r/maliciouscompliance | You should probably follow the Court Orders...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first a big congratulations to last week's giveaway winner tiffany kendall i do a giveaway every week for an amazon gift card so if you're interested in entering and don't know how to stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to enter to make sure you have the best chance at winning that said let's get into our first story of the day by zard queen don't touch my stuff in college i had a randomly assigned roommate that i did not get along with at all our personalities were just on two opposite ends of the personality spectrum and we clashed the only things we had in common were that we went to the same college and lived in the same apartment that's it anyways it was a nightmare living situation the apartment had four rooms and two bathrooms she and i shared the same bathroom as our rooms were next to each other we had two roommates on the other half of the apartment that we both got along with after over eight months of just pure passive aggressiveness towards each other like i would put sticky notes on her day's old dirty dishes and she would put my wet laundry on the floor she decided to report me to apartment management for bullying her honestly we were doing it to each other however the apartment management took pity on her because i was tall and athletic and she was six inches shorter than me and very thin she claimed i physically intimidated her and she was scared to live with me she did this because she wanted to move to a new apartment without paying a 500 fee but instead the apartment issued a written warning the warning stated that we were to not touch any of each other's personal belongings without written permission first infraction was a 250 dollar fine second infraction was a 500 fine and a third infraction would result in eviction i was so scared walking out of the office because i could not afford those fines and she had the biggest smile on her face i knew that she would immediately report me i went back to the apartment and she left for work i was mortified then i realized she made a huge mistake everything communal in the apartment belonged to me and she was a super moocher i told my other roommates what had happened and they were shocked i asked if i could use their bathroom temporarily and they said of course so i immediately emptied out everything that was mine in our shared bathroom shower curtain toilet paper rug towels soap i grabbed my magnetic white board and listed out everything in the kitchen that belonged to me plates cups mugs pots pans silverware coffee maker toaster potholder towels literally listed every single item and said that she is not allowed to use any of it without my written no texts permission i also drew some eyes to remind her that everyone was watching i popped that white board on the fridge and went in my room to do some homework later she came home from work and had a meltdown she screamed not any words just a blood curdling scream in the following couple of days her father came to the apartment to threaten me that they were getting a lawyer hello well she bought her first roll of toilet paper and a plastic shower curtain but it was too much for her to handle she went back to the main office to report my bullying once again and was instead told she could either deal with it or pay 500 to move to a new apartment she moved out seven days after the warning was issued this girl sounds like she had everything handed down to her if you had a roommate that was obviously mooching off of basically everything you provided for the rooms like soap towels that kind of thing would you go out of your way to safeguard all those items to make sure that only you could use them as kind of a germaphobe myself i probably would let me know in the comments down below if you would or if you would willingly share those items this next story is by rcilix follow court orders you got it this is an ongoing story with a friend of mine who is going through heck with her ex who is the father of her four children bear with me as this will be long but worth the read backstory to the situation is she stayed with her ex for 10 years primarily out of abuse manipulation and control she didn't recognize it as such back then but her eyes were finally open to the way she was being treated that she was able to leave the relationship for good however with four children involved she has the unfortunate task of remaining in contact with him after the split they went before a judge to determine custody visitation rights and child support requirements the children were to remain in her care as sole custody though her father could have them visit every other weekend and with her permission could have the children stay overnight he is required to pay an undisclosed amount of child support which is typical in any custodial arrangement for the past two years the father has shown a little interest in the children though he kept using tactics of manipulation to enforce visitation which she begrudgingly went along with he lives an hour and a half away and when he requested to see the children she would make the three-hour trip to drop them off and then make the three-hour trip to pick them up often he would only allow one or two of the children visitation so this often left the remaining children feeling unloved or unwanted by him his sole reason for requesting visitation was to create problems for her and her children suffered as a result while they were in his care he often could not provide for them and instead relied upon his mother to feed them and shelter them two weeks ago he decided to start harassing her insulting her claiming she was a negligent parent and sending child welfare services to investigate her please note she is far from negligent spends every non-working minute with her children ensures they are fed clothed and all their needs met she frequently takes them to the lake or out to ice