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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom thinks i'm 16 and takes the keys of my nissan r32 gtr because her baby likes it and damages it this happened a month ago before i discovered that r entitled parents exists i am 21 and clearly old enough to drive a car i've been a car guy since childhood playing need for speed and gta during my childhood i had recently bought an imported nissan skyline r32 gtr from japan and imported it to the us the story goes that i went to my college and was returning with my girlfriend and we stopped by mcdonald's to grab a bite i finished my meal and had to pay the bill when i see that my car was being raided by a kid i asked my girlfriend to pay the bill and go to the kid we've got entitled mom we've got the police officer we've got girlfriend and we've got entitled kid me excuse me but can you stop trying to sit and stand on the hood of my car entitled kid i am sorry can i play with it no you can't i'm sorry so can you start it up and show me fine as many kids of their age like cars i said okay i proceeded to get in when boom entitled kid pulls me back and jumps in my car closing the door and locking it hey kiddo get out of my car he refuses so i pull him out by unlocking the door with my keys but when i pull him out a lady comes storming and yelling towards me while my girlfriend comes out from mcdonald's entitled mom hey what are you doing to my baby are you his mother yes i am and why were you trying to pull my baby out of the car girlfriend what happened me this kiddo got in my car and wasn't getting out my girlfriend is hot-headed and just yells at the entitled kid girlfriend what the heck you little piece of crap stop it and get out entitled mom explodes hey watch your language in front of my baby me you should stop and teach your kids some manners to not get in other people's cars it's not your car so what's the big deal actually it is mine i show her the keys which has the iconic nissan logo she was surprised an entitled kid says mom this guy won't let me drive his car what why are you not letting my baby play with your car me he's probably like 12 so i can't allow him to drive shut up you are also 16 and you are too young to drive i have kind of a baby face so many people think that i'm a teen girlfriend he's not 16 he's 21 entitled mom you shut up you're too old to be dating him girlfriend what entitled mom if you give this car to me i will let you two go without telling the police and i will give you my car she points to a messed up nissan altima with its headlights missing me what no way will i trade you my car for that piece of junk in fact if you give me an expensive car still i would have refused what's the difference it's still a vehicle with four wheels my car was twenty four thousand dollars and all the modding and ramps was thirteen thousand dollars making a total of thirty seven thousand dollars while her car was 15 000 i don't know the price just assuming by the looks i am a single mother can't i enjoy life i don't care but i won't give you my car while we were arguing entitled kid was hovering over my car and while doing so he slipped and bumped his baseball bat on my door and it left a huge dent and stretched my mikasa wrap me what the heck you little jerk how dare you ruin my car hey stop yelling at my baby you jerk me clara let's go i'm done with this when i was about to leave entitled mom grabbed my keys and was about to pull me out when my girlfriend grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back help she is assaulting me just when this was happening police officer came assuming that someone must have called the police hearing the argument police officer ma'am is everything all right here no he's trying to steal my car and his girlfriend is assaulting me ma'am i request you to please hand over the keys and stop holding her girlfriend lets her go an entitled mom stares at me with entitled kid beside her me no sir i am the owner of this car and she was trying to steal her from me he is clearly lying see he is not old enough and this girl is dating him girlfriend shut up police officer ma'am please calm down sir can you please show me your license surely sir i hand over my license ma'am this clearly states that he's 21. no it must be a fake one he doesn't look like he's 21. also he tried to steal my car and when i resisted his girlfriend assaulted me see i also have its keys me no sir it was self-defense as entitled kids snatched my keys and was forcing me out show me your paper sir i show him my papers which had my name on it which he read aloud no they must have made a fake one as he has been following me for days to plan out the theft i will check it through the database he proceeded to go when entitled mom tried to stop him making excuses but he still goes these are 100 legit and the car is registered to his name in my database no your database is wrong now just do your darn job and arrest these two we further show him the footage through my anti-theft cams on my car this clearly shows your so-called baby sitting in his car and you stealing the keys police officer handcuffs her and she pushes him but he still restrains her taking her to his squad car he asks me if i want to press charges to which i give him a straight yes as her baby damaged my car i don't know what happened to entitled mom but entitled kid isn't going to be getting his mother back i'm going to court next week with my girlfriend to give our statement we'll give a follow-up story with what happens to entitled mom an entitled kid later entitled dad an entitled kid break my friend's new phone so my friend and i are like best friends he had his birthday last week and celebrated it with us yesterday as we had our exams he had invited me along with a few other friends so we were all sitting at pizza hut waiting for the pizza we ordered basically he ordered what he wanted and during that time he opened a gift given to him by his parents it was a one plus seven t he started jumping with excitement now here comes entitled dad and entitled kid they weren't with us and we didn't even know them entitled kids saw my friend excited and was eyeballing his phone entitled dad saw this and walks over to our table entitled dad wow that's a nice phone do you mind if entitled kid can hold it and see it as he is also getting a new phone and wants to decide my friend gave it to entitled kid without any second thoughts when it happened entitled kid held the phone in his hand and made a small clicking sound from his mouth and threw the phone on the ground the whole party went silent and friend exclaimed what the heck entitled kid dude chill it's just a phone also it's no good to his dad i want an iphone i picked it up to see the screen it cracked the throw was pretty hard friend holding back tears what the heck did you just do didn't you see that it was new and i had just opened it why would you do that he is a timid person entitled dad it's just a phone no need to be such a baby about it entitled dad goes to place his order and friend sits back down crying and calling his parents we all were consoling friend and we couldn't do anything luckily the worker saw all this and asked entitled dad to share his contact information so he can pay or he would call the police entitled dad rudely tells him to mind his own business the worker reaches for the phone seeing this entitled dad gets scared surprisingly and offers 50 dollars