r/LegalAdvice - Sister Was Held H0STAGE in A Hotel, This Hotel Is Now Trying To SUE Her! 😨

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welcome back to our slash legal advice where people ask questions get advice and we get satisfaction if you are new around here please don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our awesome community and without any further ado let's dive right into the stories this one is titled can i invoice the police for wasting my time slash money slash loss of wages last month a police officer from a police force over 200 miles away contacted me about his wish to invite me in for a voluntary interview he said voluntary interview but told me if i didn't attend i would be arrested at work so i really had no choice after some liaising with him and he was good enough to let me enjoy my holiday out of the uk before i attended but last tuesday i attended the police station the time he wanted me to attend it worked out cheaper to travel up the night before stay in a hotel then get a peak time train so i did at a cost of 144 pounds to myself and i took a day unpaid leave from work was too short notice to book paid leave i confirmed with the officer the day before that everything was still confirmed for tuesday and he confirmed when i attended the police station on tuesday morning i was told the officer was off shift on rest day he had asked someone to reach out and let me know but apparently the message didn't get through he then rearranged for friday of last week again the same situation he could only do before 11am due to the time it takes me to travel and the cost of peak train tickets i got a budget hotel the night before and the train down at a further cost to me of 168 pounds was shorter notice so the hotel was more expensive but still worked out 30 pounds cheaper than getting the train in peak times so i am now 312 pounds which i think is around 360 dollars physically out of pocket and will have around 500 pounds less in my wage packet this month for taking two days unpaid leave the long and short of the entire interview was a few questions and as advised by my lawyer to say no comment the entire way throughout he then told me that i had to wait around for him for 20-30 minutes which i did in the reception of the police station before he asked me to come through and told me that there would be no further action an entire waste of my time and the police's time so in this situation can i invoice the police force for my loss of 812 pounds and the user in the comments wrote your first port of call would be to make a complaint just be aware that the police are generally immune from civil action arising from them carrying out their lawful duties not saying they couldn't have handled it a lot better but you will struggle and guys i'm curious has the police ever wasted your time if they did tell us how i gotta say here in thailand i wouldn't say the police really waste time however often when they see foreigners on motorcycles they like to stop them and check if they have the correct driver's license obviously that is no issue for me because i do have a driver's license but it can get a little bit annoying update can i invoice the police for wasting my time and loss of wages a little under a year ago i posted looking for advice on what i believed at the time to have been a malicious use of police power making me travel 200 miles and take time off work costing me the tune of just over 800 pounds which is i think over 1 000 so this is a lot of money i soon after found out that the officer in question was friends on facebook with the complainant and several members of their family i submitted a complaint that was rejected by the forces complaints and professional standards department which i guess was ok nothing criminal my side came out of it though it was a little scary having to head to a police station not knowing if i was going to be locked up etc for something i hadn't done i was more miffed with the fact that i was heavily out of pocket i decided to send off a claim form to the county court money claims center for the entirety of money's owed plus interest they were given a window of time to reply which they did not and it was ruled in my favor before getting set aside for them to not supply a defense again and getting ruled in my favor a second time i am happy to say that today i have received a payment of almost 950 pounds including my fees and interest from the police force in question in the form of a check so happy result from me took a little while but i got my funds back don't you just love it guys when you get money from the police station and also with interest added on absolutely glorious display of legal advice gone right and by the way if you have watched until here and want to support me please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video thank you so much in advance and the next one is an absolutely crazy story maybe a little bit of a trigger warning because it is a little bit violent it is titled sister was held against her will in a hotel room with her ex-boyfriend under threat of death for her and her baby daughter hotel wants her to pay for damages sustained during his arrest before they will release her belongings they also confiscated our mother's wallet and phone to use as leverage my sister's ex-boyfriend was a fugitive from justice with a warrant for his arrest he kept my sister and their daughter in his grasp by threatening to kill her and the baby if she left him he beat her regularly while they were in the hotel room she eventually sent me cryptic messages