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what is going on everyone and welcome to entitled parents the movie summer edition this especially long video includes some of the best stories i have found on our slash entitled parents over the past few months as you can probably tell this video has taken me a very long time to make so if you do go on to enjoy it please do these three things firstly drop the video a like secondly comment your favorite story down below and thirdly make sure you are subscribed to my channel so you never miss out on my daily reddit content guys with that all being said let's jump straight into the first story entitled mum an entitled kid tried to take a chocolate shake for which i paid so this happened earlier today my neighbor ah and his wife had a big birthday party today for their five-year-old daughter he even went and got a huge blob waterslide for the kids when he went with his wife and daughters to return the slide to the person they rented it from their car broke down i got a message from them asking if i could pick them up since i drove an suv and could accommodate all of them including two car seats i said sure no problem and headed out on the way home i asked them if they needed to stop anywhere to pick up anything i needed ziggs so i told them it wouldn't be an issue if they needed me to stop off somewhere my neighbor said he needed cigarettes too so i stopped at a local convenience store when we were getting out the oldest daughter asked if she could get a milkshake her mum told her no they didn't have the extra money for that right now what with having to pay to have their car towed home when we got inside i asked my neighbor what kind of milkshakes this girl liked that i was going to get them as a treat for being good after having to deal with the car breaking down and all he said i didn't have to do that i told him it wasn't a big deal it was just a milkshake and i wanted to do it we walked over to the order screen and he ordered two chocolate shakes one with whipped cream one without i got my order slip and headed to the cashier now at this store you place the order pay for the order then pick up your food or beverage my neighbor had already bought his six so he waited there for the shakes while i went to pay i chatted with the clerk paid for my stuff and turned back to the counter to get the shakes and then stuff got weird my neighbor said to me hey what were those order numbers again uh 106 and 108. i thought so hey that is my shake this was directed at a kid who had grabbed a chocolate shake off of the counter of course the kid was entitled my mum said i could have a chocolate shake and this one is just sitting here it's mine now um that's not how it works kid give me the shake you didn't pay for it my mum said then his entitled mum got involved what are you doing why are you yelling at my son i paid for that shake you didn't i have the order slip he can't just walk up and grab something off of the counter like it's his well i haven't ordered his yet so just let him have that one you can order another one for yourself like you really need it now peeps i am a bit curvy but i am in no way shape or form obese and even if i was you don't take someone's shake my neighbor said oh snap i then said to the woman excuse me what the heck did you just say the clerk then comes over and says here is your second shake wait where is the first one is something wrong this was said as she saw me staring down the entitled mum lady i've already paid for both of those shakes and not that it is your business but neither are for me they are for his pointing at my neighbor's daughters so your son can put the dang shakes down and you can both walk the heck away from me or you are gonna see what a chocolate shake enema feels like the entitled mum looks at the clerk she just threatened me you need to call the cops i can't believe she's trying to take away my son shake lady she ordered and paid for them not you and i didn't hear a threat did you the clerk looks at the cashier nope i want my shake i'm going to call the cops on you for threatening me go ahead and i'm sure these awesome workers will also call them on you for theft of a milkshake last chance lady either your kid puts the shake back on the counter or you will be leaking chocolate syrup out of your butt for days the entitled mum grabs the shake from her son slams it on the counter so hard it exploded all over the clerk and the counter when she realized what she had done she grabbed her son's arm and yanked him out of the door running for her car the poor clerk was covered in chocolate shake the cashier went behind the counter to make a new shake and the clerk left for the back to try and clean herself up i felt so bad for the clerk but the cashier said her shift was ending in less than 30 minutes so she was going home shortly and could get a shower i thank them both for the shakes and for sticking up for me and my neighbor and i went out to the car he told his wife the story and she laughed so hard i thought she would fall out of the car she had seen the entitled mum and her entitled kid running out of the store oh there we go a nice little fun one to get us started in today's episode you know what if there's one thing you don't do you don't take someone else's milkshake come on those things are so good and i'm not sure exactly where you were getting them from but they can be pretty expensive as well i know places like starbucks sell them you know four five even more dollars at this point on top of that it's not up for the entitled mum to decide whether or not ops should have her milkshake because she might be a little fat that isn't the point you know if you pay for a milkshake it's yours it's your discretion whether you have it or not moving on to our next story now karen can't believe that you can't sue cash because of the coronavirus a little backstory so you can understand my mum lost her job because of the coronavirus but my aunt works at our uniform shop we wear uniforms for school in australia and she managed to get my mum to work there she's been working there for maybe two weeks now today this girl came in with cash from her mum so she could get a new blazer now at the front of the shop it explicitly says no cash and it even says it in the school's newsletter that the uniform shop doesn't take cash because of the coronavirus she keeps saying that she needs a blazer but of course it's against the rules so my mum keeps refusing my mum then calls the girl's mum to sort it out and oh boy my mum didn't know what was going to happen she told the karen that she won't take the girl's cash and that she needs to come in herself and pay via credit card the karen goes off saying that my mum wants her daughter to freeze it's winter right now in australia we have the opposite seasons to people on the northern hemisphere and that she should take cash even though it says it everywhere that they don't but the karen keeps going on and on about how my mum is a female dog and that she's purposely not giving her daughter a blazer and that she can pay in any way she wants this ranting lasts 10 minutes my mum is trying to reason with her but she won't take it and my aunt and the other uniform shop lady are helping people and they could all hear the karen screaming through the phone whilst it's happening the karen then tells her daughter to leave and hangs up my mum hasn't worked there for very long but she's encountered a few carrots if you want another uniform shop story i can post another oh i'll tell you what guys if there's one place that i wouldn't like to work it would be in a uniform shop for a school i imagine the amount of entitled parents that you get in there you know just looking after their kid but going over the top saying oh i need a blazer i want to play with this i want to play with that oh it'd just be horrible now for our final story entitled mum thinks we're going to make a special accommodation for her and her kids in a newer trauma slash burn icu during covid ends up with cps called on her i'm an icu rn intensive care unit registered nurse a few nights ago i was working our burn ward where this happened typically pre-covered we allowed three visitors per patient between the hours of 8 am to 8 pm but during the worst of covid all visitors were restricted all units no exceptions now that things are lightening up we're starting to allow visitors again under certain conditions one visitor per patient at a time 18 plus only all will be screened and made to wear n95 masks and two hour visiting max pretty reasonable enter the entitled mum of this story i'm taking care of her husband who was grilling when the propane tank exploded he's pretty burned up but nowhere near life-threatening he's awake alert talking eating etc not on death's door by any means i get a call from this lady positively screeching that she is downstairs and some female dog the guest secretary won't let her come visit her dying husband and i better tell her it's okay after getting a few words in i come to find out it's because she has children with her i explain her policy and she loses it incoherent words are screamed at me i hung up i giggled to myself that i'm so glad she's downstairs and this is a locked unit and it sucks to be that secretary right now well in walks a super annoyed woman escorted by security alone raging about how we need to let her kids up to see their dad because they haven't seen him in three days she asked for the change nurse after i tell her policy is policy so she's yelling at my charge for a solid 10 minutes when i go into this guy's room he's embarrassed he can hear her yelling from his room he apologizes for her we chat for a bit and i ask about his kids and how old they are etc he tells me they're boys three and six years old the lady is still with my charge nurse it's been about 15 to 20 minutes since she's been on the unit and she hasn't come to see her dying husband yet my patient then said wait my kids aren't alone in the waiting room are they oh i hope they haven't wrecked it so i run and check nope no kids to be found because of missing children i consulted the house supervisor and we call a code pink possible abducted or lost child in the event of a code pink no one goes in or out of the hospital and all entrances and exits are monitored i go and tell my charge what's going on right in front of the entitled mum the children she brought can't be located in the waiting room so we call the code pink i say this to the entitled mum now we'll need a description of the kids and what they are wearing well of course they're not in the waiting room the stupid secretary wouldn't let them up they're out in the car there's a pause the charge nurse says oh are they with more family out there the entitled mum is silence mom is there someone in the car with your children i need to go move let me out she's trying to push around me to get to a staircase no no one can leave during a code pink you can't go anywhere to make a long story short the police recalled a report was filed she wasn't arrested since the only other person who could take the kids is in the hospital we are mandated reporters and had to report to cps i feel so bad for the husband and those kids yeah for me guys it's the fact that the husband who is in icu with serious burns you know a propane tank exploded on him is feeling embarrassed in apologizing on behalf of his healthy wife that's how you know that this relationship is kind of screwed and this mum is very entitled and then obviously on top of that the fact that you're leaving your three-year-old and six-year-old sons out in the car in a parking lot on their own in a public place i mean that is just ludicrous it says it all really about this entitled parent now today's fan art comes from calm carmen i mean this is an awesome one you know it's telling you guys exactly what you need to do hit the subscribe button hit the bell button become a part of the reddit gang it's obvious stuff guys but you know what com carmen is telling you to do it so you better do it entitled mum and entitled kid puts everyone in danger for a video higher so this happened exactly five hours ago from the time of this post this was while we were on a hiking trip in my country now usually the moral of the story comes at the end but this is genuinely important so i will say it in the beginning always always follow instructions on a hike especially when crossing difficult terrain so for some background hikes are usually divided into tears based on a person's endurance speed and capabilities however this hike had one level due to a shortage of people and guides so my best friend and i were asked to assist given we are regulars and advanced hikers now we were walking quite a distance on a narrow path that forced everyone into a single line the path is dirt and leaves with rocks scattered and it was generally downwards with a few streams of water making certain sections of the trail muddy and slippery that's not a big issue for most of us but we had two unruly new people with us an entitled mum and her entitled kid they complained about the mud plants insects and just about everything we were tolerant but that changed pretty quick now it's just worth mentioning guys opie actually says later on in the story the entitled kid here is 29 years old and opie and his friend are 22 and 23. we reached a rather