for a 599 dollar phone by this time friends parents are here and friend's dad asks him for 600 or he will call the police and title dad gradually pays for the phone to avoid police drama that's the end friend got a new phone and very surprisingly no police were involved after reading a lot of stories here i thought that this was going to turn out as one of them thanks for reading y'all goodbye and stay entitled parent-free next we've got entitled mom left her kids in my cafe while she got botox next door i work at a popular cafe in a very wealthy area of town that is next door to a medical spa that does things like lip injections and botox two children walked into my store unattended i thought their parents must be somewhere inside or still in the car maybe they were being dropped off to meet a tutor i wasn't sure there was a boy who was about eight and the girl who was about five it became very apparent that their mom and dad were not in my cafe as they began running around the lobby together dragging chairs across the floor knocking items off displays digging their hands into the sweeteners at the condiment bar etc eventually the pair came up and sat at one of three bar stools at the end of my bar as i was making drinks they started asking me for hot chocolates i told them if their mommy or daddy bought them a hot chocolate then i would be happy to make them one as if on cue the little girl started screeching at the top of her lungs and the little boy began pounding his hands on the countertop and yelling that their mom promised them a hot chocolate and that i had to make them one because she told them i would the little girl started crying and trying to stand on the bar stools i told her to sit down before she hurt herself i asked who they were with and the boy said his mom brought them i asked where she was and they told me they didn't know i told them to sit down and sent my co-worker to ask around to see if she could find their mother i continued making drinks and the boy kept shouting at me and demanding hot chocolate his sister was a blubbering crying mess who would alternate between sobbing hiccups and flat out screaming this woman who was waiting for her drinks told the kids to be quiet and also asked where their mom was the girl said something like getting her face done and the woman said i'll be right back this woman straight up marched into the medispa and according to an employee there that i know apparently chewed out this mother and berated her in the middle of the appointment for leaving her kids in my cafe the entitled mom put up a fight about it so the customer came back in the store and called the police in front of me meanwhile both kids are now standing on the bar stools screaming about hot chocolate even if they weren't brats and i felt like giving them hot chocolate for free i can't do that without the parents present the police showed up just in time to see the eight-year-old boy fall off the barstool and hurt himself one officer went next door and forced the mother out mid-appointment and brought her into the cafe and she immediately started screaming at the first woman for calling the police and then at me and my co-worker for letting her son get hurt the second officer went off on the entitled mom who said she felt she was in the right because i wouldn't be gone long and i didn't leave them unattended there are employees here to watch them lady i am not getting paid to watch your kids i'm getting paid to serve coffee the girl kept crying about hot chocolate and the mom was like wait you didn't give them hot cocoa and i was like uh no you have to pay for that and i can't give kids drinks without parents permission what if one of them had an allergy or was diabetic or something and she started screaming about how she shouldn't have to pay because they are kids and we should have just been nice the officers eventually made her stop and took her outside i saw them writing something out but i don't know if it was a ticket i'm not sure what happened after that because i decided to take my lunch and went out the back door to avoid her next we've got customer was cool a manager tried to fire me around 20 years back i worked in hardware support for a corporation desktop and server support physical network installs heck i even did phone system punch downs this matters i am on my way home when i decide to swing by my local electronics and media store for a dvd set that had just come out it had a cool figuring with it unfortunately my favorite color is blue and i had on a blue blouse i had on slacks with my tag and key card flipped into my front pocket and a wii wallet stuck in there went in grabbed my box set and i am heading towards checkout when an older man asks if we have this network cable in longer lengths his card is just filled with different lengths of cable his son and him were setting up a local area network i told them i didn't work there and then added in that if they wanted to save some bugs they could make the cables themselves and went into a spiel about how to do it and what to get he was super excited cool i feel a tap on my shoulder and i turn around to see some guy with a button up and a manager's tag on he was smiling and polite and asked me to come with him said he needed to ask me about something so i went got to the area where the bathroom and the water fountains were and the smile dropped apparently he had just started as the assistant manager two days before and had been waiting to talk to me the exact wording is lost to time but apparently he thought i was someone named amber who worked there and since i was late again as well as advising a customer against a purchase he was going to have to let me go apparently he missed the i don't work here part i explained i didn't work there and as i was doing this he interrupted me to ask me why i wasn't wearing my tag which he would need back and he reached down and grabbed my tag which was attached to an elastic clip he pulled i dropped the dvd set crack and out came my tag key card and wallet so i cursed loudly because he is standing there holding a tag that clearly does not say amber and is bleeding all over it he apparently cut himself when the clip snapped to him at which point he says something about me scratching him with my nails of course i didn't have any because of work plus i never even touched him and walks through the doors still holding my tag and keycard i scoop up my wallet and went after him he snatched a phone off the wall and is calling the police so i'm yelling at this point dude give me my tag back idiot assistant manager i was just assaulted of course i freak 9-1-1 operator probably thought he was being assaulted by the way i was yelling finally i calm down and just stand there with my arms crossed refusing to move with him holding my tag over his head like i am five years old police show up and we both tell our stories the older cop pulls him off to the side then me finally both the cops him and i are all standing there his story seems that i was trying to steal the dvds and i had assaulted him when he tried to stop me the older cop simply asked him why are you holding her tag the assistant manager looks down at his hand and starts stammering that he took it so i couldn't leave manager has now shown up and i tell my story again he looked like he had swallowed a bug cop asked about the employee amber sure enough she was already on the floor it seems the fact that i knew amber had a habit of being