r/maliciouscompliance | Bad Teacher tries to scold ME, My Dad Scolds HER

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel just a quick reminder that i have a giveaway going on all week so if you're interested stay tuned until later in the video where i tell you how to enter that being said our first story of the day is by jib jumper okay call my dad just remembered the story from junior high when talking to some friends last night and figured a few of you would get a kick out of it in 9th grade i was being a little bit of a poop i have pretty severe adhd and made it a habit of messing with teachers i never really did anything bad per se but was constantly disruptive and talked back a lot my grades were solid though so mostly i just ended up with a lot of lunch detentions one teacher in particular miss on time really did not like me and after my malicious compliance she basically didn't speak directly to me for the remainder of the school year now on to the story miss on time hated students being late to class anyone even a minute late would be sent into school suspension for the rest of the class and then would receive one day of detention for the first infraction a week for the second and two weeks for the third about halfway through the school year she made an adjustment to the rule nobody was quite sure why but the rumor was the front office had to talk with her about policies first sending so many kids to detention and in-school suspension the new policy was that if you were able to complete a task you would be allowed into the classroom these ranged from doing a math problem on the board in front of the class to collecting trash around the room before you could sit well i took this as a free way to show up whenever i wanted after showing up late for the fourth or fifth time in two weeks miss on time started to get mad and the task started to get more and more difficult the next time i show it up i had 15 seconds to recite the alphabet backwards otherwise she threatened in-school suspension for two weeks this is where the malicious compliance comes in after she had implemented this new rule i started asking friends from her class what tasks she had been assigning during the other periods i had collected a pretty long list of these tasks and made sure i was able to do any of them when asked fortunately for me she had to use the reversed alphabet on another student in the previous term without breaking stride towards my desk i rattled off the reverse alphabet and sat down without another word miss on time was livid it was pretty obvious i had practiced how quickly i had been able to respond after staring at me for a few seconds she announced to the class it appears mr jumper doesn't take me or the rules of my classroom seriously but maybe he'll listen to his parents she called me up to the front of the room put her phone on speaker and asked me to call my dad everyone in the room was oohing and eying at me as i made my way up called up my dad and this is a basic summary of how the call went one important thing to note is that miss on time never let my dad know he was on speaker in front of the rest of the class hello mr op this is miss on time and i have jib jumper on the line and he has something to tell you what'd you do jib jumper i was late to class the rule is you have to complete a task to not get detention miss on time told me to say the alphabet backwards and i did then she had me call you miss on time is what jim jumper saying true yes but he's leaving out that he's been late five times in two weeks and has a disrespectful attitude is that true jib jumper it's true that i was late but i finished the task every time i'm just following the rules miss on time put in place i don't get how that's disrespectful don't lie and ag like that you know you were being disruptive and disrespectful for ignoring the dad cutting off miss on time mid-sentence now wait a second you're calling him a liar but you put the rule in place that he could do a task to get out of detention yes but and he completes the tasks as requested yes but then what's your problem here it sounds like he's following the rules you established for your classroom don't call me at my office again unless he actually does something worth calling me for and then he hung up i just walked back to my desk without saying another word miss on time just stood there for about 30 seconds with a look of pure outrage on her face most the class was trying to suppress giggles i'll never forget the poop eating grins on my two friends faces as i walked past them in the aisle alright everybody be honest would you be able to survive the reverse alphabet in 15 seconds i'd be able to give it my best shot but i'm not sure if i would be able to make it all the way i kind of bet though if you stumble over some of the letters and you just keep going really quickly you might be able to get away with it maybe or the math questions if you had to answer a spur of the moment math question would you succeed let me know if you'd be good at either of these things in the comments down below our next story is by hal justin91 ex-father-in-law threatens me with court fine we can go to court out a year back my ex-father-in-law took me to court for an incident that had happened five years previously while still married i got into a door dinger with his jeep at the time i offered to buy a new door and help install it he is a self-proclaimed mechanic and had the know-how the project fell to the wayside the door was never purchased and never brought up again that is until his daughter and i had a falling out and we divorced five years later so i got served and taken to court for two thousand dollars a made-up number that he felt was adequate during mediation i offered him fifteen hundred dollars and to never contact me again at which he scoffed so i told the mediator i'd like to go before the judge i informed the judge of my original deal and found a matching door from a scrapyard for 400 the judge took my side and granted my father-in-law 400 it was incredibly gratifying hearing him throw a fit in front of the judge to go ahead and file an appeal now and have the judge tell him that wasn't his job and walking out of the courtroom as he angrily yelled at me that he would be seeing me again still haven't heard back well if you want