flimsy spot where the dirt is very slippery slipping and going off would not kill you but it will be a painful trip to the or for sure so me my best friend and the guide situated ourselves at the beginning middle and end of the drop respectively to help people step across mostly allowing them to stand on our feet or footholds we made with our feet now on to the story i say to another hiker girl hiker one okay stand on my right foot and then grab my best friend's hand my best friend and the guide gave similar instructions and we were in a position where the entitled kid is next i'm supporting the girl hiker too girl hiker one is with the guide while guy hiker was helping them the entitled kid then says mom take a video of me doing this i will sprint across no you won't you'll stand on my right foot and reach my best friend and take his hand you cannot tell my kid what to do go on chief translate it from my native language it's a term that is similar to man of men or that he is the strong man no man if you do this and he slips we will all be in danger and i might not even be able to catch him get the heck back but the entitled kid runs a bit upwards and away from my reach and within his third step he loses his footing and slips he's now between me and my best friend while slipping he grabs girl haikatu's leg pulling her down my best friend grabs her arm and i grab her second one you ever my baby you idiots better not let my baby get hurt pull him up my best friend says yeah you're female dog but he calls this you swine my baby is more important than all of you get him back to me my friend is a devout muslim and the swine insults seem targeted at that as it's a completely uncommon insult here shut the heck up you entitled donkey girl hiker too are you okay that insult is more insulting in my language by the way i am okay but he's holding onto my leg and kicking and i cannot get a foothold by now the entire group is looking on in horror and the mother is screaming like a banshee while the guide grabbed a rope and tossed it to the kid the kid would not let go of the girl's leg forcing me and my best friend to start losing our footholds as well my best friend says you idiot grab the rope or we will all go down don't you dare scream at him this is all your fault you and this trail only a swine like you is the idiot here will you shut the heck up already girl hiker two i need to grab you by the shirt is that okay yes yes just get me out of here i reached down grabbed her by the shirt and undershirt and pulled her up enough for my best friend to grab her bag and pull up with me we felt the dirt beneath us giving way the dirt was slipping into the kid's eyes as it was tumbling down onto him he began to flail and scream causing the mother to start screaming as well do not worry baby hold on you idiots are hurting him can you put a lid on it god dang it how dare a post like you and the swine next to you my best friend talk to me and my baby like that the guide had moved himself a bit below my friend and i and he had a strong foothold the moment we pulled back up enough he grabbed the entitled kid and pulled him off this allowed us to pull the girl hiker 2 out and back onto my best friend i lost a lot of my footing and had to dig my hands into the dirt and spider move myself onto a different position oh alicia was safe now moving on to the outcome the entitled mum ran to the kid to check on him while cursing at all of us calling us idiots and irresponsible she kept threatening to sue calling my friend swine and other explicit words now what she forgot and did not account for is that both me and my best friend's mom are with us and they saw all this go down my best friend's sister even recorded everything my mum said arcade save your spoiled brat's butt so one more word out of you and it my best friend's mom interrupts and shoves the entitled mum into a tree trunk how dare you call my kid swine after he saved your kid's life you racist entitled female dog i have half a mind to throw you off of this ledge posers like you are what the problem in this country is say one more word about my kid i dare you the entitled mum and her entitled kid visibly shrank as the entire group gathered around them yelling and blaming her and her kid for what they did me and my best friend got to cleaning our boots and clothing from the dirt that slipped in we brushed it off and continued the trail hiker girl 2 stuck around my best friend they joked and he got her number as well the entitled mum and her entitled kid were noticeably silent and the guide issued them a ban from our group and other groups we usually collaborate with yeah i mean if you ask me that's the minimum that they should have got as a punishment i mean clearly this entitled kid was endangering other people's lives imagine being that girl hiker there she was actually in serious serious trouble yeah i know op said that you probably wouldn't die if you fell off the trail but a trip to hospital is not something you want i mean you could probably break a bone depending on how high the cliff was i don't know i don't want to risk that if i'm hiking and also it's bad enough a young kid asking his mum to film him running along a trail that is potentially very dangerous as op said but then it turns out this guy is 29 years old i mean what is he doing why why do you want your mum to film you doing this i don't know guys i guess some people are just pretty stupid i mean what was he expecting to upload it on youtube and go viral or something or you know put people in serious danger yeah just don't do that again please now moving on to our second story entitled mother demands for me to give my drum set to her son so basically i'm a 20 year old university student trying to major in classical percussion since instruments are pretty expensive and i don't like to ask my parents for money i tried to make up some cash by giving drum lessons to kids in my city it's all gone fairly well i don't charge much just eight euros per hour so kids come flowing in back to two months ago when an entitled mum brings her seven-year-old child to my house for his two hours lesson we have fun i teach the kid some riffs and he seems to enjoy it it was his first lesson now i have two drum sets at my home studio which is just my bedroom one is the more expensive one bought almost a year ago now and the one i bring with me for gigs i spent almost 4 000 euros on it and i'm kind of careful about who plays on it for that reason the other one is a pretty old 400 euro drum set that i was gifted when i started studying and i used this one to teach kids here's the conversation between me and the entitled mum when she came to pick up her son cue the most strange interaction i've ever had with the parents good evening em your son was really good today he could have a future in the music industry if he dedicates is that so should he continue with this i mean it's totally up to him but he has great potential you could think about investing in a drum set yeah or you could give him yours sorry mom what yeah just give him yours you have to anyways you don't need an extra one i'm sorry but i used a good one just for gigs and you know i need this trash one to teach oh no i wasn't talking about this white one the trash one those blue drums the good set behind you look good give him that sorry but i really can't also a beginner's kit can be found for less than 500 euros here the entitled mum goes full berserk screaming at me trying to get the 16 euros she had to pay for her lesson back why don't you want to give my child your drums you said he has a future so you should be the one helping him with that mom i need both of them and you could just buy one yourself you were just an evil kid that doesn't give back to the community dead silence and anxiety starts to kick in for me see not replying just says i'm right you don't want to support my child i'm not that good at applying in this sort of situation i get pretty anxious and sweaty luckily my mother was home and came into my room she politely escorted the entitled mum and the poor child who genuinely had fun playing the drum out of our house and we never saw them again i still give drum lessons to kids even though this locked out didn't help most parents are pretty cool and ask for advice on which drums to buy but no one has ever asked for mine since i'm actually genuinely interested as to how i would react in this sort of situation i've never really been in an event like this where someone says something so so stupid to you and you're just you know confused and you're in silence and bemused that how stupid the thing you've heard is i don't know what i do it's kind of interesting isn't it you don't really know how you'd react until you're in that sort of situation those of you that have been in a situation like this let me know below how you reacted i want to know because i'm just interested the sad thing for sure about this story is the entitled mum probably has just ruined her son's life in in a minor way you know he could have been going on to be a really good musician if what you're saying is true if he had a natural talent for rhythm the drums that sort of thing it's just a shame to waste that talent and passion for something so young a brief encounter with a karen at the ikea so today my husband took me shopping at ikea for some random items we needed but were unable to get due to previous public gatherings restrictions we decided to make a day out of it and grab lunch at the ikea restaurants while we're at it now for clarification due to covert 19 there's certain rules and procedures to be followed in ikea meaning that now you stand in queue first to get your table number then you move forward to order and go take your designated seats and one of the servers wheels your food to you all fine and dandy we stand in line to get our table number though the queue is kind of long and we're considering scrapping this idea and just going to eat elsewhere right next to the window is a giant menu with items offered in the ikea restaurants the usual meatballs salmon salads and the like in front of us stands a karen with a kid in a stroller which looked to be around four years old the karen stares at the menu and looks over at the restaurant employee handing out table numbers do you have any chicken mcnuggets silence the employee is staring at her we're staring at her god and evolution are arguing in the background about whose fault this brain fart is given that they are usually not served here at all and the giant picture menu is quite clear on that subject not to mention that mcnuggets are kind of a different restaurant chains gig the employer replies no no we don't i'm sorry you don't what kind of kid unfriendly restaurant is this my child doesn't want to eat anything on your menu i'm sorry madam the menu you see to your left is all that is offered karen huffs grabs the table number and moves forward the employee glances over at us gives us a table number and goes oh pardon me madam is pregnant you don't wait please just step here to the side and follow my colleague he'll take you to the register so you can order karen's head whips around so fast i thought it might fall off her face is a picture of shock at unjust treatments she glares at my eight month pregnant belly then at the employees and screeches i have a child as well the employee now with another one in tow stares at her blankly and goes yes but you're madam here is pregnant i can sense him struggling not to say well you push yours out a while ago didn't you as we leave with the other server i can still hear her in the background arguing that she has a child and therefore should be given the same treatment as a pregnant woman while the ikea employee is still patiently trying to explain to her that it's company policy that disabled people and pregnant women have the right to cut cue and unless she or her son is disabled or she herself is pregnant she can't cut in 20 minutes later we're done with our food and we stand up to leave i spot karen still in queue third in line from the register glaring at us i resist the urge to wave and just pat my belly happily then waddle away with my husband i have no doubts that ikea is getting a bad review on yelp or something due to not serving mcnuggets and not letting her entitled self cut in line even though she played the child card fairly early on yeah i mean it takes a certain level of dumb to think that ikea you know the famous furniture store also famous for selling swedish meatballs also offers mcnuggets you know mcdonald's chicken nuggets to their customers what to be fair you know i reckon the queues would have been absolutely horrendous ikea first of all on a weekend during a pandemic that would have been horrible but that's no excuse to try and cut in you know and also this woman is pregnant let her go through ahead of you that's obvious it shouldn't need some company policy for you to allow this woman to go ahead of you but you know what clearly even with that company policy this entitled mum is still arguing so it's there for a reason now moving on to our second story of today's video teaching entitled students twins hey guys i'm back with another story from my journey as a teacher i had a set of twins in my fourth grade music class i had never had any twins in my classes before so i was generally excited to teach sisters but these students during