r/LegalAdvice City Places Lien On Entire HOA, I'm Unable To Sell My House & Lose $10,000! #JustNoHoa

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welcome back to our slash legal advice where people ask questions get advice and we get satisfaction if you are new around here please don't forget to subscribe to the channel to join our awesome community and without any further ado let's dive right into the stories and the first one is titled colorado what do i do with my house just leave the keys on the counter like many americans i lost my job in 2008 and could not afford my mortgage i had a friend in a similar situation and he just stopped trying and said he would move out when he got evicted i didn't feel i had much of a choice so i did the same thing i was out of work for 15 months and never made a single payment during that time during this time i got several notices of late payment notices of pending eviction and then nothing it never happened 12 years later i am still here and i haven't made a single mortgage payment as you can imagine during this time i also fell behind on my property taxes eventually i was able to pay off the delinquent taxes and i've continued to pay them on time every year since to be honest i'm not even sure who owns my house anymore no one has even mailed me anything about it i looked it up on the county records and i am still listed as the owner now to my question frankly the house is too big for me now and i would like to downsize my kids have moved out and my wife passed in 2016. i just don't need this house the county thinks i own it how do i tell them that i don't and i've just been living here rent free ironically i am worried if i just leave no one will pay the property taxes and then i will have a new problem to deal with and the user in the comments said what housing could you procure that would be less than your property taxes leaving is problematic you are still the owner of the house and will be responsible for what happens there code violations and taxes any chance it is worth more than the old lien at this point call a title company local to you and see if they are able to identify any liens and get you a payoff don't give them any information about the old loan see what they can find on their own i gotta say guys that is a very unique situation if you ask me and by the way i'm curious do you still remember the financial crisis of 2008 how did it impact your life back then let us know in the comments and the next one is an update to the what do i do with my house just leave the keys on the counter story i want to thank everyone for the advice on my last post and to give a brief update i spoke to an attorney about it and she started looking into it first thing she said is that i am still the owner and that the eviction process was never completed she also told me that there is still a lien on the house which is where it gets interesting my mortgage was ultimately sold to a second mortgage company which no longer exists the second mortgage company that had my mortgage was absorbed by a third company which went bankrupt and collapsed because i've been maintaining the property and paying property taxes coupled with no lien holder asserting their rights she believes she can get the lien holder removed from the title so as it turns out i may end up owning my home free and clear after all unfortunately she doesn't know how long everything will take so i don't anticipate an update for a while but thank you all and you know guys something that might sound weird to you but something that i always wanted to understand is how this whole buying and selling mortgages in the us really works i've been trying to get into that topic because for some reason i find it fascinating but it is just a little bit too difficult for me and the next one is titled condo board is telling me as of june 5th the parking spot i own will be converted into a handicapped spot but there are no other parking spots available is this legal this started back in december i own a parking spot that is right next to the three existing handicapped spots in my condo building i have paperwork that says i am the owner of parking spot a5 me and my wife inherited this condo from my mother in december apparently a new tenant moved in who requires a handicapped parking spot however our building already does not have enough parking for everyone for roughly a 100 units we have maybe 50 spots tops back then i was asked by the condo board if i was willing to give up my spot for these people who need a handicapped spot i was okay with it until they explained that there are no other available spots instead they wanted me to sign over my parking spot in exchange for nothing apparently in 2022 when the parking garage expansion will take place i will be first on that list to receive one of the new spots until then apparently i am out of luck since this is downtown toronto where parking is extremely limited at that point both me and my wife refuse to sign anything in february the condo board yet tried to get me to sign paperwork again and i refused they offered to pay for a spot for me roughly 10 blocks away at another building i told the condo board yet again i am not interested they have tried to guilt both me and my wife numerous times about this the tenant who needs the spot has approached me and my wife several times about how we are making her life a living hell in april the condo board during the board meeting thing put a vote asking for people to vote for the conversion of parking spots a5a6 a7 to be converted into two handicapped parking spots the motion passed however neither me or the people in a6 and a7 are budging so far today i received the letter stating that as of june 5th 2020 i will no longer be the owner of parking spot a5 