r/LegalAdvice MIL's BF Might Have K!DNȺPPED A Child! Found Cut-Off Ponytail & Harddrive in Backpack!

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welcome back to our slash legal advice where people ask questions get advice and we get satisfaction if you are new around here please don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our awesome community and without any further ado let's dive right into the stories and the first one is titled friend has found children's hair clothes and a hard drive in a house that doesn't have children my friend is taking care of her mother-in-law's house after she passed basically the mother-in-law had one son my friend's husband and no daughters or other female relatives she had a boyfriend who she was trying to get rid of but he wouldn't leave her brand new house and was basically squatting there she died before she had even unpacked her belongings and the boyfriend stayed there until my friend had him legally removed at which point he stole the mother-in-law's car and they never got it back my friend has been cleaning up the house selling all the belongings but the boyfriend's belongings are also there she has found girls ponytails clearly cut from someone's head as well as a duffel bag with girl's clothes in it she called the boyfriend's ex mother of his son to ask if there are any girls in the family however there are none there are also hard drives but they are blank and we think they are probably encrypted he has been desperate to get back into the house to get his bags and has tried to use the car as a bargaining tool to be able to get back into the house saying he will give it back once he has been allowed in the house my friend thinks it is weird that he's not asked the police to help him to retrieve his things since he seems so desperate to get his bags back the police refused to do anything about the car or what my friend found in the house it is a small town police department and they are notorious for their unhelpful attitudes and every crime is a civil matter to them does anyone have any resources who does she need to contact that will actually take this seriously i mean it is very obviously human children's hair it has both in it etc and it being in a bag full of hard drives and girl's clothing seems very strange update she was going to a different police department yesterday but she has decided to wait until tomorrow as her stepdad works at this other police department and will be on duty tomorrow she doesn't want to leave it there and nothing gets done and she doesn't have much faith in the police departments in our area for very good reason so he will 100 ensure it is taken care of she also has the guy's laptop and went to pick up his charger from the old house last night so i am sure they will find something on there if he's up to something she hasn't seen the guy in a few weeks he is missing an action but she's worried about her safety since he was so adamant about getting his stuff back i will post a more thorough update in a new post when i next get one which i assume will be in the next couple of weeks thanks everyone and the user in the comments said whatever you do don't disturb the items too much if you can avoid touching anything already wrapped up keep objects in their bags and get the bags out of there do you think the squatting axe will try to return if so get the objects out of their house until you can contact the authorities this really smacks off certain children's videos or something worse keep escalating and putting pressure on police and obviously guys this really rings the alarm bells at least for me what do you think happened here and also what would you have done in this situation if you knew the police are not really helpful let us know in the comments and while you're at it please don't forget to also post some star emojis in the comments as well as liking the video if you want to support me thank you so much in advance i really appreciate your support the next one is an update to the friend has found children's hair etc story my friend turned everything into the police so now we are just waiting i looked the guy up and he has a bunch of criminal charges in other counties and states but in our county alone he has divorce with children filed by his ex protective order filed by friend's mother-in-law also assault bodily injury married filled by friends mother-in-law telephone harassment filled by friend's mother-in-law i should have also added on my last post with regards to the police taking his word over the stolen car when he said they let me borrow the car he doesn't even have a driver's license i don't know how he is not in jail so this gives a good idea as to why my friend was struggling with her local police department they didn't enforce any of the protective orders that her mother-in-law had against a guy the guy was in her old house when she was moving and was trying to use squatting rights to stay when they got him removed he just followed her to the new house and then she died of a heart attack two days later i might have said stroke in the last threat turns out it was a heart attack anyway shady guy with a long criminal history including trespassing surprise surprise the mother-in-law was a shady character herself so i'm not surprised she was with a guy like this and apparently she liked having him around sometimes anyway since she was a felon and couldn't get a job and he brought in some money somehow i know some people were skeptical that this was not real it is the guy exists my friend's in-laws are non-stop drama i don't know how i make friends like these and i know some people thought i was not taking it seriously i was taking it very seriously and would have happily reported it myself had she failed to my dog passed away suddenly on friday and i had a lot to deal with so probably wasn't as thorough as i could have been with my comment replies i took on my friend's drama as a distraction but maybe should have waited another day before getting involved either way at least it is dealt with now and guys unfortunately that is how the story ends there's no good ending so to say at least for me this is sort