class were awful they started the year sitting together and making fun of other students during singing or auditions they called students gross pigs obnoxious ugly sound like a cow basically any form of insult you could think of if they didn't like the students they wouldn't participate and if a student stood up to them or if i intervened they got super mad and knocked over chairs i had to send them out multiple times over the course of the year i quickly learned that together they were awful but if i separated them it lowered the level of bully moments or sent out moments in the class so the first day i decided to separate them this happened i said to the first entitled student let's call them jess jess i will pick where you sit today why well because i want our class time to go smoothly we have a lot to get through today then jess's entitled sister spoke up let's call her anna what's that mean we do things fine together i know that you guys like to do things together but today we're trying something different please sit in the seats i picked out for you today anna starts mumbling mum isn't gonna be happy she's gonna be mad when she hears this i just brushed it off as the two of them being mad and grumpy that they had to sit separately i had never met either of their parents and only had a connection through their homeroom teacher she would sometimes deliver news for me to them but that was about it it's difficult to have parental connects when you teach an entire school's music program a few days later i happened to be done with work for that day and merrily hopped over to a target i needed to grab some items for dinner and generally enjoy the dollar section and a starbucks drink because i mean who doesn't as i'm walking through the store i hear something kinda loud behind me i turn to look only to find a woman coming straight in my direction with a look of rage i remember looking in front of me thinking she's going past me but i realize pretty fast she's coming towards me so i put the car between us and back up a bit then this woman literally starts yelling at me in the middle of target saying who do you think you are my kids are not trouble you better fix it now i literally stood dumbfounded because i didn't know who this woman was and i didn't know who she was talking about so i took a moment to try to get her info and get her to stop yelling i'm sorry do i know you you would better get to know me i'm the twin's mum i see i am not sure what you're upset about but if you would like to schedule a meeting we can i am not scheduling a meeting we're talking now because my poor girls have been devastated in class and you are going to fix it devastated they are sisters and love each other and want to sit together but you have made that impossible so now they are heartbroken she literally said heartbroken and that's when i knew who she was talking about and who she was heartbroken mum i did not separate your girls to make them upset i did it to stop them from upsetting the class how so your girls are bullies they make fun of other students and are rude in class i sat them apart so they will stop feeding into each other's negativity normally i would be more choosy in my wording and probably more professional but i'm standing in the refried bean section at target after my normal work hours being accosted by a mum i have never formally met who is gathering a bit of an audience the entitled mum stares with a shocked face at me they are not bullies they just need to sit together i'm sorry you do not like my method for controlling their behavior but it works better that way now i am late getting home if you would like to schedule a meeting feel free to contact the office at the school i ended up taking my car to cash out and left the store without my needed items because i wanted to get away from that entitled mum who was still there shopping i've never had an encounter in a public place before that the entitled mum never scheduled a meeting i'm not even sure how she knew me because i had not met her before that encounter the next few years for the entitled twins were pretty rough they got suspended a few times for cheating and then also for bullying other students their family ended up moving away and they left the district i believe the new district called for information on the students and their records because apparently they also were having trouble with bullying from them well to be fair to the entitled twins i mean it's pretty clear where they get it from that entitled mum you know what i bet i bet i know what she did i reckon she somehow tracks you down and tracked your location somehow because otherwise how would she possibly know firstly who you are what you look like and secondly that you were shopping in target like yeah i get it it could have been a coincidence that you both happen to be a target at once but then as you say how does she know who you are it's literally impossible right that's kind of creepy and kind of weird that she would do that but yeah i guess what i'm saying is that it's not a surprise that her entitled twins act like this when she's doing stuff like this as well i think the point is that she doesn't realize that she's not done a good job at teaching her kids how to be polite in their lives and this teacher is doing a way better job she just can't really handle that now moving on to our last story of today's video entitled mum doesn't like it when other people wear face coverings i was shopping for food and other essentials with my fiance yesterday and we were both wearing masks that i'd made out of some old t-shirts we noticed that the whole time we were in the store a woman and her son were not socially distancing at all and she was actually letting her kid put his fingers in his mouth and pick his nose before and after touching things they also weren't wearing masks but i wasn't too bothered about that since it's not mandatory in the uk unless you're using public transports personally i wear one when i'm in a public building because i really don't want to get sick but i know i can't force other people to wear them too we got to the frozen food section and it was just us alone in the aisle with this lady and her son her kid looked at us and started asking his mother why we were wearing masks his mother answered very loudly like she was making sure we heard her mummy why are those people wearing things on their faces what things their masks yeah why are they wearing those because they're idiots why are they idiots because they think breathing air will make them ill that's silly i know i looked over at this point and narrowed my eyes the woman did the same and walked away dragging her kid behind her by the arm i honestly don't know why she seemed to take an issue with two strangers choosing to wear masks it wasn't like i walked over and demanded she and her kid wear them i don't know people are weird yeah that is a very strange one the government in the uk have literally you know advised people to wear masks when they go outside and they've now made it a legal requirement to wear them on on public transport as op said i don't know why people would get annoyed at that and also it really doesn't affect you as well like if someone else is wearing a mask and you're choosing not to that's your choice but why does that mean that you have to get annoyed by them wearing a mask i just don't get it now today's fan art is sent in by amy now look at these two these are pretty sick i'm not sure which one i prefer you know you've got the more normal standard one and then you've got the joker version of me i think they're both pretty cool let me know guys down below what you think and also if you have any fan art of your own that you want to send in just hit me up on socials discord twitter everything like that it's on screen right now come and get involved your guinea pig looks sad and scared so i'm taking him with me just like the title says an entitled poop stain tried to take my guinea pig because she thinks that it looks scared or sad now before i go into detail i wonder why a small animal would be scared of a loud drunk and obnoxious idiot barging into my home so it's currently 11 pm at the time of this post and it's hot as anything in the uk and i'm just about to try to go to sleep but lo and behold a drunk idiotic obnoxious brain-dead [ __ ] comes barging into my home and starts talking poop about me as well as my dad and my younger brothers now for those of you who catch on quickly i'm indeed talking about my mum who i've blacklisted out of my life now she thinks the world revolves around her and has a hissy fit whenever someone proves her wrong she starts sobbing and crying saying lunatic nobody loves me why does nobody love me to which i explained to her you're an abusive drunk you're cruel and vindictive you talk trash about your own freaking kids and then you start to wonder why nobody in your family loves you she tries to bs her way out of it saying oh i don't mean it i only say those things when i'm drunk she doesn't so as i'm tired annoyed and done with her i tell her she can either get out on her own or i'll call the cops to get her out she reluctantly does so but when she walks past my living room and sees my guinea pig curled up next to a frozen water bottle she goes oh look at your little baby he looks so sad at this point i walked the door and order her out much more aggressively to try and get it through to her head that she has to leave when she walks up she goes fine i'll freaking leave but i'm taking your guinea pig with me it looks sad and scared to which i grabbed the guinea pig out of her hands and shove her out looking the door behind me with her going how dare you i'm your mother i demand you give me your guinea pig so i can look after it she's still screaming her head off whilst i'm now stuck wide awake in this dreadful heat calming and soothing my guinea pig and she wonders why i want to get a restraining order against her honestly with these karens it's like how stupid can you be yes obviously the guinea pig is sad and scared you've just come in at home late at night being loud and obnoxious and drunk if you were a guinea pig in that situation you'd also be terrified honestly that [ __ ] is pretty lucky that guinea pig didn't bite i've seen some guinea pig bites before they're not pretty they can be pretty harmful you know um i kind of wish she had got bitten in a kind of malicious way but it would have been some pretty good karma i guess the true sad bit of this story is when your mum says oh i don't mean it i only say those things when i'm drunk yeah but you choose to drink therefore you're choosing to take in alcohol what you say when you're drunk you're still comfortable for you know if you say something bad it's it's still your fault you're still guilty it doesn't matter if you're drunk or not now before we move on to our next story guys we've actually got a little picture of the guinea pig right here i mean what a cute little i just i don't want to see that thing be scared of an of an abusive mum a drunken mum i feel bad fricks is so cute opie just try and keep the guinea pig away from your mum for for his entire life if you can it is too cute to lose moving on to our next story entitled parent tries to enter my apartment to measure the bedroom so this happened three years ago i was renting a basement apartment that i loved my landlords were great the aunt and uncle of my childhood friend and i lived there for three and a half years halfway through they told me they wanted to sell the place but probably not that soon since the husband was working on a commercial ship nine months at a time i just asked them to tell me when they decide to sell anyway 13 to 14 months pass and they decide to start the process they introduced me to the realtors everything gets sorted out up to this point everything is going great the realtors give me 24 hour notice before they bring barriers i can stay home during the showings or go about my business i have no complaints about them or my landlords throughout the entire process then one day i just got back from work and didn't feel like going out again but the realtors came with a family of five or six it was unannounced i just forgot so i decided to stay the family consisted of a mother father adult daughter and two or three kids i can't remember the father was a piece of work now the thing is i lived in a touristy town on the mediterranean coast it was summer people tried to pull all sorts of cons here so the entitled father said i know you said someone lived here but we hope to stay a couple of days to get the feel of the apartment you know the realtor replied um what this place isn't for rent op already lives here well i can't buy something just like that but okay obviously we can't stay the night sorry no you can't i live here he moves on measures things left and right wondering out loud if their large wardrobe will fit into the bedroom how he wants to buy an apartment for his daughter because she wants to go to college here eventually they pack up and leave for the beach i saw them later the beach was two minutes away from the apartments the next day there were no scheduled showings so i decided to do one thing everyone does when they live right next to the beach take a nap after work but before my head even hit the pillow i hear someone coming down the stairs there were only two basement