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what is going on everyone and welcome to our slash entitled parents the movie christmas day edition it is the 25th of december guys i hope you're having an amazing day and yes those of you that have been around on my channel for a long time will know exactly what this video is gonna be as you can probably work out by looking at how long this video is it is a full feature-length entitled parent only movie if you're a massive fan of the art slash entitled parents subreddit and my entitled parents videos this is the video for you pretty much i have collated some of the very best entitled parent stories from the past couple of months and put them all into this feature-length film so yeah sit back relax and enjoy our slash entitled parents the movie christmas edition entitled mum thinks my color blindness is contagious tries to get me banned from school fair bit of backstory i am mildly colorblind protanopia i think and i've had this my whole life i mostly struggle with telling the difference between pink and yellow but there are more colors out there i can't see this all started when the primary school my younger brother was at 11 at the time and not color blind was putting on a party fair i don't remember what for but i think it had something to do with fair trade now my mother made me cut out some paper chains along with other people in the gym to prepare for the fair but more and more people left until it got to the point where it was just me and another kid and an old gentleman at the back remembered this part now this kid was professional at making paper chains the mao a struggle to keep up i was sitting closer to the piles of paper than he was when the kid ran out of paper he therefore kindly asked me to pass some of the yellow paper i pulled some pink paper out of the pile thinking of course that it was yellow and he looked at me confused so i responded with wait is this pink or yellow and he responded pink and led me to the yellow paper i apologized and told him i was colour-blind and he started to ask questions they were questions for curiosity such as do you see red or what colour is that then enters an entitled mum the entitled mum in this case was the kid's mother and had entered the gym looking for the kid's father and overheard us talking about my color blindness the entitled mum first said sweetie please keep your distance i don't want you to become colour-blind as well i was utterly confused at this point and replied with excuse me you can't catch color blindness from another person the entitled mum then proceeded to give me bs looks and then walked out of the gym with her son in tow i'd say about five minutes later she returns with the head of the department and said yup he's the one the head then approached me and said are you the one causing disturbance down here um no what do you mean this woman thinks my color blindness is contagious and i'm going to give it to her son the head of course did not believe me being a 14 year old at the time who slacked off a lot my mother overheard the conversation and walked into it and started to defend me until the entitled mum yelled colour-blindness is contagious and you're going to give it to everyone here if you don't leave me and my mum looked at her utterly shocked and we weren't exactly sure which side the head was on at this point until she said all right mrs em and you op i'm going to ask you both to leave as you're both making a disturbance here but then the old gentleman at the back of the gym stood up and said there is no disturbance miss mrs em is the only one harassing anybody here before sitting back down again having heard his side the head banned the entitlement from the school fair don't worry about the kid though he got to go with his dad i saw the entitled mum drive out of the school and i haven't seen her since also as it turns out the old gentleman was actually the school's former headmaster guys seriously have you ever in your life heard anyone ever say that colorblindness is is contagious before i've never heard that i don't think anyone i've ever met in my entire life has been stupid enough to even consider that to be contagious but this is our slash entitled parents i guess people are really that dumb i've just been unfortunate enough i guess to not meet one of them yet it'd be funny to meet someone who thought that colour blindness was contagious surely anyway lucky for uop that uh yeah that old headmaster was in the school because as you say 14 year olds or just young people in general don't get trusted as much as adults usually that's fair because you know kids are kids and adults or adults but this is entitled parents entitled people should not be trusted whatsoever now moving on to our second story get a covered test or don't see your grandkids so my wife and i i am a 34 year old male and she is 33 like everyone else are dealing with the intense stress of this pandemic we had our son in march on the eve of the lockdown and we're blessed to be able to have a great birth and get out hours before patient zero in our area entered our hospital and kicked off the lockdowns i work retail and was able to take a month of paid paternity we live in new york states but when i returned to work we decided to live apart for two months we are blessed to have a good support network in our area with my mother-in-law and father-in-law in the early mid 60s taking care of our three-year-old daughter and now our son my wife stayed with the kids at their house and moved back after things became more clear with the mars and social distancing and everything settling down more in our area she works in an office and had four month maternity leave with full time working from home afterwards my parents in their late 60s still live where i grew up just north of new york city and i now live in wny i guess that's west new york about 350 miles away there is a reason why i actively put distance between myself and my parents they are very loving and have helped me through numerous rough patches in my college years but have always been a bit self-serving when it comes to their love and affection my wife and my parents have never really gotten along well they have been the sole point of contention between my wife and i throughout our relationship i still care for them but they just won't change they are no fun to be around and generally bring a negative attitude even about the most positive things my mum wants what she wants and my dad just tails along after 40 plus years married he just rolls with it i could write pages and pages about our relationship but we don't have time for that the most important need to know fact is that my mum has subtly and not subtly always been jealous of the amount of time my in-laws get with the grandkids versus the amount that she gets that should tell you all you need to know about her mindset here they visited over the summer when my son was about four months old it was a fine visit but afterwards my wife got very sick with pneumonia and was almost hospitalized she took several negative covert tests but it lasted almost a month she is still dealing with some after effects and her doctor is obviously concerned especially since she's still breastfeeding her doctor is really concerned about the negative impacts of my wife getting sick again and still thinks it could have been covered our kids also had slight respiratory effects as well but with negative tests i too had a negative test no symptoms although i typically don't get sick as much obviously my parents want to come visit again i know they generally do a good job wearing their masks and they really don't go out much my wife and i do a good job with reducing exposure wearing masks all the time in public but we do have a small social circle of kids that our daughter plays with and we have gone out to breakfast twice in the last six weeks also twice in the last eight months by the way we are not accusing my parents of getting anyone sick but with the global pandemic picking back up again we ask them to take a kobe test and send it to us or wear masks the whole time we also offer to take tests and send out results as well of course i don't want to ask anyone to do these things but here we are in the middle of a mother freaking global pandemic now my brother had reached out a few weeks ago and i told him the same thing to which he opted to maybe wait till next year then which is his choice my mum and i talked about this after i told my brother because of course we did cut to today when we had our weekly video chat where we talked about planning a weekend in december for them to visit i had specifically talked with my mum about my wife's health concerns and waiting for test results etc etc earlier this week we had talked about getting tested at various points over the last few weeks today though she flat out refuses to get a test my wife and i with all the kids and the dog around us kind of dumbfounded but we were also expecting some resistance somewhere in our plan we fire back on the offensive defensive we were willing to forego mass wearing with the tests we're concerned for everyone's health as they're not exactly the pinnacles of human health either but my mum just flat out refuses after some back and forth voices were raised and lines were drawn in the sand i couldn't take anymore and just straight up yelled into the video chat get a kobe test or don't see your grandkids my mum hung up on me things cooled down and she cooled 20 minutes later to finish up but we still have to sort things out and she is still not wanting to take the test so am i the butt oh wait am i the bottle which which subreddit are we on right here uh yeah a little change in subreddit perhaps at the end there a bit of a weird one but are you the butthole absolutely not i don't really know why i'm answering this question given we're on our stash entitled parents but no absolutely not i mean it really isn't that hard getting a kobe test i've had two both negative by the way i keep winning um but yeah they're not that bad you just have to have like a swab at the back of your throat and up you up your schnoz it's really not that bad in my opinion and yeah of course you are going to be potentially saving saving people's lives if you go and get a negative test because your your mum right there by her not getting a test and then if she was to come and see your wife and obviously your children and you you could all be put in you know life-threatening danger if she is positive you don't know if she's positive or negative obviously without having a test and having a test is easy just go and get one if you want to see your grandkids go and get a test it's really not that hard now moving on to our third story a karen tries to bully me into giving her spawn candy i accidentally though shatter her marriage okay so i'm a frequent cruiser of this subreddit but i never thought i'd actually have my own story to tell on it i'm still not completely convinced if it wasn't a fever dream if not for a neighbor dropping by to ask me what the heck happened last night i probably would have dismissed it as such but enough preface let's get into it so i was hoping thanks to kovard this wouldn't be a problem but the kids in my neighborhood keep coming to my door on halloween for candy every year i tell them that no i'm not giving it out and just go somewhere else i've gone so far as to put out signs telling them to shove off and leave me alone every october but the little idiots just seem to take it as a challenge they'll repeatedly ring the doorbell until i come out or get bored once they went five whole minutes before they went away or they keep coming back to my place after i tell them no hoping i'd have changed my mind i never do this year one particularly persistent little brat from the next cul-de-sac over who made it her mission to wear me down for candy every year rings the doorbell and i tell her nicely or as nicely as you can tell someone who repeatedly ignores the big red sign saying that my house is not for trick-or-treating that i don't have any candy she looks at me with what she probably thought were adorable puppy dog eyes and asked me if i would just mind checking i tell her that there is absolutely no candy in my house nor will there ever be i mean that was a lie but she didn't need to know that then the little monster gets it into her head that i'm lying and keeps asking me if i'm sure i tell her that i'm diabetic i'm not but she apparently doesn't know what that means one google search on my phone later and she accuses me of lying about having it i am but that's not the point i suppose i could have just given her a hershey bar but i really didn't want her spreading the triumphant news to all the other little monsters of how she finally got the mean lady to succumb to her will at the risk of any of them following in her example so i just tell her that i don't have to give candy to anybody who's going to be so rude as to deny my very serious medical condition and i close the door about an hour later i'm hate watching the francis ford coppola dracula movie it's a train wreck but i can't help watching it when i get another ring on the doorbell i come down to find the little abomination peeking out from behind the legs of a very angry looking entitled mum the following exchange goes down i say how can i help you mom my daughter says you repeatedly refuse to give her candy i'm sorry i don't have any this callous attitude towards the festivities is unacceptable it's halloween you should have prepared for it i reply i didn't think any kids would be trick-or-treating this year thanks to a certain virus but the entitled mum says well after everything they've been through we as a community owe it to them to make up for all the fun they've missed out on this year look i get where you're coming from but it's 10 o'clock i'm not gonna get up and go pick up a bag of tootsie rolls at this ungodly hour just so that your kid can have the full halloween experience it's here that mummy dearest takes it upon herself to give me a lecture on the importance of participating in the community i told her that maybe if she wasn't such an entitled karen her husband would be more eager to participate in the bedroom with her instead of me this is where i may have been kind of a butthole yeah just a little bit what i said was nothing more than a heat of the moment remark but the woman went absolutely ballistic upon hearing it she freaked out and started screaming about whether or not her husband was sleeping with me apparently the guy actually did go on some kind of a business trip recently and my little quip set off all the red flags in her head she starts demanding to know if her hubby was in my house trying to crane her neck around me to see inside and shrieking at him to come out at this point i'm tired i'm on the verge of a food coma from all the grocery store goodies