asking for help and i was able to get her out of there safely while he was sleeping off one of his drug-induced stupas given the situation she only grabbed my knees and a few things in her rush to get out of there without waking him up police were alerted and they arrested him but he attempted to break the window and escape during the arrest when we returned to the hotel to pick up my sister and niece's belongings my elderly mother 70s insisted on coming for support my mother also needed to use the bathroom once we arrived to the hotel because of the pandemic precautions they only wanted to allow my sister in and begrudgingly allowed my mother in because she needed to use the bathroom i remained in the car my sister came back crying and said they won't allow her to collect any of her stuff unless they are paid 700 out of pocket for the damage to the window sustained when he was attempting to flee from the police this includes my sister and niece's clothing id and other personal documentation birth certificate medications etc and then even worse my mother forgot her wallet and cell phone in the bathroom and the staff quickly confiscated those as well to use as leverage to force somebody to pay for the window damage and a user in the comments said as for your mom's phone and wallet i would call the police and report them stolen by the people in the hotel they have no right to keep those possessions and another person said this right here call the police and have them sorted out i gotta admit guys that is probably the crappiest hotel i've ever heard of then again it is an interesting bizarre legal case to be honest what do you do if essentially a criminal breaks the window at a hotel because he tried to escape the crime scene who is responsible for paying that well let's see what the update has in store for us update to the hotel's story i found out my sister contacted the police about this last night and whoever spoke with her brushed the entire ordeal off as a small claims court meta which disheartened her and my mother following these suggestions from the threat today we spoke with the deputy who was the first contact with my sister about this entire situation and he escalated it to his superior the deputies then went to the hotel to set the manager's trade they essentially told him that he cannot keep the belongings as leverage and that he would have to pursue damages properly in civil court the hotel staff were very nice and understanding but the manager's entire demeanor was extremely hostile and unprofessional apparently he was very rude to the officers i did not like the way he spoke to his staff but we got their stuff back without any major further hassles thank you everyone for your suggestions we are also pursuing additional resources slash assistance counseling for her as a domestic violence victim going forward she's in contact with the case manager from the local women's shelter and the next one is titled i've been scammed 25 thousand dollars any recourse hey australian legal throw away because i am embarrassed qld based which i assume is queensland i fell for a push payment scam a few days ago it involved an email from my builder resending an invoice and asking to change the account which i then paid the email address was identical to the actual builders and the scammers just copied the builder's invoice but changed the account details so i still owe my builder 25 thousand dollars and i've sent another 25 thousand dollars off into the other or either i'm not sure the bank says the money has already left the account so they cannot recover it they say they are not liable the police referred me to cyber.gov.au and i've locked it with them i don't expect they will directly help my case though i'm about to google a lawyer now after submitting this post could i perhaps make a claim against a builder's insurance since their email security appears to be the origin builder said he received similar emails from his subcontractors are there any other avenues i should consider and a user in the comments said i used to work for a bank i wouldn't be totally satisfied with their response contact their customer relations department directly ask them to issue a trace and recall of funds at least that is what we used to call it the activity probably won't be successful but at a minimum it alerts the receiving bank to an allegation of fraudulent activity on one of their accounts if the funds are still there the receiving bank should freeze these funds due to the allegation of fraud criminal activity the account owner should then be required to demonstrate why those monies are legitimate and the next one is an update to the 25 000 push payments scam as promised here's the update now that the police have concluded their investigation after going through all the stages of grief i came to accept the loss after i paid the builder in full we had him in the room with us while we did it this time it was a relief because until i paid him i was dealing with two issues my lawyer said that going to court was a 50 50 chance and those court expenses would ultimately cost more so we took it on the chin and moved on hopefully a little wiser the issue was passed to the wa police as the dodgy account was from perth they called me just now and apparently a perth local had been caught up in a love scam and set up an account for the scammers and helped wire funds he himself lost 14 000 i guess australian dollars and his lover claimed she was setting up a furniture business in perth which was what the money was for once it was transferred offshore it was lost