RimWorld The Archotechs - Primacy // EP9

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welcome to the architects a rimworld fluid ideology series about pursuing the arcanexis episode 9 primacy to quickly recap last episode our goal was try to get the fabrication bench up and running and we definitely did not achieve that goal instead bunny left the ancient dangers with a horde of gold and plastiel as well as some artifacts and a legendary war story about calling down a tornado and smutting her enemies this only exacerbates her ego we also have been trying to convert these prisoners and i did get a comment about that that i would like to share paul in the comments mentioned that one thing i should do when i take on prisoners is to make sure i'm aware of their ideologies so some of these guys like bowman for instance has no seo radism no seo radism has pain is virtue which means that these guys don't actually really care if they sleep on beds or not comfort is ignored rough living is welcome so in the future when i'm taking on prisoners i'll try to be aware of their own ideologies so i don't have to naturally cater to their needs if they don't need them because of course bauman doesn't need comfort the goal of this episode is pretty simple it is to try to develop our ideology fully and for that we are going to need at least a positive ritual or two my plan is simple to convert and enslave all of these guys every single one and then once i have every single one converted and enslaved to re-imprison the last one that converts and execute them for a possibility of getting some beautiful development points from an execution and then it will also have the added benefit of immediately suppressing everybody in attendance who is enslaved i can also try to trigger some of the other rituals that i have so once i have more of these guys enslaved i can also trigger discovery lanterns because the more people that attend that ritual the better chance of success so maybe even before the public execution i will have a full colony of 10 do a discovery lanterns the other goal that i have for myself is to be able to add some additional turrets to my defense i have a quest here for a yorkie that i need to guard for a day but 33 mechs are going to show up to try to kill me even with five champions under my roof i don't know if my current defenses will hold up against that really at all so let's get started and while i start i want to cover one other piece of feedback i received from youtube comments and this one is from x7 so x7 mentions that because we have pain is virtue ideology for our colony i don't really need chairs for the research bench the purpose of these armchairs here is only for wealth and oppressiveness so i knew that making arm chairs um for the dining room would help to make the dining room more impressive but what i failed to remember was that someone like sven doesn't really care if there's a comfortable chair at his research bench or not he believes that pain is a virtue so i'm going to pull it out even at the cost of dropping the impressive impressiveness of his bedroom from somewhat impressive to slightly i'm going to prioritize trying to make the dining room as nice as i can and we're getting close to that goal now instead of bunny attempting to go to more ancient dangers for advanced components this episode i think what i'm gonna have her do is spend a lot of time mining our steel is dismal i cannot stress that enough we basically have no steel in our little colony and i'm going to want to steal myself so that i can make things like the fabrication bench or the vents or whatever another thing i'm going to need to work on is additional slave collars and slave body straps i'm actually going to only make four because uh so one of these guys isn't gonna need one so i guess that means make three so let's make three of them so the slave body straps we will make of bird skin actually no let's do plain leather and the slave colors will make a bird skin lizard skin or plain leather i don't care what the ingredient is i'd also like to make some of the authority caps i'm going to make two authority caps for us as well as the even higher priority and the authority camps is going to allow us to suppress these prisoners a little bit better and i'm going to put the authority caps on bunny and sven uh then for the remainder truston and celeb our new couple they are going to take bowler hats make them also out of the heavy fur that we just managed to get now as far as quests go i also have some other outstanding quests i have the worshipful village but it doesn't really make sense to go to the worship of village right now with such a major slave population uh the risk is that if i go to the virtual village we could have a slave or prison uprising which would be terrible for us so i'm gonna avoid doing that another thing i'd like to do is to make a somewhat more permanent uh sort of slave barracks here so before i start to do the tailoring and no actually i don't know what to work on first yeah i'll do the barracks first this is a slave barracks uh that i'm eventually going to make out of all stone and floor it up as well and then once the slave barracks is good i will work on the tailoring we're also soon gonna run out of uh potatoes so this top field here i'm gonna set as potatoes instead of fiber corn as i'd rather feed myself than have a little extra wood and then this here can stay as cloth i guess that's fine bunny when she's done recreating will probably head to go mine which will be useful one thing i'd like to mine for once i have a healthy amount of steel is i'd also like to mine for compacted machinery so i can make some additional turrets even if the turrets aren't made