apartments and my neighbors went away for a week i get up and go for the door to spy but before i even made it halfway there someone rattles the doorknob and then 10 seconds later starts knocking i was really confused and freaked out i go to the door and lo and behold it's the entitled father from yesterday i do not open my door who is it it's me yes we were here yesterday what do you want i want to measure the space in your bedroom to see if my daughter's wardrobe fits no you're not getting in but i can't buy the place if i don't know it's for my daughter then call the realtor they have all the measurements on file i'm not letting you in i'll buy this place and evict you good luck i have three months left on the lease and you can't do anything about that my landlords told me that if the place sells before my lease is up the contract states i can't be evicted before the lease is up i already had a place lined up though the entitled father starts cussing out and i hear him go away i called the landlords and realtors after that they were all mortified and worried someone like that just came to my place tried to let himself in and threaten to evict me the entitled father did not buy the apartment after all because the landlords refused to ever deal with him again the realtors told him it was sold to this day i believe their plan was to find a place to crash at for a few days for a free vacation under the pretext of buying the place for their daughter i still had to improvise webcams around the apartment to keep an eye on it while i was at work for the remainder of my stay there i spent an entire summer not feeling safe in my own home oh wow that's horrible yeah i didn't even think about that that didn't even cross my mind but what a scummy thing to do if that is what this entitled family were doing just you know faking buying somewhere just because you can't be bothered to spend a little bit of money and rent somewhere or a hotel for a few days that is seriously low and that's the thing right these guys don't realize when they do things like this it makes the person who lives in that house really uncomfortable like you said you spent the entire summer not feeling yourself in your own home i wouldn't want that upon anyone that's just a horrible thing to deal with all i can say is it's clearly a good thing that your landlords and realtors had a little bit of common sense and didn't just say you know what we'll accept your offer get out op because in that situation it could have been quite easy to take the money then again maybe the money wasn't even there in the first place if this offer was just fake for a free vacation now moving on to our final story of today's video entitled dad picks on teen girls because he's intimidated by a bouncer i am a hostess at an outdoor beer garden we are open to families during the day but in the evening everything becomes 21 and over yesterday a couple came to eat with their toddler for lunch who was screaming and crying before they even walked in as the hosting team we made sure to seat the family at a low top table with seats with backs to accommodate their childs because we are nice and thoughtful hostesses apparently the couple let their child run around the restaurant and make a mess with the gravel on the ground and the bouncer asked the couple to please keep their child seated he even referenced the signs on the wall that said children must stay seated naturally the couple gets angry and decides to leave of course on their way out they march around to the hosting table and start berating us hi i think you guys did a great job as hostesses you were nice and all but i have a suggestion just a suggestion we came to this restaurant because it's kid-friendly and we just wanted to have a good time but that man told us our kid can't run around and have fun how is a kid supposed to stay seated in a place like this that's made for kids to run around myself and the other hosts show visible confusion you should have told us beforehand that our child wouldn't be able to run around when you see that someone has a child you need to inform them of the rules before seating them i'm just trying to make a suggestion for you guys to help you do a better job next time because now our experience was ruined and that's why we've decided to leave and then the man just walks away and the three of us were just left confused and annoyed like one i think i know how to do my job it's not your fault you can't control your child in public two this is a bar it's not exactly family friendly we just tolerate children during the day and three it's not my fault you're so insecure as a grown man that you have to take out your anger on three 19 year olds because the big scary bouncer told you to control your snot goblin ugh wow look at that some quality logic shown right there from this entitled dad just makes absolutely no sense why would it be i'm just i just can't be bothered like why does he think it's the job of the hostesses to tell him oh this place might not be suitable for kids firstly it's your job to know that before you go somewhere surely and secondly it's a bar bars are 21 plus in america i assume this is that's not going to be the ideal place for a kid what are you expecting like a climbing frame outside some like i don't know some toys to play with like it's a bar where you drink alcohol with adults what to be fair if there are any kid-friendly beer gardens i would i would love to see one because i'm not really sure they exist and also i'm not sure i know of any restaurants that let kids just run around freely through the tables with all the waiters and waitresses that sounds like a recipe for disaster um pardon the pun and it's just not very sensible now before i end today's video let's quickly check out today's fan art courtesy of taylor bang i mean this is lovely you got to admit you know as you guys know i'm a massive fan of snakes i've even got one myself marty for those of you that know you know i can't go and get him right now i'd love to but he's probably asleep it's the middle of the day but yeah still awesome fan uh um it's just really nicely done the snake lovely a lovely yellow snake to go with the yellow art and a nice little a nice little heart as well i appreciate it taylor man entitled mum doesn't like where i parked my ambulance whilst we were saving a life so crashed her own car hello i thought i would tell another tale from the weird and wonderful world of a uk ambulance service i work for an emergency ambulance service and have done for many years this happened about four years ago my crewmate and i were sent a cool down to our computer satnav at about 2pm one very warm and sunny shift we were just given an address at first and that it was the highest category of calls which means we had eight minutes to get there but no details on what the call was this isn't unusual they get an address first to save pressure's second sending us then downgrade the job to a lower category if needs be once the details have come through i'm driving whilst one of my favorite crewmates was in the passenger seat so on go the blue lights and sirens to get through the building traffic then our dispatcher calls us up on the radio female mid 50s cpr in progress well dang we race like heck to get to this poor lady every minute counts when doing cpr the longer it goes on the more risk of brain damage and less likelihood of getting the patient back luckily we weren't far off and got there very quickly the lady lived in a very nice house on a well-off streets it was a typical crescent street half moon shaped with both ends of the streets connecting to the same main road there was a long line of cars parked on one side of the street meaning that there was only enough room for one car to pass at a time thankfully there was no one driving the other way and i was able to drive to the ladies house without encountering anyone coming the other way score there was a rapid response car already on scene that means we had another set of hands to help and they would have already taken all the equipment into the house so we didn't have to because of all the parked cars i was unable to pull the big box fan in to allow other drivers to pass so i just blocked the road the blue lights were still going but the sirens had been turned off there's no use deafening ourselves whilst we work we rush into the house and find our lady laid on the floor of her entrance hall with my manager making sure that her airway was clear whilst the poor lady's daughter was continuing doing cpr i quickly swapped with the daughter and continued chest compressions whilst the other two went about doing all the other little things that need doing at this time i will spare you all the medical details but i will say that during chest compressions a heart is not working it stops so we attempt to restart it while also pumping the blood around the body and to the brain enough that the patient doesn't get brain damage unfortunately cpr has a very low success rate as other medical conditions usually cause issues as well that day however everything was in our favor and we got a heart rhythm back this is not the movies she didn't suddenly wake up sit up thank us and go on her way we had sorted the immediate problem but not what caused the heart to stop you need some very specialist doctors for that it was at this point we all heard someone beeping like crazy on their carnhorn but we were all busy and ignored the noise as we had gotten a rhythm it was now race to get the lady into hospital to the doctors before it was lost again i raced back out to the ambulance to find some karen in a car in front of my ambulance just sat beeping her horn angrily as soon as she saw me she opened her window to shout at me you need to move that ambulance i need to pick up my kids from school don't you know how to park you can't just block the road mom this is a medical emergency i will not move and i'm within my rights to park where i am but i need to pick up my kids you epic idiot so move i would like to again point out that this was not a dead end street she could have easily reversed or turned around in someone's driveway and gone out the other side but no she decided to sit and shout an ambulance instead i ignore her open the back of the ambulance and get the stretcher out and to the house all while karen is shouting and swearing at me karen i deal with drunks and druggies at the weekend you haven't even managed a third of the bad language i get from them i am not moving for you my manager had heard the shouting but was busy so didn't do much more than look up at me i'm not showing signs of worry so he just shrugged it off he has been working with me for long enough to know i can handle most things we quickly lift our patient onto the stretcher just outside our house but the movement means that her already weak heart stops again dang we start chest compressions again and as we do we hear an almighty bang and the sound of metal scrapping on stone frick what is karen done as i'm stood nearest the road in the front garden i am the only one who can see what's happened i don't know how many people know this but outside some british homes between the pavement and the road there is sometimes a patch of grass called a verge most people don't want strangers parking their cars on this verge and tearing it up so go to all sorts of lengths to stop people from driving on it around here it is quite common to have large bits of concrete about the size and shape of half a yoga ball placed on the edges of the verge and painted white so that they are clearly visible can you see where this is going yet yep instead of doing the same sensible thing of turning around or reversing our dumb karen had attempted to go around the ambulance by driving onto the grass verge at full speed hitting one of these balls and actually going up onto it beaching her car on the concrete i could see her sat in the driver's seat shouting and hitting her steering wheel my manager doesn't even look up from the patient he is working on what's going on nothing boss just some karma at work i take over the chest compressions as we quickly roll the stretcher to the ambulance i see the moment karen sees us she was red-faced until she turned her head towards us to see three ambulance workers doing cpr on our lady i've never seen someone go so wide so quickly she shrinks down into her chair and tries to disappear as i just smirk at her at this point both my crewmates and manager have seen the beach car to be fair it was hard to miss and i heard a choir what the f from my manager we loaded the patient up and just before we set off we got a pulse again yay a very quick run into the hospital and some excellent work by the doctors meant that our lady was awarded a brilliant prognosis and she was able to leave the hospital not long after sorry i can't remember how long she was in for i don't know what happened to karen maybe she is still stuck there for all eternity well hey we can only hope that would be fantastic if that was the case now i don't want to be too harsh on this karen unnecessarily but come on you know those rather big white vans that have you know some pluses on them flashing blue lights uh yeah lots of medical equipment inside them and on the outside um yeah those are ambulances they tend to make loud noises as well um i think that everyone knows what they are and what purpose