forever i still don't have details on how my builder's network was hacked as that is his investigation but queensland police suggested it was most likely a trojan that flags invoices to an offshore third party so they can then insert their own version to the email chain all invisible to the original sender the advice i received here really helped the wife and i map out the potential outcomes and make the decisions we did so thanks everyone for your time and particularly the linked resources it gave us some sense of control among the chaos and the next one is a particularly crazy one it is titled neighbor is purposely trying to catch the virus from me by chasing me down every time i go in my yard in ontario canada i was exposed to the virus a few days ago and have been self-isolating since then the health unit said i could still go in my yard to the garden a neighbor saw me outside and started talking from a distance asking to borrow one of my gardening tools and i told her that it wasn't a good idea because i was exposed to the virus and she started walking towards me saying she wants to catch it and get it over with so she will be immune i dropped everything and ran inside because i don't want to infect her and watched from the window as she licked my tools i'm not kidding i sanitized them when i went to go get them guys that is definitely not the best idea during these times to lick someone's tools if you catch my drift she started running out toward me every time i try to go water my garden it has happened four times now and i don't know if i will be held responsible if she catches it i also know she has a toddler and i think her parents come visit still sometimes if it matters at all i don't actually know if i have it they won't test me unless i have symptoms but i don't have symptoms but my roommate had it and i have to self-isolate two weeks from his last day of having it is there anything i can do about this the only thing i can think of is have her trespassed but she obviously won't listen to it and the user in the comments said call the police and let them know and ask them to give her a warning about trespassing if she keeps it up having been warned will make it much easier for your local police to charge her with trespassing and possibly harassment if you reasonably fear she might make violent contact with you that includes unwanted hugs and i gotta say guys the whole idea of getting infected and then you're immune that is something i think that was practiced maybe three or four months ago in germany where people were having so-called parties where people intended to get infected to then be immune forever unfortunately new research now suggests that the immunity only lasts around three to four maybe five months if you're lucky so obviously those parties are pretty useless and by the way guys i heard that in the u.s the vaccine might be ready in november and i'm curious will you get vaccinated as soon as possible in the us let us know in the comments update to the neighbor's story so i hadn't heard anything from the neighbor until this morning when her husband stuck something in my mailbox so i talked to him through the window he told me that he was contacted about her behavior while he was quarantined somewhere else because he was exposed to the virus and he got the health unit to make an exception to the no symptoms no test rule in the interest of the health of his wife and kid the test came back negative two days later so he went home to help her she did have a mental breakdown he didn't go into detail about it but apparently she hadn't been handling the pandemic well and him being quarantined somewhere else made it worse he asked me to delete the video because she saw me take it and i did i told him i understand that this has been very hard on people and i had no hard feelings he said he's going to look into counseling for her and it turns out they go to the same clinic as me so i recommended the counselor i use counselling is basically the same as therapy here he had stuck an apology letter from her in the mailbox with a garden center gift card i'm deleting this account so there won't be any replies from me this time in best of legal advice stay safe everyone here guys even the crazy people in canada give you an apology letter with a gift card that is how friendly those damn canadians are it's just impossible to hate on canadians and the next one is from a slash ripe stories it does not have anything to do with legal advice but it is a little bonus story it is titled would i be the a-hole if i got someone fired and potentially ruined their life posted by user hollow insanity hey call me hollow i'm a 25 year old woman living in the uk for this story to make sense i'm going to have to give you a backstory i have a large chest seriously in english sizing my bra size is a 34l so i get a lot of attention most of it is negative it doesn't help that the clothes i wear don't cover my chest although i could wear a potato sack and still have a cleavage but wearing something tight that covers my chest hurts it is like wearing really tight underwear no wiggle room i've had women telling me i should end my own life and that i deserve to be assaulted i've had grown men who have followed me home self-pleasuring to me or taking non-consensual photographs of me i bet you're like hey op why didn't you speak up and shut these creeps down and that is a fair and valid question the truth is i cannot i have a few mental illnesses most noticeably chronic depression and social anxiety when it is public i lose my ability to talk especially to