i've binged on and i'm 100 done with all of this so i tell her to come back with a warrant and shut the door on her in spite of her attempts to wedge her way in i can still hear her meltdown on my way up the stairs now joined in disharmony with her daughter demanding to know what's going on i look out the window of my bedroom to see her angrily punching in a number on her phone and dialing up who i think was her husband the poor man got an earful i didn't catch everything she said but at one point she mentioned something about how he has no business cheating when she could have taken advantage of his absence with her brother-in-law after he came on to her at their anniversary party but she spared his feelings by not doing anything about it she's being so loud that she draws the attention of other trick-or-treating families in the neighborhood anybody unfortunate enough to ask what's going on gets treated to a first-hand sponge bite of her marital problems one neighbor goes so far as to come out of his house and ask her to take this some place where she isn't disrupting the ambience this though prompts her to turn her wrath on him and she shrieks at him to mind your own beeswax the poor man barely gets away with his life it was like watching an episode of maury unfolding if maury povich was an elderly asian man incredible at this point i was seriously scared that she was going to try and break into my house looking for proof of her hubby being there i considered just coming out and admitting to her that i was yanking her chain but the ball was already in motion and i doubted whether my confession would save her marriage at this point fortunately after she entered the call she stormed off with her now hysterical crotch goblin in tears i felt a little bad for turning what should have been a fun night for the kid into such a traumatic experience but maybe now she'll know not to knock on my door next year wow is all i've got to say after that one it's crazy how like not offering a kid's sweets on halloween has then led to you pretty much breaking up a woman and her husband i mean i kind of love it but yeah it's a crazy one maybe you should have just had some sweets you know just handed them out for one night in the entire year would it have been that much trouble op i don't know if you had handed her the kid a sweet we wouldn't have had this amazing story of you break up a marriage so in many ways i've got to say thank you for you not being nice to kids crazy but thank you very much now moving on to our final story entitled mother pops football soccer but no it's football can i just get that clear it's football not soccer ball when it goes over her side of the fence her kid becomes a bullying target at school when i was 10 i would play football soccer for you americans no football with my cousins who visited my home during the holidays we will call them bruce and robert for the sake of keeping identities safe while playing football me and bruce tried the overhead tricks a few times and one of these times led to the ball flying over the goal and into my neighbor's back garden the woman was an older woman who looked in her late 30s and she was very chubby long brown curly hair and a dress that made her fatness very apparent her son actually tried to take the ball when it went over and me and my cousins were screaming angrily about him being a thief for trying to keep our ball that belonged to us my two aunts who we will call sally robert's mum and ally bruce's mum came out after hearing the shouts and demanded the ball be given back to us the entitled mum smirked to us before digging her nails into the ball and bursting it the loud bang had caused us to get angrier and me and my cousins actually jumped over the fence together to snatch back the pot ball the entitled mum slapped me and told me if you didn't want it popped you wouldn't have kicked it over the fence this is your fault i cried when the sun started laughing at us and i shoved him into his freezing cold pool before jumping back over ever since that day i have been very apprehensive of interacting with neighbours i got that ball for my 10th birthday after the debacle with the caron next door the kid became the most hated person in school and this little bully got a taste of what it feels like to be bullied my cousins actually spread the story around the school a week or so after the bullying the kid was pulled out of school and the mother moved home the nice old lady who moved in was actually someone i considered a friend while i knew her i helped her with cleaning her home and she gave me some money which i saved for a new ball the rest of the leftover cash i put together to buy a scooter a manual one not an engine scooter karen may have gotten away with destroying my football but karma comes back around yeah not sure how i feel about this one to be honest guys because you know even if someone is a bully it's not right for them to get bullied you can't you know you can't fight fire with fire it doesn't usually work it just ends up making the situation worse and turning into a forest fire in that analogy of mine anyway i would say that the best way to you know make a bully stop bullying is to educate them rather than them being bullied themselves alternatively you could also say and this is fair enough that a bully will only ever understand what being bullied is like if they are actually bullied themselves and that would eventually make them stop but i don't know maybe maybe that is the way to go but i'm not sure that you know fighting violence with with more violence or you know abuse with more abuse is the is necessarily the best cause for action in this situation it would just be great if there were no more bullies wouldn't that be amazing how do we get to that i don't know any people that are clever social situations and educating kids in how to be nice let me know down below in the comments what you would suggest how to stop bullying once and for all i'm all is entitled mum tries to steal my laptop so her kid could play fortnite from all the entitled parent stories i have read i think it's a good time to share mine this happened before quarantine but that doesn't really matter as much to this story so i was studying in the library and waiting for my parents to pick me up when an entitled mum and her entitled kid approach me the conversation then starts like this excuse me young man the library's computer couldn't work so can my kid please play fortnite on your laptop mind you i'd be lucky if my computer could run a standard browser game sorry but i'm doing my assignments now so i need my computer i say oh i know you are not studying you better share it with my kid or i'll talk to your parents sorry but i really can't look you kid can play on the library's computer using my card you want me to register it for you just be sure to sign out after one hour but can it play fortnite probably not i'm pretty sure you need to register and download all that stuff oh please let him play it'll just be a few minutes sorry i really can't the kid then tries to grab my laptop but it's avoided by me the entitled mum storms away a few minutes later they both come back with the library staff who comes over to me hey buddy i need you to give this kid back his laptop um pardon me look you can't just grab people's laptops without asking especially someone this small like this kid i'm pretty sure that's mine i have all my gmail and stuff i proceed to show the library staff my work this member of staff then asked the entitled mum are you sure it's your kids yeah actually i let my kid play on my work laptop do you by any chance have an assignment on animal population genetics yes i'm actually a science teacher and i'm marking my students projects at this point i was devastated that this entitled mum would go this far to get some random kid's laptop so i say to the staff is it possible for you to check the security cams i'm pretty sure you guys have those installed okay just wait here the entitled mum then proceeds to dash out of the library at a speed that even usain bolt would be jealous of the staff member then comes back to me to apologize what happened but it was all good in the end look fair enough if this entitled mum was genuinely asking to borrow this guy's laptop because you know he wasn't using it and her son needed it for some sort of schoolwork or anything like that i'd say completely fine that makes sense to me but to play fortnight on i mean come on this is this is the problem now with 20 20. all kids want to play fortnite and there's nothing wrong with that but in a public library there's a little bit wrong with that let's just say that now for our next story my sister demanded we share my daughter okay so this happened a few years ago but i remember it like it was yesterday and to be honest i still can't understand what my sister was thinking a little back story my sister and i had to share everything as kids not to mention i was forced to be her and our younger brother's second mother but i'll put that in a different post for some of my childhood i was happy to share things with my sister sweets snacks toys the normal kid things there's four years between us i'm the oldest and as you can probably guess when i reached my teen years i wanted my own things and to spend time alone nope she wanted me to do everything with her i could barely spend 10 minutes in the bathroom before she would start banging on the door unfortunately when i was around 15 my siblings and i were taken into foster care we were separated from our brother which was difficult for both of us and for a while i didn't mind my sister wanting to spend all of her time with me shortly after my 16th birthday i wanted to have my own space and things that are well mine she would argue with me over not sharing my stuff and of course typical sibling fights and yelling happened almost every other day we sort of grew out of our sibling squabbles over the years but she kind of developed a the world owes me attitude which drove me crazy i did my best to hold in my frustrations but i'm human and sometimes i kind of snaps a couple years after my daughter was born my sister and i weren't really talking much because of her selfish attitude towards me and i spent most of my time and income on my daughter during one of the times we were on good terms she was over for the weekend and everything was okay until a conversation led to her telling me she was going to take my daughter for a week because she wanted to spend time with her because it was my turn i said nah not gonna happen she is my daughter not a doll or a pet we share but she gets mad and starts yelling i told her to leave but she argues how she had parental rights and social services will force me to allow her to take my daughter whenever she wants i just laughed and told her to get out and not come back honestly i don't know if she seriously thought that it was her right to have my daughter i've actually got plenty of other insane stories about my family which i may post about at some point thanks for reading my crazy story yeah again while i totally get that you know siblings want to share stuff especially when they're younger and they see their older sibling with something that they kind of you know want to have a go with like a toy or something like that as op described at the start of the story sharing a baby that that is a new one for me i've not heard about that before guys we've not heard about two um sisters showing a baby before have you heard that i doubt it it's a very weird one could it work no i mean seriously after sharing a baby what comes next you know showing a husband sharing a house sharing a what eventually a funeral i'm not completely sure it's a weird one if you want to share everything with your sister and your sister's okay with it i guess go ahead but if she's not like in this post then it's probably not on asking to share a baby it's my turn to share that baby uh no it just doesn't really work like that now for our next story entitled parent accuses blind girl of being able to see get handed an eyeful i was reminded of this incident yesterday during a phone call with a friend from my college days for a little background my friend i'll call her jill and i were both about 19 or 20 years old at the time of the incident in 1983. do the math and yes i'm that old because jill was blind ocular melanoma important for later she had an advocate there is another name for this but for the life of me i can't think of what it is but you get the idea that went everywhere with her on the university campus kind of like a guide then i guess they made sure she made it safely to and from each of her classes and assisted her with test taking etc we met when jill walked by my table in the student union hall bumped my coffee and spilled it all over both of us we've been friends ever since because jill lived off campus with her parents and i lived in an off-campus apartment a few blocks away i drove every day to school we coordinated our class schedules so that i could drop her off to our advocates in the morning and in the afternoon and the advocates would bring her to me and i would take her home at the end of the day this one particular semester jill's last class on monday wednesday and friday ended an hour before mine normally her advocate would hang out with her in the student union hall to wait for me since it was friday jill insisted that the advocate bring her to the building where i had class and she would just wait for me there it was closer to where i'd parked my car and the advocate could also go home a little earlier this was something jill did occasionally just to be nice i always took the same route out of the building and knew to be on the lookout for her this day jill was in her usual spot in the lobby she was sitting on the floor there were no seats with her back against the wall her cane folded beside her tinted glasses on and appearing to stare straight ahead to jill's left were the lobby doors about 30 feet away jill thinks she'd been sitting there for maybe 50 to 55 minutes when she heard what sounded like squeaky wheels rolling over the floor she didn't bother to call out and just thought it was maybe the janitorial staff with those mop buckets on wheels getting an early start on mopping then she heard someone push the panic bar on one of the lobby's double doors and the wheels banging over the metal threshold and moments later a woman's voice filled the empty lobby the conversation that ensued is the best of jill's and my memory what the heck is wrong with you young people never in my life have i seen so many inconsiderate brats in all my life jill said i'm sorry and you should be young lady you could see that i needed help with this hand truck which is an upright metal thing with two wheels and a small base to put heavy stuff on to move it from one place to another but you just sat there and did absolutely