they serve in society if you see one karen please don't try and go around it unnecessarily going up on the pavement because that's not gonna work clearly you're gonna get stuck also just have some patience or go around the other way why would you do that to an ambulance someone's life is being saved and you could seriously potentially be ruining slash killing somebody if you interfere with an ambulance doing this job now moving on to our second story no your son can't have my gun you can shoot at me what a weird title i have a friend that has an airsoft gun i would have bought it myself but law doesn't let me in my country you can't have airsoft weapons accessories and stuff until you are 18. yes i know it's kind of stupid but it's a firearm at least that's what my government says so my friend lets me shoot his in his backyard now recently in his neighborhood moved in and entitled mum with her 10 year old son and he was also a fan of airsofts so let's move on to the story shall we so we were shooting at the cans of beer and sodas and whatever we drank when we hear the doorbell it was an entitled mum and her nice kid my friend said to them hello how can i help you oh hi we are new here and my son says he is a fan of airsoft her nice kid nods and he always wanted to shoot an airsoft gun and i'd like to ask what it is because i've never heard of it i should now add that my friend got cops called on him a few times due to people assuming he has a gun and is shooting in the backyard you know it happens sometimes so he once went around the neighbors and told them that he has airsoft guns so they wouldn't call the cops since then he never had that kind of visitors well maybe how do you know i have an airsoft gun anyway we saw you when we drove here well okay i don't mind if he shoots one or two mags so they enter my friend says some safety things and i run upstairs to go grab a pair of airsoft glasses when i come back the kid has my glasses on his face hey kiddo these are my glasses take these other ones please the entitled mum then activates entitled mode is that going to be a problem well no then can't he keep them uh i guess he can i don't mind that much anyway i should address that i have a problem with trust naivety and small self-esteem so i mostly go with whatever people are saying meanwhile i ask if the entitled mum wants a coffee she says yes and asks if i can make a tea for her son i have no problem with it so i make some water to boil and go check out my friend and the kid shooting the little guy was pretty good his aim wasn't bad you can see he'd never held a gun before but he wasn't bad and my friend was helping him overall he was a pretty nice kid my friend lent him an electric cult 1911 a great gun i must say he didn't want to let him shoot from bigger guns because a it could be pretty heavy for him and b they are expensive and c he is kind of anxious about lending them i know i know it's boring so far but give me a sec i must say that my friend owns an m16a4 with an underbarrel m203 grenade launcher i paid for it and he has it in his possession until i'm old enough to own it legally but i use it in his house i call her monika don't ask why no i won't i'm presuming that the grenade launcher is i don't know what it would be but obviously not an actual grenade the entitled mum notices me taking moniker and going on to the practice range can't he shoot your gun no he can't i don't lend it to anyone except my friend aren't you too young to own it she then stands up and gets closer to me yes yes i am and i don't own it it's my friends but i bought it we know it it's 5 30 pm my friend says i'd like to ask you to leave because it's getting kind of late but you are more than welcome to come back on monday oh okay thanks for the practice and everything said the kid you're welcome kiddo you are pretty good too thank you sir ah call me opie the nice kid then goes to give back my friend's gun and glasses but is entitled mum stops him can't he keep it no no he can't but he was so nice and good with it plus you have plenty of guns i'm sure you wouldn't miss one i said no it's expensive he's also too young for it but so is your friend he shouldn't have it i told you that all guns here are my friends i don't own any of this at this time me and my friend are pretty annoyed we just wanted to clean up and go to sleep i was at a sleepover that day mum stop let's just go home said the kid okay kid come here then she did something unexpected she took the gun the kid had and started shooting at us with a full clip of 33 bbs the gun was on full auto by the way now a few of you might say but there was safety well there is safety but it's a weird one it's on the grip if it's pressed it's good to go if it's not it's blocked you get the idea me and my friend instantly started covering our eyes because we didn't have glasses on i have a dioptrick but i wasn't sure about it she shot about 10 bbs before she dropped it from the high recoil because i don't know maybe she didn't expect it she took her kid and ran the frick out of there both of us were in shock but we were okay her aim was atrocious so she didn't hit us many times the gun was okay too it was mostly metal and sturdy plastic it was shooting fine my friend didn't want to bother with charges so he let it go we then took the bbs and other stuff and started cleaning the next day the nice kid came to my friend's doorstep i opened the door oh hey kid hi i'm sorry for what happened earlier and i wanted to give you back glasses that i took before i could drop them i'm sorry it's okay kiddo my friend then comes to the door oh hey kid hello sir i'm sorry for what happened don't be it wasn't your fault and thanks for returning the glasses that's all then goodbye i could see that he was pretty sorry about it hey if you ever wanted to shoot sometime you are welcome just leave your mum home okay the kid laughs all right thank you after that the kid sometimes came to my friend's house to practice and he is starting to get good too oh i just feel really bad for the kid why does this nice kid have to have such an entitled mum you know he'd be a good kid but i fear that if he gets you know led by her roles and her morals into the wrong sort of path the wrong sort of way of thinking about life he may not turn into the kid that he should be no he sounds like a good kid to me right now but give it five ten years i'm not sure guys to be honest though it does sound like he knows exactly what he's doing and it also sounds like he's gotten quite used to apologizing for his mother he's clearly done this before am i right now guys before i go today we do have time for one quick piece of fan art now this one is from my own subreddit r editor yt we've now got whatever 20 000 members guys if you're not on the subreddit it's just it's in the description in the pin comment it's everywhere go and get on it there's loads of good stuff on there that all of you lot post about the channel about reddit about everything it's a lot of fun go ahead over there so guys as you can see today's art is by electric decades i mean this is just really good some of you are mad talented by the way i'm so terrible at drawing and art in general so when i see stuff like this it's genuinely really really impressive crazy talent electric decades thank you very much for this it's it's pretty much perfect right i mean what's wrong with it guys if you have any fan art that you want to send in hit me up on socials anyway as i said reddit yt is my subreddit twitter works discord works anything works hit me up and you have a chance of being in a video entitled mum forces herself into a candy store that isn't open so i got a call back yesterday from a candy store that i applied to a few months ago my now boss wanted me to come in today for orientation paperwork and a tour keep in mind this candy store is a new location and doesn't open until thursday also i'm in the us so moss are still required in public spaces and businesses in addition where i live customers aren't allowed to touch any unpackaged food so things like those buffet things in shoprite aren't allowed to be opened yet so i was in the back of the store filling out paperwork and my work friend and my boss were talking about something in the office my boss had asked me that if anyone came into the store to just let them know we weren't open until thursday so i started filling out my forms and occasionally people would walk in and i would politely let them know we weren't open until thursday and they would leave enter an entitled mum and her entitled kid the kid was your typical entitled eight-year-old but the entitled mum didn't look like a karen now just the point that will be relevant later on neither of them were wearing masks i walked up to them staying six feet away and having my mask on hey mom i'm sorry but we aren't open yet uh it's almost the end of the day yeah but then the kid says oh can i get some of those mum can i can i sure just ask this nice young man mom we aren't open yet oh that is bs you just don't want to work oh wait can i get some of those too i'm sorry but we aren't open yet we will be open on what was that i couldn't hear you i'm sorry but we aren't open yet we will sorry still couldn't hear you would you mind taking off your mask sorry i am not legally allowed to speaking of would you and your son mind putting on a mask fine the entitled mum then says to herself no other business has forced us to she grabbed our cloth masks and gave one to her son and put the other one on herself both wore them incorrectly with their noses hanging out now will you serve us because we put on the stupid masks i'm sorry but no as i jesus we put on the mask now serve us my boss apparently heard this and came on out what seems to be the matter and who said the lord's name now guys this boss is a devout christian are you the manager yes the entitled mum then says smuggly well your worker here is being lazy and won't serve me and my son even so far as attempting to kick us out of your store mom we aren't open yet the stool doesn't open until thursday but mum i want my candy now one moment sweetie well there was no obvious signs my boss pointed to the giant words that said grand opening july 2nd well your employee was still being rude to us how so he came up to us and came within six feet of us when we weren't wearing masks well you should be wearing a mask when entering a business i was told by my doctor that i'm not supposed to wear a mask let me show you i have an id card my boss sighed and looked at the card i know these are fake no it's not you forgot to fill in your birthday and reason whatever just let me get my kids some candy for the last time we are not open please leave the entitled kid slipped under the ribbon and started going around and grabbing candy with his bare hands my worker friend sees this and tries to stop the kid from tearing up the store what in the world i hope your business fails kid come here let's go are you crazy your son just ruined half of my merchandise guys call the police what why are you calling the cops i've done nothing wrong your son just ruined my merchandise how we are in the middle of a health crisis we can't just have people reaching into candy containers with their hands that are covered in dirt and bacteria well you should have just let him get his candy because then we would have paid and been out of here by now for the last time we aren't open for business yet ugh whatever she then pulled down her mask and coughed in my boss's face her son did the same thing but instead spat at me she grabbed her kid who had grabbed as much candy as he could fit in a bag he found they dashed out the store and were gone by the time the police arrived this all happened on a day when i was just supposed to fill out forms and take a tour of the facility wow that sounds like a pretty interesting first day a new job to me imagine if you have a few more days like that i think you'll probably be quitting sometime soon but hopefully that's just an anomaly and you can have a nice you know working career at this candy store in all seriousness though guys i mean now over half a million people have died from the coronavirus taking the mick and you know coughing in people's faces spitting not wearing masks when you're legally required to do so it's just not on really it's a serious serious thing i mean half a million people have died i can't be more serious than that can it all i can say is i hope that you and your boss didn't get you know the illness from these people i'm not surprised if they had it because they seem to be so you know relaxed about it i just hope you're safe and your families are safe as well now moving on to our next story entitled parent accuses me of abusing welfare programs assaults me and takes a trip to the hospital this happened about three years ago in germany after i just turned 18. it happened again in a grocery store the only public place i really frequently go to so yeah this story is also hardly verbatim since it has been so long so i'll paraphrase the best i can keep in mind that german grocery stores hardly have in-store security if any at all now on to the story it actually started in the parking lot where i just parked my car still somewhat feeling mighty good driving my own car around and getting that good portion of independence by it while i'm getting my shopping cart i hear some