i did not sign any paperwork and have told our condo board to piss off my questions are is this legal can the condo board take away our parking spot that we own do we have any sort of legal alternatives just to clarify i am not really trying to be a dick however these new people who moved in bought the unit fully knowing they were not buying a parking spot instead from my understanding is they expect the apartment building to provide them a handicapped spot free of charge location is toronto ontario and a user in the comments said this will likely be worth contacting a lawyer about this is likely illegal but will depend on what is in your home ownership documents how is the parking spot defined and what exactly is included and the condo by laws aka what are their powers and was proper procedure followed if there are two other people affected by this decision you might be able to get the same lawyer to represent you definitely worth fighting because it can affect the value of your place parking spots are a premium downtown and as i mentioned before guys i really enjoy living in large cities but of course one of the big downsides of living in these places is having limited parking space and that is exactly why i ride a motorcycle and don't like cars because with my bike i can always find a parking spot no problem update to the handicapped parking spot story thank you for all the advice we ended up talking to a lawyer on tuesday and we paid him a small amount to write a nicely worded letter indicating that our condo board had no right to do what they are doing the condo board has more or less agreed that they are in the wrong yeah after them and will be pursuing other alternatives to create handicapped parking for this new owner today the owner who wants the spot came to my door telling me that i need to move my car because as of today it belonged to her i explained to her what the condo board told me and she got very upset for now i am not going to move my car because i think she could be more of an issue than my condo board to answer a few questions i did offer the condo board an option to buy my spot for a stupidly high price of two hundred thousand dollars and a guaranteed spot when they increase the parking space but they are not interested i do in fact own this parking spot it is owned by me and deeded to me there's no street parking slash stopping in front of our building handicapped spots are actually owned managed by the building the issue came to heads when the people who bought the condo had a verbal promise that there was available handicapped parking however not long after making that promise another tenant needed a handicapped parking spot due to him being stuck in a wheelchair so this spot ended up going to him the actual owner who is complaining about this actually owns a non-handicapped spot however they refuse to trade it because they have two vehicles their other vehicle is one of those specialized minivans for wheelchairs finally the owner who has been making all of this fuss has been trying to take the condo board to court over this anyways thank you legal advice for your help the next one is titled hoa dispute with the city slash neighbor cost me my condo sale and ultimately five thousand dollars i just found this subreddit and wanted to tell a story that happened about a year ago i lived in a condo 100 plus units for about three years i had zero problems with the hoa the entire time i lived there they seemed to be fair had reasonable rules and also seemed like nice people when it was time to move out i put the house on the market received an offer got past the inspection with no issues about two weeks before closing we had a snack come up with the title search apparently the neighboring community made some land improvements that were out of code with the city additionally it looks like that community accidentally did the improvement on our association property line because the issue occurred on our association property even though it was done by the other association the city stopped by and required the improvement be fixed the two associations argued about responsibility while each day that went by our association was fined by the city the fine ended up coming to ten thousand dollars after about two months since my association refused to accept responsibility for the improvement which seems reasonable they also refuse to pay the fine which does not seem reasonable eventually the city placed a lien on the association as a whole for the 10 000 plus dollar fine the amount was not a huge issue as both associations are huge and could afford a ten thousand dollar fine but no one seemed to take responsibility cue me trying to sell the condo i happen to be the unlucky individual who first tried to sell the condo after the lien being placed about three months prior the title company and buyer's bank wouldn't accept the lien which left me with two options pay the lien myself and hope to one day get the money back or find a new buyer who could buy cash at this point the hoa went from being reasonable to competently ignoring calls from me the buyer and his agent the title company and the buyer's bank their position was that they could not pay the fine slash lien as it would be seen as accepting liability for the improvement the two condo associations wouldn't accept responsibility and decided to figure it out in court long story short the sale fell through because the buyer's bank wouldn't accept the conditions of the lien i ended up having to re-list the condo and only accept cash offers i eventually sold the condo at a loss of about 5 000 this also took to three months so another two to three months of hoa fees and other costs the hoa was a complete nightmare to deal with every step along the way i spoke with some