nothing didn't anyone teach you any manners i didn't see you how could you not see me i'm the only other person here i'm sorry but i didn't see you i'm blind oh you really expect me to believe that blind people can't go to college you're just too lazy to get off the floor jill pulled her cane around unfolded it and got to her feet yes mom i am blind and i can go to college at this point i come round the corner what is going on classes are letting out and students are beginning to leave or change classes this girl expects me to believe she's blind she is oh that's a load of rubbish prove it the woman walks up to jill and takes the tinted glasses from her face see she directs this to the students who are hanging around to watch the drama as if she expected them to agree with her or take her side she can see there is nothing wrong with her eyes she's not really blind as i stated earlier jill had ocular melanoma as a result her eyes were surgically removed and she was fitted with prosthesis that looked real at a quick glance but didn't move like normal eyes and were a bit flat in their color it was kind of like looking into the eyes of a very old doll however the best part of jill's eyes they were removable jill reached up popped one eyeball out and held it out to the woman here look through this and tell me if you can see anything at this point the entitled parent backed away screeching loudly oh my god oh my god the woman backed away from us so fast she tripped over either her own feet or those of gathering students landed on her butts and continued to just scoot away when she got to the door she pulled herself up grabbed her hand truck and left jill maneuvered the eye back into the socket the small crowd of students started clapping and laughing and a few gave jill a pat on the back jill saw dramatically ugh so much for that lady seeing things through my eyes huh geez i love jill's humor yeah honestly the sad thing about this story is that it's probably happened to jill multiple times before and she's probably used to people saying oh what are you doing not helping me come on you're just sitting there not doing anything what are you doing just help me out i'm an older person i need your help or you know something like that uh it's just amazing that she can see the good things in that and try and make a joke out of it and at least you know make it funny for the people around her that i gag is really good but overall jill's an amazing person and uh yeah she doesn't deserve this rubbish from people like this now for our final story apparently i pay rent to be a doorman i live in a block of six flats in scotland on the top floor it's okay fairly quiet and the neighbours are nice i know who all of them are the main front door requires a key fob to enter or you need to buzz someone in if they ring your intercom i've only managed to lock myself out once so far what a result so this afternoon i finally decided to brave the cold and take the recycling out key fob in my pocket we have these big communal bins out on the pavements one for cardboard one for mixed recycling you get the idea the cardboard bin is across the streets opposite a row of parked cars in our streets you can only park on one side of the road as it's a one-way street because of a nearby primary school while i'm putting the recycling in the cardboard bin i'm vaguely aware of someone leaving our block and heading towards one of the parked cars i didn't think much of it finish my cardboard disposal and turn to go back inside on my way i see that the person who left the building is a youngish man i've never seen before i let myself back inside with my key fob and let the main front door shut behind me before heading back upstairs to my flat where it's nice and warm 10 minutes later there's a quite aggressive knocking at my door i go to answer it thinking it might be a parcel to find the same youngish man ym from outside standing there and he looks furious can i help you yeah why didn't you hold the door open i beg your pardon i know i'm very english you came inside from doing the bins and didn't hold the door open for me that is so effing rude oh sorry i didn't know you were behind me i wasn't behind you i was just getting something from my car but i don't have a key fob so you should have waited wait wait you wanted me to stand outside in the freezing cold for 10 minutes waiting for you to finish messing about in your car so i could let you back into the building well yeah that's the neighborly thing to do okay no first of all i don't know you you're not my neighbor i don't let strange men into a building i live in second of all technically you're not supposed to be here i know you don't live here and visiting households indoors isn't allowed in this part of scotland obviously because of corona third whoever it is you're visiting could easily have given you their fob or buzz you back in i'm not gonna freeze my nipples off for anyone especially you now go away before i phone the police he stopped back downstairs after that fuming but silence i might text my landlord and ask for a reduction in rent if i'm going to be a doorman as well i locked my door but his car isn't outside anymore and i'm sure i heard my actual neighbours laughing at him when he went back downstairs i mean the impression i get with this guy overall is he's just very rude why would anyone in their right mind wait for someone to put all their rubbish in the recycling like know that they're there watching them do their recycling put their rubbish away then like get us out of their car mess around as opie said and then let them back into the building if you're there and someone's right behind you or just like a few steps back then fair enough hold the door for them that's a nice thing to do but you don't wait for like five ten minutes for them whilst they're outside especially if it's cold this is scotland we're talking about it's not exactly the warmest country in the world is it but um yeah overall very rude guy what's wrong with just pressing the buzzer and letting yourself back in via the person whose house it is you don't even live there so you don't you can't just like tell a resident to wait around and yeah as opi says he's not getting paid to be a doorman after all entitled father finds out about my posts hello again so i made a bunch of posts here about my father i am a 29 year old vietnamese born canadian woman and yeah here's something that just happened now guys if you don't know about this user i've covered a number of their stories over the past week or so you can find a couple behind the eye button right now so my mother knew about me posting on here and she let my sister know about the post with a little hint to mention it to my father so let's just say it went as well as expected i was able to actually speak to my father for the first time in seven years he called my sister and demanded to speak to me little does he know i take no rubbish from anyone anymore he started off yelling at me saying the west has corrupted me that i'm no better than a prostitute that i deserve to die in the gutter covered in rats of course though i had a lot to say to him i went on a five-minute rant calling him a petty misogynist whose actions are going to leave him bitter alone rotting in a nursing home no one's gonna visit you on your deathbed i have never heard my father stutter and not have words but honestly it felt great so those of you that keep up with my daily videos will know this user from previous stories you might have seen on my channel such as the one where her dad doesn't let her go to school or the one where her dad tries to force her into an arranged marriage so this is an amazing story to see it go full circle he found out about the reddit post i mean i can't think of much worse than that if you are slating your dad on the internet to the public you know as this person op has been doing the last thing you're gonna want is him finding out about it but it's been seven years since she talked to him before and you know she's grown up now and she knows how to you know defend herself which is amazing to see this dad was probably shocked and then shocked again when he spoke to her and was like oh my god this person doesn't just you know lie down like she did seven years ago she's actually standing up for herself and i have nothing to defend myself with now moving on to our second story sister-in-law steals my niece's christmas gift for charity i have a seven-year-old niece who wants to be a police officer like her dad when she grows up and loves the color pink the more sickly sweet pink the better she's a sweet kid that doesn't ask for much i like to knit and crochet during the year then i give the scarves and hats that i make to my aunt's church who organizes christmas parties for really low-income families i'm talking about people with children who can barely afford a coach now this party is filled with games and activities for the children it's amazing since the church is very active in the community and has managed to get sponsors from big supermarkets who offer whole turkeys and lots of food for the parents on top of top quality gifts for the children i love helping my aunt during this time by giving my time and knitting stuff for those less fortunate my brother recently started dating this girl and to be kind and honest i don't like her she has trouble understanding personal space privacy of others and boundaries she will insist that you tell her all about private affairs that you don't want to talk about and will make it her business she has been constantly trying to get me to date her friends that i'm not interested in at one point she thought i was a lesbian because i didn't like any of the guys she wanted to set me up with when my aunt talked about the church's plan to still offer help during christmas despite cohort i told her that i had a lot of scarves and hats to give at home my aunt was delighted and asked me to bring them to her as soon as possible i agreed however the day i wanted to bring them to her i was cool to come into the office to replace a colleague my work is in reduced workload so i asked my sister-in-law if she could pick up the bag with the scarves and hats that were sitting at the top of my stairs not in my living room as i said my niece loves the color pink and she asked me to make her a neon hot pink hat and scarf with a white heart i agreed and had just finished them both and left them in a drawer in my living room i was planning on wrapping them up and giving it to my sister later on fast forward to this evening i come home exhausted it's been a while since i've done the work and there was a lot to do i noticed my sister-in-law had come by and taken the bag oh great i thought it reminded me of my niece's gifts however when i came to get them they were gone i checked everywhere for them thinking i had misplaced them then it hit me maybe i'd put them with the bag by mistake i immediately called my aunt but she couldn't find them there was no neon hot pink scarf or hat with a white heart i call my sister-in-law in a panic she picks up and tells me that she'd seen the scarf and hats oh thank god right nope it turns out that dear female dog-in-law decided that i hadn't given enough for charity so she decided to snoop around my house to find some more she took four other scarves and hats that were for other people my niece's gift and decided to rearrange my drawers because they were not clean and organized i put my anger on the back burner for a while because my niece's gift was more important for now when i asked her what happened to it she responded that she had taken it and gave it to her niece because her sister was in need to say that i was offended and annoyed is like saying that fire burns i proceed to lose everything with her how dare she she goes through my stuff takes my belongings gives away my gift for my niece and then has the goal to give me a lecture on how i should be happy that i help to spoil brat who has two parents making in the seven figures a year i told her that if the scarf and hat weren't in my possession by tomorrow night i was going to sue her she scoffed and hung up i called everyone in my family especially my brother 20 minutes ago my sister-in-law brought me the scarf and had back and apologized she was in tears and begging me not to involve my cop of a brother-in-law my brother-in-law bless his heart had swung by her house and had threatened to have her arrested for thievery i just took my stuff back thanked her for doing the right thing and closed the door on her i was so angry that i was numb inside my niece will have a gift my aunt has the knitted stuff i made for her church and my brother is now single what a day well you know what guys i actually think the last line of that story is the best part of the whole post because you know often we see entitled women or entitled parents in general and then their partner is kind of like submissive to what they're doing they know they're being entitled but they're just like oh you know what i've been married to this thing for too long i don't really care anymore and they're just like well just do what you want mate but in this situation good on your brother for you know listening to you and and seeing what his girlfriend at the time was doing and being like you know what i don't really want to be around that anymore i'm gonna ditch you and move on to better things so yeah good on him now moving on to our next story entitled neighbor thinks he can cut down trees and other greenery on our property my family and i have issues with this neighbor of ours that have been going on for years when he initially moved in my parents tried to have a good relationship with him like helping him out with gardening and letting him get acquainted with the area once during fall my dad was using a leaf blower slash mulcher hybrid on the front yard to get rid of the leaves the neighbor spotted him and asked if he could borrow the tool to which my dad said sure now shortly after the neighbor left with his entire family via car to go somewhere and only came back hours after my dad had finished using the machine my dad headed back inside the house after he was done knowing they left and obviously he didn't want to wait outside for them to come back hours later there was a knock on the door and my dad opened it to see the neighbor on the other side fuming he ranted at my dad about how it was rude of my dad that he did not wait outside to hand in the leaf blower mulcher the moment he came back that my dad should have just stayed outside the entire time and waited for him my dad with his won't take any rubbish from anyone's personality just told the neighbor that he wasn't going to stand outside for an unknown period of time just to hand over the equipment he also stated that he had fully planned to give the neighbor the equipment if the neighbor had asked but now he wasn't going