little brat whining about something and turn my head just to see the entitled mum and her young son i think he was pre-primary school now they were stepping out of a nice inexpensive looking bmw she came up to me and asked for my shopping cart which i declined because i had to put a coil in it from what i remember she frowned waved it off and muttered something but i just locked my car and went shopping not thinking about any of this now all the while i'm shopping you can hear the entitled brat complain about this and that in the store even about the smallest nonsense things but it all started to go south when i wanted to treat myself to some beer a bottle of wine and cigarettes the legal drinking age in germany for beer and wine is 16. legal age for the hard stuff is 18 smoking also 18. now these sections are close to the cash register for obvious reasons and spoiler it was the last bottle of this kind of wine and the entitled mum didn't like it one bit that i took it i put it in the cart and almost instantaneously hear the um followed by an i wanted that bottle young man in an annoyed voice it was the entitled mum now i was a confrontational person even back then but i was more polite in my way of not backing down so i turned around and did the only reasonable thing said it was first come first serve and that she could ask the cashier if they had more bottles in stock for some reason a completely reasonable response made that karen freak out here comes the infamous and informal slogan of this subreddits i'm a single mother and i'm in a hurry give me that bottle i deserve it more than you she growled followed by something along the lines of you're too young for such stuff anyway does your social worker know what you're doing with your money getting drunk on taxpayers money now i was gobsmacked and i raped at this woman who does she think she is i was still trying to be polite in a hopeless effort to defuse the situation i'm in the process of graduating school how would i be on social aid i muttered which just made her angrier for some reason go do something with your life you alcoholic only failures and people on welfare drive such low-level cars now she was talking about my car keys which were half-heartedly hanging out my jeans pockets how delusional was this woman last time i checked people on welfare are taking buses she tried to reach for the bottle tried to slap my hand and even wanted to yank my shopping cart away which is when i pulled my shopping cart away and told her to leave me alone and to get away from me in a stern voice but she did the opposite and then it all happened quite fast from what i remember she lunged forward and tried to take a wild swing at my face which i blocked by basically smacking her hand away this is a basic move you learn in many fatties martial arts styles and yes i have some years of training experience in judo but was never fully into it and i had already stopped training for quite a while when this happened yet you still don't forget the basic moves before someone could step in and before i could have even told her to stop she already tried swinging at me again now i grabbed her wrist with one hand grabbed her sleeve with the other and threw her over my back onto the ground using her momentum which is a basic judo move she however landed so badly on her bottom that she got hurt and an ambulance and police were called at this point she has somewhat curled herself in agony on the ground and is screaming bloody murder while people start to come over acacia supposedly saw the whole thing and there were cameras but this somewhat unnerved me i'd never had contact with the police and didn't know what would happen now although i technically did nothing wrong cue the ambulance and the police and her supposed brother or i guess she could have lied about the single parent thing came to pick up the little bratz the police took statements watched cctv and the whole shebang while i was kind of unnerved the whole time the fact that this karen is still screaming murder in pain and was trying to threaten everyone with a lawsuit who came near her didn't exactly help the situation then she got carried off in an ambulance because there was something wrong with her hip they obviously didn't tell me exact information but the hard fall onto her bottom seems to have made some kind of damage to her hip in the end police told me that nothing would really come of her threats and that i could press charges but i declined because a hospital visit is a good enough lesson i also didn't want to put time effort and some money i didn't have into a lawsuit when i should be focused on graduating and moving on to university i got the employee discount at checkout as an apology for experiencing attempted assault i haven't heard from karen or her lawyer to this day yeah i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this story i kind of get the impression that this all could have been resolved had you just given her the wine bottle in the first place yeah it's not ideal but i'm sure there were other types of wine around that you could have enjoyed and it would have just saved yourself from having to do some judo moves on this woman for no real gain i get it the entitled mum was in the wrong and it's obviously first come first served in a normal grocery store but still just my opinion this all could have been easily avoided had you just given her the wine and just gone on with your day i do understand though what a lot of you are probably commenting down below right now if this guy hadn't stood up to her then it would have happened again and again with different normal people and you know what this entitled mum may never have got the karma that she deserves so yeah fair enough it's a 50 50 for me i'm not entirely sure leave your comments down below on what you think the guy should have done in the story my mom turned her guest room into a nursery after i told her she will never meet my child i'm currently pregnant with my first child and both my mum and stepdad have been terrible to me and my partner the entire time they told us we would be unfit parents because we aren't married yet and legitimately screamed at my partner for knocking up their little girl even though we planned the pregnancy i finally decided to cut contact with them a few months after i found out i was pregnant having a child can already be a stressful time and having them around to make it worse was not something i was okay with if they can't be nice to my partner then they don't get to see our baby plus they are the kind of people who don't wear masks in public and actively choose to be in large gatherings with no social distancing so them seeing a newborn is out of the question one day i sent my mum a very detailed email of why she is not allowed to be a part of my life anymore and will not be seeing her grandchild to make things even better i also noted that we will be moving across the country shortly after she is born to be closer to other family members oh that's got to hurt so not only is she cut off but we are literally moving far away and never coming back she responds by showing up at our house at 11 pm screaming outside our door about how it is her baby and she deserves to be there for it i tell her to f off and eventually she leaves months go by and she would text me randomly asking about technical problems with her wi-fi router or something and she needs help little things like that don't mean much to me and i sent her the info she needed my cousin also had a virtual baby shower and sent my invitation to my mum's house accidentally so my mum came by to give it to me things slowly came to a point that we were fairly amicable with each other but i still stood my ground about our boundaries and nothing else had changed she knew this then she sends me a video today that blew my mind she redecorated her entire guest room to be a nursery crib changing table 400 worth of newborn clothes toy chest stroller a car seat for her car and the list goes on in the video she is in tears saying oh my god i can't believe my baby is going to be here soon this is where she will sleep where i'll change her little diapers these will be her toys is she psychotic her baby sleeping and living at her house what so i call her up immediately and i reiterate that we are still moving across the country soon and that she will have no contact with the baby before that her response oh okay we will see about that i'm genuinely confused what part of you will have no contact with this baby does she not understand or does she think it will change in the next few weeks when she is born i don't know is she planning on stealing her from us i am at a loss for words see the issue here op is that we just don't really know what your mum could be capable of you know maybe she could file some kind of fake police reports that would make you look bad as a parent or maybe something about you abusing the baby once it arrives uh yeah just showing that you're not a good mother yourself in that case there is a chance that you know your baby could be taken away from you so this is really scary stuff what i would suggest is that you just keep you and your partner keep as much evidence as you possibly can against your mum in case she tries to pull anything like that i mean making an entire room in her house into a nursery and then saying it's her baby i have no idea what kind of stuff she could try and pull i don't know this might be over the top but i'd probably go as far to suggest that you may want to get cps involved now or at least mention that something could happen i'm just worried for you i don't know guys let me know am i going over the top here i don't know this could turn out really badly now moving on to our second story entitled parent thinks i must cater to her needs gets verbal run down and then kicked out of the store this happened in germany not too long ago keep in mind that there are mostly smaller retails here and not so much big box stores like in other parts of the world which means that most small stores don't have dedicated store security at least i've never seen them i'm also 21 years old a male about 180 centimeters tall about 5 foot 11. i'm also generally a quiet and respectful man but i tend to have a short fuse about some pet peeves like strangers touching me or following me around because i like to keep to myself also i really enjoy non-physical confrontation if someone pushes for it but i wouldn't start drama on my own now on to the story so i was shopping in a german food store to get some groceries snacks and the likes when i ran into an entitled karen i was wearing cargo shorts and an ac dc shirt so i wasn't exactly looking like a store employee never mind that my cart was decently filled with various different items i was minding my own business when i heard a surprisingly polite voice behind me it was karen um hey young man i turn around and see the future karen a bit shorter than me middle aged not the special haircut and a seemingly fake friendly smile i dunno it just put me off for some reason combined with her general nosy arrogant attitude are you looking for something yes go fetch this for me please at least she was friendly about it but said it as if nothing was wrong with it i personally never saw an employee at a store like this play fetch for a customer the most they do is either tell slash show you where the item is and you have to get it yourself yeah you're right i tried to smile at her i'm sorry i don't work here but you can find that item over there i then turn around and went on about my day but i guess we all know that's not the end of the story after a few steps karen flipped a switch and decided to go crazy as i heard her stomping after me what do your job you worthless subhuman now she actually used the german nazi term unto mensch which is a huge no-go in germany for obvious reasons wow you're here to serve me she growled and grabbed me by the shoulder remember i have a short fuse about being touched and i don't take too kindly on being berated by rude strangers either and since karen decided to push for unnecessary confrontation i decided that she could get some i turned around and smacked her hand away from my shoulder first do not touch me keep your hands to yourself but karen decided to interrupt me and gets visibly more irates no shut up i'm not finished also you can f off right now with that nazi terminology and even if i worked here you don't get to verbally abuse workers and treat them like slaves do your shopping yourself i only got louder when she tried to interrupt me because i hate it so she didn't exactly have a chance to interrupt me how dare you touch me learn some respect you should help out a single mother note there was no kid around at the time so i don't know why she said that it's hard enough for me so i deserve some nice things getting effed and then dumped by a guy doesn't exactly sound like an achievement to me and certainly doesn't mean that i have to cater to your needs when i have other things to do karen gasped like a fish mouth open and stammering she was so red in the face that i thought she was about to explode physically i i'm still your elder you should have respect and do as i say be grateful for your elders you certainly look like a mummy but that doesn't mean i have to treat you with respect you obviously don't deserve it and it's ridiculous that