of a cliffhanger ending and i'm sorry for that but the story was just too crazy not to read i hope you are still somewhat satisfied with the update update number three to the child severed ponytail story it is titled lawyer is dragging his feet won't let us go to another lawyer my friend said she drove two hours to court today only for the lawyer to forget all of the paperwork and tell them to meet him back at his office another hour away they had to reset the court date for the end of december i asked if it was the same lawyer he wouldn't sign the papers over to a new lawyer and promised us a court date which was today and of course forgets the papers needed to get us the damn probate papers this has been going on for five plus months now all they wanted was the papers for them to access her deceased mother-in-law's accounts so they could one pay the storage company which is now a lost course as the storage company ceased all the belongings due to lack of payment and second make the property payment slash move her home onto their own property since it has been left to them so what can they do here and i gotta admit guys i did not expect this to turn into such a difficult situation what would you do if you were an op's shoes here honestly i would have no clue how to continue on from here on out and the next one is yet another update on the severed child's ponytail story the story of my friend's mother-in-law's weird boyfriend the severed ponytail little girl's clothes visibly worn not new and hard drive in his rucksacks police checked to see if there were any cases of missing girls in the area with similar hair or close to what was found and it was a nope as for the hard drives my friend couldn't find anything on them because the folders were hidden police found a bunch of adult movies not a surprise and some stuff about tax fraud and prescription drug sales but they were for the mother-in-law pills and they wear her tax documents too and she is dead so they are putting all that illegal stuff on her and saying they cannot do anything about it now oh well just want to take this opportunity to add that my friend's mother-in-law this guy's girlfriend is the same woman that had him arrested for domestic violence and wanted rid of him before she died she was around 50 years old and dropped that of a heart attack when they went into her home all of her pills including blood pressure mats which she relied on were missing and her bank accounts were also cleaned out which my friend later found out after paying 3 thousand dollars in legal fees to get access to her accounts and storage units anyway she died in weird circumstances and no one knows where her meds or money went also this guy has a child and he was basically in hiding so he couldn't be tracked down for child support and there was a warrant my friend also told the mother where she had heard he was working the mother found him and now he's in jail for 13 000 dollars in unpaid child support so at least this gummy guy ended up in jail eventually my friend never got the car he stole back though since he still insists it was a gift whoo guys i gotta say i am kind of glad the story ended the way it did i honestly expected much worse even though 13 thousand dollars in unpaid child support is already pretty bad of course would you have expected the story to end like this let us know in the comments the next one is titled someone thinks they have bought our garage in england about 10 years ago we my family bought a garage with a little garden to keep an extra car in a couple miles away from our home we visit occasionally once every couple of years to cut the hatches etc the car has no battery is in good condition and been kept dry we have now decided to sell the garage and when going over there to see it and to take photos we see that the garden has been concreted there's building debris stacked up against the wall and that there's a new lock on the door we later found out that the lady we originally bought it from has sadly passed away and her niece inherited the property the niece has either sold or is renting out the house the family now living in the house has locked the garage and refuses to let us even see if the car is still there i am growing to suspect that it is not we have looked on the land registry and they do not appear on it it also clearly states that the garage is no longer part of that house's title deed and has a new title deed number the land being made a separate title deed happened about 9 years after we bought it we thought it had been done already and didn't check the paperwork lesson learned and a couple months before they moved into the property so how should we handle this should we report the car stolen is there anything stopping us cutting their lock off and towing the car if it is still there we've already contacted our solicitor and are waiting for a reply this is my first time posting here if i missed any details or broken any sub rules i will try my best to fix it in the comments edit as a lot of people have asked the car is a mint condition classic with less than 8k miles on it it is worth around 20 000 pounds which i suppose is like 24 25 000 and the garage itself is worth about another 20 000 pounds it does run but has been drained for storage edit number two the car is present and safe only a couple small dents on the bonnet we are waiting to get it moved to our new house and a user in the comments said see a solicitor establish your ownership recover costs from the people who are interfering with your garage don't start a petty tit-for-tat over it do it properly update someone thinks they bought our garage to keep things easy to understand i'm going to do a timeline of events saturday night we discover that the hatch and garden at our garage has been removed and concreted over sunday afternoon my parents and myself go to the garage to see what is up when i arrive there's a group of people mid-argument with my parents we get each other's contact info sunday night my parents return without me to demand to be let onto their property and are refused the police are called but say there's nothing they can do monday spent the day