but hey in the end Opie managed to work it around and get it working in their favor anyways which is great for them you want to pay the postage okay so I recently started working at a new job at a Canadian retail company that has online services my job is mainly to pick items that were ordered online from the stores aisles or from our warehouse arrange for them to be picked up and have them ready to go by a set time every day we average about five to six items per day most going to places that are between a half-hour to a two-hour drive distance depending on the direction it goes as other retail stores can cover the same area better than we can now I live in a smallish city in the company that picks up the online purchases with a lack of a local terminal have to go to the capital to their starting site before traveling to their destination this means a minimum of two days before it gets to a customer but could be up to a week depending on delays so we reach out and try to convince customers that live locally to pick up their purchases usually once they realize that it would take 20 minutes to get their item and without charging the extra cost of delivery most are willing to pick their items up now of course there are the exceptions I'm not talking about the elderly and physically disabled who cannot make such a trip we implemented at our store a delivery exemption initiative for these people we deliver it to them for free no we are talking about this one customer he lives literally down the street from the store as in a three minute drive down the street as we have employees who walk past his house and he ordered not one not two but three items but just over five hundred dollars on his credit card for this and wanted them shipped out to him via the delivery company we saw immediately that it would cost him almost half on top of what he is paying for the items to ship these I forgot to mention that all postage is paid by the customer so I call the customer explaining that where his purchases were coming from the extra cost and time of delivering these through the company and that he could save both if he came to pick up the items he ordered his response I have ordered these online and I expect that they will be sent I clearly tried to explain that his items were coming from down the street not from a store elsewhere in the province his response I don't care where they come from I expect my online order to be delivered as you would with anyone else okay will do queue malicious compliance after hanging up we did as asked I let the managers know about this order and his instructions which he laughs at in shrug his shoulders we picked his items scheduled a delivery for said items had all three picked up delivery guy looks at the delivery address looks at me and gives me a what the Freak look I explained that he wanted it shipped like all other online deliveries he laughs shakes his head in takes the items so the next couple days I tracked the order as it travels over two hours to the sorting facility stays overnight is on the truck for delivery and finally is signed by the guy not an hour later he's at the store demanding the cost of his delivery back manager explains that we tried to help them but in his own words shipped his online order as we would anything else I don't know what this guy was expecting he literally got a courtesy call that he didn't even have to do that to tell him that his items are literally three minutes away just come pick them up no I want them delivered there are an online delivery clearly this guy wasn't having a very bright moment once something bought here you go so this is a story of my mom's workplace she's a therapist for seniors without medical duties so essentially a baby for old people many of them have Alzheimer's or other sorts of dementia they play games she reads them books and helps them with eating this being said she is almost 60 herself now and some of the people she takes care of are barely five years older than her she got into a new job at a retirement home three years ago and six months ago it got sold to a new company and all the higher management positions got replaced by people from said company slowly discontent started to grow between the lower supervisors because rules and standing orders have been changed in ridiculous ways a few examples the therapist had drawn and painted a lot of pictures with the residents and some of them were really beautiful all had to be removed and after asking for a reason they said people could get hurt by the pieces of paper on the walls next day everything was gone thrown away by the new facility management company the therapists had their constant station floors they work on so they always had the same residents to take care of which helps when some of the really lonely residents had a person they knew the new management put a new rotation into effect that all therapists go up a floor each week five floors so that they would see their regular residents every five weeks as it happens sometimes the person you took care of five weeks ago was dead when you'd returned she was super unhappy with the new conditions as were others quite a few of her colleagues quit the job and new applicants were rare so they had to take care of more residents shortening the time they can watch after one resident per day ultimately she decided to quit - sure it's bad for the residents but this work environment made her actually sick one day on her last week one of the executives of the new management was there and she happened to be working on the same floor that week she was called into the meeting to buy food for the conference and the executive gave her a very detailed list of what to buy it was relatively expensive altogether she objected saying she still has 20 residents to take care of and that her contract didn't include shopping the boss interrupted her saying you work for me so do your job and do what I say as she left the room to comply he also said to bring him a bottle of whiskey she got his private credit card for that she left and went shopping she bought exactly what was on the list and finally she took a super bad scotch and put it on the same transaction therefore making it impossible for the entire transaction to get a tax refund