a few minutes late convinced both the cops and the manager i did press charges if he had done that stupid crap and then he just apologized it would have been one thing but he was clearly feeling big and when he made a mistake decided to lie next we've got i am not a guide for haunted attractions last night i went to a haunted attraction with a friend we were wearing our skeleton outfits we got to look spooky together you can wear costumes to these things when we check in the lady at the window stopped and asked what i was doing out of costume after we chatted for a bit and her showing me a photo turns out someone who looks just like me works there i showed her my id and she laughed at the strangeness of it all my friend and i thought it was funny too we joked and chuckled as a rather large group seemed to be following us we spoke to each other the oddness that there was a group of over 30 kids whom looked like teens at most here without more adults it was kind of odd however they were pretty chill so we didn't pay them much mind every once in a while one would run over to us and ask a question but it was pretty chill then hayride came and we got on board my friend and i making jokes and such it was fun and everyone but me had so much fun at the clown moment i'm scared of clowns and the clowns use this to their advantage to have me say the iconic horror line he's behind me isn't he and the clown saying stuff like we know where you live all in good fun and since we knew some people who worked at this attraction and were playing the clowns they pretty much pulled me around the hayride for kicks gotta love having friends who are scaring professionals after the hayride my friend and i chatted on which part to do next um is it just me or are we surrounded asked my friend as the group of kids appeared next to us with those couple of adults in tow yeah escape to the haunted house i asked yep she said and we ran off trying to get away from the group as neither of us do good with crowds funny thing those kids were fast they kept up so we ended up at the haunted house with a group of kids and a couple of adults in tow and yup in our group we were put in had a few of the kids who seemed very eager and yes questions ensued my friend and i tried to ignore them however this was much harder this time as they would go the wrong way try to hit the actors or not even sure how get stuck on the set pieces as my friend and i knew some of the actors and how hard it is to put on the show we were doing our best to keep these kids from making a mess of things it was like babysitting without getting paid yet with awesome things around bright side was no one complained about the fact my friend and i were having fun trying to spook each other out too i mean i did disappear at one point of the haunted house as part of a magic act only to jump out from behind a tombstone at the graveyard best placement of an exit tunnel ever after the haunted house my friend and i got some drinks because we were thirsty and pondered about the bathroom the kids were still nearby and asking us for permission to do stuff like get drinks to which we said why should we care if you want to you can you just have to buy it so if you don't have any money for it you can't get it so we went to the haunted maze again kids from the group were following us by the time it was our turn the whole group of kids were in the line with a couple of adults in tow at this point i was questioning if those adults even knew how to speak and true to form some of the kids were in our group this wouldn't have been much of a bother if it wasn't for the fact that when things suddenly turned black and completely dark i was clung to by a screaming girl that would have been okay if it wasn't for the fact that when she tackled me to cling to me she got my neck so she was choking me so in the middle of the maze in complete darkness i'm struggling with this girl who is pretty much hanging on my neck it would have been funny if i was able to breathe one of them got the girl off me and i panted for air besides that moment the maze wasn't bad yet again stopping the kids from fighting with the actors after the maze my friend and i decided to eat some halloween foods like their fried oreos and the pumpkin ice cream we were sitting as we noticed the kids were waiting for the others we only noticed this the kids were getting their after event snacks or whatever i was tossing out our trash as the one boy yelled i am going to the bathroom and started to run in my direction which was towards the bathroom terrible design reared its ugly head i noticed between the trash cans and the bathrooms was the tractor path and the boy was heading straight for an oncoming tractor the boy got to me and i scooped him up as the tractor got to us i put him down next to me are you insane didn't you see the tractor you could have been hurt thank god you're all right don't do that again you hear i yelled the boy stared at me and then thanked me after the tractor passed he went to the bathroom that was when one of the adults came up to me i was prepared to get chewed out by them for yelling at their kid thank you so much you really do do a good job here do i give you a tip or do i give it to your boss said the woman excuse me i asked confused tip you are an excellent guide for our school trip you even saved one of our students she said smiling at me that was when it dawned on me the reason the kids kept following us around and asking questions um sorry i don't work here i'm not a guide i said to the woman the woman looked at me rather surprised what but you showed the kids around you answered their questions the workers grabbed you they're not allowed to grab us she said sounding very confused i laughed um yeah you see those were my friends they work here i don't so yeah my friends i know will play along and we would never hurt each other so yeah i'm not a guide just a friendly person who didn't want to see anyone get hurt but if you are their teacher you should tell them not to pick fights with the people working here that's an issue no one wants to get hurt i said to her she smiled and walked off to the group i rejoined my friend and told her what was going on she got a laugh out of it we were chilling out for a bit still drinking some hot cocoa when the group of kids and adults came over to us and all said thank you together before they left man i wish my school did trips like this said my friend me too not sure if they really are school but with that many kids per adult i sure hope i replied before we left and went to enjoy watching halloween movies for the rest of the night next we've got superintendent doesn't like to delay or cancel school no matter how bad the conditions this comes back to end her career both my children attended elementary school in the northern midwest as you can imagine it snowed a lot even with all the snow removal infrastructure when a particularly heavy storm came along the town just couldn't keep up with it and the buses couldn't run for decades the school district dealt with this by having five snow days built into the calendar if they had more than five snow days the kids would go on extra days at the end of the year for years this system worked and no one ever complained except the occasional kid that had to attend a couple extra days in june well all good things must eventually come to an end the old mild-mannered super retired a new super took his place she was young aggressive and