r/maliciouscompliance | "I don't PAY you to think!"

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day little helper my husband does a pretty awesome thing by helping everyday with the dishes however he also neglects to use soap dishes are frequently in need of being rewashed sometimes there's the visible layer of grease it's been a topic of discussion several times finally feeling unappreciated and resentful he tells that he is the only one doing them and if I wanted them done right then I should be helping more he goes on about not even needing the soap and that how he does it is good enough my dear son who loves to help six years old speaks up because I have shown him how to do the dishes he decides he'll offer a free lesson on the spot stepping up to the sink arranging his step stool he grabs the soap and just pours and pours and pours all over the dishes this just kills my husband's need for control and his financial sensibilities that soap costs all of one dollar at the dollar store but my son promises to help him from now on across from the kitchen I applaud his efforts and his consideration I suggest he uses a tad bit less and he agrees that a cup only needs to be about half full of soap to have enough or a plate only needs a thin coating across its surface to have enough from now on my son checks in on the dishes he serves as a voluntary informant to my husband when I dishes needed to be rewashed or when my husband is using far too little in my son's opinion so being that he is only six he has no real sense of portion control and that probably won't change anytime soon my husband has gained a willing helper and the dishes are clean we've gone through lots more bottles of soap the thing I'm wondering is when they wash them without soap is the husband completely fine eating with them still I would be completely put off of that that's for sure I don't pay you to think between freshmen and sophomore year in college I worked at a scaffolding factory for my summer break when I hired on I got seven dollars an hour with an agreement that if I worked hard and demonstrated my worth I would get a raise to 850 an hour after one month so I worked ridiculously hard for that first month I took over running the assembly and packaging department and figured out a way to increase output of the factory by 30 percent which was limited by the footprint and productivity of my department with no additional cost we cut our backlog significantly which also helped increase sales because our competitors have much longer delivery times the changes weren't rocket science but the general manager was too lazy to take the time to understand how I did it one month in I present my case and ask for a raise I was denied despite never being late an acknowledgment that I worked hard and increased output and sales during the ensuing argument the general manager told me I don't pay you to think I immediately walked out the next morning the general manager tried to hand off the orders to be filled for the day but I refused and told him he had to tell me exactly what to do he rolled his eyes told me to build boxes the first of many steps and walked away four hours later he came back out and saw I hadn't stopped building boxes normally around 15 minutes he looked at the moldable stack stretching to the ceiling and started yelling at me including the phrase user freaking brain I calmly responded you don't pay me to think his face became bright red and I still can't believe he didn't hit me we didn't meet our newly scheduled output that day or any other day that summer I never got my raise but couldn't afford to quit about one year after I left they moved their entire facility to a new location with a four times bigger footprint it probably could have gotten by with the old facility for several more years if they had just given me a dollar fifty an hour raise for two months or bothered to pay attention to what I was doing man if you were Opie you went to the general manager asked for the raise because you knew you increased sales by 30% and basically improved the overall production and got told simply I don't pay you to think what would you have done or said let me know in the comments below it's only a few minutes in college I was a bank teller it was great because with bank hours the bank closes at 6:00 is only open until 2:00 on Saturday and there was almost no selling anyway it was a bank full of other college kids a few older moms but great fun atmosphere and the boss was young too so old boss eventually leaves in in comes new boss she's not that old either maybe mid to early 40s and for the most part she's cool so to be candid I was a really good teller but I wasn't always at work on time when I say on time I mean I wasn't ready by open for example the bank opened at 9:00 a.m. you were supposed to be ready to serve customers at 9:00 a.m. my shift would start at 9:00 a.m. so that meant I was supposed to be in by like 8:45 a.m. so I could work now this was a while ago so unless you were opening your shift started at 9:00 a.m. even though you had to come in so one day I come in at like 902 a.m. and the new boss pulls me aside and says hey Opie you're late I tell her it was only a minute late and she says it doesn't matter I need to be on time as a fair enough because I was wrong and we had no issues a few weeks later Bing closes at 6:00 I'm off at 4:00 and it's the first of the month so the bank is packed not just with people cashing checks from work but also government checks line is huge and at 3:55 I began counting out to close my box new boss asks why I'm closing up and I tell her I'm out at 4:00 she says I can stay open till 4:00 then close up and I tell her then I'll be late she says only a few minutes and I tell her that it doesn't matter I need to be on time she looks at me then just says fine we actually had a good relationship but from there on I was always on time whether coming or going when it suits their needs it's only a few minutes but if it's on your side a few minutes how could you how dare you the audacity just a little two-faced mind my own business okay so so this happened many years ago when I was about 14 my father had a campervan and we would go away to different caravan parks most weekends during the good months of the year one weekend we went to a caravan park that a friend of my father was going to also we pitched up opposite each other and it was business as usual on Saturday me my father and his friend who we will call John went to the nearest village and into the pub as it was good weather we sat in the beer garden at the rear of the pub on a picnic style table also seeing as it was a village there was no one around the pub but ourselves somehow me and John mount up sitting beside each other with my father opposite John had been smoking Raleigh's while we were there casually rolling them on the table part of the table then I noticed them rolling one on the seat part between him and myself so wondering what he was doing I glanced down to see he was not rolling a spliff at which point he poked me hard in the ribs and said you mind your own business and don't look at what I'm doing here time past spliffs were smoked and eventually it was time to leave as everyone stood up from the table I noticed John dropped a large piece of hash wrapped in tinfoil out of his pocket what did I do I minded my own business we went back to the camper vans and after maybe an hour I noticed John walking around looking under chairs and on the floor for something so I