you think i owe you anything yeah it kind of went from about me being a store employee to me having to cater to her needs for whatever reason although i don't work neither there nor as a personal butler and that's right then when a manager turned the corner i was surprised cara didn't scream for one yet cue the manager asking what the problem is and karen explaining that i should be fired for being a worthless human being she literally told the manager i should not only be fired but should be put down like as if i was an animal with rabies or something like that what the heck as you most likely know the manager told karen that i did not work here but somehow karen still believed that i should be her personal slave and butler for whatever reason and the manager and i shared a look after all the reasoning with karen failed i chimed in if you don't leave me alone right now i will call the police i'm going to leave now i turned and slowly left where i could hear the manager and karen still arguing behind me until the manager also threatened to call the police if she doesn't leave the store right now i heard a loud crash and turned my head karen had flipped her shopping cart in her rage and power walked out of the store while the manager called for some cleaning staff to help fix the mess and that's the end right there no police involved to my knowledge it could be that karen got in trouble later over the damaged shopping goods and groceries i hope so no false allegations and no physical violence i didn't get a coupon or a discount but that didn't bother me since i'm not about that yo i hope she was punished in some sort of way you can't get away with that surely i mean let alone being horrible to random people you the manager the staff anyone else then throwing her car over and just destroying all the food that's probably inside it you have to pay that money back at least surely i also hate all this rubbish about oh i'm your elder you should respect me surely aid shouldn't you know command respect but attitude instead like what if someone's horrible but they're over a hundred i don't have to respect them surely i don't know it's just my opinion on that in an equal way if there's a very young kid who has amazing morals and is doing amazing stuff then yeah i'm gonna massively respect them over someone that's older and just being entitled like this now today's fan art is submitted by adi on my subreddit he said he spent two hours drawing this and you know i massively respect it it's the nice old reddit gang hoodie some more is coming soon let me tell you that but um yeah overall got the face mask in there as well which you can actually still buy it's still live on my store and yeah overall very nice uh a very nice picture and if you didn't know my name boom there it is so that's helpful my daughter deserves her own private video call with her best friend so my sister elle celebrated her 10th birthday in lockdown and so she had a video call with a group of close friends for some backstory she had changed school since the one she used to go to and so did i but many years before her was a terrible school with bullies and lazy teachers around every corner so she didn't have as much contact with her close friends as possible and therefore she was more upset when she couldn't see them on her birthday they were all on a private group chat so she put the link to the zoom link on that group she also included a message that she had a cool with her family after it so if you didn't join that call then you couldn't have your own private call though she hoped they'd all be able to make it my sister also mentioned that she couldn't do it in the week either as our school has been swamping us with work so we barely have any free time one of my sister's friends who is entitled who was probably the least close to her out of that group has a tendency not to check messages so my sister made sure she got the message by privately messaging her emailing her and any other medium that she had access to but despite these efforts she didn't get the message and missed out on the call a couple of days later we get a call from her entitled mum which i pick up as my mum is out it goes as such hello hi op it's ian can i speak to your mum sorry mum's out would you like me to leave a message could you tell her that i was wondering when my daughter's private call with your sister is as she has been waiting for a while now and has been very patient oh i'm sorry but my sister cannot have a call with your daughter as she and i are both swamped with work at the moment and we don't get much free time um i doubt your sister has said that you're just speaking for her i'll get her on now if you want she's on a short break fine i brought the phone over to my sister who was browsing tick-tock unhappy face on her phone tic-tock's not that bad come on my sister said i um i would really like to speak to your daughter but i have very few breaks and i would like to spend them reading my book or browsing on my phone bye i said is that enough for you oh she doesn't know what she's saying my daughter and your sister are bffs whilst they are close my sister has told me multiple times that someone else is her best friend how dare you my little girl is crying because of what you just said she handed the phone over to her daughter her kid muttered what am i doing her entitled mum said cry oh um yeah insert bad fake crying hair at this point i could barely contain myself and had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing i couldn't what's so funny you brat bye em i swear [ __ ] started saying that's right walk away female dog before i hung up my mum later got a message saying that i had yelled obscenities at the entitled mum and her daughter i told my mum what really happened and we just laughed it off and didn't stoop to the entitled mum's level i honestly feel sorry for her kid being stuck with a parent like that and being forced to play along my sister did end up speaking to the kid but only a couple of weeks later once the half-term holidays had begun well look she cried so hard and got so far but in the end she didn't really get anywhere to be honest um yeah i'm not really sure where i was going with that honestly this entitled mum telling her daughter to cry that is just pure cringe like what sort of logic goes through your head to say uh yeah just cry really quickly i'm sure that will work no it wouldn't moving on to our next story entitled dad tries to steal cab from my disabled mother this all took place last winter but i just remembered it my mother is disabled and uses a wheelchair so we are often given extra help navigating airports we usually leave her personal wheelchair at home when we fly because it's very difficult to try and transport it and our extended family has a spare chair for her to use when we visit one time we were told that we would be at the front of the cab line because my mother was using one of the airport wheelchairs and they tried to free those up as soon as possible for other disabled travelers who might need them the skycap like a bellhop but for airports i think took our luggage so i could push my mum and took us to the front of the line this airport was near dc so they have different taxi services depending on if you want to go into the city or to maryland the sky cap took us to the very front of the line asked us where we were going into the city then walked away so that he could find a free cab from the back of the line for us we did not steal this man's long-awaited cab beside us was a family with two little girls the entitled dad looked annoyed and kept shooting me and my mother dirty looks my mum was tired from travelling and pretty checked out otherwise she probably would have given up the cab to appease this clown she's nice like that luckily for her her daughter isn't the sky cap let the cab pass the line of other cabs and gestured for it to pull up in front of us immediately the family cuts past us and the entitled dad starts loading up his luggage while his wife and kids avoid eye contact and get into the car i was in disbelief expecting the sky cap to say something but he just stood there looking uncomfortable so i say excuse me that's arcab the entitled dad gives me another nasty glare we were in line first we were taken to the front of the line because my mother is disabled there's no way he didn't see her she was sitting right beside me my family has been waiting 15 minutes for this cab i gesture at the sky cap he brought this taxi over specifically for us but the entitled dad just ignores me the cabbie says where are you headed the entitled dad says a random maryland address sir this cab only goes to dc you'll have to get another one i gave him the smuggest look i could muster and help my mum from her chair to the car as he unloaded all his luggage the skycap didn't help him and neither did his wife then he and the cabbie started loading up our bags for us while the entitled dad hauled all his luggage back to the cab literally right behind ours which he could have waited 30 seconds for instead but someone else had grabbed it while he was busy being annoying oh man his poor wife and kids you know what he's probably unbearable at home so i'm not surprised they stayed quiet during this whole ordeal i wish there was a way where if you jump the queue and everyone realizes you get sent to the very very back of it because that would have been the perfect karma i feel like the skycap should have stood up for you a little bit more i mean you're on your own with your mum who is disabled he you know should have done a better job in my opinion rather than just standing there awkwardly but i guess the good thing is at the end of the day you got the cab you deserve to get the funny part of this story is as you say if he just waiting for another 30 seconds or another minute it sounds like he was first in line you overtook him to go first so he was second he didn't get sent to the back or anything um he could have just got the next one waited 30 seconds and been on his way but no instead he uh he screwed up yeah unlucky now for our final story i'm your mother so you should give me half of your work money a little backstory my mother is not the entitled mum in this story but her mother is my mother's family didn't have a whole lot of money growing up and lived in a not so normal home i don't want to be disrespectful her mother em didn't have a job but the nice dad did but only 20 bucks a week they each had seven kids together wow the entitled mum was not the most respectful person in the world and encouraged her kids not to go to college out of the seven kids my mum was the only one to go to college and graduate i love you mum if you are reading this now on to the story while my mum was in college she knew she needed money so she started a lawn mowing business ten dollars for one mode lawn the chaos began whenever her mother found out what business she was doing one day my mother opened up the front door to find her mother standing there the following conversation went like this hey how was school today uh it was mediocre so i heard you started a law knowing business my mom then has an old snap moment she found out yeah what about her well since i'm your mother and gave birth to you don't you think i should have half of it are you serious right now yes i'm serious give half of it to me now my mum is just generally annoyed right now oh fine my mother then gave her five dollars before she walked away this continued on for a couple of years before she got a then-boyfriend now divorced husband and decided to move out of that heck hole you know what i mean her nice dad understood while her entitled mum realized that meant no more payday for her and tried to stop her my mum yelled at her and told her to stay the frick away from her she then moved out to stay with her now divorced husband and had two children together they then decided it was not working and decided to get divorced she then met a new person who was my amazing father and married him after a year and a half of dating her and my father then had me and my amazing little brother my mum is way nicer than her entitled mum if you want to hear more stories yes this isn't the only one then i would happily go on about my mother's entitled mum i hope you all have a great day and stay safe now i get that your grandma is entitled but come on i feel like your mum should have stood up for herself a little bit more it was her money that she earned um i don't know why her mum's asking for it in the first place but even still she should have just said no i earned this money it's not a lot only ten dollars i'm gonna keep it and there's nothing you can do about it i get it like obviously she is her mum and she has to be respectful and you know listen to what she says but in this in this you know in this situation she's done all the work and it just doesn't seem right for her to just give half the money away sorry i'm just completely forgetting that you even said in the intro that your mum's entitled mum didn't even bother to have a job that is even worse if you can't be able to get a job yourself and then you're feeding off your kids that makes you a terrible mother in my opinion now today's fan art comes in from slipknot on the subreddit oh slash relator yt um yeah i mean look at this you gotta admit guys just a little bit classy got the hat on