almost immediately reviled by everyone in the district let's call her sue because that's what we ultimately did to her sue came right out of corporate america i don't know how she got in her head that she wanted to run a school district but she did she was so inexperienced that the school board had to give her a waiver to work in our district before she could even show up for work when the year started sue went on a power trip that made everyone's head spin she slashed hours for support staff barred kids from repeating a grade without her personal approval cracked down on teachers taking sick time until the union pointed out that she was violating the cba by doing that backed off a little but vowed to go after any staff taking sick time stopped the weekly trip to the fitness center by the special needs class she was like a cartoon villain but what's important to this story she ended the decades-old snow day system took those days right out of the calendar and said we wouldn't be needing them as she was cracking down on snow days here's how snow days work the transportation department keeps an eye on the roads if they are unsafe or even if they are safe but the forecast is looking crazy for later they tell the super they can't safely run the buses the super then cancels school it's really supposed to be the transportation department's call well sue decided that she is the sole arbiter of deciding cancellations so even if transportation says it's not safe to run the buses she can say tough crap which she did often as you can imagine this led to a lot of awkward and even dangerous situations buses not being able to access rural roads buses running an hour late buses running their entire route completely empty because no sane parent would send their kids to school in a whiteout blizzard for two years we parents tolerated this craziness but needless to say we were frustrated we tried going through the proper channels contacting the transportation department writing to the school board we even wrote a collective letter to sue personally who if the rumor is true spit on our letter and tossed it in the bin though we did get a nice message on the school department website about how they are always thinking about the safety of the students so that's nice i guess things finally boiled over the winner of that second year a bus went off the road though my kids were not on it and still shook me up there were numerous complaints on the school's facebook from scared and disgruntled parents two years of being the only district open in the country during storms was getting on everyone's nerves my sister-in-law is a criminal defense attorney i am a disability advocate with a state agency so while i'm not an expert on the law like my sister-in-law i tend to know my way around we met for dinner and decided that if and when the inevitable tragedy happened we would sue we met a couple more times to work on our game plan you can't sue a school district for making dumb snow day decisions but if a kid gets hurt the day finally came in the late autumn of the third year of sioux we had a big storm roll through in the early morning hours not cold enough to snow or freeze thankfully but extremely windy most of the county lost power including the schools thousands of outages power lines down trees down roads closed it was a mess all the districts in the county closed all of course except ours sue was never one to turn down a chance at a power trip she ordered the schools to stay open it was a disaster buses couldn't access every road to pick up students buses were late individual schools were putting out bulletins that attendance was parents choice students unable to make it to school would receive a principal's excused absence stay home if it's the safer choice bear in mind that all the schools were running on generators so the high schoolers who start an hour earlier were sitting in the gymnasium board there was literally no point in having school this day then the inevitable happened a tree fell and hit a bus and this time my daughter was on it thankfully the driver did a good job of evacuating the kids and there were only minor injuries but injuries nonetheless all because of sues absurd no cancellation policy some ambulances showed up four kids went to the hospital as a precaution it made the news it was time the district sent forms to all of the parents of the injured kids they would cover all medical costs and provide counseling for the kids in the guidance office and a small cash settlement in exchange for the parents signing a release of liability you can't sue us but my sister-in-law and i had gotten to the parents first and advised them not to sign anything as we were taking the district to big boy court some of the parents did take the settlement offered which is understandable since not everyone likes drama but some didn't some told the district right where to shove that settlement i was one of them sister-in-law and i got together with a couple of the injured parents that were sick of the district's nonsense we got our paperwork in a row and filed a suit we filed a suit so fast that our hands burst into flames the essence of the suit was that the district had failed their duty of in local apprentice by making unsafe transportation decisions directly causing the crash and injuries my sister-in-law also pulled some strings at the local newspaper and got our lawsuit a small spot on the front page parents came out of the woodwork to express their support they were frustrated after years of sue's authoritarianism it turned into a small media circus and i'm sure some redditor will google this and find something well the district's lawyers got to work and quickly realized that this was going to be a mess a discovery process pulling up dirt the parents testifying the general hatred of the district not to mention it appeared that they would indeed lose they moved to quickly and quietly settle the case they basically sat down with us and said name your price and while i cannot discuss the details of the settlement let's just say that all injured parties were made whole also the district changed their cancellation policy immediately now if there was even a hint of snow or icky weather they cancelled a welcome change of pace as for sue she became very quiet she used to spend all day sending aggressive emails about her policies now hardly a peep all she did the rest of the year was fill the seat as summer approached at the end of the year sue announced her resignation she was leaving to pursue other interests we think she was asked to resign she was replaced by a superintendent who was much nicer he rolled back all of sue's power trippy policies i don't care if that's your family's most sacred heirloom give it to my daughter who doesn't even want it when i was 17 i worked as an intern at a jewelry store i would basically just help customers find jewelry pay for it and maintain the register one friday night i was anxious to close because i was going to stay after hours to repair a necklace of mine it wasn't anything too remarkable to a normal person just a silver chain with an ebony ring in the center but the history it had to my family is so important the story goes that my great great great grandfather a french woodcarver created that ebony ring with his own bare hands carved both his and my great-great-great-grandmother's initials into it and used it to propose to her when he went off to war a few years later he told her to if