cream or on little adventures there is not one moment in the day her attention is not focused on them except when she is working her job this all started because her five-year-old had a stain on his t-shirt utterly ridiculous now for the malicious compliance many times he has called her phone she ignores the phone calls because she does not want to give him a chance to verbally assault her on the phone he never leaves any messages however and twice showed up unannounced and demanded visitation with the kids she obliged just to get him out of her yard and to stop the current harassment however after the last interaction he made one mistake he threatened to take her to court for not complying with the court order he claimed that his ignored phone calls meant non-compliance with visitation rights despite the fact that he never left a voicemail explaining why he called nor texted a simple message saying hey i want to see the kids this weekend so her response you want me to follow the court order as it is written sure she wrote out a calendar of visitation dates and sent him a copy the dates were two weeks apart as specified in the court order he was granted visitation from 10 am until 5 pm every other sunday no overnight stays she demanded that he pay his child support as court ordered and she would seek legal counsel should he fail to pay his obligation but the best part of this compliance the court order stated a pickup and drop-off location for two years she drove three hours round trip to drop them off and three hours round trip to pick them up however the court order says pick up and drop off is at a location 15 minutes from her house he is required to take all four children with him can be no more than 15 minutes late with pick up or drop off and now has to drive two and a half hours round trip for visitation failure to adhere to his bi-weekly schedule can result in a loss of visitation failure to adhere to his child support obligation can result in a loss of driver's license he doesn't have a job currently he also has to borrow a car with appropriate car seats in order to pick up his children he must take all four children rather than pick one or two that he can accommodate and yes he is struggling to meet all the demands of the court order he claimed she was not following and yes she is currently seeking legal counsel to get him out of her life permanently be careful what you wish for after reading through this i'm really glad that the dad was quite frankly dumb enough to suggest that she followed the agreement they had reached in court because well he wasn't following it at all so the simple act of her complying to the legal agreement which they should have been doing all along actually took all the burden she was bearing and shifted it all over onto him and kind of two-fold because not only did he have to deal with the drives and whatnot but he had to deal with taking care of all the children which obviously he wasn't able to do and it really really pressures him on his child support obligations which she absolutely should have been doing anyways i'm definitely hoping for the best for the mom and all four children in this situation this next story is by sdust15 was a fire extinguisher really necessary so here i am making just over minimum wage 15 canadian dollars an hour commuting 100 plus kilometers round trip per day to get a foot in the door in the aviation industry my job was to tow 30 plus planes around the apron for a private flight school one cold winter morning one student and instructor are having a fair amount of trouble getting one of the cessna 150s two-seat small plane to start up well one of the maintenance apprentices happens to be on the flight line and he decides they're doing it wrong and that he can help get her going so he piles a bunch of fuel in via the engine primer and starts cranking no dice still more fuel still no dice tries a flood start procedure by memory no checklist and still nothing for context this dude is standing on the ground beside the small plane leaning in over the student and using the controls i'm watching this go down knowing something ain't right but because i'm not an apprentice and hold no maintenance qualifications or a pilot's license nothing i suggest will be considered this had been proven time and time again and i was pretty fed up after quoting procedure and policy verbatim yet certain employees and management just didn't care for clarity i was busy as freak tending to the rest of the fleet but keeping tabs on this particular plane as all this was going on when suddenly i see flames wafting out of the engine cowling so i do what i'm trained and run over to give the hand signal for fire while pointing towards the cowling now this situation goes one of two ways by the book either a the engine is running so you try to elevate the engine speed and essentially blow the fire out slash suck the flames into the engine or b the engine isn't started so put the bloody fire out asap they clearly were not getting it started and not heeding my frantic hand signals only a few meters in front of them so i go grab a fire extinguisher from the hanger wall and dash back towards the now visibly smoking plane yelling fire fire fire followed by get the freak out as i pull the pin and hose that baby down the fire is likely extinguished pretty quickly but i laid on it heavy just to be sure after all there's three people more or less inside the cockpit after the dust settles i get pushback from some people on the maintenance side the aforementioned apprentice included about whether that was really necessary and complaints about how now they have to inspect slash fix the plane the schedules must be shuffled around and their workload increases i referred them to the book by literally pulling the pilot's operating handbook straight out of the seat back pocket of the smelly charred bird and walk them to the multitude of failures that led to my eventual intervention and fire suppression i finished that