to anymore due to how rude and entitled the neighbor was this was the first incident of many i can't fully recall the other incidents but i know that tensions between my family and the neighbor only grew on to the big story now for context my house is located in a very awkward spot we the neighborhood road if you can call a few houses and neighborhood was this small strip of road branched off from the main road and our houses faced this road making it perpendicular to the main road on the other side of the road from our house is this patch of forest that contained a couple of very tall pine trees some shrubs and other greenery the shrubs and greenery were shorts and the trees though most were in the front of our house were spread out so we can easily see the houses on the other side of the patch on the other side of the forest is the neighbor's house now his house directly faced the road and was perpendicular to it making his fence up against the forest patch the forest patch created a six foot barrier between the neighbours fence and the neighborhood road during the 2018 new year my family and i went on vacation and left the house for about a week when we came back we realized all but three pine trees were cut down and two of the surviving trees were stripped of their branches large patches of the greenery and shrubs were missing and now there was an entire hole slash path that leads right from the neighborhood road to the neighbor's house we suspected it was our neighbour as he's had a tree cutting streak he actually chopped off all the trees at his property shortly after moving in including a small ironwood tree the next day bright and early we see a crew of people with trucks and a wood chipper on the neighborhood road in front of our house my parents immediately went out and asked the crew what they were doing according to them they were hired by our neighbor to clear out the entire forest patch my parents now headed over to the neighbor's house which was more accessible now that there's literally a pathway through the forest patch to his house and knocked on his door when he answered my parents asked why he hired a crew to clear out the forest patch he responded that he was clearing it out so that he would have more land to sell to a development company my parents asked why they were cutting into the forest patch without asking them as each house owned parts of the forest patch the portion in the front of our house and the crew was very much working into our parts he responded that he went to every house and asked for permission all our other neighbors didn't care about the forest patch and said yes when he came to our house there was no answer as we were still on vacation at the time the neighbor took the lack of an answer as a yes and got started clearing the patch my parents told him he had no right to be clearing out their portion of the patch without their permission specifically the trees that were cut down as the majority of the trees were in front of our house he responded that the trees were within his property line and he did nothing illegal as they are before the forest patch puts a six feet barrier between his fence and the neighborhood road the three feet on his side was his property while the three feet on our side would be ours my parents then asked who he hired to evaluate the property line as the trees looked very much to be on our side and with a smug smile he responded that he did it himself my parents informed him that he needed an official from the county to verify the property lines again though with a smug look he said that he's in the right and just closed the door the crew hired by our neighbor assured us that they would not be doing any work on the forest patch until the situation has been sorted out my parents immediately called over someone from the county to come look at the property lines and when they did it showed that lots of greenery on our property was removed and all but one of the trees cut down had been on our property over the next few days the crew would come back in the morning but would always knock on our door and inform us they wouldn't be working anywhere near our patch the neighbour finally came to our door a few days after the previous meeting with a morose look on his face and wanted to talk it out of my dad reaching a compromise it would seem that the neighbor finally got someone official to look things over and realized their grave mistake my dad demanded that the trees he cut down be replaced not with saplings but actual trees he allowed the two trees with no branches to be cut down as they would stick out like a sore thumb the two trees were eventually cut down i watched as they cut them down section by section and remember the thumps they made when the sections hit the ground from being dropped now it's only the lone tree that's left in the forest patch did the neighbor keepers promise nope to this day he still has not replaced the trees my parents aren't the kind to go sue for money or retribution nearly willy and they didn't want to go through the stress of the lawsuits so things just stayed tense on both sides but we just ignored the neighbor and he avoided us the forest patch used to be home to two hours i would hear throughout the night hooting i missed them a lot and there were never rats and rabbits around when they were there now why am i posting this story now well because the neighbour struck again this week my room is right on top of the garage and i can easily see the neighborhood road and the forest patch i woke up to the sound of trucks and loud chatter on monday and when i looked out i saw a crew of people with trucks chainsaws and a wood chipper i immediately got my parents attention and my dad again headed out to see what was going on this crew was hired by our neighbor to do some work on the forest patch most of the work planned was to be done on the neighbor's property but apparently some of it was to be done on ours too my dad informed them of what their neighbor did before and that they weren't allowed to work on our property though he did give them his permission to cut down this scraggly bush that didn't look good the crew understood and did their work on our neighbor's property but left ours completely alone last night i was upstairs playing some gentian impact yes i know i'm a weeb when i heard yelling downstairs i faintly heard my mum saying we don't want to fight with you i left the room i was in to hear my parents having an argument with my neighbor i hear him screaming how we're causing him issues and costing him money i guess he paid full up front and couldn't get a partial refund for the work on our property that my dad prevented i didn't hear the whole conversation so what i'm typing next is what i heard from my parents he apparently was stomping his foot like a child and just kept screaming my parents were being buttholes who kept interfering my parents kept telling him that he didn't have an easement onto our property and he wasn't allowed to modify as he pleased he screams that he didn't know what an easement was and that it doesn't matter he should be allowed to make changes so he can sell the land to a development company my parents just ended the conversation by repeatedly telling him to get legal advice or a lawyer before shutting the door in his face i've been worried that this guy will do something crazy sometime and i've been considering getting a security camera my parents have been telling me i'm just being paranoid but honestly if the political climate nowadays says anything it's that people are unpredictable i have been given permission by my parents that if he ever comes onto my property again and won't leave to hose the mofo sorry for the long story i'll let you guys know of any updates wow uh yeah what a story uh by hoes i assume you mean literally like watering hose not hose and shoot i don't know maybe some terminology that i'm you know not too acquainted with but anyway pretty amazing story i just don't understand this guy at all what is he doing you can do whatever you want to your property if you want to sell it on as long as it's you know within the law and within the council's permission but you can't then go on to someone else's property and be like you know what i don't like your trees and i actually want to make a path through to my house so its property value goes up so i can sell it on so i'm gonna take your entire entire patch of forest down like what sort of thinking is that obviously you can't do that you need to be suing this guy right you need to get the law involved because otherwise as you've seen he makes false promises that he's not going to keep so you need to actually you know put some sort of criminal thing on him so he actually listens for once i mean what is he doing what is he doing that can't be legal what he's doing it's just mental please go and get some actual legal help so you can deal with this guy properly my 45 year old mum won't stop wearing my clothes i don't understand if i'm a monster for feeling this way but ever since i could fit into grown-up clothes my mum has typically wanted to wear whatever i buy for myself sometimes new dresses that i have not even worn she will casually roam around the house wearing them knowing very well that the tags are not even off after the pandemic due to the weight i gained i had to move up a size so now everything is up for grabs the clothes that we supposedly bought for diwali she already wore hers to work the festival is like two weeks away whereas mine are still safe for the occasion she asked me yesterday how would i wear them they are spaghetti straps she doesn't prefer them then when i answered she asked me i meant how will i wear it you know i don't prefer such sleeves she stretches out a good deal of my clothes and basically wears anything that i buy for myself to work the very next day keep in mind that i am at home due to the pandemic and study from home right now her normal reaction to things which somehow don't end up fitting her is berating me for having terrible taste in clothes moreover she always complains that she has nothing to wear when in fact her closet is twice as large and she wears everything she buys the very next day i just saved my clothes now this has been the case for a really long time now at this point i have resorted to literally hiding new clothes but for the festival i really could not do this because i would have to wear those clothes in public and she would get mad at me anyway if i sprung up new clothing out of nowhere and accuse me of hiding things anyway is this normal is it normal for moms to have dibs on their daughter's clothes and for them to not even ask for permission and assume everything their daughters buy is for them to use and own am i a terrible selfish person for feeling trashy every time i see my mother prancing around in a new skirt i did not even get a chance to wear moreover she knows i get annoyed by it but i say nothing which is why she always mocks me whenever she does it ask dumb questions like oh how are you supposed to wear this he he and then gets mad at me if i let the slightest annoyance show on my face anyway i'm really sorry i just needed to vent is this normal no absolutely not opie it's like the weirdest thing i've ever heard to be honest your mum trying on the clothes that you bought for yourself before you even get a chance to that's really weird i would see someone about that i mean at least you're posting it now on reddit to get some support and advice from the lovely people of reddit but yeah i would say that's really strange um your mom's a bit weird that's all i can say now for our second story dad acts like i'm obligated to spend the holidays with him i was raised by a single father with whom i rarely saw eye to eye he tried to mould me into his views of traditional masculinity the good and the bad he praised me when i excelled in certain roles like a handyman or football player but then be dismissive over crying or being bullied at school he took his role as the disciplinary figure very seriously even during the holiday season my dad always throws a party for our family every thanksgiving and christmas he provides great food and some of my relatives are pretty decent however my dad is a terrible host he had everyone come over including people who were toxic to be around i swear every year there's always some fight about the pettiest of things all the vegans get is a salad the kid shouldn't watch anything with santa in it a gift card you couldn't have just sent me money it's like they're so obsessed with making everything perfect that anything not going their way is just unacceptable on top of all that my dad pretty much makes the parties all about him he tries to micromanage a lot of activities from the movies we'd watch to whatever we made conversation about the worst was when he'd brag about me into sounding like he molded me into his views on traditional masculinity he'll brag that i was the mvp in youth football even though i hated it or that i kicked bar in martial arts even though that's not what it was about nor why i enjoyed it when i mention achievements i'm actually proud of like taking up creative writing or a new book i'm reading he'll pay no heed my dad says he's happy i have a girlfriend but also that he's glad i didn't turn out lgbt as far as gifts go he'd only get me things that he approved of whether i wanted them or not new boxing gloves or clay pigeons heck yeah a ps4 or 3ds ah could be worse a journal or the entire harry potter book series no i won't do that to you basically i've come to associate the holidays with my dad asserting more dominance than usual and being forced to interact with toxic family members fortunately for me my girlfriend's dad invited me to spend both thanksgiving and christmas with them finally i think i'll get to enjoy myself for a change then earlier today my dad called me asking me when i'm coming over for thanksgiving i told him i already said i wasn't coming and i'd be going to my girlfriend's place he said things like you always spend the holidays with your old man or your cousins likes seeing you you know my cousins have stopped coming over for the holidays for years i tried arguing the inviting family over might not be a good idea anyway due to the pandemic people like my grandpa or uncle devon are at a higher risk he called be s on that since you don't seem worried about giving your girlfriend covert i've tested negative and nobody coming over is at high risk then my dad went on this to rage oh i see how it really is you still think i'm a terrible father right you'd rather throw me and your whole family under the bus when all we want to do is spend the holidays with you i'm offering you free food and family time but you'd rather throw it down the drain than be grateful i'm even allowing you into my home you're welcome by the way i've told my dad many times how bad he makes me