out of tough materials like uranium or steel i still think that it's going to be vitally important for me to have a lot of turrets so that i can really put bullets down range when raiders come knocking on my doors so here's the authority caps one thing i'm gonna do is to set up a new outfit so let's go do that right now we'll call this authority cap authority cap is gonna be any headgear or just the authority cap rather and anything else make sure that it's not tattered and make sure that it's not tainted sven and bunny are going to be set to the authority cap and everybody else is going to be set to anything that is not the authority camp that way my two wardens who also do the suppression are going to be the ones wearing the authority caps and here we have our first slave or rather our third slave number three we're gonna set them up with proper work priorities zoning and clothing and medicine and this is exactly why i have started to tailor and a bedding i suppose as well [Music] there's the bowler hats that uh we're gonna wear as well [Music] now my conversion ritual is on a long cooldown so i don't not really worried about trying to get baumann converted anytime soon there's the clothing that we wanted i'm just gonna force somebody on his head already and now we're working on these sleeve straps [Music] all right bunnies over to mine one thing i'm going to do for bunny right now is to reduce her priority for wardening so that she doesn't keep zipping between mining and wardening back and forth back and forth she just focuses on one which should be really good [Music] i really want the potatoes so i'm going to highly prioritize sewing [Music] as you can see these guys are just they just can't help but to mess with the cotton fields that's okay all right so sven has his authority cap and i'm going to diet his favorite color and i'm going to do this with everybody else's clothing as well everybody will be dyed their favorites another thing that i still have outstanding well except for uh it's alive celebrities gonna diet the ideology color the trio will get their favorites and here is gekko yet another slave this will be slave number four and gegout looks like he will mine so i'm going to set him up as higher mining and lower growing in plant cutting he's going to need slave zoning and clothing and we're still making the straps and collars so it's going to be a minute [Music] let's pull in some steel to help with that and even maybe expand the zone that we hold the steel in which brings me to another thing uh my stockroom looks like this because i don't want anyone storing anything on the soft sand so we don't track soft sand around the base but i have this weird diamond shape thing here because i don't have a roof over the center because i don't have pillars close enough to the center which is not a problem because [Music] i'm going to put non-perishable valuables here like silver jaden gold and that way i don't need a roof over the silver jaden gold i can just because it won't decay i can just go ahead and leave the center part on the roof we don't have extreme temperatures here so the fact that it's on a roofed is not that much of a problem now with this new slave i'm lacking a bed so let's go ahead and set a bed up for slave four slave four is helping bunny mine away some steel it looks like trust in getting those slave body straps made for us bowman just converted so now bowman is going to be enslaved next so houston should be enslaved at the next chance we talk and then bowman will be enslaved eventually bowman looks to me and like is going to be the sacrificed one being the slowest [Music] so all the straps are done four is coming back for a strap and now we're doing sleep collars after the slave collars it looks to me like i am going to be let me move these dusters up i uh i'm gonna suspend these dusters temporarily but our clothing normally takes precedence over slave clothing but i'm gonna set them up with uh some slave body wear so it's up to five i think no because we have two people that already have it so three or four and we'll make this out of cloth not a very valuable material purposefully so slide floor four now has a collar and strap and won't lose any suppression and we have cargo pods way up here for synthetic i don't usually care for thin sin thread but i might as well haul it in to make a buck and this will be set up as a slave bet now one of the beautiful things is because our ideology doesn't care about rough living or anything like that uh sleeping on the floor not not a problem not a problem at all so if i fail to uh to provide betting in time uh they won't they won't really bat an eye at that so this will be the slave sort of prison complex thing that i got going on that trust won't finish up in a minute and then we made a little bit of progress minding up the steel [Music] a balkan's trader flying overhead oh sven you're up [Music] they have animals i don't really care about they've got two advanced components that could hypothetically buy if i could afford and that would save me a bit of a trip uh yeah i'm gonna try to buy it [Music] i'm gonna be able to afford it i'm excited about that i'm gonna sell my growling seed don't need it i'm gonna sell one of the soothers i don't need two i don't think i hope not sell some of the tandem clothing to try to make a buck [Music] and it looks like we're good now is there anything i'm parting with that i probably want to keep nah we're good so we have our advanced components we didn't even have to go ancient danger rating for them not to say that i won't enter danger raid anymore but i don't know i'm somewhat excited about being able to fabricate so slave collar is now made so it looks like i have got