asked my father what he was looking for and he said John has lost his hash to which I replied that must be what he dropped in the pub then my father went at old John I saw him drop it in the pub John calls me out and asks why I didn't tell him and I replied you said to mind my own business and so I did he went back to the pub but couldn't find it and when he returned he was so angry he packed up his things and left in his camper van be careful what words you choose to use I'm not really one for people that I don't really know that well getting my personal space anyways so if I simply look down at what you were doing and he jabbed me in the ribs and said mind your own business I probably do the same thing honestly the claw so backstory and military working at one of the schools for troops just out of basic I've done a few positions there and has some great COC most whom have a good sense of humor thankfully malicious compliance sarcasm dark humor are my go-to because they're fun this is one of the lighter things I've done to entertain myself and the only one I will share so about three years ago my boss four ranks in about 15 years my senior also happens to be a very good NCO puts one of those big staple wall clocks on my desk and says to me hang this up and carries on his way no other instructions now normally I would have just gone with the intent and hung it up on the wall put a new battery in and set the time but it has been a slow week and I was bored the perfect recipe for mischief so I grabbed a screw and hang it up on the wall no batteries about an hour goes by he comes back sees the clock is up nods and goes back to his office makes it to the door stops dead turns around and stares at the clock looks back at me and just says with batteries and walks out of the office shaking his head now this point I am debating how far I want to push this the idea at the tape batteries under the clock but only needs one but he did say batteries was overwhelming but I decided against it and instead put the battery in and hung it back up the clock is now ticking away with the wrong time enter my boss he takes one look and muttered Oh for freaks a king to clock up with batteries and set the right time at this point I've just got the giggles and up I go and set the time to the Zulu at this point he is starting to get annoyed over freaks a COPI this time zone knowing Oh can't really push this much farther without getting into trouble I smile and cheerfully say oh you should have been more specific sir said the time and get down smiling the whole time he thankfully just shakes his head and mumbles about implied tasks and heads into his office for somebody in a chain of command they seemed to have a lot of patience which i think is something a lot of us would feel lucky to have I said quiet this happened back when I was in high school I was generally a pretty quiet mellow kid in school teachers generally liked me and I'd never be the disruptive one one day at the start of my AP English class I settled into my seat near the back of the classroom but something was wrong the back of my neck started to hurt a lot it had been gradually getting sore throughout the day but now it had quickly become agonizing the rest of the class was still talking and getting settled in before class started and the teacher mrs. o was gradually getting more annoyed by it she walked to the back of the classroom asking for quiet the whole time until she arrived by my desk where I was starting to ride with pain she wasn't paying attention to me though she was focused on the noisy kids I sort of meekly raised my hand and said mrs. o without looking at me she slammed her hand to my desk with a quiet I was taken aback again and figured maybe she didn't understand I was trying to sincerely get her attention so I tried again which just made her angrier I said quiet now this was normally a pretty chill teacher I got along with her well and she was generally well-liked including by me the other students happen to just be particularly rowdy that day was put her in the worst I've ever seen from her so I meekly pulled my hand down and shut up the class quickly got the message that she was serious so they all shut up too she went to the front of the room and the lesson started as normal but in the meanwhile my pain was getting worse I was grabbing at my neck sort of hunched over unable to pay attention a girl sitting next to me restore hand and I'm not exaggerating here said mrs. oh I think Opie is dying I remember suddenly everyone in the class looks at me to see me contorted in my desk and the teacher came back over in a hurry I think I need the nurse or something she frantically asked why I didn't say anything earlier he told me to be quiet to this day I've never seen someone look as horrified in guilt-stricken ultimately the nurse sent for EMTs and I was taken to the ER it turns out that there had been a meningitis outbreak recently and one of the main symptoms is a stiff sore neck the guys had face shields on and everything I was wheeled out of the high school's nurse's office and a gurney it was a whole thing I tested negative ultimately and was diagnosed with just a muscle strain but the teacher did come to the hospital to say hi and apologize I never really held it against her she is still one of my favorite teachers and I hope she's learned to be just a little bit more conscientious it's tough because the teacher definitely messed up here but when the class got so rowdy overall it's kind of understandable to see why she kind of lumped you into that group even though you were the quieter kid the one that never got into trouble emotions were just high in the moment and it led to a mishap and after the fact they apologized for which is great one spoonful of chocolate milk so for a while I had a reprieve for my abusive mom and was sent to live with my dad someone who I saw at nine years old to have endless patience my mom was super abusive but my dad never was enter the technical win my dad was made for the sub being in the Navy I'm sure he'd have tons of stories but this one is mine my dad was huge on following exactly what people say I learned quickly to overcome I would specifically ask can I make chocolate milk and would do crazy stuff like make a whole jug of it since I wasn't clear he was never angry I think he was just impressed by my ability to find loopholes on one such day I asked him can I make some chocolate milk and he responded you can make one medium-sized kids glass of it one spoonful of chocolate and smugly looked at me knowing he's beat the multiple glasses issue and the one time I made it in a giant bowl but he was to be complied with I got a medium sized cup filled it with milk and then watched his face as I pulled off the wall some giant serving spoon my stepmom God for decoration it was the 90s and tried to use that he eventually stopped me and said I won all the chocolate milk I wanted but he didn't want to ruin the spoon so we took a novelty picture and still talked about it today that's a cute little story and you got this all the brie with some chocolate milk which is always a good time in my book but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories that I read today are your personal favorite and why let me know why in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 46,673
Rating: 4.9022603 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: HNFxT0Givo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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