he didn't make it back tie the ring to her favorite silver chain so he could always be near her heart he never returned and she kept her promise and it had since become a family heirloom but anyways i was just closing up when entitled mom and her actually decent child come in me good evening welcome to paris jewelers how may i help you entitled mom cut the small talk my daughter needs a perfect necklace for her bar mitzvah and i want to see them now i'm slightly put off by her rude tone but i assume she's just stressed out and go to help her after looking through all of our best necklaces she's still not satisfied no no no where's your good jewelry ma'am if these selections are not to your liking i'm sure i can help you find another i want that one i look to where she's pointing and see that she apparently wants my necklace which is clearly on my employee desk and not on the display cases me i'm sorry ma'am but that's not for sale it's actually don't lie i want that necklace so you're going to hand it over me listen it's an heirloom my family values it more than anything daughter leave her alone mom i can get another the mom just dismisses her with a wave of her hand i'm about to open my mouth and protest but then my boss walks in boss is there a problem ladies entitled mom your little jerk of an intern won't give me the necklace i want she threw it behind the desk just so i couldn't get it daughter mom you know that's not what happened don't lie about shush you're hysterical because this girl is being so mean my boss looks at me then back at the entitled mom and her daughter he eventually turns back to me boss can you please show me the necklace in question i go and get my necklace and show it to him my boss knows that it is important to me and he turns back to the entitled mom boss is this the necklace you wanted yes then i'm afraid you're mistaken this necklace is in fact this young lady's property now please leave or i will escort you out personally entitled mom glares at me but eventually grumbles and leaves before she takes off however the daughter says she needs to use the restroom the mom tells her to hurry up before going to wait the girl then bursts into tears apologizing for her mom's behavior and sobbing about how embarrassed she is my boss and i felt so bad for her that we gave her an inexpensive bracelet for free and set a special mazel tov for her poor girl wherever you are i hope you're free from your mother and living your best life next we've got our return policy is 14 days not seven years i've worked at a retail store in canada for a few years now we get lots of entitled people attempting to return items that have obviously been worn or trying to haggle the prices this is the one that stood out the absolute most to me typical on mobile apology so i'm working my shift and hanging the new shipment of orders to be able to put out on the tables when this older lady comes in with her daughter anyone who's worked retail knows the look of a customer who's about to ruin your entire day so i took a long sip of my coffee before putting on my customer service voice hi how can i help you she cut me off while throwing a jacket onto the table entitled mom i have a return the zipper's broke and i paid a lot of money for this i bought it for my daughter and i'd rather get her something new me oh of course do you have the receipt with you i wasn't aware i needed one could you just process the return without one me of course i just need i then noticed that the few years i've worked here i've never once seen this jacket on our hangers i looked at it longer and noticed the back tag did indeed say our company's name daughter i'd rather just get cash so i can purchase something i actually like me sorry but when was this purchased our return policy is 14 days with receipt and in-store credit for up to 30 days after i've just never seen this jacket on our floor entitled mom are you calling us liars look at the tag obviously it's your store's jacket i can't remember when i purchased it but the zip is ruined and it clearly wasn't worth buying me i understand completely i'm just going to call a hirer up over so they can verify the jacket cue the moaning and groaning from the mother and having her repeatedly tell me i clearly can't do my job while i'm desperately waving at my manager entitled mom this is ridiculous just give me my money so i can buy my door to something better manager hi so this jacket is actually from our winter collection from a few years ago we can't take it back as it's been war are you serious my daughter's going to freeze now she needs a better jacket give me my money back manager i'm sorry but our return policy is 14 days not seven years you don't have a tag to even be able to ring this through we don't have it in our system and you don't have a receipt sometimes when a jacket gets older it wears and tears but it seems your daughter must have gotten a good few years out of it daughter this is absolutely ridiculous i take my children here and you will never have my business again entitled mom no this is terrible service it's broken we deserve compensation i don't want this give me my money back i want a new jacket my daughter will freeze without one manager i'm sorry we can't accept this as a return feel free to look around for a newer jacket but this is all i can do for you i hope you have a great day and i'm sorry we couldn't please you my manager turns around and starts going back to helping with stock the entitled pair took this as their best shot at bullying me into giving money back but i physically couldn't even if i wanted to no tag and no receipt means there's no barcode to even enter into the system i just blatantly ignored them and started unpacking another box well you are ridiculous and should be fired ignoring me and refusing a return this is illegal and with that she grabbed the coat off my stock table and not just the coat she grabbed a pair of jeans that were still in the packaging and started darting towards the door with her daughter i quickly grabbed the phone to ring security in our mall to rush over while my manager ran over to try and block them from leaving our mall has a super strict super stupid policy against grabbing the item back without security there so the best we could do was block them and follow them security managed to grab it back and they were banned from entering our store sadly not the entire mall but i can still have a smug look on my face when the entitled daughter enters and i can remind her she's not welcome in our store at all because of a wear and tear zipper next we've got a lady screamed in my face for doing my job as a little back story i work in an office supply store in the printing department we can do all kinds of things from making indoor banners to simply printing a black and white sheet of paper our prices are a little high and we have an express fee for doing a job within the hour now on to the story at this point i had been working at the store for nearly a year now and i knew the ins and outs of the printing department if you have a question i know the answer we were getting ready to close up shop about 20 minutes before close at this point a lot of my machines are turned off and a lot of the jobs dropped off are to be completed the next morning a woman comes in to pick up her order and i happily give it to her the job hasn't been completed by me but by a fellow co-worker i was just handing it off the woman looks at it confused