strangers and when i am alone i am also that butthead in a horror movie who will just freeze up and end up getting murdered to death so i cannot fight back against these people and when things like this happen it will mess me up for days or weeks to the point that i am unable to leave my bed as you can imagine something has happened and it happened in the one place i thought i would be safe my mother's workplace my mother has worked there for 13 years the people there have seen me grow up and are aware of my issues so i thought they wouldn't be total a-holes this workplace has a post office on the back and that is where this happened it is full of people and i am first in the queue i go up to the desk and start talking to a woman who shall be referred to as fk for effing karen karen does not look like a typical karen but she has that smacked ass face and ooh talked to her for more than 5 minutes and you will know karen has never liked me ever because of mental illness i dropped out of university tried to end my life and i still live at home at 25 but her daughter is mentally ill and her daughter is fine so i should be too and be like her daughter so i look up at her and smile and her face is just an extra smacked ass today it puckered and read with anger there's hate in her eyes and her voice is so snotty and cruel that you would think that i just murdered her daughter in front of her she holds up a hand and says hello i wouldn't serve a man if he had this chest hanging out so cover yourself up and then she just walked away from me again i feel the need to point out this post office was full of people and i am a socially anxious turtle who was just frozen they are unable to talk or even walk away she served me in the end because i adjusted my shirt to cover my clearly offensive boobs when i got home i was a wreck and with the help of my mother because my awkward turtle self cannot make phone calls i put in a formal complaint but it came up she might be fired if there is a hearing my mother argues it could destroy karen's life and negatively affect my mother's experience at work due to toxic a-holes i argued that if i let one sexual harassment off because that is what it was it is letting them all off it is giving everyone who's ever sexually harassed a get out of jail free card because hey this woman got away with it so would i be the a-hole if i asked for this woman to be fired and guys please let me know your opinions about this in the comments do you think op is the a-hole or not personally if you ask me you are definitely not the a-hole because this karen is absolutely awful and she should not treat people like this i don't really know what you even call that i guess it is body shaming or something and this is not something that should ever happen at a workplace if you ask me neighbor demanding payment and threatening to sue me for package throwaway account obviously based on name but needing advice and to know where i stand legally i am new to the uk from the us so this whole package accepting thing for neighbors is strange to me but against my better judgment in trying to be nice i accepted a package two weeks ago for a neighbor a few houses down no one came to collect it for four days and i knocked and tried to get it to them repeatedly the package was only addressed to a last name and the shipping address on the fifth day a woman showed up with the slip i checked that dpd left and collected the package and i thought nothing of it however almost three days after the woman collected it a man showed up demanding the package i told him i gave it to the woman who knew the name on the package and had the slip he claims that the package was delayed arriving and he went out of town on business and authorized no one to collect the package and that i am now liable for the cost of this package monday he presented me with a receipt and his business card attached he's a solicitor to add to the fun mix to a letter demanding reimbursement within 5 business days for this package that he's claiming was a 1 400 pound computer which is i suppose around 2 000 i talked to his direct neighbors who had spoken to him and apparently his soon-to-be ex-wife was the one who collected the package and she's claiming she doesn't have it now can he hold me liable for the package he came by this morning to discuss payment and shoved another business card through my letterbox saying he will sue me if i don't agree to pay him by friday and now the update to the neighbor's story so i thought i would give an update since i've gotten some messages last week i contacted the sra and they told me that although it was distasteful it is not within their ethical guidelines and it is not criminal but if i was concerned i should speak to a solicitor or a legal clinic i decided to let it go and wait and see what happens and not contact his employer because it would probably make things worse and friday came and went with no contact so i assumed he had decided not to pursue anything well saturday morning i am in the shower and i hear my sister arguing with someone at the front door and it is him i am going to refer to him as ah from here on out and ah is telling her he's going to sue me that he has statements from the neighbors in between our house and his who say they saw me accept the package which is a total lie because they were not home i got a video recording of him hollering and telling me about the big fancy firm he worked for and how he was going to sue me and get my visa revoked etc so i told him to go ahead and sue me and we can go to court but in the meantime