i don't see a spare collar though [Music] and here is a hidden installation mission they will shuttle me uh but i'm not gonna do that with such a significant slave population in my colony so here is my last slave slave five and slave five is really good at mining and plants which is going to be very exciting uh the reason why i will show you i i'm gonna plant double strand with slave five [Music] wow awesome get some double strands so slave five i might keep you longer than the other guys i don't know if you're gonna be a full-time forever slave but uh i'm eager to have you join us you're also a night owl so let me uh let me schedule you on night owl accordingly all right so there's the oh yeah there's the collar uh these horns shouldn't be in here i don't think let me double check yeah weapon proximity really high uh the thrombohorns do count as weapons so [Music] the rumblehorns gotta come out of there so this is the weapons stockpile and this is the tradestockpile thrombohorns no longer let's have trust in haul those out because otherwise we run the risk of rebellion every time a slave goes in there to do anything not good in other words we also have a slave that is getting hypothermic uh which means yeah i need to get the tribal ware and maybe even twox [Music] it's only 42 degrees fahrenheit that's not that cold i mean it's above freezing so we can try to fix that another thing i'm going to need is yet another bed so mr truston i'm gonna have you come in here and uh expand this building a little bit [Music] and set up one more slap bet bowman here as i mentioned will be briefly added to our ideology and then summarily executed after doing uh one ritual oh a bed of that quality definitely deserves to be part of a trio's bedroom [Music] so i will fix that in just a moment [Music] the quality of course is the rest effectiveness so anything higher uh should definitely go to a trio so there bunny now has a rest effectiveness of 125 opposed to an excellent of 114 a big boost a big jump [Music] our development points are now at 10. enslaving bowman we'll hit 11 and then all i need is one positive um ritual to hit 12 to further develop our ideology which i'm very eager to do [Music] i'm going to have slave 4 come back in and become less hypothermic we now have all the slave ware made and this guy doesn't need it because he's going to be executed so for the lantern ritual we already know about one ancient complex so i can't know about a second however if it's a good ritual uh we can still get development points so i'm waiting for bowman to become enslaved for the full participation bonus and that way we maximize our chances for success uh but chances are nine would work i would just i would just be disappointed if i jumped the gun with nine and and ten was the determining factor of of success so the remaining guys i have let me go ahead and to them up but i'm going to tweet them up after i make the dusters i think dusters are more important for us but then eventually we'll get toques for the rest so we need four twos and we'll make these out of cloth when cloth is available from the farm so here comes the dusters so the trio are always going to wear their favorite colors whereas everybody else actually don't dye that um well it's i guess too late now well can i reset yeah i can just reset it i don't care about that parka she's wearing i don't want it to become dyed not that dye's expensive but just unnecessary to dye clothing that i don't tend to wear because trusting is working on dusters that are going to be far better anyway and i guess i have one spare travel way oh well not a big deal now the slave clothing doesn't allow for tattered but let's also not allow for tainted i don't necessarily need them upset it's easier to manage them if they're happy an excellent duster [Music] and sven wears it and then sven dies it [Music] having the slaves help with uh the farming and the mining and you know some of the sort of basic labor tasks really nice i gotta say really nice [Music] get a lot of work done in a short period of time [Music] so next up is to enslave bowman run the discovery lanterns imprison him and then execute him because of course we can't execute him if he's a slave we have to agree in prison oh look at all that lovely double strand getting sewn uh with all the lovely dough strand getting sewn another thing that i should probably consider is to fully wall up my farm at some point because uh the devil strand can come under attack by animals and boomers blowing up on it and stuff like that things we want to avoid all right bowman is now enslaved so our development points are now 11 out of 12. and let's go trigger a lantern now in order to trigger the lantern for maximum effect one of the things i might want to do first is to oh man i forgot i left those out so long uh let me grab those real quick with bunny uh one of the things i want to do is to make sure i have enough wood for everybody to use a lantern so i'm gonna bunny come on out here grab these cycloid leaves that would make for good tea [Music] and uh then load pockets up full of wood we'll need 40 wood for the lantern uh bowman i don't care what bowman wears i'm not even going to let bowman take a slave name leave him with what he has uh before i execute them i'm definitely going to strip them so it doesn't ruin anything so where's the wood that's been out here this whole time [Music] all right i guess i'll just select it by hand cut down cacti i'll need a little bit more wood i think 40 is what we need for the lantern oh yeah here's 24 of it so bunny i'm gonna temporarily assign plant cutting just to get a little bit more so i can caravan at home this is probably the most efficient way to add wood to the