compensation for something and you had made a pre-existing deal to satisfy a solution i don't think you should be surprised that in court five years later you wouldn't really get too much out of it shoot the value of the door probably dropped in those five years it just wouldn't be a comparable situation to five years ago this next story is written by lemire nyxeroff dog owner chains their dog up in the early hours of the morning where it barks at anything that moves neighbors frustrated by the barking and decide to bring their concerns to the owner's attention owner says it's a dog retired man has a solution i found this on the next door app for my neighborhood someone had been chaining their dog up outside in the early hours of the morning and neighbors were becoming frustrated with this incessant barking one user shared their father-in-law's solution to a similar dilemma and i found his compliance to be malicious enough to share with you guys my father-in-law had neighbors that let their dog out early in the morning and he is retired so not always up at that time they would chain it in the front yard for one hour or more and it would bark at every car that went by continuously he talked to them about it and they got belligerent with him and started cussing at him and their response about the dog was it's a dog the property frontage is about 100 feet so the houses were close he solved the problem since talking didn't work by working on his boat motor at 705 within the city ordinance time he cranked that up three days in a row for about 15 minutes each day the dog miraculously stopped barking sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire if there's a loud noise thing going on sometimes you gotta break out that leaf blower or that lawnmower or something every single day conspicuously close to their side of the property the next story is by arte minx oh i'm being too nice to customers okay okay so this happened about a year ago i was working at a small cafe that despite being part of a chain was a rather homely place it had many regular customers that all had their regular times regular dishes and regular conversation topics within a week of working for them i knew them all by name i'm proud to say that i was a great waitress i was efficient i was kind and i managed well even when the place was brimming with people i was always nice and polite and when there was time i loved chatting and laughing with my customers more than anything even when there was stress i always made sure to throw in a nice remark before moving on to my next table now this all sounds like a brag but i just legitimately really loved my job and the people that were in it well my boss never really liked me from the start and apparently he was having none of it one day he sat me down for a conversation i immediately freaked out thinking he was gonna fire me or something which was rather confusing since we both knew i was one of his best waitresses he calmed me down and said he just wanted to make a few remarks about my work routine apparently i was being too nice to customers you see my boss said that i was making customers uncomfortable by being too friendly as a very shy person in my nature it was a real surprise i'm very cautious around people and always back off when people seem to want their space or don't feel like chatting i hate the thought of being too pushy or unpleasant he also said that me chatting with customers was taking up too much time in which i could be doing other things like polishing cutlery or piling up glasses honestly this one i can understand a bit better from his point of view as an employer but i still disagree with being nice is part of my job just as much as cleaning spoons it's a part of the experience people pay for anyway cue malicious compliance me being the salty little tick that i was decided to make his remarks my new motto i stopped chatting with customers or addressing the chatty regulars in conversations i barely talked barely laughed barely smiled my entire interaction with customers was nothing more than the mere minimum that was necessary i was like a freaking machine and boy did that backfire at my boss before all this i was one of the highest tipping waitresses the average in my country is 10 i got 15 percent regularly most other staff weren't doing as well since they were kind of meh people all around that's why we really felt the blow when the average tip percentage in the shifts i was a part of fell from 12.5 or so to freaking 9 that was an insane drop and not only that but the regular started asking me what's wrong i didn't feel like lying to cover up for my boss so i just said it like it is my boss says chatting with you is a waste of time i'm really sorry but i can't stick around since i really need this job oh boy one of the regulars a lovely old lady that i actually grew really attached to came over and told them he was a tick that he didn't know a good waitress if she spat him in the face and that he's clipping the wings of the youth she wasn't the only one complaining about this but she was the loudest one about it and i adored her to this day after that i realized the place wasn't really for me and moved to another cafe nearby i wasn't there long it closed down when the pandemic hit but i swear to god the boss there appreciated me for what i'm worth and i never regretted moving there even for a second i understand bosses and managers want to have a very efficient ship that generates as much money as possible but you really do have to factor customer experience into it and very clearly op was leaps and bounds above the other waiters and waitresses so obviously she was doing something right not wrong our next story is by talon card 815 four-year-old insists on having two pieces of cake malicious compliance with a happy twist my wife's birthday was a few days ago so we had some cake left over i took the cake out after dinner and cut it into three mostly equal pieces i ain't perfect but they were close my four-year-old daughter then starts crying that she wants two pieces and wants me and my wife to share a piece we go back and forth as this isn't going to happen i put the pieces on plates and she is still crying and insisting we try explaining that the cake will melt if she doesn't eat it etc finally i get sick of it and say you want