get off my lawn i also spoke to another neighbor who said further down the street is another american who is a law student and maybe she could help so i talked to her and she watched the video and she said to call the firm and tell them i'm holding them liable since he's using their name to essentially extort me and have a few key phrases and sentences to use so yesterday i called his employer and asked to speak with their hr office and i got a woman on the phone and told her i have a video concerning one of your employees that is urgent and i wanted to email it to her reluctantly she gave me her email and i gave her my info and she said she would watch it and call me back about an hour later she called back and i explained everything that had gone on and how he was harassing me over this money and using their company to threaten my living status and me personally and i was going to hold the firm responsible since he's using their name to intimidate me she told me that while it was a personal issue that their firm does not tolerate being used as a means of intimidation she said she would take care of it and that she would address the issue with ah and mrs ah because apparently the wife works there too so this morning i got up to a letter in the postbox in the form of a formal apology and saying he won't sue me and that his behavior was unacceptable and aggravated by personal stress so hopefully it is done now but we move in september and i will be really glad and the next one is titled being harassed by jehovah's witnesses what actions do i need to take the long version we have three access points to our house door 1 door 2 and door 3. we have no access to answering door number 2 we don't use it as an entrance point so always have a vacuum and a pram placed in front of it so if someone knocks we have to walk outside from door number one and do the hole hi we don't use that door thing door number three is a set of glass patio doors this is relevant for later four months ago jehovah's witnesses knocked on door number two i walked around to the side to see who it was and was ambushed into a conversation by brenda and it became very obviously immediately that she is a jw i was 9 months pregnant at that point and brenda asked me a lot of questions about my maternity leave and my husband's schedule i thought the questions were innocent enough and answered them since then every week she has been back sometimes two or three times a week but always at least once she always brings a different person with her i have asked her several times to stop coming back and to leave me alone i feel like i've been targeted because she knows i'm at home alone and therefore vulnerable i constantly have my blinds drawn and i am afraid to answer the door she has tried several times to enter my home and i have always shut the door in time i have not answered the door in weeks my husband is furious about the situation but he's never home when they knock about a month ago i informed brenda if she did not leave me alone i would file a restraining order she said i could not do that as it was religious discrimination and that i cannot file an ro against the whole church i might be able to stop her from coming but there would always be other people from the church to come around this weirded me out at the time but i gathered she was probably right i told her to f off anyway and have gone back to ignoring the door today however it went too far and i am genuinely nervous there was a knock at door number two i'm expecting an amazon package so went out the front i saw brenda said you need to leave me alone and ran back inside i locked door number one behind me i sat in the front room with my baby with the blinds down she began hammering on the bay window as she walked from door number two to door number one when she got to door number one she began viciously attacking the door i am not exaggerating she was hammering on the door as hard as she could i stood in the door frame to the living room and watched the door handle going up and down as she tried to enter i stayed silent the person she had brought with her was stood at door number two i could see the silhouette through the frosted glass they did not move from door number two the entire time after three or four minutes of her trying to open door number one she walked around the side again hammering on the bay window i stood still for about a minute in the door frame i was about to turn around but then i saw brenda stood at door number three from where i was stood i could see out to door number three but someone stood at door number three would have not been able to see me she was trying to open door number three silently i always keep that door locked thankfully after roughly a minute of her trying to get in she began pounding the glass this went on for about 10 minutes i phoned the non-emergency police line and told them i felt like i was being harassed the woman i spoke to was lovely and told me she could hear the noises through the phone she said i needed to phone the church they were from speak to the leader and file a complaint she advised me to go to the citizens advice bureau and ask for help drafting a legal letter telling them they needed to stop she told me that if they continued she had locked the incident and said i needed to phone back and quote that reference number as they would then send police officers to the church to have a word after this call i phoned cab to try to make an appointment and was told it would be six weeks or i could try going in for a walk in appointment i cannot go to a walk-in as