or to declare it as company expenses as it is not allowed here to declare alcohol as company expenses during business hours so one time fool on the boss and prolly the worst whiskey to ever touch his lips yeah that's absolutely a terrible idea it's a good idea to let the residents get a consistent person that is usually there helping them imagine a resident says something or creates a legitimate bond with one of these people and then they don't see them again for five weeks it would be a terrible morality for these people when a lot of times they don't have much left which is probably the biggest thing I'm taking away and the saddest thing okay I'll teach you everything I just got out of my algebra 2 class for lunch and I really needed to type this up so I'm in a class with absolute morons everyone in that class talks all through the period and then complains when they don't understand the lesson always going but you never taught us that I'm one of I think three students who actually pay attention the class is almost comically easy so I finished the assignment in no time and then to read for the rest of the class my teacher who will call mr. M for malicious compliance doesn't care that I read as long as I'm not talking he's glad for someone he can call on who doesn't say I don't know when asked for the answer to number seven so today the class was already 30 minutes in because no one would finish the warmup finally mr. M got up to go over the answers he solved number one at his usual pace but apparently that was too fast for the student that was talking the exchange went something like this wait how do I put log into my calculator mind you we were taught that at the beginning of the unit we thought that a few days ago you press the lid button on your calculator under the second button another student says you never taught us that and another student says yeah you never taught us how to do this either this was review from yesterday mr. M always has to deal with stuff like this and I was finishing the assignment he had handed out that the rest of the class wasn't even on when I saw him grin a small poop eating grin mr. M said alright I'll teach all of you everything mr. M then proceeded in a very slow tone to explain the warm-up he went over how to put log into the calculator then how to put numbers into the calculator and how to press the equal sign the class starts to get confused at him teaching this once he has taught them to get the answer it comes to writing the answer this brilliant mother Freaker taught everyone how to freaking write numbers for every number in the answer he did these same slow wordy explanation of how to write the freaking number it went something like this okay so now we have the answer one point zero seven to write that let's start with one now how you draw a one is you put your pencil here then you keep it on the paper as you move your hand down for about a quarter of an inch there now you have a one now how you draw a decimal is one of the students interrupted yo we already know how to draw numbers hey you said I hadn't taught you everything mic drop whole class was silent as I silently wheezed in the back so mr. M proceeded to go over how to draw every single number and all the kids groaned in defeat I had a heck of a laugh oh my lord this is a beautiful execution of malicious compliance listen I've had my fair share of classes where a lot of the students were not very good students and I would have loved to have witnessed a teacher do something like this it's what those kids absolutely deserved hopefully it was like a little bit of slow torture for them having to learn how to draw each individual number and decimal mom figures out how to get paid to be a mom my mom and dad got married in 1981 at 18 years old and have been happily ish most of the time married since to make the complexities of their dynamic brief my mom is a type-a Minnesota nice suburban housewife she's the kind of friend who will hold your hand at chemotherapy appointments and pick up your kids from school if they're sick but you're at work my dad is an eccentric successful financial fiduciary and has been a highly functional stoner alcoholic since maybe 1975 my dad brings in all the money but has no control over it mom does exemplary bookkeeping and make sure everything is paid one day in 2011 my mom was complaining to my father about the finances and frustrated my father snapped at her well if you don't like it why don't you go out and get a job then mom basically said fine she got a nannying job for a couple with one kid she tied these up in folds laundry and makes 30 grand a year it's not much but it helps her pay a few bills in the family absolutely loves her so she gets Christmas presents and gets to go on trips with them when they travel for work the youngest is 16 at this point so there's no more little kids to take care of at the home but now dad has to get used to doing the dishes and making dinner and waiting for somebody to come home to him us kids made semi sarcastic remarks about how mom found a new family and was abandoning us everything worked out well the family had his second baby so now she brings in a good 50 grand to help with the bills and dad in the family got used to the changes I think my mom feels really fulfilled in her job and it helped the kids gain some extra independence before college I'm 24 now and learning to balance working hard and keeping a home life my parents are still happily married and I look to them as role models good on Opie's mom for going out getting a job and making some money and feeling really fulfilled and honestly enjoying herself because it sounds like the perks are pretty nice overall the kind of wholesome malicious compliance and I'm happy to see it but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for listening to and watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing let us know what you thought about these stories and leave any feedback you can in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime chan No
Channel: Storytime
Views: 73,764
Rating: 4.8283896 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: rzD6JKPIxHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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