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welcome to our slash Pro revenge the first one is titled my parents closed an apartment on a sketchy landlord when I was around five to six between 1999-2000 my parents myself and our three cats moved into this old apartment it was in an area that was generally expensive and knowing that we should have been more cautious the walkthrough went well and moving went good too within a few months though we started to notice some issues there was a pipe in my room that leaked causing damage to the drywall my dad brought it up to the landlord on numerous occasions with him refusing to do anything quite a few times we had sewage back up into our tub we had nowhere else to go and again when brought up to the landlord he shrugged it off so we would end up having to shower with ankle-deep sewage the main entrance of the building would freeze open in the winter causing drafts through the building which would increase our heat bills boiler heat windows in the building were old and not keeping cold drafts out and we live in the prairies in Canada we can get down to minus 40 degrees Celsius in the winter months eventually we saw signs of pests in the building little piles have shredded up drywall and the like leading to a small hole in the wall now despite the fact that all this should have pushed us out we had limited funds and couldn't afford to break a lease what broke the camel's back as it were was the landlord trying to come into our suite my mum has issues pertaining to a childhood full of trauma so she is very untrusting of men my dad being the rare exception my mum was a stay-at-home mum at this time and the landlord tried to come into our suite in my province by law you have to give 24 hours notice prior to entering a suite the landlord never did this and tried to come into our apartment on a regular basis during our time there along with him ignoring my dad's maintenance requests and trying to illegally enter our apartment and many other suites in the building also ignoring their maintenance requests there was one suite that got all their repairs done you see this guy was middle aged and married and one of the Suites was at least two early 20s ladies he was always there helping them but let the rest of the building suffer after a couple attempts of the landlord trying to illegally enter our suite my dad changed our lock on our door which he shouldn't have done but he was concerned for the safety of his family the next time the landlord tried to come in he got right ticked off screaming at my dad that he had a right to enter our suite and when my dad told him not without 24 hours notice he threatened to go to the health board to get us evicted my dad welcomed this knowing our suite and many others in the building weren't fit for habitation health inspector came in a few weeks later literally as soon as he entered our suite he was writing on his paper the issues that I remember from that place mold the sewage pests old and broken windows leaky pipes there was more but since it was so long ago I can't remember most once he went through our whole suite he did scold my dad for blocking the door to the main hall but understood when my dad said it was to keep a draft out he handed my dad a slip of paper that freed us from our lease and then said to my dad get your family out of here he then went after the landlord giving him a list of I think $50,000 in repairs that needed to be made within a month to make the building livable again and if he didn't make these repairs he lost the building over a month later we went by the old place and found a for sale sign on it a couple years later while my mom was working coat check at our local Convention Center there was a show for owners of rental properties who should show up but the ex landlord and his wife this guy couldn't even look my mom in the face he hung his head and walked away ended up making his wife check their coats for the day let this be a lesson kids know your rights as a tenant don't get stuck for nearly a year like we did that place was so bad we were always sick we ended having to throw out a large chunk of our belongings due to mold my parents bed literally peeled off the wall when we moved and when it peeled off the wall the paint was still attached to the side of the bed the building still stands to this day looks a lot nicer now that it's under new ownership and beyond my mum seeing him that one time we haven't seen him since the next one is titled you stole my car I will make you homeless this story happened aprox four years ago to a friend of mine he and his wife girlfriend back then took a house loan bought a new Chevrolet Camaro and in general they were preparing for a life together he has proposed to her because of their lack of free time due to their hard working to pay off the loan they didn't have time for themselves nor for the abnormal amount of other things such as the housework so they hired a maid his first impressions about her were good and they decided that she's the person they will trust and they handled her their house keys because they were at work most of the times she came around to clean their house first few weeks she worked hard and always paid attention to detail and nicely cleaned their house from the bottom to the very top she was also instructed not to let anyone in and to always lock the door when she left after six months of her working there strange things began to happen not in any anomalous way but things started to disappear being stolen it all started with small things like double-a batteries which are barely noticeable missing but soon things graduated