feel about myself or even just in general he'd always argue though i gave you everything you needed to survive in this tough world if i made you feel that bad how'd you get so good at karate you wouldn't know how to get a girlfriend if it wasn't for me in other words my feelings are invalid because i still succeeded in some aspects of my life seeing as we weren't getting anywhere i hung up i hate it when my dad guilt trips me like this because as much as everyone's told me he's wrong there's still some part of me that feels like i should feel guilty i get that christmas and thanksgiving are about family but for once i'd like to be with a family that's actually fun to be around others have said i should be grateful i even have a dad let alone one that's taken care of me but that's like saying having a dog that barks and bites you is better than being petless i don't know i just want a nice holiday season for once wow very interesting story this time um personally i would say yeah it's nice that you've got a dad and that he's still in your life because you know a lot of people unfortunately maybe don't have a dad for whatever reason anymore in their lives but it doesn't really matter if your dad is like this and you know is really possessive and demanding and tells you that all your successes in life have been because of him that's not what a dad should be right he should try and build you up and you know let you do what you want to do if you want to go and read harry potter by the way great series of books you haven't read it or not heard of it guys and then yeah go and read harry potter great stuff if you want to write creatively go write creative it doesn't have to be you know all macho stuff just because you're a man that's the thing in the past well we're not the 1920s anymore are we guys unless my [ __ ] is wrong then we might be anyway overall yeah your dad's a loser go to girlfriends and just stay with her have a great holiday season come on you've got to be allowed to enjoy your holidays if you're not enjoying your holidays with your own family then there's a problem there get out of there go to your girlfriend who's actually nice and she probably has a great family and yeah your point about covered by the way was another good one i mean i know my family we're not gonna be breaking the rules this christmas that is for sure so you shouldn't either if there are rules wherever this is i don't even know let's move on now for our third story my mother and brother have terrorized me for years am i wrong here this may be long everyone and support will be appreciated i'm a 24 year old female and i've been dating my 25 year old male boyfriend for 9 years as opposed to a female boyfriend of course this is important later on my mother is an older woman she had me at 40 years old and i have three older brothers one of which is nine years my senior let's call him g he went to college and obtained his bachelor's in accounting i got my bachelors in social work and i am in graduate school for higher education all in which i paid for out of pockets i've over 70 000 in loans because my mother was going through hard times although she has land and houses in other states and jamaica in short g and my mum hate my boyfriend and have always hated him we started dating in high school and he was very respectful of my mother but she said my spirit doesn't like him she and my brother devised multiple plans to split us up while my mother was always physically and emotionally abusive towards me and g growing up the difference between me and g is that i never followed the path my mother wanted me to take in turn she would threaten to make sure i wouldn't get loans for college and barely help me otherwise it was completely different from my brother g he was able to get through college without debt work a job he hates and now he has a wife and daughter there are two stories of entitlement that i want to get into but i'll only post this one that's the most recent if you want to know more let me know and i'll post it as well well i'll decide that later on this issue happened last november my brother and his wife invited me to their baby shower we live about 10 minutes away from one another and of course my mother was invited she lives about 9 hours away and she needed someone to host her for the time being i asked her to stay at my brother's house because i'm currently living in a one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend and two cats there's just not enough space for us let alone her she also disrespects him constantly even though i tell her how much i love him and i will not be leaving him anytime soon i knew that this would cause conflict because it always does she said that she swore that she wouldn't cause any problems though and that i'm only staying for a few days so it doesn't matter i reluctantly told my boyfriend that she was coming to stay with us and he was furious i told him that there was no stopping it unfortunately and we just have to put up with her for three days he begrudgingly agreed but told me that if she starts any issues that she can't stay with us fast forward to the date of her arrival it was midterms and i had a huge paper to rides i was working three jobs at the time and i was exhausted at the time my boyfriend was working part-time as a front desk assistant while i went to school he pays the majority of the bills while only working part-time i came home and called her to see when she would be arriving she told me that she was at my brother g's house and that she won't be arriving for another six hours i sighed with relief because i could take a much-needed nap before cleaning up the house my boyfriend and i slept for a bit and then my phone rings it was my mother i'll be there in five minutes i look at the clock in panic it'd only been two hours not six i jumped up and told my boyfriend he was so unimpressed she arrives and here it goes this place is filthy don't you care about your home i can't stay in a place like this opie take this boy to the store and buy proper cleaning supplies so that i can clean this place i told her that i had just come from a 12-hour day of classes and work and i was too tired to go to the store i told her that i washed her sheets and got her a pillow in order for her to be comfortable on the couch we can figure out cleaning the next day but she was irate no you were going to go to this thought now because i'm your mother and i'm telling you to i will not stay in a filthy home mind you we pre-cleaned by making sure both litter boxes were clean and we made sure the common area was pretty decent for her to reside while she was screaming one of my cats decided to commit the ultimate sin going to the bathroom opie that's disgusting clean this now i will not sleep next to cat poop i told her that she knew i had two cats and that we can't scoop right after they use the bathroom every time i gave up arguing and practically dragged my boyfriend to the store and used my last 30 dollars to buy cleaning supplies we did not have a lot of money at the time we get back to the house and she has completely destroyed it in the 45 minutes it took for us to get to the store she had pulled everything from its place the kitchen the bedroom the living room and my closet everything was in a pile on the floor the cats were nowhere to be seen because they were terrified of the stranger coming in and destroying their home my boyfriend was of course livid mostly because in her reign of chaos she emptied out the cat's food and water dish he asked her why she did that and oh my god guys she took off how dare you ask me questions boy you're the reason why she's living like this you don't do anything and i will spit on you as soon as i'm done here i sat down with a mix of shock anxiety and exhaustion while they argued back and forth with each other she's calling him a bum and a pos and he's telling her that she has no right to come into his home and disrespect us both she laughed and told him that she'll call my brother g and they can fight it out my boyfriend told her that if that man comes near him or i that he won't be walking away without severe injury she used that and called you telling him that i'm not safe here that boy is threatening my life and your sister isn't doing anything about it i told her to give me the phone and i calmly told my brother that i would drop our mother at his house and that he would have to deal with her he is now irate and screaming that is coming over to kick my boyfriend's butt and all of this rubbish i told him to stop and calm down but he hung up on me after telling me that he's on his way over to my apartment i'm panicking at this point and my boyfriend picks up her bags to happily walk them downstairs for my mum but she grabs at the bags and tells him not to touch them they argue until my brother calls my mother to come downstairs i pick up my mom's bags to get her out and she knocks them out of my hands and runs downstairs she brings my brother to my door and i tell them from behind the door to leave or else i would call the police they say they just want to get her bags and i slightly crack the door open to toss them out but g then rushes the door pushes me down and runs into my apartment to get at my boyfriend my boyfriend goes into our bedroom to protect himself and my brother kicked down my bedroom door no bs straight off the hinges my boyfriend is in the room not surprised and proceeds to pull his pocket knife out and tells him to get back or he's getting sliced my brother then becomes scared and jumps behind our mum for protection they argue back and forth while i'm looking at my property damage and i scream get out of my house get out they then take my gifts for the baby shower and my brother yells op don't come tomorrow you're not welcome at the baby shower they leave and my house is a mess by the way i forgot to mention that my mother started taking pictures of the mess that she made in order to tell people that i was living in an awful situation which just wasn't the truth luckily i grabbed her phone and deleted the pictures so the aftermath a few days go by and my brother calls me to tell me that he will no longer be paying my phone bill and i begged him not to cut it off because i was already broke and having a hard time keeping up with bills already i also have had the same number for years and i didn't want to change it i told him that he has to pay for the property damage that he did to my home and he hung up on me and disconnected my phone within 30 minutes of asking for compensation luckily i figured this would eventually happen and i had saved up enough money to start my own plan i haven't spoken to him since my mother and i have not mended our relationship i blocked her number and her email address in order for me to check on her when i am ready i started to call her once a week to make sure she was okay and it began to dawn on me that this has been my life for years and i wasn't going to take it anymore so i stopped calling she started crying every day and telling people to get in contact with me even to the point of threatening to tell my aunt not to speak to me anymore if i didn't call her and that god will stop caring for you if you keep treating me this way i've had to go through therapy and i demanded that she pay for my door she agreed to be fair and she paid for the damages am i wrong for cutting my family off i feel guilty because the clover 19 pandemic is running rampant where she lives and i haven't contacted her to see if she's safe my niece was born and i never received a phone call photo or anything i'm devastated because i really wanted to have a bond with my niece but i feel like that will never happen now oh that just sucks that they've taken away that chance for you to have a good bond or even a relationship with your niece from birth what sort of like i just don't understand how one entitled mother can produce one kid like your brother g and then one kid like you who are just so different i guess you explained it in the intro but yeah i think it's just so baffling that one woman can produce such different people it's a weird one isn't it but honestly opie i think you really need to like reread what you've written if you're still wondering what the best course of action here is or if you're in the wrong at all you need to just cut these people out of your life immediately i've said it before i'll say it again what is the point of even like talking to these people yes they're your family but who cares you don't like them as people in fact you probably should despise them as people because they were gonna beat up your boyfriend i just don't understand it like the way your mum's acting the way your brother comes over and starts or tries to start and fight your boyfriend just get them out of your life before it's too late and they really do something that is that is gonna be massively regrettable in your opinion yeah dodgy people get rid of them move on pro-trump doesn't equal being above the law honestly i do not want this to turn into a political debates this lady could have very well played the other side of the coin this isn't my story it is my wife's so is second hand my wife works in an upper casual restaurant currently we have just started a statewide bane of indoor dining that being said this current restaurant is still open for curbside pickup and the front door is still unlocked for those who want to run in and grab their to-go orders at the counter my wife noticed a woman and her young child settling down at one of the booths so unable to take away seating like the tables which had all their chairs turned upside down taking their coats off like they're about to get comfortable my wife walks up and politely informs them ie the mum that indoor seating is banned right now due to that statewide law but they're more than welcome to order from their websites and have it brought to their car the entitled mum said i voted for trump my wife takes a little bit of silence before repeating the information about the ban but she can still get her food to go oh this is stupid my wife allows another bit of silence before telling her a third time about no indoor seating and she asks her to leave if she isn't going to order to go the lady packs up herself and her kid and leaves in a half like seriously how does that allow you to not follow the law you know what kind of world we'd be living in if everyone thought and did as you do right i wish i'd been there so i could tell the entitled mum she should write a letter to the governor and see where that got her yeah guys like op i do not want to make this political at all and as op correctly says this could have been anyone you know it could have been a biden supporter saying you know i voted for biden therefore i can do x but still i just don't understand how voting for one person in an election enables you to do what you want and go against the law that