two pieces no problem i take my spoon and cut her cake piece in half she stops crying and says thank you so much daddy now i have two pieces my wife and i look at each other dumbfounded and burst out laughing i think it's actually impressively simple the amount of stuff you have to do to sometimes amuse kids i guess it's just principle they see three slices they get one they see two plates there they're like no i want two pieces and they just don't understand volume so all of a sudden just cutting it in half is good enough for the four-year-old i guess the next story is written by gee daddy we should have drawn up the contract more carefully in this my wife and i were victims of malicious compliance on the part of our twin daughters who were in first or second grade at the time like many kids they tended to hoard candy so a couple of weeks before halloween we told them that they had to reduce their candy stash so that it would fit into a single pumpkin it was taking up a whole collection of spookily themed receptacles we kept reminding them but the candy stash never seemed to get any smaller a couple of days before halloween i was picking them up from their after school art class when they walk out carrying an enormous paper mache pumpkin it was probably two or three feet in diameter look dad they said cheerfully we made a new candy pumpkin you absolutely did get played here all you said was a single pumpkin you never said any size you never said any specific pumpkin just a single pumpkin that's incredibly smart thinking from a first or second grade couple of kids our next story is by kill switch 242 email the signed form it can't be digital my insurance company requires me to sign a form to cancel my insurance to stop it from auto renewing so i digitally sign the form and send they respond with we don't accept digital signatures you'll need to print this out sign it and scan it or at the very least sign it and take a photo and email that signed photo so i print out the previously rejected digitally signed form take a photo of it and send the photo my insurance company says great thank you this is fine i do think it's kind of dumb that they want to see some kind of verifiable printed proof at that rate you might as well just take some like online picture and photoshop the text onto it right i mean i guess it actually probably would be easier to just print it out if you don't have a printing solution just set up right away it honestly might be faster to just do the photoshop route if you're good with it but at the end of the day it's still the same information coming in just makes it look a little bit more verifiable i suppose alright everybody it's time to learn about the giveaway and how to enter it's very simple so if you want to be in with a chance to win 30 in amazon gift cards all you have to do is leave a comment on anything you saw in any video we upload this week either responding to the question i put out there in the video or an observation of your favorite part or what your favorite story was whatever you want to do relating to that video you just have to leave a comment on that video feel free to comment on every video from this upcoming week to better your chances of winning i will then pick a completely random winner from all the comments on sunday night after the last video has gone out and announced the winner on next monday's video so to any of you that enter the best of luck to you and we'll find out who wins next monday that being said our final story of the day is written by owen chris fine i'll give you an estimate this story belongs to my dad from a few years ago details are kept fuzzy for privacy backstory my dad works for this small company that got hired by at t to do some contract work for them they have an arrangement to develop software and make changes based on what they needed for that month my dad is no programmer so he manages everyone to make sure they're meeting deadlines and doing good work at t will ask them to make a change to the software but more so every month they expect a deadline before explaining the changes they want my dad not being on the programmer team would give them a reasonable date and get harassed for estimating too long then when he changed the day to sooner they wouldn't hit the deadline and get harassed all over again the malicious compliance a t asked my dad for a minor change it would take them about a week or two to finish dad had enough so he told a t that the update would come out in three months the representative was in shock for it taking that long he was furious my dad simply said i don't know what we're changing we can't tell you how long it will be the call ended swiftly and the representative tried to call my dad's boss and everyone he had contact from the small company they would just redirect them to my dad same thing it will be done in three months this happened for a few months with outrageously slow update times that would actually finish a month or two ahead of schedule my dad got a small raise eventually the representative caught on and began explaining what had to be done before asking they still work together to this day and always laugh at those few months i think if you're working with contract work you need to be able to very concisely describe what you need and how realistic of a deadline you need it in so i don't blame op's dad and their company for giving really outrageously long update times because they don't exactly know what they're going to have to get themselves into but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day tell me which one and why in the comments down below besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't yet subscribe and turn notifications on both of those things help the channel grow so incredibly much so no matter what you did whether it was liking whether it was just watching the video whether it was subscribing for the first time thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you're all having a wonderful day and i'll be right here the next time you want to hear some exciting reddit stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 54,820
Rating: 4.9240136 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: rmaS0lFF2Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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