as phone charges perfumes the more expensive ones and some electrical gadgets went missing my friend thought that he simply lost them but soon the maid raised suspicions as the things went missing when my friend wasn't present when she was detailing their house but without any evidence blaming her wasn't in place also he found out on some social media that she has got some serious debts at least in thousands of dollars elements divorce court settlements etc so he decided to install security cameras and he didn't tell the maid five weeks forward and he had enough evidence to press charges on her as the things she stole were valued at two hundred and fifty dollars plus in my country anything stolen above two hundred and fifty bucks in considered a crime he got furious when his flash disc containing private documents as well as some of his billing and his official work documents was stolen but he wanted her to get even more into the stealing so he can squish even the last cent out of her so he came up with a plan he told the maid that he and his girlfriend we'll be gone for a week for a honeymoon and that he will be going by a taxi not to pay extra money airports charge for the parking that means his brand-new Chevrolet Camaro will stay parked in the house the maid has got keys of they rented an apartment through Airbnb just few blocks away from his place and he placed a GPS tracking clue chain into his car so he could see when his car is through the phone app he then placed the car keys in a visible spot on the house so the maid will notice all what was left is wait for the magic to happen and his intuition was right after two days of almost constant watching the GPS trackers location the car left the garage all of the sudden the car was cruising at 90 miles per hour on the highway my friend immediately called the cops they catched them made something like 20 miles 300 km away and now the revenge can take the place he decided to press charges on the maid at the court the maid told the judges my friend told her to drive the car to some untold location she acted like she forgot where it is and the one that should go to the jail is him because he wrongly accused her and he just wants to get money from her to pay his loan but the table's turned my friend and his lawyer showed the court all of the video evidence of her stealing his stuff valued highly above two hundred and fifty dollars it was like $40 including the car so it was a crime she's starting swearing and telling every single lie she could think of the security had to calm her down she is facing five years in a jail and she was charged five dollars including all the stolen property but the car his lawyer and some other court stuff the price was excluding the car because it was returned almost immediately few days later police did a house check on her and most of the stolen stuff was there there were also some other things reported missing from other customers of her due to her previous debts and her new ones she owes she will very likely become a homeless when gotten out of the jail the next one is titled I helped get my wife's boss fired so this is a story about how my wife and I got her boss fired for reference my wife will be called Mary and her boss is Karen so Mary started working for a college five years ago as an administrative assistant she was given odd and end tasks one of which was riding up the school handbook she noted in the handbook that staff were required to take time for professional development after some years and a few promotions she lands a manager position in the department and spearheads an initiative to have all staff under her have approved time to attend professional development conferences Karen always rejected this idea but Mary decided one day to go to Karen's boss we will call Bob Bob is great once Mary has enough weight in the college she went around Karen and got Bob to approve conferences for everyone in the department for the next year or so everyone got to choose any conference around the continental USA to attend on the company's dime everyone would come back with notes taken at every session attended attached with a conference itinerary and given to their direct superior as proof of attendance the employee would also present key points learn from their conference at a weekly departmental meeting pretty simple morale boosting opportunity until someone had to abuse it Karen had been bragging to other department directors as well as to Mary about swimming with dolphins during her recent travel to a conference Mary didn't think much of it as usually there was sometimes a free morning or afternoon to do with as you please at these conferences my wife told me this during our nightly pillow talk and having been raised in Orlando where Karen decided to attend a conference my head popped up and I asked where Mary replied with a well-known location run by a well-known company with a whale for a logo I quickly replied that they close at 5:30 when did Karen have time for this Mary who had access to Karen's itinerary dropped her jaw when she realized the conference Karen attended did not have free time during the business hours of the dolphin swimming experience Mary went into an enraged clerical fury as she pulled up Karen's full travel itinerary for flight hotel conference and other reimbursements the school does most departmental work online and therefore the school server can be accessed remotely from secured or approved devices like Mary's phone she also checked the website where Karen went swimming it to confirm hours of operation according to the records submitted there was no way Karen had to swim with