makes absolutely no sense to me let's just move straight on to our second story entitled parents when i do this it hurts immediately does it and is shocked when i pass out so this happened yesterday and i'm still shook basically our school had an awards ceremony for our sport teams our school is well known for being very athletically competitive going to states and regionals and such please note i'm 13 weigh 31 kilograms and i'm really super small 31 kilograms wow so after an excruciating amount of time sitting on concrete in my own world everyone started to get up and take photos with family and friends with their medals and ribbons and stuff me and my friends found each other important to note we are all standing sort of close to the kids receiving stuff so we were easily spotted and after a while of chatting a super tall boy wearing like four ribbons walks up to me and awkwardly asked if he can pick me up not uncommon for short people to hear because he's curious or something i don't know anyway this is how the conversation went hey i don't mean to be weird but can i like pick you up oh sorry i usually say yes but i have a bit of a health problem then the boys entitled parent came over what do you mean no she put emphasis on the o for some reason my sweet boy just wants to lift you that's not inappropriate so i currently have a mystery infection in my lungs i've been in and out of hospital and doctors are stumped by it anyway being lifted or laying with my head lower than my legs stops me breathing and occasionally it just gets really bad even when i'm not doing anything like even when i'm sleeping and because i'm really skinny i can feel my bones moving on each other i can even hear it sometimes so i get cramped pretty easily i'm perfectly healthy i just have a really fast metabolism oh no i know it's not inappropriate i just have a lung problem right now and that cat oh stop whining you're lying and i know it at this point the kid was embarrassed mum please stop it's okay she just said no i just no this spoiled little female dog should let you pick her up it's not a big ask she then reaches for me but my friend intervenes my best friend says she's not lying she's been in hospital plus it's none of your business my other friend says yeah you are literally trying to grab a miner beca this entitled parent though interrupts again this lady would not let anyone finish their sentences oh don't give me that i know she's lying if she was so sick she wouldn't be here and then this idiot literally pushed past my absolutely amazing friends and grabs me by the bottom of my ribs now this may be okay for other people but like i mentioned i have lung problems and weight problems so when she grabbed my ribs she literally grabbed my ribs there was only a thin layer of skin between her and my bone she then lifts me up in which i flail in agony jesus the pain not only was she crushing me i also couldn't breathe see you're lying stop screaming i'm not hurting you and that's all i remember before passing out other than my friends freaking losing their minds screaming for her to drop me and literally an entire hall of people turning to look at my bony flesh sack flailing in the air anyway i wake up with the office nurse leaning over me with my spacer the mask they used to give me my ventilline and the crazy entitled baron in cuffs for assault on a miner etc it turns out my lungs actually stopped for around five seconds and i turned completely blue anyway i got tested in the back of the ambulance and had a fun talk with the paramedics telling them about this crazy witch they laughed and said i should press charges i am by the way that lady could have literally murdered me so yeah i'm in hospital right now turns out i have one dislocated rip the bottom rib where she grabbed me got pushed under the rest which is why my lungs stopped for a bit i don't know what is going to happen we will charge her 100 but i'm gonna try and avoid being involved because it's midterm right now and i need to get through high school wow pretty crazy story once again there um yeah i don't understand when someone says no don't pick me up then they go for it anyway it's just a just a weird one i don't really get like even the kids saying can i pick you up does short people get that short people if you're watching right now there are probably some of you out there first of all can you see over the people in front of you second of all do you normally get picked up by tall people it seems a bit weird at least the kid was like yeah i'm not actually going to pick you up don't worry you have health conditions but the mum was like nah you're picking her up come on do it i don't care if you've got health you know concerns i couldn't care less just pick her up it'd be really funny i don't really know why but yeah let's move on now for our third story karen complains about my store gets kicked out and then complains again on facebook i own a small party store naturally as halloween is coming up this was five days ago guys we have mainly scary halloween decorations and costumes for sale yesterday was a peaceful although busy day until karen walked in she had the stereotypical haircut and was with two poorly behaved kids immediately she started complaining about how all of the decorations were satanic and that they didn't fit in with the true spirit of halloween my employee who is wiccan asked her what she meant by that karen replied saying that halloween was originally about jesus and that we were all sinning by leaving him out of it my wiccan employee was trying to educate her about the pagan origins of the holiday but karen was not relenting and became disrespectful oh apparently wicker is a modern pagan religion more you know meanwhile both of her kids walked off a minute later i caught them destroying the decorations by the window because my mummy didn't like them i asked them politely to stop but they would not karen overheard this and screamed at me to leave her kids alone and how she will call the police and say that i was abusing them i told her calmly mom please leave the store you are very disrespectful to my property and workers she insisted that i was stomping all over her rights as an american to be wherever she wants to be i then called the security from the department store across the street we are on friendly terms who then promptly physically removed her and her kids from the premises all of my staff and customers actually clapped when they left last night she left a very angry and one-sided review on our facebook page claiming that we harassed her with no reason most commenters saw through her bs but many were saying that i took things too far by calling private security guards to remove them against their will my cousin was saying this as well when i told him my business my rules he called me a horrible person wait what i literally don't understand that at all i mean her kids were quite literally destroying your shop of course you're gonna call security also if she is like pretty much abusing one of your staff saying that what he believes in his whole religion is a lie then yeah get security in and get her gone it's your store it's your business as you say your rules get rid of her what's she even doing in the store in the first place if she's gonna come in and complain about you know satanic rituals and all that rubbish then just get out halloween is not for you we just isn't now for our fourth story entitled mum tries to get me arrested for taking my adhd medicine for context i have adhd i take legally prescribed medicine for it and if i forget to take it in the morning i have a couple of doses in a pill bottle from an old fill in my car it's important to take it daily as it works better the more days i take it in a row similar to some antidepressants each field costs about 60 to 70 bucks and i keep about a quarter of a fill in my emergency stash so it's the weekend and i have plans to meet some friends at a local coffee shop we have mass outside seating and sanitizer at the ready this so happens to be a day where i forgot to take my medicine we order drinks and snacks and after i put our order down at the table i tell my friends i need to go take my meds i go to my car and grab the bottle to bring back as i left my drink with my buddies i get back and as i pop the pill into my mouth and take a sip a wild karen appears no haircuts but a five to six year old kid in tow she slaps the open pill bottle off of the table and start screaming about how i shouldn't do drugs yada yada she demands i apologize to her son for being such a bad influence and doing such sinful things in public i try to explain that they are not narcotics but medicine for my adhd then she phones the police the police arrive and they get our stories after getting witnesses the police asked me for proof that these were my meds which of course i provide at this point karen is starting to sweat she realizes that she effed up and is now trying to backtrack out of the situation the police asked me if i would like to press charges as the meds in the bottle are now ruined i actually say no as i'm not about to spend court costs over 15 bucks karen is dealt with and we leave one story to tell richard guys correct me if i'm wrong here but if you saw someone taking pills in public you know in front of everyone not trying to hide the pills just literally taking them then surely logic would suggest that they're not going to be illegal drugs because that would be very stupid to take illegal drugs in plain sight in public i might be wrong there guys but i personally if i was going to take illegal drugs probably wouldn't do that in front of everyone in a public space not that i do but i wouldn't do that so i just don't understand the logic of this entitled parent once again crazy scenes really i mean i've come to expect it on this subreddit but crazy nonetheless also i know it's a sensible decision to not press charges on this caron over 15 bucks worth of pills but just for you know the sake of it i kind of want opie to do it just to you know make sure this karen knows that she can't get away with doing this for the rest of her life and that she can't just go around you know just doing what she wants all day and actually impacting people in a very negative way in this situation imagine if op couldn't get more adhd tablets for any reason that could really you know put a danger to their their well-being so yeah karen please don't do this again now for our final story of today's video karen is furious at me because she rear-ended my stationary car so today i was stopped at a red light totally stationary not moving a bit not even pumping my brakes to inch up nothing to imply movements then enters karen karen slams the back of my car doing about 50. the initial shock wears off but i'm still well into a panic attack because i do not like cars because of past experiences and i found my phone and call 9-1-1 immediately i step out of my car and go around the back to see what i'm working with then karen gets out of her car i'm expecting her to say she's sorry ask if i'm all right or even just an oh my god or oh snap but nope she greets me with you didn't call the police already did you i tell her that's who i'm on the phone with she says no don't do that i'm just like uh yeah okay and go back to speaking to the dispatcher they had asked the severity of the accidents i begin explaining to them what i'm seeing which is basically a big jumble of plastic and hunks and chunks but i honestly don't know what's from where and that the entire logo from her car is sitting on the ledge thingy of my bumper karen apparently was upset that i was not upset about how badly she effed herself she started screaming at me like look at my car my car is worse look at how bad my car is i simply said mom you hit me she though keeps on screaming so i just go back and sit in my car by the time the cops get there my nose is bleeding my chest hurts and my head is pounding they call out an ambulance because they think i'm severely injured but in actuality i just have chronic migraines and chronic nose bleeds and having a panic attack like this will cause one so the emts are checking me out and i'm trying to explain that all the blood happened after the accident due to me panicking and i'm fine just saw and panicking but they're concerned because my blood pressure is 178 over 167 i don't know anything about blood pressure but that sounds pretty high to me as i'm speaking with the emts i hear karen complaining about how i don't need medical help i'm fine she didn't even hit me that hard etc but the cops were trying to explain to her that they couldn't emt because my nose was bleeding and they weren't sure if i'd hit my head she didn't say anything else at least not that i could hear after that thankfully my car is built like a brick so it could probably be repaired with a plunger and a sharpie it's literally got like three dents her whole front bumper though was effed that hoe was gone after i got home i got the petty idea that i should have just taken her whole freaking bumper home just shoved that hoe in my trunk since she wanted to be a little female dog about the whole incident to be fair mate if you wanted to be really petty about it then you could have just said that you know all your injuries your nose bleed you know your your headaches were all caused by this accident you didn't have to say that you had chronic nosebleeds or headaches that's not it's not important you know you've just been hit by a car at 50 miles an hour a headache in a nosebleed is probably you know the least you could expect to have in that situation if anything though wow you got seriously lucky but karen doing 50 miles an hour into the back of a stationary car like what are you doing are you on your phone are you not even focusing on the road oh yeah just take away our license guys take away our license at once because that she's very lucky not to have killed someone in this situation apparently curly hair equals me being culturally inappropriate and a racist because i'm white i want to give you some backstory i am white the palest moon silk white you can think of but i have very i mean very curly hair that in summer depending on the state i'm in turns into a full-blown afro and my hair is a light reddish blonde a week ago i went to get it braided no not box braids two french braids as my hair is rather long and is rather hard to french braid myself and my friend who is black and works at a hair salon always wanted to do my hair as it is rather pretty and i pride myself a lot in my mane this day it was me my friend her co-worker and another person let's call her old female dog or ob for short i tell my friend to go ahead take off the ends please so she sits me washes my hair and states wow op your hair is thick this apparently ticks the ob off i gush about my hair for a few seconds before a loud scoff is heard from ob we both look