attorneys about the meta and long story short it would cost me more than 10 thousand dollars to get that money back and would be tricky nonetheless i've considered small claims court but now living in a different country makes things tricky and because i know my ripe stars enjoy hoa stories the next one is also from fhoa and it is titled fhoa they charged me 500 over one penny when i bought my townhouse a couple of years ago the seller told us that if we closed by the end of the year they would pay for our hoa fees for the next year the reason for this was because they couldn't start construction on the newer townhouses behind us if they didn't sell them anyway they held up their end and everything was paid for so i thought i had been paying my hoa fees for about 6 months into 2018 when i get a letter telling me that i owe 500 for negligent pay wait what i called the hoa and they told me that yep i had not paid in full at the end of 2017 i told them i wasn't the one who paid those fees they looked into it and the seller had missed a penny on the last transaction of the year one penny and i got a 500 bill i asked why they didn't send me notice earlier and they told me the letters must have not gotten to you bullcrap but i was told to screw off and pay my bill i ended up calling the seller and talking to them the woman on the other end laughed for about five minutes before telling me about how absolutely ridiculous the hoa was being at that she would call on my behalf which i wasn't expecting i got a phone call from the hoa later telling me that the fees have been waived i am so glad that the seller was so freaking nice i would probably have just paid it since i hate confrontation and guys i think that is how a lot of hoas still continue to exist because many people just fear confrontation in general and that's why hoas can bully people around and the last one is titled bullied by co-workers they knock off my cap from my head a dozen times a day among other things is this considered assault in new york i have two co-workers that harass me and bully me at work every day they insult me and call me names and make unfunny pranks in our work uniform we have a cap what they do is they knock off my cap with the back of their hand so i have to pick it up on the ground where it gets dirty they do this like a dozen times a day looks innocent enough but it is aggressive behavior and it is making me miserable my manager says it is schoolyard drama and won't do anything i just don't know how to make them stop could knocking of my cap be considered assault and a user in the comments said you need to contact your hr department and the corporate office if you have one this doesn't meet the qualifications of assault but this very well could constitute a hostile work environment and the next one is an update to the hostile work environment story update because i used your advice and it helped when i went back to work i talked to my boss about the bullying and them knocking off my cap and i said it is making me miserable but again he didn't care so i said that what they are doing is harassment and because they make fun of my speech impediment it is discrimination and if he doesn't do anything he's responsible for it i saw he was pissed but still he talked to his upper boss then when he came back he yelled at me and the bullies for creating trouble and i thought we were going to be fired but that was it but then the next day the owner came that rarely happens and he talked to my boss and then to me he told me the bullying would stop and to tell him if it didn't at first the guys who were bullying me were moved to another part of the shop so they wouldn't be with me but the next day one of them was fired not sure if it is over the bullying anyway it is good now thanks to you and i don't need to find a new job i gotta say guys that makes me very happy that at least one of those bullies got fired because bullying whether it is at school or at your workplace has no place to be anywhere actually i absolutely despise people who do that neighbor claims we are ruining his life with noise and he's monitoring us 24 7 in our own home in maryland the story new neighbor moved into the town house next to ours a few months ago we have only ever spoken to him once or twice when he first moved in to introduce ourselves in early may i was on my back porch cleaning my bicycle and he came out on his back porch as well i attempted to say hello to him but he simply glared at me and walked back inside i thought this was odd but i let it go then on memorial day i saw him outside again and tried to say hello and was again met with a blank stare i asked him if he had a problem and he looked at me like you know what you did i spent the next two days wondering what i did to this guy eventually my wife and i decided we should try to make whatever it was right and left him a neighborly note apologizing and asking him to let us know if we had done anything to offend him to let us know so we can fix it then saturday he dropped off a packet full pages of complaint and then seven pages of diagrams and figures he claims that we are deliberately and violently making noises to piss him off he claims we are slamming things into walls holding in ridge dropping things and jumping heavily from step to step down the stairs with both feet and apparently we are doing all of this just to make him angry all of the things he claims we have done are either completely fabricated or grossly misrepresented or exaggerated a lot of the complaints he has are for dates and times when we were either asleep or not home the most troubling thing is that he also informed us that he has been subjecting you to 24 7 surveillance monitoring across the walls adjacent our homes he then proceeds to provide