dolphins during the experiences normal business hours without missing part of this conference and according to Karen's itinerary she was supposed to have attended all sessions Mary worked hard to have the privilege to travel the country to attend conferences and Karen just [ __ ] it all up Mary eventually wrote all of this up attached the itinerary documents attached photos of the encounter and apparently from other theme parks that Karen had neglected to mention from social media attached the hours of operation and sent this all to Bob Mary texted me about an hour after she got to work the next day saying bob was livid he was currently in the process of questioning everyone Karen had bragged her to see if the stories all matched up a few days later karen was fired from the company from only attending one session of the three-day conference lying about her report filed using company funds for travel hotel and food to go play at theme parks and for submitting a timecard to get paid while doing all of that although Mary's name was anonymous through all of this Karen seemed to blame Mary anyways Karen sent mean and dark texts to Mary several times until the school could send a cease-and-desist worse of all I guess Karen's husband was a deadbeat so not only did Karen have to trade in her massive SUV for a smaller vehicle she had also just signed on a new house only days before she was fired and now had no income to support the said home I'm not completely cynical people shouldn't be homeless but Karen had also taken credit for a lot of Mary's work made Mary do Karen's workload while Karen went afk and many other instances of foul play I can't remember because there's so much pillow talk needless to say Karen reaped what she sowed the next one is titled read your Damn emails Karen I used to work in an office what kind of work isn't particularly important to the story so just picture a basic office job every January HR would send an email to all employees with the employee handbook this included job descriptions office policies etc every year since the PDF handbook had been established it would be named with the year following it to establish it was different than the original and all other years any changes would have updated next to the section in the table of contents so you could see had changed from the previous year and familiarize yourself with anything new now with that background we will introduce Karen Karen had been with the company a pretty long time about ten years I believe she was fine at her job just fine she would get things done but not without making everyone else miserable in the process she would ask questions that had already been answered and basically just waste everyone's time for fun she was just plain nasty to people and tried as hard as she could to make everyone stay far away from her the worst thing about her was she always seemed to be looking for a fight or looking for a reason to complain she had threatened lawsuits a few times over any small thing but would always just get over it and drop it because she knew no laws had been broken and it would never go anywhere she'd comment on how she should sue basically every business she ever went to because she could live off the settlement and retire early over the smallest issues you can imagine she did her job and we never had a valid reason to fire her especially knowing how lawsuit happy she was so she stayed Karen's job description as per the handbook called for a bachelor's degree Karen did not have a bachelor's degree but had been hired prior to that being a requirement so she was grandfathered in one day a position above hers became open a guy who we will call Terry had recently completed his master's degree after taking night classes for a few years and since an internal promotion is typically better than an outside hire he was chosen for the promotion Terry had been at the company about 4.5 years and was well liked and great at his job the new job required a master's degree in its job description and him being a recent grad it was a perfect fit and everyone was happy for him everyone but Karen since she was constantly looking for something to sue about she took it as a direct insult that she had not been considered for this promotion that she was not at all qualified for she immediately cried discrimination and told our boss her lawyer would be in touch we were all perplexed since it was very clear that this position required a master's degree and given that she didn't even have a bachelor's degree there is no way she could have been hired for the role what we soon realized was that Karen had saved the original company handbook named company handbook and had not bothered to open or save any new editions that were sent in the following eight years she just assumed no changes had been made and that it was just sent every year to ensure all employees had it if she has bothered to open the file she would have seen the sections that say updated in the table of contents since Karen cried lawsuit a lot no one expected much of this since it was ridiculous claim but sure enough Karen gives her resignation letter via email and it is scathing about how she can't bear to work in such a discriminatory environment that would only promote men when any higher-ups try to speak to her about this and clear up the confusion she basically tells them to [ __ ] off and to read the damn email I don't know any more of an explanation she basically goes full Karen not long after a letter comes in from her lawyer asking for a settlement to avoid a discrimination case what Karen hadn't realized was that our boss's sister-in-law owned a law firm