i have a 3.5 months old baby and we would be there for hours i also think six weeks is too long for me to be living in fear of answering my own front door i then try to phone the branch brandeis from i live in huddersfield and when you google kingdom hall huddersfield no phone number for that branch comes up anywhere mir field and bright house both have numbers though which i called mirfield or murfield i'm not sure went straight to voicemail breithaus answered but would not transfer me to huddersfield they transferred me to their service department in london the operator refused to give me the phone number for the huddersfield branch he said he could take my name and number and they could call me back i refused to give my number and said i urgently needed to speak to the huddersfield branch leader he asked why and i took a leap of faith and told him the truth he told me that he could not give me the number but he could take my name and number at this point i was pissed off said some rude things and hung up i'm annoyed and distressed i want this to end i felt like i was in a bloody horror movie watching her try to claw her way through door number three how can i get this to end should i phone the police again do i need to draft a cease and desist letter is it true that i cannot get an ro is there some sort of law they are breaking by trying to enter my home please help thanks in advance and now the update to the jehovah's witnesses story from before hi guys it's been a week so i thought i would share with you what has happened so far after calling around for hours and constantly having my request for a phone number for the correct congregation refused i decided to lie and say i had just joined the congregation and was looking to speak to one of the elders at this point someone from corn valley gave me the phone number for one of the elders named raymond in huddersfield i called him no answer left a voicemail explaining my situation and asking him to return my call after a few missed calls back and forth between us i sent raymond a text saying this hey raymond this is lower chelsea from address unfortunately we seem to keep missing each other's calls i would like to be placed on a do not contact list if you have one as i've been visited weekly for over 4 months after making it clear i am not interested i'm a new mom on maternity leave and i am starting to feel her rest because i am home alone after friday's events when the door handle was tried after i did not open the door i contacted the police and now i have an incident number to call if anyone returns to my house i have been assured that any future visits will culminate in police involvement i am very sad it has come to this as i've always been on very friendly terms with the jehovah's witnesses in my community however after my door handles were tried i have to take into consideration the safety of my baby for the first time i was genuinely concerned and deeply upset thank you for understanding raymond called me as soon as i sent the text he was a really nice man we were on the phone for about 30 minutes he was horrified and disgusted and assured me this was not how jws are supposed to act now he told me there's no one named brenda in his congregation he asked me to describe her and if i could name anyone she had brought with her i gave the description but could only remember the names of four of the people she had brought none of which sounded familiar to him either he asked if she definitely went to his church i told him that she had said she did because she specifically described the location as by metalen i had thought it was weird at the time because usually the jw that visit my area are from lockwood or cone valley raymond was even more concerned and started echoing some of the sentiments you guys had said aka that she might not be a real jw just someone posing to try to gain access to people's homes or she might be mentally unstable and trying to preach to people who are not on her patch he told me if she turned up again to call the police immediately he also told me that in the meanwhile he was going to call every congregation in a 20 mile radius give her description and put my address on a do not contact list he was very sorry and said he hoped her behavior had not blighted my view of all jw i explained it hadn't he said he would call me if he got any updates well it's been a week now and i've heard nothing from him but i've also heard nothing from brenda usually she visits about 3 times in an eight day period and she always turns up on a wednesday but nothing this week today was the first day i had my living room blinds open in four months it was lovely although it really showed all the areas i need to deep clean oops if she comes back again i would just phone the police immediately as i still have my incident number thanks so much for all the advice you guys gave and a super big few to the guy who said i should not have reproduced also please stop telling me this behavior is out of the ordinary for jehovah's witnesses i know it is and that's why i ask for help and the next one is titled suspended from work without pay because a manager claims i am suicidal just want to know if it is lawful for my employer to suspend me without pay because a night manager where i work has claimed i am suicidal some background info i am an agv driver starting work at 2 30 am i've been battling depression and anxiety for nearly two years now with stuff to do with my home life i'm perfectly fine at work just really down in the mornings when i first start however once i get going i am fine