trying to contact our solicitor and researching the people who thought they have bought it tuesday finally get into our garage have to endure a speech from the other party but the car is safe and the garage is secured once again detailed version we discovered the situation with the garage when someone interested in buying it said it didn't look like the description and then send us a picture it was rather late at night by this point so we decided to go there tomorrow my parents and i traveled separately as i was on my way to work i work nights i arrived a couple minutes after my parents there is a black car parked on the road in front of it three people standing around and couple tons of construction debris on the concreted lawn there was the mother aka b the son akaa and the son's partner all of them were defensive which is reasonable in that situation when asked they said they keep tools in it and when we asked to open the garage they told us they couldn't open it as the only key was with mr w the antagonist of this story who was working till 8 pm on a sunday i gave my number to a and then i went to work and my parents went home relevant detail my parents had me late and are both well over 65 plus while i am 20. later that evening my parents returned to see if they could see the car as we were not even told that the car was still there mr w answered the door and my mother tried to present him with relevant paperwork land registry proof of sale etc he refused the papers and got aggressive balling up his fists my parents left monday after i had got back from work we spent the day finding out what information we could about them they bought the house and the two garages attached our garage being the third six weeks after we had submitted the land registry paperwork they had converted one garage into a living room without planning but that is not relevant we considered reporting the car stolen but decided against it we did call one one one they said that they cannot send an officer in case something happens only when something happens expected but it did make my mom feel a little better on tuesday my parents myself and my uncle he had helped move the car originally arrive a bit before the agreed time my parents parked in front of the garage and my uncle up the street and i parked the street over my first interaction with mr w went as following it is all be paraphrased but the gist is about right generic greetings mr w we should introduce ourselves properly i am mr w me good idea i am mr y mom i am mrs y dad i am dr y mr w well you're not a doctor though are you you're a mister a bit of back and forth here but we soon gave up uncle i am mr c me i think we have waited long enough unless there's any reason not to shall we open it mr w well there's some stuff i want to say so if you would all come inside we can all talk as i don't want the neighbors hearing me well due to the virus i think it's best we stay out here we comprise and go to his back garden we have done our research we knew there was nothing he could tell us mr w gets himself worked up and starts going on about the land registry and how he spent 26 pounds to get the papers they are three pounds so he probably got scammed away into the conversation mr w it cost us thousands to get it like that i don't understand why you are being so rude about this directed as me as i had done most of the talking i think we have been very patient we've come at a time that suits you on a day that suits you keeping in mind we could have come at any time cut off your lock and put our own on and then sue for the cost to replant the hatch and lawn people were complaining about the overgrown hatches no one has cut them for at least 10 years mom we cut them less than two years ago while i agree the hatches were overgrown gross exaggeration doesn't help we try to keep them cut but we forget mr w people have said they like looking at it now it looks so much better they like looking at rubble and rusting metal eventually he takes us to the garage he had cleared the tools out and moved all the rubble and junk onto the footpath behind it which explains why he wanted monday to himself we uncover the car and inspect everything all the gardening tools we left that were gone the car was fine but a few small dents on the bonnet at the front some tools probably fell onto it we know he did it as it was inspected as showroom condition shortly before it went into storage he denied the damage while doing so he was also leaning against our car i told him to get off and he calls us rude he does he goes inside his home we stay in the garage my uncle drove a concrete lorry his entire working life so he knows that at most there was a couple hundred pounds worth of material there not thousands aftermath we get the car moved to our new house i put up some no parking signs and we only hear from mr w three more times wants to ask for copies of the paperwork he refused he asked us for permission to park his work van on the concreted lawn we said no as it was back on the market and people would be viewing it and finally to tell him to move his van after he ignored us and parked there anyway the garage door was fine they had bent the locking mechanism breaking in but we quickly fixed it while the gardening tools being stolen is annoying we don't care that much we are not going to sue him for the cost of restoring it as the total property value is about the same so we gave him first refusal and didn't hear anything before the deadline fhq question why didn't you report it as stolen answer we didn't want to have the headache of having to get it unreported stolen if we were able to recover it question how much would it have cost to restore the hatch and lawn answer we are not sure but lots they wear very old tall trees making up the hatch and paying the labor needed to tear up the concrete would have been a massive cost as well in total easily 10 000 pounds plus i apologize for the very long post but a lot has happened my final notice that a and b were both incredibly pleasant and genuinely wanted to get it sorted they were let down by mr w's attitude who in my opinion knew they didn't have a claim to the