screenshots of the audio surveillance he has been conducting along with some examples he finds particularly egregious these noises he claims to be hearing are all 55 decibel or below which is the volume of a typical conversation not allowed at all he threatens repeatedly in his letter that if we don't discontinue your aggressions told us he will file a harassment charge and a restraining order he also threatened to pursue civil damages for the welfare slash health and financial stress we have somehow subjected him to there is a lot more crap in this letter he sent but that is the gist of it what we have done well we contacted our landlord we've been here for two years without incident we know them they are on our side they have contacted his landlords as well as they are good friends filed a police report and also called the police to take a statement from us and talk to him they are also on our side the police thought he was just nuts and told us to avoid contact with him which we will definitely do but i need to know if there's anything else we can or should do to protect ourselves from this guy i feel like if i close the refrigerator too hard he's going to snap he is monitoring us 24 7. isn't this very illegal and we don't currently feel safe in our own home what do and a user in the comments said there's not a lot that will happen unless the behavior worsens op can call the police to request wellness checks or make their own reports for harassment to head off the guy it does sound likely that he has a delusional or psychotic disorder but he would need to demonstrate actual dangerousness to himself or others before police or a court would actually intervene my best advice is for op to make it op's landlord's problem if the op's landlord has a relationship with the neighbor's landlord they can lean on that to address issues with the neighbor up to and including eviction it is in op's landlord's financial interest to maintain a good tenant and perhaps not in op's neighbor's landlord's interest to maintain a tenant with uncontrolled paranoia and escalating behaviors and now the update to the crazy creepy neighbor there is a moving van outside he is leaving we are not supposed to post youtube videos here so just pretend there are links to nana hey hey kiss him goodbye paulika steam and celebration by cool and the gang here seems silly but okay the next one is titled my grandmom was arrested for theft from walmart so long story short my grandmom buys almost 400 dollars worth of groceries for the month but forgets about the 212 packs on the bottom of one of the baskets she gets out to the car and starts packing things up when she realizes that she did not pay for the cokes she goes back in to correct her mistake she informs the lady at the door that she forgot about the cokes on the bottom of the basket and says she wants to pay for them the lady says something on her radio and walmart security then comes out and tells her to wait where she is and soon the pd comes out and gets her story they do not arrest her but she she's given a citation and is supposed to appear in court what the literal hell what can we do to have this dropped my grandmom obviously did not try to steal and even tried to pay for the items she accidentally walked out with at it yes i know she was not actually arrested but that was only because the officers declined to and cited her instead and a user in the comments said i would be shocked if a prosecutor wanted to touch this case with a 10 foot pole shoplifting slash petty theft requires an intent to permanently deprive the store of the goods a customer actually returning to the store to pay for forgotten items is the exact opposite of that common sense dictates that thieves do not come back to alert the merchant of their crime additionally who's going to want to look like an a-hole in front of a jury trying to paint as a criminal an elderly woman who voluntarily came back into the store to pay for items she forgot to put on the conveyor nobody that's who and guys i'm curious what do you think about this story will the grandma really have to appear in court do you think walmart is that stupid let us know in the comments and now an update to the grandma's story so not really advice seeking just updating everyone on the resolution so all of this is secondhand knowledge so if it sounds like i do not know what happened it is because i really don't know the full details my grandmom's lawyer apparently filed a motion to dismiss and it was granted he informed her friday that the county is dropping the charges against her so rather boring update here but thankfully it went our way as for the specifics i do not know everything as my grandmom called me last night to let me know figured i would update all of you who were invested in the story somehow on what happened so recap grandmom buys 400 bucks worth of grocery forgets cokes takes them back to pay gets cops called go to county courthouse please not guilty gets a court date lawyer files motion to dismiss on whatever grounds i am guessing the absurdity of the charges and it is granted victory edit half the people here are saying things like lesson learned don't return to walmart honestly i was shocked that this happened to her the one i shop at does not act like this they are more chill but i guess the walmart where my grandma shopped is full of idiots the moral is don't assume that everyone will do the right thing survey the situation and decide if going back to correct your mistake is worth it if your store is known for de-baggery don't go back if they are known to be fair go back and fix your mistake and guys i'm curious have you ever witnessed a similar case in real life how strict is your walmart when it comes to shoplifting in my opinion it's definitely a bit over