she didn't really take on clients herself anymore and mostly just manage the other lawyers of her firm she was basically semi-retired what this meant was she had plenty of time to review any letters from Karen's lawyer and advised us since Karen didn't bother to read any of the updated handbooks she was unaware that this position had required a master's degree for many years now I believe about six years she supplied her lawyer with the original company handbook from nine years ago and he used that as reference in his settlement demand this was when we realized she hadn't read any new handbooks in years since Karen rubbed a lot of people the wrong way boss's sister-in-law decided to personally take on the case every letter Karen's lawyer sent she sent back one three times in length some of it wouldn't even really say anything just wordiness but it would certainly take Karen's lawyer a while to read it and he did not come cheap after several of these letters they realized no settlement is going to happen they want to take it to court it's a pretty cut and dry case boss's sister-in-law shows evidence that Karen has received all updates via email after the change was made and the handbook sent out HR even sent an email to Karen specifically letting her know that she was grandfathered in and doesn't need to worry to which Karin replied okay thank you confirming receipt of it the best part was when boss's sister-in-law said that they couldn't break company rules to give Karen a job she was totally unqualified for while neglecting another employee who went above and beyond to get his master's degree to advance as that would be unfair to all other employees Karen now had a huge bill from her lawyer for all of these letters and filing the case etc no job no one she could list as a positive recommendation and no degree in the time she had been at the company it had become industry standard to require a bachelor's degree so she was effectively shut out of her career it would also be hard to explain how you work somewhere for a decade and don't have a letter of recommendation from anyone there if she had only read her damn emails the next one is titled how I became manager of my store I started working at a cell phone store back in 2015 and quickly learned how to sell and became one of the best sellers in the company I worked with several people at the store one of which was the manager in question who I will refer to as douche from here on out so douche could not sell to save his life he was absolutely terrible and walked even some of the easiest sales he also tried sabotaging a lot of my sales because I was performing and he wasn't some time goes by and I was learning operations of the store and became the assistant store manager after about a year there another company bought him out authorized retailer for those who know what that is and cut our Commission pretty hard several of us jumped ship and worked at a different carrier meanwhile do she's still working for the company and slowly working his way up he managed a couple smaller stores for a while in this time period I worked several different jobs including some wireless sales and then car sales after realizing I was making more money at the cell phone store I was at a bad dealership I called up the district manager and got to talking with him at this point there was a different but equally as terrible manager in the store I sat down with both of them one day for lunch and hashed out what it would take for me to come back this district manager had also promised me management before I had left once the position became available well after being back for a month or - the manager had been moved to another store and I was the temporary manager so after doing that for about a month they brought in douche now let me tell you about douche a little bit he is an arrogant [ __ ] whose parents pay for majority of his bills he is super entitled and can never be wrong he will openly mock you on your intelligence in front of everyone because he sees himself smarter than anyone in the room even though he was probably one of the dumbest if you tried to correct him on a sale he would yell at you in front of everyone he believes he is God's gift to earth after they brought him in I was still running everything in the store I was training every new employee doing all of the store operations etc I was making it well known with upper management that I was actually the one running the store and was responsible for its performance but he took all the glory and paycheck bragging how he is running the best store in the company and that it's all him but over half of the numbers the store put out were mine I was single-handed hitting the metrics for him to reach bonus now enter my friend my friend can sell just as well as I can and douche was very threatened because he thought we were coming after his job which we were of course because he is a douche so he decides he is going to try everything he can to get us fired he was riding us up for the dumbest little things and eventually he ended up getting my friend fired he had all the other employees rights statements for a verbal altercation my friend got in with a customer he then was asking the other employees to try to get me to look at their statements it was very obvious what was going on because three different people were being persistent on trying to get me to read these statements one coworking in particular was responsible for reporting my friend to HR which got him fired and she was now helping him go after me keep this in mind for later after I refused he just decided he was going to tell HR I did anyways so I was