the hoodie on more coming very soon by the way fresh new designs and also the sick face mark as well yeah i really like this one um nice and simple and a nice design thank you entitled family thinks they own the entire beach hi guys this isn't my story but a family friend of mine and after she told me this story i knew it belonged on here i'm gonna make this a two-parter since this first part is actually kinda long quick backstory my family who aren't involved in this story and family friends own beach houses in a little bay area that eventually leads out to the ocean there are several small piers within the boardwalk area where families can swim and jump off the piers they have netting surrounding the pier to indicate how far families can swim beyond the netting that's where boats kayaks etc can run unfortunately on these piers there have been some entitled people believing they own some of these piers because their beach house is right there behind it i will admit our family has had our beach house for over a century passed down through several generations even though we have to walk down the street to get to this pier i think if anybody deserves that pier it should be us lol anyways on to the cost of our story so we have a family friend the family friend's neighbor an entitled mum her entitled kid and the neighbor's daughter the first part of the story happened to my family friend's neighbor who eventually told my family friend what happened after swimming hours are over at the pier families like to go there to catch craps only crabs that measure within a certain height can be kept because of the whole thing with social distancing the neighbor and the neighbor's daughter went to try to find a good spot away from other families so they could crap they actually got a really good spot at the end of the pier away from everybody else and they set up their things there they were only planning on catching a few crabs and then heading out it was only a few minutes into their crapping when the 15 to 16 year old entitled kid came marching right on up to the neighbours hey you're in my spot the neighbors looked around trying to find anything to show that the kids spot was taken nets cages buckets etc there wasn't any they were the only ones there everybody else was on the other side of the pier i'm sorry but there's nothing here to show that this is your spot you need to leave now this is my spot kid this is public property nothing here is yours we're only going to catch a few crabs and then leave please be patience the entitled kid continued to whine to the neighbor for a couple minutes before leaving the neighbor couldn't believe how immature this kid was acting her daughter was only 10 and acting more mature than him not even a few minutes later the kid came back and who does he come with an entitled mum who was a full-on karen the blonde let me speak to your manager hair the sunglasses long nails etc she went right on over to the neighbor and did that throat clearing thing nobody likes excuse me i heard you two made fun of my son and won't let him have his spot back we never insulted him and there was nothing here to show that this is his spot we're only here to catch a few crabs and then we'll head out no you need to leave his spot now lady we're not going anywhere the entitled mum points to a house you see that that's our house right there my son has claimed this spot on the pier as his own you must obey that or i will tell the authorities there is nothing marked on this pier that states this spot is your sons this pier and this entire beach and boardwalk is public property i myself can call the authorities on you for disturbing us it looked like the neighbor had finally put the entitled mum and her kid in a corner just then the neighbor's daughter completely oblivious to the argument and focused on crabbing pulls out a small crab from her net and shows it to her dad before they could say anything though the entitled mama quickly butts in give us that crab you just caught it will make up for all the trouble that you caused it's too small to be kept who told you that well it's an actual law here there's nothing to prove that the neighbor pointed to a sign that was on a pole directly behind them explaining the rules of catching crabs if you own this pier like you claim you do you would have known that the entitled mum didn't say anything but tried to snatch the small crab out of the neighbor's daughter's nets the daughter started shaking the net over the water hoping the crab would let go thankfully before the entitled mum got to her the small crab let go and plop back into the water the entitled mum let out an ungodly howl at the sights as if she just watched her precious kid get attacked by a shark or something finally she grabbed her kid and stormed away from them the neighbors didn't stay too long after that and didn't catch any crabs they both just wanted to get the heck out of there after that and that is the end of part one part two involves my family friend and the entitled mum and her family are the reason a new law was created for the beach stay tuned now guys the good news is that due to the power of time travel and editing part two has already been uploaded so let's jump straight into it so my family friend took her family her husband mother children and grandchildren down to the same pair as part one so that they could go swimming because my family friend's mum was elderly both my family friend and her mum decided to stay under the pavilion in the shade while watching everybody else swim at first everything was going good and it looked like everybody was having a good time then cue the entitled mum and her family of 20-plus people gathering inside the small pavilion setting up food tables and chairs directly behind my family friend and her mother they couldn't even move or get out because of how close they were and how crowded everything was yeah with social distancing and all that oh that has got to be worrying now my friend could tell this was the person that their neighbour mentioned before because of the way the neighbor described her my friend still tried to be civil and when she saw the entitled mum she tried to ask her nicely to move hi would you mind moving your party over a little bit my mum and i barely have any space to move excuse me we happen to live here so we can do what we want this pavilion doesn't belong to anybody it's public property whatever we're still not going anywhere now my family friend isn't a fan of arguing so she and her mum just tried sucking it up and continued to watch their kids and grandkids play in the water unfortunately that was short-lived as the entirety of mum's family started blasting music and yelling inside of the pavilion then the entitled kid came along in a jet ski the entire family saw him and began cheering screaming his name etc the kid came extremely close to the netting on the other side of the dock and began doing figure eights on his jet ski splashing water on other swimmers nearby and creating huge waves depending on the time of day high tide and low tide are the water at the other end of the dock could get very deep and any young kid at that end could probably struggle swimming down there luckily my family friend told us that everybody at that end of the dock quickly got out when the kids started doing this and her kids and grandkids weren't that deep in the water so everybody was fine after a few minutes the kid finally left and everybody went back in the water but the entitled mum's family still hadn't calmed down finally my family friend and other beachgoers saw the flashing lights of a police car pull up to the beach area everybody smiled as they knew the entitled mum and her family were going to get in trouble the mother and her family saw the police car and attempted to ignore it but suddenly grew quieter the officer got out of the car and approached the entitled parents hello mom may i have a word with you the entitled mum was all innocent like oh what's wrong officer i've been receiving numerous complaints throughout the past half hour in regards to your party causing a disturbance what we haven't been doing anything my family friend then says officer they've been yelling and screaming the entire time they've been here blasting music and somebody from their family came by on a jet ski extremely close to the dock and started showing off mind your own damn business the entitled mum said well how can i when i'm less than a foot away from you and you won't move alright here's how this is going to work out em you can either move your family outside of the pavilion so that people can have room to sit or you can leave the beach all together you can't do that we have a beach house right over there then you can either move your party over there or move your party outside of the pavilion this is unacceptable you can't do this to us what is your name i'll make sure to write a report about you the officer gives his name and badge number alright then i will call your station and make sure you get fired the station is well aware of everything going on right now mom and if you fail to comply we will have you find and remove from the premises whether your house is right here or not the entitled mum was having none of this so instead of leaving like any other person would do she grabbed a sandwich from one of the bags she brought and threw it right at the officer wow like yesterday the officer without hesitation grabbed her and cuffed her the other members of her family were growing mad at the officer for arresting her but they didn't fight back this is your last warning mom either take your party elsewhere or i will bring you back to the station you're very lucky i'm not putting you in my police car right now the entitled mum finally cooperated and was released she didn't go completely free however as her and all of the adults in her family were fined she was found heaviest though for also assaulting the officer the family grumpily grabbed their stuff and left the officer didn't leave until he knew they were gone a couple days later a law was put in place that no partying of any kind would be allowed on the beach because of the entitled mum a patrol officer has also been sent to inspect the pier every once in a while each day to make sure that the entitled mum and her family weren't doing this again and so far since my family friend her family and my family have been down there they haven't but they're still extremely loud and blasting music on the beach and inside their house that's my entitled parent story hope you guys enjoyed wow well that was quite the roller coaster i'm not completely sure what to think about that to be honest i mean first of all this entitled mum and her entire family i'm not really sure how many people there were but it sounds like quite a lot are clearly just very very inconsiderate people i mean having a party in your own house with loud music is one thing then you bring it into a public area it doesn't matter if you own a house the area is still public and you're not allowing people to move around you have so many people yeah that's not a good thing especially you know with all this social distancing and quarantine going on and people having to stay away from other people being put in that position that you guys are putting in part one that is yeah that's going to be a horrible feeling but secondly the ignorance right thinking oh just because i own a house over there means that i can come over here to this public beach and just do whatever i want have no real consideration for any other person by the way there's more than just one house there the family friend and you also have a house there do they own the beach as well no it's public yeah i'm just not sure about that from a logical standpoint it's like i own a beach house so i can do whatever i want but no there are lots of people in the world that own beach houses and you can't all do whatever you want you all have to be considerate of one another and then together probably have a good time right why is it just one family tries to ruin it for everyone i don't really know honestly i'm slightly a little bit annoyed that the officer kind of bottled it and didn't arrest her i mean it would have been annoying to have to arrest somebody but come on she was disrupting the you know the public peace and then she assaulted the officer yes it was only a sandwich but that's still assault if i was the officer in that situation i might have thought to myself you know what this mom is clearly annoying everyone here let's just help everyone out and just take her back to the station for a couple of days so guys that is going to do it for this movie entitled parents summer edition if you didn't know this is actually part four in the movie franchise that i have created uh there are three more parts on screen right now if you want to go and watch all my entitled parents movies i really hope you have enjoyed this one it's taken me a very long time to put together so yeah if you want to subscribe for more content please go ahead and hit that button up on screen and turn notifications on so you never miss one of my daily videos
Channel: Redditor
Views: 116,845
Rating: 4.9373946 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: iEhTT-Ml8bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 15sec (6015 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.