the top to go after a grandma like this especially in the situation she was in let me know your opinion in the comments [Music] next one is titled is my boss doing something shady i currently work for a sole practitioner doing various office things she kind of takes advantage of my kindness i mean i haven't had a race in over 7 years my insurance is not paid for she does not pay for my gas or mileage and when she asks me to go to court for her to file things or to the bank like she has me doing at least three to four times a week besides i've never been allowed to leave to go on a lunch break anyways i'm kind of getting fed up by it because she likes to act that she's so poor but i don't think that is the case i've got a bunch of bank statements and excel spreadsheets opened up and i'm not sure if they are adding up so to speak so my boss she has not taken a paycheck since 2012 but instead is choosing to pay her personal bills with money from the business account if she is a sole practitioner is that okay right now i'm looking at her car payment her gas card her cell phone and her insurance now in the year of 2012 i've noticed something suspicious going on that i'm not sure is exactly ethical in 2012 she was named a trustee by this woman that goes to her church the woman is still alive but alone and so my boss is managing her affairs and making sure that her bills are all paid and that there is a nurse there and all of that good stuff well in 2012 my boss collected over 47 thousand dollars from this lady in legal fees yet i've never once seen a statement or a fee agreement for that matter also i have no idea where this 47 thousand dollars actually went i post the checks we receive from our other clients into a spreadsheet but not once have i seen a check from this woman land that pile which makes me super suspicious that this money is getting directly dumped into my boss's bank account i mean i don't know what to do is there even something that i even can do it just doesn't seem right you know i cannot find anything in the professional code of conduct about a situation like this and i have no idea where to look help thank you also i should note that i am in michigan thank you and the user in the comments said if you wanted to you could make a complaint to the michigan state bar they would do an investigation and determine if any wrongdoing has occurred of course if she gets this part you lose your job this is a tough situation to be in honestly any time you are reporting an employer to a regulating body it is a sensible idea to start getting your resume out there i mean honestly guys this boss does not seem like the nicest person around but still would you make a complaint or rather report your own boss especially considering that you might lose your job let us know in the comments the next one is titled michigan my boss is doing something shady update oh it's me i'm back after i posted here about concerns i was having about my boss things took a turn i stumbled across a document stuffed in a file i was cleaning up that set me off my boss used my notary stamp forged my signature and faked the proof of service i don't think it was ever filed but who knows how long this has been going on or what other documents she has faked i usually keep my notary stamp in my desk drawer but have since removed it and myself from work as of today i feel like someone just punched me in the gut i probably did not handle the situation well but i walked out of work what can i do can i do anything and then a user in the comments said the only body that manages notaries is the secretary of state you are entirely responsible if someone states that they did not sign that document and you have notarized a superior court slash commonwealth judge will not question that your signature is forged only the individuals unless you file a complaint the process is the same in your situation but check out this good luck and guys please correct me if i'm wrong but this story was basically about some type of money laundering or tax fraud scheme am i right and the next one is the last update to the boss story i am not sure if this is allowed or not but i wanted to give you all fine people of our slash legal advice an update i just saw that someone posted here about 15 days ago that their boss had used their notary stamp and forged their signature it reminded me of what happened to me and i thought i would share an update you know two years late my original post can be found here so after the whole notary debacle i kind of let things do but that event was always in the back of my mind shortly after i posted that i ended up quitting not just for the notary forging but there were a whole bunch of incidents leading up to it i don't want to rehash everything because i'm trying to put it behind me but i would say this i did end up filing for unemployment and through that process i found out for the entire eight years i was working there she had not once paid her unemployment tax fortunately i keep really good records i had all of my w2s for the last 8 years and my bank was able to provide me with copies of all of the checks i had ever been written to show that taxes were being taken out of my checks and that i was not some under the table employee unemployment advised that i keep up with calling their system even though i wouldn't be receiving checks because they needed to investigate which they did from what i gather she just ignored them and by doing so defaulted on her chance to dispute my claim it almost took four months before i received a single payment and when i did it was all of the disbursements in one lump sum it took almost a year before i was ready to enter the workforce again because a i was burned out and b i was finishing my bachelor's i'm now working on a