garage but wanted to chance it if they had genuinely no idea then they should sue the solicitor they bought the house with for the market cost of the garage in the end we lost nothing but it was a lot of unneeded stress the junk is still blocking the door path to this day i lied on my cv and got the job now it might come out and i am breaking it a few years ago i was looking to switch careers before entering my 30s and was getting pretty frustrated with all of the jobs where being educated to degree level is essential i had worked my way up through the company where i was for 10 years and most of the jobs i was looking at were well within my skill set i was not looking at anything that required specialist training or qualifications and was feeling that because i had not spent 30 grand to get a piece of paper i was being shut out out of a lot of opportunities so i decided to add an extra line to my cv which said that i had attended university and came away with a decent score in a pretty broad subject if any of the jobs requested a copy of my degree i would black a story about not having access to it almost instantly i started getting interview requests from the jobs that i applied for one of which i accepted and have been working for the last two years a few nights ago i was out for drinks with a colleague and i let slip in the course of conversation that i did not go to university the colleague in question got pretty pissed that he was working at the same level as someone who had not paid their way through education like they had and stormed off but not before promising to report me to management later on this week what are the potential ramifications here i'm guessing that i will be in breach of my contract so they will probably be able to sack me straight off but is there any other legal action that could be taken against me at all what should i be preparing for if the worst happens and guys in my opinion this is actually a very interesting topic because more and more jobs require you to have any sort of university degree and i'm curious what is your opinion about that is it really needed is it just an example that society moves forward and university education becomes more prevalent let us know in the comments and the first person in the comments said the best case scenario is nothing happens drunk co-worker forgets least best scenario company investigates are happy with your work give you a slap on the wrist for lying worst case scenario you will be sacked worst worst case scenario they review your work find incredible defects in your work that has cost them money due to not being educated as you claimed and sue you for the loss and damages to repair your work plus paying their costs this is not that likely but depends on your job and the type of work you do and by the way it's actually interesting a couple of years ago here where i lived there was a guy who pretended to be a psychiatrist but in reality he was actually a mailman and he has lied his entire life and in the end even became the head of the department definitely an interesting case but honestly i would not want to be treated by a guy like that and now on to the update to the story i want to start by clarifying a few things i realized that my wording of paying 30 grand for a piece of paper was disrespectful to people who have genuinely worked hard to get a degree and i apologize for that i did not mean to diminish the value of getting a degree in any way or the hard work time and stress that goes into further education my main point of frustration is regarding workplaces that at the line educator to degree level is essential to a job at where that role clearly does not require one it effectively stonewalls people like myself who for several uncontrollable reasons did not go to university and instead have spent many years working tirelessly earning real workplace experience and create a situation where the best person for the job may not even be considered because they did not go to university some of the people that i work with have little to no workplace experience but do have degrees that are completely irrelevant why does that make them more qualified for a job over someone with actual experience within that role that being said i would never apply for a job like being a doctor an engineer an architect or any other highly skilled careers that require specific qualifications earned through many years of hard work and further education with that out of the way on to the update so i called my manager over the weekend and explained the whole situation to him after reading all of the responses to my post i started to feel like no matter the outcome getting out ahead and admitting what i had done was going to be best in the long run it turns out my colleague had not bothered to say anything about it but i am glad that i did he was pretty pissed off about the breach of trust but was a lot calmer than i thought he would be sad not to worry about it too much and to leave it with him over the weekend after getting into work this morning i was immediately called into a meeting with my manager and one of the company directors i felt like maybe this was the end but it was not quite as dire as that both of them agree that my work has been pretty good and want to keep me on but agree that there does need to be ramifications for the dishonesty the main part of my punishment is that for the next 3 years i will not be promoted or receive a pay rise i am effectively frozen within my role until the end of 2020 i feel like this punishment will feel more and more severe as time goes by but i am prepared to take it the three year time frame is purposely symbolic of the time that i would have spent getting a degree the incredibly positive part however is that the company is willing to potentially fund further education for me so that i can legitimize my future career prospects i was not expecting this at all and honestly got a bit emotional when my manager started talking about it after explaining the reasoning behind why i lied they have also agreed to re-evaluate their hiring process job ads for some of the roles so that a degree is added to the desirable