colony is to run around with someone who's capable of plant cutting and you know just cut down the cacti and bring it home eventually i'll have a tree farm or something like that but i'm not quite there yet [Music] okay so we have enough wood for the lantern ceremony we'll kick that off in just a second and the dusters are done there's the last one celebs should be wearing it any second now there we go and although it looks white let's make sure it's the correct color away yep it wasn't all right bunny i didn't actually want you caravaning away so let me fix that before you get too far [Music] and let's drop the cyclic leaves off in the kitchen just for ease okay so at this point we are going to have everybody convened and what i like to do for some rituals that are quick like the lantern ceremony is everyone sort of drafted and attend in one spot so that they can quickly trigger the ceremony that way no one's left out then we'll begin the discovery lanterns everybody grabs a little bit of wood and builds lanterns hopefully i get a development point for this uh which will allow me to to reform my audiology and add a new meme and if i don't um then maybe bowman gets executed and i get it that way instead oh lord slave 2 just flirted with bunny and bunny said yeah okay uh maybe an audible we're going to execute slave 2. so slave 2 and you are going to be [Music] sacrificed now bonnie's not gonna like it but uh i'm not having relationships with slaves maybe that should be added as a rule [Music] if pain is virtue killing your loved one is very virtuous is it not [Music] okay it was beautiful uh i have friendly visitors that were attracted by my sky lanterns they will visit and leave a gift and then it was enough to reform my ideology which i will do in just a second let me remove this so for sacrifice slave two let's get you work priorities because well you just get to stick around a little bit longer because you didn't flirt so good for you uh assigning the zoning and then assigning the drugs and clothing and then bonnie i'm gonna have you arrest your new lover actually uh before i rest them oh they're already arrested just gonna have them strip but we'll do it this way strip them and then everybody come into the throne room or the ritual room and begin a public execution so one of the big benefits of uh who's not attending oh no we're good yeah everyone's attending one of the big benefits of a public execution is all of the slaves here that do not have maximum suppression are about to get maximum suppressed watching someone get executed is an immediate 100 suppression [Music] and it was satisfying and uh wasn't good enough to it wasn't good enough to uh push our development points any further you need like uh the next tier up from satisfying but hey it's a start my lover sacrificed died yep uh he sure did and then you ripped out the skull yourself i'm sorry bunny had to be done so then the remaining slaves here if you take a look fully fully suppressed it's going to be very very easy to prevent rebellions that way so let's reform our ideology [Music] uh reforming ideologies i still find to be a little bit buggy it's gonna remove some precepts so i'm gonna have to be careful about doing it i might have to death mode but we'll see we're gonna reform and add a meme the meme we're adding is human primacy that was predetermined before the series started the order in which i add them and then it's going to remove pain rough living temperature corpses prime guardian that's fine i'll put them back so let's add precepts add the temperature tough we'll add rough living because these are required by pain as virtue but they got removed anyway i don't know why pain idealized while adding back all of the precepts that remain are not required by our ideology as you can see we can add them and remove them so that part's done uh it also mentioned something about corpses so corpses are no longer ugly we don't care [Music] and then scrolling down our rolls got removed so we're gonna add a shooting specialist back in called prime guardian and then something new a production specialist called architect so a production specialist is added because of human primacy and it increases construction speed 50 general labor speed fifty percent um it gives you plus one quality to crafting or construction which is probably the most imbalanced thing about ideology by far and you just need at least crafting six or construction six and then when you take it on you aren't able to handle animals cook grow mine plant cut haul or clean and the rest of everything else is fine done and the privacy is added and as you can imagine trusting is going to become uh an architect role that's going to be a little confusing but an architect role pretty much immediately so what i'm going to have him do is do a little uh role change [Music] i will have you know i will have slave one attend for bach's participants right because you need four people to attend the other slaves i don't care what they do and we'll kick this off oh did i even hold on let me cancel that i'm going to make sure that i did the right role because i've done that in the past trusting becoming architect yes that's what i want good [Music] so now he is going to be able to make more reliably very very very high quality things it's so imbalanced uh but i it's part of the ideology and i'm going to use it as intended but it's going to be crazy essentially what happens is everything that he makes excellent would then immediately become masterwork and anything he makes masterwork would become immediately legendary it means that he doesn't even need to be inspired to make legendary things which is just mad simply mad but now he is an architect so our trio all have