over and she is resting her chin on her hand glaring at me as if i was a child my friend rolls her eyes then goes back to my hair cutting it layering it and making it look good can you french braid my hair i ask my friends eyes light up like a kid's eyes on halloween and they get the biggest candy bar ever and she doesn't say anything but squeals and begins the process of braiding it before a loud and i mean loud echoing scoff is hurt my god you enslave our people and then you take our culture shame on you my friend looks confused and i look at her through the mirror excuse me the ob turns in her chair and points her witch-like finger at my friend you better stop braiding that white girl's hair you know dang well that's inappropriate my friend though continues to braid my hair not looking at this woman mom i am just doing french braids not box braids or bantu knots plus look at her hair it's so long but the obi shakes her head and goes back to her phone before my friend turns my head and does the other side i then hear a scuffle behind us and ob has gotten up and come behind me i'll cut her hair for her she's being racist my friend dropped my hair next thing i hear is a loud thud the woman was on the floor and scissors slid across and hit my foot the ob screams about being assaulted my friend calls for her co-worker who legit only stepped away to pee she was pregnant get her out of my salon she just tried to cut her hair because i was braiding it the co-worker glared before helping the bat up taking her to the door all the while she was screaming at my friend for me being a white power hungry racist and that my hair was probably fake i didn't know what happened that led to her being up but first but my friend said she shoved her in order to make her back off her co-worker stopped my friend after resuming the braids sticking her hand in my hair that woman is crazy people can have thick hair it's genetics it's not your fault your hair is like this before moving to her station i don't know my lineage and i don't know the obs but i didn't mean to be a skin color different than yours and happen to have very bad history with yours as well look i'm just sorry that my hair is the way it is honestly i think some people are just mental you can get whatever hairstyle you want within reason obviously if you're going full-on cultural appropriation that is a little bit out of line but you've got thick hair you can't change that that's your genes so yeah if you want to get it braided in french braids that doesn't mean you're you know disrespecting black culture that's just ridiculous okay whatever hairstyle you want man it's really not that deep i also think this lady just needs to you know mind her business a bit more it doesn't even sound like she was at all involved in this conversation i'm not even sure what sort of role she plays at this hairdresser's you were getting a haircut from your friend it should just be left at that your friend's black anyway so surely if there was a problem she would just say i don't know doesn't seem to be any issue there for me let's move on now for our next story co-worker working from home with two-year-old doesn't really work at all i admit this is mostly a rant but i'd love to hear your opinion there is a certain slacker co-worker that affects my productivity and is a pain in my butt i actually joined the company two years ago to cover for her maternity leave my boss was happy with my work so i ended up being hired permanently with different responsibilities but i do share many of them with this woman there have been several issues since she came back to the office basically that she is a great slacker and uses manipulation to do as little as possible and tries to get others to do her job when i was first tired i didn't have absolutely any guidance from her despite the fact that she was supposed to be working from home up until the week before and i figured things out on my own it turns out i did things more efficiently so now the boss has higher expectations regarding our job it's a long story and i'll try not to go into too much detail before giving birth she spent several months working from home but it was clear she wasn't doing absolutely anything even the boss and co-workers talked as if she had been away for many months before that working from home period when she came back i helped her as much as possible trying to be understanding as i knew she was struggling with a new baby but i was appalled to discover she didn't know how to do many things and use excuses to get out of it like pretending that the computer or software didn't work when really it's just she didn't know how they worked she still actually does this from time to time and she tried to delegate things to me and others despite not being anyone's boss after a while although i tried to be nice in the beginning i was forced to make it clear that i wouldn't do her tasks that's when she started a smear campaign against me resorted to bullying saying i'm a bad co-worker and teamworker and many other unpleasant moments a few months later i had managed to ignore her not be offended by any attacks keep things professional and stick to my tasks i had my job to do and genuinely i couldn't be bothered by her incompetence or office drama after all that's ultimately the boss's problem working from home during the pandemic was actually the best thing that could happen to me in terms of work dynamics and regarding this co-worker i don't have to deal with her office drama anymore she's the typical gossiper and manipulator and it's easier to make clear how much work you've done and to actually gain visibility it's also painfully obvious when someone's not working however this co-worker still tries to get away with not doing tasks blatantly lying if necessary like saying she's working on something that doesn't exist she's also not too smart and doesn't know her way around technology much so i've caught her red-handed a couple of times taking credit for my work for example taking credit on a shared excel document when it's online and you can actually see who edited it she didn't know this so i've obviously called her out on this with a screenshot of the timestamp of when i made the changes i guess when it's not my responsibility and it's separate tasks i couldn't care less but when she doesn't collaborate with me i end up doing the work myself because i need it in order to continue with my tasks although i do try to make it clear who did it yet my boss still doesn't notice many times and doesn't realise doing her tasks puts a toll on my workload i wouldn't be surprised if she lied many times in private conversations with our boss taking credit for a lot more than i'm aware of in the beginning of the pandemic schools and nursery homes were closed but now they've been open for a while this co-worker however doesn't take her two-year-old to any type of nursery home and never has and stays with the baby at home while she works now claiming she's scared of the virus when i'm convinced it's just so she doesn't have to spend the money i know that she and her husband are not well money-wise but that isn't an excuse to act like she does her kid sometimes shows up during zoom calls and demands her mom's attention as you'd expect from a small toddler of course today she had no problem with sitting the baby on her lap during the entire conference and even acted as if it were cute i find it quite rude to have to stare at a small child in the middle of a work video conference with external business partners and i think it shows a lack of respect for our employer there were some months when this was understandable and bosses were flexible of course but now i think she's just taking advantage of the whole situation it's obvious that she's away from her desk for long periods of time during the day she doesn't check the inbox we share several inboxes that we are supposed to check frequently and manage but of course that's also something that i end up having to do on my own and her work is sloppy i try not to worry about what isn't under my control but things are getting worse lately as we're part of the same team her sloppy work does make us all look bad and when her tasks don't get done i eventually have to do them in order to advance by the way the boss even admitted to me one day that they couldn't get rid of her because the law protects her as a new mum she also used the i'm being discriminated against because i'm a mum card several times at work despite it not being true making it clear she wouldn't leave without a fight in the case she did get laid off and she's also a part of the company union as she likes to remind the boss frequently i don't really think this is true but i know my boss is big on avoiding confrontation she knows this as well and takes advantage of the situation treating my boss disrespectfully even and guilt-tripping people about her mum obligations and how hard it is to be a mum i sometimes feel guilty for not being more compassionate i guess with all that's going on and families struggling to make ends meet people are usually more sympathetic towards working mums but it's just hard to do that with her when she's making my workload heavier and being so incompetent now guys don't get me wrong i understand that it is incredibly hard to be a working from home mum especially during the pandemic and especially with a with a two-year-old baby i mean i say i understand i don't understand never done it myself but i can imagine it would be tough however when you're blatantly just not doing your work and then lying about it that's a little bit too far for me because at that moment in time you're literally just wasting your employers money aren't you come on you're not doing your job if you're able to still do your job with a baby fair play to you doing really well if you're able to do your job nearly to the same extent but just a little bit lower than you know you were doing before and you're saying to your boss you know what i'm really struggling to keep up with the work and they say that's absolutely understandable then again that's completely fair but if you're lying about doing your work and then you know taking away the praise from other people or guilt tripping other people and saying you know actually i did this when you didn't you're just lying then yeah that that's too far for me honestly you need to you need to change it up and your boss by the way needs to grow some cojones and you know say to you you've got to do some work i know you've got a baby but do some work now moving on to our third story but i followed the directions several years ago while living in another state i would often go to a little locally owned and operated coffee shop at least twice a day between teaching my community college classes by doing this i got to know a lot of the regulars and really enjoyed the sense of community and belonging there was one woman who also came every day that everyone including the baristas referred to as the ice cream lady or icl for short icl was a woman in her 60s with dyed brown hair in the shape of a football helmet with so much hairspray a hurricane couldn't move a single strand of hair and clothing in ice cream colors of pastel greens yellows pinks and blue i love those colors to be fair much of the clothing was designed for a much younger clientele she would drive up in her van and the barista on duty would announce to the whole shop that the ice cream truck had arrived this was a cue for everyone who knew her or knew of her to be prepared for the drama that would always ensue this story is just one of dozens i know about this lady this one particular afternoon icl drove into the parking lot and the barista shouted the ice cream truck is here there were audible groans and mumbles from a table of men most over the age of 65 with one man slapping a hand over his face and shaking his head icl grabs the table behind me and proceeds to shout her coffee order to the barista who is about 30 feet away the conversation below is to the best of my memory i want a large of my usual what's your usual the barista said i've been coming here every day for a year you should know my order by now there are at least 30 other people that i have served every day for over a year i can't remember them all you always know her since she is behind me i can't see her but since i am the only other female in the coffee shop it was a pretty good assumption that she was talking about me i turn around to face her so that she knows that i'm aware of who she is referring to oh turn around i'm not talking to you so it's none of your business no but talking about me makes it my business icl ignores me and gives the barista her order and then gets on her cell phone loudly unfortunately we could only hear one side of the conversation i would have paid any price any time to know what was being said on the other end though hi this is icl let me speak to your supervisor no no i want to talk to him now while she apparently waits to be connected she starts muttering about how she couldn't believe that people could be so stupid they must not have gone to college like she had she's never been so humiliated she could have been killed etc from the anger in her voice and her not so covert mutterings i honestly expected the conversation to be about her mechanic having messed up something on her van resulting in a near crash yes mr supervisor this is icl remember me yes well i wanted to let you know why i was late delivering lunches to the elderly today your employee gave me the wrong directions to this one man's house and i want her fired for it she pauses as she listens to the supervisor of course i know that she is a volunteer and not an employee but but that's beside the point she doesn't need to be working there if she can't give directions to the important people pause yes i have the directions written down right here pause yes she told me to drive four miles on highway a and at the first red light i should take a left pause no those were not the correct directions at this point the ice cream lady is very flustered loud and almost in tears i kind of started to feel sorry for her because i knew that feeling of panic when you have to be somewhere you've followed the directions exactly and you still can't find the address yes i turned it the first red light onto b streets pause i know that the directions said the name was m street but m street was not at the first red light b street was long pause it is here that i can only imagine the supervisor laughing hysterically because that is exactly what i would have done the ice cream lady is now screaming into the phone what do you mean that b street is at the first red light and m street is the third are you kidding me the first light wasn't red it was green the first red one was at m street pause then she shouldn't have called it a red light if it wasn't reds well wait so let me just clear this up