but not essential field for obvious reasons we are going to be keeping all of this between the three of us i have informed both of them that i let slip to my colleague and i believe they are going to speak with him as well all in all i feel pretty lucky and grateful for this outcome and want to thank most of you for your advice but not so much the people who pm me calling me all kinds of names so guys after you have heard the update how do you feel about the story do you think what the boss did was correct or should he have fired the op i can't wait to hear your opinions in the comments and the next one is titled my ex-fiancee is threatening to sue me for ownership of a ring that has been in my family for generations saying that it automatically goes to the man is this true alabama i recently broke off an engagement due to my ex being a cheating liar the ring i wore during the engagement was an heirloom willed to me by my late grandmother it is traditional in my family that this ring is passed to the eldest daughter and my mother had been keeping it safe for me until i found the one my ex knew this and asked for it when he asked for my mother's permission to propose she gave it to him and he had possession of it for less than 24 hours before he proposed now that we have broken up he is demanding that i give him the ring back he is insistent that alabama law makes it illegal for me to keep the ring that in the event that an engagement ends the ring must be returned to the man period i looked into it and all i can find is that the ring belongs to whomever paid for it when i told him this he told me that i don't have any claim on the ring since i did not purchase it i was only wielded and the fact that it was real to me is irrelevant since my mother gave it to him he is demanding that i return the ring and any information i have about the insurance policy on it it is extremely old and much more valuable than your average kay jewelers piece he says that if i don't return the ring by monday he will sue me for it or its value in court can he seriously do this this ring has been in my family since the 19th century does he really own it simply because a he is male or b it has set in his pocket for less than a day with the fact that my mother was only storing it for me to keep it safe slash maintain the surprise of an engagement meta it was not hers to give away and a user in the comments mentioned here's a good summary of the issue in short it is possible for a guy to get the ring back but in this case there is no way a judge would rule in his favor this guy is just trying to get under your skin don't read his emails or his texts block him out of your life and now on to the update to the story i wanted to say thanks for all of the advice and support i got when i posted on here a while back i was in a pretty shitty place and i can't describe how awesome it was to have literally hundreds of people telling me what a pathetic douche chill my ex is as my title suggests i don't have a thrilling update for you a lot of you want me to be on the lookout for him trying to take back the ring himself which my family and friends were also worried about i'm very blessed to come from a large family so on monday afternoon a few of my male cousins second cousins concerned family friends and their firearms came to my apartment to keep me company my female cousins did not want to be left out so they came too several of them also toting firearms through a gobbled family phone tree one of my uncles completely misconstrued the purpose of the family gathering at ring throw away's hose and arrived bearing a case of liquor and a massive publix sheet cake my grandfather eventually showed up with his banjo and some beautiful pictures of my grandmother wearing the ring in question as you can imagine this turned into one of our better parties and of peace congratulations on not marrying an a-hole party will live on in family lore since my original post i've gotten a lot of extremely nice messages and calls from my ex-family all of whom are currently not speaking to him his brother called me the day after the table incident to ask what happened and i told him the truth which i can only assume was passed around his dad assured me that my ex won't be trying to sue me for the ring and told me that if i ever hear from my ex again i should call his dad and he will bring the pin he also sent me a gift card for several hundred dollars to home depot in case i ever want to make a better table for a better man hopefully that would be the last thing about this breakup that makes me cry i also got an sti screening which turned out negative my gyno said that everything looked perfect absolutely pristine so i may not be getting married in 3 months but at least i have pristine genitalia that is probably one of the best updates we have ever written then again with the banjo and everything this story almost sounds too good to be true if you ask me but i mean who knows maybe families in alabama are really as wholesome as this and the next one is titled just informed by my manager that they will never approve my vacations again because i am too important is this legal hello i work in a retail store in florida i am lucky enough to be a full-time employee which means that i generate paid vacation time last week i left on a 7-day vacation a straight week it was approved by management months in advance and there were no issues when i returned the department i work in was a disaster and management was furious i was not around to help with it the rest of my co-workers are awful and apparently could not handle the increased workload of 10 hours each for a week yesterday two days after returning from vacation i was informed that i should not bother submitting any more days off because they won't approve them i'm told i'm too valuable to be allowed time away they now realize that i am always needed in the department while it is flattering that i am so important this is obviously awful for me i have taken the same weekend off for 6 years in a row and i have no intention of stopping now is this legal can my employer ban me especially from using my vacation time forever and