masters in it and work for an amazing firm which is closer to my house and who pays me way more money and the last one is titled i caused an accident a year and a half ago injured party refusing settlement from my insurance company she is demanding that the money comes from me so that i can know the pain she feels this is enrichment va i am dealing with a smallish insurance company and they have been wonderful to work with and have been communicating with me they told me that i do not need to take any further action at this point in time but i wanted to get some understanding as to whether or not this lady has any legal ground to stand on a combination of nasty weather my unfamiliarity with the area and by the way this road is not in the dictionary at least the one i was looking at i was driving and speed on my part caused me to be at fault for a car accident i ended up re-ending a woman micah is a 2008 honda civic her car is a 2014 ford expedition at 35 miles per hour on a 25 miles per hour road she was moving about 10 to 15 miles per hour at the time of the rear ending my car was totaled her car needed barely two thousand five hundred dollars worth of repairs this woman has racked up what amounts to something on the order of twenty five thousand dollars worth of medical bills this spends chiropractic appointments to home and doctor office based physical therapy etc her medical insurance has covered all of this at this point last week my insurance company reached a verbal agreement with her and her lawyer for forty thousand dollars she's now refusing the money from the insurance company she is demanding that the money comes from me personally she thinks that this will help me learn my listen my insurance company shared with me a letter she wrote them a 12 page front and back what i am calling manifesto and no i am not posting it here i would also like to point out that she is 24 years old and the letter makes it sound like she is an 84 year old woman on her deathbed with all her listed ailments i'm not trying to diminish whatever pain she's in or things she's in but come on right so does she have any legal standing on her demand that i pay versus my insurance pay her and then a user in the comments said if she sues you personally your insurance company will provide a lawyer who will show she was sent the money but refused it i cannot imagine her lawyer or insurance company is too happy with her right now either and then another person said if she declined a genuine offer of payment what happens from here can her case be vacated if she refused the payment simply because it comes from the insurance company rather than the individual i know in some cases if a demand is met and then refused the whole issue gets thrown out guys honestly this is once again such a bizarre situation i would say this is really something that only a lawyer can handle let me know what you would do in the comments and the next one is an update to the weird insurance story the lady i hit for several weeks refused to take the verbally agreed upon settlement and my insurance company put it on the back burner in june they gave her 30 days to respond or they would rescind the offer in the middle of june she hired a lawyer not connected to her insurance rather a personal injury attorney i got a letter from the law firm telling me that i was going to be sued if i did not compensate their client the 40 000 dollars she thinks she is owed from the car incident i kicked the letter off to my insurance company i first called then emailed it my adjuster that i was working with had an audible after i read him the letter then a strained chuckle we will take care of this i heard back from them on wednesday the 5th they sent all the documentation of the accident the audio recording of her verbally agreeing to the settlement amount and her manifesto to her newly hired attorney they apparently also included a note that stated that they were giving her until the end of june to accept the money or they would rescind the offer if she did not get this taken care of soon my adjuster called me this morning to tell me that the issue has been resolved she has signed an agreement yesterday that she cannot sue if she takes the money according to my adjuster they re-offered her the forty thousand dollars because of two things primarily they wanted this to just go away and they did not want to be sued for more second they apparently know of this personal injury attorney he requires a very high contingency percentage and this woman essentially played herself by hiring someone that was not necessary he collected on her behalf and took his cut that's all i know so yeah issue resolved and my insurance has jumped up a small bit in cost due to the accident and guys unfortunately we have already reached the end of the video i hope you enjoyed today's stories and if you haven't already please also go to patreon.comripe youtube where i upload exclusive reddit videos starting at just three dollars a month this is a great way to support me in case you are interested and the chance for me to become independent from youtube revenue thank you so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe and like the video and i hope to see you again tomorrow
Channel: Ripe
Views: 26,027
Rating: 4.9216456 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idontworkhere, r/talesfromthefrontdesk, r/entitledhotelguests, entitled guest, hotel guest, karen hotel, justnomil, justnohoa, hoa, r/justnomil, r/justnohoa, homeowner association, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, justnoneighbors, reddit neighbor, reddit neighborstories, neighborstories, legaladvice, legal advice
Id: ymw6ozVCyV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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