pulled in the back by douche and my district manager and was told I was being investigated for sending my friend the confidential statements which I didn't of course they spent about a good couple hours reviewing cameras trying to catch me taking a picture of the screen which they didn't find so at the end of it I was cleared and they had no proof of me doing anything wrong there were other little incidents that I knew were traps to try and get me in trouble but I didn't fall for any of them I did everything by the book I covered my ass with every little thing I did since I had a target on my back I knew it was a matter of time until one of us was going to go and I decided it was going to be him for about three months I sat and I watched every little thing he did he didn't know it but I had a log of every infraction he made most of which nothing was big enough to get him fired then he started making some very big mistakes he was disappearing for several hours on the clock one day he left for six hours to help his girlfriend move while still on the clock I waited until the pay period was over to make sure he didn't submit a time adjustment strike one the next was he was letting customers out the back door we have traffic counters on our doors in part of a way he got paid was close rate to traffic this was now commissioned fraud as his numbers were inflated strike two the final blow was his dumbest move yet a customer about two months prior had ordered a phone and never picked it up doosh then had a business customer come into the store looking for the same phone which was just a $60 flip phone he told his business customer that he would just give him one for free he gave him the other customers phone so now he just stole from a customer strike three the set up after douche got done bragging about what he just did to me because he thinks he is smarter than everyone I immediately went to work I finally was able to contact the customer the customer just so happened to be the girl mentioned earlier who was working with him to try and get me fired the customer came in to pick up her phone I made sure it was a day that the three of us were there but of course it wasn't there the customer was elderly and was in the hospital for almost two months he has very well [ __ ] himself now as he tried to figure out what to do to get out of this situation I am in the co-worker girls here on how he gave it to another customer for free he then asked the girl to go in half with him to replace the phone which pissed her off I convinced her to report it to HR since if I did it could be considered retaliation for my friend getting fired she calls HR and I told her that she can list me as a witness since I was there for the whole thing about 15 minutes later I get a phone call from our I explained the whole situation to the man they asked me if there was anything else they needed to know well since you asked and I just went down the whole list I had added up all the time he stole from the company the customers out the back door as well as some other things now do she's being investigated this takes quite a bit of time in that time we happen to get a new district manager the district manager s first day at our store was to fire douche I immediately text douche and go damn what happened man heard you got fired as if I had no idea what happened he then went off on me and telling me I'm an [ __ ] and he knows I reported him blah blah blah it was so sweet to have beat this entitled [ __ ] I got into the new district manager s ear about the position and immediately assumed the operational responsibilities again the best part is was earlier douche told me there is no way I'd go from a rep to manager at that store top tier store I'd have to start at a lower store well guess what not only did I get him fired about two weeks later I get promoted to that top tier store last I heard he went and worked at some cell phone kiosk before taking a retail job at Apple I later fired the girl who was trying to help douche get me fired she was still trying to get me in trouble so she put a target on her back I was able to fire her with cause eventually I also fired her dumbass friend for theft I was the manager there for about two years and finally got out after they kept lowering commissions time and time again working at a much better place now the last one is titled cheat on me and no one goes on vacation my ex and I used to go to a Cancun resort every year with a bunch of our mutual friends I found out my ex was cheating on me when I accidentally got a flight confirmation email that he booked tickets for himself and the other girl it was rough tried to have a civil breakup but he refused to pay me for the Cancun vacation that I had already prepaid I tried to get my money back but he refused after our breakup it took me several weeks to find a new place to live and move my things out of his house on the last trip to the house I asked him one last time for the money and he again refused so I accidentally packed his current passport in my last box of things and left my expired passport in its place since he has already booked the tickets he apparently didn't check the passport until he was at the airport and was denied the international flight because he didn't have a current passport I never did get my money but I did get immense satisfaction that he didn't get to go on vacation thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear
Views: 43,675
Rating: 4.681416 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, redditbear, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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