a user in the comments said wow others will know more about the legality of this in your jurisdiction but this is incredibly short-sighted of them if they find it hard to manage when you take a week off imagine how they will cope when you find another job altogether because their actions demonstrate that you are not valued as a colleague and team member but as a skivvy and as far as i know skivvy means something like slave or servant and i mean correct me if i'm wrong but if they value him that much shouldn't they also value his mental health if you don't get any vacation or any days off at some point you're probably gonna collapse in addition guys i'm curious how many days of vacation do you have per year let us know in the comments and now on to the update to the story from before long story short many people suggested that they were joking or that i was intentionally trying to start stuff unfortunately that is not the case i tried to apply for the same weekend off that i had the year before being july 7th until 12th only 6 days instead of 7 not ideal but better than nothing management countered by claiming that these days were now blackout days because of their proximity to 4th of july somehow they claimed the department i worked in was expected to be exceptionally busy 3 days after 4th of july this was not the case last year obviously as i was able to take the time off just fine only now was this made a rule and only after i applied for the time off i attempted to appeal to management by mentioning that i had taken the same days off last year but no dice they refused to even consider it i informed them that this was the only week i was interested in taking off at all and that when i interviewed with this company i had specifically told them that this was non-negotiable i took this week off every year paid or unpaid and during the interview they had agreed to those terms not a single f was given they shrugged and told me sorry but it's a blackout date and that if i could take it off they would have to let everyone take it off i told them i did not see a problem with that they laughed in my face well it's just something we cannot do i have since quit the position not only due to this but several other issues as well mostly hating my job so much i've been diagnosed with clinical anxiety as well as depression and now have to take medication to remedy those i spoke with my mother and she is graciously allowing me to live with her for a year and a half while i return to school full time and finish my degree in computer science and hopefully am able to launch myself into a much better job than menial labor in a retail store it sucks having to move back in with my mom but i will gladly suffer through a year and a half of that if it means i don't have to return to retail thank you all to the advice you gave me even though it was essentially urf'd sorry one thing i have to admit guys as a european the labor laws in the us at least from what i've heard so far seem at times extremely harsh honestly the way this guy was treated was basically a form of bullying if you ask me and the last one is titled neighbor called the police because our wifi is allegedly making her sick claiming ada violation throw away for obvious reasons we live in your typical suburban residential neighborhood of single-family homes our neighbor is a quack who believes that wi-fi and emf makes her and her children sick she is part of an advocacy group for this issue and causes a stink everywhere from the local schools to the state level she homeschools her children because the wi-fi allegedly makes them sick too when she first moved in she informed us of her illness and asked if we would consider swapping out the mechanism on our water meter that allows the water company to read it from the street being neighborly we agreed to but when the water company showed up to install the analog device and informed us that it would be 95 dollars the neighbor refused to pay so we called it off the water meter also happens to be on the opposite side of the house not her side last night an officer came by around 8 pm looking for my husband and would not tell me what it was about worried sick he rushed home and called the dispatch who did not know anything but sent an officer over around 9pm the officer came in to discuss a potential americans with disabilities act violation regarding our water meter and wi-fi the officer was accusatory and made it seem like we were doing something wrong and kept mentioning that this issue would be send up the chain and is going to the governor's office she is so vocal i don't doubt she is taking up her issues with the governor keep in mind our wi-fi barely holds a signal from one side of the house to the other it is a crappy router provided by our isp we are not talking military grade here at this point we are not willing to make any concessions for her as this is total quackery every reputable article i read says that wi-fi sickness is not a real condition the symptoms can be real mostly due to the power of suggestion a few questions does she have any ada claim with us or the water company this is private property second is this not a civil issue why are the police involved three how do we prevent the police from showing up here again about this the late hour was extremely inappropriate for such a frivolous issue four should we file a no contact order or restraining order against our neighbor we are concerned about escalation number five we are concerned for the children they are homeschooled and she has mentioned in some of her numerous newspaper editorials that doctors think one of her children has a chronic illness like cystic fibrosis but she really knows it is the wifi causing it she has some sort of grey material covering all the windows in her house should we report this any insight is appreciated i wish i were making this up edit thanks for the responses everyone we are going to talk to the police department on monday we are going to file no contact orders and consult with an attorney to make sure we are covering our bases if anyone is interested in another tidbit of how crazy she is she also does not allow cell