conversation by stating that personnel safety is paramount and that ultimately not only was it a safe decision it was a smart one with regards to the aircraft and how costly damage and loss could be i made no apologies for stepping in and told them to brush up on their bloody hand signals for freak's sake in the end the plane got fixed and was flying again two days later but now with a well-known unaddressed hard starting issue which could lead to a repeat fire or near constantly dead battery here's to aviation safety so you literally put out a fire that was endangering all those people inside the cockpit yet they're complaining to you about the additional work increased from that they're the ones with operation failure to the point where the plane caught on fire and then they ignored you when you were trying to get them aware of the fire that's going on literally a potential life-saving action was done by op and they were complaining about it that just blows my mind honestly this next story is by kid wrx make business trips with nobody to visit okay worked in sales for xyz company spring and fall were the busiest times with a pretty decent slowdown in summer works for me could do my duties from home and spend the time with my wife and kids then comes the urgent company wide phone meeting explaining that we sales department need to be out visiting customers and getting face-to-face meetings okay whatever my accounts are all really cool it's a free dinner at a decent place for them at the very least and agree to check their schedules i plan a couple driving trips that loop around to some amazing places i load the wife and kids in the truck and head out an hour outside the first stop i called to confirm the appointment and the guy apologized and won't be able to make it next day same thing other than the fuel in hotel i'm out of pocket for meals as i have my family with me on the low low boss calls asks about expense reports not having business meals or entertainment expenses i try to explain and am cut off saying get it done well okay what comes next is multiple weeks of some of the best family trips ever if there were customers that were able to keep the appointments i was there and made some huge sales if they weren't there was still good restaurant receipts to add to the reports good hotels within the budget awesome scenery in places that my kids still talk about i felt bad at first but when the company started laying boots on the ground people off and adding more executives i didn't feel so bad anymore eventually my department was axed along with a couple others and three upper middle managers were added at some point this company is going to realize that they killed all the essential positions and being like wait we have all this management why aren't we making any more money that company is gonna be doomed for failure at that rate they're just adding more executives to pad pockets how are you even gonna make sales anymore i don't i don't get it so quickly now i wanna explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that being said our final story of the day is by bailey the nerd work badge shenanigans i apologize in advance as this is a very mild if amusing malicious compliance several months ago i lost my badge for work now this is an issue because i work it and my job is going to about two dozen offices that need a security slash id badge to get in i tried for a week or two to get by with a temporary one that a co-worker lent me while i tried to find the original i didn't until last week so it was time for a new badge i contacted my manager and the hr person to get the ball rolling as it turns out the place i work for had somehow lost the original photo for my id badge and needed me to send a new one so i could get it printed so of course along with the request to send a new picture i was sent a list of requirements which are as follows lighting must be sufficient to make all features identifiable and minimize shadows background must be unobtrusive and of light color the face neck and shoulders must be visible eyes must be open the picture must be in focus hmm did you notice what i noticed there's absolutely no mention of specific or appropriate clothing to wear for the photo i'm a person that likes to see what i can get away with so i go home and get ready to take the picture i happen to be a die hard marvel fanboy and have a very posh deadpool cosplay that i bought because i have a problem with wisecracking characters with serious subplots for halloween so i donned the deadpool costume swords and all minus the mask and had my roommate take the picture and sent it into hr hr's response i don't see a no cosplay rule in my picture requirements so i'm going to go for it i like your hutzpah now my official work badge with enough security clearance that i can happily walk into pretty much any building i want in my city has a picture of me dressed as deadpool here's the pick for those curious the deadpool cosplay actually looks pretty cool and i would say that it could actually pass for some kind of stylish wear which might also have helped get it through and i know it's not marvel but i feel like if you showed up in the light blue superman outfit with the big old emblem on your chest and the styled hair with the cowlick you might get a little bit more of a pushback but the deadpool thing is kinda stylish gotta say but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and make sure to click the bell to turn notifications on too so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel it all helps the channel grow immensely so thank you so very much for supporting me i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be reading even more stories to share with you guys right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 56,224
Rating: 4.9202967 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: rZy7CAHipXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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