she said it was supposed to be mounted which is laminating it onto a 24x36 foam board i check her order ticket and no there was no instructions for it to be mounted so i inform her of such and tell her i'll do it for her and quote her price it was definitely expensive so i offered a cheaper option she can find a foam board and do it herself she seemed pleased and walked away when i told her where they were think that's the end oh no this isn't a happy ending after about two minutes she approaches the front i was speaking to my manager about something and she asked where they were a second time i confirm with my manager and point her in that direction my mistake for not taking her back to look when she came back up she was angry she got in my face to scream it's not back there i have an anxiety disorder and when people yell at me it makes my anxiety go on a whirlwind so i got quiet and squeaked out uh really while my co-worker checks her out for the other items my manager and other co-worker were standing there while she screamed at me at some point my manager left as he didn't want to deal i don't blame him she was saying things like she understood why we had no customers remember it's about 10 minutes before close now and she'd tell all her friends to never come here as our customer service was awful my heart was racing and i couldn't catch my breath as she left my co-worker sarcastically called to her to have a nice day as soon as she was gone i broke i started blubbering like a baby hyperventilating trying to hide my face my co-workers were awesome trying to calm me and make me laugh the woman eventually got comped for her order and was happy i however will never forget the way she screamed in my face next we've got entitled dad leaves his kids in the lobby while he goes to see a movie i work in a big movie theater that has nine theaters and two bars up to a certain time we're family friendly kids 4 to 14 are allowed to come with their parents and kids 15 to 17 can come by themselves however after 8 pm we stop running the kids movies and only kids 15 to 17 can come with their parents one of the reasons for this is because there is a bar people hang out at i'm working in one of the theaters playing joker for the 9 15 showing and a single ticket-wise guy came in and took his seat i checked his ticket cool he's good to go about 10 minutes in my manager comes in the station and points to this guy's seat on our seating chart we've got manager and entitled dad manager that's a guy on his own right me yep why what's up he just dropped his three kids off in the bar area because they're too young to see joker basically this dude had three kids one was twelve the others roughly ten and seven tried to get them all into joker but was told by our ticketer that they were too young so he just left them there and went in by himself according to manager now the kids were wrecking the lobby and bar knocking over our cardboard cutouts and screaming and whatnot we go into the theater and manager kneels down by entitled dead and politely and quietly tells him he can't leave the kids in our bar or lobby entitled dad the oldest is 12 he can watch them manager sir after eight our age cut off is 14 and they still need a parent with them entitled dead not at all trying to be quiet well that's stupid this is supposed to be a family-friendly neighborhood manager that's just our policy and your kids are causing a disturbance at our bar you need to get them now entitled dad i'm watching a movie man just send them to the park across the street wow what a great father at this point manager backs up and radios for security who is this big scary looking guy who's naturally actually a big teddy bear but he shows up and when entitled dad sees him he leaves without causing a scene he muttered some crap about us and how we were going to lose all of our business because we don't cater to parents blah blah blah all in all not super dramatic like some on here i just thought he was a terrible parent as no there have been a couple of robberies in the park across the street lately so sending your kids over there at night is extra bad next we've got no anniversary gift i'm calling the cops i love my mom and it's taken me a while and reading a lot of the posts here to realize i have things to post here too this happened in august 2017. i had been busy with work for several weeks and i forgot to send a card or gift to my mom for her and my stepdad's anniversary however on the date of the event i send text messages and pics wishing them all the best and figured that would suffice and a mumsy would understand apparently she did not the next day was a sunday and i had been super exhausted from several weeks of working 10 to 12 hour days so i skipped church and opted to sleep in with my phone's ringer turned off i finally woke up around 1pm and decided to just bum around the house my hubby was super understanding and agreed to make food runs as needed so i wouldn't have to cook or anything i happened to grab my phone to text a friend of mine and notice that it was ringing so i answered it the person on the other end identified himself as a state trooper and notified me that i was about to be visited by local police for a welfare check very confused i asked him why and who would need to be checking up on me as my husband was in the same room with me and i was clearly okay because i answered the phone the state trooper politely just asked me to answer the door and comply with the policeman's requests and to have a photo id ready for verification purposes about 20 minutes later a local policeman shows up at my door and asks me to show my photo id i complied and he asked me why i hadn't called my mother recently i couldn't help myself from replying that i had been busy and oh yeah i was just shy of my 43rd birthday for pete's sake he stated that she had contacted several levels of law enforcement within my state she's in another state nearly 1200 miles away by the way which is why he was dispatched to my home i thanked him for his follow-up not his fault he was there after all and promised to call my mom he left i went back in my house and looking at my phone i noticed that i had 32 missed calls in the span of 2 hours what the heck my voicemail was completely full i decided to call my mom before even listening to the voicemails for fear another cop would get dispatched to my residence i called mom and asked if she was okay she didn't even say hello she just blurted out i didn't get an anniversary gift from you so i assumed you were dead i couldn't help but reply sorry to disappoint i asked her if she had gotten my text messages wishing her a happy anniversary and she just said oh yeah i don't check my phone that much but she used it to call me repeatedly and to harass several different law enforcement agencies five states away i politely advised her that i felt it would have been more appropriate for her to have received an anniversary gift from her husband than her daughter and if she felt the gift was lacking she should take it up with him i hung up before she could respond and ignored the rest of her calls and texts that day i finally listened to the voicemails as i expected the more voicemails she left the angrier they sounded not full of concern not worried that something was legitimately wrong not even a trace of alarm for my well-being no just angrier and angrier that she thought i was ignoring her she had left eight voicemails before one from a