three different roles and celeb here probably is gonna become a prime guardian at some point but i'm not gonna pull the trigger yet because prime guardian does remove capabilities for a lot of things so one of the immediate benefits that we're going to see here is now let me see if i can't immediately exploit it a little bit trusted go make a bed [Music] it's a masterwork bed i rest my case all right so truston is going to go use this masterwork bed obviously because why wouldn't i and uh and we're going to slowly but dramatically increase the oops wrong way to increase the quality of everything in our colony oh man i apparently can't do furniture one two three turns that was painful and you sleep here with zleb there's leb and trusting there we go finally got that done so he also has an ability called production command and um it doesn't help him it helps the people around him so at some point i might add another uh architect it would have to be a colonist that also has crafting skills and that new architect would then be able to buff trust in and trust and buff it or them making a little uh corpse pile so one of the huge benefits of this of course is weapons that we make gonna be incredibly high quality armor that we make incredibly high quality all the furniture i might try to rebuild the uh the poker table for instance to try to get something better hey we have a sacrificial flag for free i'm sure i'll install that and everything he builds everything he does is so much faster so one of the benefits that we might want to invest in is uh some tool benches so that his craft and construction speed or craft speed for a tool bench is ridiculous but as you can see he's flying through this um if you check the construction speed here as you can see architect plus 50 percent global work speed because he's industrious also was getting added and now it's just obscene obscenely fast i love it so it's one way to if you're trying to pursue the archinexis it's one way to pursue the archinexis um quite easily if you ask me i'm actually going to hit work drive on him to be even more ridiculous because when you are human primacy you can make things you basically make everything amazingly well and you're about to see how fast he constructs boom fabricator done and quite literally like a blink of an eye and everything's going to be like that it's quite exciting because it will dramatically accelerate the pace of the progress we make towards the archinexis because we're going to be able to uh craft just illustrious goods with relative ease so first order business is definitely weapons one of the benefits of uh human primacy is we'll be able to craft uh better smgs and rifles and the like so that's gonna be really really important to try to defend ourselves against uh the pikeman and other raiders that are coming so let's do that three heavy smgs maybe even a fourth and that will be queued up get him started on that it's a lot of materials but now that we have a fabricator um worry not we can afford it and here it is so production command i'll hit it anyway just to show you it sends out a production command sort of aura and then the people in the oregon construction and labor speed increase it only really helps if people are near it so one of the things that i could do is i could put the um the machining table like sort of close to where other people work like this to have it central so when you're designing your workshops it's helpful to have like sort of a central uh workshop so that production command can hit as many people as possible so now i'm speeding up the speed at which they cook food uh speaking of food we are just about out of um five meals so i'm gonna do fine and simple meals for our trio or for our colonists i'm not going to be able to afford good food for a bit so that's exciting human primacy [Music] uh the other things i i ought to do is to try to get um better beds for everybody oh yep so here's a masterwork smg first one off the line up from excellent and we just keep doing that there's really no stopping us now from having just legendary quality stuff thanks to human primacy or just being able to build uh ridiculously large structures in a in a jiffy because now with his um he also has the work drive our uh our our work speed here is is 185 percent and then you know uh 520 uh construction speed i mean it's it's it's ridiculous there's no other words for it i'm gonna add another chunk zone so this is going to be chunks three and i'm going to start removing cover that incoming raiders can use [Music] it's not that efficient to do it this way but it also puts stones closer with the stone cutting table is so it's it's convenient as well [Music] [Music] well that structure is done [Music] and that is all the time i have thank you for watching episode nine of the architects primacy if you have any feedback suggestions tips tricks or anything like that let me know in the comments below if you'd like to chat with me in real time rodomont.com has a link to discord as does the description section of this video a special thank you to my patreon patrons and twitch subscribers for your support and with that support i'd like to also suggest that trustin one of the trio of this series has a youtube channel of his own where he makes rim world content and content for games similar to room world a link to his channel can be found in the description thank you so very much for watching i will catch you next episode farewell [Music]
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 10,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Tutorial, Hard Mode, Roleplay
Id: 95TubjIzeu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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