phones anywhere on her property when she needs to speak to us she asks her ex-husband to come over and summon us and asks us to leave our phones at home since cell phones also exacerbate her symptoms she filed a police report a few weeks ago about her wifi issue with us and the cop who filed her report and the one who came by last night was asked ahead of time to leave his radio phone and electronics in the squad car we believe he is a rookie who is following up on her report and is not aware of procedure for something so outlandish i don't think hiding our ssid will make any difference to her since she does not have any devices capable of seeing the wifi signal we will be sure to update when we get more info guys let us know in the comments if you ever had such a nut job neighbor user city cop in the comments said i agree with everyone else here but here's an idea since people who get sick from wifi are not the most technically inclined people in the world you can hide your network ssid so that when people go look to see what networks are out there your network does not show up on the list this does not really make the network any more secure against someone who knows what they are doing but you could do this in this case and then tell her or have the police tell her that you shut the wifi down she looks on the list of nearby networks your network is gone she feels better because it is psychosomatic and everyone wins and now let's see what happens in the update to the wi-fi story some of you may remember my post from a few months back thanks to everyone who provided some great legal advice and otherwise good life advice more than anything it has made us extremely grateful for our sound mental health i want to reiterate that everything in these posts is 100 percent true this is not viral marketing or a made-up story for internet points it has been nothing short of a nightmare that we would not wish on anyone a few things have happened since the post we switched isps to a company that allegedly makes her sicker than our old one did no idea of the logic behind this because like all of her claims there is nothing backing it up we also installed solar panels that require an additional meter on the house before the new meter was installed we called to check the delivery date and were informed that they had a work order to install an analog meter instead of the usual digital type that is readable from the street we cannot prove it but we suspect she caught on our behalf and tried to request a change she harassed the installers the building inspector national grid workers and anyone she could complain to and generally made the installation process even more painful for everyone involved even before the meter was turned on and the panels were generating energy she went berserk and claimed her symptoms were worsening she cited a bylaw in our hoa that essentially states that residents cannot engage in activities that adversely affect the health of others she used this to try to petition the board to evict us from our home which we own when that got her nowhere she tried to petition them to build a 30-foot concrete wall between our property and hers at the expense of the hoa and yes you read that right she wanted to build a wall and make the hoa pay for it after that she tried to get the board to tell us that we needed to wrap our water and electric meters with multiple layers of tin foil with no word on whether the gas meter makes her sick also and by the way i'm guessing that woman also has a nice collection of tinfoil heads in her closet thankfully the board is comprised of sane people and after consulting an attorney who specializes in disabilities and ada claims they told her that the hoa has no jurisdiction in this matter i have read hoa horror stories on this sub but this is one case where an hoa was very helpful the board members reiterated that if her health problems are really that bad she should move after exhausting all the utilities public utility commission contractors the building inspector and our hoa this seems to be the end of the line for her she noted her intentions to sell her home in her response to the board rumor has it that she is also feuding with the neighbors on her other side about the types of dryer sheets they use in hopes of sealing the deal we consulted with an attorney to write a cease and desist letter or something that would let her know we are serious about standing our ground we were hoping it would be on letterhead and explain the legal standing we hold but instead this this is the piece of crap we got in return seriously we paid 100 for that a letter from a licensed attorney a second grader could do better we are obviously not sending it and hope that the move is quick and painless thanks again for all the helpful responses and the letter reads like this mrs x since you moved into the neighborhood five years ago our family has been repeatedly harassed by you we have had enough of your complaints demands and harassment activities let this letter serve as notice that you are not to come on our property at contact us by any means or otherwise harass us you need to leave us alone if you fail to follow these directives such violation will expose you to legal consequences and with that we have reached the end of the video i hope you enjoyed today's content and if you did please don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our amazing community furthermore don't forget to go to r ripe stories on reddit to post your own stories if you want me to read them out in a video i hope you have a fantastic day and i see you again tomorrow
Channel: Ripe
Views: 27,878
Rating: 4.9269843 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idontworkhere, r/talesfromthefrontdesk, r/entitledhotelguests, entitled guest, hotel guest, karen hotel, justnomil, justnohoa, hoa, r/justnomil, r/justnohoa, homeowner association, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, justnoneighbors, reddit neighbor, reddit neighborstories, neighborstories, legaladvice, legal advice
Id: alPtFdZazvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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