state trooper advising me they would make one more attempt to reach me before alerting local police then mom left two more after that before my voicemail was full none of my mom's voicemails indicated that she had contacted authorities to hunt me down the last four mentioned not sending any anniversary present and were the most angry sounding that was over two years ago and it's taken me a little time to move past it now it's a running joke between us and every time i get her voicemail instead of her i simply leave this message hi mom it's me i'm just calling you so you don't call the cops and hang up whenever she returns the call i like to answer with still not dead but she doesn't find that as funny as i do which is why i do it next we've got destroyed a tow company with one simple phone call several years back i went to work for a towing company it's about all i know how to do other than paint cars which is drastically affecting my health the pay was pretty decent but we had to share trucks and the boss felt that he knew where we needed to sit in order to get the best calls this is important for later several months in i realized that i was not making the type of money that i should be making so i took the opportunity while i was sitting in a parking lot one evening to start researching the laws pertaining to employees in similar positions he was kind of a jerk and the trucks had transponders so that he could see if we had them idling with the air conditioner on on a hot day or idling with the heat on during a cold day he was always calling complaining about something if the wheels were not turning during my research i discovered that if he was requiring us to sit in a certain parking lot street or any location of his choosing then we were entitled to be paid an hourly wage not just our commission the technical term was engaged to wait however if he allowed us to freely roam about while we waited for calls we were not entitled to hourly wages and we were therefore considered waiting to be engaged i never mentioned this to him but i did start taking note of my time another month or so goes by and he decided to start coming down on me for tiny little things things that ordinarily wouldn't even matter such as i forgot a pop can in the cup holder he actually had a screaming fit about that at this point i was tired of working there and had already found another job so i decided it was time to put my plan into motion i called him up told him that we needed to have a conversation about my final wages and that we could meet at his convenience upon entering the office i laid out my argument explained the state law and told him i expected to be paid for the hours that i was on the clock but not freely allowed to roam looking for work or able to do things of my choosing he told me in no uncertain terms that i would not be paid for that time as that was agreed to upon my employment i did not bother to argue as i already had my next step planned so i took my final check and i left the following monday i made a phone call to the state labor board where i laid out my case to them needless to say they were very interested in what was going on in the end they came to review his employment records and speak to the drivers still working when he got the bill of what he had to pay us all it was too much for him to afford so he sold the trucks his boat and lot and went out of business i never got the money owed to me in full only a fraction but the satisfaction of knowing the law just a little bit better than he did and watching it all burn was pure bliss next we've got entitled parent forces her son on his birthday to do a painting just like her then it ruins it and makes him start over backstory for my 12th birthday i went to an art place to paint the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland this place usually serves alcohol during sessions but there is a family-friendly room in the back with lessons for people under 21 bonus points for whoever can guess the place hint it's in california now we meet the cast we've got karen we've got the sad kid we've got my mom we've got me we've got random people one and two and the instructor i walk into the place and the receptionist takes us to the family room where the session was the entire session is family friendly no split classes here i pick a canvas and sit down next to my mom because she was painting too the canvas had a light sketch of the cheshire cat on it already i wait a few minutes because we got there early and in walks karen and sad kid i forgot how old he was probably eight to ten sad kid is pretty happy right now but sadly folks that will change in about three hours they both take the canvases across from us and sit down a few more minutes pass and everyone is here about 12 people and the class starts the instructor tells us all the basic things about the paint but another thing you need to remember is that the black paint is irreversible that is also important instructor told us to paint the background first and try to keep the inside of the sketch clear of paint until later for the best results so i start to paint the background it was red on the bottom fading to a yellow on the top karen though starts to paint the cat first sad kid starts to paint the background as instructed but karen decided that you are my son and you have to do the same thing as me she made him put his paintbrush down and take a timeout who in their right mind i mean come on instructor heard karen yelling at him and came over the conversation came as followed instructor is everything okay over here yes everything is fine he just isn't listening to me that's all me trying to mind my own business but kind of looking at them karen gives me a dirty look what are you looking at mind your own business me i had and still do have social issues and can't deal with stuff like this i'm sorry ma'am instructor tells karen please calm down there is no right or wrong in painting everyone does things differently and sad kid has paintbrush sad kid thank you karen takes paintbrush again no he's in timeout until he can learn to listen to me instructor i'm sorry but if you carry on like this ma'am you're going to have to leave you're disturbing the other painters fine probably thinking about how she paid for this lesson slides paintbrush to sad kid about an hour passes and some people have finished their background karen has finished her cat now too instructor tells us what to do for the cat for the best results paint color first then do black outline keeps you from messing up right away with the black we start to do that and sadkid has picked a perfect color scheme it goes amazing with the background important later trust me karen on the other hand shows clashing colors i'm not saying anything is wrong with that she might just like it like that but it's not something you would want to hang up in a house karen is huffing and is being very open to her being jealous of her son's skills another half hour goes by and almost everybody is done with their coloring instructor tells us how to do the black outline we have to be very precise about it sad kid starts doing it but then karen can't take it anymore she dips her paintbrush in black paint yells out and starts scribbling all over his hours worth of hard work ruining it everyone was in shock instructor comes over and loses her crap karen does the same and random people one and two have to break it up because they started to full-on scream then karen