not said i'm suicidal to anyone but the night manager has sent emails around claiming i am suicidal so after finishing my rounds today i get pulled into the office and told because of the emails i'm being immediately suspended without pay pending further investigation i told them the worst thing to do to me is take my job and pay away from me have i got a lag to stand on i feel it is totally unjust of them to suspend without pay by the say-so of someone else and indeed that sounds totally illegal however if you guys were in that situation what would you have done let us know in the comments and now let's see what the update has to say and of course before i forget here is one comment from the threat the person says junior psychiatrist here perhaps your employer is getting confused with dvla guidelines these state that for group number two license holders those with severe depression causing suicidal thoughts must not drive and must notify the dvla of this no such need if moderate and no suicidal ideation and licensing may be granted again after six months obviously your knight manager telling everyone is a whole different issue and now the update to the story from before many thanks to you all for your advice and kind words so basically i went to work today to see oh whom after sitting there with for over an hour came to the conclusion that funnily enough i am not suicidal after having fed this information back to the depot manager straight away whom i then had to go see armed with all the information that i received from you all i went in confidently long story short he's not a very good manager and would not entertain the idea of gdpr or the gross misconduct of the night manager for firing out emails claiming i am suicidal without even talking to me he said that because the allegation has been made to protect their own license of the business he had to suspend me after arguing some more that i am more than willing to submit to an investigation but that he cannot withhold my pay as there is no evidence at all i'm suicidal i think with all the information i had he felt backed into a corner and on this occasion as an act of good faith he will make sure that i don't lose any pay however upon leaving he said i need to consider how i present myself to other colleagues i argued the fact that morality in the workplace is extremely low and it is hard to pick myself up if people around me are so low he's a new manager that is dropping people's money and changing everyone to horrible shift patterns all his comeback was that if i don't like it i know where the door is and the last one is titled i got fired from my job today for coming out as bisexual i will refer to my boss as dave which is not his real name two years ago i started walking dave stork and a year ago he offered me a job at his business which i've been dedicated to ever since i run the dog's instagram account and regularly post pictures of myself and the dog on my private instagram today i made a post of me and the dog making funny faces with the caption yo i'm bi by the way as a way of coming out my boss asked me over whatsapp to remove the post and i asked him why he then said he did not want himself or his company to be associated with any sexuality and then told me i was fired all over whatsapp i don't know what to do because it is with immediate effect and i'm not doing well financially however i don't want to jeopardize my relationship with the dog because i love looking after him any advice would be appreciated thanks this happened in scotland and a user in the comments said screenshot everything now he can delete messages on whatsapp so screenshot the lot immediately apologies for not offering any legal advice i feel that it won't be long until someone posts something far more helpful than i am able to and now the update to the sexuality story from before thank you so much for all your advice i don't want to go into too much detail because everything is sorted now but i ended up going to citizen's advice getting a lawyer taking my employer to court and then halfway through the case which was going very in my favor by the way we settled for an amount that i was pleased with i honestly couldn't have done it without this sub my parents told me not to take it any further and even though i had the screenshots i was not sure it was illegal thank you so much for all the support you guys are the best and i feel so much more comfortable as myself now and i have a girlfriend and guys unfortunately we have already reached the end of the video i hope you enjoyed today's stories and if you haven't already please also go to patreon.comripeyoutube where i upload exclusive reddit videos starting at just three dollars a month this is a great way to support me in case you are interested and the chance for me to become independent from youtube revenue thank you so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe and like the video and i hope to see you again tomorrow
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Views: 27,724
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Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idontworkhere, r/talesfromthefrontdesk, r/entitledhotelguests, entitled guest, hotel guest, karen hotel, justnomil, justnohoa, hoa, r/justnomil, r/justnohoa, homeowner association, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, justnoneighbors, reddit neighbor, reddit neighborstories, neighborstories, legaladvice, legal advice
Id: z6Q0D9kROyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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