you're telling me that this woman ignored every light that was green and just went through it and waited for the first one that just happened to be red and then said oh yeah that's the first red light let me turn left now do you get any more stupid than that i don't think so jesus i mean to be fair i'd rather hear traffic light than red light but you wouldn't know you wouldn't you wouldn't get directions from someone saying red light and then expect them to know when the light is going to be red or not and then then make your turn according to that how stupid do you have to be i mean it's to be expected isn't it you can hear her talking she sounds pretty dumb but seriously not turning left on a light because it's green rather than red because your instructions were to turn left on the first red light not just light in general how dumb do you have to be to take those instructions so literally man oh my god brother's girlfriend demands ps5 or xbox series x for a family that doesn't play video games for some background both my sister and i are gamers and usually purchase the newest system through pre-orders or shortly after release my sister who is currently living with my parents this is important for later decided to get a really expensive gaming pc this year instead of the consoles i on the other hand decided i'd get them another year since i just bought myself a new motorcycle now we are not rich both of our jobs just give us bonuses each year and we save 10 to 20 a year towards a special splurge gifts my brother is not a gamer he likes some older nintendo stuff but otherwise doesn't play neither does my ten-year-old niece or seven-year-old nephew my brother thinks they're too young and games today are too violent now imagine my surprise then when we get a call from my brother's girlfriend marsha demanding i give her one of the new consoles she knows i pre-ordered i told her that i didn't pre-order either of them she asked when i'm getting one and i tell her i'm not right now and i couldn't even if i wanted to because they're all sold out everywhere she flips tells me that i'm lying and says she needs one for the kids as a christmas present because that's all they are santa for weird again they don't play video games and i'm pretty sure my brother wouldn't let them now i'm annoyed at our attitude but i try to stay cool since i know she has some mental health issues that make her lash out and tantrum when things don't go her way i ask her why she thinks i'd even care enough to lie and while she suddenly thinks i just give her one if i had it she says i must have one as there's no way neither my sister or i wouldn't get at least one of them and i should give it to her because i can afford it and i don't do enough for my niece and nephew anyway it is true i don't but i'm barely allowed to see them i haven't in three years not by choice and any gift i ever gave them was returned for cash or given to her family because it was deemed too inappropriate for her kids dude how is a giant stuffed tiger inappropriate so i just stopped giving anything to them and instead i put money into their college fund every year that my parents created so do my sister and my parents it is well known that this woman marcia takes all gifts given to the kids or my brother enhance them to her family or she returns them for money she has done since we've known her so we just don't give her anything anymore i listen to her screaming murder at me for a few minutes before i hang up and call my sister now she has no idea how marsha knew she didn't get the consoles marsha never even contacted her my sister goes to talk to our parents and it turns out that marsha brought the kids over for a visit today my parents haven't seen the kids in three years either now my parents were surprised but weren't going to turn them away apparently marsha started talking about christmas gifts and the new consoles with them to see if they had bought one for either of us she gets a no as they would never spend that much on us as we've told them not to since they're on disability and don't have much money she asks if my sister has bought one and gets another no from my parents then she gets upset and starts fidgeting and looks angry so she leaves to use the restroom upstairs by my sister's room she was up there for a long time but my parents figured it was to calm herself now we think she was actually looking through my sister's stuff to try to find the new console when she couldn't find one she left right after coming downstairs and called me shortly after she has since been calling and leaving angry rant messages and texts i blocked her and don't really care as i have never had a good relationship with her anyway this woman has hurt my family countless times in the past 15 years and she still has the audacity to demand a new console i really wish i knew why or for who though uh yeah i'm not gonna lie i think it's pretty obvious who marsha is trying to get a ps5 or an xbox series x4 for herself i mean if you can't work that out op then you know it's just so obvious i mean none of her family play games or are allowed to play games so who's the only one left in that whole picture is marsha a very sneaky one i kind of rate that she's trying to get a ps5 but um yeah probably not the best way to go about it they are out of stock um but yeah just pay for one if you really want one just pre-order one like everyone else did and got one i don't know uh yeah don't try and steal off off your off your family for christmas that is very very weird before we move on to our next story guys i just want to let you know about my redditor clothing it's the perfect christmas gift as you can see on screen i'm repping some t-shirts right now we've also got loads of hoodies in different colors as well if you want some of that for christmas now is the best time to get it to make sure it arrives in time for the big day the link to that is behind the eye button right now the description and the print comment so yeah go and check it out and it massively supports my channel now moving on to our next story entitled woman gets the boot from doctor's office i work at a podiatrist office as an x-ray tech most of our patients are elderly and are near and dear to my hearts the kind of people who are like second grandparents to you whose feet you happen to be very acquainted with then there's patients like this woman we'll call her lin lin is that kind of woman that will be sickly sweet to your face and then complain like you killed her puppy to your superiors we would dread looking at the schedule to see her name on the daily patient appointment list some of my co-workers in fact have flat out refused to take her back to a patient room and get vital signs prepper room etc everyone at my office has a that idiot lin did this to me story it's practically a writer passage at this point she has been coming to our office for about three years in my own personal experience with her she acted kind to my face but slightly entitled she complained about something i did to my doctor and to be honest it was so mundane neither i or the doctor she complained to who owns our practice took it seriously the doctor even flat out said oh lynn complained about you but she complains about everyone when she didn't get the proper reaction she expected from the doctor again the doctor thought it was mundane and said she would speak to me about this problem she then tried to call a day or so later and speak to our office manager my co-worker picked up the phone and spoke to her lynn had complained to the doctor that owned the practice so she couldn't exactly take it to anyone higher up in our office food chain she had the nerve to say i don't want to get anyone in trouble but i think it needs to be addressed lady you went out of your way twice to complain about me you wanted me to get in trouble on to the main event now lynn finally gets her comeuppance i was on maternity leave when this happened so this is secondhand from my co-worker who isn't a redditor unlike me lin came into the office in apparently a very foul mood more so than usual anyway one of our nurses called lynn back to her room three minutes after her scheduled appointment time lim proceeded to contradict all of this nurse's questions and information she had about the appointment just out of spite stuff like nurse one says lin your blood pressure is 142 over 90. uh that's not right my blood pressure is usually 140 over 80. the nurse one being an older woman and over the years of lynn's bs said okay then then when the doctor came in lin started demanding that you have to give me an injection my feet hurt and you're gonna fix it now the doctor's policy is that these injections which can help with certain types of foot pain are a once in every three month steal and if something stronger is needed they'll look at physical therapy so they don't just throw pain pills at you now lynn had had her injection about one week ago and constantly refused physical therapy despite having no valid or medical reason to not go she was very obese and very lazy she just wanted a solution now and didn't want to correct things in her life that would easily stop the problem for good instead of temporarily then lynn demanded new diabetic shoes now normally we do offer this service with one nurse let's call her nurse too that is some sort of certification that only she has to take the measurements for these shoes however lynn had burned that bridge a long time ago because she had repeatedly treated nurse to like garbage and called her a female doc nurse 2 had long ago refused to measure her ever again the doctor knowing this told lin that she would send orders for new diabetic shoes to another company we work with in the area that does this sort of thing but lynn didn't want shoes from them she wanted them from us the doctor not wanting to throw nurse 2 under the bus simply told her we weren't offering diabetic shoes at this time from our office lynn kept getting angrier but had no choice but to accept defeat that she wasn't getting what she wanted schedule her next appointments and pay her co-pay she went to our receptionist window and concluded her business and headed out to the parking lots she had paid with a credit card and our receptionist asked her if she wanted her receipts to which she replied uh no why would i want that she then proceeds to stomp on out to her car three minutes later she calls our receptionist from the parking lot she was angry you need to print me off a receipt for our transaction today why wasn't i given one the receptionist replied mum i offered it to you before you left i can send it to you in the mail or you can pick it up from our office at your convenience you did not offer me my receipt i'm in the parking lot you need to bring it out to me now lynn replied mom you can come back inside and get it or i can send it to you in the mail i can't leave my desk as i'm the only receptionist in the office today you have to bring it out to me now my legs are and i can't walk in there this was a load of rubbish she literally just walked out of the building just fine and had no leg injuries at this point lynn just starts yelling about how she doesn't deserve to be treated like this and how someone needs to bring her the receipt now yadda yadda yadda it's so loud that nurse 2 can hear lynn yelling on the phone from several feet away nurse 2 asks if it's lynn on the phone and the receptionist confirms it is nurse 2 actually asks for the phone and says she'll handle this hello this is nurse 2. how can i help you lynn is still yelling you need to bring me my receipt now my legs hurt and you need to bring it now i should have been offered it in the first place when i checked out this is ridiculous you're all incompetent bring it to me now mom your legs seem to be working just fine when you walked out of the office now you can either come in and get your paper yourself or we can mail it to you lynn just starts yelling incoherently repeatedly calling nurse to a female dog etc you have a nice day mom and then nurse 2 hangs up nurse 2 told me how great it felt to just call in out on her bs i felt the satisfaction from the story when nurse 2 told me about it a couple weeks later when i returned from maternity leave but it gets better apparently the doctor that was working that day we have two and they rotate days they work and surgery days had overheard lin's yelling on the phone and was not having the way lynn treated the entire staff she told our other doctor the one that owns the practice and they agreed that they would dismiss her from the practice so the rest of my work days are looking a lot more limitless every day i go in and it's a wonderful life ah lin uh yeah just again like the first story not a very nice person really just goes into the doctors does whatever she wants expects everyone to you know i don't know do whatever she asks just because she's the customer i guess but there are rules and regulations lin you can't just do what you want in a doctor's office because at the end of the day if the nurses hate you they're probably not going to look after you and realistically right surely the nurses and the doctors are the people that you want to be nice to i mean even if you're not a nice person and you're rude to the majority of people that you come across every day nurses and doctors are the sort of people who are probably going to save your life at some point and they're helping you out right now giving you injections and medicine and stuff so of all people why be mean to them it makes no sense but yeah you got what you deserve lynn you're kicked out and you're never coming back so guys that is gonna do it for this movie i really hope you have enjoyed it if you are new to my channel and you do want more of these style of videos i have actually made lots of other entitled parents movies they're all around me on the screen right now i've got to say again thank you for such an amazing year on this channel it's really been incredible the growth and you know the views that we've been getting and the support from all of you guys has been amazing and i want to say thank you to you for watching all these videos you know if you're still watching right now and you've watched all this movie then you know that you are a legend you are close to my heart and i've got to say thank you to you especially anyway that's gonna do it if you want more as i said check out the other ones on screen they're all great stuff and i will see you tomorrow with another couple of videos all that's left for me to say now is enjoy the rest of your christmas day and yeah have a good one
Channel: Redditor
Views: 262,749
Rating: 4.9005179 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: kLH-f2QK6Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 3sec (6843 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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