had the actual nerve to hug her son and say i'm so sorry she is being this nasty on your birthday the audacity okay i'm not even done sad kid yells out no you're the one ruining my birthday everyone goes quiet it seriously felt like something out of a drama movie sad kid bursts into tears instructor takes his canvas and gives him one of the spares i am so glad they had some and she sat next to him the entire rest of the class and helped him finish oh my gosh i was just a bystander with only a little interaction but that experience was awful sad kid if you somehow are reading this i wish you the best and karen if you are somehow reading this forget you next we've got entitled mom goes to a wedding this was a few years back now at my friend's wedding i was one of her bridesmaids the other bridesmaid was a girl about four who was the daughter of a family friend cast we've got entitled mom the family friend we've got entitled kid one the daughter and the other bridesmaid we've got entitled kid two the son about five or six we've got friend and we've got my boyfriend now husband the first time i met entitled mom was on friends hindu we had organized for us to go to a certain chocolaty attraction in the uk followed up by a pole dancing class entitled mom wanted to bring entitled kid 1 with her i thought this was weird seeing as it was an adult hindu but entitled mom said fran would be pleased to see entitled kid won i ran it past friend's mom who knew the family and it was agreed entitled kid one could come but would have to leave before our class because you know that would be inappropriate this meant having to rearrange the coach to pretty much take us back to our pickup point post chocolate to drop entitled kid one off and waste almost an hour in the process it was annoying but friend's mom thought it was fine so i went with what she thought seeing as entitled mom was their friend not mine anyway onwards to friend's wedding day the bridal party are all getting ready in friends hotel room entitled mom had both of her entitled kids with her they aren't too bratty at this point just being kids fed up watching adults getting hair and makeup done entitled mom kept sending them over to me to keep them occupied while she chats to friend again annoying but not a major problem anyway the evening comes around and it starts to go downhill friend didn't have a seating plan so boyfriend and i chose to sit at a table with my parents whom friend had also invited i haven't really had much chance to interact with them because of bridesmaids duties and i'm quite tired by this point so it was nice to take the opportunity to relax and unwind oh how wrong i was this is an entitled parent story q entitled mom and her husband deciding to come share the table with us both kids are bored while waiting for food and the dj entitled mom and her husband are more interested in getting drunk so again they keep sending the kids back to me i'm tired and just want to rest for a bit before the dancing starts but these kids keep dragging me up to play every time i try to take a break boyfriend gets up with me to try to help me out eventually we get fed up of playing with these kids that neither of us really knows so we go stand in the smoking area neither me nor boyfriend or smokers but it was the only way to stop the kids from following us when we feel we've had enough relief we head back in in our absence the kids had been at the sweet trolley like it was going out of fashion and the sugar rush hit hard they were transformed into some unholy combination of a banshee and a duracell bunny they no longer talked they screeched back to them dragging me and boyfriend out of our seats to play except now it was like playing with hyper lion cubs they were wild i kept looking back to the table with pleading eyes but entitled mom was busy burying her face and her wine glass my parents are also uncomfortable but none of us want to make a scene at friend's wedding boyfriend and i didn't get many chances to dance together so we are trying to enjoy ourselves on the dance floor these little horrors keep dragging us apart they were now uncontrollable both of them are messing with my dress this dress was quite revealing and due to an error with the dressmaker was a bit too big so i had to use body tape to hold it in place with entitled kid 1 yanking on the front it hurt i later had blisters which i can assure you is not pleasant boyfriend tries to fend off the horde in an effort to save my dignity they then round on him and try to pull his trousers down remember entitled mom is literally feet away well aware of what's going on but does nothing except order more booze i'm still desperately trying to keep the fuss down so it doesn't spoil friend's day boyfriend and i head back to the table and the last desperate hope that entitled mom or her husband might finally control their animals the final straw came when entitled kid 2 had worked himself into such a frenzy that he tries to pull my hair and hit me across the face my dad is normally a quiet man but he had well and truly had enough of this circus and simply put his hand across my face and boomed that's enough i know it's a social faux pas to tell someone else's kids off but by this point we were all sick of it the kids go wide-eyed and scuttle behind entitled mom entitled mom shot us a filthy glare summoned her husband and brood and promptly left i also noticed entitled mom had written in friend's guest book normally people put down congratulations to the new couple wish them happiness etc nope entitled mom had to make it about them and had written a thank you to friend for making entitled kid one's big day special sure i later found out from friend that entitled mom had bitterly complained to her about us to which friends said she was my bridesmaid not your free babysitter what did you expect there's a lot of people commenting that we should have said something sooner slash not been doormats admittedly we probably did let it go on for far too long we were a bit naive back then and under a different setting we probably wouldn't have let it escalate to that point we were very conscious of not ruining friends day she had spoken quite highly of this family and said repeatedly how cute we were together as bridesmaids so i really didn't want to cause drama for her which was what happened when entitled mom complained about us afterwards how dare we tell off her angels we ruined their night they were so embarrassed that they couldn't stay etc i didn't worry though because friend has my back she's a good friend edit too some of the comments are asking why i allowed them to pull up my clothes and hit me i can't remember for sure but i think when we got up to dance we were told the kids were done playing and now they had to sit with entitled mom or something to that effect probably nowhere near firmly enough we were then ignoring them so as not to reward them for more attention when they grabbed at me it was all very sudden and caught me off guard because i really wasn't expecting it so we walked away same thing with the hitting i was ignoring entitled kid too so i didn't see what he was about to do so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 174,839
Rating: 4.8570571 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: t5yFjwHJG2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 37sec (3877 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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